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8.19.28 J-LINK PLUS COMPACT 数据手册
J-Link / J-Trace User Guide Document: UM08001 Software Version: 6.16d Revision: 0 Date: June 21, 2017 A product of SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG www.segger.com 2 Disclaimer Specifications written in this document are believed to be accurate, but are not guaranteed to be entirely free of error. The information in this manual is subject to change for functional or performance improvements without notice. Please make sure your manual is the latest edition. While the information herein is assumed to be accurate, SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG (SEGGER) assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. SEGGER makes and you receive no warranties or conditions, express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you. SEGGER specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Copyright notice You may not extract portions of this manual or modify the PDF file in any way without the prior written permission of SEGGER. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such a license. © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG, Hilden / Germany Trademarks Names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks of their respective companies. Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Contact address SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG In den Weiden 11 D-40721 Hilden Germany Tel. Fax. E-mail: Internet: +49 2103-2878-0 +49 2103-2878-28 support@segger.com www.segger.com J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 3 Manual versions This manual describes the current software version. If you find an error in the manual or a problem in the software, please report it to us and we will try to assist you as soon as possible. Contact us for further information on topics or functions that are not yet documented. Print date: June 21, 2017 Manual Revision version Date By Description 6.14 6 170407 NV Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link scriptfiles”: Updated      “ JLINK_ExecCommand()” description 6.14 5 170320 EL Chapter “J-Flash SPI”      Updated screenshots NV Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link scriptfiles”:      Added: “ JLINK_ExecCommand()”      Section “Keil MDK-ARM” added for Command string execution NV Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link scriptfiles”:      Added: “OnTraceStart()” and “ JLINK_TRACE_Portwidth” Chapter “Trace” * Added crossreference to “JLINK_TRACE_Portwidth” NV Chapter “Introduction” *Added Subsubsection “Software and Hardware Features Overview” to all device Subsections. *Edited Subsection “”J-Trace ARM. *Section “Target interfaces and adapters”:      edited “RESET” to “nRESET” and updated description. NV Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “Exec Commands”: Updated      SetResetPulseLen      TraceSampleAdjust Chapter “Trace” * Section “Tracing via trace pins”: Updated 6.14 6.14 6.14 6.14 4 3 2 1 170317 170220 170216 170210 6.14 0 170201 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “Exec Commands”: Updated      SelectTraceSource      SetRAWTRACEPinDelay      ReadIntoTraceCache Chapter “Trace” added. 6.10a 0 160820 EL Chapter “Working With J-Link” * Section “Exec Commands”: Updated ExcludeFlashCacheRanges. 6.00i 0 160802 EL Chapter “Introduction” * Removed “Model Feature Lists” Chapter “Adding Support for New Devices”:      renamed to “Open Flash Loader” Chapter “Open Flash Loader” updated. 6.00 1 160617 EL Chapter “J-Flash SPI” * Added chapter “Custom Command Sequences” 6.00 0 160519 AG Chapter “Adding Support for New Devices” added. 5.12f 0 160503 AB Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link RTT Viewer” updated and moved from section “RTT”. 5.12d 1 160427 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link script files” updated. 5.12d 0 160425 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link script files” updated. 5.12c 0 160413 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Commander”      Typo fixed. 5.12c 1 160418 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Commander”      Commands and commandline options added. Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 4 Manual Revision version Date By Description * Section “Command strings”      Command “SetRTTTelnetPort” added. Chapter “Flash Download” * Section “Debugging applications that change flash contents at runtime” added. 5.10u 0 160317 AG Chapter “Monitor Mode Debugging” * Section “Target application performs reset” added. 5.10t 0 160314 AG Chapter “Monitor Mode Debugging” * Section “Enable Monitor Debugging” updated. * Section “Forwarding of Monitor Interrupts” added. 5.10 3 160309 EL Chapter “J-Flash SPI” updated. 5.10 2 160215 AG Chapter “RTT” updated. 5.10 1 151204 AG Chapter “RDI” updated. Chapter “Semihosting” added. 5.10 0 151127 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Scope” removed. 5.02m 0 151125 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “The J-Link settings file” added. Chapter “Low Power Debugging” added. 5.02l 0 151123 AG Various Chapters * Some typos corrected. 5.02i 1 151106 RH Chapter “J-Flash SPI” * Section “Send custom commands” added. 5.02i 0 151105 RH Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Commander”      exec command added. Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “Command strings”      New commands added. 5.02f 1 151022 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Scope” updated. 5.02f 1 151022 EL Chapter “Target interfaces and adapters” * Section “Reference voltage (VTref)” added. 5.02f 0 151007 RH Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link script files” updated. 5.02e 0 151001 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link script files” updated 5.02c 1 150925 NG Chapter “Licensing” * Section “Original SEGGER products” updated. Chapter “Flash download” * Section “Setup for various debuggers (CFI flash)” updated. 5.02c 0 150916 RH Chapter “Flash download” * Section “Setup for various debuggers (SPIFI flash)” added. 5.02c 0 150914 RH Chapter “Introduction” * Section “J-Link / J-Trace models” updated. * Section “Supported OS”      Added Windows 10 5.02a 0 150903 AG Chapter “Monitor Mode Debugging” added. 5.02 0 150820 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “Command strings”      “DisableCortexMXPSRAutoCorrectTBit” added. 5.02 0 150813 AG Chapter “Monitor Mode Debugging” added. 5.00 1 150728 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Commander”      Sub-Section “Command line options” updated. 5.00 0 150609 AG Chapter “Flash download” * Section “QSPI flash support” added. Chapter “Flash breakpoints” * Section “Flash Breakpoints in QSPI flash” added 5.00 0 150520 EL Chapter “J-Flash SPI” J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 5 Manual Revision version Date By Description * Initial version added 4.99b 0 150520 EL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link STM32 Unlock”      Added command line options 4.99a 0 150429 AG Chapter “Target interfaces and Adapters” Chapter “20-pin J-Link connector”, section “Pinout for SPI” added. 4.98d 0 150427 EL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “Configure SWO output after device reset” updated. 4.98b 0 150410 AG Chapter “Licensing” * Section “J-Trace for Cortex-M” updated. 4.98 0 150320 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Commander”      Sub-Section “Commands” added. Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “J-Link script files” updated 4.96f 0 150204 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      Exit code description added. 4.96 0 141219 JL Chapter “RTT” added. Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      Command line option “-strict” added.      Command line option “-timeout” added. 4.90d 0 141112 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Link Remote Server” updated. * Section “J-Scope” updated. 4.90c 0 140924 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “JTAGLoad” updated. 4.90b 1 140813 EL Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Section “Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC” updated Chapter “J-Link software” * Section “J-Link Configurator” updated. 4.90b 0 140813 NG Chapter “Related Software” * Section “J-Scope” added. 4.86 2 140606 AG Chapter “Device specifics” * Section “Silicon Labs - EFM32 series devices” added 4.86 1 140527 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server” Command line options -halt / -nohalt added. Description for GDB Server CL version added. 4.86 0 140519 AG Chapter “Flash download” Section “Mentor Sourcery CodeBench” added. EL Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “Virtual COM Port (VCOM) improved. Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”Pinout for SWD + Virtual COM Port (VCOM) added.“ 4.84 0 140321 4.82 1 140228 EL Chapter ”Related Software“ * Section ”Command line options“      Extended command line option -speed. Chapter ”J-Link software and documentation package“ * Section ”J-Link STR91x Commander“      Added command line option parameter to specify a customized      scan-chain. Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Virtual COM Port (VCOM) added. Chapter “Setup” * Section “Getting started with J-Link and DS-5” 4.82 0 140218 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server” Command line option -notimeout added. 4.80f 0 140204 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      Command line options and remote commands added. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 6 Manual Revision version Date By Description Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      Remote commands and command line options description improved. Several corrections. 4.80 1 131219 JL/ NG 4.80 0 131105 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      SEGGER-specific GDB protocol extensions added. 4.76 3 130823 JL Chapter “Flash Download” * Replaced references to GDB Server manual. Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Replaced references to GDB Server manual. 4.76 2 130821 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “GDB Server”      Remote commands added. 4.76 1 130819 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Section “SWO Viewer”      Sample code updated. 4.76 0 130809 JL Chapter “Related Software” * Sections reordered and updated. Chapter “Setup” * Section “Using JLinkARM.dll moved here. 4.71b 0 130507 JL Chapter ”Related Software“ * Section ”SWO Viewer“      Added new command line options. 4.66 0 130221 JL Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”Supported OS“      Added Linux and Mac OSX 4.62b 0 130219 EL Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“      Clock rise and fall times updated. 4.62 0 130129 JL Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“      Sub-section ”J-link ULTRA“ updated. 4.62 0 130124 EL Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”9-pin JTAG/SWD connector“      Pinout description corrected. 4.58 1 121206 AG Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“ updated. 4.58 0 121126 JL Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”J-Link script files“      Sub-section ”Executing J-Link script files“ updated. 4.56b 0 121112 JL Chapter ”Related Software“ * Section ”J-Link SWO Viewer“      Added sub-section ”Configure SWO output after device reset“ 4.56a 0 121106 JL Chapter ”Related Software“ * Section ”J-Link Commander“      Renamed ”Commander script files“ to ”Commander files“ and      ”script mode“ to ”batch mode“. 4.56 0 121022 AG Renamed ”J-Link TCP/IP Server“ to ”J-Link Remote Server“ 4.54 1 121009 JL Chapter ”Related Software“ * Section ”TCP/IP Server“, subsection ”Tunneling Mode“ added. 4.54 0 120913 EL Chapter ”Flash Breakpoints“ * Section ”Licensing“ updated. Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”Freescale“, subsection ”Data flash support“ added. 4.53c 0 120904 EL Chapter ”Licensing“ * Section ”Device-based license“ updated. EL Chapter ”Flash download“ * Section ”J-Link commander“ updated. Chapter ”Support and FAQs“ * Section ”Frequently asked questions“ updated. Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“ 4.51h 0 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 120717 © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 7 Manual Revision version Date By Description * Section ”J-Link Commander“ updated. 4.51e 1 120704 EL Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated and corrected. Added reset type 8. 4.51e 0 120704 AG Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”ST“ updated and corrected. 4.51b 0 120611 EL Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“ * Section ”SWO Viewer“ added. 4.51a 0 120606 EL Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”ST“, subsection ”ETM init“ for some STM32 devices added. * Section ”Texas Instruments“ updated. Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”Pinout for SWD“ updated. 4.47a 0 120419 AG Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”Texas Instruments“ updated. 4.46 0 120416 EL Chapter ”Support“ updated. 4.42 0 120214 EL Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”J-Link script files“ updated. 4.36 1 110927 EL Chapter ”Flash download“ added. Chapter ”Flash breakpoints“ added. Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”20-pin JTAG/SWD connector“ updated. Chapter ”RDI“ added. Chapter ”Setup“ updated. Chapter ”Device specifics“ updated. 4.36 0 110909 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”J-Link script files“ updated. 4.26 1 110513 KN Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“ corrected. 4.26 0 110427 KN Several corrections. AG Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“ corrected. Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”ST Microelectronics“ updated. 4.24 1 110228 4.24 0 110216 AG Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”Samsung“ added. Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”9-pin JTAG/SWD connector“ added. 4.23d 0 110202 AG Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“ * Section ”J-Link software and documentation package in detail“ updated. Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores“ added. 4.21g 0 101130 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”Freescale“ updated. Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints * Section “Supported devices” updated * Section “Setup for different debuggers (CFI flash)” updated. 4.21 0 101025 AG Chapter “Device specifics” * Section “Freescale” updated. 4.20j 0 101019 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “Reset strategies” updated. 4.20b 0 100923 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “Reset strategies” updated. AG Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “J-Link script files” updated. * Section “Command strings” updated. Chapter “Target interfaces and adapters” * Section “19-pin JTAG/SWD and Trace connector” corrected. Chapter “Setup” 0.00 90 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 100818 © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 8 Manual Revision version Date By Description * Section “J-Link Configurator added.” 0.00 89 100630 AG Several corrections. 0.00 88 100622 AG Chapter “J-Link and J-Trace related software” * Section “SWO Analyzer” added. 0.00 87 100617 AG Several corrections. 0.00 86 100504 AG Chapter “Introduction” * Section “J-Link / J-Trace models” updated. Chapter “Target interfaces and adapters” * Section “Adapters” updated. 0.00 85 100428 AG Chapter “Introduction” * Section “J-Link / J-Trace models” updated. 0.00 84 100324 KN Chapter “Working with J-Link and J-Trace” * Several corrections Chapter Flash download & flash breakpoints * Section “Supported devices” updated 0.00 83 100223 KN Chapter “Introduction” * Section “J-Link / J-Trace models” updated. 0.00 82 100215 AG Chapter “Working with J-Link” * Section “J-Link script files” added. 0.00 81 100202 KN Chapter “Device Specifics” * Section “Luminary Micro” updated. Chapter “Flash download and flash breakpoints” * Section “Supported devices” updated. 0.00 80 100104 KN Chapter “Flash download and flash breakpoints * Section ”Supported devices“ updated 0.00 79 091201 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. Chapter ”Licensing“ * Section ”J-Link OEM versions“ updated. 0.00 78 091023 AG Chapter ”Licensing“ * Section ”J-Link OEM versions“ updated. 0.00 77 090910 AG Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“ updated. KN Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section” Specifications“ updated * Section ”Hardware versions“ updated * Section ”Common features of the J-Link product family“ updated Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”5 Volt adapter“ updated AG Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link / J-Trace models“ updated. Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“ * Section ”SWD interface“ updated. KN Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”Supported IDEs“ added * Section ”Supported CPU cores“ updated * Section ”Model comparison chart“ renamed to      ”Model comparison“ * Section ”J-Link bundle comparison chart“ removed KN Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link and J-Trace models“ added * Sections ”Model comparison chart“ &      ”J-Link bundle comparison chart“added Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace models“ removed Chapter ”Hardware“ renamed to ”Target interfaces & adapters“ * Section ”JTAG Isolator“ added Chapter ”Target interfaces and adapters“ * Section ”Target board design“ updated Several corrections AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”J-Link control panel“ updated. Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ * Section ”Supported devices“ updated. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76 75 74 73 72 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) 090828 090729 090722 090701 090618 © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 9 Manual Revision version Date By Description Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”NXP“ updated. 0.00 71 090616 AG Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”NXP“ updated. 0.00 70 090605 AG Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”Common features of the J-Link product family“ updated. AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. * Section ”Indicators“ updated. Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ * Section ”Supported devices“ updated. 0.00 69 090515 0.00 68 090428 AG Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“ * Section ”J-Link STM32 Commander“ added. Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. 0.00 67 090402 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. 0.00 66 090327 AG Chapter ”Background information“ * Section ”Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)“ updated. Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“ * Section ”Dedicated flash programming utilities for J-Link“ updated. 0.00 65 090320 AG Several changes in the manual structure. 0.00 64 090313 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Indicators“ added. 0.00 63 090212 AG Chapter ”Hardware“ * Several corrections. * Section ”Hardware Versions“ Version 8.0 added. 0.00 62 090211 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“ * Section ”Reset strategies“ updated. Chapter J-Link and J-Trace related software * Section ”J-Link STR91x Commander (Command line tool)“ updated. Chapter ”Device specifics“ * Section ”ST Microelectronics“ updated. Chapter ”Hardware“ updated. 0.00 61 090120 TQ Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies“ 0.00 60 090114 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ * Section ”Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies“ 0.00 59 090108 KN Chapter Hardware * Section ”Target board design for JTAG“ updated. * Section ”Target board design for SWD“ added. 0.00 58 090105 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link Pro“ * Section ”Connecting J-Link Pro the first time“ updated. AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link Pro“ * Section ”Introduction“ updated. * Section ”Configuring J-Link Pro via web interface“ updated. Chapter ”Introduction“ * Section ”J-Link Pro overview“ updated. 0.00 57 081222 0.00 56 081219 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link Pro“ * Section ”FAQs“ added. Chapter ”Support and FAQs“ * Section ”Frequently Asked Questions“ updated. 0.00 55 081218 AG Chapter ”Hardware“ updated. 0.00 54 081217 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“ * Section ”Command strings“ updated. 0.00 53 081216 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link Pro“ updated. 0.00 52 081212 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link Pro“ added. Chapter ”Licensing“ * Section ”Original SEGGER products“ updated. 0.00 51 081202 KN Several corrections. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 10 Manual Revision version Date By Description 0.00 50 081030 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ * Section ”Supported devices“ corrected. 0.00 49 081029 AG Several corrections. 0.00 48 080916 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“ * Section ”Connecting multiple J-Links /      J-Traces to your PC“ updated. 0.00 47 080910 AG Chapter ”Licensing“ updated. 0.00 46 080904 AG Chapter ”Licensing“ added. Chapter ”Hardware“      Section ”J-Link OEM versions“ moved to chapter ”Licensing“ 0.00 45 080902 AG Chapter ”Hardware“      Section ”JTAG+Trace connector“ JTAG+Trace      connector pinout corrected.      Section ”J-Link OEM versions“ updated. 0.00 44 080827 AG Chapter ”J-Link control panel“ moved to chapter ”Working with J-Link“. Several corrections. 0.00 43 080826 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“      Section ”Supported devices“ updated. 0.00 42 080820 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“      Section ”Supported devices“ updated. 0.00 41 080811 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ updated. Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“, section ”Supported devices“ updated. 0.00 40 080630 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ updated. Chapter ”J-Link status window“ renamed to ”J-Link control panel“ Various corrections. AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“      Section ”Licensing“ updated.      Section ”Using flash download and flash      breakpoints with different debuggers“ updated. Chapter ”J-Link status window“ added. 0.00 39 080627 0.00 38 080618 AG Chapter ”Support and FAQs“      Section ”Frequently Asked Questions“ updated Chapter ”Reset strategies“      Section ”Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies“ updated. 0.00 37 080617 AG Chapter ”Reset strategies“      Section ”Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies“ updated. 0.00 36 080530 AG Chapter ”Hardware“      Section ”Differences between different versions“ updated. Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“      Section ”Cortex-M3 specific reset strategies“ added. 0.00 35 080215 AG Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“      Section ”J-Link software and documentation package in detail“ updated. 0.00 34 080212 AG Chapter ”J-Link and J-Trace related software“      Section ”J-Link TCP/IP Server (Remote J-Link / J-Trace use)“ updated. Chapter ”Working with J-Link and J-Trace“      Section ”Command strings“ updated. Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“      Section ”Introduction“ updated.      Section ”Licensing“ updated.      Section ”Using flash download and flash breakpoints with      different debuggers“ updated. 0.00 33 080207 AG Chapter ”Flash download and flash breakpoints“ added Chapter ”Device specifics:“      Section ”ATMEL - AT91SAM7 - Recommended init sequence“ added. 0.00 32 080129 SK Chapter ”Device specifics“:      Section ”NXP - LPC - Fast GPIO bug“ list of device enhanced. 0.00 31 080103 SK Chapter ”Device specifics“:      Section ”NXP - LPC - Fast GPIO bug“ updated. 0.00 30 071211 AG Chapter ”Device specifics“:      Section ”Analog Devices“ updated.      Section ”ATMEL“ updated. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 11 Manual Revision version Date By Description      Section ”Freescale“ added.      Section ”Luminary Micro“ added.      Section ”NXP“ updated.      Section ”OKI“ added.      Section ”ST Microelectronics“ updated.      Section ”Texas Instruments“ updated. Chapter ”Related software“:      Section ”J-Link STR91x Commander“ updated 0.00 29 070912 SK Chapter ”Hardware“, section ”Target board design“ updated. 0.00 28 070912 SK Chapter ”Related software“:      Section ”J-LinkSTR91x Commander“ added. Chapter ”Device specifics“:      Section ”ST Microelectronics“ added.      Section ”Texas Instruments“ added.      Subsection ”AT91SAM9“ added. 0.00 28 070912 AG Chapter ”Working with J-Link/J-Trace“:      Section ”Command strings“ updated. 0.00 27 070827 TQ Chapter ”Working with J-Link/J-Trace“:      Section ”Command strings“ updated. SK Chapter ”Introduction“:      Section ”Features of J-Link“ updated. Chapter ”Background Information“:      Section ”Embedded Trace Macrocell“ added.      Section ”Embedded Trace Buffer“ added. 0.00 26 070710 0.00 25 070516 SK Chapter ”Working with J-Link/J-Trace“:      Section ”Reset strategies in detail“        - ”Software, for Analog Devices ADuC7xxx MCUs“ updated        - ”Software, for ATMEL AT91SAM7 MCUs“ added. Chapter ”Device specifics“      Section ”Analog Devices“ added.      Section ”ATMEL“ added. 0.00 24 070323 SK Chapter ”Setup“:      ”Uninstalling the J-Link driver“ updated.      ”Supported ARM cores“ updated. 0.00 23 070320 SK Chapter ”Hardware“:      ”Using the JTAG connector with SWD“ updated. 0.00 22 070316 SK Chapter ”Hardware“:      ”Using the JTAG connector with SWD“ added. 0.00 21 070312 SK Chapter ”Hardware“:      ”Differences between different versions“ supplemented. 0.00 20 070307 SK Chapter ”J-Link / J-Trace related software“:      ”J-Link GDB Server“ licensing updated. 0.00 19 070226 SK Chapter ”J-Link / J-Trace related software“ updated and reorganized. Chapter ”Hardware“      ”List of OEM products“ updated 0.00 18 070221 SK Chapter ”Device specifics“ added Subchapter ”Command strings“ added 0.00 17 070131 SK Chapter ”Hardware“:      ”Version 5.3“: Current limits added      ”Version 5.4“ added Chapter ”Setup“:      ”Installating the J-Link USB driver“ removed.      ”Installing the J-Link software and documentation pack“ added. Subchapter ”List of OEM products“ updated. ”OS support“ updated 0.00 16 061222 SK Chapter ”Preface“: ”Company description“ added. J-Link picture changed. 0.00 15 060914 OO Subchapter 1.5.1: Added target supply voltage and target supply current to specifications. Subchapter 5.2.1: Pictures of ways to connect J-Trace. 0.00 14 060818 TQ Subchapter 4.7 ”Using DCC for memory reads“ added. 0.00 13 060711 OO Subchapter 5.2.2: Corrected JTAG+Trace connector pinout table. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 12 Manual Revision version Date By Description 0.00 12 060628 OO Subchapter 4.1: Added ARM966E-S to List of supported ARM cores. 0.00 11 060607 SK Subchapter changed. Subchapter added. SK ARM9 download speed updated. Subchapter 8.2.1: Screenshot ”Start sequence“ updated. Subchapter 8.2.2 ”ID sequence“ removed. Chapter ”Support“ and ”FAQ“ merged. Various improvements 0.00 10 060526 0.00 9 060324 OO Chapter ”Literature and references“ added. Chapter ”Hardware“:      Added common information trace signals.      Added timing diagram for trace. Chapter ”Designing the target board for trace“ added. 0.00 8 060117 OO Chapter ”Related Software“: Added JLinkARM.dll. Screenshots updated. 0.00 7 051208 OO Chapter Working with J-Link: Sketch added. 0.00 6 051118 OO Chapter Working with J-Link: ”Connecting multiple J-Links to your PC“ added. Chapter Working with J-Link: ”Multi core debugging“ added. Chapter Background information: ”J-Link firmware“ added. 0.00 5 051103 TQ Chapter Setup: ”JTAG Speed“ added. 0.00 4 051025 OO Chapter Background information: ”Flash programming“ added. Chapter Setup: ”Scan chain configuration“ added. Some smaller changes. 0.00 3 051021 TQ Performance values updated. 0.00 2 051011 TQ Chapter ”Working with J-Link“ added. 0.00 1 050818 TW Initial Version J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 13 About this document Assumptions This document assumes that you already have a solid knowledge of the following: • • • • The software tools used for building your application (assembler, linker, C compiler). The C programming language. The target processor. DOS command line. If you feel that your knowledge of C is not sufficient, we recommend The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Richie (ISBN 0–13–1103628), which describes the standard in C programming and, in newer editions, also covers the ANSI C standard. How to use this manual This manual explains all the functions and macros that the product offers. It assumes you have a working knowledge of the C language. Knowledge of assembly programming is not required. Typographic conventions for syntax This manual uses the following typographic conventions: Style Used for Body Body text. Keyword Text that you enter at the command prompt or that appears on the display (that is system functions, file- or pathnames). Parameter Parameters in API functions. Sample Sample code in program examples. Sample comment Comments in program examples. Reference Reference to chapters, sections, tables and figures or other documents. GUIElement Buttons, dialog boxes, menu names, menu commands. Emphasis Very important sections. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 14 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 15 Table of contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................22 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 30 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Requirements .............................................................................................. 23 Supported OS .............................................................................................. 24 Common features of the J-Link product family ................................................. 25 Supported CPU cores ....................................................................................26 Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores ....................................................27 1.5.1 Intelligence in the J-Link firmware ...................................................... 27 1.5.2 Intelligence on the PC-side (DLL) ........................................................ 27 1.5.3 Firmware intelligence per model ..........................................................28 Where to find further information ...................................................................29 1.6.1 SEGGER debug probes .......................................................................29 1.6.2 Using a feature in a specific development environment .......................... 29 Components requiring a license ..................................................................... 31 Legal use of SEGGER J-Link software ............................................................. 32 2.2.1 Use of the software with 3rd party tools .............................................. 32 Illegal Clones ...............................................................................................33 J-Link software and documentation package ............................................................. 34 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Software overview ........................................................................................35 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) ......................................................... 36 3.2.1 Commands ....................................................................................... 36 3.2.2 Command line options ....................................................................... 52 3.2.3 Using command files ......................................................................... 55 J-Link GDB Server ........................................................................................56 3.3.1 J-Link GDB Server CL (Windows, Linux, Mac) ........................................56 3.3.2 Debugging with J-Link GDB Server ...................................................... 56 3.3.3 Supported remote (monitor) commands ...............................................60 3.3.4 SEGGER-specific GDB protocol extensions ............................................ 72 3.3.5 Command line options ....................................................................... 76 3.3.6 Program termination ..........................................................................87 3.3.7 Semihosting ..................................................................................... 88 J-Link Remote Server ................................................................................... 89 3.4.1 List of available commands ................................................................ 89 3.4.2 Tunneling mode ................................................................................ 89 J-Mem Memory Viewer ................................................................................. 93 J-Flash ........................................................................................................ 94 J-Link RTT Viewer ........................................................................................ 95 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 16 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 4 Setup ......................................................................................................................... 119 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 3.7.1 RTT Viewer Startup ........................................................................... 95 3.7.2 Connection Settings ...........................................................................96 3.7.3 The Terminal Tabs ............................................................................. 96 3.7.4 Sending Input ...................................................................................97 3.7.5 Logging Terminal output .................................................................... 97 3.7.6 Logging Data .................................................................................... 97 3.7.7 Command line options ....................................................................... 98 3.7.8 Menus and Shortcuts ....................................................................... 100 3.7.9 Using "virtual" Terminals in RTT ........................................................ 101 3.7.10 Using Text Control Codes ................................................................101 J-Link SWO Viewer ..................................................................................... 103 3.8.1 Usage ............................................................................................ 104 3.8.2 List of available command line options ............................................... 104 3.8.3 Configure SWO output after device reset ............................................ 106 3.8.4 Target example code for terminal output ............................................ 107 SWO Analyzer ............................................................................................ 109 JTAGLoad (Command line tool) .................................................................. 110 J-Link RDI (Remote Debug Interface) ..........................................................111 3.11.1 Flash download and flash breakpoints .............................................. 111 Processor specific tools ..............................................................................112 3.12.1 J-Link STR91x Commander (Command line tool) ................................112 3.12.2 J-Link STM32 Unlock (Command line tool) ........................................ 115 J-Link Software Developer Kit (SDK) ........................................................... 118 Installing the J-Link software and documentation pack .................................... 120 4.1.1 Setup procedure ..............................................................................120 Setting up the USB interface ....................................................................... 121 4.2.1 Verifying correct driver installation .....................................................121 4.2.2 Uninstalling the J-Link USB driver ......................................................122 Setting up the IP interface .......................................................................... 124 4.3.1 Configuring J-Link using J-Link Configurator ........................................124 4.3.2 Configuring J-Link using the webinterface ........................................... 124 FAQs ......................................................................................................... 126 J-Link Configurator ..................................................................................... 127 4.5.1 Configure J-Links using the J-Link Configurator ................................... 127 J-Link USB identification ..............................................................................129 4.6.1 Connecting to different J-Links connected to the same host PC via USB ... 129 Using the J-Link DLL ...................................................................................130 4.7.1 What is the JLink DLL? .................................................................... 130 4.7.2 Updating the DLL in third-party programs ...........................................130 4.7.3 Determining the version of JLink DLL ................................................. 130 4.7.4 Determining which DLL is used by a program ......................................131 Working with J-Link and J-Trace .............................................................................. 132 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Supported IDEs ..........................................................................................133 Connecting the target system ...................................................................... 134 5.2.1 Power-on sequence ..........................................................................134 5.2.2 Verifying target device connection ..................................................... 134 5.2.3 Problems ........................................................................................ 134 Indicators .................................................................................................. 135 5.3.1 Main indicator ................................................................................. 135 5.3.2 Input indicator ................................................................................ 135 5.3.3 Output indicator .............................................................................. 136 JTAG interface ............................................................................................137 5.4.1 Multiple devices in the scan chain ..................................................... 137 5.4.2 Sample configuration dialog boxes .....................................................137 5.4.3 Determining values for scan chain configuration .................................. 139 5.4.4 JTAG Speed .................................................................................... 140 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 17 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6 Flash download .........................................................................................................205 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 SWD interface ............................................................................................141 5.5.1 SWD speed .....................................................................................141 5.5.2 SWO .............................................................................................. 141 Multi-core debugging .................................................................................. 143 5.6.1 How multi-core debugging works .......................................................143 5.6.2 Using multi-core debugging in detail .................................................. 144 5.6.3 Things you should be aware of ......................................................... 145 Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC ........................................... 146 5.7.1 How does it work? .......................................................................... 146 J-Link control panel .................................................................................... 148 5.8.1 Tabs ...............................................................................................148 Reset strategies ......................................................................................... 154 5.9.1 Strategies for ARM 7/9 devices ......................................................... 154 5.9.2 Strategies for Cortex-M devices .........................................................155 Using DCC for memory access ................................................................... 159 5.10.1 What is required? .......................................................................... 159 5.10.2 Target DCC handler ........................................................................159 5.10.3 Target DCC abort handler ............................................................... 159 The J-Link settings file .............................................................................. 160 5.11.1 SEGGER Embedded Studio ..............................................................160 5.11.2 Keil MDK-ARM (uVision) ................................................................. 160 5.11.3 IAR EWARM .................................................................................. 160 5.11.4 Mentor Sourcery CodeBench for ARM ............................................... 160 J-Link script files ...................................................................................... 161 5.12.1 Actions that can be customized ....................................................... 161 5.12.2 Script file API functions .................................................................. 163 5.12.3 Global DLL variables ...................................................................... 172 5.12.4 Global DLL constants ..................................................................... 176 5.12.5 Script file language ........................................................................ 178 5.12.6 Script file writing example .............................................................. 179 5.12.7 Executing J-Link script files .............................................................179 Command strings ..................................................................................... 180 5.13.1 List of available commands ............................................................. 180 5.13.2 Using command strings .................................................................. 199 Switching off CPU clock during debug ......................................................... 201 Cache handling .........................................................................................202 5.15.1 Cache coherency ........................................................................... 202 5.15.2 Cache clean area ........................................................................... 202 5.15.3 Cache handling of ARM7 cores ........................................................ 202 5.15.4 Cache handling of ARM9 cores ........................................................ 202 Virtual COM Port (VCOM) ...........................................................................203 5.16.1 Configuring Virtual COM Port ...........................................................203 Introduction ............................................................................................... 206 Licensing ................................................................................................... 207 Supported devices ...................................................................................... 208 Setup for various debuggers (internal flash) .................................................. 209 Setup for various debuggers (CFI flash) ........................................................ 210 Setup for various debuggers (SPIFI flash) ..................................................... 211 QSPI flash support ..................................................................................... 212 6.7.1 Setup the DLL for QSPI flash download .............................................. 212 Using the DLL flash loaders in custom applications ......................................... 213 Debugging applications that change flash contents at runtime .......................... 214 Flash breakpoints ......................................................................................................215 7.1 7.2 Introduction ............................................................................................... 216 Licensing ................................................................................................... 217 7.2.1 Free for evaluation and non-commercial use ....................................... 217 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 18 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 Monitor Mode Debugging ......................................................................................... 222 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 9 Introduction ............................................................................................... 223 Enable Monitor Debugging ........................................................................... 224 Availability and limitations of monitor mode ...................................................225 8.3.1 Cortex-M3 ...................................................................................... 225 8.3.2 Cortex-M4 ...................................................................................... 225 Monitor code ..............................................................................................226 Debugging interrupts .................................................................................. 227 Having servicing interrupts in debug mode .................................................... 228 Forwarding of Monitor Interrupts .................................................................. 229 Target application performs reset (Cortex-M) ................................................. 230 Low Power Debugging ..............................................................................................231 9.1 9.2 9.3 10 Supported devices ...................................................................................... 218 Setup & compatibility with various debuggers ................................................ 219 7.4.1 Setup .............................................................................................219 7.4.2 Compatibility with various debuggers ................................................. 219 Flash Breakpoints in QSPI flash ....................................................................220 7.5.1 Setup .............................................................................................220 FAQ .......................................................................................................... 221 Introduction ............................................................................................... 232 Activating low power mode handling for J-Link ............................................... 233 Restrictions ................................................................................................234 Open Flashloader ................................................................................................... 235 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Introduction ............................................................................................. 236 General procedure .................................................................................... 237 Adding a new device .................................................................................238 Editing/Extending an Existing Device ...........................................................239 XML Tags and Attributes ............................................................................240 10.5.1 ..................................................................................240 10.5.2 ..................................................................................... 240 10.5.3 ................................................................................... 240 10.5.4 ........................................................................... 242 10.6 Example XML file ...................................................................................... 244 10.7 Add. Info / Considerations / Limitations ....................................................... 245 10.7.1 CMSIS Flash Algorithms Compatibility .............................................. 245 10.7.2 Customized Flash Banks ................................................................. 245 10.7.3 Supported Cores ............................................................................245 10.7.4 Information for Silicon Vendors ....................................................... 245 10.7.5 Template Projects and How To's ...................................................... 245 11 J-Flash SPI ............................................................................................................. 246 11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 247 11.1.1 What is J-Flash SPI? ...................................................................... 247 11.1.2 J-Flash SPI CL (Windows, Linux, Mac) .............................................. 247 11.1.3 Features ....................................................................................... 248 11.1.4 Requirements ................................................................................ 248 11.2 Licensing ................................................................................................. 249 11.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 249 11.3 Getting Started ........................................................................................ 250 11.3.1 Setup ........................................................................................... 250 11.3.2 Using J-Flash SPI for the first time .................................................. 250 11.3.3 Menu structure .............................................................................. 251 11.4 Settings ...................................................................................................254 11.4.1 Project Settings ............................................................................. 254 11.4.2 Global Settings ..............................................................................258 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 19 11.5 Command Line Interface ........................................................................... 260 11.5.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 260 11.5.2 Command line options ....................................................................260 11.5.3 Batch processing ........................................................................... 262 11.5.4 Programming multiple targets in parallel ...........................................262 11.6 Creating a new J-Flash SPI project ............................................................. 264 11.7 Custom Command Sequences .................................................................... 265 11.7.1 Init / Exit steps ............................................................................. 265 11.7.2 Example ....................................................................................... 265 11.7.3 J-Flash SPI Command Line Version .................................................. 266 11.8 Device specifics ........................................................................................ 269 11.8.1 SPI flashes with multiple erase commands ........................................ 269 11.9 Target systems .........................................................................................270 11.9.1 Which flash devices can be programmed? ......................................... 270 11.10 Performance ........................................................................................... 271 11.10.1 Performance values ...................................................................... 271 11.11 Background information ........................................................................... 272 11.11.1 SPI interface connection ............................................................... 272 11.12 Support ................................................................................................. 273 11.12.1 Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 273 11.12.2 Contacting support .......................................................................273 12 RDI .......................................................................................................................... 274 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 13 Introduction ............................................................................................. 275 12.1.1 Features ....................................................................................... 275 Licensing ................................................................................................. 276 Setup for various debuggers ...................................................................... 277 12.3.1 ARM AXD (ARM Developer Suite, ADS) ............................................. 277 12.3.2 ARM RVDS (RealView developer suite) ..............................................279 12.3.3 GHS MULTI ................................................................................... 284 Configuration ........................................................................................... 287 12.4.1 Configuration file JLinkRDI.ini ..........................................................287 12.4.2 Using different configurations .......................................................... 287 12.4.3 Using multiple J-Links simultaneously ...............................................287 12.4.4 Configuration dialog ....................................................................... 287 Semihosting ............................................................................................. 296 12.5.1 Unexpected / unhandled SWIs .........................................................296 RTT ......................................................................................................................... 297 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Introduction ............................................................................................. 298 How RTT works ........................................................................................ 299 13.2.1 Target implementation ....................................................................299 13.2.2 Locating the Control Block .............................................................. 299 13.2.3 Internal structures ......................................................................... 299 13.2.4 Requirements ................................................................................ 300 13.2.5 Performance ..................................................................................300 13.2.6 Memory footprint ........................................................................... 300 RTT Communication .................................................................................. 301 13.3.1 RTT Viewer ................................................................................... 301 13.3.2 RTT Client .....................................................................................301 13.3.3 RTT Logger ................................................................................... 301 13.3.4 RTT in other host applications ......................................................... 301 Implementation ........................................................................................ 302 13.4.1 API functions ................................................................................ 302 13.4.2 Configuration defines ..................................................................... 308 ARM Cortex - Background memory access ................................................... 310 Example code .......................................................................................... 311 FAQ ........................................................................................................ 312 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 20 14 Trace ....................................................................................................................... 313 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 15 Target interfaces and adapters ...............................................................................321 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 16 20-pin J-Link connector ............................................................................. 322 15.1.1 Pinout for JTAG ............................................................................. 322 15.1.2 Pinout for SWD ............................................................................. 324 15.1.3 Pinout for SWD + Virtual COM Port (VCOM) ...................................... 325 15.1.4 Pinout for SPI ............................................................................... 326 19-pin JTAG/SWD and Trace connector ........................................................328 15.2.1 Target power supply ...................................................................... 328 9-pin JTAG/SWD connector ........................................................................ 330 Reference voltage (VTref) .......................................................................... 331 Adapters ..................................................................................................332 Background information .......................................................................................... 333 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 17 Introduction ............................................................................................. 314 14.1.1 What is backtrace? ........................................................................ 314 14.1.2 What is streaming trace? ................................................................314 14.1.3 What is code coverage? ..................................................................314 14.1.4 What is code profiling? ................................................................... 315 Tracing via trace pins ................................................................................ 316 14.2.1 Cortex-M specifics ..........................................................................316 14.2.2 Trace signal timing ........................................................................ 316 14.2.3 Adjusting trace signal timing on J-Trace ............................................316 14.2.4 J-Trace models with support for streaming trace ................................ 317 Tracing with on-chip trace buffer ................................................................ 318 14.3.1 CPUs that provide tracing via pins and on-chip buffer ......................... 318 Target devices with trace support ............................................................... 319 Streaming trace ....................................................................................... 320 14.5.1 Download and execution address differ .............................................320 14.5.2 Do streaming trace without prior download ....................................... 320 JTAG ....................................................................................................... 334 16.1.1 Test access port (TAP) ....................................................................334 16.1.2 Data registers ............................................................................... 334 16.1.3 Instruction register ........................................................................ 334 16.1.4 The TAP controller ......................................................................... 334 Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) ................................................................337 16.2.1 Trigger condition ............................................................................337 16.2.2 Code tracing and data tracing ......................................................... 337 16.2.3 J-Trace integration example - IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM ......... 337 Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) .................................................................... 341 Flash programming ................................................................................... 342 16.4.1 How does flash programming via J-Link / J-Trace work? ...................... 342 16.4.2 Data download to RAM ................................................................... 342 16.4.3 Data download via DCC ..................................................................342 16.4.4 Available options for flash programming ........................................... 342 J-Link / J-Trace firmware ........................................................................... 344 16.5.1 Firmware update ........................................................................... 344 16.5.2 Invalidating the firmware ................................................................344 Designing the target board for trace .......................................................................346 17.1 Overview of high-speed board design ..........................................................347 17.1.1 Avoiding stubs ...............................................................................347 17.1.2 Minimizing Signal Skew (Balancing PCB Track Lengths) ....................... 347 17.1.3 Minimizing Crosstalk ...................................................................... 347 17.1.4 Using impedance matching and termination ...................................... 347 17.2 Terminating the trace signal .......................................................................348 17.2.1 Rules for series terminators ............................................................ 348 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 21 17.3 18 Semihosting .............................................................................................................350 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 19 Signal requirements .................................................................................. 349 Introduction ............................................................................................. 351 18.1.1 Advantages ................................................................................... 351 18.1.2 Disadvantages ............................................................................... 351 Debugger support .....................................................................................352 Implementation ........................................................................................ 353 18.3.1 SVC instruction ............................................................................. 353 18.3.2 Breakpoint instruction .................................................................... 353 18.3.3 J-Link GDBServer optimized version ................................................. 353 Communication protocol ............................................................................ 356 18.4.1 Register R0 ...................................................................................356 18.4.2 Command SYS_OPEN (0x01) .......................................................... 356 18.4.3 Command SYS_CLOSE (0x02) ......................................................... 357 18.4.4 Command SYS_WRITEC (0x03) ....................................................... 357 18.4.5 Command SYS_WRITE0 (0x04) ....................................................... 358 18.4.6 Command SYS_WRITE (0x05) ......................................................... 358 18.4.7 Command SYS_READ (0x06) .......................................................... 358 18.4.8 Command SYS_READC (0x07) .........................................................359 18.4.9 Command SYS_ISTTY (0x09) .......................................................... 359 18.4.10 Command SYS_SEEK (0x0A) ......................................................... 359 18.4.11 Command SYS_FLEN (0x0C) ......................................................... 360 18.4.12 Command SYS_REMOVE (0x0E) .....................................................360 18.4.13 Command SYS_RENAME (0x0F) ..................................................... 360 18.4.14 Command SYS_GET_CMDLINE (0x15) ............................................ 361 18.4.15 Command SYS_EXIT (0x18) .......................................................... 361 Enabling semihosting in J-Link GDBServer ................................................... 362 18.5.1 SVC variant .................................................................................. 362 18.5.2 Breakpoint variant ......................................................................... 362 18.5.3 J-Link GDBServer optimized variant ................................................. 362 Enabling Semihosting in J-Link RDI + AXD .................................................. 363 18.6.1 Using SWIs in your application ........................................................ 363 Support and FAQs .................................................................................................. 364 19.1 19.2 Measuring download speed ........................................................................ 365 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 366 19.2.1 General procedure ......................................................................... 366 19.3 Contacting support ................................................................................... 367 19.3.1 Contact Information ....................................................................... 367 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG Chapter 1 Introduction This is the user documentation for owners of SEGGER debug probes, J-Link and J-Trace. This manual documents the software which with the J-Link Software and Documentation Package as well as advanced features of J-Link and J-Trace, like Real Time Transfer (RTT), J-Link Script Files or Trace. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 23 1.1 CHAPTER 1 Requirements Requirements Host System To use J-Link or J-Trace you need a host system running Windows 2000 or later. For a list of all operating systems which are supported by J-Link, please refer to Supported OS on page 24. Target System A target system with a supported CPU is required. You should make sure that the emulator you are looking at supports your target CPU. For more information about which J-Link features are supported by each emulator, please refer to SEGGER debug probes on page 29. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 24 CHAPTER 1 1.2 Supported OS Supported OS J-Link/J-Trace can be used on the following operating systems: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows XP x64 Microsoft Windows 2003 Microsoft Windows 2003 x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows Vista x64 Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8 x64 Microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Linux macOS 10.5 and higher J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 25 CHAPTER 1 1.3 Common features of the J-Link product family Common features of the J-Link product family • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • USB 2.0 interface (Full-Speed/Hi-Speed, depends on J-Link model) Any ARM7/ARM9/ARM11 (including thumb mode), Cortex-A5/A7/A8/A9/A12/A15/A17, Cortex-M0/M1/M3/M4/M7/M23/M33, Cortex-R4/R5 core supported Automatic core recognition Maximum interface speed 15/50 MHz (depends on J-Link model) Seamless integration into all major IDEs ( List of supported IDEs ) No power supply required, powered through USB Support for adaptive clocking All JTAG signals can be monitored, target voltage can be measured Support for multiple devices Fully plug and play compatible Standard 20-pin JTAG/SWD connector, 19-pin JTAG/SWD and Trace connector, standard 38-pin JTAG+Trace connector USB and 20-pin ribbon cable included Memory viewer (J-Mem) included Remote server included, which allows using J-Trace via TCP/IP networks RDI interface available, which allows using J-Link with RDI compliant software Flash programming software (J-Flash) available Flash DLL available, which allows using flash functionality in custom applications Software Developer Kit (SDK) available 14-pin JTAG adapter available J-Link 19-pin Cortex-M Adapter available J-Link 9-pin Cortex-M Adapter available Adapter for 5V JTAG targets available for hardware revisions up to 5.3 Optical isolation adapter for JTAG/SWD interface available Target power supply via pin 19 of the JTAG/SWD interface (up to 300 mA to target with overload protection), alternatively on pins 11 and 13 of the Cortex-M 19-pin trace connector J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 26 1.4 CHAPTER 1 Supported CPU cores Supported CPU cores J-Link / J-Trace supports any common ARM Cortex core, ARM legacy core, Microchip PIC32 core and Renesas RX core. For a detailed list, please refer to: SEGGER website: Supported Cores . If you experience problems with a particular core, do not hesitate to contact SEGGER. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 27 CHAPTER 1 1.5 Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores In general, there are two ways to support a CPU-core in the J-Link software: 1. Intelligence in the J-Link firmware 2. Intelligence on the PC-side (DLL) Having the intelligence in the firmware is ideal since it is much more powerful and robust. The J-Link PC software automatically detects which implementation level is supported for the connected CPU-core. If intelligence in the firmware is available, it is used. If you are using a J-Link that does not have intelligence in the firmware and only PC-side intelligence is available for the connected CPU, a warning message is shown. 1.5.1 Intelligence in the J-Link firmware On newer J-Links, the intelligence for a new CPU-core is also available in the J-Link firmware which means that for these J-Links, the target sequences are no longer generated on the PCside but directly inside the J-Link. Having the intelligence in the firmware leads to improved stability and higher performance. 1.5.2 Intelligence on the PC-side (DLL) This is the basic implementation level for support of a CPU-core. This implementation is not J-Link model dependent, since no intelligence for the CPU-core is necessary in the JLink firmware. This means, all target sequences (JTAG/SWD/…) are generated on the PCside and the J-Link simply sends out these sequences and sends the result back to the DLL. Using this way of implementation also allows old J-Links to be used with new CPU cores as long as a DLL-Version is used which has intelligence for the CPU. But there is one big disadvantage of implementing the CPU core support on the DLL-side: For every sequence which shall be sent to the target a USB or Ethernet transaction is triggered. The long latency especially on a USB connection significantly affects the performance of J-Link. This is true especially when performing actions where J-Link has to wait for the CPU frequently. An example is a memory read/write operation which needs to be followed by status read operations or repeated until the memory operation is completed. Performing this kind of task with only PC-side intelligence requires to either make some assumption like: Operation is completed after a given number of cycles. Or it requires to make a lot of USB/Ethernet transactions. The first option (fast mode) will not work under some circumstances such as low CPU speeds, the second (slow mode) will be more reliable but very slow due to the high number of USB/Ethernet transactions. It simply boils down to: The best solution is having intelligence in the emulator itself! J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 28 CHAPTER 1 • • • Built-in intelligence for supported CPU-cores Limitations of PC-side implementations Instability, especially on slow targets Due to the fact that a lot of USB transactions would cause a very bad performance of JLink, PC-side implementations are on the assumption that the CPU/Debug interface is fast enough to handle the commands/requests without the need of waiting. So, when using the PC-side-intelligence, stability cannot be guaranteed in all cases, especially if the target interface speed (JTAG/SWD/…) is significantly higher than the CPU speed. Poor performance Since a lot more data has to be transferred over the host interface (typically USB), the resulting download speed is typically much lower than for implementations with intelligence in the firmware, even if the number of transactions over the host interface is limited to a minimum (fast mode). No support Please understand that we cannot give any support if you are running into problems when using a PC-side implementation. Note Due to these limitations, we recommend to use PC-side implementations for evaluation only. 1.5.3 Firmware intelligence per model There are different models of J-Link / J-Trace which have built-in intelligence for different CPU-cores. Please refer to J-Link / J-Trace hardware revisions for further information. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 29 CHAPTER 1 1.6 Where to find further information Where to find further information The following items are not the scope of the J-Link / J-Trace User Guide (UM08001) and therefore documented elsewhere in the respective place described/listed below. 1.6.1 SEGGER debug probes J-Link / J-Trace current model overview In order to compare features, performance specifications, capabilities and included licenses of current J-Link / J-Trace or Flasher models, please refer to the SEGGER website: J-Link Model overview J-Link / J-Trace hardware revisions For feature comparisons between different hardware revisions of J-Link / J-Trace or Flasher models, please refer to: SEGGER Wiki: J-Link / J-Trace / Flasher Software and Hardware features overview J-Link / J-Trace hardware specifications For detailed general, mechanical and electrical specifications of a specific J-Link / J-Trace or Flasher model, please refer to: SEGGER Wiki: J-Link / J-Trace / Flasher general, mechanical, electrical specifications 1.6.2 Using a feature in a specific development environment For many features described in this manual, detailed explanations on how to use them with popular debuggers, IDEs and other applications are available in the SEGGER wiki. Therefore, for information on how to use a feature in a specific development environment, please refer to: SEGGER Wiki: Getting Started with Various IDEs . If a explanation is missing for the IDE used or the IDE used is not listed at all, please contact us. (see Contact Information ) J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG Chapter 2 Licensing This chapter describes the different license types of J-Link related software and the legal use of the J-Link software with original SEGGER and OEM products. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 31 2.1 CHAPTER 2 Components requiring a license Components requiring a license J-Link PLUS and higher are fully featured J-Links and come with all licenses included. Other models may do not come with all features enabled. For a detailed overview of the included licenses of the SEGGER debug probes, please refer to: J-Link Model overview: Licenses J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 32 CHAPTER 2 2.2 Legal use of SEGGER J-Link software Legal use of SEGGER J-Link software The software consists of proprietary programs of SEGGER, protected under copyright and trade secret laws. All rights, title and interest in the software are and shall remain with SEGGER. For details, please refer to the license agreement which needs to be accepted when installing the software. The text of the license agreement is also available as entry in the start menu after installing the software. Use of software SEGGER J-Link software may only be used with original SEGGER products and authorized OEM products. The use of the licensed software to operate SEGGER product clones is prohibited and illegal. 2.2.1 Use of the software with 3rd party tools For simplicity, some components of the J-Link software are also distributed by partners with software tools designed to use J-Link. These tools are primarily debugging tools, but also memory viewers, flash programming utilities as well as software for other purposes. Distribution of the software components is legal for our partners, but the same rules as described above apply for their usage: They may only be used with original SEGGER products and authorized OEM products. The use of the licensed software to operate SEGGER product clones is prohibited and illegal. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 33 2.3 CHAPTER 2 Illegal Clones Illegal Clones Clones are copies of SEGGER products which use the copyrighted SEGGER Firmware without a license. It is strictly prohibited to use SEGGER J-Link software with illegal clones of SEGGER products. Manufacturing and selling these clones is an illegal act for various reasons, amongst them trademark, copyright and unfair business practice issues. The use of illegal J-Link clones with this software is a violation of US, European and other international laws and is prohibited. If you are in doubt if your unit may be legally used with SEGGER J-Link software, please get in touch with us. End users may be liable for illegal use of JLink software with clones. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG Chapter 3 J-Link software and documentation package This chapter describes the contents of the J-Link Software and Documentation Package which can be downloaded from www.segger.com . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 35 CHAPTER 3 3.1 Software overview Software overview The J-Link Software and Documentation Package, which is available for download from segger.com/jlink-software.html , includes some applications to be used with J-Link. It also comes with USB-drivers for J-Link and documentations in pdf format. Software Description J-Link Commander Command-line tool with basic functionality for target analysis. J-Link GDB Server The J-Link GDB Server is a server connecting to the GNU Debugger (GDB) via TCP/IP. It is required for toolchains using the GDB protocol to connect to J-Link. J-Link GDB Server command line version Command line version of the J-Link GDB Server. Same functionality as the GUI version. J-Link Remote Server Utility which provides the possibility to use J-Link / J-Trace remotely via TCP/IP. J-Mem Memory Viewer Target memory viewer. Shows the memory content of a running target and allows editing as well. J-Flasha Stand-alone flash programming application. For more information about J-Flash please refer to J-Flash ARM User’s Guide (UM08003). J-Link RTT Viewer Free-of-charge utility for J-Link. Displays the terminal output of the target using RTT. Can be used in parallel with a debugger or stand-alone. J-Link SWO Viewer Free-of-charge utility for J-Link. Displays the terminal output of the target using the SWO pin. Can be used in parallel with a debugger or stand-alone. J-Link SWO Analyzer Command line tool that analyzes SWO RAW output and stores it into a file. JTAGLoad Command line tool that opens an svf file and sends the data in it via J-Link / J-Trace to the target. J-Link Configurator GUI-based configuration tool for J-Link. Allows configuration of USB identification as well as TCP/IP identification of J-Link. For more information about the J-Link Configurator, please refer to J-Link Configurator . RDI supporta Provides Remote Debug Interface (RDI) support. This allows the user to use J-Link with any RDI-compliant debugger. Processor specific tools Free command-line tools for handling specific processors. Included are: STR9 Commander and STM32 Unlock. a Full-featured J-Link (PLUS, PRO, ULTRA+) or an additional license for J-Link base model required. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 36 CHAPTER 3 3.2 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) J-Link Commander (Command line tool) J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) is a tool that can be used for verifying proper installation of the USB driver and to verify the connection to the target CPU, as well as for simple analysis of the target system. It permits some simple commands, such as memory dump, halt, step, go etc. to verify the target connection. J-Link Commander: JTAG connection 3.2.1 Commands The table below lists the available commands of J-Link Commander. All commands are listed in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the commands can be found in the sections that follow. Command (short form) Explanation Basic clrBP Clear breakpoint. clrWP Clear watchpoint. device Selects a device. erase Erase internal flash of selected device. exec Execute command string. exit (qc, q) Closes J-Link Commander. exitonerror (eoe) Commander exits after error. f Prints firmware info. go (g) Starts the CPU core. halt (h) Halts the CPU core. hwinfo Show hardware info. is Scan chain select register length. loadfile Load data file into target memory. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 37 CHAPTER 3 Command (short form) J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Explanation log Enables log to file. mem Read memory. mem8 Read 8-bit items. mem16 Read 16-bit items. mem32 Read 32-bit items. mem64 Read 64-bit items. mr Measures reaction time of RTCK pin. ms Measures length of scan chain. power Switch power supply for target. r Resets and halts the target. readAP Reads from a CoreSight AP register. readDP Reads from a CoreSight DP register. regs Shows all current register values. rnh Resets without halting the target. rreg Shows a specific register value. rx Reset target with delay. savebin Saves target memory into binary file. setBP Set breakpoint. setPC Set the PC to specified value. setWP Set watchpoint. sleep Waits the given time (in milliseconds). speed Set target interface speed. st Shows the current hardware status. step (s) Single step the target chip. unlock Unlocks a device. verifybin Compares memory with data file. w1 Write 8-bit items. w2 Write 16-bit items. w4 Write 32-bit items. writeAP Writes to a CoreSight AP register. writeDP Writes to a CoreSight DP register. wreg Write register. Flasher I/O fdelete (fdel) Delete file on emulator. flist List directory on emulator. fread (frd) Read file from emulator. fshow Read and display file from emulator. fsize (fsz) Display size of file on emulator. fwrite (fwr) Write file to emulator. Connection ip Connect to J-Link Pro via TCP/IP. usb Connect to J-Link via USB. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 38 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) clrBP This command removes a breakpoint set by J-Link. Syntax clrBP Parameter BP_Handle Meaning Handle of breakpoint to be removed. Example clrBP 1 clrWP This command removes a watchpoint set by J-Link. Syntax clrWP Parameter WP_Handle Meaning Handle of watchpoint to be removed. Example clrWP 0x2 device Selects a specific device J-Link shall connect to and performs a reconnect. In most cases explicit selection of the device is not necessary. Selecting a device enables the user to make use of the J-Link flash programming functionality as well as using unlimited breakpoints in flash memory. For some devices explicit device selection is mandatory in order to allow the DLL to perform special handling needed by the device. Some commands require that a device is set prior to use them. Syntax device Parameter DeviceName Meaning Valid device name: Device is selected. ?: Shows a device selection dialog. Example device stm32f407ig erase Erases all flash sectors of the current device. A device has to be specified previously. Syntax erase exec Execute command string. For more information about the usage of command strings please refer to Command strings . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 39 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax exec Parameter Command Meaning Command string to be executed. Example exec SupplyPower = 1 exit This command closes the target connection, the connection to the J-Link and exits J-Link Commander. Syntax q exitonerror This command toggles whether J-Link Commander exits on error or not. Syntax ExitOnError Parameter Meaning 1: J-Link Commander will now exit on Error. 0: J-Link Commander will no longer exit on Error. Example eoe 1 f Prints firmware and hardware version info. Please notice that minor hardware revisions may not be displayed, as they do not have any effect on the feature set. Syntax f fdelete On emulators which support file I/O this command deletes a specific file. Syntax fdelete Parameter FileName Meaning File to delete from the Flasher. Example fdelete Flasher.dat flist On emulators which support file I/O this command shows the directory tree of the Flasher. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 40 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax flist fread On emulators which support file I/O this command reads a specific file. Offset applies to both destination and source file. Syntax fread [ []] Parameter Meaning EmuFile File name to read from. HostFile Destination file on the host. Offset Specifies the offset in the file, at which data reading is started. NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read. Example fread Flasher.dat C:\Project\Flasher.dat fshow On emulators which support file I/O this command reads and prints a specific file. Currently, only Flasher models support file I/O. Syntax fshow [-a] [ []] Parameter Meaning FileName Source file name to read from the Flasher. a If set, Input will be parsed as text instead of being shown as hex. Offset Specifies the offset in the file, at which data reading is started. NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read. Example fshow Flasher.dat fsize On emulators which support file I/O this command gets the size of a specific file. Currently, only Flasher models support file I/O. Syntax fsize ] Parameter FileName Meaning Source file name to read from the Flasher. Example fsize Flasher.dat J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 41 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) fwrite On emulators which support file I/O this command writes a specific file. Currently, only Flasher models support file I/O. NumBytes is limited to 512 bytes at once. This means, if you want to write e.g. 1024 bytes, you have to send the command twice, using an appropriate offset when sending it the second time. Offset applies to both destination and source file. Syntax fwrite [ []] Parameter Meaning EmuFile File name to write to. HostFile Source file on the host Offset Specifies the offset in the file, at which data writing is started. NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to write. Example fwrite Flasher.dat C:\Project\Flasher.dat go Starts the CPU. In order to avoid setting breakpoints it allows to define a maximum number of instructions which can be simulated/emulated. This is particularly useful when the program is located in flash and flash breakpoints are used. Simulating instructions avoids to reprogram the flash and speeds up (single) stepping. Syntax Syntax go [ []] Parameter Meaning NumSteps Maximum number of instructions allowed to be simulated. Instruction simulation stops whenever a breakpointed instruction is hit, an instruction which cannot be simulated/emulated is hit or when NumSteps is reached. Flags 0: Do not start the CPU if a BP is in range of NumSteps 1: Overstep BPs Example go //Simply starts the CPU go 20, 1 halt Halts the CPU Core. If successful, shows the current CPU registers. Syntax halt hwinfo This command can be used to get information about the power consumption of the target (if the target is powered via J-Link). It also gives the information if an overcurrent happened. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 42 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax hwinfo ip Closes any existing connection to J-Link and opens a new one via TCP/IP. If no IP Address is specified, the Emulator selection dialog shows up. Syntax ip [] Parameter Meaning Valid values: IP Address: Connects the J-Link with the specified IP-Address Host Name: Resolves the host name and connects to it. *: Invokes the Emulator selection dialog. Addr Example ip is This command returns information about the length of the scan chain select register. Syntax is loadfile This command programs a given data file to a specified destination address. Currently supported data files are: • • • • • • *.mot *.srec *.s19 *.s *.hex *.bin Syntax loadfile [] Parameter Meaning Filename Source filename Addr Destination address (Required for *.bin files) Example loadfile C:\Work\test.bin 0x20000000 log Set path to logfile allowing the DLL to output logging information. If the logfile already exist, the contents of the current logfile will be overwritten. Syntax log J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 43 CHAPTER 3 Parameter Filename J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Meaning Log filename Example log C:\Work\log.txt mem The command reads memory from the target system. If necessary, the target CPU is halted in order to read memory. Syntax mem [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Numbytes Number of bytes to read. Maximum is 0x100000. Example mem 0, 100 mem8 The command reads memory from the target system in units of bytes. If necessary, the target CPU is halted in order to read memory. Syntax mem [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Numbytes Number of bytes to read. Maximum is 0x100000. Example mem8 0, 100 mem16 The command reads memory from the target system in units of 16-bits. If necessary, the target CPU is halted in order to read memory. Syntax mem [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Numbytes Number of halfwords to read. Maximum is 0x80000. Example mem16 0, 100 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 44 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) mem32 The command reads memory from the target system in units of 32-bits. If necessary, the target CPU is halted in order to read memory. Syntax mem [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Numbytes Number of words to read. Maximum is 0x40000. Example mem32 0, 100 mem64 The command reads memory from the target system in units of 64-bits. If necessary, the target CPU is halted in order to read memory. Syntax mem [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Numbytes Number of double words to read. Maximum is 0x20000. Example mem64 0, 100 mr Measure reaction time of RTCK pin. Syntax mr [] Parameter RepCount Meaning Number of times the test is repeated (Default: 1). Example mr 3 ms Measures the number of bits in the specified scan chain. Syntax ms Parameter ScanChain J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) Meaning Scan chain to be measured. © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 45 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Example ms 1 power This command sets the status of the power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector. The KS(Kickstart) versions of J-Link have the 5V supply over pin 19 activated by default. This feature is useful for some targets that can be powered over the JTAG connector. Syntax power [perm] Parameter Meaning State Valid values: On, Off perm Sets the specified State value as default. Example power on perm r Resets and halts the target. Syntax r readAP Reads from a CoreSight AP register. This command performs a full-qualified read which means that it tries to read until the read has been accepted or too many WAIT responses have been received. In case actual read data is returned on the next read request (this is the case for example with interface JTAG) this command performs the additional dummy read request automatically. Syntax ReadAP Parameter RegIndex Meaning Index of AP register to read Example // // Read AP[0], IDR (register 3, bank 15) // WriteDP 2, 0x000000F0 // Select AP[0] bank 15 ReadAP 3 // Read AP[0] IDR readDP Reads from a CoreSight DP register. This command performs a full-qualified read which means that it tries to read until the read has been accepted or too many WAIT responses have been received. In case actual read data is returned on the next read request (this is the case for example with interface JTAG) this command performs the additional dummy read request automatically. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 46 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax ReadDP Parameter RegIndex Meaning Index of DP register to read Example // // Read DP-CtrlStat // ReadDP 1 regs Shows all current register values. Syntax regs rnh This command performs a reset but without halting the device. Syntax rnh rreg The function prints the value of the specified CPU register. Syntax rreg Parameter RegIndex Meaning Register to read. Example rreg 15 rx Resets and halts the target. It is possible to define a delay in milliseconds after reset. This function is useful for some target devices which already contain an application or a boot loader and therefore need some time before the core is stopped, for example to initialize hardware, the memory management unit (MMU) or the external bus interface. Syntax rx Parameter DelayAfterReset Meaning Delay in ms. Example rx 10 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 47 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) savebin Saves target memory into binary file. Syntax savebin , , (hex) Parameter Meaning Filename Destination file Addr Source address. NumBytes Number of bytes to read. Example savebin C:\Work\test.bin 0x0000000 0x100 setBP This command sets a breakpoint of a specific type at a specified address. Which breakpoint modes are available depends on the CPU that is used. Syntax setBP [[A/T]/[W/H]] [S/H] Parameter Meaning Addr Address to be breakpointed. A/T Only for ARM7/9/11 and Cortex-R4 devices: A: ARM mode T: THUMB mode W/H Only for MIPS devices: W: MIPS32 mode (Word) H: MIPS16 mode (Half-word) S/H S: Force software BP H: Force hardware BP Example setBP 0x8000036 setPC Sets the PC to the specified value. Syntax setpc Parameter Meaning Address the PC should be set to. Addr Example setpc 0x59C setWP This command inserts a new watchpoint that matches the specified parameters. The enable bit for the watchpoint as well as the data access bit of the watchpoint unit are set automatically by this command. Moreover the bits DBGEXT, CHAIN and the RANGE bit (used to J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 48 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) connect one watchpoint with the other one) are automatically masked out. In order to use these bits you have to set the watchpoint by writing the ICE registers directly. Syntax setWP [] [] [ [ []]] Parameter Meaning Addr Address to be watchpointed. Accesstype Specifies the control data on which data event has been set: R: read access W: write access Size Valid values: S8 | S16 | S32 Specifies to monitor an n-bit access width at the selected address. Data Specifies the Data on which watchpoint has been set. DataMask Specifies data mask used for comparison. Bits set to 1 are masked out, so not taken into consideration during data comparison. Please note that for certain cores not all Bit-Mask combinations are supported by the core-debug logic. On some cores only complete bytes can be masked out (e.g. PIC32) or similar. AddrMask Specifies the address mask used for comparison. Bits set to 1 are masked out, so not taken into consideration during address comparison. Please note that for certain cores not all Bit-Mask combinations are supported by the core-debug logic. On some cores only complete bytes can be masked out (e.g. PIC32) or similar. Example setWP 0x20000000 W S8 0xFF sleep Waits the given time (in milliseconds). Syntax sleep Parameter Meaning Amount of time to sleep in ms. Delay Example sleep 200 speed This command sets the speed for communication with the CPU core. Syntax speed |auto|adaptive Parameter Meaning Freq Specifies the interface frequency in kHz. auto Selects auto detection of the interface speed. adaptive Selects adaptive clocking as JTAG speed. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 49 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Example speed 4000 speed auto st This command prints the current hardware status. Prints the current status of TCK, TDI, TDO, TMS, TRES, TRST and the interface speeds supported by the target. Also shows the Target Voltage. Syntax st step Target needs to be halted before calling this command. Executes a single step on the target. The instruction is overstepped even if it is breakpointed. Prints out the disassembly of the instruction to be stepped. Syntax step unlock This command unlocks a device which has been accidentally locked by malfunction of user software. Syntax unlock Parameter DeviceName Meaning Name of the device family to unlock. Supported Devices: LM3Sxxx Kinetis EFM32Gxxx Example unlock Kinetis usb Closes any existing connection to J-Link and opens a new one via USB. It is possible to select a specific J-Link by port number. Syntax usb [] Parameter Meaning Valid values: 0..3 Port Example usb verifybin Verifies if the specified binary is already in the target memory at the specified address. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 50 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax verifybin , Parameter Meaning Filename Sample bin. Addr Start address of memory to verify. Example verifybin C:\Work\test.bin 0x0000000 w1 The command writes one single byte to the target system. Syntax w1 [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Data 8-bits of data to write. Example w1 0x10, 0xFF w2 The command writes a unit of 16-bits to the target system. Syntax w2 [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Data 16-bits of data to write. Example w2 0x0, 0xFFFF w4 The command writes a unit of 32-bits to the target system. Syntax w4 [:], (hex) Parameter Meaning Zone Name of memory zone to access. Addr Start address. Data 32-bits of data to write. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 51 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Example w4 0x0, 0xAABBCCFF writeAP Writes to a CoreSight AP register. This command performs a full-qualified write which means that it tries to write until the write has been accepted or too many WAIT responses have been received. Syntax WriteAP , Parameter Meaning RegIndex Index of AP register to write Data32Hex Data to write Example // // Select AHB-AP and configure it // WriteDP 2, 0x00000000 // Select AP[0] (AHB-AP) bank 0 WriteAP 4, 0x23000010 // Auto-increment, Private access, Access size: word} writeDP Writes to a CoreSight DP register. This command performs a full-qualified write which means that it tries to write until the write has been accepted or too many WAIT responses have been received. Syntax WriteDP , Parameter Meaning RegIndex Index of DP register to write Data32Hex Data to write Example // // Write DP SELECT register: Select AP 0 bank 15 // WriteDP 2, 0x000000F0 wreg Writes into a register. The value is written into the register on CPU start. Syntax wreg , Parameter Meaning RegName Register to write to. Data Data to write to the specified register. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 52 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Example wreg R14, 0xFF 3.2.2 Command line options J-Link Commander can be started with different command line options for test and automation purposes. In the following, the command line options which are available for J-Link Commander are explained. All command line options are case insensitive. Command Explanation -AutoConnect Automatically start the target connect sequence -CommanderScript Passes a CommandFile to J-Link -CommandFile Passes a CommandFile to J-Link -Device Pre-selects the device J-Link Commander shall connect to -ExitOnError Commander exits after error. -If Pre-selects the target interface -IP Selects IP as host interface -JLinkScriptFile Passes a JLinkScriptFile to J-Link -JTAGConf Sets IRPre and DRPre -RTTTelnetPort Sets the RTT Telnetport -SelectEmuBySN Connects to a J-Link with a specific S/N over USB -SettingsFile Passes a SettingsFile to J-Link -Speed Starts J-Link Commander with a given initial speed -AutoConnect This command can be used to let J-Link Commander automatically start the connect sequence for connecting to the target when entering interactive mode. Syntax -autoconnect Example JLink.exe -autoconnect 1 -CommanderScript Similar to -CommandFile. -CommandFile Selects a command file and starts J-Link Commander in batch mode. The batch mode of J-Link Commander is similar to the execution of a batch file. The command file is parsed line by line and one command is executed at a time. Syntax -CommandFile Example See Using command files on page 55. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 53 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) -Device Pre-selects the device J-Link Commander shall connect to. For some devices, J-Link already needs to know the device at the time of connecting, since special handling is required for some of them. For a list of all supported device names, please refer to List of supported target devices . Syntax -Device Example JLink.exe -Device STM32F103ZE -ExitOnError Similar to the exitonerror command. -If Selects the target interface J-Link shall use to connect to the target. By default, J-Link Commander first tries to connect to the target using the target interface which is currently selected in the J-Link firmware. If connecting fails, J-Link Commander goes through all target interfaces supported by the connected J-Link and tries to connect to the device. Syntax -If Example JLink.exe -If SWD Additional information Currently, the following target interfaces are supported: • • JTAG SWD -IP Selects IP as host interface to connect to J-Link. Default host interface is USB. Syntax -IP Example JLink.exe -IP Additional information To select from a list of all available emulators on Ethernet, please use * as . -JLinkScriptFile Passes the path of a J-Link script file to the J-Link Commander. J-Link scriptfiles are mainly used to connect to targets which need a special connection sequence before communication with the core is possible. For more information about J-Link script files, please refer to JLink Script Files . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 54 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax JLink.exe -JLinkScriptFile Example JLink.exe -JLinkScriptFile “C:\My Projects\Default.JLinkScript” -JTAGConf Passes IRPre and DRPre in order to select a specific device in a JTAG-chain. “-1,-1” can be used to let J-Link select a device automatically. Syntax -JTAGConf , Example JLink.exe -JTAGConf 4,1 JLink.exe -JTAGConf -1,-1 -SelectEmuBySN Connect to a J-Link with a specific serial number via USB. Useful if multiple J-Links are connected to the same PC and multiple instances of J-Link Commander shall run and each connects to another J-Link. Syntax -SelectEmuBySN Example JLink.exe -SelectEmuBySN 580011111 -RTTTelnetPort This command alters the RTT telnet port. Default is 19021. Syntax -RTTTelnetPort Example JLink.exe -RTTTelnetPort 9100 -SettingsFile Select a J-Link settings file to be used for the target device. The settings file can contain all configurable options of the Settings tab in J-Link Control panel. Syntax -SettingsFile Example JLink.exe -SettingsFile “C:\Work\settings.txt” -Speed Starts J-Link Commander with a given initial speed. Available parameters are “adaptive”, “auto” or a freely selectable integer value in kHz. It is recommended to use either a fixed speed or, if it is available on the target, adaptive speeds. Default interface speed is 100kHz. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 55 CHAPTER 3 J-Link Commander (Command line tool) Syntax -Speed Example JLink.exe -Speed 4000 3.2.3 Using command files J-Link commander can also be used in batch mode which allows the user to use J-Link commander for batch processing and without user interaction. Please do not confuse command file with J-Link script files (please refer to J-Link script files for more information about JLink script files). When using J-Link commander in batch mode, the path to a command file is passed to it. The syntax in the command file is the same as when using regular commands in J-Link commander (one line per command). SEGGER recommends to always pass the device name via command line option due some devices need special handling on connect/reset in order to guarantee proper function. Example JLink.exe -device STM32F103ZE -CommanderScript C:\CommandFile.jlink Contents of CommandFile.jlink: si 1 speed 4000 r h loadbin C:\\firmware.bin,0x08000000 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 56 CHAPTER 3 3.3 J-Link GDB Server J-Link GDB Server The GNU Project Debugger (GDB) is a freely available and open source debugger. It can be used in command line mode, but is also integrated in many IDEs like emIDE or Eclipse. J-Link GDB Server is a remote server for GDB making it possible for GDB to connect to and communicate with the target device via J-Link. GDB Server and GDB communicate via a TCP/IP connection, using the standard GDB remote protocol. GDB Server receives the GDB commands, does the J-Link communication and replies with the answer to GDB. With J-Link GDB Server debugging in ROM and Flash of the target device is possible and the Unlimited Flash Breakpoints can be used. It also comes with some functionality not directly implemented in the GDB. These can be accessed via monitor commands, sent directly via GDB, too. J-Link GDB Server The GNU Project Debugger (GDB) is a freely available debugger, distributed under the terms of the GPL. The latest Unix version of the GDB is freely available from the GNU committee under: http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/download/ J-Link GDB Server is distributed free of charge. 3.3.1 J-Link GDB Server CL (Windows, Linux, Mac) J-Link GDB Server CL is a commandline-only version of the GDB Server. The command line version is part of the Software and Documentation Package and also included in the Linux and MAC versions. Except for the missing GUI, J-Link GDB Server CL is identical to the normal version. All sub-chapters apply to the command line version, too. 3.3.2 Debugging with J-Link GDB Server With J-Link GDB Server programs can be debugged via GDB directly on the target device like a normal application. The application can be loaded into RAM or flash of the device. Before starting GDB Server make sure a J-Link and the target device are connected. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 57 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Setting up GDB Server GUI version The GUI version of GDB Server is part of the Windows J-Link Software Package (JLinkGDBServer.exe). When starting GDB Server a configuration dialog pops up, letting you select the needed configurations to connect to J-Link and the target. J-Link GDB Server: Configuration All configurations can optionally be given in the command line options. Note To make sure the connection to the target device can be established correctly, the device, as well as the interface and interface speed have to be given on start of GDB Server, either via command line options or the configuration dialog. If the target device option (-device) is given, the configuration dialog will not pop up. Setting up GDB Server CL version The command line version of GDB Server is part of the J-Link Software Package for all supported platforms. On Windows its name is JLinkGDBServerCL.exe, on Linux and Mac it is JLinkGDBServer. Starting GDB Server on Windows To start GDB Server CL on Windows, open the ’Run’ prompt (Windows-R) or a command terminal (cmd) and enter \JLinkGDBServerCL.exe . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 58 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Starting GDB Server on Linux / Mac To start GDB Server CL on Linux / Mac, open a terminal and call JLinkGDBServer Command Line Options When using GDB Server CL, at least the mandatory command line options have to be given. Additional command line options can be given to change the default behavior of GDB Server. For more information about the available command line options, please refer to Command line options . GDB Server user interface The J-Link GDB Server’s user interface shows information about the debugging process and the target and allows to configure some settings during execution. J-Link GDB Server: UI It shows following information: • • • • • • • • • The IP address of host running debugger. Connection status of J-Link. Information about the target core. Measured target voltage. Bytes that have been downloaded. Status of target. Log output of the GDB Server (optional, if Show log window is checked). Initial and current target interface speed. Target endianness. These configurations can be made from inside GDB Server: • • • • • • Localhost only: If checked only connections from are accepted. Stay on top Show log window. Generate logfile: If checked, a log file with the GDB GDB Server J-Link communication will be created. Verify download: If checked, the memory on the target will be verified after download. Init regs on start: If checked, the register values of the target will be set to a reasonable value before on start of GDB Server. Running GDB from different programs We assume that you already have a solid knowledge of the software tools used for building your application (assembler, linker, C compiler) and especially the debugger and the debugger frontend of your choice. We do not answer questions about how to install and use the chosen toolchain. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 59 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server GDB is included in many IDEs and most commonly used in connection with the GCC compiler toolchain. This chapter shows how to configure some programs to use GDB and connect to GDB Server. For more information about any program using GDB, please refer to its user manual. emIDE emIDE is a full-featured, free and open source IDE for embedded development including support for debugging with J-Link. To connect to GDB Server with emIDE, the GDB Server configurations need to be set in the project options at Project -> Properties… -> Debugger. Select the target device you are using, the target connection, endianness and speed and enter the additional GDB start commands. The typically required GDB commands are: #Initially reset the target monitor reset #Load the application load Other commands to set up the target (e.g. Set PC to RAM, initialize external flashes) can be entered here, too. emIDE will automatically start GDB Server on start of the debug session. If it does not, or an older version of GDB Server starts, in emIDE click on JLink -> Run the JLink-plugin configuration. The screenshot below shows a debug session in IDE. For download and more information about emIDE, please refer to http://emide.org . Console GDB can be used stand-alone as a console application. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 60 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server To connect GDB to GDB Server enter target remote localhost:2331 into the running GDB. Within GDB all GDB commands and the remote monitor commands are available. For more information about debugging with GDB refer to its online manual available at http:// sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/ . A typical startup of a debugging session can be like: (gdb) file C:/temp/Blinky.elf Reading symbols from C:/temp/Blinky.elf...done. (gdb) target remote localhost:2331 Remote debugging using localhost:2331 0x00000000 in ?? () (gdb) monitor reset Resetting target (gdb) load Loading section .isr_vector, size 0x188 lma 0x8000000 Loading section .text, size 0x568 lma 0x8000188 Loading section .init_array, size 0x8 lma 0x80006f0 Loading section .fini_array, size 0x4 lma 0x80006f8 Loading section .data, size 0x428 lma 0x80006fc Start address 0x8000485, load size 2852 Transfer rate: 146 KB/sec, 570 bytes/write. (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x800037a: file Src\main.c, line 38. (gdb) continue Continuing. Breakpoint 1, main () at Src\main.c:38 38 Cnt = 0; (gdb) Eclipse (CDT) Eclipse is an open source platform-independent software framework, which has typically been used to develop integrated development environment (IDE). Therefore Eclipse can be used as C/C++ IDE, if you extend it with the CDT plug-in ( http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ ). CDT means “C/C++ Development Tooling” project and is designed to use the GDB as default debugger and works without any problems with the GDB Server. Refer to http://www.eclipse.org for detailed information about Eclipse. Note We only support problems directly related to the GDB Server. Problems and questions related to your remaining toolchain have to be solved on your own. 3.3.3 Supported remote (monitor) commands J-Link GDB Server comes with some functionalities which are not part of the standard GDB. These functions can be called either via a gdbinit file passed to GDB Server or via monitor commands passed directly to GDB, forwarding them to GDB Server. To indicate to GDB to forward the command to GDB Server ’monitor’ has to be prepended to the call. For example a reset can be triggered in the gdbinit file with “reset” or via GDB with “monitor reset”. The following remote commands are available: Remote command Explanation clrbp Removes an instruction breakpoint. cp15 Reads or writes from/to cp15 register. device Select the specified target device. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 61 CHAPTER 3 Remote command J-Link GDB Server Explanation DisableChecks Do not check if an abort occurred after memory read (ARM7/9 only). EnableChecks Check if an abort occurred after memory read (ARM7/9 only). flash breakpoints Enables/Disables flash breakpoints. getargs Get the arguments for the application. go Starts the target CPU. halt Halts the target CPU. jtagconf Configures a JTAG scan chain with multiple devices on it. memU8 Reads or writes a byte from/to given address. memU16 Reads or writes a halfword from/to given address. memU32 Reads or writes a word from/to given address. reg Reads or writes from/to given register. regs Reads and displays all CPU registers. reset Resets and halts the target CPU. semihosting breakOnError Enable or disable halting the target on semihosting error. semihosting enable Enables semihosting. semihosting IOClient Set semihosting I/O to be handled via Telnet port or GDB. semihosting ARMSWI Sets the SWI number used for semihosting in ARM mode. semihosting ThumbSWI Sets the SWI number used for semihosting in thumb mode. setargs Set the arguments for the application. setbp Sets an instruction breakpoint at a given address. sleep Sleeps for a given time period. speed Sets the JTAG speed of J-Link / J-Trace. step Performs one or more single instruction steps. SWO DisableTarget Undo target configuration for SWO and disable it in J-Link. SWO EnableTarget Configure target for SWO and enable it in J-Link. SWO GetMaxSpeed Prints the maximum supported SWO speed for J-Link and Target CPU. SWO GetSpeedInfo Prints the available SWO speed and its minimum divider. waithalt Waits for target to halt code execution. wice Writes to given IceBreaker register. The Following remote commands are deprecated and only available for backward compatibility: Remote command Explanation device Selects the specified target device. Note: Use command line option -device instead. interface Selects the target interface. Note: Use command line option -if instead. speed Sets the JTAG speed of J-Link / J-Trace. Note: For the initial connection speed, use command line option -speed instead. Note J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 62 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server The remote commands are case-insensitive. Note Optional parameters are set into square brackets. Note The examples are described as follows: Lines starting with ’#’ are comments and not used in GDB / GDB Server. Lines starting with ’>’ are input commands from the GDB. Lines starting with ’ monitor clrbp 1 > monitor ci 1 cp15 Reads or writes from/to cp15 register. If is specified, this command writes the data to the cp15 register. Otherwise this command reads from the cp15 register. For further information please refer to the ARM reference manual. Syntax cp15 , , , [= ] The parameters of the function are equivalent to the MCR instructions described in the ARM documents. Example #Read: > monitor cp15 1, 2, 6, 7 < Reading CP15 register (1,2,6,7 = 0x0460B77D) #Write: > monitor cp15 1, 2, 6, 7 = 0xFFFFFFFF device Note Deprecated. Use command line option -device instead. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 63 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Selects the specified target device. This is necessary for the connection and some special handling of the device. Note The device should be selected via commandline option -device when starting GDB Server. Syntax device Example > monitor device STM32F417IG < Selecting device: STM32F417IG DisableChecks Disables checking if a memory read caused an abort (ARM7/9 devices only). On some CPUs during the init sequence for enabling access to the internal memory (for example on the TMS470) some dummy reads of memory are required which will cause an abort as long as the access-init is not completed. Syntax DisableChecks EnableChecks Enables checking if a memory read caused an abort (ARM7/9 devices only). On some CPUs during the init sequence for enabling access to the internal memory (for example on the TMS470) some dummy reads of memory are required which will cause an abort as long as the access-init is not completed. The default state is: Checks enabled. Syntax EnableChecks flash breakpoints This command enables/disables the Flash Breakpoints feature. By default Flash Breakpoints are enabled and can be used for evaluation. Syntax monitor flash breakpoints = Example #Disable Flash Breakpoints: > monitor flash breakpoints = 0 < Flash breakpoints disabled #Enable Flash Breakpoins: > monitor flash breakpoints = 1 < Flash breakpoints enabled getargs Get the currently set argument list which will be given to the application when calling semihosting command SYS_GET_CMDLINE (0x15). The argument list is given as one string. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 64 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Syntax getargs Example #No arguments set via setargs: > monitor getargs < No arguments. #Arguments set via setargs: > monitor getargs < Arguments: test 0 1 2 arg0=4 go Starts the target CPU. Syntax go Example > monitor go halt Halts the target CPU. Syntax halt Example > monitor halt interface Note Deprecated. Use command line option -if instead. Selects the target interface used by J-Link / J-Trace. Syntax interface jtagconf Configures a JTAG scan chain with multiple devices on it. is the sum of IRLens of all devices closer to TDI, where IRLen is the number of bits in the IR (Instruction Register) of one device. is the number of devices closer to TDI. For more detailed information of how to configure a scan chain with multiple devices please refer to Determining values for scan chain configuration . Note J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 65 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server To make sure the connection to the device can be established correctly, it is recommended to configure the JTAG scan chain via command line options at the start of GDB Server. Syntax jtagconf Example #Select the second device, where there is 1 device in front with IRLen 4 > monitor jtagconf 4 1 memU8 Reads or writes a byte from/to a given address. If is specified, this command writes the value to the given address. Otherwise this command reads from the given address. Syntax memU8 [= ] Example #Read: > monitor memU8 0x50000000 < Reading from address 0x50000000 (Data = 0x04) #Write: > monitor memU8 0x50000000 = 0xFF < Writing 0xFF @ address 0x50000000 memU16 Reads or writes a halfword from/to a given address. If is specified, this command writes the value to the given address. Otherwise this command reads from the given address. Syntax memU16 [= ] Example #Read: > monitor memU16 0x50000000 < Reading from address 0x50000000 (Data = 0x3004) #Write: > monitor memU16 0x50000000 = 0xFF00 < Writing 0xFF00 @ address 0x50000000 memU32 Reads or writes a word from/to a given address. If is specified, this command writes the value to the given address. Otherwise this command reads from the given address. This command is similar to the long command. Syntax memU32 [= ] J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 66 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Example #Read: > monitor memU32 0x50000000 < Reading from address 0x50000000 (Data = 0x10023004) #Write: > monitor memU32 0x50000000 = 0x10023004 < Writing 0x10023004 @ address 0x50000000 reg Reads or writes from/to given register. If is specified, this command writes the value into the given register. If is specified, this command writes the memory content at address to register . Otherwise this command reads the given register. Syntax reg [= ] or reg [= ()] Example #Write value to register: > monitor reg pc = 0x00100230 < Writing register (PC = 0x00100230) #Write value from address to register: > monitor reg r0 = (0x00000040) < Writing register (R0 = 0x14813004) #Read register value: > monitor reg PC < Reading register (PC = 0x00100230) regs Reads all CPU registers. Syntax regs Example > monitor regs < PC = 00100230, CPSR = 20000013 (SVC mode, ARM) R0 = 14813004, R1 = 00000001, R2 = 00000001, R3 = 000003B5 R4 = 00000000, R5 = 00000000, R6 = 00000000, R7 = 00000000 USR: R8 =00000000, R9 =00000000, R10=00000000, R11 =00000000, R12 =00000000 R13=00000000, R14=00000000 FIQ: R8 =00000000, R9 =00000000, R10=00000000, R11 =00000000, R12 =00000000 R13=00200000, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000010 SVC: R13=002004E8, R14=0010025C, SPSR=00000010 ABT: R13=00200100, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000010 IRQ: R13=00200100, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000010 UND: R13=00200100, R14=00000000, SPSR=00000010 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 67 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server reset Resets and halts the target CPU. Make sure the device is selected prior to using this command to make use of the correct reset strategy. Note There are different reset strategies for different CPUs. Moreover, the reset strategies which are available differ from CPU core to CPU core. J-Link can perform various reset strategies and always selects the best fitting strategy for the selected device. Syntax reset Example > monitor reset < Resetting target semihosting breakOnError Enables or disables halting the target at the semihosting breakpoint / in SVC handler if an error occurred during a semihosting command, for example a bad file handle for SYS_WRITE. The GDB Server log window always shows a warning in these cases. breakOnError is disabled by default. Syntax semihosting breakOnerror Example #Enable breakOnError: > monitor semihosting breakOnError 1 semihosting enable Enables semihosting with the specified vector address. If no vector address is specified, the SWI vector (at address 0x8) will be used. GDBServer will output semihosting terminal data from the target via a separate connection on port 2333. Some IDEs already establish a connection automatically on this port and show terminal data in a specific window in the IDE. For IDEs which do not support semihosting terminal output directly, the easiest way to view semihosting output is to open a telnet connection to the GDBServer on port 2333. The connection on this port can be opened all the time as soon as GDBServer is started, even before this remote command is executed. Syntax semihosting enable [] Example > monitor semihosting enable < Semihosting enabled (VectorAddr = 0x08) semihosting IOClient GDB itself can handle (file) I/O operations, too. With this command it is selected whether to print output via TELNET port (2333), GDB, or both. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 68 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server is • • • 1 for TELNET Client (Standard port 2333) (Default) 2 for GDB Client or 3 for both (Input via GDB Client) Syntax semihosting IOClient Example #Select TELNET port as output source > monitor semihosting ioclient 1 < Semihosting I/O set to TELNET Client #Select GDB as output source > monitor semihosting ioclient 2 < Semihosting I/O set to GDB Client #Select TELNET port and GDB as output source > monitor semihosting ioclient 3 < Semihosting I/O set to TELNET and GDB Client semihosting ARMSWI Sets the SWI number used for semihosting in ARM mode. The default value for the ARMSWI is 0x123456. Syntax semihosting ARMSWI Example > monitor semihosting ARMSWI 0x123456 < Semihosting ARM SWI number set to 0x123456 semihosting ThumbSWI Sets the SWI number used for semihosting in thumb mode. The default value for the ThumbSWI is 0xAB Syntax semihosting ThumbSWI Example > monitor semihosting ThumbSWI 0xAB < Semihosting Thumb SWI number set to 0xAB setargs Set arguments for the application, where all arguments are in one separated by whitespaces. The argument string can be gotten by the application via semihosting command SYS_GET_CMDLINE (0x15). Semihosting has to be enabled for getting the argumentstring (see semihosting enable ). “monitor setargs” can be used before enabling semihosting. The maximum length for is 512 characters. Syntax setargs J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 69 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Example > monitor setargs test 0 1 2 arg0=4 < Arguments: test 0 1 2 arg0=4 setbp Sets an instruction breakpoint at the given address, where can be 0x03 for ARM instruction breakpoints (Instruction width 4 Byte, mask out lower 2 bits) or 0x01 for THUMB instruction breakpoints (Instruction width 2 Byte, mask out lower bit). If no mask is given, an ARM instruction breakpoint will be set. Syntax setbp [] Example #Set a breakpoint (implicit for ARM instructions) > monitor setbp 0x00000000 #Set a breakpoint on a THUMB instruction > monitor setbp 0x00000100 0x01 sleep Sleeps for a given time, where is the time period in milliseconds to delay. While sleeping any communication is blocked until the command returns after the given period. Syntax sleep Example > monitor sleep 1000 < Sleep 1000ms speed Note Deprecated. For setting the initial connection speed, use command line option -speed instead. Sets the JTAG speed of J-Link / J-Trace. Speed can be either fixed (in kHz), automatic recognition or adaptive. In general, Adaptive is recommended if the target has an RTCK signal which is connected to the corresponding RTCK pin of the device (S-cores only). For detailed information about the different modes, refer to JTAG Speed . The speed has to be set after selecting the interface, to change it from its default value. Syntax speed |auto|adaptive Example > monitor speed auto < Select auto target interface speed (8000 kHz) > monitor speed 4000 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 70 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server < Target interface speed set to 4000 kHz > monitor speed adaptive < Select adaptive clocking instead of fixed JTAG speed step Performs one or more single instruction steps, where is the number of instruction steps to perform. If is not specified only one instruction step will be performed. Syntax step [] or si [] Example > monitor step 3 SWO DisableTarget Disables the output of SWO data on the target (Undoes changes from SWO EnableTarget) and stops J-Link to capture it. Syntax SWO DisableTarget Example #Disable capturing SWO from stimulus ports 0 and 1 > monitor SWO DisableTarget 3 < SWO disabled successfully. SWO EnableTarget Configures the target to be able to output SWO data and starts J-Link to capture it. CPU and SWO frequency can be 0 for auto-detection. If CPUFreq is 0, J-Link will measure the current CPU speed. If SWOFreq is 0, J-Link will use the highest available SWO speed for the selected / measured CPU speed. Note CPUFreq has to be the speed at which the target will be running when doing SWO. If the speed is different from the current speed when issuing CPU speed auto-detection, getting SWO data might fail. SWOFreq has to be a quotient of the CPU and SWO speeds and their prescalers. To get available speed, use SWO GetSpeedInfo. PortMask can be a decimal or hexadecimal Value. Values starting with the Prefix “0x” are handled hexadecimal. Syntax SWO EnableTarget J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) monitor SWO EnableTarget 0 0 1 0 < SWO enabled successfully. #Configure SWO for stimulus ports 0-2, fixed SWO frequency and measure CPU frequency > monitor SWO EnableTarget 0 1200000 5 0 < SWO enabled successfully. #Configure SWO for stimulus ports 0-255, fixed CPU and SWO frequency > monitor SWO EnableTarget 72000000 6000000 0xFF 0 < SWO enabled successfully. SWO GetMaxSpeed Prints the maximum SWO speed supported by and matching both, J-Link and the target CPU frequency. Syntax SWO GetMaxSpeed Example #Get SWO speed for 72MHz CPU speed > monitor SWO GetMaxSpeed 72000000 < Maximum supported SWO speed is 6000000 Hz. SWO GetSpeedInfo Prints the base frequency and the minimum divider of the connected J-Link. With this information, the available SWO speeds for J-Link can be calculated and the matching one for the target CPU frequency can be selected. Syntax SWO GetSpeedInfo Example > monitor SWO GetSpeedInfo < Base frequency: 60000000Hz, MinDiv: 8 # Available SWO speeds for J-Link are: 7.5MHz, 6.66MHz, 6MHz, ... waithalt Waits for target to halt code execution, where is the maximum time period in milliseconds to wait. Syntax waithalt or wh Example #Wait for halt with a timeout of 2 seconds J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 72 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server > monitor waithalt 2000 wice Writes to given IceBreaker register, where is the data to write. Syntax wice or rmib Example > monitor wice 0x0C 0x100 3.3.4 SEGGER-specific GDB protocol extensions J-Link GDB Server implements some functionality which are not part of the standard GDB remote protocol in general query packets. These SEGGER-specific general query packets can be sent to GDB Server on the low-level of GDB, via maintenance commands, or with a custom client connected to GDB Server. General query packets start with a ’q’. SEGGER-specific general queries are followed by the identifier ’Segger’ plus the command group, the actual command and its parameters. Following SEGGER-specific general query packets are available: Query Packet Explanation qSeggerSTRACE:config Configure STRACE for usage. qSeggerSTRACE:start Start STRACE. qSeggerSTRACE:stop Stop STRACE. qSeggerSTRACE:read Read STRACE data. qSeggerSWO:start Starts collecting SWO data. qSeggerSWO:stop Stops collecting SWO data. qSeggerSWO:read Reads data from SWO buffer. qSeggerSWO:GetNumBytes Returns the SWO buffer status. qSeggerSWO:GetSpeedInfo Returns info about supported speeds. qSeggerSTRACE:config Configures STRACE for usage. Note For more information please refer to UM08002 (J-Link SDK user guide), chapter STRACE . Syntax qSeggerSTRACE:config: Parameter ConfigString J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) Meaning String containing the configuration data separating settings by ’;’. © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 73 CHAPTER 3 J-Link GDB Server Response ReturnValue is a 4 Byte signed integer. Value ReturnValue Meaning ≥ 0 O.K. Terminals… or their respective shortcuts as described below. 3.7.4 Sending Input RTT Viewer supports sending user input to RTT Down Channel 0 which can be read by the target application with SEGGER_RTT_GetKey() and SEGGER_RTT_Read(). Input can be entered in the text box below the Terminal Tabs. RTT Viewer can be configured to directly send each character while typing or buffer it until Enter is pressed (Menu Input -> Sending…). In stand-alone mode RTT Viewer can retry to send input, in case the target input buffer is full, until all data could be sent to the target via Input -> Sending… -> Block if FIFO full. 3.7.5 Logging Terminal output The output of Channel 0 can be logged into a text file. The format is the same as used in the All Terminals tab. Terminal Logging can be started via Logging -> Start Terminal Logging… 3.7.6 Logging Data Additionally to displaying output of Channel 0, RTT Viewer can log data which is sent on RTT Channel 1 into a file. This can for example be used to sent instrumented event tracing data. The data log file contains header and footer and the binary data as received from the application. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 98 CHAPTER 3 J-Link RTT Viewer Data Logging can be started via Logging -> Start Data Logging… Note Data Logging is only available in stand-alone mode. 3.7.7 Command line options J-Link RTT Viewer can be configured via command line parameters. In the following, the command line options which are available for J-Link RTT Viewer are explained. All command line options are case insensitive. Short and long command names have the same syntax. Command line option Explanation -d, –device Select the connected target device. -ct, –connection Sets the connection type -if, –interface Sets the interface type -ip, –host The IP address of the J-Link -s, –speed Interface speed in kHz -sn, –serialnumber Select the J-Link with a specific S/N -ra, –rttaddr Sets the address of the RTT control block -rr, –rttrange Specify RTT search range -a, –autoconnect Automatically connect to target, suppress settings dialog --device Selects the device J-Link RTT Viewer shall connect to. Syntax –device Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –device STM32F103ZE --connection Sets the connection type. The connection to the J-Link can either be made directly over USB, IP or using an existing running session (e.g. the IDE’s debug session). In case of using an existing session, no further configuration options are required. Syntax –connection Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –connection ip --interface Sets the interface J-Link shall use to connect to the target. As interface types FINE, JTAG and SWD are supported. Syntax –interface J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 99 CHAPTER 3 J-Link RTT Viewer Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –interface swd --host Enter the IP address or hostname of the J-Link. This option only applies, if connection type IP is used. Use * as for a list of available J-Links in the local subnet. Syntax –host Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –host --speed Sets the interface speed in kHz for target communication. Syntax –speed Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –speed 4000 --serialnumber Connect to a J-Link with a specific serial number via USB. Useful if multiple J-Links are connected to the same PC and multiple instances of J-Link RTT Viewer shall run and each connects to another J-Link. Syntax –serialnumber Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –serialnumber 580011111 --rttaddr Sets a fixed address as location of the RTT control block. Automatic searching for the RTT control block is disabled. Syntax –rttaddr Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe -rttaddr 0x20000000 --rttrange Sets one or more memory ranges, where the J-Link DLL shall search for the RTT control block. Syntax –rttrange [, ]> J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 100 CHAPTER 3 J-Link RTT Viewer Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe -rttrange “20000000 400” --autoconnect Let J-Link RTT Viewer connect automatically to the target without showing the Connection Settings (see Connection Settings ). Syntax –autoconnect Example JLinkRTTViewer.exe –autoconnect 3.7.8 Menus and Shortcuts File menu elements Menu entry Contents Shortcut -> Connect… Opens the connect dialog and connects to the targets F2 -> Disconnect Disconnects from the target F3 -> Exit Closes connection and exit RTT Viewer. Alt-F4 Terminals menu elements Menu entry Contents Shortcut -> Add next terminal Opens the next available Terminal Tab. Alt-A -> Clear active terminal Clears the currently selected terminal tab. Alt-R -> Close active terminal Closes the active Terminal Tab. Alt-W -> Open Terminal on output If selected, a terminal is automatically created, if data for this terminal is received. -> Show Log Opens or closes the Log Tab. Alt-L Opens or closes the Terminal Tab. AltShift-0 AltShift-F Terminals -> Terminals… –> Terminal 0 - 15 Input menu elements Menu entry -> Clear input field Contents Clears the input field without sending entered data. Shortcut Button “Clear” Input -> Sending… –> Send on Input If selected, entered input will be sent directly to the target while typing. –> Send on Enter If selected, entered input will be sent when pressing Enter. –> Block if FIFO full If checked, RTT Viewer will retry to send all input to the target when the target buffer is full. Input -> End of line… J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 101 CHAPTER 3 J-Link RTT Viewer Menu entry Contents –> Windows format (CR +LF) –> Unix format (LF) –> Mac format (CR) –> None Selects the end of line character to be sent on Enter. Shortcut Input -> Echo input… –> Echo to “All Terminals” If checked, sent input will be displayed in the All Terminals Tab. –> Echo to “Terminal 0” If checked, sent input will be displayed in the Terminal Tab 0. Logging menu elements Menu entry -> Start Terminal logging… Contents Starts logging terminal data to a file. Shortcut F5 -> Stop Terminal logging Stops logging terminal data and closes the file. Shift-F5 -> Start Data logging… Starts logging data of Channel 1 to a file. F6 -> Stop Data logging Stops logging data and closes the file. Shift-F6 Help menu elements Menu entry Contents Shortcut -> About… Shows version info of RTT Viewer. F12 -> J-Link Manual… Opens the J-Link Manual PDF file. F11 -> RTT Webpage… Opens the RTT webpage. F10 Tab context menu elements Menu entry Contents Shortcut -> Close Terminal Closes this Terminal Tab Alt-W -> Clear Terminal Clears the displayed output of this Terminal Tab. Alt-R 3.7.9 Using "virtual" Terminals in RTT For virtual Terminals the target application needs only Up Channel 0. This is especially important on targets with low RAM. If nothing is configured, all data is sent to Terminal 0. The Terminal to output all following via Write, WriteString or printf can be set with SEGGER_RTT_SetTerminal(). Output of only one string via a specific Terminal can be done with SEGGER_RTT_TerminalOut(). The sequences sent to change the Terminal are interpreted by RTT Viewer. Other applications like a Telnet Client will ignore them. 3.7.10 Using Text Control Codes RTT allows using Text Control Codes (ANSI escape codes) to configure the display of text. RTT Viewer supports changing the text color and background color and can erase the Terminal. These Control Codes are pre-defined in the RTT application and can easily be used in the application. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 102 CHAPTER 3 J-Link RTT Viewer Example 1 SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0, RTT_CTRL_RESET"Red: " \ RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BRIGHT_RED"This text is red. " \ RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BLACK"" \ RTT_CTRL_BG_BRIGHT_RED"This background is red. " \ RTT_CTRL_RESET"Normal text again." ); Example 2 SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "%sTime:%s%s %.7d\n", RTT_CTRL_RESET, RTT_CTRL_BG_BRIGHT_RED, RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BRIGHT_WHITE, 1111111 ); // // Clear the terminal. // The first line will not be shown after this command. // SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0, RTT_CTRL_CLEAR); SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "%sTime: %s%s%.7d\n", RTT_CTRL_RESET, RTT_CTRL_BG_BRIGHT_RED, RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BRIGHT_WHITE, 2222222 ); J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 103 CHAPTER 3 3.8 J-Link SWO Viewer J-Link SWO Viewer Free-of-charge utility for J-Link. Displays the terminal output of the target using the SWO pin. The stimulus port(s) from which SWO data is received can be chosen by using the port checkboxes 0 to 31. Can be used in parallel with a debugger or stand-alone. This is especially useful when using debuggers which do not come with built-in support for SWO such as most GDB / GDB+Eclipse based debug environments. J-Link SWO Viewer CL Command line-only version of SWO Viewer. All commands available for J-Link SWO Viewer can be used with J-Link SWO Viewer Cl. Similar to the GUI Version, J-Link SWO Viewer Cl asks for a device name or CPU clock speed at startup to be able to calculate the correct SWO speed or to connect to a running J-Link GDB Server. Using the syntax given below(see List of available command line options ), J-Link SWO Viewer Cl can be directly started with parameters. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 104 CHAPTER 3 3.8.1 J-Link SWO Viewer Usage J-Link SWO Viewer is available via the start menu. It asks for a device name or CPU clock speed at startup to be able to calculate the correct SWO speed or to connect to a running J-Link GDB Server. When running in normal mode J-Link SWO Viewer automatically performs the necessary initialization to enable SWO output on the target, in GDB Server mode the initialization has to be done by the debugger. 3.8.2 List of available command line options J-Link SWO Viewer can also be controlled from the command line if used in a automated test environment etc. When passing all necessary information to the utility via command line, the configuration dialog at startup is suppressed. Minimum information needed by JLink SWO Viewer is the device name (to enable CPU frequency auto detection) or the CPU clock speed. The table below lists the commands accepted by the J-Link SWO View Command Description -cpufreq Select the CPU frequency. -device Select the target device. -itmmask Selects a set of itm stimulus ports which should be used to listen to. -itmport Selects a itm stimulus port which should be used to listen to. -outputfile Print the output of SWO Viewer to the selected file. -settingsfile Specify a J-Link settings file. -swofreq Select the CPU frequency. -cpufreq Defines the speed in Hz the CPU is running at. If the CPU is for example running at 96 MHz, the command line should look as below. Syntax -cpufreq Example -cpufreq 96000000 -device Select the target device to enable the CPU frequency auto detection of the J-Link DLL. To select a ST STM32F207IG as target device, the command line should look as below. For a list of all supported device names, please refer to: List of supported target devices J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 105 CHAPTER 3 J-Link SWO Viewer Syntax -device Example -device STM32F207IG -itmmask Defines a set of stimulusports from which SWO data is received and displayed by SWO Viewer. If itmmask is given, itmport will be ignored. Syntax -itmmask Example Listen on ports 0 and 2 -itmmask 0x5 -itmport Defines the stimulus port from which SWO data is received and displayed by the SWO Viewer. Default is stimulus port 0. The command line should look as below. Syntax -itmport Example -itmport 0 -outputfile Define a file to which the output of SWO Viewer is printed. Syntax -outputfile Example -outputfile “C:\Temp\Output.log” -settingsfile Select a J-Link settings file to use for the target device. Syntax -settingsfile Example -settingsfile “C:\Temp\Settings.jlink” -swofreq Define the SWO frequency that shall be used by J-Link SWO Viewer for sampling SWO data. Usually not necessary to define since optimal SWO speed is calculated automatically based on the CPU frequency and the capabilities of the connected J-Link. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 106 CHAPTER 3 J-Link SWO Viewer Syntax -swofreq Example -swofreq 6000 3.8.3 Configure SWO output after device reset In some situations it might happen that the target application is reset and it is desired to log the SWO output of the target after reset during the booting process. For such situations, the target application itself needs to initialize the CPU for SWO output, since the SWO Viewer is not restarted but continuously running. Example code for enabling SWO out of the target application #define ITM_ENA #define ITM_TPR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0000E00) // ITM Enable (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0000E40) // Trace Privilege // Register #define ITM_TCR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0000E80) // ITM Trace Control Reg. #define ITM_LSR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0000FB0) // ITM Lock Status // Register #define DHCSR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE000EDF0) // Debug register #define DEMCR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE000EDFC) // Debug register #define TPIU_ACPR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0040010) // Async Clock // prescaler register #define TPIU_SPPR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE00400F0) // Selected Pin Protocol // Register #define DWT_CTRL (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0001000) // DWT Control Register #define FFCR (*(volatile unsigned int*)0xE0040304) // Formatter and flush // Control Register U32 _ITMPort = 0; // The stimulus port from which SWO data is received // and displayed. U32 TargetDiv = 1; // Has to be calculated according to // the CPU speed and the output baud rate static void _EnableSWO() { U32 StimulusRegs; // // Enable access to SWO registers // DEMCR |= (1 Add/ Remove Programs ) select Windows Driver Package - Segger (jlink) USB and click the Change/Remove button. 3. Confirm the uninstallation process. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 124 CHAPTER 4 4.3 Setting up the IP interface Setting up the IP interface Some emulators of the J-Link family have (or future members will have) an additional Ethernet interface, to communicate with the host system. These emulators will also come with a built-in web server which allows configuration of the emulator via web interface. In addition to that, you can set a default gateway for the emulator which allows using it even in large intranets. For simplicity the setup process of J-Link Pro (referred to as J-Link) is described in this section. 4.3.1 Configuring J-Link using J-Link Configurator The J-Link Software and Documentation Package comes with a free GUI-based utility called J-Link Configurator which auto-detects all J-Links that are connected to the host PC via USB & Ethernet. The J-Link Configurator allows the user to setup the IP interface of JLink. For more information about how to use the J-Link Configurator, please refer to JLink Configurator . 4.3.2 Configuring J-Link using the webinterface All emulators of the J-Link family which come with an Ethernet interface also come with a built-in web server, which provides a web interface for configuration. This enables the user to configure J-Link without additional tools, just with a simple web browser. The Home page of the web interface shows the serial number, the current IP address and the MAC address of the J-Link. The Network configuration page allows configuration of network related settings (IP address, subnet mask, default gateway) of J-Link. The user can choose between automatic IP assignment (settings are provided by a DHCP server in the network) and manual IP assignment by selecting the appropriate radio button. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 125 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) CHAPTER 4 Setting up the IP interface © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 126 4.4 CHAPTER 4 FAQs FAQs Q: How can I use J-Link with GDB and Ethernet? A: You have to use the J-Link GDB Server in order to connect to J-Link via GDB and Ethernet. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 127 CHAPTER 4 4.5 J-Link Configurator J-Link Configurator Normally, no configuration is required, especially when using J-Link via USB. For special cases like having multiple older J-Links connected to the same host PC in parallel, they need to be re-configured to be identified by their real serial number when enumerating on the host PC. This is the default identification method for current J-Links (J-Link with hardware version 8 or later). For re-configuration of old J-Links or for configuration of the IP settings (use DHCP, IP address, subnet mask, …) of a J-Link supporting the Ethernet interface, SEGGER provides a GUI-based tool, called J-Link Configurator. The J-Link Configurator is part of the J-Link Software and Documentation Package and can be used free of charge. 4.5.1 Configure J-Links using the J-Link Configurator A J-Link can be easily configured by selecting the appropriate J-Link from the emulator list and using right click -> Configure. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 128 CHAPTER 4 J-Link Configurator In order to configure an old J-Link, which uses the old USB 0 - 3 USB identification method, to use the new USB identification method (reporting the real serial number) simply select “Real SN” as USB identification method and click the OK button. The same dialog also allows configuration of the IP settings of the connected J-Link if it supports the Ethernet interface. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 129 CHAPTER 4 4.6 J-Link USB identification J-Link USB identification In general, when using USB, there are two ways in which a J-Link can be identified: • • By serial number By USB address Default configuration of J-Link is: Identification by serial number. Identification via USB address is used for compatibility and not recommended. Background information “USB address” really means changing the USB-Product ID (PID). The following table shows how J-Links enumerate in the different identification modes. Identification PID Serial number Serial number (default) 0x0101 Serial number is real serial number of the J-Link or user assigned. USB address 0 (Deprecated) 0x0101 123456 USB address 1 (Deprecated) 0x0102 123456 USB address 2 (Deprecated) 0x0103 123456 USB address 3 (Deprecated) 0x0104 123456 4.6.1 Connecting to different J-Links connected to the same host PC via USB In general, when having multiple J-Links connected to the same PC, the J-Link to connect to is explicitly selected by its serial number. Most software/debuggers provide an extra field to type-in the serial number of the J-Link to connect to. A debugger / software which does not provide such a functionality, the J-Link DLL automatically detects that multiple J-Links are connected to the PC and shows a selection dialog which allows the user to select the appropriate J-Link to connect to. So even in IDEs which do not have an selection option for the J-Link, it is possible to connect to different J-Links. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 130 CHAPTER 4 4.7 Using the J-Link DLL Using the J-Link DLL 4.7.1 What is the JLink DLL? The J-LinkARM.dll is a standard Windows DLL typically used from C or C++, but also Visual Basic or Delphi projects. It makes the entire functionality of the J-Link / J-Trace available through the exported functions. The functionality includes things such as halting/stepping the ARM core, reading/writing CPU and ICE registers and reading/writing memory. Therefore, it can be used in any kind of application accessing a CPU core. 4.7.2 Updating the DLL in third-party programs The JLink DLL can be used by any debugger that is designed to work with it. Some debuggers are usually shipped with the J-Link DLL already installed. Anyhow it may make sense to replace the included DLL with the latest one available, to take advantage of improvements in the newer version. Updating the J-Link DLL in the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM) 4.7.3 Determining the version of JLink DLL To determine which version of the JLinkARM.dll you are using, the DLL version can be viewed by right clicking the DLL in explorer and choosing Properties from the context menu. Click the Version tab to display information about the product version. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 131 CHAPTER 4 4.7.4 Using the J-Link DLL Determining which DLL is used by a program To verify that the program you are working with is using the DLL you expect it to use, you can investigate which DLLs are loaded by your program with tools like Sysinternals’ Process Explorer. It shows you details about the DLLs used by your program, such as manufacturer and version. Process Explorer is - at the time of writing - a free utility which can be downloaded from www.sysinternals.com . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG Chapter 5 Working with J-Link and JTrace This chapter describes functionality and how to use J-Link and J-Trace. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 133 5.1 CHAPTER 5 Supported IDEs Supported IDEs J-Link supports almost all popular IDEs available today. If support for a IDE is lacking, feel free to get in contact with SEGGER. (see Contact Information ) For a list of supported 3rd-party debuggers and IDEs and documentation on how to get started with those IDEs and J-Link / J-Trace es well as on how to use the advanced features of J-Link / J-Trace with any of them, please refer to: SEGGER Wiki: Getting Started with Various IDEs and List of supported IDEs J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 134 CHAPTER 5 5.2 Connecting the target system Connecting the target system 5.2.1 Power-on sequence In general, J-Link / J-Trace should be powered on before connecting it with the target device. That means you should first connect J-Link / J-Trace with the host system via USB and then connect J-Link / J-Trace with the target device via JTAG. Power-on the device after you connected J-Link / J-Trace to it. 5.2.2 Verifying target device connection If the USB driver is working properly and your J-Link / J-Trace is connected with the host system, you may connect J-Link / J-Trace to your target hardware. Then start JLink.exe which should now display the normal J-Link / J-Trace related information and in addition to that it should report that it found a JTAG target and the target’s core ID. The screenshot below shows the output of JLink.exe . As can be seen, it reports a J-Link with one JTAG device connected. 5.2.3 Problems If you experience problems with any of the steps described above, read the chapter Support and FAQs for troubleshooting tips. If you still do not find appropriate help there and your JLink / J-Trace is an original SEGGER product, you can contact SEGGER support via e-mail. Provide the necessary information about your target processor, board etc. and we will try to solve your problem. A checklist of the required information together with the contact information can be found in chapter Support and FAQs as well. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 135 CHAPTER 5 5.3 Indicators Indicators J-Link uses indicators (LEDs) to give the user some information about the current status of the connected J-Link. All J-Links feature the main indicator. Some newer J-Links such as the J-Link Pro / Ultra come with additional input/output Indicators. In the following, the meaning of these indicators will be explained. 5.3.1 Main indicator For J-Links up to V7, the main indicator is single color (Green). J-Link V8 comes with a bicolor indicator (Green & Red LED), which can show multiple colors: green, red and orange. Single color indicator (J-Link V7 and earlier) Indicator status Meaning GREEN, flashing at 10 Hz Emulator enumerates. GREEN, flickering Emulator is in operation. Whenever the emulator is executing a command, the LED is switched off temporarily. Flickering speed depends on target interface speed. At low interface speeds, operations typically take longer and the “OFF” periods are typically longer than at fast speeds. GREEN, constant Emulator has enumerated and is in idle mode. GREEN, switched off for 10ms once per second J-Link heart beat. Will be activated after the emulator has been in idle mode for at least 7 seconds. GREEN, flashing at 1 Hz Emulator has a fatal error. This should not normally happen. Bi-color indicator (J-Link V8) Indicator status Meaning GREEN, flashing at 10 Hz Emulator enumerates. GREEN, flickering Emulator is in operation. Whenever the emulator is executing a command, the LED is switched off temporarily. Flickering speed depends on target interface speed. At low interface speeds, operations typically take longer and the “OFF” periods are typically longer than at fast speeds. GREEN, constant Emulator has enumerated and is in idle mode. GREEN, switched off for 10ms once per second J-Link heart beat. Will be activated after the emulator has been in idle mode for at least 7 seconds. ORANGE Reset is active on target. RED, flashing at 1 Hz Emulator has a fatal error. This should not normally happen. 5.3.2 Input indicator Some newer J-Links such as the J-Link Pro/Ultra come with additional input/output indicators. The input indicator is used to give the user some information about the status of the target hardware. Bi-color input indicator Indicator status Meaning GREEN Target voltage could be measured. Target is connected. ORANGE Target voltage could be measured. RESET is pulled low (active) on target side. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 136 CHAPTER 5 Indicator status Meaning RESET is pulled low (active) on target side. If no target is connected, reset will also be active on target side. RED 5.3.3 Indicators Output indicator Some newer J-Links such as the J-Link Pro/Ultra come with additional input/output indicators. The output indicator is used to give the user some information about the emulator-totarget connection. Bi-color output indicator Indicator status Meaning OFF Target power supply via Pin 19 is not active. GREEN Target power supply via Pin 19 is active. ORANGE Target power supply via Pin 19 is active. Emulator pulls RESET low (active). RED Emulator pulls RESET low (active). J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 137 CHAPTER 5 5.4 JTAG interface JTAG interface By default, only one device is assumed to be in the JTAG scan chain. If you have multiple devices in the scan chain, you must properly configure it. To do so, you have to specify the exact position of the CPU that should be addressed. Configuration of the scan is done by the target application. A target application can be a debugger such as the IAR C-SPY® debugger, ARM’s AXD using RDI, a flash programming application such as SEGGER’s JFlash, or any other application using J-Link / J-Trace. It is the application’s responsibility to supply a way to configure the scan chain. Most applications offer a dialog box for this purpose. 5.4.1 Multiple devices in the scan chain J-Link / J-Trace can handle multiple devices in the scan chain. This applies to hardware where multiple chips are connected to the same JTAG connector. As can be seen in the following figure, the TCK and TMS lines of all JTAG device are connected, while the TDI and TDO lines form a bus. Currently, up to 8 devices in the scan chain are supported. One or more of these devices can be CPU cores; the other devices can be of any other type but need to comply with the JTAG standard. Configuration The configuration of the scan chain depends on the application used. Read JTAG interface for further instructions and configuration examples. 5.4.2 Sample configuration dialog boxes As explained before, it is the responsibility of the application to allow the user to configure the scan chain. This is typically done in a dialog box; some sample dialog boxes are shown below. SEGGER J-Flash configuration dialog This dialog box can be found at Options|Project settings. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 138 CHAPTER 5 JTAG interface SEGGER J-Link RDI configuration dialog box This dialog can be found under RDI|Configure for example in IAR Embedded Workbench®. For detailed information check the IAR Embedded Workbench user guide. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 139 CHAPTER 5 5.4.3 JTAG interface Determining values for scan chain configuration If only one device is connected to the scan chain, the default configuration can be used. In other cases, J-Link / J-Trace may succeed in automatically recognizing the devices on the scan chain, but whether this is possible depends on the devices present on the scan chain. How do I configure the scan chain? 2 values need to be known: • • The position of the target device in the scan chain. The total number of bits in the instruction registers of the devices before the target device (IR len). The position can usually be seen in the schematic; the IR len can be found in the manual supplied by the manufacturers of the others devices. ARM7/ARM9 have an IR len of four. Sample configurations The diagram below shows a scan chain configuration sample with 2 devices connected to the JTAG port. Examples The following table shows a few sample configurations with 1,2 and 3 devices in different configurations. Device 0 Chip(IR len) Device 1 Chip(IR len) Device 2 Chip(IR len) Position IR len ARM(4) - - 0 0 ARM(4) Xilinx(8) - 0 0 Xilinx(8) ARM(4) - 1 8 Xilinx(8) Xilinx(8) ARM(4) 2 16 ARM(4) Xilinx(8) ARM(4) 0 0 ARM(4) Xilinx(8) ARM(4) 2 12 Xilinx(8) ARM(4) Xilinx(8) 1 8 The target device is marked in blue. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 140 CHAPTER 5 5.4.4 JTAG interface JTAG Speed There are basically three types of speed settings: • • • Fixed JTAG speed. Automatic JTAG speed. Adaptive clocking. These are explained below. Fixed JTAG speed The target is clocked at a fixed clock speed. The maximum JTAG speed the target can handle depends on the target itself. In general CPU cores without JTAG synchronization logic (such as ARM7-TDMI) can handle JTAG speeds up to the CPU speed, ARM cores with JTAG synchronization logic (such as ARM7-TDMI-S, ARM946E-S, ARM966EJ-S) can handle JTAG speeds up to 1/6 of the CPU speed. JTAG speeds of more than 10 MHz are not recommended. Automatic JTAG speed Selects the maximum JTAG speed handled by the TAP controller. Note On ARM cores without synchronization logic, this may not work reliably, because the CPU core may be clocked slower than the maximum JTAG speed. Adaptive clocking If the target provides the RTCK signal, select the adaptive clocking function to synchronize the clock to the processor clock outside the core. This ensures there are no synchronization problems over the JTAG interface. If you use the adaptive clocking feature, transmission delays, gate delays, and synchronization requirements result in a lower maximum clock frequency than with non-adaptive clocking. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 141 CHAPTER 5 5.5 SWD interface SWD interface The J-Link support ARMs Serial Wire Debug (SWD). SWD replaces the 5-pin JTAG port with a clock (SWDCLK) and a single bi-directional data pin (SWDIO), providing all the normal JTAG debug and test functionality. SWDIO and SWCLK are overlaid on the TMS and TCK pins. In order to communicate with a SWD device, J-Link sends out data on SWDIO, synchronous to the SWCLK. With every rising edge of SWCLK, one bit of data is transmitted or received on the SWDIO. 5.5.1 SWD speed Currently only fixed SWD speed is supported by J-Link. The target is clocked at a fixed clock speed. The SWD speed which is used for target communication should not exceed target CPU speed * 10 . The maximum SWD speed which is supported by J-Link depends on the hardware version and model of J-Link. For more information about the maximum SWD speed for each J-Link / J-Trace model, please refer to J-Link / J-Trace models on page 29. 5.5.2 SWO Serial Wire Output (SWO) support means support for a single pin output signal from the core. The Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) and Serial Wire Output (SWO) can be used to form a Serial Wire Viewer (SWV). The Serial Wire Viewer provides a low cost method of obtaining information from inside the MCU. Usually it should not be necessary to configure the SWO speed because this is usually done by the debugger. Max. SWO speeds The supported SWO speeds depend on the connected emulator. They can be retrieved from the emulator. To get the supported SWO speeds for your emulator, use J-Link Commander: J-Link> si 1 //Select target interface SWD J-Link> SWOSpeed Currently, following speeds are supported: Emulator Speed formula Resulting max. speed J-Link V9 60MHz/n, n ≥ 8 7.5 MHz J-Link Pro/ULTRA V4 3.2GHz/n, n ≥ 64 50 MHz Configuring SWO speeds The max. SWO speed in practice is the max. speed which both, target and J-Link can handle. J-Link can handle the frequencies described in SWO whereas the max. deviation between the target and the J-Link speed is about 3%. The computation of possible SWO speeds is typically done in the debugger. The SWO output speed of the CPU is determined by TRACECLKIN, which is normally the same as the CPU clock. Example 1 Target CPU running at 72 MHz. n is between 1 and 8192. Possible SWO output speeds are: 72MHz, 36MHz, 24MHz, ... J-Link V9: Supported SWO input speeds are: 60MHz / n, n>= 8: 7.5MHz, 6.66MHz, 6MHz, ... Permitted combinations are: SWO output 6MHz, n = 12 J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) SWO input 6MHz, n = 10 Deviation percent 0 © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 142 CHAPTER 5 SWO output SWO input SWD interface Deviation percent 4MHz, n = 18 4MHz, n = 15 0 … … ≤3 2MHz, n = 36 2MHz, n = 30 0 … … … TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Example 2 Target CPU running at 10 MHz. Possible SWO output speeds are: 10MHz, 5MHz, 3.33MHz, ... J-Link V7: Supported SWO input speeds are: 6MHz / n, n>= 1: 6MHz, 3MHz, 2MHz, 1.5MHz, ... Permitted combinations are: SWO output SWO input Deviation percent 2MHz, n = 5 2MHz, n = 3 0 1MHz, n = 10 1MHz, n = 6 0 769kHz, n = 13 750kHz, n = 8 2.53 … … … J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 143 CHAPTER 5 5.6 Multi-core debugging Multi-core debugging J-Link / J-Trace is able to debug multiple cores on one target system connected to the same scan chain. Configuring and using this feature is described in this section. 5.6.1 How multi-core debugging works Multi-core debugging requires multiple debuggers or multiple instances of the same debugger. Two or more debuggers can use the same J-Link / J-Trace simultaneously. Configuring a debugger to work with a core in a multi-core environment does not require special settings. All that is required is proper setup of the scan chain for each debugger. This enables J-Link / J-Trace to debug more than one core on a target at the same time. The following figure shows a host, debugging two CPU cores with two instances of the same debugger. Both debuggers share the same physical connection. The core to debug is selected through the JTAG-settings as described below. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 144 CHAPTER 5 5.6.2 Multi-core debugging Using multi-core debugging in detail 1. Connect your target to J-Link / J-Trace. 2. Start your debugger, for example IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM. 3. Choose Project|Options and configure your scan chain. The picture below shows the configuration for the first CPU core on your target. 4. Start debugging the first core. 5. Start another debugger, for example another instance of IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM. 6. Choose Project|Options and configure your second scan chain. The following dialog box shows the configuration for the second ARM core on your target. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 145 CHAPTER 5 Multi-core debugging 7. Start debugging your second core. Core #1 Core #2 TAP number debugger #1 Core #3 TAP number debugger #2 ARM7TDMI ARM7TDMI-S ARM7TDMI 0 1 ARM7TDMI ARM7TDMI ARM7TDMI 0 2 ARM7TDMI-S ARM7TDMI-S ARM7TDMI-S 1 2 5.6.3 Things you should be aware of Multi-core debugging is more difficult than single-core debugging. You should be aware of the pitfalls related to JTAG speed and resetting the target. JTAG speed Each core has its own maximum JTAG speed. The maximum JTAG speed of all cores in the same chain is the minimum of the maximum JTAG speeds. For example: • • • Core #1: 2MHz maximum JTAG speed Core #2: 4MHz maximum JTAG speed Scan chain: 2MHz maximum JTAG speed Resetting the target All cores share the same RESET line. You should be aware that resetting one core through the RESET line means resetting all cores which have their RESET pins connected to the RESET line on the target. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 146 CHAPTER 5 5.7 Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC In general, it is possible to have an unlimited number of J-Links / J-Traces connected to the same PC. Current J-Link models are already factory-configured to be used in a multi-J-Link environment, older J-Links can be re-configured to use them in a multi-J-link environment. 5.7.1 How does it work? USB devices are identified by the OS by their product ID, vendor id and serial number. The serial number reported by current J-Links is a unique number which allows to have an almost unlimited number of J-Links connected to the same host at the same time. In order to connect to the correct J-Link, the user has to make sure that the correct J-Link is selected (by SN or IP). In cases where no specific J-Link is selected, following pop up will shop and allow the user to select the proper J-Link: The sketch below shows a host, running two application programs. Each application communicates with one CPU core via a separate J-Link. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 147 CHAPTER 5 Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC Older J-Links may report USB0-3 instead of unique serial number when enumerating via USB. For these J-Links, we recommend to re-configure them to use the new enumeration method (report real serial number) since the USB0-3 behavior is obsolete. Re-configuration can be done by using the J-Link Configurator, which is part of the J-Link Software and Documentation Package. For further information about the J-Link Configurator and how to use it, please refer to J-Link Configurator . Re-configuration to the old USB 0-3 enumeration method In some special cases, it may be necessary to switch back to the obsolete USB 0-3 enumeration method. For example, old IAR EWARM versions supports connecting to a J-Link via the USB0-3 method only. As soon as more than one J-Link is connected to the pc, there is no opportunity to pre-select the J-Link which should be used for a debug session. Below, a small instruction of how to re-configure J-Link to enumerate with the old obsolete enumeration method in order to prevent compatibility problems, a short instruction is give on how to set USB enumeration method to USB 2 is given: Config area byte Meaning 0 USB-Address. Can be set to 0-3, 0xFF is default which means USB-Address 0. 1 Enumeration method 0x00 / 0xFF: USB-Address is used for enumeration. 0x01: Real-SN is used for enumeration. Example for setting enumeration method to USB 2: 1. 2. 3. 4. Start J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) which is part of the J-Link software Enter wconf 0 02 // Set USB-Address 2 Enter wconf 1 00 // Set enumeration method to USB-Address Power-cycle J-Link in order to apply new configuration. Re-configuration to REAL-SN enumeration can be done by using the J-Link Configurator, which is part of the JLink Software and Documentation Package. For further information about the J-Link Configurator and how to use it, please refer to J-Link Configurator . J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 148 CHAPTER 5 5.8 J-Link control panel J-Link control panel Since software version V3.86 J-Link the J-Link control panel window allows the user to monitor the J-Link status and the target status information in real-time. It also allows the user to configure the use of some J-Link features such as flash download, flash breakpoints and instruction set simulation. The J-Link control panel window can be accessed via the JLink tray icon in the tray icon list. This icon is available when the debug session is started. To open the status window, simply click on the tray icon. 5.8.1 Tabs The J-Link status window supports different features which are grouped in tabs. The organization of each tab and the functionality which is behind these groups will be explained in this section General In the General section, general information about J-Link and the target hardware are shown. Moreover the following general settings can be configured: • • • Show tray icon: If this checkbox is disabled the tray icon will not show from the next time the DLL is loaded. Start minimized: If this checkbox is disabled the J-Link status window will show up automatically each time the DLL is loaded. Always on top: If this checkbox is enabled the J-Link status window is always visible even if other windows will be opened. The general information about target hardware and J-Link which are shown in this section, are: • • • • • • • Process: Shows the path of the file which loaded the DLL. J-Link: Shows OEM of the connected J-Link, the hardware version and the Serial number. If no J-Link is connected it shows “not connected” and the color indicator is red. Target interface: Shows the selected target interface (JTAG/SWD) and the current JTAG speed. The target current is also shown. (Only visible if J-Link is connected) Endian: Shows the target endianness (Only visible if J-Link is connected) Device: Shows the selected device for the current debug session. License: Opens the J-Link license manager. About: Opens the about dialog. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 149 CHAPTER 5 J-Link control panel Settings In the Settings section project- and debug-specific settings can be set. It allows the configuration of the use of flash download and flash breakpoints and some other target specific settings which will be explained in this topic. Settings are saved in the configuration file. This configuration file needs to be set by the debugger. If the debugger does not set it, settings can not be saved. All settings which are modified during the debug session have to be saved by pressing Save settings, otherwise they are lost when the debug session is closed. Section: Flash download In this section, settings for the use of the J-Link FlashDL feature and related settings can be configured. When a license for J-Link FlashDL is found, the color indicator is green and “License found” appears right to the J-Link FlashDL usage settings. • • • • • Auto: This is the default setting of J-Link FlashDL usage. If a license is found J-Link FlashDL is enabled. Otherwise J-Link FlashDL will be disabled internally. On: Enables the J-Link FlashDL feature. If no license has been found an error message appears. Off: Disables the J-Link FlashDL feature. Skip download on CRC match: J-Link checks the CRC of the flash content to determine if the current application has already been downloaded to the flash. If a CRC match occurs, the flash download is not necessary and skipped. (Only available if J-Link FlashDL usage is configured as Auto or On ) Verify download: If this checkbox is enabled J-Link verifies the flash content after the download. (Only available if J-Link FlashDL usage is configured as Auto or On ) Section: Flash breakpoints: In this section, settings for the use of the FlashBP feature and related settings can be configured. When a license for FlashBP is found, the color indicator is green and “License found” appears right to the FlashBP usage settings. • • • • Auto: This is the default setting of FlashBP usage. If a license has been found the FlashBP feature will be enabled. Otherwise FlashBP will be disabled internally. On: Enables the FlashBP feature. If no license has been found an error message appears. Off: Disables the FlashBP feature. Show window during program : When this checkbox is enabled the “Programming flash” window is shown when flash is re-programmed in order to set/clear flash breakpoints. Flash download and flash breakpoints independent settings These settings do not belong to the J-Link flash download and flash breakpoints settings section. They can be configured without any license needed. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 150 CHAPTER 5 • • • • • • • J-Link control panel Log file: Shows the path where the J-Link log file is placed. It is possible to override the selection manually by enabling the Override checkbox. If the Override checkbox is enabled a button appears which let the user choose the new location of the log file. Settings file: Shows the path where the configuration file is placed. This configuration file contains all the settings which can be configured in the Settings tab. Override device selection: If this checkbox is enabled, a dropdown list appears, which allows the user to set a device manually. This especially makes sense when J-Link can not identify the device name given by the debugger or if a particular device is not yet known to the debugger, but to the J-Link software. Allow caching of flash contents : If this checkbox is enabled, the flash contents are cached by J-Link to avoid reading data twice. This speeds up the transfer between debugger and target. Allow instruction set simulation: If this checkbox is enabled, instructions will be simulated as far as possible. This speeds up single stepping, especially when FlashBPs are used. Save settings: When this button is pushed, the current settings in the Settings tab will be saved in a configuration file. This file is created by J-Link and will be created for each project and each project configuration (e.g. Debug_RAM, Debug_Flash). If no settings file is given, this button is not visible. Modify breakpoints during execution: This dropdown box allows the user to change the behavior of the DLL when setting breakpoints if the CPU is running. The following options are available: Allow: Allows settings breakpoints while the CPU is running. If the CPU needs to be halted in order to set the breakpoint, the DLL halts the CPU, sets the breakpoints and restarts the CPU. Allow if CPU does not need to be halted: Allows setting breakpoints while the CPU is running, if it does not need to be halted in order to set the breakpoint. If the CPU has to be halted the breakpoint is not set. Ask user if CPU needs to be halted: If the user tries to set a breakpoint while the CPU is running and the CPU needs to be halted in order to set the breakpoint, the user is asked if the breakpoint should be set. If the breakpoint can be set without halting the CPU, the breakpoint is set without explicit confirmation by the user. Do not allow: It is not allowed to set breakpoints while the CPU is running. Break/Watch In the Break/Watch section all breakpoints and watchpoints which are in the DLL internal breakpoint and watchpoint list are shown. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 151 CHAPTER 5 J-Link control panel Section: Code Lists all breakpoints which are in the DLL internal breakpoint list are shown. • • • • • Handle: Shows the handle of the breakpoint. Address: Shows the address where the breakpoint is set. Mode: Describes the breakpoint type (ARM/THUMB) Permission: Describes the breakpoint implementation flags. Implementation: Describes the breakpoint implementation type. The breakpoint types are: RAM, Flash, Hard. An additional TBC (to be cleared) or TBS (to be set) gives information about if the breakpoint is (still) written to the target or if it’s just in the breakpoint list to be written/cleared. Note It is possible for the debugger to bypass the breakpoint functionality of the J-Link software by writing to the debug registers directly. This means for ARM7/ARM9 cores write accesses to the ICE registers, for Cortex-M3 devices write accesses to the memory mapped flash breakpoint registers and in general simple write accesses for software breakpoints (if the program is located in RAM). In these cases, the J-Link software cannot determine the breakpoints set and the list is empty. Section: Data In this section, all data breakpoints which are listed in the DLL internal breakpoint list are shown. • • • • • • • Handle: Shows the handle of the data breakpoint. Address: Shows the address where the data breakpoint is set. AddrMask: Specifies which bits of Address are disregarded during the comparison for a data breakpoint match. (A 1 in the mask means: disregard this bit) Data: Shows on which data to be monitored at the address where the data breakpoint is set. Data Mask: Specifies which bits of Data are disregarded during the comparison for a data breakpoint match. (A 1 in the mask means: disregard this bit) Ctrl: Specifies the access type of the data breakpoint (read/write). CtrlMask: Specifies which bits of Ctrl are disregarded during the comparison for a data breakpoint match. Log In this section the log output of the DLL is shown. The user can determine which function calls should be shown in the log window. Available function calls to log: Register read/write, Memory read/write, set/clear breakpoint, step, go, halt, is halted. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 152 CHAPTER 5 J-Link control panel CPU Regs In this section the name and the value of the CPU registers are shown. Target Power In this section currently just the power consumption of the target hardware is shown. SWV In this section SWV information are shown. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 153 CHAPTER 5 • • • • • • J-Link control panel Status: Shows the encoding and the baudrate of the SWV data received by the target (Manchester/UART, currently J-Link only supports UART encoding). Bytes in buffer: Shows how many bytes are in the DLL SWV data buffer. Bytes transferred: Shows how many bytes have been transferred via SWV, since the debug session has been started. Refresh counter: Shows how often the SWV information in this section has been updated since the debug session has been started. Host buffer: Shows the reserved buffer size for SWV data, on the host side. Emulator buffer: Shows the reserved buffer size for SWV data, on the emulator side. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 154 CHAPTER 5 5.9 Reset strategies Reset strategies J-Link / J-Trace supports different reset strategies. This is necessary because there is no single way of resetting and halting a CPU core before it starts to execute instructions. For example reset strategies which use the reset pin can not succeed on targets where the reset pin of the CPU is not connected to the reset pin of the JTAG connector. Reset strategy 0 is always the recommended one because it has been adapted to work on every target even if the reset pin (Pin 15) is not connected. What is the problem if the core executes some instructions after RESET? The instructions which are executed can cause various problems. Some cores can be completely “confused”, which means they can not be switched into debug mode (CPU can not be halted). In other cases, the CPU may already have initialized some hardware components, causing unexpected interrupts or worse, the hardware may have been initialized with illegal values. In some of these cases, such as illegal PLL settings, the CPU may be operated beyond specification, possibly locking the CPU. 5.9.1 Strategies for ARM 7/9 devices Type 0: Hardware, halt after reset (normal) The hardware reset pin is used to reset the CPU. After reset release, J-Link continuously tries to halt the CPU. This typically halts the CPU shortly after reset release; the CPU can in most systems execute some instructions before it is halted. The number of instructions executed depends primarily on the JTAG speed: the higher the JTAG speed, the faster the CPU can be halted. Some CPUs can actually be halted before executing any instruction, because the start of the CPU is delayed after reset release. If a pause has been specified, J-Link waits for the specified time before trying to halt the CPU. This can be useful if a bootloader which resides in flash or ROM needs to be started after reset. This reset strategy is typically used if nRESET and nTRST are coupled. If nRESET and nTRST are coupled, either on the board or the CPU itself, reset clears the breakpoint, which means that the CPU can not be stopped after reset with the BP@0 reset strategy. Type 1: Hardware, halt with BP@0 The hardware reset pin is used to reset the CPU. Before doing so, the ICE breaker is programmed to halt program execution at address 0; effectively, a breakpoint is set at address 0. If this strategy works, the CPU is actually halted before executing a single instruction. This reset strategy does not work on all systems for two reasons: • • If nRESET and nTRST are coupled, either on the board or the CPU itself, reset clears the breakpoint, which means the CPU is not stopped after reset. Some MCUs contain a bootloader program (sometimes called kernel), which needs to be executed to enable JTAG access. Type 2: Software, for Analog Devices ADuC7xxx MCUs This reset strategy is a software strategy. The CPU is halted and performs a sequence which causes a peripheral reset. The following sequence is executed: • • • • The CPU is halted. A software reset sequence is downloaded to RAM. A breakpoint at address 0 is set. The software reset sequence is executed. This sequence performs a reset of CPU and peripherals and halts the CPU before executing instructions of the user program. It is the recommended reset sequence for Analog Devices ADuC7xxx MCUs and works with these chips only. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 155 CHAPTER 5 Reset strategies Type 3: No reset No reset is performed. Nothing happens. Type 4: Hardware, halt with WP The hardware RESET pin is used to reset the CPU. After reset release, J-Link continuously tries to halt the CPU using a watchpoint. This typically halts the CPU shortly after reset release; the CPU can in most systems execute some instructions before it is halted. The number of instructions executed depends primarily on the JTAG speed: the higher the JTAG speed, the faster the CPU can be halted. Some CPUs can actually be halted before executing any instruction, because the start of the CPU is delayed after reset release. Type 5: Hardware, halt with DBGRQ The hardware RESET pin is used to reset the CPU. After reset release, J-Link continuously tries to halt the CPU using the DBGRQ. This typically halts the CPU shortly after reset release; the CPU can in most systems execute some instructions before it is halted. The number of instructions executed depends primarily on the JTAG speed: the higher the JTAG speed, the faster the CPU can be halted. Some CPUs can actually be halted before executing any instruction, because the start of the CPU is delayed after reset release. Type 6: Software This reset strategy is only a software reset. “Software reset” means basically no reset, just changing the CPU registers such as PC and CPSR. This reset strategy sets the CPU registers to their after-Reset values: • • • • • PC = 0 CPSR = 0xD3 (Supervisor mode, ARM, IRQ / FIQ disabled) All SPSR registers = 0x10 All other registers (which are unpredictable after reset) are set to 0. The hardware RESET pin is not affected. Type 7: Reserved Reserved reset type. Type 8: Software, for ATMEL AT91SAM7 MCUs The reset pin of the device is disabled by default. This means that the reset strategies which rely on the reset pin (low pulse on reset) do not work by default. For this reason a special reset strategy has been made available. It is recommended to use this reset strategy. This special reset strategy resets the peripherals by writing to the RSTC_CR register. Resetting the peripherals puts all peripherals in the defined reset state. This includes memory mapping register, which means that after reset flash is mapped to address 0. It is also possible to achieve the same effect by writing 0x4 to the RSTC_CR register located at address 0xfffffd00. Type 9: Hardware, for NXP LPC MCUs After reset a bootloader is mapped at address 0 on ARM 7 LPC devices. This reset strategy performs a reset via reset strategy Type 1 in order to reset the CPU. It also ensures that flash is mapped to address 0 by writing the MEMMAP register of the LPC. This reset strategy is the recommended one for all ARM 7 LPC devices. 5.9.2 Strategies for Cortex-M devices J-Link supports different specific reset strategies for the Cortex-M cores. All of the following reset strategies are available in JTAG and in SWD mode. All of them halt the CPU after the reset. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 156 CHAPTER 5 Reset strategies Note It is recommended that the correct device is selected in the debugger so the debugger can pass the device name to the J-Link DLL which makes it possible for J-Link to detect what is the best reset strategy for the device. Moreover, we recommend that the debugger uses reset type 0 to allow J-Link to dynamically select what reset is the best for the connected device. Type 0: Normal This is the default strategy. It does whatever is the best way to reset the target device. If the correct device is selected in the debugger this reset strategy may also perform some special handling which might be necessary for the connected device. This for example is the case for devices which have a ROM bootloader that needs to run after reset and before the user application is started (especially if the debug interface is disabled after reset and needs to be enabled by the ROM bootloader). For most devices, this reset strategy does the same as reset strategy 8 does: 1. Make sure that the device halts immediately after reset (before it can execute any instruction of the user application) by setting the VC_CORERESET in the DEMCR . 2. Reset the core and peripherals by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit in the AIRCR . 3. Wait for the S_RESET_ST bit in the DHCSR to first become high (reset active) and then low (reset no longer active) afterwards. 4. Clear VC_CORERESET. Type 1: Core Only the core is reset via the VECTRESET bit. The peripherals are not affected. After setting the VECTRESET bit, J-Link waits for the S_RESET_ST bit in the Debug Halting Control and Status Register ( DHCSR ) to first become high and then low afterwards. The CPU does not start execution of the program because J-Link sets the VC_CORERESET bit before reset, which causes the CPU to halt before execution of the first instruction. Note In most cases it is not recommended to reset the core only since most target applications rely of the reset state of some peripherals (PLL, External memory interface etc.) and may be confused if they boot up but the peripherals are already configured. Type 2: ResetPin J-Link pulls its RESET pin low to reset the core and the peripherals. This normally causes the CPU RESET pin of the target device to go low as well, resulting in a reset of both CPU and peripherals. This reset strategy will fail if the RESET pin of the target device is not pulled low. The CPU does not start execution of the program because J-Link sets the VC_CORERESET bit before reset, which causes the CPU to halt before execution of the first instruction. Type 3: Connect under Reset J-Link connects to the target while keeping Reset active (reset is pulled low and remains low while connecting to the target). This is the recommended reset strategy for STM32 devices. This reset strategy has been designed for the case that communication with the core is not possible in normal mode so the VC_CORERESET bit can not be set in order to guarantee that the core is halted immediately after reset. Type 4: Reset core & peripherals, halt after bootloader Same as type 0, but bootloader is always executed. This reset strategy has been designed for MCUs/CPUs which have a bootloader located in ROM which needs to run at first, after J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 157 CHAPTER 5 Reset strategies reset (since it might initialize some target settings to their reset state). When using this reset strategy, J-Link will let the bootloader run after reset and halts the target immediately after the bootloader and before the target application is started. This is the recommended reset strategy for LPC11xx and LPC13xx devices where a bootloader should execute after reset to put the chip into the “real” reset state. Type 5: Reset core & peripherals, halt before bootloader Basically the same as reset type 8. Performs a reset of core & peripherals and halts the CPU immediately after reset. The ROM bootloader is NOT executed. Type 6: Reset for Freescale Kinetis devices Performs a via reset strategy 0 (normal) first in order to reset the core & peripherals and halt the CPU immediately after reset. After the CPU is halted, the watchdog is disabled, since the watchdog is running after reset by default. If the target application does not feed the watchdog, J-Link loses connection to the device since it is reset permanently. Type 7: Reset for Analog Devices CPUs (ADI Halt after kernel) Performs a reset of the core and peripherals by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit in the AIRCR. The core is allowed to perform the ADI kernel (which enables the debug interface) but the core is halted before the first instruction after the kernel is executed in order to guarantee that no user application code is performed after reset. Type 8: Reset core and peripherals J-Link tries to reset both, core and peripherals by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit in the AIRCR. VC_CORERESET in the DEMCR is also set to make sure that the CPU is halted immediately after reset and before executing any instruction. Reset procedure: 1. Make sure that the device halts immediately after reset (before it can execute any instruction of the user application) by setting the VC_CORERESET in the DEMCR . 2. Reset the core and peripherals by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit in the AIRCR . 3. Wait for the S_RESET_ST bit in the DHCSR to first become high (reset active) and then low (reset no longer active) afterwards. 4. Clear VC_CORERESET. This type of reset may fail if: • J-Link has no connection to the debug interface of the CPU because it is in a low power mode. • The debug interface is disabled after reset and needs to be enabled by a device internal bootloader. This would cause J-Link to lose communication after reset since the CPU is halted before it can execute the internal bootlader. Type 9: Reset for LPC1200 devices On the NXP LPC1200 devices the watchdog is enabled after reset and not disabled by the bootloader, if a valid application is in the flash memory. Moreover, the watchdog keeps counting if the CPU is in debug mode. When using this reset strategy, J-Link performs a reset of the CPU and peripherals, using the SYSRESETREQ bit in the AIRCR and halts the CPU after the bootloader has been performed and before the first instruction of the user code is executed. Then the watchdog of the LPC1200 device is disabled. This reset strategy is only guaranteed to work on “modern” J-Links (J-Link V8, J-Link Pro, J-link ULTRA, J-Trace for Cortex-M, J-Link Lite) and if a SWD speed of min. 1 MHz is used. This reset strategy should also work for J-Links with hardware version 6, but it can not be guaranteed that these J-Links are always fast enough in disabling the watchdog. Type 10: Reset for Samsung S3FN60D devices On the Samsung S3FN60D devices the watchdog may be running after reset (if the watchdog is active after reset or not depends on content of the smart option bytes at addr 0xC0). The watchdog keeps counting even if the CPU is in debug mode (e.g. halted by a halt reJ-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 158 CHAPTER 5 Reset strategies quest or halted by vector catch). When using this reset strategy, J-Link performs a reset of the CPU and peripherals, using the SYSRESETREQ bit and sets VC_CORERESET in order to halt the CPU after reset, before it executes a single instruction. Then the watchdog of the S3FN60D device is disabled. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 159 CHAPTER 5 5.10 Using DCC for memory access Using DCC for memory access The ARM7/9 architecture requires cooperation of the CPU to access memory when the CPU is running (not in debug mode). This means that memory cannot normally be accessed while the CPU is executing the application program. The normal way to read or write memory is to halt the CPU (put it into debug mode) before accessing memory. Even if the CPU is restarted after the memory access, the real time behavior is significantly affected; halting and restarting the CPU costs typically multiple milliseconds. For this reason, most debuggers do not even allow memory access if the CPU is running. However, there is one other option: DCC (Direct communication channel) can be used to communicate with the CPU while it is executing the application program. All that is required is the application program to call a DCC handler from time to time. This DCC handler typically requires less than 1 s per call. The DCC handler, as well as the optional DCC abort handler, is part of the J-Link software package and can be found in the Samples\DCC\IAR directory of the package. 5.10.1 • • • What is required? An application program on the host (typically a debugger) that uses DCC. A target application program that regularly calls the DCC handler. The supplied abort handler should be installed (optional). An application program that uses DCC is JLink.exe . 5.10.2 Target DCC handler The target DCC handler is a simple C-file taking care of the communication. The function DCC_Process() needs to be called regularly from the application program or from an interrupt handler. If an RTOS is used, a good place to call the DCC handler is from the timer tick interrupt. In general, the more often the DCC handler is called, the faster memory can be accessed. On most devices, it is also possible to let the DCC generate an interrupt which can be used to call the DCC handler. 5.10.3 Target DCC abort handler An optional DCC abort handler (a simple assembly file) can be included in the application. The DCC abort handler allows data aborts caused by memory reads/writes via DCC to be handled gracefully. If the data abort has been caused by the DCC communication, it returns to the instruction right after the one causing the abort, allowing the application program to continue to run. In addition to that, it allows the host to detect if a data abort occurred. In order to use the DCC abort handler, 3 things need to be done: • • • Place a branch to DCC_Abort at address 0x10 (“vector” used for data aborts). Initialize the Abort-mode stack pointer to an area of at least 8 bytes of stack memory required by the handler. Add the DCC abort handler assembly file to the application. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 160 CHAPTER 5 5.11 The J-Link settings file The J-Link settings file Most IDEs provide a path to a J-Link settings file on a per-project-per-debug-configuration basis. This file is used by J-Link to store various debug settings that shall survive between debug sessions of a project. It also allows the user to perform some override of various settings. If a specific behavior / setting can be overridden via the settings file, is explained in the specific sections that describe the behavior / setting. Since the location and name of the settings file is different for various IDEs, in the following the location and naming convention of the J-Link settings file for various IDEs is explained. 5.11.1 SEGGER Embedded Studio Settings file with default settings is created on first start of a debug session. There is one settings file per build configuration for the project. Naming is: __.jlink The settings file is created in the same directory where the project file (*.emProject) is located. Example: The SES project is called “MyProject” and has two configurations “Debug” and “Release”. For each of the configurations, a settings file will be created at the first start of the debug session: _MyProject_Debug.jlink _MyProject_Release.jlink 5.11.2 Keil MDK-ARM (uVision) Settings file with default settings is created on first start of a debug session. There is one settings file per project. Naming is: JLinksettings.ini The settings file is created in the same directory where the project file (*.uvprojx) is located. 5.11.3 IAR EWARM Settings file with default settings is created on first start of a debug session. There is one settings file per build configuration for the project. Naming is: _.jlink The settings file is created in a “settings” subdirectory where the project file is located. 5.11.4 Mentor Sourcery CodeBench for ARM CodeBench does not directly specify a J-Link settings file but allows the user to specify a path to one in the project settings under Debugger -> Settings File . We recommend to copy the J-Link settings file template from $JLINK_INST_DIR$\Samples\JLink\SettingsFiles\Sample.jlinksettings to the directory where the CodeBench project is located, once when creating a new project. Then select this file in the project options. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 161 CHAPTER 5 5.12 J-Link script files J-Link script files In some situations it it necessary to customize some actions performed by J-Link. In most cases it is the connection sequence and/or the way in which a reset is performed by J-Link, since some custom hardware needs some special handling which cannot be integrated into the generic part of the J-Link software. J-Link script files are written in C-like syntax in order to have an easy start to learning how to write J-Link script files. The script file syntax supports most statements (if-else, while, declaration of variables, …) which are allowed in C, but not all of them. Moreover, there are some statements that are script file specific. The script file allows maximum flexibility, so almost any target initialization which is necessary can be supported. 5.12.1 Actions that can be customized The script file support allows customizing of different actions performed by J-Link. Depending on whether the corresponding function is present in the script file or not, a generically implemented action is replaced by an action defined in a script file. In the following all JLink actions which can be customized using a script file are listed and explained. Action Prototype ConfigTargetSettings() int ConfigTargetSettings (void); InitTarget() int InitTarget (void); SetupTarget() int SetupTarget (void); ResetTarget() int ResetTarget (void); InitEMU() int InitEMU (void); OnTraceStop() int OnTraceStop (void); OnTraceStart() int OnTraceStart (void); ConfigTargetSettings() Called before InitTarget(). Mainly used to set some global DLL variables to customize the normal connect procedure. For ARM CoreSight devices this may be specifying the base address of some CoreSight components (ETM, …) that cannot be auto-detected by J-Link due to erroneous ROM tables etc. May also be used to specify the device name in case debugger does not pass it to the DLL. Prototype int ConfigTargetSettings(void); Notes / Limitations • • May not, under absolutely NO circumstances, call any API functions that perform target communication. Should only set some global DLL variables InitTarget() Replaces the target-CPU-auto-find procedure of the J-Link DLL. Useful for target CPUs that are not accessible by default and need some special steps to be executed before the normal debug probe connect procedure can be executed successfully. Example devices are MCUs from TI which have a so-called ICEPick JTAG unit on them that needs to be configured via JTAG, before the actual CPU core is accessible via JTAG. Prototype int InitTarget(void); J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 162 CHAPTER 5 J-Link script files Notes / Limitations • • • If target interface JTAG is used: JTAG chain has to be specified manually before leaving this function (meaning all devices and their TAP IDs have to be specified by the user). Also appropriate JTAG TAP number to communicate with during the debug session has to be manually specified in this function. MUST NOT use any MEM_ API functions Global DLL variable “CPU” MUST be set when implementing this function, so the DLL knows which CPU module to use internally. SetupTarget() If present, called after InitTarget() and after general debug connect sequence has been performed by J-Link. Usually used for more high-level CPU debug setup like writing certain memory locations, initializing PLL for faster download etc. Prototype int SetupTarget(void); Notes / Limitations • • Does not replace any DLL functionality but extends it. May use MEM_ API functions ResetTarget() Replaces reset strategies of DLL. No matter what reset type is selected in the DLL, if this function is present, it will be called instead of the DLL internal reset. Prototype int ResetTarget(void); Notes / Limitations • • DLL expects target CPU to be halted / in debug mode, when leaving this function May use MEM_ API functions InitEMU() If present, it allows configuration of the emulator prior to starting target communication. Currently this function is only used to configure whether the target which is connected to J-Link has an ETB or not. For more information on how to configure the existence of an ETB, please refer to Global DLL variables . Prototype int InitEMU(void); OnTraceStop() Called right before capturing of trace data is stopped on the J-Link / J-Trace. On some target, an explicit flush of the trace FIFOs is necessary to get the latest trace data. If such a flush is not performed, the latest trace data may not be output by the target Prototype int OnTraceStop(void); Notes / Limitations • May use MEM_ functions J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 163 CHAPTER 5 J-Link script files OnTraceStart() If present, called right before trace is started. Used to initialize MCU specific trace related things like configuring the trace pins for alternate function. Prototype int OnTraceStart(void); Return value Meaning # 0 O.K. < 0 Error Notes / Limitations • • May use high-level API functions like JLINK_MEM_ etc. Should not call JLINK_TARGET_Halt(). Can rely on target being halted when entering this function. AfterResetTarget() If present, called after ResetTarget(). Usually used to initialize peripheries which have been reset during reset, disable watchdogs which may be active after reset, etc… Apart from this, for some cores it is necessary to perform some special operations after reset to guarantee proper device functionality after reset. This is mainly the case on devices which have some bugs that occur at the time of a system reset (not power on reset). Prototype int AfterResetTarget(void); Notes / Limitations • • 5.12.2 DLL expects target CPU to be halted / in debug mode, when leaving this function May use MEM_ API functions Script file API functions In the following, the API functions which can be used in a script file to communicate with the DLL are explained. Function Prototype JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP(int Index, U32 Type); JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(const char* sConfig); JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAP() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAP(int RegIndex); JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP(int RegIndex); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAP() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAP(int RegIndex, U32 Data); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDP() int JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDP(int RegIndex, U32 Data); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDAP() int JLINK_WriteDAP(int RegIndex, int APnDP, U32 Data); JLINK_ExecCommand() int JLINK_ExecCommand(const char* sMsg); JLINK_JTAG_GetDeviceId() int JLINK_JTAG_GetDeviceId(int DeviceIndex); JLINK_JTAG_GetU32() int JLINK_JTAG_GetU32(int BitPos); JLINK_JTAG_Reset() int JLINK_JTAG_Reset(void); JLINK_JTAG_SetDeviceId() int JLINK_JTAG_SetDeviceId(int DeviceIndex, U32 Id); JLINK_JTAG_Store() int JLINK_JTAG_Store(U32 tms, U32 tdi, U32 NumBits); JLINK_JTAG_StoreClocks() int JLINK_JTAG_StoreClocks(int NumClocks); JLINK_JTAG_StoreDR() int JLINK_JTAG_StoreDR(U32 tdi, int NumBits); J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 164 CHAPTER 5 Function J-Link script files Prototype JLINK_JTAG_StoreIR() int JLINK_JTAG_StoreIR(U32 Cmd); JLINK_JTAG_Write() int JLINK_JTAG_Write(U32 tms, U32 tdi, U32 NumBits); JLINK_JTAG_WriteClocks() int JLINK_JTAG_WriteClocks(int NumClocks); JLINK_JTAG_WriteDR() int JLINK_JTAG_WriteDR(U32 tdi, int NumBits); JLINK_JTAG_WriteDRCont() int JLINK_JTAG_WriteDRCont(U32 Data, int NumBits); JLINK_JTAG_WriteDREnd() int JLINK_JTAG_WriteDREnd(U32 Data, int NumBits); JLINK_JTAG_WriteIR() int JLINK_JTAG_WriteIR(U32 Cmd); JLINK_MemRegion() int JLINK_MemRegion(const char* sConfig); JLINK_MEM_WriteU8() int JLINK_MEM_WriteU8 (U32 Addr, U32 Data); JLINK_MEM_WriteU16() int JLINK_MEM_WriteU16(U32 Addr, U32 Data); JLINK_MEM_WriteU32() int JLINK_MEM_WriteU32(U32 Addr, U32 Data); JLINK_MEM_ReadU8() U8 MEM_ReadU8 (U32 Addr); JLINK_MEM_ReadU16() U16 MEM_ReadU16(U32 Addr); JLINK_MEM_ReadU32() U32 MEM_ReadU32(U32 Addr); JLINK_SYS_MessageBox() int JLINK_SYS_MessageBox(const char * sMsg); JLINK_SYS_MessageBox1() int JLINK_SYS_MessageBox1(const char * sMsg, int v); JLINK_SYS_Report() int JLINK_SYS_Report(const char * sMsg); JLINK_SYS_Report1() int JLINK_SYS_Report1(const char * sMsg, int v); JLINK_SYS_Sleep() int JLINK_SYS_Sleep(int Delayms); JLINK_SYS_UnsecureDialog() int JLINK_SYS_UnsecureDialog(const char* sText, const char* sQuestion, const char* sIdent, int DefaultAnswer, U32 Flags); JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP() Allows the user to manually configure the AP-layout of the device J-Link is connected to. This makes sense on targets on which J-Link can not perform a auto-detection of the APs which are present on the target system. Type can only be a known global J-Link DLL AP constant. For a list of all available constants, please refer to Global DLL constants . Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP(int Index, U32 Type); Example JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP(0, CORESIGHT_AHB_AP); // First AP is a AHB-AP JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP(1, CORESIGHT_APB_AP); // Second AP is a APB-AP JLINK_CORESIGHT_AddAP(2, CORESIGHT_JTAG_AP); // Third AP is a JTAG-AP JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure() Has to be called once, before using any other _CORESIGHT_ function that accesses the DAP. Takes a configuration string to prepare target and J-Link for CoreSight function usage. Configuration string may contain multiple setup parameters that are set. Setup parameters are separated by a semicolon. At the end of the JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(), the appropriate target interface switching sequence for the currently active target interface is output, if not disabled via setup parameter. This function has to be called again, each time the JTAG chain changes (for dynamically changing JTAG chains like those which include a TI ICEPick), in order to setup the JTAG chain again. J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 165 CHAPTER 5 J-Link script files For JTAG The SWD -> JTAG switching sequence is output. This also triggers a TAP reset on the target (TAP controller goes through -> Reset -> Idle state) The IRPre, DRPre, IRPost, DRPost parameters describe which device inside the JTAG chain is currently selected for communication. For SWD The JTAG -> SWD switching sequence is output. It is also made sure that the “overrun mode enable” bit in the SW-DP CTRL/STAT register is cleared, as in SWD mode J-Link always assumes that overrun detection mode is disabled. Make sure that this bit is NOT set by accident when writing the SW-DP CTRL/STAT register via the _CORESIGHT_ functions. Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(const char* sConfig); Example if (JLINK_ActiveTIF == JLINK_TIF_JTAG) { // Simple setup where we have TDI -> Cortex-M (4-bits IRLen) -> TDO JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure("IRPre=0;DRPre=0;IRPost=0;DRPost=0;IRLenDevice=4"); } else { // For SWD, no special setup is needed, just output the switching sequence JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(""); } v = JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_DP_REG_CTRL_STAT); Report1("DAP-CtrlStat: " v); // Complex setup where we have // TDI -> ICEPick (6-bits IRLen) -> Cortex-M (4-bits IRLen) -> TDO JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure("IRPre=0;DRPre=0;IRPost=6;DRPost=1;IRLenDevice=4;"); v = JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_DP_REG_CTRL_STAT); Report1("DAP-CtrlStat: " v) Known setup parameters Parameter Type Explanation IRPre DecValue Sum of IRLen of all JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, closer to TDO than the actual one J-Link shall communicate with. DRPre DecValue Number of JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, closer to TDO than the actual one, J-Link shall communicate with. IRPost DecValue Sum of IRLen of all JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, following the actual one, J-Link shall communicate with. DRPost DecValue Number of JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, following the actual one, J-Link shall communicate with. IRLenDevice DecValue IRLen of the actual device, J-Link shall communicate with. PerformTIFInit DecValue 0: Do not output switching sequence etc. once JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure() completes. JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAP() Reads a specific AP register. For JTAG, makes sure that AP is selected automatically. Makes sure that actual data is returned, meaning for register read-accesses which usually only return data on the second access, this function performs this automatically, so the user will always see valid data. Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAP(int RegIndex); J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 166 CHAPTER 5 J-Link script files Example v = JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_AP_REG_DATA); Report1("DATA: " v); JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP() Reads a specific DP register. For JTAG, makes sure that DP is selected automatically. Makes sure that actual data is returned, meaning for register read-accesses which usually only return data on the second access, this function performs this automatically, so the user will always see valid data. Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP(int RegIndex); Example v = JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadDP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_DP_REG_IDCODE); Report1("DAP-IDCODE: " v); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAP() Writes a specific AP register. For JTAG, makes sure that AP is selected automatically. Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAP(int RegIndex, U32 Data); Example JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_AP_REG_BD1, 0x1E); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDP() Writes a specific DP register. For JTAG, makes sure that DP is selected automatically. Prototype int JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDP(int RegIndex, U32 Data); Example JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDP(JLINK_CORESIGHT_DP_REG_ABORT, 0x1E); JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDAP() Writes to a CoreSight AP/DP register. This function performs a full-qualified write which means that it tries to write until the write has been accepted or too many WAIT responses have been received. Prototype int JLINK_WriteDAP(int RegIndex, int APnDP, U32 Data); Parameter Description RegIndex Specifies the index of the AP/DP register to write. APnDP 0: DP register 1: AP register J-Link / J-Trace (UM08001) © 2004-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG 167 CHAPTER 5 Parameter Data J-Link script files Description Data to written Return value Description ≥0 O.K. (Number of repetitions needed before write was accepted)
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