SparkFun ESP32 Thing Environment Sensor
Description: The SparkFun ESP32 Thing Environment Sensor Shield provides sensors and
hookups for monitoring environmental conditions. While incorporating three sensors capable of
measuring five different environmental variables as well as providing connections for several other
sensors, this sensor shield creates the best way to make your ESP32 Thing more accurate than
your local weatherman! By simply soldering on a few headers as well as an optional 3-pin screw
terminal, your ESP32 Thing Environment Sensor Shield will be ready to detect any type of weather
you need.
The ESP32 Thing Environment Sensor Shield utilizes the BME280 pressure/humidity/temperature
sensor, the CCS811 air quality sensor and the APDS-9301 ambient light sensor — using each
corresponding Arduino library. In addition to the onboard sensors, the environment sensor shield has
been equipped with two RJ11 connectors for wind and rain detection and measurement, as well as
optional pins for external temperature readings and our soil moisture sensor. There is even a
prototyping area underneath where the ESP32 Thing is installed so you can add your own additions
to the shield!
Pressure/Humidity/Temperature Sensor — BME280
Air Quality — CCS811
Ambient Light — APDS-9301
Compatible with the ESP32 Thing 7‐10‐17
免费人工找货- 国内价格 香港价格
- 1+504.886231+60.33070