Edge Finder
Also known as a “wiggler,” or a “wobbler,” an edge finder is a tool used to accurately align the
machining tool with the work piece center, work piece edges, layout markings, or previously
machined feature during the set-up phase of a machining or other operation.
This particular edge finder is made for small machine tools like the Nomad
Whether you’re wiggling or wobbling, we hope you find the edge you’re looking for.
Note: This edge finder is for low RPM use. It cannot be used on with trim routers such as the Dewalt
or Makita. Additionally, it requires the .25" Collet, TOL-15038
Tip Diameter: .200"
Shaft Diameter: .250"
Max RPM: 1500
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15039 10‐24‐18