White Panda OBD-II Interface
The White Panda is a universal car interface for your car's OBD-II port. It allows you full
access to the many communication buses of your car from a computer or a phone. Using the Panda
with Cabana software (link in documents section) is like a Fitbit for your car. Track your RPMs, MPG,
cornering G-force, battery life, and so much more. Panda also works as a CAN to USB adapter.
The White Panda supports 3x CAN, 2x LIN, and 1x GMLAN. On the computer side, it is equipped
with both USB and Wi-Fi as well as utilizing an STM32F413 for low level communication and an
ESP8266 for Wi-Fi. Both are connected over high speed SPI, so the Panda is actually capable of
dumping the full contents of the busses over Wi-Fi, unlike other dongles on the market. On top of all
of these great features, it can also charge your phone!
This is second generation hardware, reusing code and parts from the NEO interface board.
Important: This is for advanced users only! It is possible to brick your car with this device.
Additionally, it's best security practice that you not leave this plugged in to the OBD-II port when not
in use. /7‐22‐19