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    电压变送器 ±500V 输入 ±10V 输出 9 ~ 28VDC DIN 轨道

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Entube DE-HB Specification Sheet for Verivolt Ultra-Compact, High-Bandwidth, Differential Voltage Sensor OVERVIEW The Entube-DE-HB series was designed to enable measurement of fast high voltage signals in industrial and research environments. The output of the Entube-DE-HB is a linearly scaled down version of the voltage difference between its two input terminals. This output can then be processed by a computer based measurement system. The Entube-DE-HB series covers multiple input dynamic ranges (±100V, ±200V, ±300V, ±400V, ±500V, ±750V, ±1000V and ±1500V) with a 20MHz bandwidth, and 0.2% accuracy. In addition to multiple dynamic ranges, the Entube-DE-HB can be ordered to have a single-ended or a differential-pair output. The single-ended version has a BNC connector at the output, and can be ordered as ±10V, ±5V or ±1V. SPECIFICATIONS Entube DE-HB 100V 200V 300V 400V Bandwidth (-3dB point) 1500V < 290 μV < 350 μV < 350 μV < 350 μV < 370 μV < 650 μV < 700 μV 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150 10MΩ||1pF 20MΩ||1pF 40MΩ||1pF Input Inpedance 2 MΩ || 1pF 5M || 1pF Eletrical HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The high voltage input signal connects to the sensor via two clamp cage connectors. Use appropriate wire jacket and gauge, as well as creepage distance. For superior noise immunity, it is recommended to use a twisted pair from the high voltage source to the input of the sensor. Performance Accuracy (percentage of reading) Max total phase shift at 60Hz Max Input delay ±0.2% < 0.001° < 20 ns Withstanding common mode surge voltage 4x Input Range for 0.1s Withstanding differential mode surge voltage 5x Input Range for 0.1s Input-Output non-linearity Output voltage Gain temperature drift Common mode rejection at 60Hz Power Supply Voltage Output type Mechanical Output Offset Voltage Output impedance Mounting Type DIN Rail Connectivity In Spring cage Weight 1000V < 380 μV Gain (Using 10V standard output voltage) Outer Dimensions 750V 20MHZ Integrated sensor noise (Referenced to output) Connedtivity Out 500V Spring cage / BNC < 80 ppm See notes ±40 ppm/°C 82 dB 8V to 28V Single-ended or differential pair < ±0.5mV (on ±10V signal) 50Ω (-S) , 100Ω (-D) Environmental Operating temperature Storage temperature – 0 to 70 °C Connections for Entube DE-HB A spring cage connector is used to input power to the sensor. A single post screw terminal is used to ground the secondary side of the sensor. The signal out of the sensor comes in a BNC connector (singleended version), or a spring cage connector (differential-pair version). If signal reflections are a concern, place the sensor as close as possible to the high voltage signal source, and use the appropriate cable and load termination. If using a digitizer with BNC inputs, use a 50Ω coaxial cable and a 50Ω terminating load at the digitizer end. If using a digitizer with differential inputs, use a 100 Ω twisted pair and a 100 Ω terminating load at the digitizer end. – 65 to 90 °C 3.6” x 2.4” x 1.4” 198 g (7.0 oz) The schematic on the figure above shows how to connect the Entube-DE-HB between the high voltage signal source and the digitizer. 650 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone: 70VERIVOLT / (708) 374-8658 1 MERCHANICAL DIMENSIONS HARDWARE CONFIGURATION A. Ground sensor by connecting a wire from the ground to the standoff located next to the two spring connectors. Connect any 8V to 28V external power source to power the unit. A Standards and Certifications ● CE B. Insert a wire pair between each of these connectors and a corresponding current input on the DAQ. The polarity of the signal out is aligned with the input signals. C. On the primary side, connect the plus and minus signals. Use standard twisted pair. C B DANGER THIS SENSOR IS NOT A SAFETY DEVICE AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS A SAFETY DEVICE. This sensor is designed only to detect and read certain data in an electronic manner and perform no use apart from that, specifically no safetyrelated use. This sensor product does not include self-checking redundant circuitry, and the failure of this sensor product could cause either an energized or de-energized output condition, which could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage. 2
物料型号:Entube DE-HB系列

器件简介:Entube DE-HB系列设计用于在工业和研究环境中测量快速的高电压信号。该传感器的输出是其两个输入端之间电压差的线性缩放版本,可以由基于计算机的测量系统处理。


参数特性: - 带宽:20MHz - 集成传感器噪声:根据不同的输入范围,噪声水平不同 - 增益:根据输入范围,增益从10到150不等 - 输入阻抗:根据输入范围,阻抗从2MΩ|1pF到40MΩ|1pF不等

功能详解: - 精度:±0.2% - 最大输入延迟:<20ns - 共模抑制:82dB - 电源电压:8V至28V - 输出类型:单端或差分对 - 输出偏置电压:在±10V信号上<0.5mV - 输出阻抗:单端50Ω,差分对100Ω


封装信息: - 安装类型:DIN Rall - 连接类型:输入和输出均为弹簧笼 - 外形尺寸:3.6x2.4x1.4英寸 - 重量:198克(7.0盎司)

ENTUBE DE-HB (500V 10V DIFFSC) 价格&库存

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  • 1+6247.979941+757.59570
  • 10+5422.7193410+657.52913
