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ISOBLOCK V-1C (1500V 5V)

ISOBLOCK V-1C (1500V 5V)

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    电压变送器 ±1500V 输入 ±5V 输出 9 ~ 28VDC DIN 轨道

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ISOBLOCK V-1C (1500V 5V) 数据手册
IsoBlock V Galvanicaly Isolated Differential Voltage Sensor OVERVIEW The IsoBlock V-1c has been designed to provide high-quality isolated differential voltage measurements for aplications requiring scaling of high voltages, as well as superior isolation. Each IsoBlock V unit hosts an isolated channel that can be connected to separate measurement sources while providing a range of functional coverage up to 1500V. The input has its own isolated reference, and can be configured to suit user needs. The output signal from the IsoBlock unit is referenced in respect to the ground channel of the user’s data acquisition system. Verivolt designs its IsoBlock V modules with consideration for user great flexibility, and low power consumption. SPECIFICATION IsoBlock V 50V 100V 200V 300V Bandwidth (-3dB point) 500V 750V 1000V 1500V 50 75 100 150 500 V 750 V 1000 V 1500 V 1MHz Gain (Using 10V standard output voltage) Differential input dynamic range 5 10 20 30 50V 100V 200 V 300 V Channels per module 1 Eletrical Performance Accuracy (percentage of reading) Max total phase shift at 60Hz Max Input delay (120kHz versions) Isolation voltage from primary side to secondary side ±0.2% (±0.1% Custom) < 0.05° < 2.8 μs > ±1500 V Input-Output non-linearity Output voltage Gain temperature drift Common mode rejection at 60Hz Power Supply Voltage Output type Withstanding common mode surge voltage ±5000 V Output Offset Voltage (Referenced to output) Withstanding differential mode surge voltage ±2500 V Differential Input impedance Insulation impedance Mechanical Output impedance Mounting Type DIN Rail Connectivity (Connector for power in and signal out to/ from the sensor) Outer Dimensions Channels Weight Spring Cage connector 1.4” x 3.5” x 2.5” HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The IsoBlock V module is designed to isolate and scale down high voltages found in industrial enviroments. The end result is a signal ready to connect to any data acquisition system, while galvanically isolating the source from it. Each channel of the IsoBlock module has a galvanic isolation from the input to the output that can eliminate large common mode voltages. In addition to that, each channel also has a protection stage at the input that guards it from surges. Following the input surge protection stage, there is an amplification stage that brings the input signal to a ±10V range. This signal is modulated into a magnetic field, and then transferred across a galvanic barrier. A demodulating stage recovers the original signal, followed by an anti-aliasing filter and a conditioning stage to output a ±10V differential pair. The figure below shows a block diagram of the process decribed above. < 130 ppm ±10 V ±50 ppm/°C 112 dB 8V to 28 V Differential pair 2σ < ±500 µV (typical) 4σ < ±1 mV (limit) > 10 MΩ > 10 GΩ || 2pF 100Ω IsoBlock V single channel block diagram. Environmental Operating temperature – 25 to 70 °C Storage temperature – 40 to 80 °C 4 and 8 channel options 198 g (7.0 oz) - The isolation barrier of every device is tested with a 5 second partial discharge of 1800V for 5 seconds, with a detection threshold of 150pC. - Withstanding common mode surge voltage is 2 seconds half sinewave. - Withstanding differential mode surge voltage is 4 seconds half sinewave. 650 Washington St, San Francisco, CA 94111 (708) 374-8658 1 MERCHANICAL DIMENSIONS HARDWARE CONFIGURATION A. Connect external power source to power the unit. For proper functioning the power supply should provide a voltage between 8V and 28V with at least 0.25A of continuous current and 0.5A surge during module start-up. A Standards and Certifications ● CE B. Securely connect wire in the 20-6 AWG range between the source of measurement and an available IsoBlock’s input screw terminal. C. Securely connect one end of a twisted pair to the output terminals, and the other end to the inputs of your data acquisition unit C B DANGER THIS SENSOR IS NOT A SAFETY DEVICE AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS A SAFETY DEVICE. This sensor is designed only to detect and read certain data in an electronic manner and perform no use apart from that, specifically no safetyrelated use. This sensor product does not include self-checking redundant circuitry, and the failure of this sensor product could cause either an energized or de-energized output condition, which could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage. 2
ISOBLOCK V-1C (1500V 5V) 价格&库存

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ISOBLOCK V-1C (1500V 5V)
  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+4502.697011+545.97228
  • 10+3908.8650810+473.96749
