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KL3082S1-TA 数据手册
KL308X Datasheet KL308X ZERO-CROSS TRIAC DRIVER PHOTOCOUPLER DIP6 零交叉双向可控硅驱动光电耦合器 *本文档中包含的信息反映了具有代表性的使用场景,仅供技术参考。 The information contained in this document reflects representative usage scenarios and is intended for technical reference only. *本文档中提到的产品型号和规格如有更改或改进,恕不另行通知。在生产使用之前,客户应参考产品规格书的最新数据表。 Product models and specifications mentioned in this document are subject to change or improvement without notice. Customers should refer to the latest data sheets in the product specifications prior to production use. *在使用本文档中引用的产品时,请确保产品在数据手册中规定的环境和电气限制范围内运行。如果客户使用超过指定的限制,晶台将不会对任何后续问 题负责。 When using the products referenced in this document, ensure that the products are operated within the environmental and electrical limits specified in the data sheet. If the customer uses the product beyond the specified limits, Kinglight will not be responsible for any subsequent problems. *本文档中的信息适用于电子元器件应用中的典型用法。如有任何特殊用途,请向晶台咨询,以获得进一步的帮助。 The information in this document applies to typical use in electronic component applications. For special applications, please contact Kinglight for further assistance. *未经晶台允许,不得复制或转载本文件的内容和信息。对于最新的信息,请参考官方网站 Http://www.kinglight-OC.com。 The contents and information in this document may not be copied or reproduced without the permission of Kinglight. For the latest information, please visit the official website Http://www.kinglight-OC.com. KL308X Datasheet 1. 产品特点 Product features • 峰值击穿电压 800V Peak breakdown voltage 800V • 输入与输出间高隔离电压(Viso=5000 V rms) High isolation voltage between inputs and output (Viso=5000 V rms) • 零电压交叉 Zero voltage crossing • 符合欧盟REACH法规 Compliance with EU REACH • 无Pb且符合ROHS标准 Pb free and RoHS compliant • 安全审批 Safety approval CQC认证已批准(编号:CQC23001407999) CQC approved (No. CQC23001407999) UL认证已批准(编号:UL-CA-2340753-0) UL approved (No. UL-CA-2340753-0) 2. 产品描述 Product Descripion • KL308X系列由一个砷化镓红外发光二极管和一个单晶硅芯片的零交叉光电双向晶闸管组成的可控硅光电耦合器 The KL308X of devices each consist of a GaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon zero voltage crossing photo triac. • 它被设计用于与逻辑系统到110-380伏线路的设计接口, 如固态继电器、工业控制、电机、螺线管和消费电器 It is designed for use with a discrete power triac in the interface of logic systems to equipment powered from 110 to 380 VAC lines, such as solid-state relays, industrial controls, motors, solenoids and consumer appliances. 3. 产品应用 Product Applications • 灯光控制、电磁阀控制 Light controls, Solenoid/valve controls • 静态电源开关、电磁接触器 Static power switch, E.M. contactors • 交流电机驱动器、交流电动机启动器 AC motor drivers, AC Motor starters • 温度控制 Temperature controls 4. 功能图 Functional Diagram 引脚配置 Pin Configuration 1. 阳极 Anode 2. 阴极 Cathode 3. 无连线 No Connection 4. 终端 Terminal 5. 基板(不接线) Substrate (do not connect) 6. 终端 Terminal Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 2 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 5. 光电特性 Electrical-Optical characteristics • 最大限度额定值(温度=25℃) Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃) 输入 Input 参数 符号 额定值 单位 Parameter Symbol Rated Value Unit 正向电流 Forward current IF 60 mA 反向电压 Reverse voltage VR 6 V 100 mW 3.8 mW /℃ VDRM 800 V ITSM 1 A IT(RMS) 100 mA 300 mW 7.6 mW/℃ 功耗Power dissipation PD 降额系数(高于Ta=85℃) Derating factor (above Ta = 85℃) 断态输出端电压 Off-state Output Terminal Voltage 峰值重复浪涌电流 输出 Output Peak Repetitive Surge Current (pw=1ms,120pps) 导通有效值电流 On-State RMS Current 输出功耗 Output Power dissipation Pc 降额系数 (高于Ta=85℃) Derating factor (above Ta = 85°C) 总消耗功率 Total Consume Power PTOT 330 mW 隔离电压 ( 1* ) Isolation Voltage Viso 5000 Vrms 工作温度 Operating temperature TOPR -55 to +100 ℃ 储存温度 Storage temperature TSTG -55 to +125 ℃ 焊接温度 ( 2* ) Soldering temperature TSOL 260 ℃ 附注 (Notes): 1* 交流电源1分钟内, 相对湿度在40~60%RH环境下, 隔离电压测试时, 1&2&3脚短接在一起, 4&5&6脚短接在一起 AC for 1 minute, R.H.= 40 ~ 60% R.H. In this test, pins 1, 2&3 are shorted together, and pins 4, 5 & 6 are shorted together. 2* 焊接时间为10秒 Soldering time is 10 seconds Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 3 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 6. 电气特性(Ta=25℃,除非另有规定) Electrical Characteristics(Ta=25℃ unless specified otherwise) 参数 符号 最小值 规格值 最大值 单位 条件 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition VF - - 1.5 V IR - - 10 µA 正向电压 输入 In put Forward voltage 反向电流 Reverse current 断态峰值电流 Peak Blocking Current 峰值导通电压 Peak On-state Voltage 输出 Out put VR=6V VDRM = Rated IDRM1 - - 500 nA VDRM IF = 0 mA 2* ITM=100 mA VTM - - 3 V peak, IF=Rated IFT 断态电压临界 上升率 Critical Rate of Rise off- IF=30mA VPEAK =Rated dv/dt 600 - - V/µs state Voltage VDRM, IF=0mA (Fig. 10) 3* 抑制电压(MT1-MT2电压,高 于该电压器件将不触发) Inhibit Voltage (MT1-MT2 VINH - - 20 V IF= Rated IFT voltage above which device will not trigger) 抑制状态下的漏电 Leakage in lnhibited State IF= Rated IFT IDRM2 - - 500 uA VDRM=Rated VDRM, off state • 附注(Notes): 1*. Ta=25℃时的规格值 Typical values at Ta = 25°C 2*. 测试电压必须在dv/dt额定值范围内 Test voltage must be applied within dv/dt rating 3*. 这是静态的dv/dt, 转换直流dv/dt只有负载驱动晶闸管的函数 This is static dv/dt,Commutating dv/dt is a function of the load-driving thyristor(s) only Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 4 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet • 传输特性 (Ta=25℃, 除非另有规定) Transfer Characteristics (Ta=25℃ unless specified otherwise) 参数 Parameter 符号 最小值 规格值 最大值 单位 条件 Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition - - 15 - - 10 - - 5 - 280 - KL3081 LED触发电流 LED Trigger Current KL3082 IFT KL3083 保持电流 Holding Current IH 主端子电压=3V mA Main terminal Voltage=3V 4* uA 附注(Notes): 4*. 所有设备都保证在小于或等于最大IFT的IF值触发. 因此,建议工作IF介于最大IFT(KL3081的15mA, 10mA适用于 KL3082,5mA适合KL3083)和绝对最大值(60mA) All devices are guaranteed to trigger at an IF value less than or equal to max IFT. Therefore, recommended operating IF lies between max IFT (15 mA for KL3081, 10 mA for KL3082, 5 mA for KL3083) and absolute maximum IF (60 mA) Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 5 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 7. 可靠性试验 Reliability Test 序号 试验项目 NO. Test Items 温度循环 1 TC 高温操作寿命 2 HTOL 高温反向偏压 3 HTRB 温湿度反向偏 4 压寿命试验 H3TRB 5 允收水准 Test conditions Test process Qty.(pcs) LTPD 300cycle 45 0/45 45 0/45 45 0/45 45 0/45 45 0/45 45 0/45 45 0/45 10sec*3times 45 0/45 3sec*1times 22 0/22 H:125±5℃ 15min JESD22-A104C ∫ 5min L:-55±5℃ 15min HTOL@110±5℃ JESD22-A108C IF=15mA Ic=AC 20mA JESD22-A108C JESD22-A101B Vce=640V 1000hrs H3TRB@ 85±5℃、 85±5%RH Vce=100V 100%RH, 2atm JESD22-A103C HTS@125±5℃ JESD22-A119 LTS@-55±5℃ JESD22-B106C RSH@260±5℃ RSH 可焊性 SD JESD22-B102D 1000hrs 168、500、 C 耐锡热试验 168、500、 HTRB@100±5℃ Autoclave LTS 9 试验数 Ta=121±5℃, 低温储存 8 试验过程 JESD22-A102- HTS 7 Reference 试验条件 压力锅 高温储存 6 参考标准 Pb-free@ 245±5℃ 168、500、 1000hrs 96hrs 168、500、 1000hrs 168、500、 1000hrs 以上试验项目如与客户试验要求存在差异或者特殊客户特殊要求的,可根据实际情况按照客户的要求进行试 备注 作,客户未要求依我司试验标准试作,不同产品使用不同电流进行测试 Rem All the tests should be performed according to customers’ actual requirements, while difference arks of test standard or special requirements exist. Otherwise, all the tests are performed according to the standard listed above. Different current is applied to the tests of different product models Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 6 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 8. 特性曲线 Characteristic Curves Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 7 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 8 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 测量方法 Measurement Method 高压脉冲设置为所需的VPEAK值, 并通过上述RC电路应用于D.U.T输出值,不应用LED电流,使用X100范围探头监视 波形VR, 通过改变RTEST, dv/dt(斜率)增加, 直到DU被观察到触发(波形崩溃)。dv/dt随后下降,直到D.U.T.停止触发, 此时记录TRC, 计算dv/dt=0.632*VPEAK/ԏRC The high voltage pulse is set to the required VPEAK value and applied to the D.U.T. output side through the RC circuit above. LED current is not applied. The waveform VT is monitored using a x100 scope probe. By varying RTEST, the dv/dt (slope) is increased, until the D.U.T. is observed to trigger (waveform collapses). The dv/dt is then decreased until the D.U.T. stops triggering. At this point, calculated. dv/dt=0.632*VPEAK/ ԏRC is recorded and the dv/dt ԏRC 例如, KL308X系列的VPEAK=800V, dv/dt值的计算公式如下: For example, VPEAK = 800V for KL308X series. The dv/dt value is calculated as follows: dv/dt= 0.632*800/ԏRC Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 9 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 9. 订单信息 Order Information • 材料编号 Part Number KL308XY(Z)-V (料号PN:KL308XY-Z-V) 附注(Notes): X = 零件编号(1、2 或 3) Part No. (1, 2 or 3) Y = 引脚形式选项(S、S1、M 或 无) Lead form option (S, S1, M or none) Z = 料带和卷轴选项(TA、TB 或 无) Tape and reel option (TA, TB or none) V = 表示VDE标识(客户指定镭射字符才加"V") VDE (Only add "V" to laser characters specified by the customer) 选项 描述 包装数量 Option Description Packing quantity 无 None M S (TA) S (TB) S1 (TA) S1 (TB) 标准DIP-6 每管65pcs Standard DIP-6 65 units per tube 宽引脚弯曲(0.4英寸间距) 每管65pcs Wide lead bend (0.4 inch spacing) 表面贴装引线形式+TA载带和卷轴选项 Surface mount lead form + TA tape & reel option 表面贴装引线形式+TB载带和卷轴选项 Surface mount lead form + TB tape & reel option 表面贴装引线形式(低剖面)+TA载带和卷轴选项 Surface mount lead form (low profile) + TA tape & reel option 表面贴装引线形式(低剖面)+TB载带和卷轴选项 Surface mount lead form (low profile) + TB tape & reel option Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 10 页 共 17 页 65 units per tube 每卷1000pcs 1000 units per tube 每卷1000pcs 1000 units per tube 每卷1000pcs 1000 units per reel 每卷1000pcs 1000 units per reel Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 10. 封装尺寸(单位:毫米) Package Drawing(Unit:mm) • 标准DIP型号 Standard DIP Type • 选择M型号 Option M Type Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 11 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet • 选择S型号 Option S Type • 选择S1型号 Option S1 Type Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 12 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet • 表面贴片类型PIN脚焊盘布局 Surface patch type PIN foot pad layout 附注(Notes): a. 推荐焊盘尺寸仅供参考Suggested pad dimension is just for reference only b.请根据个人需要修改焊盘尺寸Please modify the pad dimension based on individual need Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 13 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 11. 设备标记 Device marking (范本参考 Template reference) 附注(Notes): KL = 表示晶台光电有限公司 Denotes KingLight 308X = 表示材料部件号 Denotes Device Part Number X表示零件编号(1、2 或 3) Part No. (1, 2 or 3) Y = 表示1位年份代码 Denotes 1 digit Year code WW = 表示2位周别代码 Denotes 2 digit Week code V = 表示VDE标识(客户指定镭射字符才加"V") VDE (Only add "V" to laser characters specified by the customer) Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 14 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 12. 料带和卷轴包装规格 Tape & Reel Packing Specifications • 选择TA Option TA • 选择TB Option TB 卷轴进给方向 Direction of feed from reel 卷轴进给方向 Direction of feed from reel 料带尺寸Material belt size 尺寸编号 Dimension No. 尺寸(mm) Dimension(mm) 尺寸编号 Dimension No. 尺寸(mm) Dimension(mm) A B D0 D1 E F 10.8±0.1 7.55±0.1 1.5±0.1 1.5±0.1 1.75±0.1 7.5±0.1 P0 P1 P2 t W K 4.0±0.15 16.0±0.1 2.0±0.1 0.35±0.03 16.0±0.2 4.5±0.1 Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 第 15 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet 13. 焊接温度曲线 Temperature Profile Of Soldering • 回流焊焊接条件 Reflow soldering Soldering Condition 建议在下面所示的温度和时间分布条件下, 进行一次回流焊作业, 不得超过三次 One time soldering reflow is recommended within the condition of temperature and time profile shown below. Do not solder more than three times. 项目 符号 最小值 最大值 单位 Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit Ts 150 200 ℃ ts 60 120 s - - 3 ℃/s 预热温度 Preheat Temperature 预热时间 Preheat Time 升温速率 Ramp-Up Rate (TL to TP) 液相线温度 Liquidus Temperature 高于液相线温度(TL) 的时间 Time above Liquidus Temperature TL 峰值温度 Peak Temperature Tc 在(TP-5)和 TP之间的时间 Time During Which Tc Is Between (TP-5) and TP 降温速率 Ramp-down Rate(TP to TL ) Http://www.kinglight-OC.com TL 217 ℃ tL 60 100 s TP - 260 ℃ tp - 30 s - - 6 ℃/s 第 16 页 共 17 页 Rev 1.0 KL308X Datasheet • 波峰焊温度曲线 Wave Soldering 温度条件下, 建议一次焊接 One time soldering is recommended within the condition of temperature 300 温度 Temperature 260+0/-5℃ 250 200 第一波 +200℃/秒 First wave +200℃/sec 150 第二波-5℃/秒 Second wave -5℃/sec 260℃+0/-5℃ 时间 10秒 Time 10S 预热温度 25至140℃ Preheat temperature 25 to 140℃ 预热时间 30至80秒 Preheat time 30 to 80 S +2℃/sec 100 50 预热区 Preheat zone 25℃ 1 Http://www.kinglight-OC.com 2 3 第 17 页 共 17 页 4 Time(min) Rev 1.0
KL3082S1-TA 价格&库存

