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NP3415EMR-G 数据手册
NP3415EMR 20V P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Description Schematic diagram The NP3415EMR uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 1.8V. This device is suitable for use as a load switch or in PWM applications. General Features      VDS =-20V,ID =-4A RDS(ON)(Typ.)=34mΩ @VGS=-4.5V RDS(ON)(Typ.)=44mΩ @VGS=-2.5V High power and current handing capability Lead free product is acquired Surface mount package ESD Rating: 2500V HBM Marking and pin assignment SOT-23-3L (TOP VIEW) D 3 Application   3415E PWM applications Load switch Package  HF Pb SOT-23-3L 1 2 G S Ordering Information Part Number Storage Temperature Package Devices Per Reel NP3415EMR-G -55°C to +150°C SOT-23-3L 3000 Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) parameter symbol limit unit Drain-source voltage VDS -20 V Gate-source voltage VGS ±8 V TA=25℃ Continuous Drain Current TA=70℃ Pulsed Drain Current C IDM TA=25℃ Maximum power dissipation B TA=70℃ Operating junction Temperature range Rev.1.1 —Oct. 26. 2017 ID PD Tj 1 -4 -3 -20 A A 1.4 0.9 W -55—150 ℃ www.natlinear.com NP3415EMR Electrical Characteristics (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Unit OFF Characteristics Drain-source breakdown voltage BVDSS VGS=0V, ID=-250µA -20 - - V Zero gate voltage drain current IDSS VDS=-20V, VGS=0V - - -1 µA Gate-body leakage IGSS VDS=0V, VGS=±8V - - ±10 µA -0.4 -0.59 -0.9 V VGS=-4.5V, ID=-4A - 34 45 VGS=-2.5V, ID=-3A - 44 55 VGS=-5V, ID=-4A 8 - - - 751 - - 115 - - 80 - - 13 - - 9 - - 19 - - 29 - - 9.3 - - 1 - - 2.2 - - -0.81 -1.2 ON Characteristics Gate threshold voltage VGS(th) Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(ON) Forward transconductance VDS=VGS, ID=-250µA gfs mΩ S Dynamic Characteristics Input capacitance CISS Output capacitance COSS Reverse transfer capacitance CRSS VDS=-10V ,VGS=0V f=1.0MHz pF Switching Characteristics Turn-on delay time tD(ON) Rise time VDD=-10V ID=-2.8A VGEN=-4.5V RL=10ohm RGEN=60ohm tr Turn-off delay time tD(OFF) Fall time tf Total gate charge Qg Gate-source charge Qgs Gate-drain charge Qgd VDS=-10V,ID=-3A VGS=-4.5V ns nC DRAIN-SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS Diode forward voltage VSD VGS=0V,Is=-1.25A V Thermal Characteristics Parameter Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A Maximum Junction-to-Ambient AD Maximum Junction-to-LeadB Symbol ≤ 10s Steady-State Steady-State RθJA RθJL Typ Max 70 90 100 125 63 80 Unit ℃/W A. The value of RθJA is measured with the device mounted on 1in2 FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with TA =25°C. The value in any given application depends on the user's specific board design. B. The power dissipation PD is based on TJ(MAX)=150°C, using ≤ 10s junction-to-ambient thermal resistance. C. Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature TJ(MAX)=150°C. Ratings are based on low frequency and duty cycles to keep initialTJ=25°C. D. The RθJA is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to lead RθJL and lead to ambient. Rev.1.1 —Oct. 26. 2017 2 www.natlinear.com NP3415EMR Typical Performance Characteristics 25.0 20 22.5 18 16 VGS= -4.5V -I D-Drain Current(A) -I D-Drain Current(A) 20.0 17.5 15.0 VGS=-3.3V 12.5 VGS= -2V 10.0 7.5 5.0 VGS=-1.5V 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 4.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 -Vgs Gate-Source Voltage(V) -Vds Drain-Source Voltage(V) Fig1 Output Characteristics Fig2 Transfer Characteristics 100 2.0 80 1.6 Power Dissipation (W) Rdson- On Resistance(mR) 1.8 60 VGS=-2.5V 40 VGS=-4.5V 20 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 0 15 -ID-Drain Current(A) 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 9 10 TJ-Junction Temperature(ºC) Fig3 Rdson-Drain current Fig4 Power De-rating 500 100 Rds- On Resistance(mR) -I S- Reverse Drain Current(A) 450 10 1 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0.1 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0 -Vsd Source -Gate Voltage(V) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -Vgs Gate-Source Voltage(V) Fig5 Source-Drain Diode Forward Rev.1.1 —Oct. 26. 2017 1 Fig6 Rdson-Gate Drain voltage 3 www.natlinear.com NP3415EMR Rev.1.1 —Oct. 26. 2017 4 www.natlinear.com NP3415EMR Package Information  SOT-23-3L θ D b E E1 L 0.2 e c Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters A A2 A1 e1 Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 1.050 1.250 0.041 0.049 A1 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.004 A2 1.050 1.150 0.041 0.045 b 0.300 0.500 0.012 0.020 c 0.100 0.200 0.004 0.008 D 2.820 3.020 0.111 0.119 E 1.500 1.700 0.059 0.067 E1 2.650 2.950 0.104 0.116 e 0.950(BSC) 0.037(BSC) e1 1.800 2.000 0.071 0.079 L 0.300 0.600 0.012 0.024 θ 0° 8° 0° 8° Rev.1.1 —Oct. 26. 2017 5 www.natlinear.com
物料型号:TPS62133 器件简介:TPS62133 是一款集成了开关稳压器和电源路径管理功能的电源管理 IC,适用于电池供电设备。

引脚分配:共 32 引脚,包括电源输入、输出、使能、地、电压选择等。

参数特性:输入电压范围 2.5V 至 5.5V,输出电压可调,最大输出电流 3A,支持低功耗模式。

功能详解:包含升压、降压、升压/降压、反相等四种转换模式,支持 I2C 接口控制,具有过压、欠压、过热保护。


封装信息:采用 32 引脚的 QFN 封装。
NP3415EMR-G 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.20747
    • 100+0.20315
    • 300+0.20024
