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    陶瓷电容/独石电容 插件,P=7.5mm 1µF ±20% 3KV Y5V

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J2102M3FY5VS7.5L 数据手册
文件编号 Document no. :P003 版本 Version: 5 制订日期 Date:2020/04/01 承 認 書 SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL 产品系列: CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORSDC 客户名称 华秋电子 Customer 品 名 陶瓷电容器 Part Name 客户料号 Customer Part No: 承認規格 Y5V- 102M/3KV Approve Item 供应商料号 F=7.5mm J2102M3FY5VS7.5L Part Number 日 期 2024-05-15 Date 客户承认 供应商承认 Customer Acknowledgement Supplier Acknowledgement 台湾:智旭电子有限公司 JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 台湾台中大里市仁路 222 巷 64 号 TEL:886-422752703 FAX: 886-422752236 Http://www.jec365.com 广东:智旭电子有限公司 JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 东莞市道窖镇蔡白村道厚路律冲桥头旁 TEL:0769-88313601 88313602 FAX: 0769-88313603 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 零件编码原则 Part Number Configuration: J2 (1) 102 M 3A (2) (3) (4) Y5V S (5) T 5 (6) (编带) (1)产品类别 DC capacitors L E (7) (8) (9) (7)脚距 Pin pitch : (2)标称容量 Rated capacitance 5.0、7.5、9.5、10.0 、12.5 (3)误差 Tolerance on rated capacitance (8)脚长 Lead length: (4)额定电压 Rated Voltage 3-30mm (5)温度特性 Type code Temperature Characteristic: (9)涂装材料 Coating material: (B)Y5P, (F)Y5V, (E)Y5U.NPO.SL (6)脚型 Lead shape: S(直角), I(内弯), O(外弯), X(前后弯) E 代表 EPOXY,蓝色; C 代表 Yellow 土黄色. Dimensions and Tolerance B=3.0mm max for AA L=3-30mm 承认规格详细参数 (Approved Spec. Data) 品名规格 Approve Item 外径 D max 脚距 F±0.8 厚度 T±0.5mm 脚长 LMINmm 线径 d±0.05mm 绝缘脚 B 颜色 color DF/Q 值 Amm Y5V 102M/3KV 6.3 7.5 3.5 25.0 0.55 ≦2.5 蓝色 ≦5.0% / 规格目录中所列的产品,材料和尺寸其他内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。 The products, materials and dimensions listed in the specification catalog are subject to change without prior notice. Http://www.jec365.com 1 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn 备注 Note JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 1. 適用範圍 (Scope of Application) 適用於電子機器、儀表、通信器材及資訊產品之絕緣圓板形固定陶瓷電容器。 Ideal for use on Electrical Appliance、Instrument、Communication equipment and Information product. 1. 種 類 (Type) 2 - 1‧ CLASS 1 溫度補償型(Temperature compensation type)‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ( TC TYPE ) 2 - 2‧ CLASS 2 高介電常數(High inductivity)‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ( HI ﹣K TYPE ) 2 - 3‧ CLASS 3 半導體(Semi-Conductive)‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ( SC TYPE ) 3‧ 温度范围 (Temperature Range) 3 - 1‧ Y 级 (Y Type) ( ﹣25℃ - ﹢85℃ ) 温度特性范围(Operating Temperature Range) 3 - 2‧ Z 级 (Z Type) ( + 10℃ - ﹢85℃ ) 温度特性范围(Operating Temperature Range) 3 - 3‧ X 级 (X Type) ( - 55℃ - ﹢125℃ ) 温度特性范围(Operating Temperature Range) 3 - 4‧ . Y 级,Z 级 ( -40℃ - +125℃ )工作温度范围(Use temperature range) 4‧ 額定電壓 (Rated Voltage) 4 - 1‧ TC & Hi ﹣k‧ ‧ ‧ 50V‧ 500V‧ 1KV‧ 2KV‧ 3KV‧ 6KV·8KV·10KV‧ 15KV( D‧ C ) 4 - 2‧ SC‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ 16V‧ 25V‧ 50V·100V 4 - 3‧ T.C. 標示法 高压电容: HIGH DIELECTRIC CONSTANT CAPACITOR B:Y5P/X7R D:Y5T/Y5R E:Y5U F:Y5V 5‧ 溫度特性 (Temperature Characteristics) 5 - 1‧ CLASS 1 (溫度係數 Temperature Coefficient:PPM/℃) 代 溫度係數容許差 號 Code C H L P R S T U D SL PPM / ℃ 0 -30 -80 -150 -220 -330 -470 -750 '-3300 ﹢140 顏 Temperature Coefficient Change 代 號 Code H H H H H H H J L > @ > Color PPM/ ℃ ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 ± 500 色 EIA 規格 Specification NPO N33 N80 N150 N220 N330 N470 N750 黑 black 棕 brown 红 red 橙 orange 黄 yellow 绿 green 蓝 blue 紫 purple N 330 ± 500 代 號 Code C0 S1 U1 P2 R2 S2 T2 U2 S2L - 1000 T‧ C‧ CHART Http://www.jec365.com 2 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn W‧ V 50V 15KV JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 5-2 CLASS 2 代 號 Code ( 溫度變化率 Temperature Coefficient :%) EIA 容量變化率 溫度范圍 Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance 規 格(Specification) 代 號 Code Capacitance Tolerance W‧ V 容量變化率 B -25℃ ﹢10﹪ / ﹣10﹪ Y5P/YL ﹢10﹪ / ﹣10﹪ 50V-15KV D +85℃ ﹢20﹪ / ﹣30﹪ Y5T/Y5R ﹢22﹪ / ﹣33﹪ 50V-15KV E -25℃ ﹢20﹪ / ﹣55﹪ Y5U/Z5U ﹢22﹪ / ﹣56﹪ 50V-20KV F +85℃ ﹢30﹪ / ﹣80﹪ Y5V/Z5V ﹢22﹪ / ﹣82﹪ 50V-20KV R -55℃﹢125℃ ﹢15﹪ / ﹣15﹪ X7R ﹢15﹪ / ﹣15﹪ 50V-2KV 5-3 CLASS3 ( 溫度變化率 Temperature Coefficient :﹪) EIA 代 號 Code 溫度范圍 容量變化率 Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance 代 號 Code Capacitance Tolerance Y5R ±15 ﹪ ±15 ﹪ D -25℃ ﹢20 ﹪ Y5T - 30 ﹪ +30 ﹪ F E +85℃ R Http://www.jec365.com -80 ﹪ +20 ﹪ -55 ﹪ 規 格(Specification) Y5V/Z5V Y5U/Z5U Y5P ±10 ﹪ 3 W.V 容量变化率 +22 ﹪ -33 ﹪ +22 ﹪ -82﹪ 16V.25V 50V,100V +22 ﹪ -56 ﹪ ±10 ﹪ E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 6‧ 制品尺寸與容量范圍 (Dimensions and Capacitance Range) 本规格书尺寸,脚距,仅供参考.尺寸如有变化,不另行通知. 请向我司查询或按贵司要求生产。 Size of this specification, foot distance, for reference only. Size change without notice.Please check with us or produce according to your requirement. 6-1 CLASS 1 Dimension(mm) Capacitance Range(PF) 導線間隔 Lead Space (F) 直徑 Diameter (D)MAX 直長腳 彎短腳 Straight Lead Formed Lead 5.0 2.5±0.8 6.0 50V 50V 50V 500V NPO- 500V-3KV 4KV-6KV 8KV-15KV 1-82 47-68 18-47 82-100 56-82 151-221 100 271 151 N750 N750 SL 5.0±0.8 1-50 1-50 22 -150 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 51-82 51-82 151-220 7.0 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 82-120 83-120 240-330 8.0 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 121-180 130-180 360-470 9.0 5.0±0.8 5±0.8 181-220 181-220 500-560 10.0 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 221-270 221-270 561-820 51-120 180-300 331 181-221 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 7.5±0.8 9.2.5±0.8 271-330 271-330 561-820 51-120 180-300 331 181-221 331-470 471 170-240 470-240 470-560 561-681 391 12.0 5.0±0.8 14.0 6-2 7.5±0.8 NPO 1-30 33-47 91-160 CLASS 2 EIA 温度特性图 TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTIC CHART X: - 55℃ 4: + 65℃ A ± 1.0﹪ Y: - 25℃ 5: + 85℃ B ± 1.5﹪ Z: - 10℃ 6: + 105℃ C ± 2.2﹪ 7: + 125℃ D ± 3.3﹪ 8: + 150℃ E ± 4.7﹪ F ± 7.5﹪ P ± 10﹪ R ± 15﹪ S ± 22﹪ T + 22﹪ - 33% + 22﹪ - 56% + 22﹪ - 82% U V 第一个 最低温度 First Digit is Temperature low Http://www.jec365.com 第二个 最高温度 Second Digit is High Temperature 4 最后一个字母 电容量变化,温度范围 25℃. Last Digit is Capacitance Change Over Temperature Range From + 25 C Reading E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 直徑 Diameter Dime nsion (MM) Lead Space 尺寸 导线间隔 ( F) (D) MAX 5.0 6.0 彎短腳 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 Formed Lead 直短腳 Straight short 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 Lead 直长脚 Straight long 2.5±0.8 5.0±0.8 Lead 50 V 500V1KV 容 2KV 7.0 8.0 9.0 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 7.5±0.8 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.8 7.5±0.8 5.0±0.8 7.5±0.8 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 23.0 7.5±0.8 10.0±0.8 7.5±0.8 10.0±0.8 10.0±0.8 12.5±0.8 7.5±0.8 10.0±0.8 10.0±0.8 12.5±0.8 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-222 272-330 392-472 562-822 E(Y5U) 102-103 682-103 123 153-223 F(Y5V) 102-103 153-203 223 473 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-501 561-102 122-152 222-472 182 562-103 E(Y5U) 101-102 152-222 272 332-392 472-562 682-103 F(Y5V) 102-122 152-182 202-222 272-332 392-103 153 -183 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-561 681-102 122-152 182-272 332 -103 E(Y5U) 102-122 152-182 202-272 332 392-472 102-182 202-222 272-332 392-682 103 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-471 561-681 821 102-222 332-682 E(Y5U) 102-122 152-182 202-222 102-222 332-682 103 F(Y5V) 102-182 202-222 272 332-472 332-682 103 10-82 101-471 561-102 122-682 E(Y5U) 471-102 152-182 222 272 332-472 682 F(Y5V) 102-222 152-222 332-392 472 682 103 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-331 471 561-681 821-102 122 182 E(Y5U) 471-561 681-102 122 152-182 222 F(Y5V) 102 152-182 222- 272-332 472 B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 101-331 471 561-681 821-102 102-222 E(Y5U) 471-561 681-102 122 152-182 222 F(Y5V) 102 152 182 102-222 272 203-223 822-103 203-333 473 104 量 F(Y5V) 范 围 Cap acit anc e Ran ge (PF) 3KV4KV B(Y5P/ Y5T/YL) 5KV6KV 8KV12KV 15KV20KV Http://www.jec365.com 101-102 101 5 223-473 222 - 103 472 222 222 332 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn 472 472 103 JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 6-2 CLASS 3 直徑 Diameter 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 14.0 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 2.5 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 直长脚 Straight long Lead 2.5 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 5.0 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 10.0 ± 0.8 D Y5R 103 223 473 D Y5T 223 473-104 F Y5V 473 104 E Y5U 223-473 104 D Y5R 103 D Y5T 103 223 F Y5V 223 473-104 154 E Y5U 153-223 473 104 F Y5V 223 473 104 (D) MAX Dimension (MM) 导 线 间 隔( F) Lead Space 尺寸 16 V 容 彎短腳 Formed Lead 直短腳 Straight short Lead 223 104 473 103 量 范 围 Capacit ance Range 25 V (PF) 50V` 100V 473 104 103 223 223 473-104 153-223 473 224 224 E Y5U B Y5P Http://www.jec365.com 104 103 6 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 7. 靜電容量與容許差(Capacitance & Tolerance): 7-1 CLASS 1 容許差 Tolerance 靜電電容 Capacitance 代號 Code 容量 Capacitance 代號 Code 容量 Capacitance 1-5PF C ±0.25PF D ±0.5PF 6- 821 PF J ±5﹪ K ±10﹪ 7-2 CLASS 2 50V 容許差 Tolerance 代號 Code % 20KV 代号 % B K ±10﹪ B K ±10﹪ D M ±20﹪ R L ±15﹪ F Z +80﹪ -20﹪ F Z +80﹪ -20﹪ M ±20﹪ M ±20﹪ Z +80﹪ -20﹪ Z +80﹪ -20﹪ P +100﹪ - 0﹪ P +100﹪ - 0﹪ E 7-3 500V 容許差 Tolerance E CLASS 3 16V 16V 容許差 Tolerance 代號 Code % D ( Y5R ) K ± 10﹪ B D ( Y5T ) M ± 20﹪ F ( Y5V ) Z + 80﹪ - 20﹪ 50V 容許差 Tolerance 代號 Code % ( Y5P ) K ± 10﹪ E ( Y5U ) M ± 20﹪ R (X7R) K ± 10﹪ 50V 8.性能與試驗 (Performance and Testing) 本规格承认书所列之名称制品规格之性能及一般试验,特殊試驗均符合及依據 EIA RS 198, JIS C 6422, 423 , GB/T 2693 等规格。 The specification recognizes the performance and general test of the product specification listed in this specification,Special tests are in accordance with and basisEIA RS 198, JIS C 6422, 6423 , GB/T 2693 Specifications such as 注意:1.依国际规范定义,耐压测试时,零件承认或周期性试验测试为一分钟,经一分钟测试 之部品需报废处理。(此测试条件带有破坏性测试) "Note: (1) Is was defined according with IEC, when for qualification approval and periodic tests, the withstanding test must last to 1 minute, and it belong to destroyed test domain, therefore, after the test, capacitors should be scrap. Withstand voltage test should rise slowly at 150V/s, and test time is counted from when the voltage reaches to experiment requirement." (Capacitors may cause to damage when withstand voltage test repeated.) 2.批量生产时测试时间为三秒钟,耐压测试应为缓升或零启动。 (2) The test time is more than 1 second at production period, and the rated test voltage is applied. Http://www.jec365.com 7 E-mail: jec@jeccap.cn JYH HSU(JEC) ELECTRONICS LTD., 表(sheet) No 1 项目 Item 2 Performance 試驗方法 Test method Dimensions 參考 6 ,9 ,10 頁之圖表。 Refer to charts on page. (6, 9, 10) 生產線必須做全數外觀檢驗並分別剔除不良品。 尺寸利用微測儀或卡尺測量。 1-1 "Production line visual inspection must be done in 1-2 full and remove the defective products." Dimensions should be measured with slide calipers and micrometers. 記號標示 Marking 必須幹凈及清晰。 Had to cleanness and clearly. 2-1 外觀及尺寸 1 性能 Appearance and 標示需能承受溶劑擦拭。 Marks need can bear solvent wipe. 试验电压为额定电压之倍数。 The test voltage is a multiple of the rated voltage. 3-1 端子間 無任何異常發生。 No failure. Between Lead Wires 耐電壓 Withsta nding Voltage 3-2 3 端子與外 裝間 無任何異常發生。 No failure. Body Insulation CLASS 1 絕緣電阻 CLASS 2 ( 端子间 ) 4 (Between Lead Wires ) 3-3 Test with metal pellet method, 2.5 times of rated voltage is applied between the lead wires and coated.See GB/T2693 or CNS 3432. 绝缘电阻之测定电压 Measure voltage of insulation resistance ≧10000 MΩ 10000 MΩ 或 200 ΩF 以上以 較小值為準。 ≧10000 MΩ or 200 ΩF, take the small one. 100 MΩ或 10ΩF 之較小值以上 ≧100 MΩ or 10 ΩF, Take the CLASS 3 small one. 额定电压 rated voltage 测定电压 Testing Voltage (VR/VC)< 10V (VR/VC) ±10% 10V≦(VR/VC)
J2102M3FY5VS7.5L 价格&库存

