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TCC0805X7R221K500DTS 数据手册
文件编号 DRAAW108J/0-2021 页数 23 文件名称 多层片式陶瓷电容器(产品承认书) 制订日期 2012.01 版数 制定、修订日 期 页数 制定、修订内容 登记者 B/0 2012/1/11 38 新制定 方千军 B/1 2012/8/11 36 增加2225、1808尺寸的载带尺寸 王彬彬 C/0 2013/1/10 39 换版 王彬彬 D/0 2014/1/6 39 更新SGS报告 王彬彬 E/0 2014/5/6 29 换版 张国信 F/0 2015/2/10 28 换版 张国信 G/0 2016/5/15 23 换版 张国信 H/0 2017/7/1 23 换版 张国信 I/0 2020/2/15 23 换版 张国信 J/0 2021/1/7 23 增加0201尺寸及X6S\X7T材质 删除1210尺寸以上规格 张国信 第 2 页 目录 1. 电容器及介质分类…………………………………………………………………… 4 2.产品结构……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 3.产品规格型号命名规则………………………………………………………………………………… 5 4. 产品尺寸………………………………………………………………………………… 5 5. 技术要求和测试条件………………………………………………………………………………… 6 6. 产品包装………………………………………………………………………………… 15 7. MLCC使用注意事项………………………………………………………………………………… 18 第 3 页 1. 电容器及介质分类 Types of Capacitor and Dielectric Material ※X7R:此类介质材料的电容器为Ⅱ类电容器,具有较高的介电常数,容量比Ⅰ类电容器高,具有较稳定的温 度特性,适用于容量范围广,稳定性要求不高的电路中,如隔直、耦合、旁路、鉴频等电路中。 ※ X7R: material is a kind of material has high dielectric constant. The capacitor made of this kind material is considered as Class Ⅱ capacitor whose capacitance is higher than that of class Ⅰ. These capacitors are classified as having a semi-stable temperature characteristic and used over a wide temperature range, such in these kinds of circuits, DC-blocking, decoupling, bypassing, frequency discriminating etc. 2.产品结构 Product Frame 第 4 页 序号 名称 1 陶瓷介质 2 内电极 3 外电极 4 镍层 5 锡层 3.产品规格型号命名规则 General Product Parts Numbering System (例) (example) TCC 0805 X7R 221 K 500 D T S 电容值(pF) 尺 寸 Chip Size Capacitance 额定电压 包 装 规格 Type=L×W =22*10^1 Rated Packing Voltage 编带 =2.00×1.25mm Two significant digits followed by no.of zero 陶瓷电容 =50VDC 三明治结构 器代号 厚 度 Code of Thickness Ceramic 温度特性 容量容差 Capacitor Dielectrics Capacitance X7R Tolerance 工作温度范围 =±10% S =0.85±0.10mm -55℃~+125℃ 温度系数或温度特 性 ±15% 4. 产品尺寸 Dimensions 规格: 0805 Chip Size: 0805 e L g W e T 规格 L W e g min T Type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 0805 2.00±0.10 1.25±0.10 0.2~0.7 0.70 0.85±0.10 第 5 页 5. 技术要求和测试条件 Specification and Test Condition 5.1 外观 Appearance 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition X7R 无损伤或异常 No defects or abnormalities 目视检查 Visual inspection. 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition X7R 在要求的范围内 Within the specified dimensions 用千分尺 Using calipers on micrometer 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 5.2 尺寸 Dimensions 5.3 容量 Capacitance X7R 在要求的容值容差范围内 Within the specified tolerance K=±10% 1.0±0.2Vrms,1KHz±10%; 备注:测试温度:25℃±3℃,测试湿度:<70%RH.针对二类介质规格需去老化处理, 条件:电容器在150℃热处理1小时,放置48h后进行测量。 5.4 损耗 Dissipation Factor 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification X7R DF≤7.0% 测试条件 Testing Condition 1.0±0.2Vrms,1KHz±10%; 备注:测试温度:25℃±3℃,测试湿度:<70%RH.针对二类介质规格需去老化处理, 条件:电容器在150℃热处理1小时,放置48h后进行测量。 第 6 页 5.5 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 类型 Dielectrics X7R 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 测试电压:50V; 充电时间:60±5秒; 温度:25℃; Charge Time:60±5sec; Temperture:25℃ ≥10GΩ 备注:测试温度:25℃±3℃,测试湿度:<70%RH. 5.6耐电压 Dielectric Strength 类型 Dielectrics X7R 额定电压范围 Rated voltage range 耐电压性能测试方法 Measuring Method UR=50V 施加电压125V,5秒,最大电流 不超过50mA; Force 125V for 5second. Max.current should not exceed 50 mA. 备注:测试温度:25℃±3℃,测试湿度:<70%RH. 5.7 静电容量温度特性 Temperature Coefficient of Capacitance 类型 Dielectrics X7R 技术要求 Specification 容量变化在±15%以内 Capacitance change within ±15% 备注:测试温度:25℃±3℃,测试湿度:<70%RH. 第 7 页 测试条件 Testing Condition 按系列温度顺序测试电容容量 Measure capacitance under follow table list temperature(℃): 在140~150℃预处理1小时,放置24小时后 进行测量。 步骤 STEP X7R 1 25±2 2 -55±3 3 25±2 4 125±3 5 25±2 X7R 与25℃时的电容容量相比较,电容容 量在温度范围内的变化在要求的范围之内 。The ranges of capacitance change compared within the above 25℃ value over the temperature ranges shall be within the specified ranges. 5.8 附着力 Adhesion 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 施加6N的压力,并保持10±1秒 The pressurizing force shall be 6N (=600g*f) and the duration of application shall be 10±1sec. X7R 端电极无松动,也无其它不 良现象No removal of the terminations or other defect shall occur. hooked jig board r=0.5 hip cross-section 5.9可焊性 Solderability of Termination 类型 Dielectrics X7R 技术要求 Specification 端电极挂锡面积不小于 95%,针孔或粗糙面积小于 5%。 95% min-coverage of both terminal electrodes and less than 5% have pin holes or rough spots. 测试条件 Testing Condition 锡炉温度:245±5℃ 浸入时间:2±1秒 两侧端电极完全浸入焊锡炉 Solder temperature: 245±5℃ Dipping time: 2±1 seconds. Completely soak both terminal electrodes in solder. 5.10 耐焊性 Resistance to leaching 类型 Dielectrics X7R 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 预热:120℃~150℃/60秒 锡炉温度:270±5℃ 端电极挂锡面积不小于 95%,针孔或粗糙面积小于 浸入时间: 10±1秒 5%,外观无开裂。 两侧端电极完全浸入焊锡炉 95% min. coverage of Solder temperature: 270±5℃ both terminal electrodes preheated: 120℃~150℃/60sec and less than 5% have Dipping time: 10±1 seconds. pin holes or rough Completely soak both terminal spots.No remarkable electrodes in solder. visual damage. 第 8 页 5.11 端电极结合强度 Bending 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 将片状电容器安装在测试夹具上,按图 所示方向以1.0mm/s的速率施加压力, 弯曲1mm。 X7R Solder the capacitor on testing substrate and put it on testing stand.The middle part of substrate shall successively be 无可见损伤;容量变化小于 pressurized by pressuring rod at 等于±10% a rate of about 1.0mm/sec. Until No remarkable visual the deflection become means of damage;Cp change ≤ ± the 1.0mm. 10% 50 pressurizing speeding:1.0mm/sec. pressurize ≤1 capacitance meter 第 9 页 5.12 耐焊接热 Resistance to Soldering Heat 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 焊接温度: 270±5℃ 预热: 120~150℃ 60秒 浸入时间: 10±1秒 在室温下放置 48±4 小时以后测量 试验后在标准条件下恢复 *高介电常数电容器的初始值测量 在140~150℃进行1小时的热处理后在室 温下放置48±4小时 X7R 无明显可见损伤,容量变化 在±7.5%以内,DF满足产品 初始值的要求,IR满足产品 初始值的要求 No remarkable visual damage,Cp change within ±7.5%,IR meets initial standard value. 测量初始值 Soldering temperature: 270±5℃ Preheating: 120~150℃ 60sec. Dipping time: 10±1 seconds. Measurement to be made after being kept at room temperature for 48±4hours.Recovery for the following period under the standard condition after test. *Initial measurement for high dielectric constant typePerform a heat treatment at 140~150℃ for 1hr and let sit for 48±4hrs at room temperature.Perform the initial measurement. 第 10 页 5.13 温度快速循环 Temperature Cycle 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 按下列步骤进行5次循环: To perform 5 cycles of the stated environment 步骤Step 温度 Temperature 1 下限类别温度+0/-3℃ Min.operating Temp.+0/-3℃ 2 3 25℃ 上限类别温度+3/-0℃ 时间 Time 30min 2~3 min 30 min Max.operating Temp.+3/-0℃ 2~3 min 4 25℃ 在室温下放置48±4小时以后测量。 *高介电常数电容器的初始值测量。 X7R 无明显可见损伤,容量变化 在±7.5%以内。 No remarkable visual damage.Cp change within ±7.5% 在140~150℃进行1小时的热处理后在室 温下放置48±4小时测量初始值。 Measurement to be made after being kept at room temperature for 48±4hrs at room temperature, then measure. *Initial measurement for high dielectric constant type.Perform a heat treatment at 140~150℃ for 1hr and let sit for 48±4hrs at room temperature.Perform the initial measurement. 第 11 页 5.14 稳态湿热 Moisture Resistance ,steady state 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 测试温度: 40±2℃ 湿度: 90~95% RH 测试时间: 500 ±12hrs 在室温下放置48±4小时以后测量 *高介电常数电容器的初始值测量 在140~150℃进行1小时的热处理后在室 温下放置48±4小时测量初始值。 Test temperature: 40±2℃ X7R 外观无明显可见损伤,容量 变化在±12.5%以内,DF为 初始值的2倍以下,IR:大于 1000MΩ Cp change within ± 12.5%,DF:Not more than 2 times of initial value,IR≥1000MΩ 第 12 页 Humidity: 90~95% RH Testing time: 500 ±12hrs Measurement to be made after being kept at room temperature for 48±4hrs. *Initial measurement for high dielectric constant type.Perform a heat treatment at 140~150℃ for 1hr and let sit for 48±4hrs at room temperature.Perform the initial measurement. 5.15 耐湿负荷 Damp heat with load 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 测试温度: 40±2℃ 湿度: 90~95% RH 电压: 额定电压 测试时间: 500 ±12hrs 在室温下放置48±4小时以后测量。 *在40±2℃温度下,将电容器加额定直 流电压1hrs。 去掉电压,将电容器在室温下放置 48 ±4hrs,测量初始电容值。 X7R 外观无明显可见损伤,容量 变化在±12.5%以内,DF为 初始值的2倍以下。 IR: 大于500MΩ No remarkable visual damage,Cp change≤± 12.5%.DF:Not more than 2 times of initial value IR≥500MΩ Test temperature: 40±2℃ Humidity: 90~95% RH Voltage: 100% of the rated voltage Testing time: 500 ±12hrs Measurement to be made after being kept at room temperature for 48±4hrs. *Apply the rated DC voltage for 1 hour at 40±2℃. Remove and let sit for 48±4hrs at room temperature. Perform the initial measurement. 备注:该项可靠性试验仅适用于常规产品,不适用于中高压产品。 第 13 页 5.16 耐久性 Life Test 类型 Dielectrics 技术要求 Specification 测试条件 Testing Condition 测试温度:上限类别温度±3℃ 电压:UR<100V 1.5倍额定电压 测试时间: 1000 小时 在室温下放置48±4小时以后测量。 *高介电常数电容器的初始值测量: 在上限类别温度±3℃,将电容器加1.5 倍额定直流电压1小时。 去掉电压,将电容器在室温下放置 48 ±4hrs,测量初始电容值。 Test temperature: Max. Operating Temp. ±3℃ X7R 外观无明显可见损伤,容量 Voltage: 变化在±12.5%以内,DF为 初始值的2倍以下。IR:大于 UR<100V 150% of the rated voltage 1000MΩ No remarkable visual Testing time: 1000 hrs damage.Cp change≤± Measurement to be made after 12.5%.DF:Not more than 2 being kept at room temperature times of initial value.IR≥ for48±4hrs. 1000MΩ *Initial measurement for high dielectric constant type:Apply 150% of the rated DC voltage for one hour at the maximum operating temperature ±3℃.Remove and let sit for 48±4hrs at room temperature. Perform the initial measurement. 备注:该项可靠性试验仅适用于常规产品,不适用于中高压产品。 第 14 页 6. 产品包装 Packing 6.1袋式散装 Bulk Packing 10000个/袋或按客户要求。Standard packing 10Kpcs/bag; others are according to customer request. 6.2编带式包装 Tape Packing 规格 Type 0805 长度L 2.00 2.00 尺寸 Size (mm) 宽度W 1.25 1.25 编带数量(个/盘 pcs/reel) 纸带Paper Tape 塑料带Plastic Tape 4000 N/A N/A 2,000(或3000) 厚度T ≤0.85 >0.85 Ф 1. 5+ 0. 1/ -0 6.2.1 纸带尺寸 Dimensions of Packing Paper Type 0201 0402 0603 0805 1206 A B C D T 0.36±0.03 0.65±0.10 1.05±0.10 1.55±0.15 1.95±0.15 0.67±0.03 1.15±0.10 1.85±0.10 2.30±0.15 3.50±0.15 2.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.10 2.00±0.10 2.00±0.10 0.42max 0.8max 1.1max 1.1max 1.1max (单位unit:毫米mm) 6.2.2 塑料带尺寸 Dimensions of Embossed Packing A:1.45±0.20 B:2.25±0.20 (0805) A:1.95±0.20 A:2.90±0.20 B:3.60±0.20 (1210) B:3.50±0.20 (1206) (单位unit:毫米mm) 第 15 页 6.2.3 编带盘尺寸 Dimensions of Reel 6.2.4 编带方式 Taping Figure 空白部分 Empty section 产品装入部分 Chip insertion section 空白部分 Empty section 引带部分 Leader 160min. (单位 unit:毫米 mm) 160min.. 240min. 抽出方向 Feeding direction 6.2.5 编带方法 Taping Method ① 包装电容器的编带是顺时针卷绕的,由上往下的方向拉出编带时,传送孔处于编带的右侧。 ② 在编带的前端,至少留出5个间距的引出带。 ③ 在编带时,必须按下图留出引带部分或空白部分。 ④ 在盘带的安装中的产品装错的数量每盘必须小于表示数量的0.1%或1个为限,不连续发生错误。 ⑤ 上胶带和下胶带不应超出编带的边缘,不能挡住传送孔。 ⑥ 传送孔的累计误差为10个间距:±0.3毫米以内。 ⑦ 上胶带的剥离力矩应在0.1至0.6牛顿以内,其方向如下图所示。 第 16 页 ① Tapes for capacitors are wound clockwise. The sprocket holes are to the right as the tape is pulled toward the user. ② The top tape and base tape are not attached at the end of the tape for a minimum of 5 pitches. ③ Part of the leader and part of the empty tape shall be attached to the end of the tape as follows. ④ Missing capacitors number within 0.1% of the number per reel or 1pc, whichever is greater, and are not continuous. ⑤ The top tape and bottom tape shall not protrude beyond the edges of the tape and shall not cover sprocket holes. ⑥ Cumulative tolerance of sprocket holes, 10 pitches: ±0.3mm. ⑦ Peeling off force: 0.1 to 0.6N in the direction shown down. 165-180 o 顶膜 Top cover 基带 Carrier 6.2.6 产品标签 Reel Label RoHS TCC0805X7R221K500DTS Lot.No.7ID120881A Qty.4000pcs 标签内容 The Contents of Label (1) TCC ① 0805 ② X7R ③ 221 ④ K ⑤ 500 ⑥ ①陶瓷电容器代号Code of Ceramic Capacitor ②尺寸chip size,③温度特性dielectrics,④容量capacitance,⑤容量容差tolerance, ⑥额定电压rated voltage,⑦厚度thickness,⑧包装packing,⑨三明治; (2) 产品批号Lot. No.: 7ID120881A (3) 数量Qty: 4000pcs (4) RoHS: GREEN PARTS 绿色物料 第 17 页 D ⑦ T ⑧ S ⑨ 6.2.7.外包装 Package 包装箱Carton 包装箱尺寸Carton Size L W H 41.0cm 38.5cm 20.2cm 数量: 240Kpcs /箱 The Quantity:240Kpcs /one carton 1 内包装盒=40000PCS 1 INNER BOX=40000PCS 1 包装箱 =40000PCS × 6包装盒=240KPCS 1 CARTON=40000PCS × 6BOX=240KPCS RoHS标识(根据客户要求张贴) according to customer request 内包装盒 Inner Box 包装盒尺寸 Size L W H 18.5cm 6.5cm 19cm 数量: 40000pcs /盒 1盘=4000PCS 1 REEL=4000PCS 1包装盒=4000PCS × 10盘 =40000PCS 1 INNER BOX=4000PCS × 10REEL =40000PCS 7.MLCC使用注意事项 Precautions on the use of MLCC 7.1 电路板设计 PCB Design 7.1.1电路板图案设计Design of Land-patterns 下面图和表格给出了部分推荐的设计图案,可以防止安装时焊锡量过多。 同时也给出了不正确的图案。 电路板设计推荐图案尺寸: 波峰焊接时推荐设计的尺寸 (单位: mm): The following diagrams and tables show some examples recommended patterns to prevent excessive solder amounts (larger fillets which above the component end terminations). Examples of improper pattern designs are also shown. Recommended land dimensions for a typical chip capacitor land patterns for PCBs.Recommended land dimensions for wave-soldering. (unit: mm) 规格SIZE L W 尺寸 A B C Land pattern chip capacitor solder resist 0603 1.6 0.8 0.8~1.0 0.5~0.8 0.6~0.8 0805 2 1.25 1.0~1.4 0.8~1.5 0.9~1.2 1206 3.2 1.6 1.8~2.5 0.8~1.7 1.2~1.6 Chip capacitor C W B A B L 第 18 页 再流焊接时推荐设计的尺寸 (单位: mm) Recommended land dimensions for reflow-soldering (unit: mm) 规格SIZE 0805 2 1.25 0.8~1.2 0.8~1.2 0.9~1.6 L W 尺寸(mm) A B C 过量的焊锡会影响产品抵抗机械应力的能力,因此在设计图案时应引起注意。 Excess solder can affect the ability of chips to withstand mechanical stresses. Therefore, please take proper precautions when designing land-patterns. 在应用中一些焊接好与坏的情况: Examples of good and bad solder application. 项目Item 片状元件和带引线的元 件的混合焊接 不推荐结构Not recommended lead wire of component 推荐结构Recommended solder resist soldering iron Mixed mounting of SMD and leaded component chasis 靠近底座的焊接 solder(for grounding) solder-resist Component placement close to the chassis 在片状元件附近带引线 元件的焊接 lead wire of component solder resist soldering iron Hand-soldering of leaded components near mounted 7.1.2 图案结构 Pattern configurations 下面是电容器安装好与坏的例子。选择贴装位置,应尽可能减小电路板在弯曲时受到的机械应力。 The following are examples of good and bad capacitor layout, SMD capacitors should be located to minimize any possible mechanical stresses from board warp or deflection.. 项目Item 不推荐结构Not recommended 推荐结构Recommended 电路板弯曲 Deflection of the board 对于电路板分拨的电容器,在分拨时受到的机械应力大小与电容器的安装有关。 下面推荐了一些好的设计。 To layout the capacitors for the breakaway PC board, it should be noted that the amount of mechanical stresses given depending on capacitor layout. The example below shows recommendations for better design. 第 19 页 perforation slit magnitude of stress A>B=C>D>E 在沿着分拨线分拨电路板时,对产品施加的机械应力与使用的方法关系很大。分折电路板时片状元件受到的疲劳按照如下顺序增 大:分折、剪切、V型槽、穿孔。因此,贴装时应该考虑电路板的分拨过程。 When breaking PC boards along their perforations, the amount lf mechanical stress on the capacitors can vary according to the method used. The following methods are listed in order from least stressful to most stressful: push-back, silt, -grooving, and perforation. Thus, any ideal SMD capacitor layout must also consider the PCB splitting procedure. 7.2 自动贴装注意事项 Considerations for automatic placement 贴装机的调整 Adjustment of mounting machine ①.产品在电路板贴装时,不应该受到过大的冲击。 ②.必须定期对吸头和定位爪进行检查、维修和更换。 ①. Excessive impact load should not be imposed on the capacitors when mounting the PC boards. ②. The maintenance and inspection of the mounters should be conducted periodically. 项目Item 不推荐结构Not recommended 推荐结构Recommended crack 单面贴装 Single-sided mounting supporting pin crack 双面贴装 Double-sided mounting solder peeling 7.3推荐焊接曲线 crack supporting pin Recommended soldering profile 7.3.1 说明: ① 产品推荐使用回流焊接工艺; ② 大尺寸产品适用于回流焊接工艺。 Re: ①flow Soldering is recommended; ②flow soldering is suitable for bigger size MLCCs. 第 20 页 7.3.2 锡铅焊接曲线 Recommended Sn&Pb soldering profile 再流焊 Reflow soldering preheating over 1 minute over 1 minute 230°C within 10 seconds 注意 Caution ①理想状况的焊锡高度为电容器厚度的1/3 ~1/2,如下图所示: ①The ideal condition is to have solder mass (fillet) controlled to 1/2 to 1/3of the thickness of the capacitor, as shown below: 1/2T-1/3T capacitor T Solder PC board ②过长的焊接时间会影响端头的可焊性, 焊接时间尽可能保持与推荐时间一致。 ②Because excessive dwell times can detrimentally affect solderability, soldering duration should be kept as close to recommended times as possible. 波峰焊 Wave solder profile 注意Caution ①.确保电容器充分预热。 ②.产品预热和焊接温度差不超过100~130℃。 ③.焊接后尽可能慢速冷却。 ①.Make sure the capacitors are preheated sufficiently. ②.The temperature difference between the capacitor and melted solder should not be greater than 100 to 130℃. ③.Cooling after soldering should be gradual as possible. 第 21 页 手工焊接 Hand soldering 注意 Caution ①.用尖端最大直径1.0mm功率20W的焊接烙铁。 ②.焊接烙铁不要直接接触产品。 ①.Use a 20w soldering iron with a maximum tip diameter of 1.0mm. ②.The soldering iron should not directly touch the capacitor. 7.3.3无铅焊接曲线 Recommended Pb-Free soldering profile 回流焊接 Reflow solder 波峰焊接 Wave solder profile 第 22 页 7.4 分拨电路板 Handling Breakaway PC boards (splitting along perforations) ⑴.在电容器或其它贴装后,必须注意因电路板弯曲或变形带来的应力。 ⑵.分拨电路板时必须使用专用的夹具,不可以用手拨断。 ⑴.When splitting the PC board after mounting capacitors and other components, care is required so as not to give any stresses of deflection or twisting to the board. ⑵.Board separation should not be done manually, but by using the appropriate devices. 7.5保存 Storage ⑴.在下列环境中保存产品:温度 5~40℃;湿度 ≤70% RH ⑵.产品自生产之日保存期为一年,产品使用之前请勿拆开编带。 ⑶.编带拆开后,产品应在三个月内使用。 ⑷.高介电常数电容器 (X7R,X5R,Y5V) 的容值随时间会逐渐减小,所以在电路设计时应充分考虑这一现象。容值减小的电容器在 150℃热处理1小时后容值会恢复到初试值。 ⑴. Keep the storage environment conditions as following: Temperature: 5~40℃;Humidity: ≤70% RH ⑵. Don’t open the tape until the parts are to be used, and store them within one year since the date printed on the reel. ⑶. Use the chips within 3 months after the tape is opened. ⑷. The capacitance value of high dielectric constant capacitors (X7R,X5R,Y5V) will gradually decrease with the passage of time, so this should be taken into consideration in the circuit design. If such a capacitance reduction occurs, a heat treatment of 150℃ for 1 hour will return the capacitance to its initial level. 第 23 页
TCC0805X7R221K500DTS 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 100+0.02960
    • 1000+0.02312
    • 4000+0.01912


    •  国内价格
    • 50+0.03240
    • 200+0.02430
    • 500+0.01880
    • 4000+0.01360
    • 40000+0.01230
    • 240000+0.01130
