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3S16000353 数据手册
3S16000353 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FL P/N: FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 VER: CONTENTS S0 PAGE ‧ SPECIFICATION REVISION RECORD SHEET 2 ‧ ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3 ‧ DIMENSIONS & MARKING 4 ‧ STRUCTURE ILLUSTRATION 5 ‧ RELIABILITY TEST SPECIFICATIONS 6 ‧ PACKAGING REQUIREMENT 7/8 ‧ SPECIFICATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT-RELATED SUBSTANCES 9 ATTACHMENT(optional) ‧ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEST A YES NO ‧ TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS TEST B YES NO PAGE: 1/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FL P/N: FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 VER: 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: 2/9 SPECIFICATION REVISION RECORD SHEET Rev. Revise page S0 N/A Revise Contents Initial released Date Ref. No. Reviser 18-Jun-21 N/A Chen XuanRu FL P/N: TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 3S16000353 S0 VER: PAGE: PRODUCT DESCRIPION Standard atmospheric conditions Unless otherwise specified. The standard range of atmospheric conditions for making measurement and tests are as follow: 25±2℃ Ambient temperature : 40%~70% Relative humidity : If there is no doubt the results, measurement shall be made within the following limits: 25±2℃ Ambient temperature : 40%~70% Relative humidity : Measure equipment Electrical characteristics measured by S&A250B or equivalent. Crystal cutting type The crystal is using AT CUT (thickness shear mode) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Spec. No. Items Remarks Symbol 1 Nominal Frequency Min Typ Max Units FL 16.000000 MHz - Fundamental - CL 12.0 pF 4 Frequency Tolerance - ±10 ppm at 25±2℃ 5 Frequency Stability - ±20 ppm at -40~+105℃ (reference 25℃) 6 Shunt Capacitance C0 2 Oscillation Mode 3 Load Capacitance - - 3 7 Aging (/1 year) - 8 Operating Temperature - -40 - 105 ℃ 9 Storage Temperature - -40 - 105 ℃ ESR - - 60 ohms 11 Insulation Resistance IR 500 - - M-ohms 12 Drive Level DL - - 100 uW 10 Equivalent series resistance ±3 pF ppm/year at 25±2℃ at DC 100V 3/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FL P/N: FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 VER: DIMENSIONS unit:mm 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: CONNECTION DIAGRAM (TOP VIEW)  #3 #4 #3  #4 #1 #2 #2 #1 Pin #1 #2 #3 #4 Function Xtal terminal (Input) GND terminal Xtal terminal (Output) GND terminal LAND PATTERN unit:mm MARKING Frequency EX: 16.000MHz = 160 SUGGESTED REFLOW PROFILE Total time : 360 sec. Max. Temp. Solder melting point : 225 oC 10 sec. Max. 260 5 220 60 sec. Max. 180 150 120 sec. Max. Time 4/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FL P/N: FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 VER: 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: STRUCTURE ILLUSTRATION NO COMPONENTS MATERIALS QTY FINISH/SPECIFICATIONS 1 Cap(Lid) Kovar(Fe+Co+Ni) 1 Ni plating 2 Base(Package) Almina Ceramics (AI2O3) 1 3 Pad(Package) Ni + Au 4 Ni+Au plating 4 Crystal blank SiO2 1 - 5 Conductive adhesive Ag 2 Silicone resin 6 Electrode Noble metal 2 - 5/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FL P/N: FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 VER: 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: 6/9 RELIABILITY SPECIFICATIONS 1.MECHANICAL ENDURANCE Test Item Test Methods No. 1 Drop Test 150 cm height, fall freely onto stainless plate 3 times. 2 Shock Test 3 Mechanical Shock 4 Vibration 5 Gross Leak 6 Fine Leak 7 Solderability 8 Resistance To Soldering Heat 150g/150cm Height,3times in the direction of ±x, ±y, ±z on concrete floor JIS C6701 IEC-68-02-27 Device are shocked to half sine wave ( 1000 G ) three mutually MIL-STD-202F pendicular axes each 3 times. 1.0m sec. duration time Frequency range 10 ~ 55 Hz Amplitude 1.52 mm MIL-STD-883E Pendicular axes each test time 2 hours(x,y,z Axis) Total test time 6 hours Standard Sample For Automatic Gross Leak Detector Test Pressure 2kg/cm2 Helium Bombing 4.5kgf/cm2 for 2 hr MIL-STD-883E MIL-STD-883E o o Temperature Immersing depth Immersion time Flux 260 C ±5 C 0.5 mm minimum 5 ± 1 seconds Rosin resin methyl alcohol solvent ( 1 : 4 ) Pre-heat temperature Pre-heat time Test temperature Test time 125 oC 60 ~ 120 sec. 260 +/- 5 oC 5 +/- 1 sec. 2.ENVIRONMENTAL ENDURANCE Test Item Test Methods No. o o 9 High Temp. Storage + 125 C +/- 3 C for 500 +/- 12 hours 10 Low Temp. Storage - 40 oC +/- 3 oC for 500 +/- 12 hours GB/T 2424.172008 / IEC 60068-244:1995; GB/T 2423.282005 / IEC 60068-220:1979 MIL-STD-202F MIL-STD-883E Total 100 cycles of the following temperature cycle 1 cycle o 125+/- 3 C 11 Thermal Shock 25 oC -55+/- 3 o MIL-STD-883E C 30 min. 30 min. 10 min. max. 12 High Temp&Homidity 85℃±3℃, RH 85%,500Hrs JIS C5023 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 FL P/N: VER: 3S16000353 S0 PACKING : 8mm-4mm,3000pcs / reel,φ 178; Dimension A 1.40 ±0.1 B 3.40 ±0.1 C 2.70 ±0.1 Dimension L 178 L1 13 W 11.5 D E F G 4.00 8.00 4.00 1.50 W1 8 Unit:mm 3000pcs / reel H Unit: 1.75 mm PAGE: 7/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 FL P/N: VER: 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: SMD PRODUCT PACKING STANDARD Out-going packing instruction Reel Packing Inner Packing name:reel name:Bubble Wrap standard:diameter 18cm standard:430×330+20mm material:plastics material:HDPE(15 reels enter) Carton name:carton standard:400×400×280mm material:AB corrugated paper(4 bags enter) L1 L2 The label instruction Label Drawing Mark Name of Article Spec. 1.Part No. L1 条码标签 Bar Code 2.Lot No. Label 3.Q'ty (Chintz Paper) 4.Freq L2 条码标签 Bar Code Label (Chintz Paper) 1.Part No. 2.Date Code 3.Q'ty 4.Freq Size Printing 70x50mm White 70x50mm White Remark Specifications on the label is for the use of templates with different product specifications may vary. If customer specified requirements for labels packaging. please provide the operation procedure. 8/9 TEL : +86(0)769-38879888 FAX : 86(0)769-38879889 FL P/N: VER: 3S16000353 S0 PAGE: 9/9 Range Products Packing Material Banned Substances Maximum concentration ppm(mg/kg) Maximum concentration ppm(mg/kg) 1.镉及镉化合物 Cadmium and cadmium compounds 100 100 2.铅及铅化合物 Lead and lead compounds 1000 100 3.汞及汞化合物 Mercury and mercury compounds 1000 100 4.六价铬化合物 Hexavalent-Chromium VI (Cr+6) 1000 100 5.聚溴联苯 PBB Polybrominated biphenyls 1000 N/A 6.聚溴二苯醚 PBDE Polybrominated diphenyl ethers 1000 N/A 7.邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯 DEHP Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1000 N/A 8.邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯 BBP Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 1000 N/A 9.邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 DBP Dibutyl Phthalate 1000 N/A 10 邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯 DIBP Diisobutyl Phthalate 1000 N/A 11. 氟(F)、氯(Cl)、溴(Br)、碘 (I) Fluorine、Chlorine、 Bromine、Iodine 900、900、900、900 注:Br+Cl<1000 N/A 12.包装材料中重金属(汞、镉、六价铬、 铅、PBB、PBDE)之总量 Heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead, Cr+6,PBB and PBDE) in packing materials N/A 100 铅(Pb) + 镉(Cd) + 汞(Hg) + 六价铬 (Cr+6)
3S16000353 价格&库存

