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PIM201610-1R0MTS00 数据手册
承 认 书 APPROVAL SHEET 客 户 名 称: Customer 功率电感器 Power Inductor 产 品 名 称: Part Name 客 户 料 号: Customer P/N 物 料 描 述: Material description 产 品 规 格: PIM201610-S00 Series Specification 版 本 号: 22.01 Version No. 日 期: 2022-1-28 DATE 制造 客户 Manufacturer Customer 拟制 审核 确认 检验 审核 批准 Draft by Checked by Approve by Check by Checked by Approval by 唐程华 冯东梅 冯东梅 履历表 Resume 版本 Ver. No. 修 改 明 细 Modify Details 修改 Reviser 日期 Date 22.01 首次发行 Initial issue 唐程华 2022-1-28 Page 1 of 10 目 录 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 适用范围 Scope 2 型号表示办法 How To Order 3 尺寸与结构 External Dimensions and Structural Diagram 4 测试条件 Testing conditions. 5 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range 6 电气性能 Performance Specification 7 可靠性 Reliability Data 8 包装 Package 9 环保情况说明 Environmental Protection Statement 10 推荐使用的焊接曲线 Recommended soldering profile 11 清洗 Cleaning 12 贮存方法 Storage Methods 13 使用注意事项 Precautions For Use Page 2 of 10 1. 适用范围 Scope. 本规格书适用于 PIM201610-S00 系列贴片功率电感器。 This specification applies to the PIM201610-S00 series of SMD power inductors. 2. 型号表示办法 How To Order. PIM ① 201610 ② 1R0 □ T □ □□ ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ①产品代号,Product symbol. ②尺寸代码,Dimension code, 长度、宽度、厚度, Length /width /thickness. ③电感量标称值,Inductance,1R0→1.0µH,100→10µH,101→100µH. ④电感量公差代码,Inductance Tolerance code, N ±30%,M ±20%. ⑤包装代码,T-编带卷盘;Packing code: T-Tape & reel. ⑥内部代码,Internal code. 3. 尺寸与结构 External Dimensions and Structural Diagram. 单位 Unit:mm I J I F G A F 3.1. 尺寸 External Dimensions B E C H RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERNS 顶部印字 Marking:不印字 A B C E Typical F Typical G Typical 2.0±0.2 1.6±0.2 1.00MAX 1.60 0.70 0.60 Page 3 of 10 H I J Typical Typical Typical 1.80 0.85 0.50 3.2. 结构图 Structural drawing: No. 部位 Component 材料 Material ① 本体 Body 合金材料 Alloy material ② 线圈 Winding 漆包线 Enamelled Wire ③ 涂层 Shield 环氧树脂 Epoxy ④ 电极 Electrode 底层—铜层 Base plating—Cu 镀层—镍层 Base plating—Ni 镀层—锡层 Base plating—Sn Alloy material Epoxy Enamelled Wire Electrode 4. 测试条件 Testing conditions. 4.1. 除非另有规定,否则在以下条件下测试. Unless otherwise specified 温度:常温 Temperature : Ordinary Temperature 20±15 ℃ 湿度:常湿 Humidity: Ordinary Humidity 65±20 % RH 4.2. 当对测量结果有疑问时 In case of doubt 温度 Temperature 20±2 ℃ 湿度 Humidity 65±5 % RH 大气压 Atmospheric Pressure 86 to 106 kPa 4.3. 测试示意图 Test schematic diagram. LCR METER LCUR LPOT HPOT HCUR LCUR LPOT HPOT HCUR Thermometer DC Bias Current Source LCUR LPOT HPOT HCUR + Inductor LCR METER LCUR LPOT HPOT HCUR Thermocouple Inductor Ls & RDC test schematic diagram Isat & Irms test schematic diagram Page 4 of 10 - 5. 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range -40℃~+125℃,包括自身发热。Including self-heating 6. 电气性能 Performance Specification 客户料号 Customers Part No. 风华型号 Fenghua Part No. 电感量 Inductance Ls (µH) 直流电阻 Direct Current Resistance RDC (mΩ) Max. Typ. 饱和电流 Saturation Current Isat (A) 温升电流 Temperature Rise Current Irms (A) Max. Max. 印字 Marking PIM201610-R22MTS00 0.22 ±20% 19 12 6.30 5.80 --- PIM201610-R24MTS00 0.24 ±20% 19 12 6.30 5.80 --- PIM201610-R33MTS00 0.33 ±20% 22 17 6.20 5.30 --- PIM201610-R47MTS00 0.47 ±20% 25 22 6.00 5.60 --- PIM201610-R68MTS00 0.68 ±20% 32 25 5.50 5.00 --- PIM201610-1R0MTS00 1.00 ±20% 43 35 4.20 4.10 --- PIM201610-1R5MTS00 1.50 ±20% 100 80 2.90 2.30 --- PIM201610-2R2MTS00 2.20 ±20% 150 120 2.80 2.10 --- PIM201610-3R3MTS00 3.30 ±20% 180 140 2.00 1.50 --- PIM201610-4R7MTS00 4.70 ±20% 250 210 1.50 1.15 --- 测试条件与仪器 Test condition & equipment: 项目 Item 测试条件 Test condition 测试仪器 Test equipment 电感量 Ls 1MHz/1V HP4263B\IM3532-50 or equivalent 直流电阻 RDC 直流电 HP4263B\RM3545 or equivalent 饱和电流 Isat 1MHz/1V Microtest 6379 & 6220 or equivalent 温升电流 Irms ambient temperature 20℃ Microtest 6379 & 6220 or equivalent direct-current Isat:指使电感量比初始值下降约 30%的电流值,加载电流的时间 1 秒以内。 The DC current at which the inductance drops approximate 30% from its value without current, Load current time within1 s. Irms: 指使电感器表面温度上升 40℃的电流值。 The DC current is inductor surface temperature to rise by 40℃. Page 5 of 10 7. 可靠性 Reliability Data 序号 No. 项目 Items 要求 Requirements 试验方法及备注 Test Methods and Remarks 在电感器线圈和本体顶面中间施加 绝缘电阻 7.1 Insulation Resistance 100 V 直流电压保持 60 s。 ≥100MΩ 100 V DC between inductor coil and The middle of the top surface of the body for 60 seconds. 在(245±5) ℃熔融的焊锡 可焊性 7.2 Solderability 电极面 90%以上覆盖新的焊料。 (96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu)中浸(5±1) s。 90% or more of electrode area shall Dip pads in flux and dip in solder pot be coated by new solder. (96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu) at (245±5) ℃ for (5±1) seconds. 耐焊接热 7.3 外观无可见机械损伤; 在(260±5) ℃熔融的焊锡 电感量变化率:±10%以内。 (96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu)中浸(10±1) s。 Resistance to Soldering Heat Dip pads in flux and dip in solder pot No visible mechanical damage. (96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu) at (260±5) ℃ for Inductance change: Within ±10% (10±1) seconds. 将电感器用(260±5) ℃,(20±5) s 焊在带 元件的端子与本体结合无松动、无 端子强度 7.4 Adhesion of terminal electrode 脱落。 Strong bond between the pad and the core, without come off PC board. 有 0.3 mm 厚锡膏的基板上,然后用冶具 垂直电极面方向加压 10 N,(10±1) s。 Inductors shall be subjected to (260±5)℃ for (20±5) s Soldering in the base whit 0.3mm solder. And then aplomb electrode way plus tax 10 N for (10±1) seconds. 外观无可见机械损伤; 7.5 耐高温 电感量变化率:±10%以内。 High temperature No visible mechanical damage. Inductance change: Within ±10% 外观无可见机械损伤; 7.6 耐低温 电感量变化率:±10%以内。 Low temperature No visible mechanical damage. Inductance change: Within ±10% Page 6 of 10 温度(+85 ± 2 )℃,时间(96±2) h; Temperature is (+85±2)℃ and keep (96±2) hours. 温度(-40℃ ±2) ℃,时间(96±2) h; Temperature is (-40±2)℃ and keep (96±2) hours. (续上表 Continue on the table) 序号 No. 项目 Items 要求 Requirements 试验方法及备注 Test Methods and Remarks (-40±3) ℃,时间(30±3) min ↔ (125℃±2) ℃/(30±3) min,转换时间(2~3) min,循环32次; 温度变化 7.7 Thermal shock 外观无可见机械损伤;电感量变 在室温下放置 2 小时后、48 小时内测试。 化率:±10%以内。 The test sample shall be placed at (-40±3)℃ and No visible mechanical damage. (125±2)℃ for (30±3) min, different temperature Inductance change: Within ±10% conversion time is 2~3 minutes. The temperature cycle shall be repeated 32 cycles. Placed at room temperature for 2 hours, within 48 hours of testing. a:+20 ℃ (30~45) min → 温度特性 7.8 Temperature characteristic 电感量变化率 Pc-b,Pc-d 不超过 ±20%。 b: -40 ℃ (30~45) min c: +20 ℃ (30~45) min → d: +125 ℃ (30~45) min Inductance change Pc-b,Pc-d: 7.9 Static Humidity → e: +20 ℃ (30~45) min Within ±20% Pc -b = 恒定湿热 → Lb − Lc Ld − Lc ×100% ; Pc -d = ×100% Lc Lc 外观无可见机械损伤; 将电感器放置在于湿度(93±3)%RH,温度(40±2) ℃ 电感量变化率:±10%以内。 的环境中存放(1000±2) h,在室温下放置 2 小时后、 No visible mechanical damage. Inductance change: Within ±10% 48 小时内测试。 Inductors shall be subjected to (93±3)%RH . at (60±2)℃ for (96±2) h . Placed at room temperature for 2 hours, within 48 hours of testing. 外观无可见机械损伤;电感量变 温度(85 ±2)℃,时间(1000±24) h,施加 Irms,在室温 化率:±10%以内。 下放置 2 小时后、48 小时内测试。 No visible mechanical damage. Inductors shall be store at (85±2)℃ for (1000±24) Inductance change: Within ±10% hours with Irms applied. Placed at room temperature for 2 hours, within 48 耐久性 7.10 hours of testing. (寿命) Life 注:加载电流时零件表面温度超过 125℃的,需要 对电流降额到零件表面温度不超过 125℃。 Note: If the surface temperature of the part over 125 ℃ when the current is loaded, the current need to reduce until the surface temperature of the part less than 125 ℃. Page 7 of 10 8. 包装 Package 8.1. 载带尺寸 Tape Dimension(单位:毫米 Unit:mm) P0 T B0 W F D E P2 D1 P A0 K0 W A0 B0 D D1 E F K0 P0 P2 P T 8±0.3 1.85±0.1 2.25±0.1 1.5±0.1 1.0MIN 1.75±0.1 3.5±0.1 1.15±0.1 4.0±0.3 2.0±0.3 4.0±0.3 0.25±0.05 8 8.2. 供料方向 Direction of feed(单位:毫米 Unit:mm) a b c Direstion of feed 供料方向 D 底部视图 A B C D a b c 178 Typical 58 Typical 13 Typical 8.4 Typical 空带 Blank portions 装元件 Chip cavity 引带 Leader 8.3. 包装数量 Packing quantity 卷盘 REEL 纸盒 BOX (PCS) (PCS) 纸箱 Carton (PCS) 3,000 15,000 150,000 8.4. 剥离力要求 Peeling required 8.4.1. F 力大小 F force:10~130g; 8.4.2. 面带剥离速度 Peeling speed:300mm/min±10%; 8.4.3. 面带剥离角度 Peeling angle:165°~180°。 Page 8 of 10 9. 环保情况说明 Environmental Protection Statement RoHS 指令:本公司产品符合 RoHS 指令。 Response to RoHS directive:Our products are RoHS compliance. 10. 推荐使用的焊接曲线 Recommended soldering profile 10.1.本产品建议使用回流焊接法。 Applicable soldering process to the products is reflow soldering. 10.2.焊接材料 Soldering Materials ⑴焊料 Solder:Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu ⑵助焊剂:使用松香基助焊剂,禁止使用卤化物含量超过 0.2wt%的强酸性助焊剂和水溶性助焊剂。 Flux: Use rosin-based flux, but not strongly acidic flux (with chlorine exceeding 0.2 wt%). Do not use water-soluble flux. 10.3.焊接曲线 Soldering Profile 10.4.烙铁焊接 Soldering Iron 使用烙铁进行返修时要求在 150℃下预热至少 1 分钟,不能直接用焊头接触磁体,返修焊接条件如下: Reworking with electric soldering iron must preheating at 150℃ for 1 minute is required, and do not directly touch the core with the tip of the soldering iron. The reworking soldering conditions are as follows: 10.4.1. 烙铁头温度 Temperature of soldering iron tip:350℃; 10.4.2. 烙铁输出功率 Soldering iron power output:≤30W; 10.4.3. 烙铁头直径 Diameter of soldering iron end:≤1.0mm; 10.4.4. 焊接时间 Soldering time:
PIM201610-1R0MTS00 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 20+0.23720
  • 100+0.17740
  • 500+0.13750
  • 3000+0.09970
  • 15000+0.08970


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.29409
    • 100+0.23188
    • 300+0.20078
