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    BTS723GW - Smart High-Side Power Switch - Infineon Technologies AG

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BTS723GW 数据手册
Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW  7ZR &KDQQHOV  [ PΩ 6WDWXV )HHGEDFN 6XLWDEOH IRU 9 Product Summary 2SHUDWLQJ 9ROWDJH 9EE RQ $FWLYH FKDQQHOV 2QVWDWH 5HVLVWDQFH 521 1RPLQDO ORDG FXUUHQW ,/ 120 &XUUHQW OLPLWDWLRQ ,/ 6&U   9 2QH WZR SDUDOOHO PΩ PΩ $ $ $ $ Package P-DSO-14 *HQHUDO 'HVFULSWLRQ • • • PG-DSO14 1 FKDQQHO YHUWLFDO SRZHU 026)(7 ZLWK FKDUJH SXPS JURXQG UHIHUHQFHG &026 FRPSDWLEOH LQSXW DQG  GLDJQRVWLF IHHGEDFN PRQROLWKLFDOO\ LQWHJUDWHG LQ 6PDUW 6,3026 9 WHFKQRORJ\ 3URYLGLQJ HPEHGGHG SURWHFWLYH IXQFWLRQV $Q DUUD\ RI UHVLVWRUV LV LQWHJUDWHG LQ RUGHU WR UHGXFH WKH H[WHUQDO FRPSRQHQWV • • • • $SSOLFDWLRQV —& FRPSDWLEOH KLJKVLGH SRZHU VZLWFK ZLWK GLDJQRVWLF IHHGEDFN IRU 9 DQG 9 DQG 9 JURXQGHG ORDGV $OO W\SHV RI UHVLVWLYH LQGXFWLYH DQG FDSDFLWLYH ORDGV 0RVW VXLWDEOH IRU LQGXFWLYH ORDGV 5HSODFHV HOHFWURPHFKDQLFDO UHOD\V IXVHV DQG GLVFUHWH FLUFXLWV %DVLF )XQFWLRQV • • • • • • • &026 FRPSDWLEOH LQSXW ,PSURYHG HOHFWURPDJQHWLF FRPSDWLELOLW\ (0& )DVW GHPDJQHWL]DWLRQ RI LQGXFWLYH ORDGV 6WDEOH EHKDYLRXU DW XQGHUYROWDJH :LGH RSHUDWLQJ YROWDJH UDQJH /RJLF JURXQG LQGHSHQGHQW IURP ORDG JURXQG 2SWLPL]HG LQYHUVFXUUHQW FDSDELOLW\ Block Diagram 6WDWXV SXOO XS YROWDJH ,1 67 ,1 67 9EE 3URWHFWLRQ )XQFWLRQV • • • • • • • • 6KRUW FLUFXLW SURWHFWLRQ 2YHUORDG SURWHFWLRQ &XUUHQW OLPLWDWLRQ 7KHUPDO VKXWGRZQ 2YHUYROWDJH SURWHFWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ ORDG GXPS ZLWK H[WHUQDO UHVLVWRU 5HYHUVH EDWWHU\ SURWHFWLRQ ZLWK H[WHUQDO UHVLVWRU /RVV RI JURXQG DQG ORVV RI 9EE SURWHFWLRQ (OHFWURVWDWLF GLVFKDUJH SURWHFWLRQ (6' /RJLF &KDQQHO  /RJLF &KDQQHO  287  /RDG  287  /RDG  'LDJQRVWLF )XQFWLRQ • • • • 352)(7 'LDJQRVWLF IHHGEDFN ZLWK RSHQ GUDLQ RXWSXW DQG LQWHJUDWHG *1' SXOO XS UHVLVWRUV 2SHQ ORDG GHWHFWLRQ LQ 2))VWDWH )HHGEDFN RI WKHUPDO VKXWGRZQ LQ 21VWDWH 'LDJQRVWLF IHHGEDFN RI ERWK FKDQQHOV ZRUNV SURSHUO\ LQ FDVH RI LQYHUVH FXUUHQW Data Sheet 1 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW )XQFWLRQDO GLDJUDP  638 3LQ IRU H[WHUQDO 3XOO 8S 9ROWDJH /HDGIUDPH 9EE      ,1 5 N Ω 5 NΩ )XQFWLRQV DQG &RPSRQHQWV RI LQSXWORJLF DQG JDWHFRQWURO  (6'SURWHFWLRQ &KDUJH SXPS OHYHO VKLIWHU  UHFWLILHU  *DWH SURWHFWLRQ  &XUUHQW OLPLW  /LPLW IRU XQFODPSHG LQGXFWLYH ORDGV )XQFWLRQ DQG FRPSRQHQWV RI RXWSXWORJLF 2SHQ ORDG GHWHFWLRQ  6KRUW FLUFXLW GHWHFWLRQ   7HPSHUDWXUH VHQVRU 287   /RDG  /RDG *1' 9EE  67 5 Ω 6WDWXV  )XQFWLRQ VHH WUXWKWDEOH /RJLF FKDQQHO RQH /RJLF FKDQQHO WZR )XQFWLRQ DQG FRPSRQHQWV RI LQSXWORJLF DQG JDWHFRQWURO HTXLYDOHQW WR FKDQQHO RQH )XQFWLRQ DQG FRPSRQHQWV RI RXWSXWORJLF HTXLYDOHQW WR FKDQQHO RQH 6WDWXV  )XQFWLRQ VHH WUXWKWDEOH /RDG   ,1 5 NΩ 287    67 5 Ω /RJLF *1'  352)(7 /RDG *1'  Data Sheet 2 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Pin Definitions and Functions Pin 1,7, 8,14, 2 6 12,13 9,10 3 5 4 11 Symbol Function Positive power supply voltage. Design the wiring for the simultaneous max. short circuit Vbb currents from channel 1 to 2 and also for low thermal resistance IN1 Input 1,2 activates channel 1,2 in case of logic high signal IN2 Output 1,2 protected high-side power output OUT1 of channel 1,2. Design the wiring for the max. short circuit current; both outputpins have to be OUT2 connected in parallel for operation according this spec. ST1 Diagnostic feedback 1,2 of channel 1,2 open drain ST2 GND Logic Ground Connection for external pull up voltage source SPU for the open drain status output. Pull up resistors are integrated. Pin configuration (top view) Vbb IN1 ST1 GND ST2 IN2 Vbb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vbb OUT1 OUT1 SPU OUT2 OUT2 Vbb Data Sheet 3 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Parameter Supply voltage (overvoltage protection see page 6) Supply voltage for full short circuit protection Tj,start = -40 ...+150°C Output Voltage to Vbb Negative voltage slope at output Load current (Short-circuit current, see page 7) Load dump protection2) VLoadDump = VA + Vs, VA = 27 V RI3) = 8 Ω, td = 200 ms; IN = low or high, each channel loaded with RL = 20 Ω, Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Power dissipation (DC)5) Ta = 25°C: (all channels active) Ta = 85°C: Maximal switchable inductance, single pulse Vbb = 12V, Tj,start = 150°C5), IL = 2.5 A, EAS = 110 mJ, 0 Ω one channel: IL = 3.5 A, EAS = 278 mJ, 0 Ω two parallel channels: see diagrams on page 12 Symbol Values 58 50 70 20 Unit V V V V/µs A V °C W Vbb Vbb VON -dVOUT/dt IL VLoad dump4) Tj Tstg Ptot IL(LIM)1) 70 -40 ...+150 -55 ...+150 3.0 1.6 ZL 23.0 30.0 1.0 ±42 ±2.0 ±2.0 ±42 mH Electrostatic discharge capability (ESD): (Human Body Model) acc. MIL-STD883D, method 3015.7 and ESD assn. std. S5.1-1993 R=1.5kΩ; C=100pF VESD VIN IIN IST VSPU kV V mA V Input voltage (DC) Current through input pin (DC) Current through status pin (DC) Status pull up voltage 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Current limit is a protection function. Operation in current limitation is considered as "outside" normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed for continuous repetitive operation. Supply voltages higher than Vbb(AZ) require an external current limit for the GND and status pins (a 150Ω resistor for the GND connection is recommended. RI = internal resistance of the load dump test pulse generator VLoad dump is setup without the DUT connected to the generator per ISO 7637-1 and DIN 40839 Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm2 (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for Vbb connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. See page 15 Data Sheet 4 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Parameter and Conditions Symbol min Values typ Max -45 41 25 --- Unit Thermal resistance junction - soldering point5),6) each channel: Rthjs junction - ambient5) one channel active: Rthja all channels active: ---- K/W Electrical Characteristics Parameter and Conditions, each of the two channels at Tj = -40...+150°C, Vbb = 24 V unless otherwise specified Symbol Values min typ Max Unit Load Switching Capabilities and Characteristics On-state resistance (Vbb to OUT); IL = 2 A, Vbb ≥ 7V each channel, Tj = 25°C: RON Tj = 150°C: two parallel channels, Tj = 25°C: see diagram, page 12 ---- 90 170 45 105 210 53 mΩ 6) Soldering point: Upper side of solder edge of device pin 15. See page 15 Data Sheet 5 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Parameter and Conditions, each of the two channels at Tj = -40...+150°C, Vbb = 24 V unless otherwise specified Symbol Values min typ Max 2.5 4.0 -2.9 4.2 ---1.0 Unit Nominal load current Device on PCB7), Ta = 85°C, Tj ≤ 150°C Vbb = 30 V, VIN = 0, see diagram page 11 Turn-on time9) one channel active: IL(NOM) two parallel channels active: A mA µs V/µs V/µs Output current while GND disconnected or pulled up 8); IL(GNDhigh) IN Turn-off time IN RL = 12 Ω Slew rate on 9) 10 to 30% VOUT, RL = 12 Ω: Slew rate off 9) 70 to 40% VOUT, RL = 12 Ω: to 90% VOUT: ton to 10% VOUT: toff dV/dton -dV/dtoff --1.0 1.0 ----- 55 95 5 5 Operating Parameters Operating voltage Undervoltage restart of charge pump Tj =-40...+25°C: Tj =+150°C: 10) Overvoltage protection I bb = 40 mA Standby current11) Tj =-40°C...+25°C): Tj =+125°C12 : VIN = 0; see diagram page 10 Tj =+150°C: Off-State output current (included in Ibb(off)) VIN = 0; each channel Operating current 13), VIN = 5V, one channel on: all channels on: Vbb(on) Vbb(ucp) Vbb(AZ) Ibb(off) IL(off) 7.0 --58.5 ----- -4 -63 13 25 3 58 5.5 7.0 69 23 23 35 -- V V V µA µA IGND --- 1.0 2.0 1.5 3.0 mA 7) Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm2 (one layer, 70µm thick) copper area for Vbb connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. See page 15 8) not subject to production test, specified by design 9) See timing diagram on page 13. 10) Supply voltages higher than V bb(AZ) require an external current limit for the GND; a 150Ω resistor is recommended. See also VON(CL) in table of protection functions and circuit diagram on page 10. 11) Measured with load; for the whole device; all channels off 12) not subject to production test, specified by design 13) Add I , if I ST ST > 0 Data Sheet 6 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Parameter and Conditions, each of the two channels at Tj = -40...+150°C, Vbb = 24 V unless otherwise specified Symbol Values min typ Max Unit Protection Functions14) Current limit, (see timing diagrams, page 13) Tj =-40°C: IL(lim) Tj =25°C: Tj =+150°C: Repetitive short circuit current limit 15), Tj = Tjt each channel IL(SCr) two parallel channels (see timing diagrams, page 13) --5 ---- 10 9 8 8 8 2 12 ------ A A ms Initial short circuit shutdown time Tj,start =25°C: toff(SC) (see timing diagrams on page 13) Output clamp (inductive load switch off)16) at VON(CL) = Vbb - VOUT, IL = 1 A Thermal overload trip temperature Thermal hysteresis Reverse Battery Reverse battery voltage 17) Drain-source diode voltage (Vout > Vbb) 18) IL = - 3.0 A, Tj = +150°C Inverse current 19) GND current in case of 3A inverse current 20) VON(CL) Tjt ∆Tjt 59 150 -- 64 -10 70 --- V °C K -Vbb -VON --- -650 24 -- V mV IGND(inv cur) -- -- 15 mA 14) Integrated protection functions are designed to prevent IC destruction under fault conditions described in the data sheet. Fault conditions are considered as "outside" normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed for continuous repetitive operation. 15) not subject to production test, specified by design 16) If channels are connected in parallel, output clamp is usually accomplished by the channel with the lowest VON(CL) 17) Requires a 150 Ω resistor in GND connection. The reverse load current through the intrinsic drain-source diode has to be limited by the connected load. Power dissipation is higher compared to normal operating conditions due to the voltage drop across the drain-source diode. The temperature protection is not active during reverse current operation! Input and Status currents have to be limited (see max. ratings page 4 and circuit page 10). 18) not subject to production test, specified by design 19) not subject to production test, specified by design 20) In case of an inverse current of 3A the both status outputs must not be disturbed. The neighbour channel can be switched normally; not all paramters lay within the range of the spec Please note, that in case of an inverse current no protection function is active. The power dissipation is higher compared to normal operation in forward mode due to the voltage drop across the drain-source diode Data Sheet 7 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Parameter and Conditions, each of the two channels at Tj = -40...+150°C, Vbb = 24 V unless otherwise specified Symbol Values min typ Max Unit Diagnostic Characteristics Open load detection current 21) Open load detection voltage Short circuit detection voltage 22) Vbb(pin 1,7,8,14) to OUT1 (pin 12,13) resp. Vbb(pin 1,7,8,14) to OUT2 ( pin 9,10) Input and Status Feedback 23) Integrated resistors; Tj =25°C: (see circuit page 2) IL(off) VOUT(OL) VON(SC) -2.0 -- 3 2.85 4.0 -3.7 -- µA V V Input turn-on threshold voltage Input turn-off threshold voltage Input threshold hysteresis Off state input current On state input current Status output (open drain) Zener limit voltage Status low voltage Input RI Status RST Status pull up Rpull up VIN(T+) VIN(T-) ∆ VIN(T) VIN = 0.4 V: IIN(off) VIN = 5 V: IIN(on) -0.53 -1.2 1.0 -1 10 5.4 -- 20 0.85 12 --0.25 -25 6.1 -- -1.2 -2.2 --15 50 -0.4 kΩ kΩ kΩ V V V µA µA V VST(high) VSPU = 5V: VST(low) 21) 22) not subject to production test, specified by design not subject to production test, specified by design 23) If a ground resistor R GND is used, add the voltage drop across these resistors. Data Sheet 8 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Truth Table Channel 1 Channel 2 Normal operation Open load Short circuit to GND Short circuit to Vbb Overtemperature Input 1 Input 2 level L H L H L H L H L H Output 1 Output 2 level L H VOUT > 2.7V H L L H H L L Status 1 Status 2 BTS 723 L H H H L L H H L L Parallel switching of channel 1 and 2 is easily possible by connecting the inputs and outputs in parallel. In this mode it is recommended to use only one status. Terms 9 EE ,EE , ,1  , 67 9 ,1 967  67 ,1 /HDGIUDPH 9EE 352)(7 287 &KDQQHO  *1' , /  9287  , *1' 5 *1' 9 ,1 921 , 67 967  67 , ,1  ,1 /HDGIUDPH 9EE 352)(7 287 &KDQQHO  *1' 9287 , /  921 Leadframe (Vbb) is connected to pin 1,7,8,14 External RGND optional; a single resistor RGND = 150Ω for reverse battery protection up to the max. operating voltage. Data Sheet 9 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Input circuit (ESD protection), IN1 or IN2 ,1 5 , Inductive and overvoltage output clamp, OUT1 or OUT2 9EE 9= (6'=' , *1' , , 9 21 287 The use of ESD zener diodes as voltage clamp at DC conditions is not recommended. Status output, ST1 or ST2 6WDWXV 3XOO 8S 9ROWDJH 5 67 21 3RZHU *1' VON clamped to VON(CL) = 64 V typ. 53XOO XS 67 Overvolt. and reverse batt. protection 6WDWXV SXOO XS YROWDJH  9EE 9 567 *1' (6' =' ,1 67 5 6WDWXV SXXO XS 5, /RJLF 5 67 9 = = 287 ESD-Zener diode: 6.1 V typ., RST(ON) < 250 Ω, RST = 850 Ω typ., Rpull up = 12 kΩ typ. The use of ESD zener diodes as voltage clamp at DC conditions is not recommended 352)(7 *1' 5 *1' 6LJQDO *1' 5 /RDG Short Circuit detection Fault Signal at ST-Pin: VON > 4.0 V typ, no switch off by the PROFET itself, external switch off recommended!  9 EE /RDG *1' VZ1 = 6.1 V typ., VZ2 = 63 V typ., RGND = 150 Ω, RI = 850 Ω W\S, RST = 20 kΩ typ., Rpull up = 12 kΩ typ In case of reverse battery the load current has to be limited by the load. Temperature protection is not active 9 21 287 /RJLF XQLW 6KRUW FLUFXLW GHWHFWLRQ Data Sheet 10 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Open-load detection, OUT1 or OUT2 OFF-state diagnostic condition: Open load, if VOUT > 2.7 V typ. (IN low) IL(OL) typ. 2µA An external resitor can be used to increase the open load detection current 9 EE 9 Vbb disconnect with energized inductive load KLJK ,1 9EE 352)(7 287 67 *1' 21 2)) 287 /RJLF XQLW 2SHQ ORDG GHWHFWLRQ , / 2/ 9 EE For inductive load currents up to the limits defined by ZL (max. ratings and diagram on page 12) each switch is protected against loss of Vbb. Consider at your PCB layout that in the case of Vbb disconnection with energized inductive load all the load current flows through the GND connection. 6LJQDO *1' GND disconnect ,1 9EE 352)(7 287 67 *1' 9 EE 9 ,1 9 67 9 *1' Any kind of load. Due to VGND > 0, no VST = low signal available. GND disconnect with GND pull up ,1 9EE 352)(7 287 67 *1' 9 EE 9 9 ,1 67 9 *1' Any kind of load. If VGND > VIN - VIN(T+) device stays off Due to VGND > 0, no VST = low signal available. Data Sheet 11 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Inductive load switch-off energy dissipation ( EE ( $6 9EE 352)(7 67 *1' =/ 287 (/RDG Typ. on-state resistance 521 I 9EE7M ; IL = 2 A, IN = high RON [mOhm] 7M  ƒ& ,1 ^ 5 / / (/  (5  ƒ& Energy stored in load inductance: EL = 1/2·L·I L While demagnetizing load inductance, the energy dissipated in PROFET is 2  ƒ& EAS= Ebb + EL - ER= VON(CL)·iL(t) dt, with an approximate solution for RL > 0 Ω: IL· L EAS= (V + |VOUT(CL)|) 2·RL bb IL·RL  OQ (1+ |V  ) OUT(CL)|       Vbb [V] Maximum allowable load inductance for a single switch off (one channel)5) / I ,/  Tj,start = 150°C, Vbb = 12 V, RL = 0 Ω  Typ. standby current ,EE RII     I 7M ; Vbb = 9...34 V, IN1,2,3,4 = low Ibb(off) [µA] ZL [mH]                       Tj [°C] IL [A] Data Sheet 12 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Timing diagrams All channels are symmetric and consequently the diagrams are valid for channel 1 and channel 2 Figure 1a: Vbb turn on, : Figure 2b: Switching an inductive load ,1 ,1 9 EE W G EE ,1 67 9 9 287 287 $ , 67 RSHQ GUDLQ W / W $ in case of too early VIN=high the device may not turn on (curve A) td(bb IN) approx. 150 µs Figure 2a: Switching a resistive load, turn-on/off time and slew rate definition: Figure 3a: Short circuit: shut down by overtempertature, reset by cooling ,1 ,1 9287  W on G9GWRQ  W G9GWRII 9 287 QRUPDO RSHUDWLRQ , off 2XWSXW VKRUW WR *1' / , / OLP , / 6&U ,/ 67 W RII 6& W 13 V1.1, 2007-09-25 W Data Sheet Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Figure 4a: Overtemperature: Reset if Tj 2.7V Data Sheet 14 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Package Outlines 0.35 x 45˚ 1.75 MAX. 0.175 ±0.07 (1.47) C 4 -0.2 1.27 0.41+0.10 2) -0.06 14 B 0.1 0.2 M 8 0.64 ±0.25 6±0.2 A B 14x 0.2 M C 1 7 1) 8.75 -0.2 A Index Marking 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side 2) Lead width can be 0.61 max. in dambar area GPS01230 Figure 1 PG-DSO-14-37 (Plastic Dual Small Outline Package) (RoHS-compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pbfree finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). Please specify the package needed (e.g. green package) when placing an order You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: http://www.infineon.com/products. Data Sheet 15 8˚MAX. 1) 0.19 +0.06 Dimensions in mm V1.1, 2007-09-25 Smart High-Side Power Switch BTS723GW Revision History Version V1.1 V1.0 Date 2007-09-25 2007-05-25 Changes Modification of the package drawing Creation of the green datasheet. First page : Adding the green logo and the AEC qualified Adding the bullet AEC qualified and the RoHS compliant features Package page : Modification of the package to be green. Data Sheet 16 V1.1, 2007-09-25 Edition 2007-09-25 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 9/25/07. All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”). With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.
BTS723GW 价格&库存

