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NB3N1200KMNGEVB 数据手册
NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB NB3N1200K/NB3W1200L Evaluation Board User'sManual http://onsemi.com EVAL BOARD USER’S MANUAL Introduction The NB3N1200KMNGEVB and the NB3W1200LMNG EVB evaluation boards were developed with a common PCB layout design to accommodate the NB3N1200K (standard HCSL outputs) and the NB3W1200L (HCSL Push-Pull outputs) devices. Each board comes fully assembled and tested and is ready to evaluate in the lab. This evaluation board was designed to provide a flexible and convenient platform to quickly evaluate, characterize and verify the operation of the NB3N1200K or NB3W1200L devices. To minimize the board size, six differential outputs are accessed with SMA connectors. The other six differential outputs are loaded, terminated and can be monitored with a high impedance probe as explained later in the manual. The NB3N1200K Evaluation Board schematic is the same as the NB3W1200L schematic except the “1200L” has some components depopulated (DNI) per the “1200L” BOM. • The NB3W1200LMNGEVB does not have RP resistors Top View Bottom View • • installed on its differential Push-Pull outputs. The NB3W1200LMNGEVB does not have FB_OUT/FB_OUT# resistors installed. The NB3W1200LMNGEVB does not have RREF resistor R107 installed. This manual should be used in conjunction with the device datasheet which contains full technical details on the device specifications and operation. This evaluation board manual contains: • Information on the NB3N1200K/NB3W1200L Evaluation Board • Assembly Instructions • Test and Measurement Setup Procedures • Board Schematic and Bill of Materials Figure 1. NB3N1200KMNGEVB and NB3W1200LMNGEVB Evaluation Board © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2013 December, 2013 − Rev. 0 1 Publication Order Number: EVBUM2216/D NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB QUICK START LAB SET-UP USER’S GUIDE Pre-Power-Up Table 1. POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS 1. The NB3N1200K and NB3W1200L have positive power supply pins VDD and VDDIO. Connect power supply cables to VDD, VDDIO and GND banana jacks; (do not turn power on, yet) 2. Connect a signal generator to the SMA connectors for the CLK_IN & CLK_IN# inputs. 3. 50-ohm termination resistors are installed for a signal generator on the board. Set appropriate input signal levels; (HCSL input, VIL = 0 V, VIH = 700 mV, Frequency 100 or 133.33 MHz) 4. Ensure the PWRGD/PWRDN# pin is in the Low state before power up (PWRDN#). There is a jumper on pin 6 to easily select between High and Low. See Figure 8. 5. The 100M_133M# and HBW_BYPASS_LBW pins need to be hardware selected with jumpers. See Figures 4 and 7. 6. To monitor the DIF_n/DIF_n# outputs, connect the DIF_n/DIF_n# outputs to the appropriate oscilloscope. Device Pin Power Supply Connector Power Supply VDD 3.3 V VDDIO 1.05 V to 3.3 V GND 0V Single Power Supply +3.3 V 0V Dual Power Supplies +3.3 V 1.05 V to 3.3 V 0V VDDIO VDD, VDDIO GND VDD 1.05 V to 3.3 V +3.3 V GND +3.3 V Figure 2. Power Supply Connections Signal Generator Oscilloscope OUT OUTb 0V 3.3 V 3.3 V IN INb Figure 3. Typical Lab Test Set-Up Power -Up Sequence Optional 1. Turn on power supply, 3.3 V (VDD & VDDIO). 2. Move PWRGD/PWRDN# jumper from Low to logic High, PWRGD position. 3. Turn on the Differential Clock Signal for the CLK_IN inputs. The differential Clock signal for the CLK_IN inputs can be ON or active before or after PWRGD is set HIGH. 4. Monitor DIF_n/DIF_n# outputs on oscilloscope. Graphical User Interface (see page 7) There is a stand-alone Graphical User Interface software package and user’s manual that will interface with the DUT via the USB connector. 1. Connect the USB port on the evaluation board to a USB port on the PC via cable. 2. See the stand-alone GUI instructions document. 3. Allow Windows to install the necessary drivers for the eval board USB interface hardware. 4. Start the GUI program. http://onsemi.com 2 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Power Supplies Control Pins Each VDD, VDDIO and GND power supply has a separate side-launch banana jack located on bottom side. This board is capable of measuring device IDD & IDDIO separately. Each control pin can be managed manually with a H/L jumper header; H = VDD, L = GND. Tri-Level Input Pins - HBW_BYPASS_LBW#, SA0 and SA1 The three tri-level input pins, HBW_BYPASS_LBW#, SA0 and SA1, have selectable (with jumper) 4.7 k-ohm pull-up to VDD and 4.7 k-ohm pull-down to GND resistors; No jumper defaults to open/float. • For a HIGH Level – Put Jumper to High • For a LOW Level − Put Jumper to Low • For a MID Level − Put Jumper to both High and Low; this will Enable both Pull-up and Pull-down Resistors Board Layer #2 = SMA Ground = Device GND = 0 V. GND Banana Jack = negative power supply for DUTGND and SMAGND. Exposed Pad (EP): The exposed pad footprint on the board is soldered to the exposed pad of the QFN-64 package, and is electrically connected to GND power supply. HBW_BYPASS_LBW# At J65 and J66 headers, there is a 4.7 kW pull-up to VDD and a 4.7 kW pull-down resistor to GND for manual control. See Figure 4. Board Layer #3 = VDD and VDDIO Power Supplies VDD = positive power supply for core and inputs; VDD/VDDA/VDDR (pins #1, 8, 24, 40, 57) VDDIO = positive power supply for outputs; VDDIO (pins #25, 32, 49, 56) SA0 & SA1 At J67 and J69 headers, there are 4.7 kW pull-ups to VDD and at J68 and J70, there are 4.7 kW pull-down resistors to GND for manual control. See Figure 5. VDD & VDDIO have the power supply filtering per datasheet by the banana jacks. All VDD/VDDA/VDDR/VDDIO device pins have a 0.1 mF bypass capacitor installed on top side next to package pins. VDD 1 R57 2 J65 HBW HI 1 2 4.7K 1 J66 HBW 2 1 R58 5 HBW_BYP_LBW 2 4.7K HBW LO Figure 4. HBW_BYPASS_LBW# Schematic/PCB Configuration SA0 SA1 VDD GND 1 R79 2 1 4.7K VDD GND VDD 1 R85 J67 SA0 HI 2 1 4.7K J69 SA1 HI SA0 2 1 2 J68 2 SA0 LO 1 J70 2 SA1 LO VDD Figure 5. SA0 & SA1 Schematic/PCB Configuration http://onsemi.com 3 1 SA1 1 11 R82 SA0 2 4.7K 14 R88 4.7K 2 SA1 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Control Pins (Continued) All twelve of the OE_n#s can be controlled individually/ automatically by using the software GUI. GUI control is accomplished via the USB when the OE_n# jumper is installed on the middle header position. See Figure 6. OE_n# Pins (Output Enable/Disable Function) Six of the twelve differential outputs that have metal traces going to SMA connectors have OE_n# pins on the left side of the board that can be controlled manually using the convenient High/Low OE_n# jumpers. See Figure 6. 37 OE# USB GUI J47 1 3 5 OE# VDD 2 4 6 HI − Jumper to VDD USB − Jumper to Mid LO − Jumper to GND Figure 6. OE_n# Pins Schematic/PCB Configuration 100M_133M# - Frequency Selection (J55) The 100M_133M# frequency selection pin can be controlled manually with the High/Low header jumper J55, H = 100 MHz, L = 133 MHz. 4 J55 1 2 3 100M_133M_N VDD Figure 7. 100M_133M# Pin Schematic/PCB Configuration PWRGD/PWRDN# (J56) The PWRGD/PWRDN# pin can be controlled manually with the High/Low header jumper J56; H = PWRGD, L = PWRDN#. 6 J56 1 2 3 VDD Figure 8. PWRGD/PWRDN# Pin Schematic/PCB Configuration http://onsemi.com 4 PWRGD NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Differential Clock Inputs and Outputs Six of the twelve differential outputs are designed to have equal length metal traces from the device pins to the SMA connectors. The other six differential outputs have shortened metal traces, do not have SMA connectors and can be observed with a high-impedance probe on the metal pads provided. Each DIF_n/DIF_n# output has a provision for CLoad; 2 pF capacitors are installed on all outputs. Rs & Rp pads are located close to the DUT. Rs = 33-W is installed for both the NB3N1200K and NB3W1200L. CLK_IN & CLK_IN# - Differential Clock Inputs The differential Clock input traces, CLK_IN/CLK_IN#, are equal length routed straight from the SMA connectors on the left side directly to the DUT; there are no vias on metal traces. CLK_IN & CLK_IN# have resistor pads (R51 & R52) to GND to terminate a signal generator, if used. 50-ohm resistors are installed. Remove these resistors if CLK_IN & CLK_IN# are driven by another IC device. NB3N1200K (HCSL Outputs) RP is not installed on the six output pair with long metal traces to SMA connectors; Use 50-W to GND of the oscilloscope head for RP. Rp is installed (50-W to GND) on the short metal traces without SMA connectors and will use Hi-Z probes. DIF_n and DIF_n# - Differential Outputs NB3N1200KMNGEVB and NB3W1200LMNGEVB were designed with a flexible PCB layout configuration to measure the differential HCSL (1200K) or Push-Pull (1200L) outputs with a 50-ohm scope head or high-impedance FET probe. (See Output Layout in Figures 8 and 9) NB3W1200L (Push-Pull Outputs) Rp is not installed Table 2. NB3N1200KMNGEVB AND NB3W1200LMNGEVB OUTPUT LOAD AND TERMINATION VS. OSCILLOSCOPE MEASUREMENT Device DIF_4 Output Traces Rs Rp CLoad Scope 1200K Long 33-W Open (DNI) 2 pF 50-W 1200K Short 33-W 50-W 2 pF Hi-Z 1200L Long or Short 33-W Open (DNI) 2 pF Hi-Z 34 1 R33 35 DIF_5 38 DIF_N4 1 R37 2 33 D IF_5 1 R41 2 DIF_N5 1 R45 1 R35 2 1 49.9 C9 1 R39 2 1 49.9 1 R43 2 33 39 OUT4 2 33 DIF_4# DIF_5# D IF_4 2 33 49.9 1 R47 2 49.9 C10 1 C11 1 C12 2 2.0pF OUT_N4 2 From: DUT Output From: DUT Output DIF_4# DIF_4 TP20 DIF_4# 2.0pF OUT5 1 R125 2 2 0 2.0pF PR6 OUT_N5 1 R42 2 J11 0 1 R46 1 R126 2 2 2 J12 0 DIF_5 DIF_5# 0 2.0pF Rp Rs DIF_5# DIF_5 TP19 DIF_4 GND Long Output Traces: Use 50-W Scope via SMA Connector DIF_5# Rp Rs GND CL CL is at SMA Connector DIF_5 DIF_4# DIF_4 Short Output Traces: Use High-Z Probe Figure 9. Differential Outputs Schematic/PCB Configuration: Long vs. Short Metal Traces http://onsemi.com 5 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB HCSL Output Measurement NB3W1200L (Push-Pull Outputs) − Use Hi-Z Probe Rp is not installed • A 0-W series resistor is installed between the end of the transmission line and the SMA connector. This resistor can be removed, if needed, to eliminate any SMA impedance/stub when using Hi-Z probes. • As a feature, an optional component can be installed on each output, ie. additional capacitance loading etc. HCSL outputs are typically terminated with 50-W to ground. Measuring HCSL outputs can be easily accomplished by: NB3N1200K (HCSL Outputs) − 50-W Oscilloscope Head With RP removed from board, connect the HCSL outputs through the SMA connectors to the 50-W internal impedance of the oscilloscope sampling head. The following figures describe the boards’ output features: NB3N1200K (HCSL Outputs) − Use Hi-Z Probe With RP installed, use a high-impedance probe on the output’s metal trace. Holes for headers to connect to Hi-Z probes are available, but the header pins are not installed. • Single-ended Hi-Z probes or, • Differential Hi-Z probe; (see layout below) Optional component to Ground, if needed, when shorted to output trace. Ground CLoad (2 pF), installed Series R = 0-W installed Hi-Z probe Short with 0-W resistor for use with Hi-Z probe; 0-W installed. From: DUT Output Figure 10. Differential Outputs Schematic/PCB Configuration: Use Hi-Z Probe Scope for NB3W1200L Misc. Pins IREF Pin NB3N1200K (HCSL): The RREF resistor (R107) to GND for the HCSL output part device. RREF = 475-W is installed for the 100-W board. NB3W1200L (Push-Pull) RREF is not installed for the NB3W1200L device. FB_OUT & FB_OUT# − External Termination of Feedback Pins FB_OUT & FB_OUT# have convenient “test point anvils” to monitor these pins with Hi-Z probe. NB3N1200K (HCSL): Since the FB_OUT & FB_OUT# pins do not drive transmission lines (no SMAs), the board layout has these pins loaded/terminated at the DUT per datasheet; 83-W to GND is installed for the 100-W board. NB3W1200L (Push-Pull): FB_OUT & FB_OUT# resistors are not installed. http://onsemi.com 6 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB In order to enable the I2C control of the DUT, header jumpers J63 & J64 must be shorted. The I2C/SMBus interface circuitry is powered separately from the USB type-B connection and is isolated from device VDD and VDDIO. The SDA and SCL pins can also be externally accessed by an off-board programmer, allowing other SMBus emulators to be used to program the DUT. If used, remove both jumpers J63 & J64. “Test-point anvils” TP5 & TP6 are available for external control of the device with the use with mini-grabber cables. Graphical User Interface (GUI) USB & I 2C/SMBus Interface The NB3N1200K EVB has an on-board I2C/SMBus interface circuitry located in the upper left section of the board. This circuitry will interface with the software program and the device via the SDA and SCL input pins, and can control all twelve of the OE_n# pins, PLL Mode and Frequency Select directly from the GUI. SCL & SDA The SMBus Clock (SCL) and Data (SDA) pins are exercised through the on-board I2C interface. BOARD FEATURES Single Board Design/Layout for NB3N1200K or NB3W1200L: environment (100-W line-to-line differential) and is implemented in four layers. • All layers are constructed with FR4 dielectric material. • The first layer is the primary signal layer, including all of the differential inputs and outputs. • The second layer is the ground plane. It is dedicated for the DUT ground/SMA ground plane. • The third layer is dedicated as the power plane. A portion of this 3rd layer is designated for the device VDD and VDDIO power planes. • The fourth layer contains control lines, power supply banana jacks and device power pin bypass capacitors. • The single board design and layout accommodates the • • • • electrical characterization of either the NB3N1200K (standard HCSL outputs) or the NB3W1200L (HCSL Push-Pull outputs). Incorporates on-board I2C/SMBus interface circuitry powered from a USB connection, minimizing cabling. Convenient and compact board layout. 3.3 V power supply device operation. Differential inputs/outputs signals are accessed via SMA connectors or high impedance probes. Other Board Features There are no vias on the high-speed differential I/O metal traces so as to eliminate via impedance and stub affects. Board stand-offs are installed. Layer Stack L1 (Top) Signal L2 Device Ground and SMA Ground L3 VDD, VDDIO (Separate Device Power Supplies) L4 (Bottom), Power Supply By-pass Capacitors, Control Pin Traces and Banana Jacks • • • • Board Layout The NB3N1200K QFN-64 Evaluation Board provides a high bandwidth, 50-W controlled trace impedance Figure 11. NB3N1200KMNGEVB and NB3W1200LMNGEVB Evaluation Board Layer Stack-Up http://onsemi.com 7 http://onsemi.com 8 Figure 12. NB3N1200KMNGEVB & NB3W1200LMNGEVB Board Schematic GND J61 VDDIO J60 VDD J59 SCL SDA CLKIN# CLKIN OE_IO[0..11] 2 1 10uF 10V 1 10uF 10V + C32 1 2 + C22 1 J38 J37 600 FB2 600 FB1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2.2 R93 C33 10uF 10V C27 10uF 10V 1 IN_N CLK IN CLK TP4 TP3 2 2.2 IO VDD VDD 1 R94 OE_IO11 OE_IO10 OE_ I O9 I O8 OE_ I O7 OE_ OE_ I O6 OE_ I O5 I O4 OE_ I O3 OE_ I O2 OE_ OE_ I O1 OE_ I O0 2 2 1 VDD VDD 2 2 2 1 SA1 R88 4.7K R82 2 VDDR C57 1uF 10V 1 C34 1 C35 1 C36 1 C37 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 2 2 2 2 2 1 VDD IO VDD 1 C25 100nF 2 1 2 1 2 4.7K SA1 LO V DDA VDDR J70 1 2 SA0 LO 1 C28 1 C29 1 C30 100nF 100nF 100nF 2 2 2 TP2 TP1 V DDA J69 1 2 SA1 HI J68 VDD 1 2 3 J56 SA0 VDD J67 1 2 SA0 HI 49.9 R52 HBW R58 1 2 4.7K 1 1 2 3 J66 1 2 HBWLO J65 HBWHI 1 2 49.9 J55 VDD R57 1 2 4.7K 1 C24 100nF 2 4.7K R85 4.7K R79 C56 1uF 10V 1 1 R51 VDD 1 2 3 4 J52 5 6 1 VDD VDD 1 2 3 4 J48 5 6 1 2 3 4 J51 5 6 VDD VDD 1 2 3 4 J44 5 6 1 2 3 4 J47 5 6 VDD 1 2 3 4 J43 5 6 2 DIF1 21 28 OE_N2 DIF3 30 44 OE_N6 DIF5 38 61 OE_N10 1 DIF_ N4 GNDA GND GND GND GND GND GND VDD VDD VDD VDD EP 65 2 7 23 33 41 48 58 25 32 49 56 24 VDD 40 VDD 57 VDD 1 VDDA 8 VDDR 14 SA1 11 SA0 13 SCL 12 SDA FBOUT 16 FBOUT_N 15 IREF 3 DIF_N11 64 DIF11 63 DIF_N10 60 DIF10 59 DIF_N9 55 DIF9 54 DIF_N8 51 DIF8 50 1 1 0 0 R113 R112 2 2 DIF _N11 DIF11 DIF _N10 DIF10 DIF_ N9 D IF9 N8 DIF_ D IF8 DIF_ N7 DIF_N7 47 100M_133M_N 4 6 PWRGD D IF7 N6 DIF_ D IF6 DIF_ N5 33 R25 33 R21 33 R17 2 2 2 33 R95 33 R89 33 R83 33 R77 33 R73 33 R69 33 R65 33 R61 33 R55 33 R49 33 R45 33 R41 33 R37 33 R33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 R103 2 33 R3 49.9 2 49.9 R11 2 R19 49.9 R59 49.9 R53 49.9 R47 49.9 R43 49.9 R39 49.9 R35 49.9 R31 49.9 R27 49.9 R23 49.9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 R67 49.9 2 R75 49.9 2 R86 49.9 2 97 49.9 2 1 49.9 R107 R105 2 1 R1012 49.9 1 1 R91 2 49.9 1 1 R80 2 49.9 1 1 R71 2 49.9 1 1 R63 2 49.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R15 2 49.9 1 1 R7 2 49.9 1 1 2 475 TP13 FBOUT# R108 1 2 82.5 TP14 FBOUT R109 1 2 82.5 1 1 R99 2 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D IF5 2 2 2 1 R29 2 33 D IF4 DIF_ N3 DIF7 46 HBW_BYP_LBW DIF_N6 43 DIF6 42 1 DIF_ N2 1 1 D IF3 33 R9 33 R5 33 R1 1 R13 2 33 D IF2 N1 DIF_ 1 1 DIF_ N0 D IF1 1 D IF0 5 10 CLKIN_N 9 CLKIN DIF_N5 39 DIF_N4 35 53 OE_N9 62 OE_N11 DIF4 34 52 OE_N8 DIF_N3 31 DIF_N2 27 37 OE_N5 45 OE_N7 DIF2 26 36 OE_N4 DIF_N1 22 DIF_N0 18 20 OE_N1 29 OE_N3 DIF0 17 19 OE_N0 DNI NB3N1200K U1 1 C31 1 C26 1 C23 1 C21 1 C20 1 C19 1 C18 1 C17 1 C16 1 C15 1 C14 1 C13 1 C12 1 C11 1 C10 1 C9 1 C8 1 C7 1 C6 1 C5 1 C4 1 C3 1 C2 1 C1 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF 2 2.0pF OUT_N11 OUT11 OUT_N8 OUT8 OUT_N7 OUT7 OUT_N4 OUT4 OUT_N3 OUT3 OUT_N0 OUT0 TP26 TP25 TP24 TP23 TP22 TP21 TP20 TP19 TP18 TP17 TP16 TP15 1 R1322 0 1 R1312 0 1 R1302 0 1 R1292 0 1 R1282 0 1 R1272 0 1 R1262 0 1 R1252 0 1 R1242 0 1 R1232 0 1 R1222 0 1 R1212 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OUT_N10 1 PR11 OUT10 OUT_N9 PR10 OUT9 OUT_N6 PR7 OUT6 OUT_N5 PR6 OUT5 OUT_N2 PR3 OUT2 OUT_N1 PR2 OUT1 0 R96 0 R90 0 R84 0 R78 0 R56 0 R50 0 R46 0 R42 0 R22 0 R18 0 R14 0 R10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 J22 J21 J20 J19 J14 J13 J12 J11 J6 J5 J4 J3 DIF10# DIF10 DIF9# DIF9 DIF6# DIF6 DIF5# DIF5 DIF2# DIF2 DIF1# DIF1 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB NB3N1200K/NB3W1200L EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC http://onsemi.com 9 Figure 13. USB Circuitry Schematic 2 1 3V3 C52 100nF 10V OE_IO[0..11] SDA SCL 5 6 7 8 DIN CLK CS SDA SCL DOUT U3 93LC46B GND NC NC VCC TP6 TP5 4 3 2 1 2 1 J64 R116 10K 3V3 2 2 J63 2 1 1 1 R117 10K 2 1 1 R118 10K 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 OE_IO5 OE_IO6 OE_IO7 OE_IO8 OE_IO9 OE_IO10 OE_IO11 2.2K 2 26 OE_IO4 R120 24 OE_IO3 10 1 5 11 15 25 35 47 51 61 62 63 48 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 23 OE_IO2 19 18 17 16 22 R111 10K OE_IO1 2 1 21 R110 10K OE_IO0 2 1 3V3 AGND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND EEDATA EECLK EECS BCBUS0 BCBUS1 BCBUS2 BCBUS3 BCBUS4 BCBUS5 BCBUS6 BCBUS7 BDBUS0 BDBUS1 BDBUS2 BDBUS3 BDBUS4 BDBUS5 BDBUS6 BDBUS7 GPIOH7 GPIOH6 GPIOH5 GPIOH4 GPIOH3 GPIOH2 GPIOH1 GPIOH0 GPIOL3 GPIOL2 GPIOL1 GPIOL0 TMS TDO TDI TCK 20 31 42 56 VREGIN 50 VCCIO VCCIO VCCIO VCCIO TEST PWREN_N SUSPEND_N OSCO OSCI REF RESET_N DP DM VPHY VPLL VCORE VCORE VCORE 2 600 FB3 3V3 1 C45 100nF C41 100nF C55 1uF 10V 2 1 1 600 FB4 D1 USB_5V 2 3V3 4 2 2 1 USB 2 1 13 60 36 3 2 6 14 12K 1% 3 1 R115 Y1 12 MHz 1 2 1 1 10pF C53 10pF 2 2 C 4 C 2 2 1 10K C50 10nF 16V 2 1 2 TP12 TP11 TP10 TP9 C58 100nF TP7 GND GND GND GND 2 3 1 USB 5V 1 PACDN004 GND EN NC 4 U4 NCP4586,3.3V IN OUT 5 470 R119 1 3 2 1 3V3 LED1 C59 1uF 10V TP8 4 3 1 2 1 2 1 C49 100nF R114 2 1 C44 100nF C40 100nF C48 4.7uF 6.3V 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 C43 100nF C39 100nF USB_DP C51 C47 100nF 2 1 2 1 8 USB_RST_N 2 1 C42 4.7uF 6.3V C38 100nF C46 4.7uF 6.3V 2 1 2 1 USB_DM 2 1 3V3 7 4 9 12 37 64 VREGOUT 49 U2 FT2232H 5 3V3 6 USB J62 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Table 3. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR THE NB3N1200KMNGEVB EVALUATION BOARD Substitution Allowed Lead Free Designator Qty. Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number B1 1 PC Board, Demo Board − − − − − − Yes C1-C21, C23, C26, C31 24 Capacitor 2.0 pF 12% 0402 TDK C1005C0G1H020C Yes Yes C22, C32 2 Capacitor 10 mF 10% 1206 Vishay TR3A106K010C2000 Yes Yes C24, C25, C2-C30, C34-C41, C43-C45, C47, C49, C52, C58 20 Capacitor 100 nF 10% 0402 AVX 0402ZD104KAT2A Yes Yes C27, C33 2 Capacitor 10 mF 20% 0603 TDK C1608X5R1A106M Yes Yes C42, C46, C48 3 Capacitor 4.7 mF 20% 0402 TDK C1005X5R0J475M Yes Yes C50 1 Capacitor 10 nF 10% 0402 AVX 0402YC103KAT2A Yes Yes C51, C53 2 Capacitor 10 pF 5% 0402 Murata GRM1555C1H100JZ01D Yes Yes C55-C57, C59 4 Capacitor 1 mF 20% 0402 Murata GRM155R61A105ME15D Yes Yes D1 1 ESD Suppressor 4 CHANNEL PROTECTION PACDN004 − SOT-143 ON Semiconductor PACDN004SR No Yes FB1, FB2 2 EMI Filter Bead 600 W − 0603 Murata BLM18KG601SN1D Yes Yes FB3, FB4 2 EMI Filter Bead 600 W 25% 0402 Murata BLM15AG601SN1D Yes Yes J3-J6, J11-J14, J19-J22, J37, J38 14 RF Connectors PC END MT JCK GLD .062″ − − SMA_END_LA UNCH_0.062″ Johnson Components 142-0701-801 Yes Yes J43, J44, J47, J48, J51, J52 6 Header − − Header Thru-Hole 2 × 3 FCI 67996-206HLF Yes Yes J56, J55 2 Header Header 3-pin − 3-pin Header, thru-hole 0.1 3M 961103-6404-AR Yes Yes J59 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Red − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0500 Yes Yes J60 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Yellow − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0700 Yes Yes J61 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Black − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0100 Yes Yes J62 1 CONN USB TYPE B R/A HORIZ SMD − − SMT USB Conn B On Shore Technology USB-B1SMHSW6 Yes Yes J63-J70 8 Header Header 2-pin − 2-pin Header, thru-hole 0.1 3M 961102-6404-AR Yes Yes LED1 1 LED GREEN CLEAR 0603 SMD LED, Green − 0603 LED Lite-On LTST-C190KGKT Yes Yes M1-M8, M10, M12, M14, M17, M19, M21, M23-M25 17 CONN JUMPER SHORTING .100″ GOLD Shunt − 2.54 × 5.97 (mm) Sullins QPC02SXGN-RC Yes Yes M9, M11, M13, M15 4 STANDOFF 4-40 ALUMINUM 5/8″ Standoff, 4-40 1/4 × 5/8 − − Keystone 1808 Yes Yes M16, M18, M20, M22 4 Screw, 4-40 x 0.25, PHP − − − Building Fasteners PMS 440 0025 PH Yes Yes R1,R5,R9, R13, R17, R21, R25, R29, R33, R37, R41, R45, R49, R55, R61, R65, R69, R73, R77, R83, R89, R95, R99, R103 24 Resistor 33 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF33R0X Yes Yes http://onsemi.com 10 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Table 3. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR THE NB3N1200KMNGEVB EVALUATION BOARD (continued) Substitution Allowed Lead Free Designator Qty. Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number R3, R7, R11, R15, R19, R23, R27, R31, R35, R39, R43, R47, R53, R59, R63, R67, R71, R75, R80, R86, R91, R97, R101, R105 24 Resistor 49.9 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF49R9X Yes Yes R10, R14, R18, R22, R42, R46, R50, R56, R78, R84, R90, R96 12 Resistor 0W Jumper 0402 Vishay CRCW04020000Z0ED Yes Yes R51, R52 2 Resistor 49.9 W 1% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3EKF49R9V Yes Yes R57, R58, R79, R82, R85, R88 6 Resistor 4.7 kW 5% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ472V Yes Yes R94, R93 2 Resistor 2.2 W 5% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ2R2V Yes Yes R107 1 Resistor 475 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF4750X Yes Yes R108, R109 2 Resistor 82.5 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF82R5X Yes Yes R110, R111, R114, R116-R118 6 Resistor 10 kW 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ103X Yes Yes R112, R113, R121-R132 14 Resistor 0W Jumper 0201 Panasonic ERJ-1GE0R00C Yes Yes R115 1 Resistor 12 kW 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1202X Yes Yes R119 1 Resistor 470 W 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ471X Yes Yes R120 1 Resistor 2.2 kW 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ222X Yes Yes TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP13, TP14 8 Test Point Test Point, SMT − TP_5015_KEY STONE Keystone 5015 Yes Yes U1 1 − NB3N1200K − 64-QFN 9 mm ON Semiconductor NB3W1200KMNG No Yes U2 1 − FT2232H − 64-QFN FTDI FT2232HQ-REEL No Yes U3 1 − 93LC46B − 8-TSSOP Microchip 93LC46BT-I/ST No Yes U4 1 − NCP4586, 3.3 V − SOT-23-5 ON Semiconductor NCP4586DSN33T1G No Yes Y1 1 − 12 MHz − 2.5 × 3.2 (mm) SMT Abracon Corp ABM8G-12.000MHZ-4Y-T3 Yes Yes http://onsemi.com 11 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Table 4. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR THE NB3W1200LMNGEVB EVALUATION BOARD Substitution Allowed Lead Free Designator Qty. Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number B1 1 PC Board, Demo Board − − − − − − Yes C1-C21, C23, C26, C31 24 Capacitor 2.0 pF 12% 0402 TDK C1005C0G1H020C Yes Yes C22, C32 2 Capacitor 10 mF 10% 1206 Vishay TR3A106K010C2000 Yes Yes C24, C25, C28-C30, C34-C41, C43-C45, C47, C49, C52, C58 20 Capacitor 100 nF 10% 0402 AVX 0402ZD104KAT2A Yes Yes C27, C33 2 Capacitor 10 mF 20% 0603 TDK C1608X5R1A106M Yes Yes C42, C46, C48 3 Capacitor 4.7 mF 20% 0402 TDK C1005X5R0J475M Yes Yes C50 1 Capacitor 10 nF 10% 0402 AVX 0402YC103KAT2A Yes Yes C51, C53 2 Capacitor 10 pF 5% 0402 Murata GRM1555C1H100JZ01D Yes Yes C55-C57, C59 4 Capacitor 1 mF 20% 0402 Murata GRM155R61A105ME15D Yes Yes D1 1 ESD Suppressor 4 CHANNEL PROTECTION PACDN004 − SOT-143 ON Semiconductor PACDN004SR No Yes FB1, FB2 2 EMI Filter Bead 600 W − 0603 Murata BLM18KG601SN1D Yes Yes FB3, FB4 2 EMI Filter Bead 600 W 25% 0402 Murata BLM15AG601SN1D Yes Yes J3-J6, J11-J14, J19-J22, J37, J38 14 RF Connectors PC END MT JCK GLD .062″ − − SMA_END_LA UNCH_0.062″ Johnson Components 142-0701-801 Yes Yes J43, J44, J47, J48, J51, J52 6 Header − − Header Thru-Hole 2 × 3 FCI 67996-206HLF Yes Yes J56, J55 2 Header Header 3-pin − 3-pin Header, thru-hole 0.1 3M 961103-6404-AR Yes Yes J59 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Red − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0500 Yes Yes J60 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Yellow − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0700 Yes Yes J61 1 Banana Jack, Thru-Hole, Black − − CON2_571-050 0_DELTRON Deltron 571-0100 Yes Yes J62 1 CONN USB TYPE B R/A HORIZ SMD − − SMT USB Conn B On Shore Technology USB-B1SMHSW6 Yes Yes J63-J70 8 Header Header 2-pin − 2-pin Header, thru-hole 0.1 3M 961102-6404-AR Yes Yes LED1 1 LED GREEN CLEAR 0603 SMD LED, Green − 0603 LED Lite-On LTST-C190KGKT Yes Yes M1-M8, M10, M12, M14, M17, M19, M21, M23-M25 17 CONN JUMPER SHORTING .100″ GOLD Shunt − 2.54 × 5.97 (mm) Sullins QPC02SXGN-RC Yes Yes M9, M11, M13, M15 4 STANDOFF 4-40 ALUMINUM 5/8″ Standoff, 4-40 1/4 × 5/8 − − Keystone 1808 Yes Yes M16, M18, M20, M22 4 Screw, 4-40 × 0.25, PHP − − − Building Fasteners PMS 440 0025 PH Yes Yes R1, R5, R9, R13, R17, R21, R25, R29, R33, R37, R41, R45, R49, R55, R61, R65, R69, R73, R77, R83, R89, R95, R99, R103 24 Resistor 33 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF33R0X Yes Yes http://onsemi.com 12 NB3N1200KMNGEVB, NB3W1200LMNGEVB Table 4. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR THE NB3W1200LMNGEVB EVALUATION BOARD (continued) Substitution Allowed Lead Free Designator Qty. Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number R3, R7, R11, R15, R19, R23, R27, R31, R35, R39, R43, R47, R53, R59, R63, R67, R71, R75, R80, R86, R91, R97, R101, R105 0 DNI − − 0402 − − − Yes R10, R14, R18, R22, R42, R46, R50, R56, R78, R84, R90, R96 12 Resistor 0W Jumper 0402 Vishay CRCW04020000Z0ED Yes Yes R51, R52 2 Resistor 49.9 W 1% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3EKF49R9V Yes Yes R57, R58, R79, R82, R85, R88 6 Resistor 4.7 kW 5% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ472V Yes Yes R93, R94 2 Resistor 2.2 W 5% 0603 Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ2R2V Yes Yes R107 1 Resistor 475 W 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF4750X Yes Yes R108, R109 0 DNI − − 0402 − − − Yes R110, R111, R114, R116-R118 6 Resistor 10 kW 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ103X Yes Yes R112, R113, R121-R132 14 Resistor 0W Jumper 0201 Panasonic ERJ-1GE0R00C Yes Yes R115 1 Resistor 12 kW 1% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1202X Yes Yes R119 1 Resistor 470 W 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ471X Yes Yes R120 1 Resistor 2.2 kW 5% 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ222X Yes Yes TP1-TP6, TP13, TP14 8 Test Point Test Point, SMT − TP_5015_ KEYSTONE Keystone 5015 Yes Yes U1 1 − NB3W1200L − 64-QFN 9 mm ON Semiconductor NB3W1200LMNG No Yes U2 1 − FT2232H − 64-QFN FTDI FT2232HQ-REEL No Yes U3 1 − 93LC46B − 8-TSSOP Microchip 93LC46BT-I/ST No Yes U4 1 − NCP4586, 3.3 V − SOT-23-5 ON Semiconductor NCP4586DSN33T1G No Yes Y1 1 − 12 MHz − 2.5 × 3.2 (mm) SMT Abracon Corp ABM8G-12.000MHZ-4Y-T3 Yes Yes http://onsemi.com 13 onsemi, , and other names, marks, and brands are registered and/or common law trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba “onsemi” or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. onsemi owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of onsemi’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. onsemi is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. The evaluation board/kit (research and development board/kit) (hereinafter the “board”) is not a finished product and is not available for sale to consumers. The board is only intended for research, development, demonstration and evaluation purposes and will only be used in laboratory/development areas by persons with an engineering/technical training and familiar with the risks associated with handling electrical/mechanical components, systems and subsystems. This person assumes full responsibility/liability for proper and safe handling. Any other use, resale or redistribution for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. THE BOARD IS PROVIDED BY ONSEMI TO YOU “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, ONSEMI (AND ITS LICENSORS/SUPPLIERS) HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES IN RELATION TO THE BOARD, ANY MODIFICATIONS, OR THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NON−INFRINGEMENT, AND THOSE ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, TRADE USAGE, TRADE CUSTOM OR TRADE PRACTICE. onsemi reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any board. You are responsible for determining whether the board will be suitable for your intended use or application or will achieve your intended results. Prior to using or distributing any systems that have been evaluated, designed or tested using the board, you agree to test and validate your design to confirm the functionality for your application. Any technical, applications or design information or advice, quality characterization, reliability data or other services provided by onsemi shall not constitute any representation or warranty by onsemi, and no additional obligations or liabilities shall arise from onsemi having provided such information or services. onsemi products including the boards are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in life support systems, or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a similar or equivalent classification in a foreign jurisdiction, or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless onsemi, its directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, and assigns, against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, judgments, and expenses, arising out of any claim, demand, investigation, lawsuit, regulatory action or cause of action arising out of or associated with any unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that onsemi was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of any products and/or the board. This evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility, restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC, CE or UL, and may not meet the technical requirements of these or other related directives. FCC WARNING – This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by onsemi to be a finished end product fit for general consumer use. It may generate, use, or radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment may cause interference with radio communications, in which case the user shall be responsible, at its expense, to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference. onsemi does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: onsemi shall not be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect or punitive damages, including, but not limited to the costs of requalification, delay, loss of profits or goodwill, arising out of or in connection with the board, even if onsemi is advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall onsemi’s aggregate liability from any obligation arising out of or in connection with the board, under any theory of liability, exceed the purchase price paid for the board, if any. The board is provided to you subject to the license and other terms per onsemi’s standard terms and conditions of sale. For more information and documentation, please visit www.onsemi.com. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Email Requests to: orderlit@onsemi.com onsemi Website: www.onsemi.com ◊ TECHNICAL SUPPORT North American Technical Support: Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910 www.onsemi.com 1 Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 00421 33 790 2910 For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative
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