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ADIS16475-3BMLZ 数据手册
Precision, Miniature MEMs IMU ADIS16475 Data Sheet FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Triaxial, digital gyroscope ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16475-1) 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16475-1 and ADIS16475-2) ±0.1° axis to axis misalignment error Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g 3.6 μg in-run bias stability Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C SPI compatible data communications Programmable operation and control Automatic and manual bias correction controls Data ready indicator for synchronous data acquisition External sync modes: direct, pulse, scaled, and output On demand self test of inertial sensors On demand self test of flash memory Single-supply operation (VDD): 3.0 V to 3.6 V 2000 g mechanical shock survivability Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C The ADIS16475 is a precision, miniature MEMS inertial measurement unit (IMU) that includes a triaxial gyroscope and a triaxial accelerometer. Each inertial sensor in the ADIS16475 combines with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity, bias, alignment, linear acceleration (gyroscope bias), and point of percussion (accelerometer location). As a result, each sensor has dynamic compensation formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements over a broad set of conditions. The ADIS16475 provides a simple, cost effective method for integrating accurate, multiaxis inertial sensing into industrial systems, especially when compared with the complexity and investment associated with discrete designs. All necessary motion testing and calibration are part of the production process at the factory, greatly reducing system integration time. Tight orthogonal alignment simplifies inertial frame alignment in navigation systems. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) and register structure provide a simple interface for data collection and configuration control. The ADIS16475 is available in a 44-ball, ball grid array (BGA) package that is approximately 11 mm × 15 mm × 11 mm. APPLICATIONS Navigation, stabilization, and instrumentation Unmanned and autonomous vehicles Smart agriculture and construction machinery Factory/industrial automation, robotics Virtual/augmented reality Internet of Moving Things FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DR SELF TEST RST VDD POWER MANAGEMENT I/O OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS TRIAXIAL GYROSCOPE TRIAXIAL ACCELEROMETER CONTROLLER TEMPERATURE SENSOR CALIBRATION AND FILTERS GND CS SCLK SPI USER CONTROL REGISTERS DIN DOUT ADIS16475 SYNC 15436-001 CLOCK Figure 1. Rev. D Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2017–2020 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADIS16475 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Device Configuration ................................................................ 16 Applications ...................................................................................... 1 User Register Memory Map.......................................................... 17 General Description ......................................................................... 1 User Register Defintions ............................................................... 19 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Gyroscope Data .......................................................................... 19 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Delta Angles ................................................................................ 22 Specifications .................................................................................... 3 Delta Velocity ............................................................................. 24 Timing Specifications .................................................................. 5 Calibration .................................................................................. 25 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................... 7 Applications Information ............................................................. 32 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 7 Assembly and Handling Tips ................................................... 32 ESD Caution.................................................................................. 7 Power Supply Considerations .................................................. 33 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................ 8 Serial Port Operation ................................................................. 33 Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 10 Digital Resolution of Gyroscopes and Accelerometers ........ 33 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 12 Evaluation Tools......................................................................... 34 Introduction ................................................................................ 12 Tray Drawing .............................................................................. 36 Inertial Sensor Signal Chain ..................................................... 12 Packaging and Ordering Information ......................................... 37 Register Structure ....................................................................... 13 Outline Dimensions ................................................................... 37 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ............................................... 14 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 37 Data Ready (DR) ........................................................................ 14 Reading Sensor Data .................................................................. 15 REVISION HISTORY 4/2020—Rev. C to Rev. D Change to Logic Inputs Parameter, Table 1 ................................. 4 Changes to Endnote 1, Table 3 ....................................................... 7 4/2019—Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Section ................ 14 Changes to Figure 32 ..................................................................... 15 Changes to Table 10 and Gyroscope Data Section .................... 19 Changes to Acceleration Data Section ........................................ 20 Added Accelerometer Data Formatting Section ........................ 21 Deleted Accelerometer Resolution Section ................................ 21 Added Serial Port Operation Section, Maximum Throughput Section, Serial Port SCLK Underrun/Overrun Conditions Section, and Digital Resolution of Gyroscopes and Accelerometers Section .....................................................................................................................33 Moved Gyroscope Data Width (Digital Resolution) Section... 33 Moved Accelerometer Data Width (Digital Resolution) Section . 33 Moved Figure 52 and Figure 53.................................................... 35 Added Tray Drawing Section ....................................................... 36 Added Figure 54 ............................................................................. 36 1/2019—Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to Table 1 ........................................................................... 3 Changes to Table 2 ........................................................................... 5 Changes to Figure 5 ..........................................................................6 Changes to Figure 11 ..................................................................... 10 Added Figure 12 and Figure 13; Renumbered Sequentially..... 10 Added Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16, and Figure 17 .............. 11 Changes to Figure 18, Figure 19, and Figure 20 ........................ 12 Changes to Figure 22 and Figure 23 ............................................ 13 Added Gyroscope Data Width (Digital Resolution) Section ... 19 Changes to Gyroscope Measurement Range/Scale Factor Section, Table 11, Table 12, Table 13, Table 17, Table 21, and Table 25 20 Added Accelerometer Data Width (Digital Resolution) Section .............................................................................................. 21 Change to Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (XA_BIAS_LOW and XA_BIAS_HIGH) Section..................................................... 26 Change to Filter Control Register (FILT_CTRL) Section ........ 27 Changes to Direct Sync Mode Section and to Pulse Sync Mode Section .............................................................................................. 28 Changes to Sensor Self Test Section ............................................ 30 11/2017—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Table 1 ............................................................................3 Deleted Endnote 1, Table 1; Renumbered Sequentially...............4 Added Endnote 2, Table 1; Renumbered Sequentially ................4 10/2017—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. D | Page 2 of 37 Data Sheet ADIS16475 SPECIFICATIONS Case temperature (TC) = 25°C, VDD = 3.3 V, angular rate = 0°/sec, dynamic range = ±2000°/sec ± 1 g, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter GYROSCOPES Dynamic Range Sensitivity Error over Temperature Repeatability 1 Misalignment Error Nonlinearity 2 Bias Repeatability1 In-Run Bias Stability Angular Random Walk Error over Temperature Linear Acceleration Effect Vibration Rectified Error (VRE) Output Noise Rate Noise Density 3 dB Bandwidth Sensor Resonant Frequency ACCELEROMETERS 3 Dynamic Range Sensitivity Error over temperature Repeatability1 Misalignment Error Nonlinearity Bias Repeatability1 In-Run Bias Stability Velocity Random Walk Error over Temperature Test Conditions/Comments Min ADIS16475-1 ADIS16475-2 ADIS16475-3 ADIS16475-1, 16-bit ADIS16475-2, 16-bit ADIS16475-3, 16-bit ADIS16475-1, 32-bit ADIS16475-2, 32-bit ADIS16475-3, 32-bit −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ Axis to axis, −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ ADIS16475-1, full scale (FS) = 125°/sec ADIS16475-2, FS = 500°/sec ADIS16475-3, FS = 2000°/sec ±125 ±500 ±2000 Typ Max Unit 160 40 10 10,485,760 2,621,440 655,360 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.1 0.2 0.2 0.25 °/sec °/sec °/sec LSB/°/sec LSB/°/sec LSB/°/sec LSB/°/sec LSB/°/sec LSB/°/sec % % Degrees % FS % FS % FS 0.7 2 2.5 7 0.15 0.15 0.3 ±0.2 0.01 0.0005 0.07 0.08 0.17 0.003 0.003 0.007 550 66 °/sec °/hr °/hr °/hr °/√hr °/√hr °/√hr °/sec °/sec/g °/sec/g2 °/sec rms °/sec rms °/sec rms °/sec/√Hz rms °/sec/√Hz rms °/sec/√Hz rms Hz kHz 32-bit data format −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ Axis to axis, −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ Best fit straight line, ±2 g Best fit straight line, ±8 g, x-axis Best fit straight line, ±8 g, y-axis and z-axis 262,144,000 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.05 0.25 0.5 1.5 g LSB/g % % Degrees % FS % FS % FS −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ 1σ 1σ −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ 1.4 3.6 0.012 ±1 mg μg m/sec/√hr mg −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ ADIS16475-1, 1 σ ADIS16475-2, 1 σ ADIS16475-3, 1 σ ADIS16475-1, 1 σ ADIS16475-2, 1 σ ADIS16475-3, 1 σ −40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C, 1 σ Any direction, 1 σ Random vibration, 2 grms, 50 Hz to 2 kHz ADIS16475-1, 1 σ, no filtering ADIS16475-2, 1 σ, no filtering ADIS16475-3, 1 σ, no filtering ADIS16475-1, f = 10 Hz to 40 Hz ADIS16475-2, f = 10 Hz to 40 Hz ADIS16475-3, f = 10 Hz to 40 Hz Each axis ±8 Rev. D | Page 3 of 37 ADIS16475 Parameter Output Noise Noise Density 3 dB Bandwidth Sensor Resonant Frequency TEMPERATURE SENSOR Scale Factor LOGIC INPUTS 4 Input Voltage High, VIH Low, VIL RST Pulse Width Input Current Logic 1, IIH Logic 0, IIL All Pins Except RST RST Pin Input Capacitance, CIN DIGITAL OUTPUTS Output Voltage High, VOH Low, VOL FLASH MEMORY Data Retention 6 FUNCTIONAL TIMES 7 Power-On Start-Up Time Reset Recovery Time 8 Factory Calibration Restore Flash Memory Backup Flash Memory Test Time Self Test Time 9 CONVERSION RATE Initial Clock Accuracy Sync Input Clock POWER SUPPLY, VDD Power Supply Current 10 Data Sheet Test Conditions/Comments No filtering f = 10 Hz to 40 Hz, no filtering Min Y-axis and z-axis X-axis Typ 0.6 23 600 2.4 2.2 Output = 0x0000 at 0°C (±5°C) 0.1 Max °C/LSB 2.0 0.8 V V µs 10 µA 10 µA mA pF 1 VIH = 3.3 V VIL = 0 V 0.33 10 ISOURCE = 0.5 mA ISINK = 2.0 mA Endurance 5 TJ = 85°C Time until data is available 2.4 0.4 10000 20 252 193 142 72 32 14 2000 3 GLOB_CMD, Bit 7 = 1 (see Table 113) GLOB_CMD, Bit 1 = 1 (see Table 113) GLOB_CMD, Bit 3 = 1 (see Table 113) GLOB_CMD, Bit 4 = 1 (see Table 113) GLOB_CMD, Bit 2 = 1 (see Table 113) Operating voltage range Normal mode, VDD = 3.3 V 1.9 3.0 44 Unit mg rms μg/√Hz rms Hz kHz kHz 2.1 3.6 55 V V Cycles Years ms ms ms ms ms ms SPS % kHz V mA Bias repeatability provides an estimate for long-term drift in the bias, as observed during 500 hours of high temperature operating life (HTOL) at 105°C. This measurement is based on the deviation from a best fit linear model. All specifications associated with the accelerometers relate to the full-scale range of ±8 g, unless otherwise noted. 4 The digital input/output signals use a 3.3 V system. 5 Endurance is qualified as per JEDEC Standard 22, Method A117, measured at −40°C, +25°C, +85°C, and +125°C. 6 The data retention specification assumes a junction temperature (TJ) of 85°C per JEDEC Standard 22, Method A117. Data retention lifetime decreases with TJ. 7 These times do not include thermal settling and internal filter response times, which may affect overall accuracy. 8 The RST line must be in a low state for at least 10 μs to ensure a proper reset initiation and recovery. 9 The self test time can extend when using external clock rates lower than 2000 Hz. 10 Power supply current transients can reach 100 mA during initial startup or reset recovery. 1 2 3 Rev. D | Page 4 of 37 Data Sheet ADIS16475 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3 V, unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Parameter fSCLK tSTALL tREADRATE tCS Description Serial clock Stall period between data Read rate Chip select to SCLK edge tDAV tDSU tDHD tSCLKR, tSCLKF tDR, tDF tSFS t1 DOUT valid after SCLK edge DIN setup time before SCLK rising edge DIN hold time after SCLK rising edge SCLK rise/fall times DOUT rise/fall times CS high after SCLK edge Input sync positive pulse width; pulse sync mode, MSC_CTRL = 101 (binary, see Table 105) Input sync to data ready valid transition Direct sync mode, MSC_CTRL = 001 (binary, see Table 105) Pulse sync mode, MSC_CTRL = 101 (binary, see Table 105) Data invalid time Input sync period 2 tSTDR tNV t2 1 2 Min 0.1 16 24 200 Normal Mode Typ Max 2 Burst Read Mode Min 1 Typ Max 0.1 1 N/A 200 25 25 25 50 25 50 5 5 12.5 12.5 5 5 0 5 12.5 12.5 0 5 256 256 20 256 256 20 477 477 Timing Diagrams tSCLKR tSCLKF tCS tSFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 SCLK tDAV DB14 tDR DB13 tDSU DIN R/W A6 DB12 DB11 tDHD A5 DB10 DB2 DB1 LSB tDF A4 A3 A2 D2 D1 15436-002 MSB DOUT LSB Figure 2. SPI Timing and Sequence Diagram tREADRATE tSTALL 15436-003 CS SCLK Figure 3. Stall Time and Data Rate Timing Diagram Rev. D | Page 5 of 37 ns ns ns ns ns ns µs µs µs µs µs N/A means not applicable. This specification is rounded up from the cycle time that comes from the maximum input clock frequency (2100 Hz). CS Unit MHz µs µs ns ADIS16475 Data Sheet t2 tSTDR t1 DR tNV 15436-004 SYNC Figure 4. Input Clock Timing Diagram, Pulse Sync Mode, Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] = 101 (Binary) t2 t1 SYNC tNV tSTDR 15436-005 DR Figure 5. Input Clock Timing Diagram, Direct Sync Mode, Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] = 001 (Binary) Rev. D | Page 6 of 37 Data Sheet ADIS16475 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 3. Parameter Mechanical Shock Survivability Any Axis, Unpowered Any Axis, Powered VDD to GND Digital Input Voltage to GND Digital Output Voltage to GND Calibration Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range1 Barometric Pressure 1 Thermal performance is directly linked to printed circuit board (PCB) design and operating environment. Careful attention to PCB thermal design is required. Rating 2000 g 2000 g −0.3 V to +3.6 V −0.3 V to VDD + 0.2 V −0.3 V to VDD + 0.2 V −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +105°C −65°C to +150°C 2 bar The ADIS16475 is a multichip module that includes many active components. The values in Table 4 identify the thermal response of the hottest component inside of the ADIS16475, with respect to the overall power dissipation of the module. This approach enables a simple method for predicting the temperature of the hottest junction, based on either ambient or case temperature. Extended exposure to temperatures that are lower than −40°C or higher than +105°C may adversely affect the accuracy of the factory calibration. Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. For example, when the ambient temperature is 70°C, the hottest junction temperature (TJ) inside of the ADIS16475 is 76.7°C. TJ = θJA × VDD × IDD + 70°C TJ = 158.2°C/W × 3.3 V × 0.044 A + 70°C TJ = 93°C Table 4. Package Characteristics Package Type ML-44-13 θJA1 158.2°C/W θJC2 106.1°C/W Device Weight 1.3 g θJA is the natural convection junction to ambient thermal resistance measured in a one cubic foot sealed enclosure. θJC is the junction to case thermal resistance. 3 Thermal impedance values come from direct observation of the hottest temperature inside of the ADIS16475 when it is attached to an FR4-08 PCB that has two metal layers and has a thickness of 0.063 inches. 1 2 ESD CAUTION Rev. D | Page 7 of 37 ADIS16475 Data Sheet PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ADIS16475 A B C D E F G H J K 1 2 PIN A1 3 4 5 6 7 PIN K8 Figure 7. Pin Assignments, Package Level View Figure 6. Pin Assignments, Bottom View Table 5. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B3 B4 B5 B6 C2 C3 C6 C7 D3 D6 E2 E3 E6 E7 F1 F3 F6 F8 G2 G3 G6 G7 H1 H3 H6 H8 Mnemonic GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND DNC GND VDD GND VDD GND VDD GND GND GND RST GND GND GND CS DIN GND VDD DOUT SCLK GND 15436-007 BOTTOM VIEW OF PACKAGE 15436-006 PIN A8 8 Type Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Not applicable Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Input Supply Supply Supply Input Input Supply Supply Output Input Supply Rev. D | Page 8 of 37 Description Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Do Not Connect Power Ground Power Supply Power Ground Power Supply Power Ground Power Supply Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Reset Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground SPI, Chip Select SPI, Data Input Power Supply Power Supply SPI, Data Output SPI, Serial Clock Power Ground Data Sheet Pin No. J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 K1 K3 K6 K8 ADIS16475 Mnemonic GND SYNC VDD VDD DR GND GND GND VDD GND Type Supply Input Supply Supply Output Supply Supply Supply Supply Supply Rev. D | Page 9 of 37 Description Power Ground Sync (External Clock) Power Supply Power Supply Data Ready Power Ground Power Ground Power Ground Power Supply Power Ground ADIS16475 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS X-AXIS Y-AXIS Z-AXIS X-AXIS Y-AXIS Z-AXIS ALLAN DEVIATION (µg) 100 10 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 INTEGRATION PERIOD (Seconds) 0.001 GYROSCOPE SENSITIVITY ERROR (%) 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 INTEGRATION PERIOD (Seconds) 10000 100000 0.3 0.2 0.1 µ + 1σ 0 –0.1 –0.2 µ – 1σ µ –0.3 –0.4 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 0.5 1000 GYROSCOPE SENSITIVITY ERROR (%) X-AXIS Y-AXIS Z-AXIS 100 10 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 INTEGRATION PERIOD (Seconds) Figure 10. Gyroscope Allan Deviation, TC = 25°C, ADIS16475-3 0.4 0.3 0.2 µ + 1σ 0.1 0 –0.1 µ –0.2 µ – 1σ –0.3 –0.4 –0.5 –60 15436-010 ALLAN DEVIATION (Degrees/hour) 1000 Figure 12. ADIS16475-1 Gyroscope Sensitivity Error vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 9. Gyroscope Allan Deviation vs. TC = 25°C, ADIS16475-2 0.1 0.001 100 0.4 –0.5 –60 15436-009 ALLAN DEVIATION (Degrees/hour) 10 0.1 10 0.5 X-AXIS Y-AXIS Z-AXIS 0.01 1 Figure 11. Accelerometer Allan Deviation, TC = 25°C 100 0.1 0.001 0.1 INTEGRATION PERIOD (Seconds) Figure 8. Gyroscope Allan Deviation, TC = 25°C, ADIS16475-1 1000 0.01 15436-112 0.01 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 80 100 15436-113 0.1 0.001 15436-011 1 15436-008 ALLAN DEVIATION (Degrees/hour) 1000 Figure 13. ADIS16475-2 Gyroscope Sensitivity Error vs. Ambient Temperature Rev. D | Page 10 of 37 ADIS16475 0.5 0.4 0.4 GYROSCOPE BIAS ERROR (°/sec) 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 µ + 1σ –0.1 –0.2 µ –0.3 µ – 1σ –0.4 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 14. ADIS16475-3 Gyroscope Sensitivity Error vs. Ambient Temperature 0 –0.1 µ –0.2 µ – 1σ –0.3 –0.5 –60 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 µ + 1σ 0.1 0 –0.1 µ – 1σ µ –0.2 –0.3 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 16. ADIS16475-2 Gyroscope Bias Error vs. Ambient Temperature 0.5 0.3 –40 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) GYROSCOPE BIAS ERROR (°/sec) GYROSCOPE BIAS ERROR (°/sec) 0.1 15436-116 –40 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 0.3 0.2 µ + 1σ 0.1 0 µ –0.1 µ – 1σ –0.2 –0.3 –0.4 –0.4 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 80 100 –0.5 –60 15436-115 –0.5 –60 µ + 1σ 0.2 Figure 15. ADIS16475-1 Gyroscope Bias Error vs. Ambient Temperature –40 –20 0 20 40 60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) 80 100 15436-117 –0.5 –60 0.3 –0.4 15436-114 GYROSCOPE SENSITIVITY ERROR (%) Data Sheet Figure 17. ADIS16475-3 Gyroscope Bias Error vs. Ambient Temperature Rev. D | Page 11 of 37 ADIS16475 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION External Clock Options When using the factory default configuration for all user configurable control registers, the ADIS16475 initializes itself and automatically starts a continuous process of sampling, processing, and loading calibrated sensor data into its output registers at a rate of 2000 SPS. The ADIS16475 provides three different modes of operation that support the device using an external clock to control the internal processing rate (fSM in Figure 19 and Figure 20) through the SYNC pin. The MSC_CTRL register (see Table 105) provides the configuration options for these external clock modes in Bits[4:2]. MEMS SENSORS BARTLETT WINDOW FIR FILTER AVERAGING DECIMATING FILTER CALIBRATION OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS Gyroscope Data Sampling ADC TO BARTLETT WINDOW FIR FILTER fSG = 4100Hz fSM = 2000Hz 15436-015 The three gyroscopes produce angular rate measurements around three orthogonal axes (x, y, and z). Figure 19 shows the data sampling plan for each gyroscope when the ADIS16475 operates in internal clock mode (default, see Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] in Table 105). Each gyroscope has an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and sample clock (fSG) that drives data sampling at a rate of 4100 Hz (±5%). The internal processor reads and processes this data from each gyroscope at a rate of 2000 Hz (fSM). INTERNAL DATA REGISTER Figure 19. Gyroscope Data Sampling Accelerometer Data Sampling The three accelerometers produce linear acceleration measurements along the same orthogonal axes (x, y, and z) as the gyroscopes. Figure 20 shows the data sampling plan for each accelerometer when the ADIS16475 operates in internal clock mode (default, see Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] in Table 105). ADC 1 2 a(n) 2n= 1 ÷2 2 × fSM = 4000Hz Figure 20. Accelerometer Data Sampling TO BARTLETT WINDOW FIR FILTER 15436-016 MEMS ACCELEROMETER The inertial sensor calibration function for the gyroscopes and the accelerometers has two components: factory calibration and user calibration (see Figure 21). FROM BARTLETT WINDOW FIR FILTER FACTORY CALIBRATION USER CALIBRATION TO AVERAGING DECIMATING FILTER Figure 21. Inertial Sensor Calibration Processing The factory calibration of the gyroscope applies the following correction formulas to the data of each gyroscope: Figure 18. Signal Processing Diagram, Inertial Sensors MEMS GYROSCOPE Inertial Sensor Calibration 15436-014 Figure 18 provides the basic signal chain for the inertial sensors in the ADIS16475. This signal chain produces an update rate of 2000 SPS in the output data registers when it operates in internal clock mode (default, see Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] in Table 105). 15436-017 INERTIAL SENSOR SIGNAL CHAIN ω XC  m11 m12     ωYC  = m21 m22 ωZC  m31 m32    l11 l12  l21 l22 l31 l32  m13   ω X  bX         m23  ×  ωY  + bY   + m33   ωZ  bZ   l13  a XC     l23  ×  aYC  l33  aZC  where: ωXC, ωYC, and ωZC are the gyroscope outputs (post calibration). m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, and m33 provide scale and alignment correction. ωX, ωY, and ωZ are the gyroscope outputs (precalibration). bX, bY, and bZ provide bias correction. l11, l12, l13, l21, l22, l23, l31, l32, and l33 provide linear g correction aXC, aYC, and aZC are the accelerometer outputs (post calibration). All of the correction factors in this relationship come from direct observation of the response of each gyroscope at multiple temperatures over the calibration temperature range (−40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C). These correction factors are stored in the flash memory bank, but they are not available for observation or configuration. Register MSC_CTRL, Bit 7 (see Table 105) provides the only user configuration option for the factory calibration of the gyroscopes: an on/off control for the linear g compensation. See Figure 44 for more details on the user calibration options available for the gyroscopes. Rev. D | Page 12 of 37 Data Sheet ADIS16475 p32 FROM MEMS SENSOR 2 p13  ω XC    2  p23  ×  ω YC    0   ω2ZC    1 N ω(n) Nn = 1 1 N ω(n) Nn = 1 TO FACTORY CALIBRATION Figure 22. Bartlett Window FIR Filter Signal Path where: aXC, aYC, and aZC are the accelerometer outputs (post calibration). m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, and m33 provide scale and alignment correction. aX, aY, and aZ are the accelerometer outputs (precalibration). bX, bY, and bZ provide bias correction. p12, p13, p21, p23, p31, and p32 provide a point of percussion alignment correction (see Figure 47). ω2XC, ω2YC, and ω2ZC are the square of the gyroscope outputs (post calibration). All of the correction factors in this relationship come from direct observation of the response of each accelerometer at multiple temperatures over the calibration temperature range (−40°C ≤ TC ≤ +85°C). These correction factors are stored in the flash memory bank, but they are not available for observation or configuration. MSC_CTRL, Bit 6 (see Table 105) provides the only user configuration option for the factory calibration of the accelerometers: an on/off control for the point of percussion, alignment function. See Figure 45 for more details on the user calibration options available for the accelerometers. Averaging/Decimating Filter The second digital filter averages multiple samples together to produce each register update. In this type of filter structure, the number of samples in the average is equal to the reduction in the update rate for the output data registers. The DEC_RATE register (see Table 109) provides the configuration controls for this filter. FROM USER CALIBRATION 1 N ω(n) N nΣ =1 ÷N TO OUTPUT REGISTERS Figure 23. Averaging/Decimating Filter Diagram REGISTER STRUCTURE All communication between the ADIS16475 and an external processor involves either reading the contents of an output register or writing configuration/command information to a control register. The output data registers include the latest sensor data, error flags, and identification information. The control registers include sample rate, filtering, calibration, and diagnostic options. Each user accessible register has two bytes (upper and lower), each of which has its own unique address. See Table 8 for a detailed list of all user registers, along with their addresses. TRIAXIAL GYROSCOPE TRIAXIAL ACCELLEROMETER TEMPERATURE SENSOR SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING OUTPUT REGISTERS CONTROLLER CONTROL REGISTERS Figure 24. Basic Operation of the ADIS16475 Rev. D | Page 13 of 37 15436-020 p12 0 15436-019  0   p21  p31  m13   a X  bX         m23  ×   aY  + bY   + m33   aZ  bZ   The Bartlett window finite impulse response (FIR) filter (see Figure 22) contains two averaging filter stages in a cascade configuration. The FILT_CTRL register (see Table 101) provides the configuration controls for this filter. SPI a XC  m11 m12     aYC  = m21 m22 a  m31 m32  ZC   Bartlett Window FIR Filter 15436-018 The factory calibration of the accelerometer applies the following correction formulas to the data of each accelerometer: ADIS16475 Data Sheet DATA READY (DR) The SPI provides access to the user registers (see Table 8). Figure 25 shows the most common connections between the ADIS16475 and a SPI master device, which is often an embedded processor that has a SPI-compatible interface. In this example, the SPI master uses an interrupt service routine to collect data every time the data ready (DR) signal pulses. The factory default configuration provides users with a DR signal on the DR pin (see Table 5), which pulses when the output data registers are updating. Connect the DR pin to a pin on the embedded processor, which triggers data collection, on the second edge of this pulse. The MSC_CTRL register, Bit 0 (see Table 105), controls the polarity of this signal. In Figure 26, Register MSC_CTRL, Bit 0 = 1, which means that data collection must start on the rising edges of the DR pulses. Additional information on the ADIS16475 SPI can be found in the Serial Port Operation section of this data sheet. I/O LINES ARE COMPATIBLE WITH 3.3V LOGIC LEVELS +3.3V VDD 15436-022 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI) DR ACTIVE INACTIVE Figure 26. Data Ready When Register MSC_CTRL, Bit 0 = 1 (Default) SCLK SCLK MOSI DIN MISO DOUT DR 15436-021 IRQ During the start-up and reset recovery processes, the DR signal may exhibit some transient behavior before data production begins. Figure 27 shows an example of the DR behavior during startup, and Figure 28 and Figure 29 provide examples of the DR behavior during recovery from reset commands. ADIS16475 TIME THAT VDD > 3V VDD Figure 25. Electrical Connection Diagram PULSING INDICATES DATA PRODUCTION Table 6. Generic SPI Master Pin Names and Functions Mnemonic SS SCLK MOSI MISO IRQ Function Slave select Serial clock Master output, slave input Master input, slave output Interrupt request DR START-UP TIME Figure 27. Data Ready Response During Startup SOFTWARE RESET COMMAND GLOB_CMD[7] = 1 Embedded processors typically use control registers to configure their serial ports for communicating with SPI slave devices such as the ADIS16475. Table 7 provides a list of settings that describe the SPI protocol of the ADIS16475. The initialization routine of the master processor typically establishes these settings using firmware commands to write them into the control registers. DR PULSING RESUMES DR RESET RECOVERY TIME Figure 28. Data Ready Response During Reset (Register GLOB_CMD, Bit 7 = 1) Recovery Table 7. Generic Master Processor SPI Settings Processor Setting Master SCLK ≤ 2 MHz1 SPI Mode 3 MSB First Mode 16-Bit Mode 1 15436-023 CS Description ADIS16475 operates as slave Maximum serial clock rate CPOL = 1 (polarity), CPHA = 1 (phase) Bit sequence, see Figure 30 for coding Shift register and data length 15436-024 SS RST PIN RELEASED RST DR PULSING RESUMES DR A burst mode read requires this value to be ≤1 MHz (see Table 2 for more information). RESET RECOVERY TIME Figure 29. Data Ready Response During Reset (RST = 0) Recovery Rev. D | Page 14 of 37 15436-025 SYSTEM PROCESSOR SPI MASTER Data Sheet ADIS16475 CS DIN R/W D15 DOUT A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 DC7 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 DC6 DC5 D6 DC4 D5 DC3 DC2 D4 D3 R/W DC1 DC0 D2 D1 D0 D15 A6 A5 D14 D13 NOTES 1. DOUT BITS ARE PRODUCED ONLY WHEN THE PREVIOUS 16-BIT DIN SEQUENCE STARTS WITH R/W = 0. 2. WHEN CS IS HIGH, DOUT IS IN A THREE-STATE, HIGH IMPEDANCE MODE, WHICH ALLOWS MULTIFUNCTIONAL USE OF THE LINE FOR OTHER DEVICES. 15436-026 SCLK Figure 30. SPI Communication Bit Sequence CS 1 2 3 11 SCLK 0x6800 DIAG_STAT DOUT XGYRO_OUT 15436-027 DIN CHECKSUM Figure 31. Burst Read Sequence CS SCLK DIN DOUT HIGH-Z HIGH-Z DOUT = 0100 0000 0101 1011 = 0x405B = 16475 (PROD_ID) 15436-028 DIN = 0x7200 = 0111 0010 0000 0000 Figure 32. SPI Signal Pattern Showing a Read of the PROD_ID Register Burst Read Function Reading a single register requires two 16-bit cycles on the SPI: one to request the contents of a register and another to receive those contents. The 16-bit command code (see Figure 30) for a read request on the SPI has three parts: the read bit (R/W = 0), either address of the register, [A6:A0], and eight don’t care bits, [DC7:DC0]. Figure 33 shows an example that includes two register reads in succession. This example starts with DIN = 0x0C00 to request the contents of the Z_GYRO_LOW register, and follows with 0x0E00 to request the contents of the Z_GYRO_OUT register. The sequence in Figure 33 also shows full duplex mode of operation, which means that the ADIS16475 can receive requests on DIN while also transmitting data out on DOUT within the same 16-bit SPI cycle. The burst read function provides a way to read a batch of output data registers, using a continuous stream of bits, at a rate of up to 1 MHz (SCLK). This method does not require a stall time between each 16-bit segment (see Figure 3). As shown in Figure 31, start this mode by setting DIN = 0x6800, and then read each of the registers in the sequence out of DOUT while keeping CS low for the entire 176-bit sequence. DIN DOUT 0x0C00 0x0E00 NEXT ADDRESS Z_GYRO_LOW Z_GYRO_OUT 15436-029 READING SENSOR DATA Figure 33. SPI Read Example Figure 32 provides an example of the four SPI signals when reading the PROD_ID register (see Table 121) in a repeating pattern. This pattern can be helpful when troubleshooting the SPI interface setup and communications because the signals are the same for each 16-bit sequence, except during the first cycle. The sequence of registers (and checksum value) in the burst read response depends on which sample clock mode that the ADIS16475 is operating in (Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2], see Table 105). In all clock modes, except when operating in scaled sync mode (Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] = 010), the burst read response includes the following registers and value: DIAG_STAT, X_GYRO_OUT, Y_GYRO_OUT, Z_GYRO_OUT, X_ACCL_ OUT, Y_ACCL_OUT, Z_ACCL_OUT, TEMP_OUT, DATA_ CNTR, and the checksum value. In these cases, use the following formula to verify the checksum value, treating each byte in the formula as an independent, unsigned, 8-bit number: Checksum = DIAG_STAT, Bits[15:8] + DIAG_STAT, Bits[7:0] + X_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + X_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Y_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Y_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Z_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Z_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + X_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + X_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Y_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Y_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Z_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Z_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + TEMP_OUT, Bits[15:8] + TEMP_OUT, Bits[7:0] + DATA_CNTR, Bits[15:8] + DATA_CNTR, Bits[7:0] Rev. D | Page 15 of 37 ADIS16475 Data Sheet When operating in scaled sync mode (Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] = 010), the burst read response includes the following registers and value: DIAG_STAT, X_GYRO_OUT, Y_GYRO_OUT, Z_GYRO_OUT, X_ACCL_OUT, Y_ACCL_OUT, Z_ACCL_OUT, TEMP_OUT, TIME_STAMP, and the checksum value. In this case, use the following formula to verify the checksum value, treating each byte in the formula as an independent, unsigned, 8-bit number. Checksum = DIAG_STAT, Bits[15:8] + DIAG_STAT, Bits[7:0] + X_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + X_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Y_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Y_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Z_GYRO_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Z_GYRO_OUT, Bits[7:0] + X_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + X_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Y_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Y_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + Z_ACCL_OUT, Bits[15:8] + Z_ACCL_OUT, Bits[7:0] + TEMP_OUT, Bits[15:8] + TEMP_OUT, Bits[7:0] + TIME_STAMP, Bits[15:8] + TIME_STAMP, Bits[7:0] Memory Structure Figure 35 provides a functional diagram for the memory structure of the ADIS16475. The flash memory bank contains the operational code, unit specific calibration coefficients, and user configuration settings. During initialization (power application or reset recover), this information loads from the flash memory into the static random access memory (SRAM), which supports all normal operation, including register access through the SPI port. Writing to a configuration register using the SPI updates the SRAM location of the register, but does not automatically update its settings in the flash memory bank. The manual flash memory update command (Register GLOB_CMD, Bit 3, see Table 113) provides a convenient method for saving all of these settings to the flash memory bank at one time. A yes in the flash backup column of Table 8 identifies the registers that have storage support in the flash memory bank. MANUAL FLASH BACKUP Each configuration register contains 16 bits (two bytes). Bits[7:0] contain the low byte, and Bits[15:8] contain the high byte of each register. Each byte has its own unique address in the user register map (see Table 8). Updating the contents of a register requires writing to both of its bytes in the following sequence: low byte first, high byte second. There are three parts to coding a SPI command (see Figure 30) that write a new byte of data to a register: the write bit (R/W = 1), the address of the byte, [A6:A0], and the new data for that location, [DC7:DC0]. Figure 34 shows a coding example for writing 0x0004 to the FILT_CTRL register (see Table 101). In Figure 34, the 0xDC04 command writes 0x04 to Address 0x5C (lower byte) and the 0xDD00 command writes 0x00 to Address 0x5D (upper byte). CS DIN 0xDC04 0xDD00 15436-030 SCLK Figure 34. SPI Sequence for Writing 0x0004 to FILT_CTRL Rev. D | Page 16 of 37 NONVOLATILE FLASH MEMORY VOLATILE SRAM SPI ACCESS (NO SPI ACCESS) START-UP RESET Figure 35. SRAM and Flash Memory Diagram 15436-031 DEVICE CONFIGURATION Data Sheet ADIS16475 USER REGISTER MEMORY MAP Table 8. User Register Memory Map (N/A Means Not Applicable) Name Reserved DIAG_STAT X_GYRO_LOW X_GYRO_OUT Y_GYRO_LOW Y_GYRO_OUT Z_GYRO_LOW Z_GYRO_OUT X_ACCL_LOW X_ACCL_OUT Y_ACCL_LOW Y_ACCL_OUT Z_ACCL_LOW Z_ACCL_OUT TEMP_OUT TIME_STAMP Reserved DATA_CNTR X_DELTANG_LOW X_DELTANG_OUT Y_DELTANG_LOW Y_DELTANG_OUT Z_DELTANG_LOW Z_DELTANG_OUT X_DELTVEL_LOW X_DELTVEL_OUT Y_DELTVEL_LOW Y_DELTVEL_OUT Z_DELTVEL_LOW Z_DELTVEL_OUT Reserved XG_BIAS_LOW XG_BIAS_HIGH YG_BIAS_LOW YG_BIAS_HIGH ZG_BIAS_LOW ZG_BIAS_HIGH XA_BIAS_LOW XA_BIAS_HIGH YA_BIAS_LOW YA_BIAS_HIGH ZA_BIAS_LOW ZA_BIAS_HIGH Reserved FILT_CTRL RANG_MDL MSC_CTRL UP_SCALE R/W N/A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R N/A R R R R R R R R R R R R R N/A R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W N/A R/W R R/W R/W Flash Backup N/A No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/A No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes No Yes Yes Address 0x00, 0x01 0x02, 0x03 0x04, 0x05 0x06, 0x07 0x08, 0x09 0x0A, 0x0B 0x0C, 0x0D 0x0E, 0x0F 0x10, 0x11 0x12, 0x13 0x14, 0x15 0x16, 0x17 0x18, 0x19 0x1A, 0x1B 0x1C, 0x1D 0x1E, 0x1F 0x20, 0x21 0x22, 0x23 0x24, 0x25 0x26, 0x27 0x28, 0x29 0x2A, 0x2B 0x2C, 0x2D 0x2E, 0x2F 0x30, 0x31 0x32, 0x33 0x34, 0x35 0x36, 0x37 0x38, 0x39 0x3A, 0x3B 0x3C to 0x3F 0x40, 0x41 0x42, 0x43 0x44, 0x45 0x46, 0x47 0x48, 0x49 0x4A, 0x4B 0x4C, 0x4D 0x4E, 0x4F 0x50, 0x51 0x52, 0x53 0x54, 0x55 0x56, 0x57 0x58 to 0x5B 0x5C, 0x5D 0x5E, 0x5F 0x60, 0x61 0x62, 0x63 Default N/A 0x0000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 N/A 0x0000 N/A 1 0x00C1 0x07D0 DEC_RATE R/W Yes 0x64, 0x65 0x0000 Rev. D | Page 17 of 37 Register Description Reserved Output, system error flags Output, x-axis gyroscope, low word Output, x-axis gyroscope, high word Output, y-axis gyroscope, low word Output, y-axis gyroscope, high word Output, z-axis gyroscope, low word Output, z-axis gyroscope, high word Output, x-axis accelerometer, low word Output, x-axis accelerometer, high word Output, y-axis accelerometer, low word Output, y-axis accelerometer, high word Output, z-axis accelerometer, low word Output, z-axis accelerometer, high word Output, temperature Output, time stamp Reserved New data counter Output, x-axis delta angle, low word Output, x-axis delta angle, high word Output, y-axis delta angle, low word Output, y-axis delta angle, high word Output, z-axis delta angle, low word Output, z-axis delta angle, high word Output, x-axis delta velocity, low word Output, x-axis delta velocity, high word Output, y-axis delta velocity, low word Output, y-axis delta velocity, high word Output, z-axis delta velocity, low word Output, z-axis delta velocity, high word Reserved Calibration, offset, gyroscope, x-axis, low word Calibration, offset, gyroscope, x-axis, high word Calibration, offset, gyroscope, y-axis, low word Calibration, offset, gyroscope, y-axis, high word Calibration, offset, gyroscope, z-axis, low word Calibration, offset, gyroscope, z-axis, high word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, x-axis, low word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, x-axis, high word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, y-axis, low word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, y-axis, high word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, z-axis, low word Calibration, offset, accelerometer, z-axis, high word Reserved Control, Bartlett window FIR filter Measurement range (model specific) identifier Control, input/output and other miscellaneous options Control, scale factor for input clock, pulse per second (PPS) mode Control, decimation filter (output data rate) ADIS16475 Name NULL_CNFG GLOB_CMD Reserved FIRM_REV FIRM_DM FIRM_Y PROD_ID SERIAL_NUM USER_SCR_1 USER_SCR_2 USER_SCR_3 FLSHCNT_LOW FLSHCNT_HIGH 1 Data Sheet R/W R/W W N/A R R R R R R/W R/W R/W R R Flash Backup Yes No N/A No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Address 0x66, 0x67 0x68, 0x69 0x6A to 0x6B 0x6C, 0x6D 0x6E, 0x6F 0x70, 0x71 0x72, 0x73 0x74, 0x75 0x76, 0x77 0x78, 0x79 0x7A, 0x7B 0x7C, 0x7D 0x7E, 0x7E Default 0x070A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0x405B N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A See Table 102 for the default value in this register, which is model specific. Rev. D | Page 18 of 37 Register Description Control, bias estimation period Control, global commands Reserved Identification, firmware revision Identification, date code, day and month Identification, date code, year Identification, device number Identification, serial number User Scratch Register 1 User Scratch Register 2 User Scratch Register 3 Output, flash memory write cycle counter, lower word Output, flash memory write cycle counter, upper word Data Sheet ADIS16475 USER REGISTER DEFINTIONS Status/Error Flag Indicators (DIAG_STAT) GYROSCOPE DATA Table 9. DIAG_STAT Register Definition The gyroscopes in the ADIS16475 measure the angular rate of rotation around three orthogonal axes (x, y, and z). Figure 36 shows the orientation of each gyroscope axis, along with the direction of rotation that produces a positive response in each of their measurements. Access R Flash Backup No Table 10. DIAG_STAT Bit Assignments Bits [15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description Reserved. Clock error. A 1 indicates that the internal data sampling clock (fSM, see Figure 19 and Figure 20) does not synchronize with the external clock, which only applies when using scaled sync mode (Register MSC_CTRL, Bits[4:2] = 010, see Table 105). When this error occurs, adjust the frequency of the clock signal on the SYNC pin to operate within the appropriate range. Memory failure. A 1 indicates a failure in the flash memory test (Register GLOB_CMD, Bit 4, see Table 113), which involves a comparison between a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) calculation of the present flash memory and a CRC calculation from the same memory locations at the time of initial programming (during the production process). If this error occurs, repeat the same test. If this error persists, replace the ADIS16475 device. Sensor failure. A 1 indicates failure of at least one sensor, at the conclusion of the self test (Register GLOB_CMD, Bit 2, see Table 113). If this error occurs, repeat the same test. If this error persists, replace the ADIS16475. Motion during the execution of this test can cause a false failure. Standby mode. A 1 indicates that the voltage across VDD and GND is
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