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EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ 数据手册
EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual Revision 1.1 , October 2019 Part Number 82-000983-01 Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way Norwood, MA 02062-9106 Copyright Information © 2019 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior, express written consent from Analog Devices, Inc. Disclaimer Analog Devices, Inc. reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the patent rights of Analog Devices, Inc. Trademark and Service Mark Notice The Analog Devices logo, Blackfin, SHARC, A2B, SigmaDSP, SigmaStudio and EngineerZone are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual ii Contents Preface Purpose of This Manual................................................................................................................................. 1–2 Manual Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 1–2 Technical Support .......................................................................................................................................... 1–2 Supported Integrated Circuit ......................................................................................................................... 1–2 Supported Tools............................................................................................................................................. 1–2 Product Information ...................................................................................................................................... 1–2 Analog Devices Website.............................................................................................................................. 1–3 EngineerZone ............................................................................................................................................. 1–3 Using the Board Product Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 2–1 Package Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2–2 Default Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 2–2 Reference Design Information ....................................................................................................................... 2–3 24AA512T - 512K I2C Serial EEPROM ....................................................................................................... 2–4 AD2428 - Automotive Audio Bus A2B Transceiver ........................................................................................ 2–4 ADAU1452 - SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor.......................................................................................... 2–4 ADAU1761 - SigmaDSP Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL .................. 2–5 LT8609 - 2A/3A Peak Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 2.5μA Quiescent Current............................ 2–6 LT8620 - 65V, 2A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 2.5μA Quiescent Current ................................. 2–6 LTC3121 - 1.5A Synchronous Step-Up DC/DC Converter ........................................................................... 2–6 LTC3621 -1A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator ........................................................................................ 2–7 LTC4040 - 2.5A Battery Backup Power Manager .......................................................................................... 2–7 Using the Software......................................................................................................................................... 2–7 Setting up Hardware for an A2B System .................................................................................................... 2–7 Setting up Software ................................................................................................................................... 2–8 EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual iii Hardware Reference System Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 3–1 Switches......................................................................................................................................................... 3–2 Reset Pushbutton ( SW1 )........................................................................................................................... 3–3 Connectors .................................................................................................................................................... 3–3 SPDIF Input ( J1 ) .................................................................................................................................... 3–4 SPDIF Output ( J2 ) ................................................................................................................................. 3–5 Audio Input/Output ( J3 and J4 ) ............................................................................................................ 3–5 SDP ( J5 ) ................................................................................................................................................. 3–5 SigmaStudio ( P1 ) ..................................................................................................................................... 3–5 A2B ( P2 and P3 )...................................................................................................................................... 3–5 Power Plug ( P4 ) ....................................................................................................................................... 3–6 Power Terminal ( P5 ) ................................................................................................................................ 3–6 Battery ( P6 ) ............................................................................................................................................. 3–6 Jumpers ......................................................................................................................................................... 3–6 A2B Power ( JP1 ) ................................................................................................................................... 3–15 Hybrid/Local Power ( JP2 )..................................................................................................................... 3–15 Hybrid Power ( JP3 )............................................................................................................................... 3–16 Boot ( JP4 )............................................................................................................................................. 3–16 BCLK ( JP5 ) .......................................................................................................................................... 3–16 SYNC ( JP6 ) .......................................................................................................................................... 3–16 DRX0 ( JP7 ) .......................................................................................................................................... 3–17 DRX1 ( JP8 ) .......................................................................................................................................... 3–17 DTX1 ( JP9 ) .......................................................................................................................................... 3–17 DTX0 ( JP10 )........................................................................................................................................ 3–17 ADP621 CLK ( JP11 )............................................................................................................................ 3–17 NTC ( JP12 ).......................................................................................................................................... 3–18 A2B REG ( JP13 )................................................................................................................................... 3–18 A2B Voltage ( JP14 ) ............................................................................................................................... 3–18 iv EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual ADAU1761 MCLK Select ( JP19 ) ......................................................................................................... 3–18 LEDs ........................................................................................................................................................... 3–19 A2B Interrupt ( LED1 ) ............................................................................................................................ 3–19 ADAU1452 Status ( LED2 ) ..................................................................................................................... 3–20 USBi ( LED3 ).......................................................................................................................................... 3–20 Reset ( LED4 ).......................................................................................................................................... 3–20 LTC4040 Charge ( LED5 ) ....................................................................................................................... 3–20 LTC4040 Fault ( LED6 ) .......................................................................................................................... 3–20 LTC4040 PFO ( LED7 )........................................................................................................................... 3–20 LTC4040 Reset ( LED8 ).......................................................................................................................... 3–20 EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual v Preface 1 Preface Thank you for purchasing the Analog Devices, Inc. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ evaluation system. In the default configuration (master mode), this evaluation board provides A2B master node functionality for an A2B network. A PC host controls the AD2428 A2B master transceiver I2C signals over the EVAL-ADUSB2EB USB-to-I2C bridge. This allows the PC to directly discover and control an A2B network, as well as to read back registers and monitor performance. Alternatively, the AD2428 master transceiver is controllable over the EI3 connector through an external uController/DSP host device like the Blackfin ADSP-BF527 processor. In the master mode, AD2428 digital audio signals interface directly to the ADAU1452 SigmaDSP®, which provides the clock and frame sync signals to the A2B network. The evaluation board also supports local-powered slave mode with different jumper settings, where AD2428 digital audio signals could interface directly to the ADAU1761 audio codec or three microphones, without the ADAU1452 SigmaDSP sitting in the middle of the signal chain. In the slave mode, the AD2428 transceiver drives clock and frame sync signals to the ADAU1761 SigmaDSP for transmitting or receiving data. Three digital MEMS microphones with PDM output feed the A2B bus slots in the slave mode. The SigmaStudio® graphical development tool is the programming, development, and tuning software for the SigmaDSP, A2B and Sharc processors. Familiar audio processing blocks can be wired together as in a schematic, and the compiler generates DSP-ready code and a control surface for setting and tuning parameters. This tool allows engineers with no DSP code writing experience to easily implement a DSP into their design and yet is still powerful enough to satisfy the demands of experienced DSP designers. SigmaStudio links with both Analog Devices evaluation boards and production designs to provide full in-circuit real-time IC control. SigmaStudio includes an extensive library of algorithms to perform audio processing such as filtering, mixing, and dynamics processing, as well as basic low-level DSP functions and control blocks. Advanced record-side processing algorithms such as Enhanced Stereo Capture and wind noise detection are included in the standard libraries. Plug-in algorithms from Analog Devices and 3rd party partners can be added to SigmaStudio's drag-and-drop library. Along with its graphical DSP signal flow development, SigmaStudio also includes other features to speed up the design cycle from product concept to release. SigmaStudio includes tools for intuitively setting control registers, calculating tables of filter coefficients, visualizing filter magnitude and phase responses, generating C header files, and sequencing a series of controls to ease your transition from SigmaStudio to system implementation on your microcontroller. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual 1–1 Purpose of This Manual Purpose of This Manual This manual provides instructions for installing the product hardware (board). This manual describes operation and configuration of the board components and provides guidelines for running code on the board. Manual Contents The manual consists of: • Using the board Provides basic board information. • Hardware Reference Provides information about the hardware aspects of the board. • Bill of Materials A companion file in PDF format that lists all of the components used on the board is available on the website at http://www.analog.com/EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ . Please contact Analog Devices Field Application Team for documentation that is not available on website. • Schematic A companion file in PDF format documenting all of the circuits used on the board is available on the website at http://www.analog.com/EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ . Please contact Analog Devices Field Application Team for documentation that is not available on website. Technical Support Contact your Analog Devices sales office or authorized distributor. Locate one at: http://www.analog.com/adi-sales Supported Integrated Circuit This evaluation system supports the Analog Devices AD2428 IC. Supported Tools Information about SigmaStudio and the A2B software plug-in for the EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ evaluation board is available at: www.analog.com/SigmaStudio. Product Information Information about the AD2428 product family is available at: www.analog.com/A2B 1–2 EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual Product Information Analog Devices Website The Analog Devices website, http://www.analog.com, provides information about a broad range of products - analog integrated circuits, amplifiers, converters, transceivers, and digital signal processors. Also note, MyAnalog.com is a free feature of the Analog Devices website that allows customization of a web page to display only the latest information about products you are interested in. You can choose to receive weekly e-mail notifications containing updates to the web pages that meet your interests, including documentation errata against all manuals. MyAnalog.com provides access to books, application notes, data sheets, code examples, and more. Visit MyAnalog.com to sign up. If you are a registered user, just log on. Your user name is your e-mail address. EngineerZone EngineerZone is a technical support forum from Analog Devices, Inc. It allows you direct access to ADI technical support engineers. You can search FAQs and technical information to get quick answers to your embedded processing and DSP design questions. Use EngineerZone to connect with other DSP developers who face similar design challenges. You can also use this open forum to share knowledge and collaborate with the ADI support team and your peers. Visit http:// ez.analog.com to sign up. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual 1–3 Using the Board 2 Using the Board This chapter provides information on the major components and peripherals on the board, along with instructions for installing and setting up the emulation software. Product Overview The board features: • Analog Devices AD2428 - Automotive Audio Bus A2B Transceiver • Audio • Analog Devices ADAU1452 - SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor • Analog Devices ADAU1761 - SigmaDSP Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL • Two 3.5mm audio jacks • Two optical SPDIF connectors • A2B • Two DuraClikTM connectors • LEDs • Eight LEDs: one board reset (red) and seven status (yellow) • Pushbuttons • One pushbutton: Reset • External power supply • CE compliant • 12V @1.5 Amps EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual 2–1 Package Contents Package Contents Your EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ package contains the following items. • EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ evaluation board • EVAL-ADUSB2EBZ dongle • Universal 12V DC power supply • 1.8m twisted-pair CAT5e-rated cable with DuraClik connectors Contact the vendor where you purchased your EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ evaluation board or contact Analog Devices, Inc. if any item is missing. Default Configuration The EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ board is designed to run as a standalone unit. The Default Hardware Setup figure shows the default settings for jumpers and switches and the location of the jumpers, switches, connectors, and LEDs. Confirm that your board is in the default configuration before using the board. Default Config 2–2 EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual Reference Design Information umper setting for Master without mics mode Figure 2-1: Default Hardware Setup NOTE: Connectors on the back of the board are noted with dotted lines if applicable. Reference Design Information A reference design info package is available for download on the Analog Devices Web site. The package provides information on the schematic design, layout, fabrication, and assembly of the board. The information can be found at: http://www.analog.com/EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual 2–3 24AA512T - 512K I2C Serial EEPROM 24AA512T - 512K I2C Serial EEPROM The Microchip Technology Inc. 24AA512 is a 512Kb (64K x 8) Serial Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM), capable of operation across a broad voltage range (1.7V to 5.5V). It has been developed for advanced, low-power applications such as personal communications and data acquisition. This device also has a page write capability of up to 128 bytes of data. This device is capable of both random and sequential reads up to the 512K boundary. Functional address lines allow up to eight devices on the same bus, for up to 4 Mbit address space. This device is available in the standard 8-pin plastic DIP, SOIJ and DFN packages. AD2428 - Automotive Audio Bus A2B Transceiver The Automotive Audio Bus (A2B®) provides a multichannel, I2S/TDM link over distances of up to 15 m between nodes. It embeds bidirectional synchronous pulse-code modulation (PCM) data (for example, digital audio), clock, and synchronization signals onto a single differential wire pair. A2B supports a direct point to point connection and allows multiple, daisy-chained nodes at different locations to contribute and/or consume time division multiplexed channel content. A2B is a single-master, multiple-slave system where the transceiver chip at the host controller is the master. The master generates clock, synchronization, and framing for all slave nodes. The master A2B chip is programmable over a control bus (I2C) for configuration and read back. An extension of this control bus is embedded in the A2B data stream, which grants direct access of registers and status information on slave transceivers as well as I2C to I2C communication over distance. The transceiver can connect directly to general-purpose digital signal processors (DSPs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), microphones, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), digital-toanalog converters (DACs), and codecs through a multichannel I2S/TDM interface. It also provides a pulse density modulation (PDM) interface for direct connection of up to four PDM digital microphones. Finally, the transceiver also supports an A2B bus powering feature, where the master node supplies voltage and current to the slave nodes over the same daisy-chained, twisted pair wire cable as used for the communication link. ADAU1452 - SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor The ADAU1452 is a automotive qualified audio processors that far exceed the digital signal processing capabilities of earlier SigmaDSP® devices. The restructured hardware architecture is optimized for efficient audio processing. The audio processing algorithms are realized in sample-by-sample and block-by-block paradigms that can both be executed simultaneously in a signal processing flow created using the graphical programming tool, SigmaStudio®. The restructured digital signal processor (DSP) core architecture enables some types of audio processing algorithms to be executed using significantly fewer instructions than were required on previous SigmaDSP generations, leading to vastly improved code efficiency. 2–4 EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual ADAU1761 - SigmaDSP Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL The 1.2 V, 32-bit DSP core can run at frequencies of up to 294.912 MHz and execute up to 6144 instructions per sample at the standard sample rate of 48 kHz. However, in addition to industry standard rates, a wide range of sample rates are available. The integer PLL and flexible clock generator hardware can generate up to 15 audio sample rates simultaneously. These clock generators, along with the on board asynchronous sample rate converters (ASRCs) and a flexible hardware audio routing matrix, make the ADAU1452 ideal audio hubs that greatly simplify the design of complex multirate audio systems. The ADAU1452 interfaces with a wide range of ADCs, DACs, digital audio devices, amplifiers, and control circuitry, due to their highly configurable serial ports, S/PDIF interfaces, and multipurpose input/output pins. They can also directly interface with PDM output MEMS microphones, thanks to integrated decimation filters specifically designed for that purpose. Independent slave and master I2C/SPI control ports allow the ADAU1452 not only to be programmed and configured by an external master device, but also to act as masters that can program and configure external slave devices directly. This flexibility, combined with self boot functionality, enables the design of standalone systems that do not require any external input to operate. The power efficient DSP core executes full programs while consuming only a few hundred milliwatts (mW) of power and can run at a maximum program load while consuming less than a watt, even in worst case temperatures exceeding 100°C. This relatively low power consumption and small footprint make the ADAU1452 ideal replacements for large, general-purpose DSPs that consume more power at the same processing load. ADAU1761 - SigmaDSP Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL The ADAU1761 is a low power, stereo audio codec with integrated digital audio processing that supports stereo 48 kHz record and playback at 14 mW from a 1.8 V analog supply. The stereo audio ADCs and DACs support sample rates from 8 kHz to 96 kHz as well as a digital volume control. The SigmaDSP core features 28-bit processing (56-bit double precision). The processor allows system designers to compensate for the real-world limitations of microphones, speakers, amplifiers, and listening environments, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the perceived audio quality through equalization, multiband compression, limiting, and third-party branded algorithms. The SigmaStudio® graphical development tool is used to program the ADAU1761. This software includes audio processing blocks such as filters, dynamics processors, mixers, and low level DSP functions for fast development of custom signal flows. The record path includes an integrated microphone bias circuit and six inputs. The inputs can be mixed and muxed before the ADC, or they can be configured to bypass the ADC. The ADAU1761 includes a stereo digital microphone input. The ADAU1761 includes five high power output drivers (two differential and three single-ended), supporting stereo head-phones, an earpiece, or other output transducer. AC-coupled or capless configurations are supported. Individual fine level controls are supported on all analog outputs. The output mixer stage allows for flexible routing of audio. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ A 2B Evaluation Board Manual 2–5 LT8609 - 2A/3A Peak Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 2.5μA Quiescent Current LT8609 - 2A/3A Peak Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 2.5μA Quiescent Current The LT8609 is a compact, high efficiency, high speed synchronous monolithic step-down switching regulator that consumes only 1.7μA of non switching quiescent current. The LT8609 can deliver 2A of continuous current with peak loads of 3A (
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