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    MAX20067 专用型 电源管理 评估板

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MAX20067EVKIT# 数据手册
Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System General Description The MAX20067 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested surface-mount PCB that provides the voltages and features required for automotive thin-film transistor (TFT), liquid-crystal display (LCD) applications. The EV kit includes a synchronous boost converter, double-stage positive charge pump, double-stage negative charge pump, VCOM buffer, and gate-shading push-pull switch. The EV kit can operate from 2.7V to 5.5V input voltages and is optimized for automotive TFT-LCD applications. The EV kit can be configured to operate in stand-alone mode or in I2C mode. The boost converter is configured for a 12V output that provides at least 200mA. The positive-gate voltage regulator provides 16V output and the negative-gate voltage regulator provides -6V. The VCOM buffer provides an I2C-adjustable output voltage initially biased at 6V. The EV kit provides an I2C interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a third-party I2C master, such as a general-purpose microcontroller. The EV kit also includes Windows®-compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC. The EV system includes both the EV kit and the MINIQUSB+ adapter board. Benefits and Features ●● 2.7V to 5.5V Input Range ●● Default Output Voltage • 12V Output at 200mA, (Boost Converter) • 16V Output at 10mA (Positive-Gate Voltage Regulator) • -6V Output at 3mA (Negative-Gate Voltage Regulator) • 6V Output at 130mA (VCOM Buffer) ●● Selectable Switching Frequency (2.2MHz or 400kHz) with Spread-Spectrum Option ●● Double-Stage Positive- and Negative-Regulated Charge Pumps ●● Gate Shading Enabled ●● Full Sequencing Flexibility ●● I2C Programmability ●● Dedicated GUI ●● C Driver Available ●● Proven PCB Layout ●● Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Windows is a registered trademark and registered service mark of Microsoft Corporation. 319-100065; Rev 0; 8/17 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System I2C Mode MAX20067 EV Kit Files FILE MAX20067GUISetupVxx.exe Evaluate: MAX20067 DECRIPTION Windows GUI Installer 1) Visit www.maximintegrated/evkitsoftware to download the latest version of the EV kit software, MAX20067GUISetupVxx.exe. Required Equipment 2) Install the EV kit software (GUI) on your PC by running the MAX20067GUISetupVxx.exe program. The EV kit software application will be installed together with the required MINIQUSB+ drivers. ●● 2.7V to 5.5V, 3A power supply 3) Verify that shunts are installed across pins 1-2 on jumpers J1–J3 and J5–J9. Quick Start ●● MAX20067 EV kit ●● Voltmeter ●● MINIQUSB+ interface board with USB cable 4) Verify that a shunt is installed across pins 2-3 on jumper J4. ●● User-supplied Windows-compatible PC with a spare USB port 5) Connect the MINIQUSB+ interface board’s P3 header to the J10 header on the EV kit. Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating system. 6) Connect the positive terminal of the power supply to the TFT_POWER_IN PCB pad. Connect the negative terminal of the power supply to the PGND PCB pad. Procedure 8) Turn on the power supply. 7) Set the power-supply TFT_POWER_IN to 5V. The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation: 9) Verify that the green LED (DS1) is on. Manual Mode 11) From the EV kit software toolbar, select Device → Scan for Address. The GUI scans the I2C bus for available slave addresses on the bus and selects the first one (in this case, the MAX20067 I2C address). Press OK once the MAX20067 I2C address has been found. 1) Verify that shunts are installed across pins 1-2 on jumpers J1–J9. 2) Connect the positive terminal of the power supply to the TFT_POWER_IN PCB pad and the negative terminal to the PGND PCB pad. 3) Set the power-supply TFT_POWER_IN to 5V. 4) Turn on the power supply. 5) Verify that the green LED (DS1) is on. 6) Verify that the boost converter (AVDD PCB pad) is 12V. 7) Verify that the VCOM buffer (VCOM PCB pad) regulator is 6V. 8) Verify that the positive-gate voltage regulator (VGON PCB pad) is approximately +16V. 9) Verify that the negative-gate voltage regulator (VGOFF PCB pad) is approximately -6V. www.maximintegrated.com 10) Launch the EV kit software application. 12) Verify that the status bar in the bottom-right corner of the GUI displays EV Kit: Connected, as shown in Figure 1. 13) In the 0x02 REGULATORS CONTROL register group box, check in order: EN_BST, EN_AVDD, EN_VGON, EN_VGOFF, and click the Read All button. 14) In the 0x03 REGULATORS POWER STATUS (Read Only) register group box, verify that the BST_ON, AVDD_ON, VGON_ON, VGOFF_ON, and VCOM_ ON indicators are green. 15) For more details on how to use the GUI and all the features available, click on the GUI Help menu item. Maxim Integrated │  2 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 Figure 1. MAX20067 Evaluation Kit Software (GUI) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  3 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Detailed Description of Hardware Evaluate: MAX20067 Power LED Enable (J3) Jumper Settings Several jumper settings in the following tables illustrate features of the MAX20067 EV kit. A green LED (DS1) is used to indicate that the EV kit is powered on. The LED can be disconnected from the power supply, allowing precise current-consumption evaluation. See Table 3 for shunt positions. Digital Domain Voltage (J1) Supply Sequencing (J4) The EV kit exposes digital outputs (FLT, SDA, and SCL) that are referred to as the “digital domain voltage.” Digital domain voltage can be selected between the TFT_POWER_IN voltage and the fixed 3.3V provided by the MINQUSB+. Alternatively, you can force an external voltage as digital reference (see Table 1). The IC can be used either in stand-alone mode or I2C mode, selectable through jumper J4 settings. When the IC is used in stand-alone mode, two different supply sequencing options are available. Refer to the MAX20067 IC data sheet for more details on the supply sequencing options. See Table 4 for shunt positions. I2C Slave Address (J2) Enable (J5) The IC’s 7-bit I2C slave address can be selected between two options through the J2 jumper setting (see Table 2). Note: Do not leave J2 open. Table 1. Jumper Functions (J1) SHUNT POSITION DIGITAL DOMAIN 1-2* TFT_POWER_IN 2-3 3.3V (with MINIQUSB+ connected) Open Externally provided (J1 pin 2) *Default position. Table 2. Jumper Functions (J2) SHUNT POSITION 7-BIT I2C SLAVE ADDRESS 1-2* 0x28 2-3 0x20 *Default position. 1-2* Open Table 4. Jumper Functions (J4) SHUNT POSITION SUPPLY SEQUENCING 1-2* Stand-alone mode (Sequencing Option 1) 2-3 I2C mode Open Stand-alone mode (Sequencing Option 2) *Default position. Table 5. Jumper Functions (J5) SHUNT POSITION Table 3. Jumper Functions (J3) SHUNT POSITION When operating in stand-alone mode, the IC can be disabled acting on the ENP pin, reducing the current consumption at its minimum value. Furthermore, an external digital signal can be used to enable/disable the IC (see Table 5). DS1 POWER LED Connected Disconnected MAX20067 1-2* Enabled 2-3 Disabled Open Externally controlled through digital signal (J5, pin 2) *Default position. *Default position. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  4 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 Gate-Shading Mode (J6) Gate-Shading High-Level Voltage (J9) The IC provides the option to delay the fall of the GATES output. The delay con be adjusted by an external capacitor (C1). If not required, delay can be disabled through J6 jumper setting (see Table 6). Note: Do not leave J6 open. Gate-shading high-level voltage can be set externally with a reference voltage, or the output of the positive-gate voltage regulator can be used (VGON). See Table 9 for shunt positions. VCOM Buffer Supply (J7) Output-Voltage Selection The IC provides a 130mA-capable VCOM buffer. The VCOM buffer can be supplied directly with the switched output of the boost converter (AVDD), or through an external power source. See Table 7 for shunt positions. Gate-Shading Low-Level Voltage (J8) Gate-shading low-level voltage can be set externally with a reference voltage, or the switched output of the boost converter can be used (AVDD). See Table 8 for shunt positions. Table 6. Jumper Functions (J6) SHUNT POSITION GATE-SHADING MODE 1-2* No delay 2-3 1.75µs *Default position. SHUNT POSITION Open The EV kit’s boost-converter output (HVINP and AVDD) is set to 12V by feedback resistors R10, R3, and R4. To generate output voltages other than 12V, select R10 + R3 in the 10kΩ to 50kΩ range, and select R4 according to the following equation: V  R4 = (R10 + R3) ×  HVINP − 1  1.25  where VHVINP is the desired boost output voltage. When increasing the boost output voltage, be careful not to exceed the maximum allowed voltage (18V). Table 9. Jumper Functions (J9) SHUNT POSITION Table 7. Jumper Functions (J7) 1-2* Boost Converter VCOM POWER SUPPLY AVDD 1-2* Open GATE-SHADING HIGH-LEVEL VOLTAGE VGON Externally provided (SRC PCB pad) *Default position. Externally provided (VCOMP PCB pad) *Default position. Table 8. Jumper Functions (J8) SHUNT POSITION 1-2* Open GATE-SHADING LOW-LEVEL VOLTAGE AVDD Externally provided (DRN PCB pad) *Default position. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  5 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 Positive-Gate Voltage Regulator VCOM Buffer The EV kit’s positive-gate voltage regulator output (VGON) is set to 16V by feedback resistors R22 and R20. To generate output voltages other than 16V, select R22 in the 10kΩ to 50kΩ range, and select R20 according to the following equation: When the IC is operating in stand-alone mode, the voltage applied on the VCINH PCB pad sets the VCOM buffer output voltage. VCINH is internally biased to VCOMP/2. To generate output voltages other than VCOMP/2, select R15 in the 10kΩ to 50kΩ range, and select R16 according to the following equation: V  R20 = (R22) ×  VGON − 1  1.25  where VVGON is the desired positive-gate voltage regulator output. When increasing the positive-gate voltage regulator output, be careful not to exceed the maximum allowed voltage (36V). Negative-Gate Voltage Regulator The EV kit’s negative-gate voltage regulator (VGOFF) is set to -6V by feedback resistors R12 and R21. To generate output voltages other than -6V, select R12 in the 10kΩ to 50kΩ range, and select R21 according to the following equation: R21 = (R12) × (0.25 − V VGOFF ) where VVGOFF is the desired negative-gate voltage regulator output. When decreasing the negative-gate voltage regulator output, be careful not to exceed the minimum allowed voltage (-24V). www.maximintegrated.com V  R16 = R15 ×  VCOMP − 1 V  VCOM  where VVCOM is the desired VCOM buffer output voltage and VVCOMP is the VCOM buffer supply voltage. To guarantee VCOM stability, the C6 capacitor may need to be increased to 1nF when VCOM voltage is adjusted through external resistors. If the IC is used in I2C mode, the VCOM buffer output voltage can be adjusted through I2C within a range of VVCINH ± 2.5V. Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX20067EVKIT# EV Kit MAX20067EVSYS# EV System #Denotes RoHS compliant. Maxim Integrated │  6 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit Bill of Materials REF_DES QTY VALUE DNI/ DNP* C1 1 100PF ― C2, C4, C5, C7, C27 5 10UF ― C3 1 1UF ― C6, C11 2 100PF ― C8 1 4.7UF ― C9, C10, C15, C19, C22, C24, C28 7 0.1UF ― C12, C25 2 2.2UF ― C13 1 0.01UF ― C14, C18, C29, C31 4 0.1UF ― C16, C23 2 1UF ― C17 1 10UF ― C20 1 0.022UF ― C21 1 1UF ― C26 0 100PF C30 0 2.2UF C35 1 0.22UF www.maximintegrated.com DESCRIPTION CAPACITOR; SMT; 0603; CERAMIC; 100pF; 50V; 10%; X7R; -55degC to + 125degC; +/-15% from -55degC to +125degC CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 10UF; 6.3V; TOL=20%; MODEL=CL SERIES; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 1UF; 25V; TOL=20%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +85 DEGC; TC=X5R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 100PF; 16V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0805); CERAMIC CHIP; 4.7UF; 50V; TOL=10%; MODEL=; TG=-55 DEGC TO +85 DEGC; TC=X5R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 100V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 2.2UF; 50V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +85 DEGC; TC=X5R CAPACITOR; SMT; 0603; CERAMIC; 0.01uF; 50V; 10%; X7R; -55degC to + 125degC CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 10V; TOL=10%; MODEL=C0603 SERIES; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 1UF; 50V; TOL=10%; MODEL=_MK SERIES; TG=-55 DEGC TO +85 DEGC CAPACITOR; SMT (1210); CERAMIC CHIP; 10UF; 25V; TOL=20%; MODEL=; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R; CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.022UF; 25V; TOL=10%; MODEL=GRM SERIES; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC CHIP; 1UF; 25V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R MFG PART # MFG C0603C101J5RAC KEMET CL10B106MQ8NRN SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS C1608X5R1E105M TDK 0603YC101KAT2A AVX C2012X5R1H475K125AB TDK GRM188R72A104KA35; CC0603KRX7R0BB104 MURATA; TDK GRM188R61H225KE11 MURATA C0603C103K5RAC; KEMET/MURATA/V GRM188R71H103K;C0603 ENKEL LTD. X7R500-103KNE C0603C104K8RAC KEMET UMK107BJ105KA-T; TAIYO YUDEN; C1608X5R1H105K080AB; TDK; SAMSUNG; CL10A105KB8NNN; MURATA GRM188R61H105KAAL C1210C106M3RAC; GRM32DR71E106M; C3225X7R1E106M250AC KEMET; MURATA; TDK GRM188R71E223K MURATA GRM188R71E105KA12D; CGA3E1X7R1E105K; TMK107B7105KA; 06033C105KAT2A MURATA; TDK; TAIYO YUDEN; AVX CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC DNP CHIP; 100PF; 16V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 0603YC101KAT2A DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC DNP CHIP; 2.2UF; 50V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 GRM188R61H225KE11 DEGC TO +85 DEGC; TC=X5R CAPACITOR; SMT (0603); CERAMIC ― CHIP; 0.22UF ; 10V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 CC0603KRX7R6BB224 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R AVX MURATA YAGEO Maxim Integrated │  7 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued) REF_DES QTY VALUE CTL, DRN, ENP, FLT, SCL, SDA, SRC, AGND, AVDD, PGND, VCOM, VGON, AGND1, AGND2, GATES, HVINP, PGND1, PGND2, VCINH, VCOMP, VGOFF, TFT_POWER_IN, FILTERED_AVDD, TFT_POWER_IN_FILTERED 24 MAXIMPAD D1-D4 4 MMBD4148SE D5 0 MBR120VLSFT1G DS1 1 LTST-C170GKT DS2 1 LTST-C170EKT J1, J2, J4-J6 5 PEC03SAAN J3, J7-J9 4 PBC02SAAN J10 1 PPTC102LJBN-RC L1 1 1UH L2 1 10UH L3 0 1UH R1, R2 2 1K R3 1 10.5K R4 1 91K R5, R6, R9 3 10K www.maximintegrated.com DNI/ DNP* ― DESCRIPTION EVK KIT PARTS; MAXIM PAD; WIRE; NATURAL; SOLID; WEICO WIRE; SOFT DRAWN BUS TYPE-S; 20AWG DIODE; SS; SMT (SOT-23); PIV=100V; IF=0.2A DIODE; SCH; SMT (SOD-123LF); DNP PIV=20V; IF=1.0A DIODE; LED; STANDARD; GREEN; ― SMT (0805); PIV=2.1V; IF=0.01A DIODE; LED; STANDARD; RED; SMT ― (0805); PIV=2.0V; IF=0.02A EVKIT PART-CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; ― STRAIGHT; 3PINS; -65 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; EVKIT PART-CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; ― STRAIGHT; 2PINS; -65 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; ― ― 9020 BUSS MMBD4148SE MBR120VLSFT1G LTST-C170GKT LTST-C170EKT MFG WEICO WIRE FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR ON SEMICONDUCTOR LITE-ON ELECTRONICS INC LITE-ON ELECTRONICS INC PEC03SAAN SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. PBC02SAAN SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. EVKIT PART-CONNECTOR; FEMALE; TH; DOUBLE ROW; 2.54MM; RIGHT PPTC102LJBN-RC ANGLE SOLDER TAIL; MATING PIN DIA 0.76MM; RIGHT ANGLE; 20PINS; INDUCTOR; SMT; MAGNETICALLY SHIELDED FERRITE BOBBIN CORE; 1UH; TOL=+/-20%; 3.4A INDUCTOR; SMT; FERRITE CORE; ― 10UH; TOL=+/-20%; 1.3A INDUCTOR; SMT (1008); CERAMIC DNP CHIP; 1UH; TOL=+/-5%; 0.37A; -40 DEGC TO +125 DEGC RESISTOR; 0603; 1K OHM; 1%; ― 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 10.5K OHM; 1%; ― 100PPM; 0.063W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 91K OHM; 1%; ― 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 10K OHM; 1%; ― 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM ― MFG PART # SULLINS ELECTRONICS CORP. ELL-6SH1R0M PANASONIC LPS6225-103MR COILCRAFT 1008HS-102TJL; MDT2520COILCRAFT CR1R0M CR0603-FX-1001ELF BOURNS CR0603-16W-1052FT VENKEL LTD. CRCW060391K0FK VISHAY DALE CRG0603F10K TE CONNECTIVITY Maxim Integrated │  8 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued) REF_DES QTY VALUE DNI/ DNP* DESCRIPTION MFG PART # MFG R5, R6, R9 3 10K ― RESISTOR; 0603; 10K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM CRG0603F10K TE CONNECTIVITY R7 1 10 ― RESISTOR; 0603; 10 OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM ERJ-3EKF10R0 PANASONIC R8, R14 2 0 ― ANY ANY R10 1 82 ― ERJ3EKF82R0 PANASONIC R11 0 91K DNP CRCW060391K0FK VISHAY DALE R12 1 16K ― ERJPA3F1602 PANASONIC R13, R18 0 0 DNP N/A N/A R15, R16 0 10K DNP CRG0603F10K TE CONNECTIVITY R17 1 180 ― CRCW0603180RFK VISHAY DALE R19 0 10 DNP ERJ-3EKF10R0 PANASONIC R20 1 200K ― CRCW06032003FK VISHAY DALE R21 1 100K ― ERJ3EKF1003 PANASONIC R22 1 16.9K ― ERJ-3EKF1692V; RC0603FR-0716K9 PANASONIC/YAGE O PHYCOMP R25, R26 2 1.5K ― CRCW06031K50FK VISHAY DALE U1 1 MAX20067 ― MAX20067 MAXIM ― 1 ― ― PCB: MAX20067 MAXIM TOTAL RESISTOR; 0603; 0 OHM; 0%; JUMPER; 0.10W; THICK FILM; FORMFACTOR RESISTOR; 0603; 82 OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 91K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 16K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.25W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 0 OHM; 0%; JUMPER; 0.10W; THICK FILM; FORMFACTOR RESISTOR; 0603; 10K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM RESISTOR, 0603, 180 OHM, 1%, 100PPM, 0.10W, THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 10 OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 200K; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 100K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 16.9K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM RESISTOR; 0603; 1.5K; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; THICK FILM EVKIT PART-IC; INFC; AUTOMOTIVE 3-CHANNEL DISPLAY BIAS IC WITH LINEAR REGULATOR AND I2C INTERFACE; TQFN32-EP PCB:MAX20067 92 *Note: DNI = DO NOT INSTALL; DNP = DO NOT PURCHASE. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  9 DIG_VDD AGND1 1.5K R25 1.5K R26 SCL SDA FLT MINIQ_3V3 TFT_POWER_INPUT TFT_POWER_IN_FILTERED FLT PGND1 1K R2 1K R1 DS1 K FLT DS2 RED K GREEN 1 10 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 DIG_VDD J1 ADD J2 PWR_IN INA 2 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 J10 MINIQUSB+ 10.5K R3 C7 10UF R10 82 MINIQ_3V3 1 2 DIG_VDD 3 1 2 3 PWR_LED_EN J3 PWR_IN A DIG_VDD A C2 10UF ENP J5 SEQ J4 1 2 3 1 2 3 R4 91K C35 0.22UF R11 MODE J6 Not Fitted R9 10K R5 10K C10 0.1UF R6 FBGH 10K C12 2.2UF REF FBP FLTB SCL SDA ADD DGND ENP R21 100K R12 16K 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 100PF C1 C20 0.022UF SEQ FBGH C5 10UF PGND2 C4 10UF DEL FBGL IN A MODE VGOFF R7 VCINH R14 0 C9 0.1UF INA DRVN T F T _ P O W E R _ IN P U T ENP VGOFF CTL CTL GND 1 D1 Not Fitted R13 0 C15 0.1UF 3 2 VCINH VGON 12 C16 1UF C19 0.1UF D2 2 BST AVDD HVINP LXP PGND SRC GATES DRN 100PF C11 C6 100PF EP 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 C14 0.1UF U1 MAX20067 VCOM Not Fitted R15 Not Fitted R16 1 AGND2 C21 1UF 2 2 SRC J9 DRN J8 2 C22 0.1UF 1 VCOMP J7 C18 0.1UF AVDD L1 1UH VCOM DRVP 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 VCOMP PGVDD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 EP 33 PWR_IN 1 D3 3 2 C23 1UF VGON 1 1 C24 0.1UF 1 D4 C8 4.7UF Not Fitted R18 0 R17 180 L2 10UH VCOM 2 D5 Not Fitted R19 A C25 2.2UF Not Fitted Not Fitted C26 C27 10UF TFT_POWER_INPUT 1 2 www.maximintegrated.com 3 TFT_POWER_IN 0 C R8 C28 0.1UF 1 Not Fitted L3 VGON Not Fitted R22 16.9K FBGH C17 10UF C31 0.1UF C30 2 R20 200K AVDD C29 0.1UF HVINP C13 0.01UF C3 1UF AGND VGON FILTERED_AVDD AVDD HVINP PGND SRC GATES DRN VCOM MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit Schematic Maxim Integrated │  10 VCOMP HVINP MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layouts MAX20067 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Top Silkscreen MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layout—Top Layer MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layout—Internal Layer 2 www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated │  11 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layouts (continued) MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layout—Internal Layer 3 www.maximintegrated.com MAX20067 EV Kit PCB Layout—Bottom Layer Maxim Integrated │  12 MAX20067 Evaluation Kit/ MAX20067 Evaluation System Evaluate: MAX20067 Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 8/17 DESCRIPTION Initial release PAGES CHANGED — For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated’s website at www.maximintegrated.com. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2017 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │  13
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