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    24-BIT, 192 KHZ STEREO DAC

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CS43L41-KZ 数据手册
CS43L41 Low Power 24-Bit, 96 kHz DAC with Volume Control Features Description l Complete Stereo DAC System: Interpolation, The CS43L41 is a complete stereo digital-to-analog system including digital interpolation, fourth-order deltasigma digital-to-analog conversion, digital de-emphasis, volume control, channel mixing and analog filtering. The advantages of this architecture include: ideal differential linearity, no distortion mechanisms due to resistor matching errors, no linearity drift over time and temperature and a high tolerance to clock jitter. D/A, Output Analog Filtering l ATAPI Mixing l 101 dB Dynamic Range l 89 dBFS THD+N l Low Clock Jitter Sensitivity l +2.4 V to +5 V Power Supply l Filtered Line Level Outputs l On-Chip Digital De-emphasis for 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz l Digital Volume Control with Soft Ramp The CS43L41 accepts data at audio sample rates from 2 kHz to 100 kHz, consumes very little power and operates over a wide power supply range. These features are ideal for portable DVD, portable MP3, Mini-Disc, and mobile phones. – 94 dB Attenuation – 1 dB Step Size – Zero Crossing Click-Free Transitions l 24 ORDERING INFORMATION CS43L41-KZ 16-pin TSSOP, -10 to 70 °C mW with 2.4 V supply I SCL/CCLK SDA/CDIN Control Port RST SCLK LRCK SDATA Serial Port Interpolation Filter AD0/CS MUTEC External Mute Control Volume Control ∆Σ DAC Analog Filter AOUTA ∆Σ DAC Analog Filter AOUTB Mixer Interpolation Filter Volume Control ÷2 MCLK Advanced Product Information P.O. Box 17847, Austin, Texas 78760 (512) 445 7222 FAX: (512) 445 7581 http://www.cirrus.com This document contains information for a new product. Cirrus Logic reserves the right to modify this product without notice. Copyright  Cirrus Logic, Inc. 1999 (All Rights Reserved) SEP ‘99 DS473PP1 1 CS43L41 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ 5 ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 5 POWER AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS....................................................................... 7 DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. 7 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ........................................................................................... 7 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ....................................................................... 7 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................... 8 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - CONTROL PORT......................................................... 10 2. TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM .................................................................................... 11 3. REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE .......................................................................................... 14 3.1 MCLK Control (address 00h) ............................................................................................ 14 3.2 Mode Control (address 01h) ............................................................................................. 14 3.3 Volume and Mixing Control (address 02h)........................................................................ 15 3.4 Channel A Volume Control (address 03h) ........................................................................ 15 3.5 Channel B Volume Control (address 04h) ........................................................................ 15 4. REGISTER BIT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 16 4.1 Master Clock Divide Enable.............................................................................................. 16 4.2 Auto-Mute ......................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Digital Interface Format..................................................................................................... 17 4.4 De-emphasis Control ........................................................................................................ 17 4.5 Power On/Off Quiescent Voltage Ramp ........................................................................... 18 4.6 Power Down...................................................................................................................... 18 4.7 Channel A Volume = Channel B Volume.......................................................................... 19 4.8 Soft Ramp or Zero Cross Enable...................................................................................... 19 4.9 ATAPI Channel Mixing and Muting ................................................................................... 20 4.10 Mute ................................................................................................................................ 21 4.11 Volume Control ............................................................................................................... 22 5. PIN DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 23 Analog Power - VA.................................................................................................................. 23 Analog Ground - AGND .......................................................................................................... 23 Analog Output - AOUTA and AOUTB ..................................................................................... 23 Reference Ground - REF_GND .............................................................................................. 23 Contacting Cirrus Logic Support For a complete listing of Direct Sales, Distributor, and Sales Representative contacts, visit the Cirrus Logic web site at: http://www.cirrus.com/corporate/contacts/ I2C is a registered trademark of Philips Semiconductors. SPI is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Preliminary product information describes products which are in production, but for which full characterization data is not yet available. Advance product information describes products which are in development and subject to development changes. Cirrus Logic, Inc. has made best efforts to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate and reliable. However, the information is subject to change without notice and is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind (express or implied). No responsibility is assumed by Cirrus Logic, Inc. for the use of this information, nor for infringements of patents or other rights of third parties. This document is the property of Cirrus Logic, Inc. and implies no license under patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of Cirrus Logic, Inc. Items from any Cirrus Logic website or disk may be printed for use by the user. However, no part of the printout or electronic files may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of Cirrus Logic, Inc.Furthermore, no part of this publication may be used as a basis for manufacture or sale of any items without the prior written consent of Cirrus Logic, Inc. The names of products of Cirrus Logic, Inc. or other vendors and suppliers appearing in this document may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners which may be registered in some jurisdictions. A list of Cirrus Logic, Inc. trademarks and service marks can be found at http://www.cirrus.com. 2 DS473PP1 Confidential Draft 9/23/99 CS43L41 Positive Voltage Reference - FILT+........................................................................................ 22 Quiescent Voltage - VQ .......................................................................................................... 22 Master Clock - MCLK ............................................................................................................. 23 Left/Right Clock - LRCK ......................................................................................................... 23 Serial Audio Data - SDATA .................................................................................................... 23 Serial Clock - SCLK ................................................................................................................ 24 Reset - RST ............................................................................................................................ 24 Serial Control Interface Clock - SCL/CCLK ........................................................................... 24 Serial Control Data I/O - SDA/CDIN ....................................................................................... 24 Address Bit / Chip Select - AD0/CS........................................................................................ 24 Mute Control - MUTEC ........................................................................................................... 24 6. APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 25 6.1 Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling ....................................................................... 25 6.2 Oversampling Modes ....................................................................................................... 25 6.3 Recommended Power-up Sequence ............................................................................... 25 6.4 Use of the Power ON/OFF Quiescent Voltage Ramp ..................................................... 25 7. CONTROL PORT INTERFACE .............................................................................................. 26 7.1 SPI Mode ......................................................................................................................... 26 7.2 I2C Compatible Mode ...................................................................................................... 26 7.3 Memory Address Pointer (MAP) ....................................................................................... 27 8. PARAMETER DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................. 33 Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) .......................................................................... 33 Dynamic Range ...................................................................................................................... 33 Interchannel Isolation ............................................................................................................. 33 Interchannel Gain Mismatch ................................................................................................... 33 Gain Error ............................................................................................................................... 33 Gain Drift ................................................................................................................................ 33 9. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 33 10. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................... 34 DS473PP1 3 CS43L41 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. External Serial Mode Input Timing ................................................................................. 9 Internal Serial Mode Input Timing .................................................................................. 9 Internal Serial Clock Generation .................................................................................... 9 I2C Control Port Timing ................................................................................................ 10 SPI Control Port Timing ............................................................................................... 12 Typical Connection Diagram ........................................................................................ 13 SPI Mode Control Port Formatting ............................................................................... 28 I2C Mode Control Port Formatting ................................................................................ 28 Base-Rate Stopband Rejection .................................................................................... 29 Base-Rate Transition Band .......................................................................................... 29 Base-Rate Transition Band (Detail) ............................................................................. 29 Base-Rate Passband Ripple ........................................................................................ 29 High-Rate Stopband Rejection ..................................................................................... 29 High-Rate Transition Band ........................................................................................... 29 High-Rate Transition Band (Detail) .............................................................................. 30 High-Rate Passband Ripple ......................................................................................... 30 Output Test Load ......................................................................................................... 30 Maximum Loading ........................................................................................................ 30 Power vs. Sample Rate (VA = 5V) ............................................................................... 30 CS43L41 Format 0 (I2S) .............................................................................................. 31 CS43L41 Format 1 (I2S) .............................................................................................. 31 CS43L41 Format 2 ....................................................................................................... 31 CS43L41 Format 3 ....................................................................................................... 32 CS43L41 Format 4 ....................................................................................................... 32 CS43L41 Format 5 ....................................................................................................... 32 CS43L41 Format 6 ....................................................................................................... 33 De-Emphasis Curve ..................................................................................................... 33 ATAPI Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 33 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Master Clock Divide Enable ............................................................................................... 16 Table 2. Auto-Mute Enable............................................................................................................... 16 Table 3. Digital Interface Formats .................................................................................................... 17 Table 4. De-emphasis Filter Configurations ..................................................................................... 17 Table 5. Power On/Off Ramp Enable ............................................................................................... 18 Table 6. Power Down Enable ........................................................................................................... 18 Table 7. A=B Volume Control Enable............................................................................................... 19 Table 8. Soft Ramp and Zero Cross Enable..................................................................................... 20 Table 9. ATAPI Decode.................................................................................................................... 20 Table 10. Mute Enable ..................................................................................................................... 21 Table 11. Digital Volume Settings .................................................................................................... 22 Table 12. Common Clock Frequencies ............................................................................................ 24 4 DS473PP1 CS43L41 1. CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25 °C; Logic "1" = VA; Logic "0" = AGND; Full-Scale Output Sine Wave, 997 Hz; MCLK = 12.288 MHz; Fs for Base-rate Mode = 48 kHz, SCLK = 3.072 MHz, Measurement Bandwidth 10 Hz to 20 kHz, unless otherwise specified; Fs for High-Rate Mode = 96 kHz, SCLK = 6.144 MHz, Measurement Bandwidth 10 Hz to 40 kHz, unless otherwise specified. Test load R L = 10 kΩ, CL = 10 pF (see Figure 17)), Base-rate Mode Parameter Symbol Dynamic Performance for VA = 5 V Specified Temperature Range TA Dynamic Range (Note 1) 18 to 24-Bit unweighted A-Weighted 16-Bit unweighted A-Weighted Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (Note 1) THD+N 18 to 24-Bit 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB 16-Bit 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB Interchannel Isolation (1 kHz) Dynamic Performance for VA = 2.4 V Specified Temperature Range TA Dynamic Range (Note 1) 18 to 24-Bit unweighted A-Weighted 16-Bit unweighted A-Weighted Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (Note 1) THD+N 18 to 24-Bit 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB 16-Bit 0 dB -20 dB -60 dB Interchannel Isolation (1 kHz) High-Rate Mode Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit -10 - 70 -10 - 70 °C 92 96 - 97 101 95 99 - 91 95 - 96 100 94 98 - dB dB dB dB - -89 -77 -37 -88 -75 -35 -84 -72 -32 - - -89 -74 -36 -89 -73 -34 -84 -69 -31 - dB dB dB dB dB dB - 100 - - 100 - dB -10 - 70 -10 - 70 °C TBD TBD - 92 95 91 94 - TBD TBD - 91 95 90 94 - dB dB dB dB - -91 -72 -32 -90 -71 -31 TBD TBD TBD - - -89 -71 -31 -88 -70 -30 TBD TBD TBD - dB dB dB dB dB dB - 100 - - 100 - dB Notes: 1. One-half LSB of triangular PDF dither is added to data. DS473PP1 5 CS43L41 ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Parameters Analog Output Full Scale Output Voltage Quiescent Voltage Interchannel Gain Mismatch Gain Drift AC-Load Resistance Load Capacitance Symbol VQ (Note 2) (Note 2) RL CL Min Typ Max Units 0.63•VA 3 - 0.7•VA 0.5•VA 0.1 100 - 0.77•VA 100 Vpp VDC dB ppm/°C kΩ pF Base-rate Mode Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max High-Rate Mode Min Typ Max Combined Digital and On-chip Analog Filter Response (Note 3) Passband (Note 4) to -0.05 dB corner 0 .4535 to -0.1 dB corner 0 .4621 to -3 dB corner 0 .4998 0 .4982 Frequency Response 10 Hz to 20 kHz -.02 +.08 -0.06 0 StopBand .5465 .577 StopBand Attenuation (Note 5) 50 55 Group Delay tgd 9/Fs 4/Fs Passband Group Delay Deviation 0 - 40 kHz ±1.39/Fs 0 - 20 kHz ±0.36/Fs ±0.23/Fs De-emphasis Error Fs = 32 kHz +.2/-.1 (Relative to 1 kHz) Fs = 44.1 kHz +.05/-.14 (Note 6) Fs = 48 kHz +0/-.22 Unit Fs Fs Fs dB Fs dB s s s dB dB dB Notes: 2. Refer to Figure 18. 3. Filter response is guaranteed by design. 4. Response is clock dependent and will scale with Fs. Note that the response plots (Figures 9-16) have been normalized to Fs and can be de-normalized by multiplying the X-axis scale by Fs. 5. For Base-Rate Mode, the Measurement Bandwidth is 0.5465 Fs to 3 Fs. For High-Rate Mode, the Measurement Bandwidth is 0.577 Fs to 1.4 Fs. 6. De-emphasis is not available in High-Rate Mode. 6 DS473PP1 CS43L41 POWER AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameters Power Supplies Power Supply Current VA = 5 V Power Dissipation VA = 5 V normal operation power-down state (Note 7) normal operation power-down normal operation power-down state (Note 7) normal operation power-down Power Supply Current VA = 2.4 V Power Dissipation VA = 2.4 V Package Thermal Resistance Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 kHz) (Note 8) (60 Hz) Symbol Min Typ Max Units IA IA - 15 60 17 - mA µA IA IA - 75 0.3 10 30 85 TBD - mW mW mA µA - 24 0.07 110 60 40 TBD - mW mW °C/Watt dB dB θJA PSRR Notes: 7. Refer to Figure 19. 8. Valid with the recommended capacitor values on FILT+ and VQ as shown in Figure 1. DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C; VA = Parameters High-Level Input Voltage VA = 5 V VA = 2.4 V Low-Level Input Voltage VA = 5 V VA = 2.4 V Input Leakage Current Input Capacitance Maximum MUTEC Drive Current 2.28V - 5.5V) Symbol VIH Min 2.0 2.0 Typ - Max - Units V V VIL - - 0.8 0.8 V V Iin - 8 3 ±10 - µA pF mA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (AGND = 0V; all voltages with respect to ground.) Parameters DC Power Supply Input Current, Any Pin Except Supplies Digital Input Voltage Ambient Operating Temperature (power applied) Storage Temperature Symbol VA Iin VIND TA Tstg Min -0.3 -0.3 -55 -65 Max 6.0 ±10 VA+0.4 125 150 Units V mA V °C °C WARNING: Operation at or beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (AGND = 0V; all voltages with respect to ground.) Parameters DC Power Supply DS473PP1 Symbol VA Min 2.28 Typ 5.0 Max 5.5 Units V 7 CS43L41 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TA = -10 to 70°C; VA = 2.4V - 5.5V; Inputs: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = VA, CL = 20pF) Parameters Symbol Input Sample Rate Typ Max Units 2 - 100 kHz MCLK Pulse Width High MCLK/LRCK = 512 10 - 1000 ns MCLK Pulse Width Low MCLK/LRCK = 512 10 - 1000 ns MCLK Pulse Width High MCLK / LRCK = 384 or 192 21 - 1000 ns MCLK Pulse Width Low Fs Min MCLK / LRCK = 384 or 192 21 - 1000 ns MCLK Pulse Width High MCLK / LRCK = 256 or 128 31 - 1000 ns MCLK Pulse Width Low 31 - 1000 ns MCLK / LRCK = 256 or 128 External SCLK Mode LRCK Duty Cycle (External SCLK only) SCLK Pulse Width Low SCLK Pulse Width High SCLK Period MCLK / LRCK = 512, 256 or 384 SCLK Period 40 50 60 % tsclkl 20 - - ns tsclkh 20 - - ns tsclkw 1 ---------------------( 128 )Fs - - ns tsclkw 1 -----------------( 64 )Fs - - ns SCLK rising to LRCK edge delay tslrd 20 - - ns SCLK rising to LRCK edge setup time tslrs 20 - - ns SDATA valid to SCLK rising setup time tsdlrs 20 - - ns SCLK rising to SDATA hold time Internal SCLK Mode LRCK Duty Cycle (Internal SCLK only) SCLK Period tsdh 20 - - ns - 50 - % - - ns tsclkw -----------------2 - µs 1 ---------------------- + 10 ( 512 )Fs 1 ---------------------- + 15 ( 512 )Fs - - ns - - ns 1 ---------------------- + 15 ( 384 )Fs - - ns MCLK / LRCK = 128 or 192 (Note 9) (Note 10) tsclkw SCLK rising to LRCK edge tsclkr SDATA valid to SCLK rising setup time tsdlrs SCLK rising to SDATA hold time MCLK / LRCK = 512, 256 or 128 tsdh SCLK rising to SDATA hold time MCLK / LRCK = 384 or 192 tsdh 1 ---------------SCLK - Notes: 9. In Internal SCLK Mode, the Duty Cycle must be 50% ±1/2 MCLK Period. 10. The SCLK / LRCK ratio may be either 32, 48, or 64. This ratio depends on part type and MCLK/LRCK ratio. (See Figures 20-26) 8 DS473PP1 CS43L41 LRCK t sclkh t slrs t slrd t sclkl SCLK t sdh t sdlrs SDATA Figure 1. External Serial Mode Input Timing LRCK t sclkr SDATA t sclkw t sdlrs t sdh *INTERNAL SCLK Figure 2. Internal Serial Mode Input Timing *The SCLK pulses shown are internal to the CS43L41. LRCK MCLK 1 N 2 N *INTERNAL SCLK SDATA Figure 3. Internal Serial Clock Generation * The SCLK pulses shown are internal to the CS43L41. N equals MCLK divided by SCLK DS473PP1 9 CS43L41 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - CONTROL PORT (TA = 25 °C; VA = +5 V ±5%; Inputs: logic 0 = AGND, logic 1 = VA, CL = 30 pF) Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Compatible Mode SCL Clock Frequency fscl - 100 kHz RST Rising Edge to Start tirs 500 - ns Bus Free Time Between Transmissions tbuf 4.7 - µs Start Condition Hold Time (prior to first clock pulse) thdst 4.0 - µs Clock Low time tlow 4.7 - µs Clock High Time thigh 4.0 - µs Setup Time for Repeated Start Condition tsust 4.7 - µs thdd 0 - µs tsud 250 - ns Rise Time of Both SDA and SCL Lines tr - 1 µs Fall Time of Both SDA and SCL Lines tf - 300 ns tsusp 4.7 - µs I2C® SDA Hold Time from SCL Falling (Note 11) SDA Setup time to SCL Rising Setup Time for Stop Condition Notes: 11. Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the 300 ns transition time of SCL. RST t irs Stop Repeated Start Start Stop SDA t buf t t high t hdst tf hdst t susp SCL t low t hdd t sud t sust tr Figure 4. I2C Control Port Timing 10 DS473PP1 CS43L41 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - CONTROL PORT (TA = 25 °C; VA = +5 V ±5%; Inputs: logic 0 = AGND, logic 1 = VA, CL = 30 pF) Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Mode CCLK Clock Frequency fsclk - 6 MHz RST Rising Edge to CS Falling tsrs 500 - ns tspi 500 - ns CS High Time Between Transmissions tcsh 1.0 - µs CS Falling to CCLK Edge tcss 20 - ns CCLK Low Time tscl 66 - ns CCLK High Time tsch 66 - ns CDIN to CCLK Rising Setup Time tdsu 40 - ns SPI® CCLK Edge to CS Falling (Note 12) CCLK Rising to DATA Hold Time (Note 13) tdh 15 - ns Rise Time of CCLK and CDIN (Note 14) tr2 - 100 ns Fall Time of CCLK and CDIN (Note 14) tf2 - 100 ns Notes: 12. tspi only needed before first falling edge of CS after RST rising edge. tspi = 0 at all other times. 13. Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the transition time of CCLK. 14. For FSCK < 1 MHz RST t srs CS t spi t css t scl t sch t csh CCLK t r2 t f2 CDIN t dsu t dh Figure 5. SPI Control Port Timing DS473PP1 11 CS43L41 2. TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM +5 V to + 2.4 V + 0.1 µF 14 1 µF VA 2 Audio Data Processor 3 4 SDATA 3.3 µF SCLK AOUTA 560 Ω Audio Output A 15 + LRCK 10 kΩ C RL CS4341 External Clock 5 MUTEC 16 MCLK FILT+ 9 VQ 6 7 µ - Controlled Configuration 8 OPTIONAL MUTE CIRCUIT REF_GND SCL/CCLK + 10 .1 µF + 1 µF 11 3.3 µF SDA/CDIN AOUTB AD0/CS 1 12 560 Ω Audio Output B + 10 kΩ RST 0.1 µF 1 µF RL C AGND 13 C= R L + 560 4πFs(R L 560) Figure 6. Typical Connection Diagram 12 DS473PP1 CS43L41 3. REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE ** “default” ==> bit status after power-up-sequence or reset. 3.1 MCLK Control (address 00h) 7 Reserved 0 6 Reserved 0 5 Reserved 0 4 Reserved 0 3 Reserved 0 2 Reserved 0 1 MCLKDIV 0 0 Reserved 0 4 DIF0 0 3 DEM1 0 2 DEM0 0 1 POR 1 0 PDN 1 MCLKDIV (MCLK Divide-by-2 Enable) Default = ‘0’. 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled 3.2 Mode Control (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 1 6 DIF2 0 5 DIF1 0 AMUTE (Auto-mute) Default = ‘1’. 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled DIF2, DIF1 and DIF0 (Digital Interface Format) Default = ‘0’. 0 - Format 0, I2S, up to 24-bit data, 64 x Fs Internal SCLK 1 - Format 1, I2S, up to 24-bit data, 32 x Fs Internal SCLK 2 - Format 2, Left Justified, up to 24-bit data 3 - Format 3, Right Justified, 24-bit Data 4 - Format 4, Right Justified, 20-bit Data 5 - Format 5, Right Justified, 16-bit Data 6 - Format 6, Right Justified, 18-bit Data 7 - Identical to Format 1 DEM 1, DEM 0 (De-Emphasis Mode) Default = ‘0’. 0 - Disabled 1 - 44.1 kHz De-Emphasis 2 - 48 kHz De-Emphasis 3 - 32 kHz De-Emphasis POR (Power on/off Quiescent Voltage ramp) Default = ‘1’. 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled PDN (Power-Down) Default =’1’. 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled DS473PP1 13 CS43L41 3.3 Volume and Mixing Control (address 02h) 7 A=B 0 6 Soft 1 5 Zero Cross 0 4 ATAPI4 0 3 ATAPI3 1 2 ATAPI2 0 1 ATAPI1 0 0 ATAPI0 1 A = B (Channel A Volume = Channel B Volume) Default = ‘0’. 0 - AOUTA volume is determined by register 03h and AOUTB volume is determined by register 04h. 1 - AOUTA and AOUTB volumes are determined by register 03h and register 04h is ignored. Soft & Zero Cross (Soft control and zero cross detection control) Default = ‘10’. Soft Zero Cross Mode 0 0 Changes take effect immediately 0 1 Changes take effect on zero crossings 1 0 Changes take effect with a soft ramp (default) 1 1 Changes take effect in 1/8 dB steps on each zero crossing ATAPI 0-4 (Channel mixing and muting) (refer to Table 9) Default = ‘01001’, (Stereo) AOUTA = Left Channel AOUTB = Right Channel 3.4 Channel A Volume Control (address 03h) 3.5 Channel B Volume Control (address 04h) 7 MUTE 0 6 VOL6 0 5 VOL5 0 4 VOL4 0 3 VOL3 0 2 VOL2 0 1 VOL1 0 0 VOL0 0 MUTE Default = ‘0’ 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Volume Default = ‘0’ (Refer to Table 11) 14 DS473PP1 CS43L41 4. REGISTER BIT DESCRIPTION 4.1 MASTER CLOCK DIVIDE ENABLE MCLK Control Register (address 00h) 7 Reserved 6 Reserved 5 Reserved 4 Reserved 3 Reserved 2 Reserved 1 MCLKDIV 0 Reserved Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - Disabled Function: The MCLKDIV bit enables a circuit which divides the externally applied MCLK signal by 2. Note: This feature is present on revision C and newer devices. For backward compatibility with previous revision devices, this bit defaults to zero. MCLKDIV 0 Disabled 1 Enabled MODE Table 1. Master Clock Divide Enable 4.2 AUTO-MUTE Mode Control Register (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 6 DIF2 5 DIF1 4 DIF0 3 DEM1 2 DEM0 1 POR 0 PDN Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 1 - Enabled Function: The Digital-to-Analog converter output will mute following the reception of 8192 consecutive audio samples of static 0 or -1. A single sample of non-zero data will release the mute. Detection and muting is done independently for each channel. The quiescent voltage on the output will be retained and the Mute Control pin will go active during the mute period. The muting function is effected, similar to volume control changes, by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Volume and Mixing Control register. AMUTE 0 1 MODE Disabled Enabled Table 2. Auto-Mute Enable DS473PP1 15 CS43L41 4.3 DIGITAL INTERFACE FORMAT Mode Control Register (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 6 DIF2 5 DIF1 4 DIF0 3 DEM1 2 DEM0 1 POR 0 PDN Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - Format 0 (I2S, up to 24-bit data, 64 x Fs Internal SCLK) Function: The required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defined by the Digital Interface Format and the options are detailed in Figures 20-26. DIF2 0 DIF1 0 DIF0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION I2S, up to 24-bit data, 64 x Fs Internal SCLK 2 I S, up to 24-bit data, 32 x Fs Internal SCLK Left Justified, up to 24-bit data Right Justified, 24-bit Data Right Justified, 20-bit Data Right Justified, 16-bit Data Right Justified, 18-bit Data Identical to Format 1 FORMAT 0 FIGURE 20 1 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 23 24 25 26 20 Table 3. Digital Interface Formats 4.4 DE-EMPHASIS CONTROL Mode Control Register (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 6 DIF2 5 DIF1 4 DIF0 3 DEM1 2 DEM0 1 POR 0 PDN Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - Disabled Function: Implementation of the standard 15µs/50µs digital de-emphasis filter response, Figure 27, requires reconfiguration of the digital filter to maintain the proper filter response for 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz sample rates. NOTE: De-emphasis is not available in High-Rate Mode. DEM1 0 0 1 1 DEMO 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION Disabled 44.1kHz 48kHz 32kHz Table 4. De-emphasis Filter Configurations 16 DS473PP1 CS43L41 4.5 POWER ON/OFF QUIESCENT VOLTAGE RAMP Mode Control Register (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 6 DIF2 5 DIF1 4 DIF0 3 DEM1 2 DEM0 1 POR 0 PDN Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 1 - Enabled Function: The power On/Off Quiescent Voltage Ramp allows the quiescent voltage to slowly ramp to and from 0 volts to the quiescent voltage during power-on or power-off. Please refer to the applications section for details of implementing this feature. POR 0 1 MODE Disabled Enabled Table 5. Power On/Off Ramp Enable 4.6 POWER DOWN Mode Control Register (address 01h) 7 AMUTE 6 DIF2 5 DIF1 4 DIF0 3 DEM1 2 DEM0 1 POR 0 PDN Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 1 - Enabled Function: The device will enter a low-power state whenever this function is activated. The power-down bit defaults to ‘enabled’ on power-up and must be disabled before normal operation will begin. The contents of the control registers are retained in this mode. PDN 0 1 MODE Disabled Enabled Table 6. Power Down Enable DS473PP1 17 CS43L41 4.7 CHANNEL A VOLUME = CHANNEL B VOLUME Volume and Mixing Control Register (address 02h) 7 A=B 6 Soft 5 Zero Cross 4 ATAPI4 3 ATAPI3 2 ATAPI2 1 ATAPI1 0 ATAPI0 Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - Disabled Function: The AOUTA and AOUTB volume levels are independently controlled by the A and the B Channel Volume Control Bytes when this function is disabled. The volume on both AOUTA and AOUTB are determined by the A Channel Volume Control Byte and the B Channel Byte is ignored when this function is enabled. A=B 0 1 MODE Disabled Enabled Table 7. A=B Volume Control Enable 4.8 SOFT RAMP OR ZERO CROSS ENABLE Volume and Mixing Control Register (address 02h) 7 A=B 6 Soft 5 Zero Cross 4 ATAPI4 3 ATAPI3 2 ATAPI2 1 ATAPI1 0 ATAPI0 Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 10 - Soft Ramp enabled. Function: Soft Ramp Enable Soft Ramp allows level changes, both muting and attenuation, to be implemented by incrementally ramping, in 1/8 dB steps, from the current level to the new level at a rate of 1dB per 8 left/right clock periods. Zero Cross Enable Zero Cross Enable dictates that signal level changes, either by attenuation changes or muting, will occur on a signal zero crossing to minimize audible artifacts. The requested level change will occur after a timeout period between 512 and 1024 sample periods (10.7 ms to 21.3 ms at 48 kHz sample rate) if the signal does not encounter a zero crossing. The zero cross function is independently monitored and implemented for each channel. 18 DS473PP1 CS43L41 Soft Ramp and Zero Cross Enable Soft Ramp and Zero Cross Enable dictates that signal level changes, either by attenuation changes or muting, will occur in 1/8 dB steps and be implemented on a signal zero crossing. The 1/8 dB level change will occur after a timeout period between 512 and 1024 sample periods (10.7 ms to 21.3 ms at 48 kHz sample rate) if the signal does not encounter a zero crossing. The zero cross function is independently monitored and implemented for each channel. SOFT 0 0 1 1 ZERO 0 1 0 1 Mode Changes to affect immediately Zero Cross enabled Soft Ramp enabled Soft Ramp and Zero Cross enabled Table 8. Soft Ramp and Zero Cross Enable 4.9 ATAPI CHANNEL MIXING AND MUTING Volume and Mixing Control Register (address 02h) 7 A=B 6 Soft 5 Zero Cross 4 ATAPI4 3 ATAPI3 2 ATAPI2 1 ATAPI1 0 ATAPI0 Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 01001 - AOUTA=aL, AOUTB=bR (Stereo) Function: The CS43L41 implements the channel mixing functions of the ATAPI CD-ROM specification. Refer to Table 9 and Figure 28 for additional information. ATAPI4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ATAPI3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ATAPI2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 ATAPI1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ATAPI0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 AOUTA MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE aR aR aR aR aL aL aL aL a[(L+R)/2] a[(L+R)/2] a[(L+R)/2] a[(L+R)/2] MUTE MUTE AOUTB MUTE bR bL b[(L+R)/2] MUTE bR bL b[(L+R)/2] MUTE bR bL b[(L+R)/2] MUTE bR bL b[(L+R)/2] MUTE bR Table 9. ATAPI Decode DS473PP1 19 CS43L41 ATAPI4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ATAPI3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ATAPI2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ATAPI1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ATAPI0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 AOUTA MUTE MUTE aR aR aR aR aL aL aL aL [(aL+bR)/2] [(aL+bR)/2] [(bL+aR)/2] [(aL+bR)/2] AOUTB bL [(aL+bR)/2] MUTE bR bL [(bL+aR)/2] MUTE bR bL [(aL+bR)/2] MUTE bR bL [(aL+bR)/2] Table 9. ATAPI Decode (Continued) 4.10 MUTE Channel A Volume Control Register (address 03h) Channel B Volume Control Register (address 04h) 7 MUTE 6 VOL6 5 VOL5 4 VOL4 3 VOL3 2 VOL2 1 VOL1 0 VOL0 Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - Disabled Function: The Digital-to-Analog converter output will mute when enabled. The quiescent voltage on the output will be retained. The muting function is effected, similar to attenuation changes, by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Volume and Mixing Control register. The MUTEC will go active during the mute period if the Mute function is enabled for both channels. MUTE 0 1 MODE Disabled Enabled Table 10. Mute Enable 20 DS473PP1 CS43L41 4.11 VOLUME CONTROL Channel A Volume Control Register (address 03h) Channel B Volume Control Register (address 04h) 7 MUTE 6 VOL6 5 VOL5 4 VOL4 3 VOL3 2 VOL2 1 VOL1 0 VOL0 Access: R/W in I2C and write only in SPI. Default: 0 - 0 dB (No attenuation) Function: The digital volume control allows the user to attenuate the signal in 1 dB increments from 0 to -90 dB. Volume settings are decoded as shown in Table 11. The volume changes are implemented as dictated by the Soft and Zero Cross bits in the Volume and Mixing Control register. All volume settings less than - 94 dB are equivalent to enabling the Mute bit. Binary Code 0000000 0010100 0101000 0111100 1011010 Decimal Value 0 20 40 60 90 Volume Setting 0 dB -20 dB -40 dB -60 dB -90 dB Table 11. Digital Volume Settings DS473PP1 21 CS43L41 5. PIN DESCRIPTION Reset RST 1 16 MUTEC Mute Control Serial Data SDATA 2 15 AOUTA Analog Output A Serial Clock SCLK 3 14 VA Analog Power Left/Right Clock LRCK 4 13 AGND Analog Ground Master Clock MCLK 5 12 AOUTB Analog Output B SCL/CCLK SCL/CCLK 6 11 REF_GND Reference Ground SDA/CDIN SDA/CDIN 7 10 VQ Quiescent Voltage AD0/CS AD0/CS 8 9 FILT+ Positive Voltage Reference Analog Power - VA Pin 14, Input Function: Analog power supply. Typically 2.4 to 5VDC. Analog Ground - AGND Pin 13, Input Function: Analog ground reference. Analog Output - AOUTA and AOUTB Pins 12 and 15, Output Function: The full scale analog output level is specified in the Analog Characteristics specifications table. Reference Ground - REF_GND Pin 11, Input Function: Ground reference for the internal sampling circuits. Must be connected to analog ground. Positive Voltage Reference - FILT+ Pin 9, Output Function: Positive reference for internal sampling circuits. External capacitors are required from FILT+ to analog ground, as shown in Figure 6. The recommended values will typically provide 60 dB of PSRR at 1 kHz and 40 dB of PSRR at 60 Hz. FILT+ is not intended to supply external current. FILT+ has a typical source impedance of 250 kΩ and any current drawn from this pin will alter device performance. Quiescent Voltage - VQ Pin 10, Output Function: Filter connection for internal quiescent reference voltage, typically 50% of VA. Capacitors must be connected from VQ to analog ground, as shown in Figure 6. VQ is not intended to supply external current. VQ has a typical source impedance of 250 kΩ and any current drawn from this pin will alter device performance. 22 DS473PP1 CS43L41 Master Clock - MCLK Pin 5, Input Function: The master clock frequency must be either 256x, 384x, 512x, 768x or 1024x the input sample rate in Base Rate Mode (BRM) and 128x, 192x, 256x or 384x the input sample rate in High Rate Mode (HRM). Note that some multiplication factors require setting the MCLKDIV bit in the MCLK Control Register. Table 12 illustrates several standard audio sample rates and the required master clock frequencies. MCLK (MHz) Sample Rate (kHz) 32 44.1 48 64 88.2 96 HRM 128x 4.0960 5.6448 6.1440 8.1920 11.2896 12.2880 192x 6.1440 8.4672 9.2160 12.2880 16.9344 18.4320 256x* 8.1920 11.2896 12.2880 16.3840 22.5792 24.5760 384x* 12.2880 16.9344 18.4320 24.5760 33.8688 36.8640 256x 8.1920 11.2896 12.2880 - 384x 12.2880 16.9344 18.4320 - BRM 512x 16.3840 22.5792 24.5760 - 768x* 24.5760 32.7680 36.8640 - 1024x* 32.7680 45.1584 49.1520 - * Requires MCLKDIV bit = 1 in MCLK Control Register (address 00h) Table 12. Common Clock Frequencies Left/Right Clock - LRCK Pin 4, Input Function: The Left/Right clock determines which channel is currently being input on the serial audio data input, SDATA. The frequency of the Left/Right clock must be at the input sample rate. Audio samples in Left/Right sample pairs will be simultaneously output from the digital-to-analog converter whereas Right/Left pairs will exhibit a one sample period difference. The required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defined by the Mode Control Byte and the options are detailed in Figures 20-26. Serial Audio Data - SDATA Pin 2, Input Function: Two’s complement MSB-first serial data is input on this pin. The data is clocked into SDATA via the serial clock and the channel is determined by the Left/Right clock. The required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defined by the Mode Control Byte and the options are detailed in Figures 20-26. DS473PP1 23 CS43L41 Serial Clock - SCLK Pin 3, Input Function: Clocks the individual bits of the serial data into the SDATA pin. The required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data is defined by the Mode Control Byte and the options are detailed in Figures 20-26. The CS43L41 supports both internal and external serial clock generation modes. The Internal Serial Clock Mode eliminates possible clock interference from an external SCLK. Use of the Internal Serial Clock Mode is always preferred. Internal Serial Clock Mode In the Internal Serial Clock Mode, the serial clock is internally derived and synchronous with the master clock and left/right clock. The SCLK/LRCK frequency ratio is either 32, 48, or 64 depending upon data format, as shown in Figures 20-26. Operation in this mode is identical to operation with an external serial clock synchronized with LRCK. External Serial Clock Mode The CS43L41 will enter the External Serial Clock Mode whenever 16 low to high transitions are detected on the SCLK pin during any phase of the LRCK period. The device will revert to Internal Serial Clock Mode if no low to high transitions are detected on the SCLK pin for 2 consecutive periods of LRCK. Reset - RST Pin 1, Input Function: The device enters a low power mode and all internal registers are reset to the default settings, including the control port, when low. When high, the control port becomes operational and the PDN bit must be cleared before normal operation will occur. The control port can not be accessed when reset is low. Serial Control Interface Clock - SCL/CCLK Pin 6, Input Function: Clocks the serial control data into or from SDA/CDIN. Serial Control Data I/O - SDA/CDIN Pin 7, Input/Output Function: In I2C mode, SDA is a data I/O line. CDIN is the input data line for the control port interface in SPI mode. Address Bit / Chip Select - AD0/CS Pin 8, Input Function: In I2C mode, AD0 is a chip address bit. CS is used to enable the control port interface in SPI mode. The device will enter the SPI mode at anytime a high to low transition is detected on this pin. Once the device has entered the SPI mode, it will remain until either the part is reset or undergoes a power-down cycle. Mute Control - MUTEC Pin 16, Output Function: The Mute Control pin goes high during power-up initialization, reset, muting, master clock to left/right clock frequency ratio is incorrect or power-down. This pin is intended to be used as a control for an external mute circuit to prevent the clicks and pops that can occur in any single supply system. Use of Mute Control is not mandatory but recommended for designs requiring the absolute minimum in extraneous clicks and pops. 24 DS473PP1 CS43L41 6. APPLICATIONS 6.1 Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling As with any high resolution converter, the CS43L41 requires careful attention to power supply and grounding arrangements to optimize performance. Figure 6 shows the recommended power arrangement with VA connected to a clean supply. Decoupling capacitors should be located as close to the device package as possible. 6.2 Oversampling Modes The CS43L41 operates in one of two oversampling modes based on the input sample rate and the state of the MCLKDIV bit in the MCLK Control Register. Base Rate Mode (BRM) supports input sample rates up to 50 kHz while High Rate Mode (HRM) supports input sample rates up to 100 kHz. When the MCLKDIV bit is cleared, the devices operate in BRM when MCLK/LRCK is 256, 384 or 512 and in HRM when MCLK/LRCK is 128 or 192. When the MCLKDIV bit is set, the devices operate in BRM when MCLK/LRCK is 512, 768 or 1024 and in HRM when MCLK/LRCK is 256 or 384. 6.3 Recommended Power-up Sequence 1. Hold RST low until the power supply, master, and left/right clocks are stable. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ will remain low. 2. Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ low and the control port accessible. The desired register settings can be loaded while keeping the PDN bit set to 1. 3. Set the PDN bit to 0 which will initiate the power-up sequence, which requires approximately 50 µs when the POR bit is set to 0. If the POR bit is set to 1, see Section 6.4 for total power-up timing. 6.4 Use of the Power ON/OFF Quiescent Voltage Ramp The CS43L41 uses a novel technique to minimize the effects of output transients during power-up and power-down. This technique, when used with external DC-blocking capacitors in series with the audio outputs, minimizes the audio transients commonly produced by single-ended single-supply converters. When the device is initially powered-up, the audio outputs, AOUTA and AOUTB, are clamped to AGND. Following a delay of approximately 1000 sample periods, each output begins to ramp toward the quiescent voltage. Approximately 10,000 left/right clock cycles later, the outputs reach VQ and audio output begins. This gradual voltage ramping allows time for the external DC-blocking capacitor to charge to the quiescent voltage, minimizing the power-up transient. To prevent transients at power-down, the device must first enter its power-down state. When this occurs, audio output ceases and the internal output buffers are disconnected from AOUTA and AOUTB. In their place, a soft-start current sink is substituted which allows the DC-blocking capacitors to slowly discharge. Once this charge is dissipated, the power to the device may be turned off and the system is ready for the next power-on. To prevent an audio transient at the next power-on, it is necessary to ensure that the DC-blocking capacitors have fully discharged before turning off the power or exiting the power-down state. If not, a transient will occur when the audio outputs are initially clamped to AGND. The time that the device must remain in the power-down state is related to the value of the DC-blocking capacitance. For example, with a 3.3 µF capacitor, the minimum power-down time will be approximately 0.4 seconds. Use of the Mute Control function is recommended for designs requiring the absolute minimum in extraneous clicks and pops. Also, use of the Mute DS473PP1 25 CS43L41 Control function can enable the system designer to achieve idle channel noise/signal-to-noise ratios which are only limited by the external mute circuit. 7. CONTROL PORT INTERFACE The control port is used to load all the internal settings of the CS43L41. The operation of the control port may be completely asynchronous to the audio sample rate. However, to avoid potential interference problems, the control port pins should remain static if no operation is required. * The control port has 2 modes: SPI and I2C compatible, with the CS43L41 operating as a slave device in both modes. If I2C operation is desired, AD0/CS should be tied to VA or AGND. If the CS43L41 ever detects a high to low transition on AD0/CS after power-up, SPI mode will be selected. The control port registers are write-only in SPI mode. 7.1 SPI Mode In SPI mode, CS is the CS43L41 chip select signal, CCLK is the control port bit clock, CDIN is the input data line from the microcontroller and the chip address is 0010000. All signals are inputs and data is clocked in on the rising edge of CCLK. Figure 7 shows the operation of the control port in SPI mode. To write to a register, bring CS low. The first 7 bits on CDIN form the chip address, and must be 0010000. The eighth bit is a read/write indicator (R/W), which must be low to write. The next 8 bits form the Memory Address Pointer (MAP), which is set to the address of the register that is to be updated. The next 8 bits are the data which will be placed into the register designated by the MAP. 7.2 I2C Compatible Mode In I2C compatible mode, SDA is a bi-directional data line. Data is clocked into and out of the part by the clock, SCL, with the clock to data relationship as shown in Figure 8. There is no CS pin. Pin AD0 forms the partial chip address and should be tied to VA or AGND as required. The upper 6 bits of the 7-bit address field must be 001000. To communicate with the CS43L41 the LSB of the chip address field, which is the first byte sent to the CS43L41, should match the setting of the AD0 pin. The eighth bit of the address byte is the R/W bit (high for a read, low for a write). If the operation is a write, the next byte is the Memory Address Pointer, MAP, which selects the register to be read or written. The MAP is then followed by the data to be written. If the operation is a read, then the contents of the register pointed to by the MAP will be output after the chip address. The CS43L41 has MAP auto increment capability, enabled by the INCR bit in the MAP register. If INCR is 0, then the MAP will stay constant for successive writes. If INCR is set to 1, then MAP will auto increment after each byte is written, allowing block reads or writes of successive registers. For more information on I2C, please see “The I2CBus Specification: Version 2.0”, listed in the References section. * The MCLK is required for both control port interfaces. The CS43L41 has MAP auto increment capability, enabled by the INCR bit in the MAP register. If INCR is 0, then the MAP will stay constant for successive writes. If INCR is set to 1, then MAP will auto increment after each byte is written, allowing block reads or writes of successive registers. 26 DS473PP1 Confidential Draft 9/23/99 7.3 CS43L41 MEMORY ADDRESS POINTER (MAP) 7 INCR 0 6 Reserved 0 5 Reserved 0 4 Reserved 0 3 Reserved 0 2 MAP2 0 1 MAP1 0 0 MAP0 0 INCR (Auto MAP Increment Enable) Default = ‘0’. 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled MAP0-2 (Memory Address Pointer) Default = ‘000’. CS CCLK CHIP ADDRESS CDIN 0010000 MAP DATA MSB R/W byte 1 LSB byte n MAP = Memory Address Pointer Figure 7. SPI Mode Control Port Formatting Note 1 SDA 001000 ADDR AD0 R/W ACK DATA 1-8 ACK DATA 1-8 ACK SCL Start Stop Note: If operation is a write, this byte contains the Memory Address Pointer, MAP. Figure 8. I2C Mode Control Port Formatting DS473PP1 27 CS43L41 Figure 9. Base-Rate Stopband Rejection Figure 10. Base-Rate Transition Band Figure 11. Base-Rate Transition Band (Detail) Figure 12. Base-Rate Passband Ripple Figure 13. High-Rate Stopband Rejection 28 Figure 14. High-Rate Transition Band DS473PP1 CS43L41 Figure 15. High-Rate Transition Band (Detail) Figure 16. High-Rate Passband Ripple 3.3 µF AOUTx + V out R C L L AGND 75 100 70 75 Safe Operating Region 50 25 2.5 3 65 HR M 60 55 5 10 15 Resistive Load -- RL (kΩ) Figure 18. Maximum Loading DS473PP1 BR M 125 Power (mW) Capacitive Load -- C L (pF) Figure 17. Output Test Load 20 50 30 40 50 60 70 80 Sample Rate (kHz) 90 100 Figure 19. Power vs. Sample Rate (VA = 5V) 29 CS43L41 Left Channel LRCK Right Channel SCLK SDATA MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 Internal SCLK Mode +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB External SCLK Mode I2S, Up to 24-Bit data and INT SCLK = 64 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128I2S, Up to 24-Bit data and INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 I2S, up to 24-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLK Figure 20. CS43L41 Format 0 (I2S) Left Channel LRCK Right Channel SCLK SDATA MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 Internal SCLK Mode +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB External SCLK Mode I2 S, 16-Bit data and INT SCLK = 32 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128I2S, Up to 24-Bit data and INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 I2 S, up to 24-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLK Figure 21. CS43L41 Format 1 (I2S) Left Channel LRCK Right Channel SCLK SDATA MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB MSB -1 -2 -3 -4 Internal SCLK Mode +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 LSB External SCLK Mode Left Justified, up to 24-Bit DataINT SCLK = 64 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 Left Justified, up to 24-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLK Figure 22. CS43L41 Format 2 30 DS473PP1 CS43L41 LRCK Right Channel Left Channel SCLK SDATA 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 32 clocks Internal SCLK Mode External SCLK Mode Right Justified, 24-Bit DataINT SCLK = 64 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 Right Justified, 24-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLKSCLK Must Have at Least 48 Cycles per LRCK Period Figure 23. CS43L41 Format 3 LRCK Right Channel Left Channel SCLK SDATA 1 0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 32 clocks Internal SCLK Mode External SCLK Mode Right Justified, 20-Bit DataINT SCLK = 64 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 Right Justified, 20-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLKSCLK Must Have at Least 40 Cycles per LRCK Period Figure 24. CS43L41 Format 4 LRCK Right Channel Left Channel SCLK SDATA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 32 clocks Internal SCLK Mode External SCLK Mode Right Justified, 16-Bit DataINT SCLK = 32 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 Right Justified, 16-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLKSCLK Must Have at Least 32 Cycles per LRCK Period Figure 25. CS43L41 Format 5 DS473PP1 31 CS43L41 LRCK Right Channel Left Channel SCLK SDATA 1 0 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 32 clocks Internal SCLK Mode External SCLK Mode Right Justified, 18-Bit DataINT SCLK = 64 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 512, 256 or 128INT SCLK = 48 Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 384 or 192 Right Justified, 18-Bit DataData Valid on Rising Edge of SCLKSCLK Must Have at Least 36 Cycles per LRCK Period Figure 26. CS43L41 Format 6 Gain dB T1=50 µs 0dB T2 = 15 µs -10dB F1 3.183 kHz F2 Frequency 10.61 kHz Figure 27. De-Emphasis Curve A Channel Volume Control Left Channel Audio Data Σ Right Channel Audio Data MUTE AoutA MUTE AoutB Σ B Channel Volume Control Figure 28. ATAPI Block Diagram 32 DS473PP1 CS43L41 8. PARAMETER DEFINITIONS Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) The ratio of the rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the specified bandwidth (typically 10Hz to 20kHz), including distortion components. Expressed in decibels. Dynamic Range The ratio of the full scale rms value of the signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components over the specified bandwidth. Dynamic range is a signal-to-noise measurement over the specified bandwidth made with a -60 dBFS signal. 60 dB is then added to the resulting measurement to refer the measurement to full scale. This technique ensures that the distortion components are below the noise level and do not affect the measurement. This measurement technique has been accepted by the Audio Engineering Society, AES17-1991, and the Electronic Industries Association of Japan, EIAJ CP-307. Interchannel Isolation A measure of crosstalk between the left and right channels. Measured for each channel at the converter’s output with all zeros to the input under test and a full-scale signal applied to the other channel. Units in decibels. Interchannel Gain Mismatch The gain difference between left and right channels. Units in decibels. Gain Error The deviation from the nominal full scale analog output for a full scale digital input. Gain Drift The change in gain value with temperature. Units in ppm/°C. 9. REFERENCES 1) “How to Achieve Optimum Performance from Delta-Sigma A/D & D/A Converters” by Steven Harris. Paper presented at the 93rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, October 1992. 2) CDB43L41 Evaluation Board Datasheet 3) “The I2C Bus Specification: Version 2.0” Philips Semiconductors, December 1998. http://www.semiconductors.philips.com DS473PP1 33 CS43L41 10. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 16L TSSOP (4.4 mm BODY) PACKAGE DRAWING N D E11 A2 E A ∝ e b2 SIDE VIEW A1 END VIEW L SEATING PLANE 1 2 3 TOP VIEW INCHES DIM A A1 A2 b D E E1 e L ∝ MIN -0.002 0.034 0.008 0.193 0.248 0.169 -0.020 0° MILLIMETERS MAX 0.043 0.006 0.037 0.012 0.201 0.256 0.177 0.026 0.028 8° MIN -0.05 0.85 0.19 4.90 6.30 4.30 -0.50 0° MAX 1.10 0.15 0.95 0.30 5.10 6.50 4.50 0.65 0.70 8° NOTE 2,3 1 1 Notes: 1. “D” and “E1” are reference datums and do not included mold flash or protrusions, but do include mold mismatch and are measured at the parting line, mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed 0.20 mm per side. 2. Dimension “b” does not include dambar protrusion/intrusion. Allowable dambar protrusion shall be 0.13 mm total in excess of “b” dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar intrusion shall not reduce dimension “b” by more than 0.07 mm at least material condition. 3. These dimensions apply to the flat section of the lead between 0.10 and 0.25 mm from lead tips. 34 DS473PP1 • Notes •
CS43L41-KZ 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 5.1165 1+ 0


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+ 35.3463 1+ 4.5018
      • 1120+ 35.1014 1120+ 4.4706
      • 2520+ 35.0081 2520+ 4.4587


        •  国内价格
        • 10+ 5.40615 10+ 0


        •  国内价格
        • 10+ 0.8933 10+ 0
        • 100+ 0.668 100+ 0
        • 200+ 0.518 200+ 0
        • 500+ 0.3753 500+ 0
        • 2500+ 0.3378 2500+ 0


          •  国内价格
          • 9000+ 0.3003 9000+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 2500+ 1.1 2500+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 50+ 17.94304 50+ 0
            • 150+ 17.23634 150+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 200+ 0.33239 200+ 0
            • 600+ 0.26004 600+ 0
            • 1000+ 0.23633 1000+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 100+ 1.18822 100+ 0
            • 300+ 0.67556 300+ 0
            • 600+ 0.63723 600+ 0


            •  国内价格
            • 1+ 22.47073 1+ 0
            • 5+ 15.15217 5+ 0
            • 10+ 11.79833 10+ 0
            • 22+ 5.10263 22+ 0
            • 59+ 4.81516 59+ 0


              •  国内价格
              • 9+ 82.68413 9+ 0
              • 45+ 73.02987 45+ 0
              • 90+ 71.91591 90+ 0


                •  国内价格
                • 1+ 2908.91719 1+ 0
                • 2+ 2572.88638 2+ 0
                • 3+ 2527.76525 3+ 0
                • 6+ 2482.6561 6+ 0
                • 25+ 2403.85284 25+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 1+ 274.57169 1+ 0
                  • 6+ 269.97214 6+ 0
                  • 30+ 222.1919 30+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 10+ 0.33621 10+ 0
                  • 100+ 0.29528 100+ 0
                  • 300+ 0.27476 300+ 0
                  • 1000+ 0.25931 1000+ 0
                  • 5000+ 0.24711 5000+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 10+ 0.34752 10+ 0
                  • 100+ 0.27857 100+ 0
                  • 500+ 0.22644 500+ 0
                  • 1000+ 0.20059 1000+ 0
                  • 5000+ 0.17986 5000+ 0
                  • 10000+ 0.1695 10000+ 0


                  •  国内价格
                  • 5+ 0.39615 5+ 0
                  • 50+ 0.34776 50+ 0
                  • 150+ 0.32368 150+ 0
                  • 500+ 0.30554 500+ 0
                  • 2500+ 0.29106 2500+ 0


                    •  国内价格
                    • 5+ 0.56502 5+ 0
                    • 50+ 0.45668 50+ 0
                    • 150+ 0.4025 150+ 0
                    • 500+ 0.30842 500+ 0
                    • 2500+ 0.27589 2500+ 0
                    • 5000+ 0.25958 5000+ 0


                    •  国内价格
                    • 5+ 0.57529 5+ 0
                    • 50+ 0.46693 50+ 0
                    • 200+ 0.3547 200+ 0
                    • 400+ 0.31407 400+ 0
                    • 2400+ 0.28154 2400+ 0
                    • 5000+ 0.26522 5000+ 0


                      •  国内价格
                      • 1+ 3.4452 1+ 0
                      • 10+ 2.7108 10+ 0
                      • 30+ 2.3976 30+ 0
                      • 100+ 2.0088 100+ 0
                      • 500+ 1.7388 500+ 0
                      • 1000+ 1.6416 1000+ 0


                        •  国内价格
                        • 1+ 6.2208 1+ 0
                        • 10+ 6.0696 10+ 0
                        • 30+ 5.9724 30+ 0
                        • 100+ 5.8752 100+ 0


                          •  国内价格
                          • 2+ 547.35505 2+ 0
                          • 5+ 537.90825 5+ 0
                          • 9+ 528.44902 9+ 0
                          • 18+ 519.00222 18+ 0
                          • 50+ 471.85523 50+ 0


                            •  国内价格
                            • 2+ 547.35505 2+ 0
                            • 5+ 537.90825 5+ 0
                            • 9+ 528.44902 9+ 0
                            • 18+ 519.00222 18+ 0
                            • 50+ 471.85523 50+ 0


                              •  国内价格
                              • 2+ 547.35505 2+ 0
                              • 5+ 537.90825 5+ 0
                              • 9+ 528.44902 9+ 0


                              • 型号: 277148-4
                              • 品牌: TE
                              • 封装:
                              • 描述:
                                •  国内价格
                                • 1+ 1838.43429 1+ 0
                                • 2+ 1806.67564 2+ 0
                                • 3+ 1775.01643 3+ 0
                                • 6+ 1743.35722 6+ 0
                                • 25+ 1584.87472 25+ 0
                                • 50+ 1175.35594 50+ 0
                                • 100+ 1014.23828 100+ 0
                                • 250+ 935.04675 250+ 0


                                • 型号: 277148-4
                                • 品牌: TE
                                • 封装:
                                • 描述:
                                  •  国内价格
                                  • 1+ 1838.43429 1+ 0
                                  • 2+ 1806.67564 2+ 0
                                  • 3+ 1775.01643 3+ 0
                                  • 6+ 1743.35722 6+ 0
                                  • 25+ 1584.87472 25+ 0
                                  • 50+ 1175.35594 50+ 0
                                  • 100+ 1014.23828 100+ 0
                                  • 250+ 935.04675 250+ 0


                                  • 型号: 277148-1
                                  • 品牌: TE
                                  • 封装:
                                  • 描述:
                                    •  国内价格
                                    • 1+ 4202.48356 1+ 0
                                    • 2+ 4128.76123 2+ 0
                                    • 3+ 4055.01404 3+ 0


                                      •  国内价格
                                      • 1+ 7492.49325 1+ 0


                                        •  国内价格
                                        • 1+ 8886.92794 1+ 0


                                          •  国内价格
                                          • 1+ 9418.53418 1+ 0


                                            •  国内价格
                                            • 1+ 10712.28587 1+ 0
