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Please note that Cypress is an Infineon Technologies Company. The document following this cover page is marked as “Cypress” document as this is the company that originally developed the product. Please note that Infineon will continue to offer the product to new and existing customers as part of the Infineon product portfolio. Continuity of document content The fact that Infineon offers the following product as part of the Infineon product portfolio does not lead to any changes to this document. Future revisions will occur when appropriate, and any changes will be set out on the document history page. Continuity of ordering part numbers Infineon continues to support existing part numbers. Please continue to use the ordering part numbers listed in the datasheet for ordering. www.infineon.com CYW20737 Single-Chip Bluetooth Low Energy-Only System-On-Chip The Cypress CYW20737 is an advanced Bluetooth low energy SoC that supports wireless charging profile, includes advanced security features and introduces new software support for NFC pairing via a tag. The CYW20737 is designed to support the entire spectrum of Bluetooth Smart use cases for the medical, home automation, accessory, sensor, Internet Of Things, and wearable market segments. The CYW20737 radio has been designed to provide low power, low cost, and robust communications for applications operating in the globally available 2.4 GHz unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. The single-chip Bluetooth low energy SoC is a monolithic component implemented in a standard digital CMOS process and requires minimal external components to make a fully compliant Bluetooth device. The CYW20737 is available in a 32-pin, 5 mm × 5 mm 32QFN package as well as BGA SIP. CYW20737 is supported in WICED SDK 2.x. Features ■ AirFuel wireless charging profile. ■ ■ Support for RSA encryption/decryption and key exchange mechanisms (up to 4 kbit) Serial Communications interface (compatible with Philips® I2C slaves) ■ Programmable output power control ■ Support for X.509 certificate exchange ■ Integrated ARM® Cortex™-M3 based microprocessor core ■ Support for NFC tag-based "tap-to-pair" ■ Automation Profile ■ Support for Bluetooth Smart Based Audio via Apple LEA Spec. ■ Support for secure OTA Bluetooth low energy (BLE)-compliant ■ On-chip power-on reset (POR) ■ Infrared modulator ■ Support for EEPROM and serial flash interfaces ■ Supports Adaptive Frequency Hopping ■ Integrated low-dropout regulator (LDO) ■ Excellent receiver sensitivity ■ On-chip software controlled power management unit ■ 10-bit auxiliary ADC with nine analog channels ■ Package type: ■ ■ On-chip support for serial peripheral interface (master and slave modes) ❐ 32-pin 32-QFN package (5 mm × 5 mm) ■ RoHS compliant Applications The following profiles are supported1 in ROM: ■ Battery status ■ Proximity ■ Blood pressure monitor ■ Thermometer ■ Find me ■ Weight scale ■ Heart rate monitor ■ Time ■ Location Additional profiles that can be supported from RAM include: ■ Blood glucose monitor ■ Temperature alarm 1.Full qualification and use of these profiles may require FW updates from Broadcom. Some of these profiles are under development/approval at the Bluetooth SIG and conformity with the final approved version is pending. Contact your supplier for updates and the latest list of profiles. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised June 8, 2020 PRELIMINARY CYW20737 Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Muxed on GPIO RTS_N RX TX CTS_N UART_TXD SCL/ SCK SDA/ MISO MOSI UART_RXD 1.2V VDD_CORE 1.2V 28 ADC Inputs Serial control/SPI Master Interface (SC is I2C compatible) 1.2V VDD_CORE Domain WDT Test UART Processing Unit (Arm - CM3) Periph UART 320K ROM 60K RAM VSS, VDDO, VDDC 1.2V POR CT ‫ﺨ‬ ADC 1.2V LDO 1.425V to 3.6V 3.6 V MIA POR System Bus 32 kHz LPCLK Peripheral Interface Block hclk (24 MHz to 1 MHz) Volt. Trans I/O Ring Control Registers 1.62V to 3.6V VDD_IO Domain I/O Ring Bus RF Control and Data 2.4 GHz Radio Bluetooth Baseband Core GPIO Control/ Status Registers IR Mod SPI M/S PMU 24 MHz RF I/O WAKE 40 GPIO T/R Switch Frequency Synthesizer IR I/O 8 x 20 Scan 6 Quadrature Matrix Inputs (3 pair) + High Current Driver Controls Power 32 kHz LPCLK 128 kHz LPO AutoCal 9 ADC Inputs 1.2V VDD_RF Domain 128 kHz LPCLK PWM 24 MHz Ref Xtal 1.62V to 3.6V VDD_IO ÷4 32 kHz Xtal (optional) Page 2 of 2 CYW20737 Contents 1. Functional Description ..................................... 4 1.1 Bluetooth Baseband Core ................................... 4 1.1.1 Frequency Hopping Generator ................ 4 1.1.2 E0 Encryption .......................................... 4 1.1.3 Link Control Layer ................................... 4 1.1.4 Adaptive Frequency Hopping .................. 4 1.1.5 Bluetooth Low Energy Profiles ................ 4 1.1.6 Test Mode Support .................................. 5 1.14.1 RF Power Management ..........................16 1.14.2 Host Controller Power Management ......16 1.14.3 BBC Power Management .......................16 2. Pin Assignments............................................. 17 2.1 Pin Descriptions .................................................17 2.2 GPIO Pin Multiplexing ........................................21 2.3 Ball Maps ...........................................................22 1.2 Infrared Modulator ............................................... 5 1.3 Security ............................................................... 5 3.1 Electrical Characteristics ....................................23 1.4 Support for NFC Tag Based Pairing ................... 6 3.2 RF Specifications ...............................................26 1.5 Bluetooth Smart Audio ........................................ 6 3.3 1.6 ADC Port ............................................................. 7 Timing and AC Characteristics ...........................28 3.3.1 UART Timing ..........................................28 1.7 Serial Peripheral Interface ................................... 8 3.3.2 SPI Timing ..............................................29 1.8 Microprocessor Unit ............................................ 9 1.8.1 EEPROM Interface .................................. 9 1.8.2 Serial Flash Interface ............................... 9 1.8.3 Internal Reset ........................................ 10 1.8.4 External Reset ....................................... 10 3.3.3 Serial Control Interface Timing ...............30 1.9 Integrated Radio Transceiver ............................ 11 1.9.1 Transmitter Path .................................... 11 1.9.2 Receiver Path ........................................ 11 1.9.3 Local Oscillator ...................................... 11 1.9.4 Calibration ............................................. 11 1.9.5 Internal LDO Regulator .......................... 11 1.10 Peripheral Transport Unit .................................. 12 1.10.1 Serial Communications Interface ........... 12 1.10.2 UART Interface ...................................... 12 1.11 Clock Frequencies ............................................ 12 1.11.1 Crystal Oscillator ................................... 12 1.12 GPIO Port .......................................................... 14 3. Specifications ................................................. 23 3.4 ESD Test Models ...............................................31 3.4.1 Human-Body Model (HBM) – ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012 ..........31 3.4.2 Machine Model (MM) – JEDEC ESD22-A115C 31 3.4.3 Charged-Device Model (CDM) JEDEC JESD22-C101E .........................31 3.4.4 Results Summary ...................................31 4. Mechanical Information.................................. 32 4.1 Tape Reel and Packaging Specifications ...........33 5. Ordering Information...................................... 34 6. Additional Information ................................... 34 6.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations .............................34 6.2 IoT Resources ....................................................35 1.13 PWM ................................................................. 14 Document History Page ................................................. 36 1.14 Power Management Unit ................................... 16 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 37 Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 3 of 37 CYW20737 1. Functional Description 1.1 Bluetooth Baseband Core The Bluetooth Baseband Core (BBC) implements all of the time-critical functions required for high performance Bluetooth operation. The BBC manages the buffering, segmentation, and data routing for all connections. It also buffers data that passes through it, handles data flow control, schedules ACL TX/RX transactions, monitors Bluetooth slot usage, optimally segments and packages data into baseband packets, manages connection status indicators, and composes and decodes HCI packets. In addition to these functions, it independently handles HCI event types and HCI command types. The following transmit and receive functions are also implemented in the BBC hardware to increase TX/RX data reliability and security before sending over the air: ■ Receive Functions: symbol timing recovery, data deframing, forward error correction (FEC), header error control (HEC), cyclic redundancy check (CRC), data decryption, and data dewhitening. ■ Transmit Functions: data framing, FEC generation, HEC generation, CRC generation, link key generation, data encryption, and data whitening. 1.1.1 Frequency Hopping Generator The frequency hopping sequence generator selects the correct hopping channel number depending on the link controller state, Bluetooth clock, and device address. 1.1.2 E0 Encryption The encryption key and the encryption engine are implemented using dedicated hardware to reduce software complexity and provide minimal processor intervention. 1.1.3 Link Control Layer The link control layer is part of the Bluetooth link control functions that are implemented in dedicated logic in the Link Control Unit (LCU). This layer consists of the Command Controller, which takes software commands, and other controllers that are activated or configured by the Command Controller to perform the link control tasks. Each task performs a different Bluetooth link controller state. STANDBY and CONNECTION are the two major states. In addition, there are five substates: page, page scan, inquiry, and inquiry scan. 1.1.4 Adaptive Frequency Hopping The CYW20737 gathers link quality statistics on a channel-by-channel basis to facilitate channel assessment and channel map selection. The link quality is determined by using both RF and baseband signal processing to provide a more accurate frequency hop map. 1.1.5 Bluetooth Low Energy Profiles The CYW20737 supports Bluetooth low energy, including the following profiles that are supported2 in ROM: ■ Battery status ■ Blood pressure monitor ■ Find me ■ Heart rate monitor ■ Proximity ■ Thermometer ■ Weight scale ■ Time ■ AirFuel wireless charging 2. Full qualification and use of these profiles may require FW updates from Broadcom. Some of these profiles are under development/approval at the Bluetooth SIG and conformity with the final approved version is pending. Contact your supplier for updates and the latest list of profiles. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 4 of 37 CYW20737 ■ Automation profile ■ Support for secure OTA The following additional profiles can be supported2 from RAM: ■ Blood glucose monitor ■ Temperature alarm ■ Location ■ Custom profile 1.1.6 Test Mode Support The CYW20737 fully supports Bluetooth Test mode, as described in the Bluetooth low energy specification. 1.2 Infrared Modulator The CYW20737 includes hardware support for infrared TX. The hardware can transmit both modulated and unmodulated waveforms. For modulated waveforms, hardware inserts the desired carrier frequency into all IR transmissions. IR TX can be sourced from firmware-supplied descriptors, a programmable bit, or the peripheral UART transmitter. If descriptors are used, they include IR on/off state and the duration between 1–32767 µsec. The CYW20737 IR TX firmware driver inserts this information in a hardware FIFO and makes sure that all descriptors are played out without a glitch due to underrun (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Infrared TX 1.3 Security CYW20737 provides elaborate mechanisms for implementing security and authentication schemes using: ■ RSA (Public Key Cryptography) ■ X.509 (excluding parsing) ■ Hash functions: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 ■ Message authentication code: HMAC MD5, HMAC SHA-1 Note: Details on how to use this functionality via SDK are available in application notes on this topic. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 5 of 37 CYW20737 1.4 Support for NFC Tag Based Pairing CYW20737 provides support for "ease of pairing" and "secure key exchange" use cases using passive tags. Active tags can be used with the chip for OOB pairing. In a typical use case, the BCM20203 (NFC tag) can be used to provide "tap to pair" functionality for easy pairing. Note: Details on how to use this functionality via SDK are available in application notes on this topic. 1.5 Bluetooth Smart Audio CYW20737 supports using the BLE link for audio streaming. This functionality can be used for audio applications in toys, wearable, and HID devices, as well as in hearing aids. Note: Details on how to use this functionality via SDK are available in application notes on this topic. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 6 of 37 CYW20737 1.6 ADC Port The CYW20737 contains a 16-bit ADC (effective number of bits is 10). Additionally: ■ ■ There are 9 analog input channels in the 32-pin package The following GPIOs can be used as ADC inputs: P0 ❐ P1 ❐ P8/P33 (select only one) ❐ P11 ❐ P12 ❐ P13/P28 (select only one) ❐ P14/P38 (select only one) ❐ P15 ❐ P32 ❐ ■ The conversion time is 10 μs. ■ There is a built-in reference with supply- or bandgap-based reference modes. ■ The maximum conversion rate is 187 kHz. ■ There is a rail-to-rail input swing. The ADC consists of an analog ADC core that performs the actual analog-to-digital conversion and digital hardware that processes the output of the ADC core into valid ADC output samples. Directed by the firmware, the digital hardware also controls the input multiplexers that select the ADC input signal Vinp and the ADC reference signals Vref. The ADC input range is selectable by firmware control: ■ When an input range of 0–3.6V is used, the input impedance is 3 MΩ. ■ When an input range of 0–2.4V is used, the input impedance is 1.84 MΩ. ■ When an input range of 0–1.2V is used, the input impedance is 680 kΩ. ADC modes are defined in Table 1. Table 1. ADC Modes Mode ENOB (Typical) Latency[1] (μs) Maximum Sampling Rate (kHz) 0 13 5.859 171 1 12.6 11.7 85 2 12 46.875 21 3 11.5 93.75 11 4 10 187 5 Note 1. Settling time after switching channels. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 7 of 37 CYW20737 1.7 Serial Peripheral Interface The CYW20737 has two independent SPI interfaces. One is a master-only interface and the other can be either a master or a slave. Each interface has a 16-byte transmit buffer and a 16-byte receive buffer. To support more flexibility for user applications, the CYW20737 has optional I/O ports that can be configured individually and separately for each functional pin as shown in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4. The CYW20737 acts as an SPI master device that supports 1.8V or 3.3V SPI slaves. The CYW20737 can also act as an SPI slave device that supports a 1.8V or 3.3V SPI master. Table 2. CYW20737 First SPI Set (Master Mode) Pin Name Configured Pin Name SPI_CLK SPI_MISO[2] SPI_MOSI SPI_CS[3] SCL SDA – – – – – – – – P32 P33[4] Note 2. SPIFFY1 MISO should always be P32. Boot ROM does not configure any others. 3. Any GPIO can be used as SPI_CS when SPI 1 is in master mode, and when the SPI slave is not a serial flash. 4. P33 is always SPI_CS when a serial flash is used for non-volatile storage. Table 3. CYW20737 Second SPI Set (Master Mode) Pin Name Configured Pin Name SPI_CLK P3 SPI_MOSI P0 SPI_CS[5] SPI_MISO P1 – – P4 P25 – P24 P27 – – Note 5. Any GPIO can be used as SPI_CS when SPI is in master mode. Table 4. CYW20737 Second SPI Set (Slave Mode) Pin Name Configured Pin Name SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_CS P3 P0 P1 P2 – P27 – – P24 P33 P25 P26 – – – P32 Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 8 of 37 CYW20737 1.8 Microprocessor Unit The CYW20737 microprocessor unit (µPU) executes software from the link control (LC) layer up to the application layer components. The microprocessor is based on an ARM® Cortex™ M3, 32-bit RISC processor with embedded ICE-RT debug and JTAG interface units. The µPU has 320 KB of ROM for program storage and boot-up, 60 KB of RAM for scratch-pad data, and patch RAM code. The SoC has a total storage of 380 KB, including RAM and ROM. The internal boot ROM provides power-on reset flexibility, which enables the same device to be used in different HID applications with an external serial EEPROM or with an external serial flash memory. At power-up, the lowest layer of the protocol stack is executed from the internal ROM memory. External patches may be applied to the ROM-based firmware to provide flexibility for bug fixes and feature additions. The device can also support the integration of user applications. 1.8.1 EEPROM Interface The CYW20737 provides a Serial Control master interface. Serial Control is programmed by the CPU to generate four types of bus transfers: read-only, write-only, combined read/write, and combined write/read. Serial Control supports both low-speed and fast mode devices. Serial Control is compatible with an NXP® I2C slave device, except that master arbitration (multiple I2C masters contending for the bus) is not supported. The EEPROM can contain customer application configuration information including application code, configuration data, patches, pairing information, BD_ADDR, baud rate, SDP service record, and file system information used for code. Native support for the Microchip® 24LC128, Microchip 24AA128, and ST Micro® M24128-BR is included. 1.8.2 Serial Flash Interface The CYW20737 includes an SPI master controller that can be used to access serial flash memory. The SPI master contains an AHB slave interface, transmit and receive FIFOs, and the SPI core PHY logic. Devices natively supported include the following: ■ Atmel® AT25BCM512B ■ MXIC® MX25V512ZUI-20G Other (larger) serial flash parts from MXIC, Numonyx, and Adesto with commands identical to these parts here are also supported. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 9 of 37 CYW20737 1.8.3 Internal Reset Figure 3. Internal Reset Timing VDDO POR delay ~ 2 ms VDDO VDDO POR threshold VDDO POR VDDC POR threshold VDDC VDDC POR delay ~ 2 ms VDDC POR Crystal  warm‐up  delay:  ~ 5 ms Baseband Reset Start reading EEPROM and  firmware boot Crystal Enable 1.8.4 External Reset The CYW20737 has an integrated power-on reset circuit that completely resets all circuits to a known power-on state. An external active low reset signal, RESET_N, can be used to put the CYW20737 in the reset state. The RESET_N pin has an internal pull-up resistor and, in most applications, it does not require that anything be connected to it. RESET_N should only be released after the VDDO supply voltage level has been stabilized. Figure 4. External Reset Timing Pulse width >20 µs RESET_N Crystal  warm‐up  delay:  ~ 5 ms Baseband Reset Start reading EEPROM and  firmware boot Crystal Enable Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 10 of 37 CYW20737 1.9 Integrated Radio Transceiver The CYW20737 has an integrated radio transceiver that is optimized for 2.4 GHz Bluetooth wireless systems. It has been designed to provide low power, low cost, and robust communications for applications operating in the globally available 2.4 GHz unlicensed ISM band. It is fully compliant with Bluetooth Radio Specification 4.1 and meets or exceeds the requirements to provide the highest communication link quality of service. 1.9.1 Transmitter Path The CYW20737 features a fully integrated transmitter. The baseband transmit data is GFSK modulated in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Digital Modulator The digital modulator performs the data modulation and filtering required for the GFSK signal. The fully digital modulator minimizes any frequency drift or anomalies in the modulation characteristics of the transmitted signal. Power Amplifier The CYW20737 has an integrated power amplifier (PA) that can transmit up to +4 dBm for class 2 operation. 1.9.2 Receiver Path The receiver path uses a low IF scheme to downconvert the received signal for demodulation in the digital demodulator and bit synchronizer. The receiver path provides a high degree of linearity, an extended dynamic range, and high-order, on-chip channel filtering to ensure reliable operation in the noisy 2.4 GHz ISM band. The front-end topology, which has built-in out-of-band attenuation, enables the CYW20737 to be used in most applications without off-chip filtering. Digital Demodulator and Bit Synchronizer The digital demodulator and bit synchronizer take the low-IF received signal and perform an optimal frequency tracking and bit synchronization algorithm. Receiver Signal Strength Indicator The radio portion of the CYW20737 provides a receiver signal strength indicator (RSSI) to the baseband. This enables the controller to take part in a Bluetooth power-controlled link by providing a metric of its own receiver signal strength to determine whether the transmitter should increase or decrease its output power. 1.9.3 Local Oscillator The local oscillator (LO) provides fast frequency hopping (1600 hops/second) across the 79 maximum available channels. The CYW20737 uses an internal loop filter. 1.9.4 Calibration The CYW20737 radio transceiver features a self-contained automated calibration scheme. No user interaction is required during normal operation or during manufacturing to provide optimal performance. Calibration compensates for filter, matching network, and amplifier gain and phase characteristics to yield radio performance within 2% of what is optimal. Calibration takes process and temperature variations into account, and it takes place transparently during normal operation and hop setting times. 1.9.5 Internal LDO Regulator The CYW20737 has an integrated 1.2V LDO regulator that provides power to the digital and RF circuits. The 1.2V LDO regulator operates from a 1.425V to 3.63V input supply with a 30 mA maximum load current. Note: Always place the decoupling capacitors near the pins as closely together as possible. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 11 of 37 CYW20737 1.10 Peripheral Transport Unit 1.10.1 Serial Communications Interface The CYW20737 provides a 2-pin master Serial Control interface, which can be used to retrieve configuration information from an external EEPROM or to communicate with peripherals such as track-ball or touch-pad modules, and motion tracking ICs used in mouse devices. The Serial Control interface is compatible with I2C slave devices. The Serial Control does not support multimaster capability or flexible wait-state insertion by either master or slave devices. The following transfer clock rates are supported by the Serial Control: ■ 100 kHz ■ 400 kHz ■ 800 kHz (not a standard I2C-compatible speed.) ■ 1 MHz (Compatibility with high-speed I2C-compatible devices is not guaranteed.) The following transfer types are supported by the Serial Control: ■ Read (Up to 16 bytes can be read.) ■ Write (Up to 16 bytes can be written.) ■ Read-then-Write (Up to 16 bytes can be read and up to 16 bytes can be written.) ■ Write-then-Read (Up to 16 bytes can be written and up to 16 bytes can be read.) Hardware controls the transfers, requiring minimal firmware setup and supervision. The clock pin (SCL) and data pin (SDA) are both open-drain I/O pins. Pull-up resistors external to the CYW20737 are required on both the SCL and SDA pins for proper operation. 1.10.2 UART Interface The UART is a standard 2-wire interface (RX and TX) and has adjustable baud rates from 9600 bps to 1.5 kbps. The baud rate can be selected via a vendor-specific UART HCI command. The interface supports the Bluetooth 3.0 UART HCI (H4) specification. The default baud rate for H4 is 115.2 kbaud. Both high and low baud rates can be supported by running the UART clock at 24 MHz. The CYW20737 UART operates correctly with the host UART as long as the combined baud rate error of the two devices is within ±5%. 1.11 Clock Frequencies The CYW20737 is set with crystal frequency of 24 MHz. 1.11.1 Crystal Oscillator The crystal oscillator requires a crystal with an accuracy of ±20 ppm as defined by the Bluetooth specification. Two external load capacitors in the range of 5 pF to 30 pF (see Figure 5) are required to work with the crystal oscillator. The selection of the load capacitors is crystal-dependent. Table 5 shows the recommended crystal specifications. Figure 5. Recommended Oscillator Configuration—12 pF Load Crystal 22 pF XIN Crystal XOUT 20 pF Table 5 shows the recommended crystal specifications. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 12 of 37 CYW20737 Table 5. Reference Crystal Electrical Specifications Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical 24.000 Maximum – Unit Nominal frequency – – Oscillation mode – Fundamental MHz Frequency tolerance @25°C – ±10 – ppm Tolerance stability over temp @0°C to +70°C – ±10 – ppm – Equivalent series resistance – – – 50  Load capacitance – – 12 – pF Operating temperature range – 0 – +70 °C Storage temperature range – –40 – +125 °C Drive level – – – 200 μW Aging – – – ±10 ppm/year Shunt capacitance – – – 2 pF Peripheral Block The peripheral blocks of the CYW20737 all run from a single 128 kHz low-power RC oscillator. The oscillator can be turned on at the request of any of the peripherals. If the peripheral is not enabled, it shall not assert its clock request line. The keyboard scanner is a special case, in that it may drop its clock request line even when enabled, and then reassert the clock request line if a keypress is detected. 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator Figure 6 shows the 32 kHz crystal (XTAL) oscillator with external components and Table 6 lists the oscillator’s characteristics. It is a standard Pierce oscillator using a comparator with hysteresis on the output to create a singleended digital output. The hysteresis was added to eliminate any chatter when the input is around the threshold of the comparator and is ~100 mV. This circuit can be operated with a 32 kHz or 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or be driven with a clock input at similar frequency. The default component values are: R1 = 10 MΩ, C1 = C2 = ~10 pF. The values of C1 and C2 are used to fine-tune the oscillator. Figure 6. 32 kHz Oscillator Block Diagram C2 R1 32.768 kHz XTAL C1 Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 13 of 37 CYW20737 Table 6. XTAL Oscillator Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Output frequency Foscout – – 32.768 – kHz Frequency tolerance – Crystal dependent – 100 – ppm Start-up time Tstartup – – – 500 ms XTAL drive level Pdrv For crystal selection 0.5 – – μW XTAL series resistance Rseries For crystal selection – – 70 kΩ XTAL shunt capacitance Cshunt For crystal selection – – 1.3 pF 1.12 GPIO Port The CYW20737 has 14 general-purpose I/Os (GPIOs) in the 32-pin package. All GPIOs support programmable pull-up and pull-down resistors, and all support a 2 mA drive strength except P26, P27, and P28, which provide a 16 mA drive strength at 3.3V supply. The following GPIOs are available: ■ P0–P4 ■ P8/P33 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ■ P11/P27 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ■ P12/P26 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ■ P13/P28 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ■ P14/P38 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ■ P15 ■ P24 ■ P25 ■ P32 For a description of all GPIOs, see Table 8. “GPIO Pin Descriptions[6]”. 1.13 PWM The CYW20737 has four internal PWM channels. The PWM module is described as follows: ■ ■ PWM0–3 The following GPIOs can be mapped as PWMs: P26 ❐ P27 ❐ P14/P28 (Dual bonded, only one of two is available.) ❐ P13 ❐ ■ Each of the PWM channels, PWM0–3, contains the following registers: 10-bit initial value register (read/write) ❐ 10-bit toggle register (read/write) ❐ 10-bit PWM counter value register (read) ❐ ■ The PWM configuration register is shared among PWM0–3 (read/write). This 12-bit register is used: To configure each PWM channel. ❐ To select the clock of each PWM channel. ❐ To change the phase of each PWM channel. ❐ Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 14 of 37 CYW20737 Figure 7 shows the structure of one PWM channel. Figure 7. PWM Channel Block Diagram pwm_cfg_adr register pwm#_init_val_adr register pwm#_togg_val_adr register enable clk_sel o_flip 10 10 pwm#_cntr_adr 10 cntr value is CM3 readable pwm_out Example: PWM cntr w/ pwm#_init_val = 0 (dashed line) PWM cntr w/ pwm#_init_val = x (solid line)                   10'H3FF pwm_togg_val_adr 10'Hx 10'H000 pwm_out Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 15 of 37 CYW20737 1.14 Power Management Unit The Power Management Unit (PMU) provides power management features that can be invoked by software through power management registers or packet-handling in the baseband core. 1.14.1 RF Power Management The BBC generates power-down control signals for the transmit path, receive path, PLL, and power amplifier to the 2.4 GHz transceiver, which then processes the power-down functions accordingly. 1.14.2 Host Controller Power Management Power is automatically managed by the firmware based on input device activity. As a power-saving task, the firmware controls the disabling of the on-chip regulator when in deep sleep mode. 1.14.3 BBC Power Management There are several low-power operations for the BBC: ■ Physical layer packet handling turns RF on and off dynamically within packet TX and RX. ■ Bluetooth-specified low-power connection mode. While in these low-power connection modes, the CYW20737 runs on the Low Power Oscillator and wakes up after a predefined time period. The CYW20737 automatically adjusts its power dissipation based on user activity. The following power modes are supported: ■ Active mode ■ Idle mode ■ Sleep mode ■ HIDOFF (Deep Sleep) mode ■ Timed Deep Sleep mode The CYW20737 transitions to the next lower state after a programmable period of user inactivity. Busy mode is immediately entered when user activity resumes. In HIDOFF (Deep Sleep) mode, the CYW20737 baseband and core are powered off by disabling power to LDOOUT. The VDDO domain remains powered up and will turn the remainder of the chip on when it detects user events. This mode minimizes chip power consumption and is intended for long periods of inactivity. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 16 of 37 CYW20737 2. Pin Assignments 2.1 Pin Descriptions Table 7. Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name I/O Power Domain Description Radio I/O 6 RF I/O VDD_RF RF antenna port I VDD_RF IFPLL power supply RF Power Supplies 4 VDDIF 5 VDDFE I VDD_RF RF front-end supply 7 VDDVCO I VDD_RF VCO, LOGEN supply 8 VDDPLL I VDD_RF RFPLL and crystal oscillator supply 11 VDDC I VDDC Baseband core supply 28 VDDO I VDDO I/O pad and core supply 14 VDDM I VDDM I/O pad supply Power Supplies Clock Generator and Crystal Interface 9 XTALI I VDD_RF Crystal oscillator input. See page 12 for options. 10 XTALO O VDD_RF Crystal oscillator output. 1 XTALI32K I VDDO Low-power oscillator (LPO) input is used. Alternative Function: 32 XTALO32K O VDDO ■ P11 ■ P27 Low-power oscillator (LPO) output. Alternative Function: ■ P12 ■ P26 Core 18 RESET_N I/O PU VDDO Active-low system reset with open-drain output & internal pull-up resistor 17 TMC I VDDO Test mode control High: test mode Connect to GND if not used. 12 UART_RXD I VDDM UART serial input – Serial data input for the HCI UART interface. Leave unconnected if not used. Alternative function: 13 UART_TXD O, PU VDDM UART ■ ■ Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D GPIO3 UART serial output – Serial data output for the HCI UART interface. Leave unconnected if not used. Alternative Function: GPIO2 Page 17 of 37 CYW20737 Table 7. Pin Descriptions (Cont.) Pin Number Pin Name I/O Power Domain Description Serial Control 15 SDA 16 I/O, PU SCL I/O, PU VDDM VDDM Data signal for an external I2C device. Alternative function: ■ SPI_1: MOSI (master only) ■ GPIO0 ■ CTS Clock signal for an external I2C device. Alternative function: ■ SPI_1: SPI_CLK (master only) ■ GPIO1 ■ RTS LDO Regulator Power Supplies 2 LDOIN I N/A Battery input supply for the LDO 3 LDOOUT O N/A LDO output Table 8. GPIO Pin Descriptions[6] Pin Number 19 20 21 22 23 Pin Name P0 P1 P3 P2 P4 Default Di- After POR Power Domain rection State Input Input Input Input Input Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Alternate Functions GPIO: P0 PUART_TX (peripheral UART) ■ SPI_2: MOSI (master and slave) ■ ADC_IN29 (A/D converter input) ■ IR_RX/60 Hz_main ■ Not available during TMC=1 ■ ■ GPIO: P1 IR_TX ■ PUART_RTS (peripheral UART) ■ SPI_2: MISO (master and slave) ■ ADC_IN28 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P3 SPI_2: SPI_CLK (master and slave) ■ Quadrature X1 ■ PUART_CTS (peripheral UART) ■ ■ GPIO: P2 SPI_2: SPI_MOSI (master only) ■ Quadrature X0 ■ PUART_RX (peripheral UART) ■ SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) ■ ■ GPIO: P4 IR_TX ■ SPI_2: MOSI (master and slave) ■ Quadrature Y0 ■ PUART_RX (peripheral UART) ■ ■ Note 6. During power-on reset, all inputs are disabled. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 18 of 37 CYW20737 Table 8. GPIO Pin Descriptions[6] Pin Number 24 Pin Name P8 P33 Default Di- After POR Power Domain rection State Input Input Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Alternate Functions GPIO: P8 ~TX_PD (external T/R switch control) ■ ADC_IN27 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P33 ACLK1 (auxiliary clock output) ■ SPI_2: MOSI (slave) ■ ADC_IN6 (A/D converter input) ■ QDX1 (quadrature X1) ■ PUART_RX (peripheral UART) ■ ■ GPIO: P9 TX_PD ■ ADC_IN26 P9 ■ ■ GPIO: P10 PA_RAMP (power amplifier ramp) ■ ADC_IN25 (A/D converter input) P10 ■ ■ 1 P11 P27 32 P12 P26 29 P13 P28 Input Input Input Input Input Input Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO GPIO: P11 ADC_IN24 (A/D converter input) ■ XTALI32K ■ ■ GPIO: P27 QOC1 (quadrature output control) ■ SPI_2: MOSI (master and slave) ■ PWM1 ■ Current: 16 mA ■ ■ GPIO: P12 ADC_IN23 (A/D converter input) ■ XTALO32K ■ ■ GPIO: P26 QOC0 (quadrature output control) ■ SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) ■ SPI_1: MISO (master) ■ PWM0 ■ Current: 16 mA ■ ■ GPIO: P13 PWM3 ■ ADC_IN22 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P28 Q0C2 (quadrature output control) ■ ADC_IN11 (A/D converter input) ■ PWM2 ■ LED1 ■ IR_TX ■ Current: 16 mA ■ ■ Note 6. During power-on reset, all inputs are disabled. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 19 of 37 CYW20737 Table 8. GPIO Pin Descriptions[6] Pin Number 30 Pin Name P14 P38 31 27 26 25 P15 P24 P25 P32 Default Di- After POR Power Domain rection State Input Input Input Input Input Input Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Input floating VDDO Alternate Functions GPIO: P14 PWM2 ■ ADC_IN21 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P38 IR_TX ■ SPI_2: MOSI (master and slave) ■ ADC_IN1 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P15 SWDIO ■ IR_RX/60 Hz_main ■ ADC_IN20 (A/D converter input) ■ ■ GPIO: P24 PUART_TX (peripheral UART) ■ SPI_2: SPI_CLK (master and slave) ■ SPI_1: MISO (master) ■ ■ GPIO: P25 SPI_2: MISO (master and slave) ■ PUART_RX (peripheral UART) ■ ■ GPIO: P32 ACLK0 (auxiliary clock output) ■ PUART_TX (peripheral UART) ■ SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) ■ ADC_IN7 (A/D converter input) ■ SPI_1: MISO (master) ■ ■ Note 6. During power-on reset, all inputs are disabled. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 20 of 37 CYW20705 2.2 GPIO Pin Multiplexing Table 9 provides GPIO pin multiplexing information. Table 9. GPIO Pin Multiplexing Alternate Functions 1 GPIO Pin 2 Input/ Output 3 4 5 Outputs 6 7 Inputs P0 – PUART_TX SPI_2: MOSI(master) – ADC_IN29 IR_RX/60 Hz_main SPI_2: MOSI (slave) P1 IR_TX PUART_RTS SPI_2: MISO (slave) – ADC_IN28 – SPI_2: MISO (master) P2 – SPI_2: MOSI(master) – – QDX0 PUART_RX SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) P3 – – SPI_2: SPI_CLK (master) – QDX1 PUART_CTS SPI_2: SPI_CLK (slave) P4 IR_TX – SPI_2: MOSI (master) – QDY0 PUART_RX SPI_2: MOSI (slave) P8/ – ~TX_PD – – ADC_IN27 – – P33[7] ACLK1 – – SPI_2: MOSI (slave) ADC_IN6 QDX1 PUART_RX P9 – TX_PD – – ADC_IN26 – – P10/ – PA_RAMP – – ADC_IN25 – – P11/ – – – – ADC_IN24 – – P27/ xtal32i[8] – QOC1 SPI_2: MOSI (master) SPI_2: MOSI (slave) – – – P12/ – – – – ADC_IN23 – – P26[9] – QOC0 – SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) SPI_1: MISO (master) – – P13/ – PWM3 – – ADC_IN22 – – P28[10] – QOC2 – – ADC_IN11 – – P14/ – PWM2 – – ADC_IN21 – – P38 IR_TX – SPI_2: MOSI (master) SPI_2: MOSI (slave) ADC_IN1 – – P15 – SWDIO – IR_RX/ 60 Hz_main ADC_IN20 SWDIO – P24 – PUART_TX – SPI_2: SPI_CLK (slave) SPI_1: MISO – – P25 – SPI_2: MISO (slave) – PUART_RX SPI_2: MISO (master) – – P32 ACLK0 PUART_TX – SPI_2: SPI_CS (slave) ADC_IN7 QDX0 SPI_1: MISO Notes 7. If dual-bonded, then use one of P8 or P33. 8. If quad-bonded, then use only one of P10, P11, or P27. P27 can source/sink 16 mA. 9. If dual-bonded, then use one of P12 or P26. P27 can source/sink 16 mA 10. If dual-bonded, use one of P13 or P28. P28 can source/sink 16 mA. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 21 of 37 CYW20737 2.3 Ball Maps P12/P26/XO32 P15 P14/P38 P13/P28 VDDO P24 P25 P32 Figure 8. 32-pin QFN Ball Map 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 LDO_OUT 3 22 P2 VDDIF 4 21 P3 VDDFE 5 20 P1 RF 6 19 P0 VDDVCO 7 18 RST_N VDDPLL 8 17 TMC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCL P4 SDA 23 VDDM 2 UART_TXD LDO_IN UART_RXD P8/P33 VDDC 24 XTALO 1 XTALI P11/P27/XIN32 Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 22 of 37 CYW20737 3. Specifications 3.1 Electrical Characteristics Table 10 shows the maximum electrical rating for voltages referenced to VDD pin. Table 10. Maximum Electrical Rating Rating DC supply voltage for RF domain DC supply voltage for core domain DC supply voltage for VDDM domain (UART/I2C) DC supply voltage for VDDO domain DC supply voltage for VR3V DC supply voltage for VDDFE Voltage on input or output pin Operating ambient temperature range Storage temperature range Symbol – – – – – – – Topr Tstg Value 1.4 1.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 1.4 VSS – 0.3 to VDD + 0.3 –30 to +85 –40 to +125 Unit V V V V V V V °C °C Table 11 shows the power supply characteristics for the range TJ = 0 to 125°C. Table 11. Power Supply Minimum[11] Typical 1.14 1.2 1.14 1.2 1.62 – 1.62 – 1.425 – 1.14 1.2[12] Parameter DC supply voltage for RF DC supply voltage for Core DC supply voltage for VDDM (UART/I2C) DC supply voltage for VDDO DC supply voltage for LDOIN DC supply voltage for VDDFE Maximum[11] 1.26 1.26 3.63 3.63 3.63 1.26 Unit V V V V V V Notes 11. Overall performance degrades beyond minimum and maximum supply voltages. 12. 1.2V for Class 2 output with internal VREG. Table 12 shows the digital level characteristics for (VSS = 0V). Table 12. LDO Regulator Electrical Specifications Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Input voltage range – 1.425 – 3.63 V Default output voltage – – 1.2 – V Output voltage Range 0.8 – 1.4 V Step size – 40 or 80 – mV Accuracy at any step –5 – +5 % Load current – – – 30 mA Line regulation Vin from 1.425 to 3.63V, Iload = 30 mA –0.2 – 0.2 %VO/V Load regulation Iload from 1 µA to 30 mA, Vin = 3.3V, Bonding R = 0.3Ω – 0.1 0.2 %VO/mA Quiescent current No load @Vin = 3.3V *Current limit enabled – 6 – µA Power-down current Vin = 3.3V, worst@70°C – 5 200 nA Table 13 shows the specifications for the ADC characteristics. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 23 of 37 CYW20737 Table 13. ADC Specifications Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Number of Input channels – – – 9 – – Channel switching rate – – – 133.33 kch/s fch Input signal range Vinp – 0 – 3.63 V Reference settling time – Changing refsel 7.5 – – s Input resistance Rinp Effective, single ended – 500 – k Input capacitance Cinp – – – 5 pF Conversion rate fC – 5.859 – 187 kHz Conversion time TC – 5.35 – 170.7 s Resolution R – – 16 – bits Effective number of bits – In specified performance range – See Table 1 – Absolute voltage measurement error – Using on-chip ADC firmware driver – ±2 – % Current I Iavdd1p2 + Iavdd3p3 – – 1 mA Power P – – 1.5 – mW Leakage current Ileakage T = 25°C – – 100 nA Power-up time Tpowerup – – – 200 µs Integral nonlinearity INL In guaranteed performance range –1 – 1 LSB[13] In guaranteed performance range –1 – 1 LSB[13] Differential nonlinearity[13] DNL Note 13. LSBs are expressed at the 10-bit level. Table 14 shows the specifications for the digital voltage levels. Table 14. Digital Levels[14] Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input low voltage VIL – Input high voltage VIH Input low voltage (VDDO = 1.62V) VIL Input high voltage (VDDO = 1.62V) Output low voltage[15] VOH VDDO – 0.4 – – V CIN – 0.12 – pF Output high voltage[15] Input capacitance (VDDMEM domain) – 0.4 V 0.75 × VDDO – – V – – 0.4 V VIH 1.2 – – V VOL – – 0.4 V Notes 14. This table is also applicable to VDDMEM domain. 15. At the specified drive current for the pad. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 24 of 37 CYW20737 Table 15 shows the specifications for current consumption. Table 15. Current Consumption [16] Operational Mode Conditions Typ Max Unit Receive Receiver and baseband are both operating, 100% ON. 9.8 10.0 mA Transmit Transmitter and baseband are both operating, 100% ON. 9.1 9.3 mA Sleep Internal LPO is in use. 12.0 13.0 μA – 0.65 – Note 16. Currents measured between power terminals (Vdd) using 90% efficient DC-DC converter at 3V. Table 16. Power Supply Current Consumption Power Supply VDDC Advertisement Rates 20 ms Typ 1.96 Max Unit mA 100 ms 500 ms 1s Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 25 of 37 CYW20737 3.2 RF Specifications Table 17. Receiver RF Specifications Parameter Receiver Mode and Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Section[17] Frequency range – RX sensitivity (standard) 0.1%BER, 1 Mbps RX sensitivity (low current) 2402 – 2480 MHz – –94 – dBm – –91.5 – dBm Input IP3 – –16 – – dBm Maximum input – –10 – – dBm C/I cochannel 0.1%BER – – 21 dB C/I 1 MHz adjacent channel 0.1%BER – – 15 dB C/I 2 MHz adjacent channel 0.1%BER – – –17 dB Interference Performance[17],[18] C/I 3 MHz adjacent channel 0.1%BER – – –27 dB C/I image channel 0.1%BER – – –9.0 dB C/I 1 MHz adjacent to image channel 0.1%BER – – –15 dB Out-of-Band Blocking Performance (CW) [17],[18] 30 MHz to 2000 MHz 0.1%BER[19] – –30.0 – dBm 2003 MHz to 2399 MHz 0.1%BER[20] – –35 – dBm 2484 MHz to 2997 MHz 0.1%BER[20] – –35 – dBm 3000 MHz to 12.75 GHz 0.1%BER[21] – –30.0 – dBm 30 MHz to 1 GHz – – – –57.0 dBm 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz – – – –55.0 dBm Spurious Emissions Notes 17. 30.8% PER 18. Desired signal is 3 dB above the reference sensitivity level (defined as –70 dBm) 19. Measurement resolution is 10 MHz. 20. Measurement resolution is 3 MHz. 21. Measurement resolution is 25 MHz. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 26 of 37 CYW20737 Table 18. Transmitter RF Specifications Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Transmitter Section Frequency range 2402 – 2480 MHz Output power adjustment range –20 – 4 dBm Default output power – 4.0 – dBm Output power variation – 2.0 – dB |M – N| = 2 – – –20 dBm |M – N| 3 – – –30 dBm – – –36.0 dBm Adjacent Channel Power Out-of-Band Spurious Emission 30 MHz to 1 GHz 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz – – –30.0 dBm 1.8 GHz to 1.9 GHz – – –47.0 dBm 5.15 GHz to 5.3 GHz – – –47.0 dBm – – ±150 kHz LO Performance Initial carrier frequency tolerance Frequency Drift Frequency drift – – ±50 kHz Drift rate – – 20 kHz/50 µs Average deviation in payload (sequence used is 00001111) 225 – 275 kHz Maximum deviation in payload (sequence used is 10101010) 185 – – kHz Channel spacing – 2 – MHz Frequency Deviation Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 27 of 37 CYW20737 3.3 Timing and AC Characteristics In this section, use the numbers listed in the Reference column of each table to interpret the following timing diagrams. 3.3.1 UART Timing Table 19. UART Timing Specifications Reference Characteristics Min – Max 24 Unit 1 Delay time, UART_CTS_N low to UART_TXD valid Baud out cycles 2 Setup time, UART_CTS_N high before midpoint of stop bit – 10 ns 3 Delay time, midpoint of stop bit to UART_RTS_N high – 2 Baud out cycles Figure 9. UART Timing Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 28 of 37 CYW20737 3.3.2 SPI Timing The SPI interface supports clock speeds up to 12 MHz with VDDIO ≥ 2.2V. The supported clock speed is 6 MHz when 2.2V > VDDIO ≥ 1.62V. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the timing requirements when operating in SPI Mode 0 and 2, and SPI Mode 1 and 3, respectively. Table 20. SPI Interface Timing Specifications Reference Characteristics Min Typ Max 1 Time from CSN asserted to first clock edge 1 SCK 100 ∞ 2 Master setup time – ½ SCK – 3 Master hold time ½ SCK – – 4 Slave setup time – ½ SCK – 5 Slave hold time ½ SCK – – 6 Time from last clock edge to CSN deasserted 1 SCK 10 SCK 100 Figure 10. SPI Timing – Mode 0 and 2 6 SPI_CSN SPI_CLK (M ode 0) 1 SPI_CLK (M ode 2) 2 ‐ SPI_M O SI First Bit 3 Second Bit 4 SPI_M ISO N ot Driven First Bit Last bit ‐ Last bit N ot Driven 5 Second Bit Figure 11. SPI Timing – Mode 1 and 3 6 SPI_CSN SPI_CLK (Mode 1) 1 SPI_CLK (Mode 3) 2 SPI_MOSI ‐ Invalid bit 3 First bit 4 SPI_MISO Not Driven Invalid bit Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D First bit Last bit ‐ Last bit Not Driven 5 Page 29 of 37 CYW20737 3.3.3 Serial Control Interface Timing Table 21. Serial Control Interface Timing Specifications Reference 1 Characteristics Clock frequency Min – Max 100 Unit kHz 400 800 1000 2 START condition setup time 650 – ns 3 START condition hold time 280 – ns 4 Clock low time 650 – ns 5 Clock high time 280 – ns 6 Data input hold time[22] 0 – ns 7 Data input setup time 100 – ns 8 STOP condition setup time 280 – ns 9 Output valid from clock – 400 ns 10 Bus free time[23] 650 – ns Notes 22. As a transmitter, 300 ns of delay is provided to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL to avoid unintended generation of START or STOP conditions. 23. Time that the cbus must be free before a new transaction can start. Figure 12. Serial Control Interface Timing Diagram Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 30 of 37 CYW20737 3.4 ESD Test Models ESD can have serious detrimental effects on all semiconductor ICs and the system that contains them. Standards are developed to enhance the quality and reliability of ICs by ensuring all devices employed have undergone proper ESD design and testing, thereby minimizing the detrimental effects of ESD. Three major test methods are widely used in the industry today to describe uniform methods for assessing ESD immunity at Component level, Human Body Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM), and Charged Device Model (CDM). The following standards were used to test this device: 3.4.1 Human-Body Model (HBM) – ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012 The HBM has been developed to simulate the action of a human body discharging an accumulated static charge through a device to ground, and employs a series RC network consisting of a 100 pF capacitor and a 1500Ω (Ohm) resistor. Both positive and negative polarities are used for this test. Although, a 100 ms delay is allowable per specification, the minimum delay used for testing was set to 300 ms between each pulse. 3.4.2 Machine Model (MM) – JEDEC JESD22-A115C The MM has been developed to simulate the rapid discharge from a charged conductive object, such as a metallic tool or fixture. The most common application would be rapid discharge from charged board assembly or the charged cables of automated testers. This model consists of a 200 pF capacitor discharged directly into a component with no series resistor (0Ω). One positive and one negative polarity pulses are applied. The minimum delay between pulses is 500 ms. 3.4.3 Charged-Device Model (CDM) - JEDEC JESD22-C101E CDM simulates charging/discharging events that occur in production equipment and processes. The potential for a CDM ESD events occurs when there is metal-to-metal contact in manufacturing. CDM addresses the possibility that a charge may reside on the lead frame or package (e.g., from shipping) and discharge through a pin that subsequently is grounded, causing damage to sensitive devices in the path. Discharge current is limited only by the parasitic impedance and capacitance of the device. CDM testing consists of charging package to a specified voltage, then discharging the voltage through relevant package leads. One positive and one negative polarity pulse is applied. The minimum delay between pulses is 200 ms. 3.4.4 Results Summary ESD Test Voltage Level Results: ■ HBM +/– 2KV PASS ■ CDM +/– 500V PASS ■ MM +/– 150V PASS Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 31 of 37 CYW20737 4. Mechanical Information Figure 13. 32-pin QFN Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 32 of 37 CYW20737 4.1 Tape Reel and Packaging Specifications Table 22. CYW20737 5 × 5 × 1 mm QFN, 32-Pin Tape Reel Specifications Parameter Quantity per reel Value 2500 pieces Reel diameter 13 inches Hub diameter 7 inches Tape width 12 mm Tape pitch 8 mm The top left corner of the CYW20737 package is situated near the sprocket holes, as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14. Pin 1 Orientation Pin 1: Top left corner of package toward sprocket holes Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 33 of 37 CYW20737 5. Ordering Information Table 23. Ordering Information Part Number CYW20737A1KML2G Package Ambient Operating Temperature 32-pin QFN –30°C to +85°C 6. Additional Information 6.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations The following list of acronyms and abbreviations may appear in this document. Term ADC Description analog-to-digital converter AFH adaptive frequency hopping AHB advanced high-performance bus APB advanced peripheral bus APU audio processing unit ARM7TDMI-S® Acorn RISC Machine 7 Thumb instruction, Debugger, Multiplier, Ice, Synthesizable BTC Bluetooth controller COEX coexistence DFU device firmware update DMA direct memory access EBI external bus interface HCI Host Control Interface HV high voltage IDC initial digital calibration IF intermediate frequency IRQ interrupt request JTAG Joint Test Action Group LCU link control unit LDO low drop-out LHL lean high land LPO low power oscillator LV LogicVision™ MIA multiple interface agent PCM pulse code modulation PLL phase locked loop PMU power management unit POR power-on reset PWM pulse width modulation QD quadrature decoder RAM random access memory RF radio frequency ROM read-only memory RX/TX receive, transmit Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 34 of 37 CYW20737 Term Description SPI serial peripheral interface SW software UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UPI µ-processor interface WD watchdog In most cases, acronyms and abbreviations are defined on first use. For a comprehensive list of acronyms and other terms used in Cypress documents, go to: http://www.cypress.com/glossary 6.2 IoT Resources Cypress provides a wealth of data at http://www.cypress.com/internet-things-iot to help you to select the right IoT device for your design, and quickly and effectively integrate the device into your design. Cypress provides customer access to a wide range of information, including technical documentation, schematic diagrams, product bill of materials, PCB layout information, and software updates. Customers can acquire technical documentation and software from the Cypress Support Community website (https://community.cypress.com/) Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 35 of 37 CYW20737 Document History Page Document Title: CYW20737 Single-Chip Bluetooth Low Energy-Only System-On-Chip Document Number: 002-16365 Revision ECN Submission Date 05/30/2014 Description of Change 20737-DS100-R Initial release ** *A - 5525954 02/10/2016 20737-DS101-R Added: “ESD Test Models” 08/17/2016 20737-DS102-R Updated: • “Ordering Information” on page 45 11/22/2016 Added Cypress Part Numbering Scheme and Mapping Table on Page 1. Updated to Cypress template. *B 5738817 05/15/2017 Updated Cypress Logo and Copyright. *C 5792463 07/05/2017 Updated the Title. Replaced Alliance with Wireless Power to Airfuel - “Features” on page 1. Removed (aka Bluetooth Smart) from Page 1. Replaced 4.0 with 4.1 in “Integrated Radio Transceiver” on page 11. Removed Wireless Charging Section from the datasheet. *D 6893048 06/08/2020 Updated the Title ”CYW20737 Single-Chip Bluetooth Low Energy-Only System-On-Chip”. Replaced Broadcom Serial control and BSC with “Serial control” throughout the document. Removed “IR learning” from Features section. Removed “Part Numbering Scheme” table. Removed “Infrared Learning” section. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Page 36 of 37 CYW20737 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. 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Cypress disclaims any liability relating to any Security Breach, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any Security Breach. In addition, the products described in these materials may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. "High-Risk Device" means any device or system whose failure could cause personal injury, death, or property damage. Examples of High-Risk Devices are weapons, nuclear installations, surgical implants, and other medical devices. "Critical Component" means any component of a High-Risk Device whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause, directly or indirectly, the failure of the High-Risk Device, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, distributors, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of any claim, including claims for product liability, personal injury or death, or property damage arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. Cypress products are not intended or authorized for use as a Critical Component in any High-Risk Device except to the limited extent that (i) Cypress's published data sheet for the product explicitly states Cypress has qualified the product for use in a specific High-Risk Device, or (ii) Cypress has given you advance written authorization to use the product as a Critical Component in the specific High-Risk Device and you have signed a separate indemnification agreement. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit cypress.com. Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. Document Number: 002-16365 Rev. *D Revised June 8, 2020 Page 37 of 37
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