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FM4-176L-S6E2GM 数据手册
FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 www.cypress.com Copyrights © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2015-2017. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Spansion LLC (“Cypress”). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document (“Software”), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress’s patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. Cypress products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage (“Unintended Uses”). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit cypress.com. For a Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 2 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. A. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Kit Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Board Details ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Jumpers and Connectors ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Additional Learning Resources .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.6 Technical Support.................................................................................................................................................. 8 1.7 Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Installation and Test Operation .................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Install Software .................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Uninstall Software................................................................................................................................................ 14 2.3 Test Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Hardware ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1 System Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 23 3.2 Hardware Features .............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.3 Hardware Details ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Software Development ................................................................................................................................................ 37 4.1 Tool Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 4.2 Example Projects................................................................................................................................................. 42 4.3 Flash Programming ............................................................................................................................................. 66 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................................... 72 A.1 Schematic ............................................................................................................................................................ 72 A.2 Bill of Materials .................................................................................................................................................... 77 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Document Revision History ........................................................................................................................................... 81 FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 3 1. Introduction Thank you for your interest in the FM4-176L-S6E2GM FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit. The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit enables customers to evaluate and develop projects using the FM4 device family. Flexible MCU 4 (FM4) is a portfolio of ® ® high-performance ARM Cortex -M4 MCUs that includes hardware support for digital signal processing and floating-point operations, designed for safety-critical, industrial systems and home appliance applications. There are multiple series of device families in this portfolio. The S6E2C-Series, S6E2G-Series and S6E2H-Series are few of the prominent series of device families. This kit uses a device from the S6E2G-Series. Devices in the S6E2G-Series are highly integrated 32-bit microcontrollers with high performance and competitive cost. This series is based on the ARM Cortex-M4 processor, including floating point instructions, with on-chip flash memory and SRAM. The series has peripherals such as motor control timers, A/D converters, and communications interfaces like USB, CAN, UART, CSIO (SPI), I2C and LIN. The S6E2G-Series of FM4 devices offers up to a 180-MHz CPU, 1MB flash, 192KB SRAM, 153 GPIOs, 20 communication peripherals, 33 digital peripherals and 3 analog peripherals. The S6E2G-Series of FM4 devices is designed to meet the high performance requirements of today’s industrial customers. Such needs not only include the support and enabling of international safety standards but also the inclusion of IoT concepts for distributed control, to deliver fast, secure and reliable communication interfaces. In order to properly target this high performance market, the S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit features the industry standard communication interfaces such as Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), a full-speed USB Host and a full-speed USB device. The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit offers footprint compatibility with Arduino™ shields, which provides options for application development. This S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit also features multiple on-board sensors like an accelerometer, and a phototransistor, as well as peripherals like a stereo codec which can be used to quickly prototype data acquisition systems while showcasing external SRAM and Flash for data logging applications. In order to properly enable our customers, the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit is aligned to our low cost development systems, aligning this kit with our successful line of Pioneer Kits in form, price and flexibility. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 4 Introduction 1.1 Kit Contents The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit contains the following, as shown in Figure 1-1.  FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board  USB Standard-A to Micro-B cable  Quick Start Guide Figure 1-1. Kit Contents Inspect the contents of the kit; if you find any part missing, contact your nearest Cypress sales office for help: www.cypress.com/support. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 5 Introduction 1.2 Board Details Figure 1-2. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Markup FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 6 Introduction 1.3 Jumpers and Connectors Table 1-1. Jumper Description Jumper J1 J2 Function Setting Sets the programming mode of Open: User mode MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) Closed: Serial programming mode Sets the programming mode of Open: User mode S6E2GM Closed: Serial programming mode Pin 2 to Pin 1: UART programming mode via UART0 J3 Sets the serial programming connected to MB9AF312K mode for the S6E2GM Pin 2 to Pin 3: USB programming mode Pin 2 to Pin 1: Power from CMSIS-DAP (CN2) J4 Sets the power supply source Pin 2 to Pin 3: Power from USB port of FM4 (CN3) Table 1-2. Connector Description Connector Description CN1 10-pin JTAG interface CN2 USB port of CMSIS-DAP (MB9F312K) CN3 USB port of FM4 MCU CN4 RJ45 connector CN5 Headphone jack CN6 Line-in jack CN7,CN8,CN9,CN10 Arduino compatible headers CN11 Microphone jack CN12, CN13 Multicon connectors CN14 USB host connector CN15, CN16, CN17, CN18 Additional GPIO headers FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 7 Introduction 1.4 Getting Started This guide will help you get started with the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit:  The Installation and Test Operation chapter describes the installation of the kit, and the test procedures for testing the board.  The Hardware chapter describes the major features of the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit and functionalities such as CMSIS-DAP debugger, Ethernet, USB, stereo codec, memories and sensors.  The Software Development chapter describes how to open and run an example project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil µVision IDE; it also describes how to use the example projects and how to program devices using the USB DIRECT Programmer or the FLASH MCU Programmer.  The Appendix provides the kit schematics, and the bill of materials (BOM). 1.5 Additional Learning Resources Cypress provides a wealth of data at www.cypress.com to help you to select the right MCU device for your design, and to help you to quickly and effectively integrate the device into your design. Visit www.cypress.com/FM4-176L-S6E2GM for the following documents of the S6E2G-Series MCU:  Overview: S6E2G-Series fact sheet  Device Selector: Microcontroller Select Guide  Datasheets: S6E2G-Series datasheet and handling precautions.  FM4 Peripheral Manual: Main section, Ethernet section, Communication Macro section, Analog Macro section and Timer section. 1.6 Technical Support For assistance, visit Cypress Support or contact customer support at +1(800) 541-4736 Ext. 2 (in the USA) or +1 (408) 943-2600 Ext. 2 (International). FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 8 Introduction 1.7 Acronyms Table 1-3. Acronyms Used in this Document Acronym Description ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter CAN Controlled Acess Network CMSIS-DAP Debug Access Port GPIO General Purpose Input/Output I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit I2S Inter-IC Sound IDE Integrated Development Environment IoT Internet of Things JTAG Joint Test Action Group LDO Low Drop Out (voltage regulator) LED Light-Emitting Diode LIN Local Interconnect Network PDL Peripheral Driver Library PWM Pulse Width Modulation RGB Red Green Blue SPI Serial Peripheral Interface SRAM Static Random Access Memory SWD Serial Wire Debug UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 9 2. Installation and Test Operation This chapter describes the steps to install the software tools and drivers on a PC for using the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit. After the successful installation, the user can run the test demo code that was pre-programmed in the device. 2.1 Install Software Follow these steps to install the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit software: 1. Download the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit installer from the web page www.cypress.com/FM4-176L-S6E2GM. The Kit software is available for download in three formats:  FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Complete Setup: This installation package contains the files related to the kit, including the Documentation, Hardware, Firmware, Software tools and drivers. However, it does not include the Windows Installer or Microsoft .NET Framework packages. If these packages are not on your computer, the installer directs you to download and install them from the Internet.  FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Only: This executable file installs only the kit contents, which include kit code examples, hardware files, and user documents. This package can be used if all the software prerequisites (listed in step 7) are installed on your PC.  FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit DVD ISO: This file is a complete package, stored in a DVD-ROM image format, ® which you can use to create a DVD or extract using an ISO extraction program such as WinZip or WinRAR. The file can also be mounted like a virtual CD/DVD using virtual drive programs such as Virtual CloneDrive and MagicISO. This file includes all the required software, utilities, drivers, hardware files, and user documents. 2. If you have downloaded the ISO file, mount the ISO file as a virtual drive. Extract the ISO contents if you do not have a virtual drive to mount. Double-click cyautorun.exe in the root directory of the extracted content or the mounted ISO if “Autorun from CD/DVD” is not enabled on the PC. The installation window will appear automatically. Note: If you are using the “Kit Complete Setup” or “Kit Only” package, then go to step 4 for installation. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 10 Installation and Test Operation 3. Click Install FM4 S6E2GM Kit to start the kit installation, shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. Kit Installation Window 4. Select the default installation folder, or click Browse to select a different folder, and click Next. 5. Select the Installation Type (see Figure 2-2). The drop-down menu contains three options: Typical (installs all the required features), Custom (lets you choose the features to be installed), and Complete (installs all the contents). Click Next after you select the Installation Type. Note: It is recommended that you choose the Typical Installation Type. Figure 2-2. Product Installation Overview 6. Read the License agreement and select I accept the terms in the license agreement to continue with installation. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 11 Installation and Test Operation 7. 8. After you click Next, the installation begins, a list of packages appears on the Installation page. A Green check mark appears next to each package after successful installation. Following are the required software and driver:  FM Universal Peripheral Driver Library (PDL)  Serial Port Viewer Tool  FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer  FLASH MCU Programmer  CMSIS-DAP driver If you are an un-registered user either enter your contact information, or click in the checkbox Continue without Contact Information. If you are a registered user, then the installation procedure will not request you to enter the contact information. Click Finish to complete the kit installation. Note: Be sure to select the checkbox Extract Example Projects and Extract FM PDL 2.0. Figure 2-3. Launch the Contents FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 12 Installation and Test Operation 9. Click Install. Figure 2-4. Extract the Example Projects Figure 2-5. Extract FM PDL 2.0 10. Click Close to complete the extraction. After the installation is complete, kit documentation and hardware files are available at the following default location: Windows OS (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Windows OS (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Cypress \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit The Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) will be extracted to the following default directory: C:\Users\\My Documents\Cypress\FM_PDL_2.0.1 FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 13 Installation and Test Operation And, the example projects will be extracted to the following default directory: C:\Users\\My Documents\Cypress \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware In the rest of the document, the following directory is termed as : C:\Users\\My Documents\Cypress 2.2 Uninstall Software The software can be uninstalled using one of the following methods:  Go to Start > All Programs > Cypress > Cypress Update Manager, and click the Uninstall button that corresponds to the kit software.  Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features for Windows 7 or Add/Remove Programs for Windows XP; select the Uninstall button. Note: Uninstalling the Kit software will not remove the FM PDL 2.0 and FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Example Projects from . 2.3 Test Operation The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit has been pre-programmed with a test demo code, which helps to test many of the on-board features. The Motorola s-record file, tp_fm4-176l-s6e2gm.srec, is provided in the following directory and can be programmed on the MCU by using the FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer or the FLASH MCU Programmer: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\Test_Demo_Code 2.3.1 Run the Test Demo Follow the instructions to run the test demo code: 1. Ensure the jumpers, J1 and J2, are open. Close Pin 1 and Pin 2 of J4 (default) and connect the board to a PC via the CN2 connector using the USB cable provided with the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit. Figure 2-6. Jumper Settings for Test Code FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 14 Installation and Test Operation 2. Ensure the power LED (LED3) is ON. 3. Launch the Serial Port Viewer Tool from Start > All Programs > Cypress > Serial Port Viewer Tool. 4. Click on the Serial Port Viewer icon in the task bar and select FM-Link/CMSIS-DAP Cypress FM Communications Port. Figure 2-7. FM-Link/CMSIS-DAP Cypress FM Communications Port 5. Select the baud rate of 115200, and click the Disconnected button to connect to the board. Figure 2-8. Select the Baud Rate 6. Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard to run the test procedure. Key in the option number and press the [Enter] key to run any of the functions. Figure 2-9. Test Procedure FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 15 Installation and Test Operation 7. For example, key in 8 and press the [Enter] key. Figure 2-10. USB Host Test-1 8. Insert a USB device into the USB Type-A connector (CN14). 9. Once the USB device is detected, Device is CONNECTED will be displayed in the terminal as shown in Figure 2-11. Figure 2-11. USB Host Test-2 10. Remove USB device from CN14. Device is DISCONNECTED will be displayed in the terminal as shown in FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 16 Installation and Test Operation 11. 12. Figure 2-12. Press [Enter] to return to the main menu. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 17 Installation and Test Operation Figure 2-12. USB Host Test-3 2.3.2 Test Procedure Explanation This section explains the test procedure. This test procedure is based on the Serial Port Viewer Tool. The user has to key-in the test procedure number displayed on the menu and then press the [Enter] key on the PC. The firmware on the board will run the test procedure and display the results. As shown in Figure 2-13, there are eleven test procedures. A short description of each test procedure is given below:  Sub Clock Test: This procedure will test whether the sub clock is at 32.768 kHz. Key in 1 and press the [Enter] key. The main routine will shift the system clock to sub clock, and shift back to main clock after the sub clock is confirmed to run at 32.768 kHz. It displays OK if the sub clock runs at 32.768 kHz, otherwise it will display Fail. Figure 2-13. Sub Clock Test  NOR Flash Test: This procedure tests the NOR flash. Key in 2 and press the [Enter] key on the PC key. The code will write a pre-determined set of data into the flash and then will read and compares to check whether the data is the same. If the data is the same, then it will display OK, otherwise it will display Fail. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 18 Installation and Test Operation Figure 2-14. NOR Flash Test  SRAM Test: This procedure tests the SRAM. Key in 3 and press the [Enter] key. The code will write a pre-determined set of data into the SRAM and then will read and compare to check whether the data is the same. If it is the same, then it will display OK, otherwise it will display Fail. Figure 2-15. SRAM Test  SW2 User Key Test: This procedure tests the switch SW2. Key in 4 and press the [Enter] key. The test routine will detect the press and release status of the SW2 key. Press the [Enter] key again to return to the main menu. Figure 2-16. SW2 User Key Test FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 19 Installation and Test Operation  RGB LED Test: This procedure tests the RGB LED (LED4). Key in 5 and press the [Enter] key. The RGB LED (LED4) color will change from Red to Green to Blue. The sequence will repeat until you press the [Enter] key to return to the main menu. Figure 2-17. RGB LED Test  Phototransistor Test: This procedure tests the phototransistor. Key in 6 and press the [Enter] key. The terminal will display an ADC value for the phototransistor about once per second. Use your hand to block light from reaching the phototransistor. The value of the ADC when the phototransistor is not covered should be larger than the one when it is covered. Press the [Enter] key to return to the main menu. Figure 2-18. Phototransistor Test  Accelerometer Test: This procedure tests the accelerometer. Key in 7 and press the [Enter] key. The terminal will display the data of each of the three axes about once per second. This data will change if there is any change in the board’s position. Press the [Enter] key to return to the main menu. Figure 2-19. Accelerometer Test FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 20 Installation and Test Operation  USB Host Test: This procedure tests the USB host circuitry. Key in 8 and press the [Enter] key. A message indicating that the Device is CONNECTED will be displayed on the terminal if a USB device is connected to the USB Type-A connector (CN14). Disconnect the device and a message indicating that the Device is DISCONNECTED will be displayed on the terminal. Press the [Enter] key to return to the main menu. Figure 2-20. USB Host Test Note: Ensure you have connected a USB device to CN14.  I2S Headphone Test: This procedure tests the headphone channel of the stereo codec. Key in 9 and press the [Enter] key. A pre-defined calling bell sound will be heard on the headphone connected to CN5. Press the [Enter] key again to return to the main menu. Figure 2-21. I2S Headphone Test  I2S Mic Test: This procedure tests the microphone channel of the stereo codec. Key in 10 and press the [Enter] key to hear your voice from the microphone connected to the CN11 connector on the headphone connected to CN5. Press the [Enter] key again to return to the main menu. Figure 2-22. I2S Mic Test CN5 CN11 FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 21 Installation and Test Operation Note: Please connect a stereo microphone to CN11 and a headphone to CN5. A microphone integrated with a headphone will not work properly for this demonstration.  I2S Line-in Test: This procedure is to test the line-in channel of the stereo codec. Connect CN6 to the line-out jack of computer using an audio cable, connect a headphone to CN5. Play music on the computer. Key in 11 and press the [Enter] key to hear the music from the headphone connected to CN5. Press the [Enter] key again to return to the main menu. Figure 2-23. I2S Line-in Test FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 22 3. Hardware This chapter describes the features and hardware details of the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit. 3.1 System Block Diagram Figure 3-1 shows the system block diagram of the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit. Figure 3-1. System Block Diagram FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 23 Hardware 3.2 Hardware Features  Cypress FM4 S6E2GM MCU  On-board ICE (CMSIS-DAP compatible)  10-pin JTAG interface  Ethernet PHY and RJ45 connector (IEEE802.3)  USB device interface  USB host interface  32Mb NOR flash  4Mb external SRAM  Stereo codec  Accelerometer  Phototransistor  RGB LED  User button  Arduino compatible interface  Additional GPIO headers 3.3 Hardware Details 3.3.1 FM4 Series MCU FM4 S6E2GM MCU is a family of highly integrated 32-bit microcontrollers dedicated for embedded controllers with high performance and competitive cost. ® ® This series is based on the ARM Cortex -M4 processor with on-chip flash memory and SRAM, and has peripherals such as motor control timers, analog-to-digital converters (ADC), and communication interfaces like USB, CAN, Ethernet, CSIO 2 (SPI), I C, and LIN. 3.3.2 User Button and LED The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit features a user button and a RGB LED. The User button (SW2) and the LED are connected to the S6E2GM MCU device via the pins listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Button and LED Pin No. Pin Name External Device 128 P20/NMIX/WKUP0 SW2 108 P1A/AN10/SCK2_0/TIOA4_2/TRACED6 LED4 – RED 104 PB2/AN18/SCS61_1/TIOA10_1/BIN0_2/INT09_1/TRACED10 LED4 – GREEN 106 P18/AN08/SIN2_0/TIOA3_2/INT10_0/TRACED4 LED4 – BLUE FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 24 Hardware The port P1A/PB2/P18 pins are also assigned as PWM output pins, the user can dim the LED by configuring the base timers in PWM mode to output PWM signals from the pins (i.e. TIOA4_2, TIOA10_1, and TIOA3_2). 3.3.3 Arduino Compatible Interface The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit provides footprint compatibility with the Arduino interface. These headers expand the possibility for the user to develop more applications based on this development kit and using Arduino compatible shields. Figure 3-2 shows the pins. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 IO IO PWM PWM PWM IO UART-TX UART-RX AN01 AN02 AN03 AN06 AN04 AN05 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 SPI-#CS PWM PWM SPI-MISO SPI-MOSI NC 5V0 INTX 3V3 5V0 GND GND 5V0 NC IOREF RESET 3.3V 5V GND GND Vin I2C-SCL I2C-SDA AREF GND SPI-CLK SCL SDA AREF GND D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Figure 3-2. Pins of Arduino Compatible Interface FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 25 Hardware Table 3-2 shows full functions of the pins connected with the Arduino headers. Table 3-2. Pins of Arduino Compatible Interface Pin No. Pin Name Arduino Designation Function (Part) 81 PF5/SIN3_1/IC11_1/TIOB7_1/INT07_1/IC1_RST_1 D0 UART – RX 82 PF6/SOT3_1/IC12_1/TIOA14_1/INT20_1/IC1_DATA_1 D1 UART – TX 83 PF7/SCK3_1/IC13_1/TIOB14_1/INT21_1/IC1_CIN_1 D2 IO 49 P43/SCS70_1/RTO13_0/TIOA3_0/INT04_0/MCSX4_0 D3 PWM 80 PF4/IC10_1/TIOA7_1/INT06_1/IC1_VPEN_1 D4 IO 50 P44/SCS71_1/RTO14_0/TIOA4_0/MCSX3_0 D5 PWM 51 P45/SCS72_1/RTO15_0/TIOA5_0/MCSX2_0 D6 PWM 79 PF3/SCS63_0/FRCK1_1/TIOB6_1/INT05_1/IC1_VCC_1 D7 IO 78 PF2/SCS62_0/DTTI1X_1/TIOA6_1/IC1_CLK_1 D8 PWM 66 P4E/SCK9_0/INT05_0/WKUP2/MCSX1_0 D9 PWM 65 P4D/FRCK1_0/INT07_0/MSDCLK_0 D10 SPI -- #CS 47 P41/SOT7_1/RTO11_0/TIOA1_0/BIN0_0/MCSX6_0 D11 SPI -- MOSI 46 P40/SIN7_1/RTO10_0/TIOA0_0/AIN0_0/INT23_0/MCSX7_0 D12 SPI -- MISO 48 P42/SCK7_1/RTO12_0/TIOA2_0/ZIN0_0/MCSX5_0 D13 SPI -- CLK 101 P17/AN07/SOT6_1/TX0_0/TRACED3 SDA I2C -- SDA 102 PB0/AN16/SCK6_1/TIOA9_1/TRACED8 SCL I2C -- SCL 95 P11/AN01/TIOB0_2/MNWEX_0/IC1_VCC_0 A0 AN01 96 P12/AN02/TIOA1_2/MNCLE_0/IC1_VPEN_0 A1 AN02 97 P13/AN03/SIN9_1/TIOB1_2/INT25_1/MNALE_0/IC1_RST_0 A2 AN03 100 P16/AN06/SIN6_1/RX0_0/INT09_0/TRACED2 A3 AN06 98 P14/AN04/SOT9_1/TIOA2_2/IC1_DATA_0/TRACED0 A4 AN04/I2C--SDA 99 P15/AN05/SCK9_1/TIOB2_2/IC1_CIN_0/TRACED1 A5 AN05/I2C--SCL 57 INITX RESET RESET FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 26 Hardware 3.3.4 Additional GPIO Headers The unused pins of the S6E2GM MCU are routed to the CN15, CN16, CN17, and CN18 I/O headers. CN17-1 CN18-1 CN17-8 CN18-6 CN16-1 CN16-8 CN15-1 CN15-10 Figure 3-3. Additional GPIO Pins These additional GPIO headers make it easy for the user to access more GPIOs and peripherals, such as the MFS (Multi-Function Serial), PWM and I2S. Table 3-3 shows details of the pins. Table 3-3. Additional GPIO Pins Pin No. Pin Name Designation Functions (part) 10 P50/SCS72_0/IC01_1/TIOA8_2 CN17-1 PWM 11 P51/SCS73_0/IC02_1/TIOB8_2 CN17-2 PWM 12 P52/IC03_1/TIOA9_2 CN17-3 PWM 23 P0A/ADTG_1/MCLKOUT_0 CN17-4 IO 24 P30/MI2SWS1_1/RX0_1/TIOB11_2/INT01_2 CN17-5 I2S, INT 25 P31/MI2SMCK1_1/TX0_1/TIOA12_2 CN17-6 I2S, PWM 26 P32/INT19_0/S_DATA1_0 CN17-7 INT 27 P33/FRCK0_0/S_DATA0_0 CN17-8 IO N/A N/A CN15-1 GND N/A N/A CN15-2 3V3 28 P34/IC03_0/INT00_1/S_CLK_0 CN15-3 INT 31 P35/IC02_0/INT01_1/S_CMD_0 CN15-4 INT 32 P36/IC01_0/INT02_1/S_DATA3_0 CN15-5 INT 33 P37/IC00_0/INT03_1/S_DATA2_0 CN15-6 INT 38 P3C/SIN2_1/RTO03_0/TIOA3_1/INT19_1/MAD21_0 CN15-7 PWM, INT 58 PF0/SCS73_1/RX0_2/TIOA15_1/INT22_1 CN15-8 PWM, INT 59 PF1/TX0_2/TIOB15_1/INT23_1 CN15-9 INT FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 27 Hardware Pin No. Pin Name Designation Functions (part) 68 P71/ADTG_8/SIN9_0/INT04_1/MRDY_0 CN15-10 INT N/A N/A CN18-6 N/A N/A N/A CN18-5 N/A 144 P95/RTS5_1/RTO15_1/TIOB5_1/IC0_CIN_1 CN18-4 IO 143 P94/CTS5_1/RTO14_1/TIOB4_1/IC0_DATA_1 CN18-3 IO N/A N/A CN18-2 N/A N/A N/A CN18-1 N/A N/A N/A CN16-1 GND N/A N/A CN16-2 3V3 N/A N/A CN16-3 N/A 114 P1C/AN12/SCK0_1/TIOA5_2/TRACECLK CN16-4 ADC, PWM 110 PB4/AN20/SCS63_1/TIOA11_1/INT10_1/TRACED12 CN16-5 ADC, PWM, INT 109 P1B/AN11/TIOB4_2/INT11_0/TRACED7 CN16-6 ADC, INT 105 PB3/AN19/SCS62_1/TIOB10_1/ZIN0_2/TRACED11 CN16-7 ADC 94 P10/AN00/TIOA0_2/INT08_0/MNREX_0/IC1_CLK_0 CN16-8 ADC, PWM, INT 3.3.5 Stereo Codec WM8731 is a low power stereo codec with an integrated headphone driver. On the digital side, it has an Inter-IC Sound interface (I2S) which is connected with the I2S macro. Table 3-4 explains the details of the connections. The codec also has an I2C interface for configuring the device and an I2S interface for audio data transmission. The I2C address for configuring the stereo codec is 0x1A. On the analog side, the codec has headphone, microphone, line-in and line-out channels. On this kit, only the headphone, microphone and line-in channels are routed to the jacks. Table 3-4. I2S interface Pin No. Port Function 62 I2SCK_0 Bit clock out 61 I2SDO_0 Audio data out 60 I2SDI_0 Audio data in 63 I2SWS_0 Word select output pin 64 I2SMCLK_0 Mast clock I/O pin FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 28 Hardware Figure 3-4. Stereo Codec Circuit FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 29 Hardware 3.3.6 SRAM The CY62147EV30 is a high performance CMOS Static RAM (SRAM) organized as 256K words of 16 bits each. This device uses advanced circuit design to provide ultra-low active current. This device also has an automatic power down feature that significantly reduces the power consumption when addresses are not toggling. Figure 3-5. SRAM Circuit FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 30 Hardware 3.3.7 NOR Flash The S25FL132K non-volatile flash memory device connects to the S6E2GM device via a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). The NOR Flash supports SPI single bit serial input and output (single I/O or SIO) as well as optional two bit (Dual I/O or DIO) and four bit (Quad I/O or QIO) serial protocols. This multiple width interface is called SPI Multi-I/O or MIO. The 33resisters are used to reduce Electromagnetic Interference. In this kit, the flash can be operated in single or dual IO modes. Figure 3-6. NOR Flash Circuit FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 31 Hardware 3.3.8 Ethernet MAC The Ethernet MAC of the FM4 S6E2GM MCU is connected to an Ethernet circuit consisting of a PHY and an RJ45 connector to enable full Ethernet application development. The KSZ8091 is a single-supply 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet PHY for transmission and reception of data over standard CAT-5 unshielded twisted pair cable. The J00-0045NL (CN4) is a standard 10/100 Base-TX RJ45 connector with integrated magnetics compliant with IEEE 802.3. Figure 3-7. Ethernet Circuit FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 32 Hardware 3.3.9 Multicon I/F The Multicon interface, CN12, is a 2x5 pin connector interface that brings the appropriate signals for UART, SPI, I2C and external interrupts. A simple 10-pin cable can be used to route the serial signals and power to a secondary board or another system. Pins 9 and 10 connect to an additional connector (CN13) to provide another connection point. Table 3-5. Serial Ports in Multicon Interface Pin No. Pin Port UART SPI I2C CN12_1 Pin48 SCK7_1 CN12_2 Pin47 SOT7_1 CN12_3 GND CN12_4 3V3 CN12_5 Pin37 INT18_1 INT18_1 CN12_6 Pin36 INT17_1 INT17_1 CN12_7 Pin46 SIN7_1 CN12_8 Pin50 P44 CN12_9 CN13_2 CN12_10 CN13_1 TX RX CLK SCL MOSI SDA Interrupt MISO #CS Figure 3-8. Pin Placement of Multicon Interface Figure 3-9. Multicon Interface FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 33 Hardware 3.3.10 Accelerometer The KXCJK-1013 is a 3-axis ±2g, ±4g or ±8g silicon micro-machined accelerometer. This sensor communicates with the MCUs via an I2C interface. The I2C address for the accelerometer is 0x0E. The accelerometer can also interrupt the FM4 S6E2GM MCU when a change is detected in either of the three axes. Figure 3-10. Accelerometer 3.3.11 Phototransistor PT11-21C/L41/TR8 is a phototransistor in a miniature SMD package that can be used for applications like opto-electronic switches, video and infrared applied systems. PT11-21C/L41/TR8 (Q3) interfaces to the FM4 S6E2GM MCU via the analog input at pin 103, AN17. Figure 3-11. Phototransistor FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 34 Hardware 3.3.12 USB Interfaces The FM4 S6E2GM MCU has two USB channels that can work as a host or a device. In the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit, USB0 is configured as a USB device and is connected to CN3, and USB1 is configured as a USB host and is connected to CN14. The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit can provide a maximum current of 500 mA to the connected USB device via connector CN14. Figure 3-12. USB Host The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit can also be powered via the USB device connector CN3 when jumper J4 is set to short pins 2 and 3. Figure 3-13. USB Device FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 35 Hardware 3.3.13 CMSIS-DAP The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit features an on-board CMSIS-DAP module to enable programming and debugging of the FM4 S6E2GM MCU. The CMSIS-DAP firmware solution supports a full JTAG configuration and a two-wire Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface. The CMSIS-DAP module can also power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer kit via the CN2 connector when jumper J4 is set to short pins 1 and 2. Figure 3-14. CMSIS DAP Circuit 3.3.14 JTAG The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit provides an interface, CN1, to connect an external programmer for programming the FM4 S6E2GM MCU. CN1 is a standard ARM 0.05” 10-pin Cortex debug header. Figure 3-15. 10-pin JTAG I/F FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 36 4. Software Development 4.1 Tool Options The FM4 S6E2G-Series device is supported by several 3rd party tools, and the user can select their preferred tool. The example projects can be opened and compiled in the following two IDEs:  IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM  Keil ARM RealView Microcontroller Development System ® Download evaluation versions of these tools from the vendor’s website. A full license may be required to build or debug some of the examples. For detailed information on using the tools, see the documentation in the Help section of the tool chain or the website of the tool supplier. 4.1.1 Build an Example Project with IAR IDE The following steps describe how to open, build, and run an example project in the IAR IDE: The s6e2gm_adc is one example project that is available after successful installation. 1. Launch IAR Embedded Workbench IDEV7.40.5.9739 (or later). FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 37 Software Development 2. Click File > Open > Workspace and select the workspace file s6e2gm_adc.eww from :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\IAR. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 38 Software Development 3. Click Project > Rebuild All to build the project. 4. Ensure the jumpers on the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board are placed according to Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Debugging Jumper Settings Jumper Position Description J1 Open Sets MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) in run mode. J2 Open Sets S6E2GM in run mode. J4 Pin 1 to Pin 2 Power from CMSIS-DAP (CN2) 5. Connect the USB cable to the CN2 port. 6. Observe that the Power LED (LED3) is glowing Green. 7. Click the Download and Debug icon, or use the Shortcut key Crtl+D, or choose Project > Download and Debug to start downloading and debugging. 8. Click the Run icon to run the program once it has downloaded successfully. Example Projects describes the functionality of various kit example projects. 9. Click the Stop icon to stop the program. For more information about the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE, click Help in the IAR Embedded Workbench. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 39 Software Development 4.1.2 Build an Example Project with Keil µVision IDE The following steps describe how to open, build, and run an example project in the Keil µVision IDE: 1. Before doing this, check the availability of the flash loader file of the S6E2GM device (S6E2GMXXA1024KB.FLM) in this directory: :\ARM\Flash. 2. If the flash loader file does not exist, copy it to the above folder from: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\\ARM\flashloader\S6E2GMXXA1024KB.FLM 3. Launch Keil µVision IDEv5.16a (or later). 4. Click Project > Open Project, and select the workspace files 6e2gm_dac.uvprojx from :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\ARM FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 40 Software Development 5. Click the Build icon to build the project. 6. Ensure that the jumpers on the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board are placed according to Table 4-2. Table 4-2: Debugging Jumper Settings Jumper Position Description J1 Open Sets the MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) in run mode. J2 Open Sets the S6E2GM in run mode. J4 Pin 1 to Pin 2 Power from CMSIS-DAP (CN2) 7. Connect the USB cable to the CN2 port. 8. Observe that the Power LED (LED3) is glowing Green. 9. Click the Debug icon, use the shortcut Crtl+F5, or choose Debug > Start/Stop Debug Session to start the downloading and debugging. 10. Click the Run icon to run the program once it has downloaded successfully. Example Projects describe the functionality of various kit example projects. 11. Click the Stop icon to stop the program. For more information about the Keil µVision IDE, click Help. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 41 Software Development 4.2 Example Projects The FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit includes twenty one example projects to help the user get a quick start with the S6E2GM device. The example projects are available in the following directory: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects The example projects listed in Table 4-3 are based on the Peripheral Driver Library (PDL). The PDL provides APIs for initializing and operating on-chip peripherals. PDL documentation is available in the following directory: :\FM_PDL_2.0.1\doc Use either IAR Embedded Workbench v7.40.5.9739 (or later) or Keil µVision IDE v5.16a (or later) to open these example projects. Table 4-3. Example Projects # Projects Title/Description Title: Analog-to-Digital Converter 1 s6e2gm_adc Description: This project demonstrates the AD conversion of the S6E2GM device. This project enables ADC channel AN17 to measure the voltage of the phototransistor output. The measured value is sent out using UART0. Refer to Analog-to-Digital Converter for details. Title: Base Timer Description: This project demonstrates the base timer operation of the S6E2GM device. This project 2 s6e2gm_bt_pwm configures a base timer in PWM mode to generate a PWM sequence. The PWM outputs from the TIOA10_1 pin to drive the Green LED of LED4. The PWM duty cycle is updated every 1 ms by a second base timer to produce a breathing LED effect. Title: Direct Memory Access (DMA) Description: This project demonstrates the DMA operation of the S6E2GM device. The program 3 s6e2gm_dma configures DMA to move the data from a source array (au32SourceData) to a destination array (au32DestinationData), and then compares the content of the arrays to verify the data. Refer to Direct Memory Access (DMA) for details. Title: External Interrupt 4 s6e2gm_ext_int Description: This project demonstrates the external interrupt operation of the S6E2GM device. The SW2 key press is detected by the non-maskable external interrupt (NMIX). Pressing the SW2 key on the board will change the color of RGB LED (LED4) from Red to Green to Blue. Title: Flash Write 5 s6e2gm_flash Description: This project demonstrates the flash writing operation of the S6E2GM device. A specific set of four values each of four bytes in size will be written into a specific address location (0x00406000) in the flash memory. Refer to Flash Write for the details. Title: GPIO 6 s6e2gm_gpio Description: This project demonstrates GPIO operations of the S6E2GM device by driving an LED. The PB2 pin sinks current from the Green LED of the RGB LED (LED4). The PB2 pin will output a pulse sequence to blink the LED continuously. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 42 Software Development # Projects Title/Description Title: Multi-function Serial Interface Description: This project demonstrates the UART communication of the S6E2GM device. This program 7 s6e2gm_mfs_uart enables the MFS0 as a UART to communicate with the CMSIS-DAP device. The CMSIS-DAP device serves as a UART to USB bridge between the MCU and the PC. Refer to UART Communication for details. Title: Multi-function Timer Description: This project demonstrates the multi-function timer (MFT) operation of the S6E2GM device. 8 s6e2gm_mft_frt This project configures the multi-function timer unit 0 in free-run timer mode. An interrupt is triggered at the peak point and zero point of the counter respectively. The state of the PB2 pin is changed in the interrupt service routines which causes the Green LED of the RGB LED (LED4) to blink. Title: Real Time Clock Description: This project demonstrates the RTC operation of the S6E2GM device. The program 9 s6e2gm_rtc enables the RTC in calendar mode, and sends out the current calendar through UART0.The calendar starts from 2015/9/13 23:59:01 Wednesday. Run the Serial Port Viewer, set the baud rate as 115200, and click the Disconnected button to connect the board with PC. After the program is run, the calendar data will be displayed in the window of the Serial Port Viewer. Title: Sleep Mode 10 s6e2gm_sleep_mode Description: This project demonstrates the sleep mode operation of the S6E2GM device. The MCU will enter sleep mode after blinking the Green LED five times. It can be woken up by pressing the SW2 switch. After wakeup, the Green LED will turn on. Refer to Sleep Mode for the details. Title: Software Watchdog Description: This project demonstrates the operation of the the S6E2GM watchdog. The project will demonstrate the impact of two different situations with watchdog enabled: (a) when the watchdog is 11 s6e2gm_sw_wdt fed; and (b) when the watchdog is not fed. If the watchdog is enabled, but the watchdog is fed in time, the program will run properly, and the RGB LED (LED4) will blink Green. If the watchdog is enabled, but the watchdog is not fed in time, the chip is reset, and the Green LED will remain continuously on. Refer to Software Watchdog for the details. Title: Watch Timer 12 s6e2gm_wc Description: This project demonstrates the Watch Timer function of the S6E2GM devices. The Watch Timer generates an interrupt every second. In the interrupt service routine, pin PB2 is used to bilnk the Green LED of the RGB LED (LED4). Title: Audio I2S Headphone 13 s6e2gm_I2S_hp Description: This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec I2S headphone. The project will demonstrate a function connecting a headphone to the headphone jack to hear a repeated tone. Title: Audio I2S Microphone Description: This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec I2S microphone. The 14 s6e2gm_I2S_mic project will demonstrate a function that starts or stops microphone function through pressing the SW2. When starting the microphone, if speaking into the microphone, you will hear the voice through the headphone. When stoping the microphone, if speaking into the microphone, you will not hear the voice through the headphone. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 43 Software Development # Projects Title/Description Title: Audio I2S Line Description: This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec I2S Line. The project 15 s6e2gm_I2S_line will demonstrate a function that starts or stops Line function through pressing the SW2. When starting the Line function, if playing music with PC, you will hear the music through the headphone. When stopping the Line function, if playing music with PC, you will not hear the music through the headphone. Title: USB Device Description: This example demonstrates the USB peripheral operation as an HID mouse device. The MCU of Gaia start kit includes two USB channels; the board uses the USB0 as device interface. This 16 s6e2gm_usb_device example sets the endpoint0 of the USB0 as control endpoint, and sets the endpoint1 as the HID mouse data input endpoint. Connect CN3 port of the board to PC by USB cable. The PC will identify this device as a HID mouse. When pressing the SW2 button, the PC cursor will move to the left. Refer to Sleep Mode for the details. Title: USB Host Description: This example demonstrates how the USB host reads and writes a USB flash drive. The MCU of Gaia start kit includes two USB channels; the board use the USB1 as host interface. This 17 s6e2gm_usb_host example implements the USB mass storage class. When inserting the USB flash drive (FAT filesystem) to CN14 of the board, the program enumerates devices, and lights the Blue LED. Then the program will mount the FATFS and create the test.txt file in the root directory, write 2K bytes of data to this file, then read the data to buffer from the file. Check whether the read and write are equal, the Green light is on if they are equal, the Red LED will turn on if they are not equal or operation failed. Title: Nor flash 18 s6e2gm_nor_flash Description: This project demonstrates the usage of an external flash (S25FL132K nor flash) for data storage controlled by the MCU using SPI interface CSIO. Refer to NOR Flash for the details. Title: s6e2gm sram Description: This project demonstrates how to set the EXTIF use for write and read function of external 19 s6e2gm_sram SRAM CY62147EV30 on the S6E2GM, This project writes to every address location of the CY62147EV30 and then reads back the data to verify. The project is started by pressing button SW2. When the test is in progress, the Blue LED is on. Once the test completes, the Green LED will be on if the test passed, and the Red LED will be on if the test failed. Title: Accelerometer Description: This example project demonstrates the usage of accelerometer sensor module; the data 20 s6e2gm_ accelerometer of each of axes (X, Y, Z) of the board position will be output to Cypress Serial Port Viewer respectively. This data will change if there is any change of board position. Title: Ethernet 21 s6e2gm_ethernet Description: This project demonstrates the Ethernet-MAC function of the S6E2GM device. The PHY layer uses KSZ8091MNX chip, the TCP/IP layer uses LwIP. When ping the board, it will receive the ping-reply. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 44 Software Development 4.2.1 Analog-to-Digital Converter Project Description This project demonstrates the ADC conversion of the S6E2GM device. The project enables ADC channel AN17 to measure the voltage from the phototransistor output. It is converted to a decimal value and sent out using UART0. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, see Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project file in IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\IAR\s6e2gm_adc.eww Keil project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\ARM\s6e2gm_adc.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Run the Serial Port Viewer Tool, set the baud rate to 115200, and click the Disconnected button to connect the board to the PC, as described in Run the Test Demo. Figure 4-1. Select the Baud Rate and Connect 5. Run the program and the ADC value will display in the Serial Port Viewer Tool window. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 45 Software Development Figure 4-2. ADC value 6. Place your hand over the board to block some light from the phototransistor. Observe the values change in the Serial Port Viewer. 4.2.2 Direct Memory Access (DMA) Project Description This project demonstrates the DMA operation of the S6E2GM device. The program configures the DMA to move the data from the au32SourceData (source array) to the au32DestinationData (destination array), and then compares the content of the arrays to verify the data. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output Using IAR Embedded Workbench 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project file in IAR Embedded Workbench from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_dma\IAR\s6e2gm_dma.eww 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 46 Software Development 4. Open Watch1 window from View > Watch. 5. Add the arrays au32SourceData and au32DestinationData in Watch1 window. 6. Run the program for a while (>10 seconds). 7. Stop the program and check the arrays mentioned above. The Program Counter (PC) will stop at the routine as shown below which means the content of the arrays are the same. Using Keil µVision IDE 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project s6e2gm_dmain Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_dma\ARM\s6e2gm_dma.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 47 Software Development 4. Open Watch1 window from View > Watch Windows. 5. Add the arrays au32SourceData and au32DestinationData in Watch1 window. 6. Run the program for a while (>10 seconds). 7. Stop the program and check the arrays mentioned above. The Program Counter (PC) will stop at the routine as shown below which means the content of the arrays are the same. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 48 Software Development 4.2.3 Flash Write Project Description This project demonstrates the flash writing operation of the S6E2GM device. Four data values (0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899aabb, 0xccddeeff) will be written starting at the 0x00406000 address in flash. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output Using IAR Embedded Workbench 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_flash\IAR\s6e2gm_flash.eww 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. 4. Open the memory window from View > Memory. Enter 0x00406000 in the Go to field and press the [Enter] key on your PC. 5. Run the program for a while (>10 seconds). 6. Stop the program and check the content of 0x00406000 in flash. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 49 Software Development Using Keil µVision IDE 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project s6e2gm_flash in the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_flash\ARM\s6e2gm_flash.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. 4. Open the Memory1 window from View > Memory Windows. Enter 0x00406000 in the Address field and press the [Enter] key on your PC. 5. Run the program for a while (>10 seconds). 6. Stop the program and check the content of 0x00406000 in flash. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 50 Software Development 4.2.4 UART Communication Project Description This project demonstrates the UART communication of the S6E2GM device. This program enables the MFS0 as a UART to communicate with the CMSIS-DAP device. The CMSIS-DAP device serves as a UART to USB Bridge between the MCU and the PC. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_mfs_uart\IAR\s6e2gm_mfs_uart.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_mfs_uart\ARM\s6e2gm_mfs_uart.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Run the program. 5. Run the Serial Port Viewer Tool, set the baud rate as 115200, and click the Disconnected button to connect the board with PC, as described in Run the Test Demo. Figure 4-3. Select the Baud Rate and Connect FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 51 Software Development 6. Click the Toggle icon to toggle the Outgoing Data Window. Figure 4-4. Toggle the Output Data Window 7. Key in any characters in the Outgoing Data Window, the same characters will be echoed in the Input Data Window. Figure 4-5. Echo Test FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 52 Software Development 4.2.5 Sleep Mode Project Description This project demonstrates the sleep mode operation of the S6E2GM device. The MCU will enter into the sleep mode after blinking the Green LED 5 times. After it is asleep, the device is woken up by pressing SW2 key. After wakeup, the Green LED will turn on. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project file in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sleep_mode\IAR\s6e2gm_sleep_mode.eww Keil project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sleep_mode\ARM\s6e2gm_sleep_mode.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Run the program. 5. The RGB LED (LED4) will blink five times (Green color), and then the MCU enters sleep mode. Figure 4-6. MCU in Sleep Mode 6. Press the SW2 key to wake up the MCU. The RGB LED (LED4) will glow with Green color. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 53 Software Development 4.2.6 Software Watchdog Project Description This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM watchdog. The project will demonstrate the impact of two different watchdog situations: when the watchdog is fed and when the watchdog is not fed. If the watchdog is enabled, but the watchdog is fed in time, the program will run properly, and the RGB LED (LED4) will blink Green. If the watchdog is enabled, but the watchdog is not fed in time, the chip is reset, and the Green LED will remain on constantly. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_st_wdt\IAR\s6e2gm_st_wdt.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_st_wdt\ARM\s6e2gm_st_wdt.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Run the program. 5. The RGB LED (LED4) will blink with Green color. 6. Stop the program, comment out the line Swwdg_Feed(); in the watchdog interrupt service routine in main.c, and click File > Save. 7. Repeat the steps 3 and 4. 8. The RGB LED (LED4) will glow with a steady Green color. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 54 Software Development 4.2.7 Audio I2S Headphone Project Description This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec I2S headphone. The project will demonstrate a function connecting a headphone to the headphone jack to hear a repeated tone. Hardware Connection In this project, you only need to connect a headphone to the headphone jack CN5. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable. For details, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_hp \IAR\ s6e2gm_I2S_hp.eww Keil project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_hp \ARM\ s6e2gm_I2S_hp.uvprojx 3. Insert the headphone to the headphone jack CN5 of the S6E2GM board. 4. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device and execute it. 5. You will hear a repeated tone through the headphone. 4.2.8 Audio I2S Microphone Project Description This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec i2s microphone. The project will demonstrate a function that start or stop microphone function through press the SW2. When start the microphone, if speaking into the microphone and you will hear the voice through the headphone. When stop the microphone, if speaking into the microphone and you will not hear the voice through the headphone. Hardware Connection There will connect a microphone to the microphone jack CN11. And connect a headphone to the headphone jack CN5. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable. For details, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_mic\IAR\ s6e2gm_I2S_mic.eww Keil project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_mic \ARM\ s6e2gm_I2S_mic.uvprojx 3. Insert the headphone to the headphone jack CN5 of the S6E2GM board. 4. Insert the microphone to the microphone jack CN11 of the S6E2GM board. 5. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device and execute it. 6. Press the SW2 to start the microphone function and speak into the microphone. You will hear your voice through the headphones. Press SW2 again to stop the microphone function and speak into the microphone. You won't hear your voice through the headphones. You can start or stop the microphone function through pressing SW2. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 55 Software Development 4.2.9 Audio I2S Line Project Description This project demonstrates the operation of the S6E2GM audio codec I2S Line. The project will demonstrate a function that starts or stops Line function through pressing the SW2. When starting the Line function, if playing music with PC, you will hear the music through the headphone. When stopping the Line function, if playing music with PC, you will not hear the music through the headphone. Hardware Connection Connect an audio line to the line-out jack CN6. And then connect a headphone to the headphone jack CN5. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable. For details, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_line\IAR\ s6e2gm_I2S_line.eww Keil project: :\FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\ s6e2gm_I2S_line\ARM\ s6e2gm_I2S_line.uvprojx 3. Insert the headphone to the headphone jack CN5 of the S6E2GM board. 4. Insert the audio- line to the line output jack CN6 of the S6E2GM board. 5. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device and execute it. First, play a MP3 music with PC; then press SW2 to start line function and you will hear the music from the headphone. Press SW2 again to stop the line function and you won't hear the music from the headphone. You can start or stop the line function through pressing the SW2. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 56 Software Development 4.2.10 USB Device Project Description This example demonstrates the USB peripheral operation as an HID mouse device. The MCU of Gaia start kit includes two USB channels; the board uses the USB0 as device interface. This example sets the endpoint0 of the USB0 as control endpoint, and sets the endpoint1 as the HID mouse data input endpoint. Connect CN3 port of the board to PC by USB cable. The PC will identify this device as a HID mouse. When pressing the SW2 button, the PC cursor will move to the left. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Short pins 2 and 3 of J3 to enable the device’s USB port. Connect USB port CN3 to a PC via a USB cable. This is the device’s USB port. 2. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, see Figure 2-6. 3. Open the project file in IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_usb_device\IAR\s6e2gm_usb_device.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_usb_device\ARM\s6e2gm_usb_device.uvprojx 4. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 5. Move the cursor to the center of the PC screen. 6. Press button SW2. This will cause the cursor to move on the PC screen. 7. Once the device is programmed, you can remove the USB cable from CN2. In this case, you must short pins 2 and 3 of J4 to power the kit from CN3. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 57 Software Development 4.2.11 USB Host Project Description This example demonstrates how the USB host reads and writes a USB flash drive. The MCU of FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Board Kit includes two USB channels; the board uses the USB1 as host interface. This example implements the USB mass storage class. When inserting the USB flash drive (FAT file system) to CN14 of the board, the program enumerates devices, lights the Blue LED. Then the program will mount the FATFS and create the test.txt file in the root directory, write 2K bytes of data to this file, then read the data to buffer from the file. Check whether the read and write are equal, the Green light is on if they are equal, the Red LED will turn on if they are not equal or operation failed. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, see Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project file in IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\IAR\s6e2gm_usb_host.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_adc\ARM\s6e2gm_usb_host.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Insert a USB flash drive to USB port CN14. The Blue LED of LED4 will turn on while the drive is being read / written. 5. If the file operation is successful, the Green LED of LED4 will turn on. If the file operation failed, the Red LED of LED4 will turn on. Remove the USB flash drive, LED4 will turn off. 6. Remove the USB flash drive and connect it to a PC. You will see a file named test.txt on the flash drive. Figure 4-7. test.txt File FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 58 Software Development 4.2.12 NOR Flash Project Description This example shows the usage of an external flash (S25FL132K NOR flash) for data storage controlled by the MCU using SPI interface CSIO. The test performs the following actions once on startup: 1. Read the device ID 2. Sector Erase 3. Page Write 4. Page Read 5. Compare read data with expected data If any operation fails, the Red LED will light. If any operation is successful, the Green LED will light. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_st_wdt\IAR\ s6e2gm_nor_flash.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_st_wdt\ARM\ s6e2gm_nor_flash.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Run the program. 5. Stop the program and check the buffer of m_au8Testdata. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 59 Software Development 4.2.13 SRAM Operation Project Description This project demonstrates how to set the EXTIF use for write and read function of external SRAM CY62147EV30 on the S6E2GM, and how to set EXTIF 16-bit data width, and 20-bit address bus. The CY62147EV30 is a high performance CMOS static RAM (SRAM) organized as 256K words by 16 bits (4-Mbit). This example writes to every address location of the CY62147EV30 and then reads back the data to verify. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output Using IAR Embedded Workbench 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sram\IAR\s6e2gm_sram.eww 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. 4. Open the memory window from View > Memory. Enter 0x60000000 in the Go to field and press the [Enter] key on your PC. 5. Run the program for a while. 6. Press the SW2 to start the SRAM write and read, compare, erase operation. 7. Stop the program and check the content of 0x60000000 in flash memory. 8. If reading and writing all data succeeded, LED4 will be Green. Otherwise, LED4 will be Red. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 60 Software Development Using Keil µVision IDE 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project s6e2gm_flash in the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sram\ARM\s6e2gm_sram.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. 4. Open the Memory1 window from View > Memory Windows. Enter 0x60000000 in the Address field and press the [Enter] key on your PC. 5. Run the program for a while. 6. Press the SW2 to start the SRAM write and read, compare, erase operation. 7. Stop the program and check the content of 0x60000000 in flash. If reading and writing all data succeeded, LED4 will be Green. Otherwise, LED4 will be Red. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 61 Software Development 4.2.14 Accelerometer Operation Project Description This example project demonstrates the usage of accelerometer sensor module; the data of each of axes (X, Y, Z) of the board position will be output to Cypress Serial Port Viewer respectively. This data will change if there is any change of board position. Hardware Connection No specific hardware connections are required for this project. All connections are hardwired on the board. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, refer to Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project in the IAR Embedded Workbench or the Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sram\IAR\s6e2gm_acc.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_sram\ARM\s6e2gm_acc.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device using the debugger. 4. Open the Cypress Serial Port Viewer from the Windows notification tray and connect to the FM-Link/CMSIS-DAP as a terminal. Set the baud rate to 115200, and click on Disconnected to connect to the kit. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 62 Software Development 5. Run the program. 6. The data of each of axes (X, Y, Z) of the board position will be output to Cypress Serial Port Viewer respectively. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 63 Software Development 4.2.15 Ethernet Converter Project Description This project demonstrates the Ethernet-MAC function of the S6E2GM device. The PHY layer uses KSZ8091MNX chip, the TCP/IP layer uses LwIP. When ping the board, it will receive the ping-reply. Hardware Connection Connect CN4 to PC network interface via Ethernet cable. Verify Output 1. Power the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board from CN2 using a USB cable, see Figure 2-6. 2. Open the project file in IAR Embedded Workbench or Keil µVision IDE from the following directory: IAR project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\Demo Projects\s6e2gm_ethernet\IAR\s6e2gm_ethernet.eww Keil project: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware \Demo Projects\s6e2gm_ethernet\ARM\s6e2gm_ethernet.uvprojx 3. Build the project and download the code into the S6E2GM device. 4. Set the local area network IP address as shown below. 5. Run the program and open the CMD tool. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 64 Software Development 6. Ping the board and observe the reply. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 65 Software Development 4.3 Flash Programming Most IDEs, including IAR and Keil µVision, are capable of programming the embedded flash. If that option is not desirable for some reason, the following section shows you how to program the embedded flash using either a serial or a USB connection. It also shows how to re-program the firmware in the CMSIS-DAP device should it be necessary. 4.3.1 Programming the S6E2GM Using the FLASH USBDIRECT Programmer This method will program over the USB connection to the S6E2GM. 1. Install the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit as per Install Software. The FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer gets installed in your PC as part of the kit installer. 2. Make sure the jumpers on the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board are placed according to Table 4-4. Table 4-4. Programming Jumper Settings for S6E2GM Programming via USB Jumper Position Description J1 Open Sets MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) in run mode. J2 Closed Sets S6E2GM in programming mode. J3 Pin 2 to Pin 3 Sets for USB programming mode. J4 Pin 2 to Pin 3 Power from USB port of S6E2GM 3. Connect the USB cable to the CN3 port. 4. Observe that the Power LED (LED3) is glowing Green. 5. Launch the FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer from Start Menu > All Programs > Cypress > FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer > USBDirect. 6. Select Target MCU to S6E2GM8H/J. 7. Select the Motorola-S format file or Intel-HEX format file to be programmed to the FLASH memory in the MCU. Note: The hex file selected in this example is the Test Demo firmware. 8. Check the COM Port number from the Device Manager or from the Serial Port Viewer icon in the task bar. 9. Enter the Virtual COM Port listed under Ports in the Device Manager, in the COM field. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 66 Software Development 10. Click the Full Operation (D+E+B+P) button to start programming. 11. Reset the S6E2GM by pressing the reset button (SW1) on the board, and click OK. Note: Click on Help for any issues or errors encountered during programming. 4.3.2 Programming the S6E2GM MCU using the FLASH MCU Programmer This method will program using the USB connection to the CMSIS-DAP device which then acts as a USB-UART bridge to the S6E2GM serial interface. 1. Install the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit as per the Install Software section. The FLASH MCU Programmer gets installed in your PC as part of the kit installer. 2. Ensure the jumpers on the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board are placed according to Table 4-5. Table 4-5. Jumper Settings for S6E2GM programming using FLASH MCU Programmer Jumper Position Description J1 Open Sets MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) in run mode. J2 Closed Sets S6E2GM in programming mode. J3 Pin 1 to Pin 2 Sets for UART programming mode. J4 Pin 1 to Pin 2 Power from USB port of CMSIS-DAP 3. Connect the USB cable to the CN2 port. 4. Observe that the Power LED (LED3) is glowing Green. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 67 Software Development 5. Launch the FLASH MCU Programmer from Start Menu > All Programs > Cypress > FLASH MCU Programmer > FM0+FM3FM4. 6. Select Target MCU to S6E2GM8H/J. 7. Select Crystal Frequency to 4 MHz. 8. Select the Motorola-S format file or Intel-HEX format file to be programmed to the FLASH memory in the MCU. Note: The hex file selected in this example is the Test Demo firmware. 9. Check the COM Port number in the Device Manager or from the Serial Port Viewer icon in the task bar. 10. Click the Set Environment button and enter the Virtual COM Port listed in the Ports of Device Manager, in the COM field. 11. Click the Full Operation (D+E+B+P) button to start programming. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 68 Software Development 12. Reset the S6E2GM by pressing the reset button (SW1) on the board, and click OK. Note: Click on Help for any issues or errors encountered during programming. 4.3.3 Programming the CMSIS-DAP Device using the FLASH USBDIRECT Programmer By default, the latest CMSIS-DAP firmware is programmed on the MB9AF312K. It is not normally required for the user to re-program this device before running the CMSIS-DAP debugger. Follow these steps to update the firmware if needed: 1. Install the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit as per Install Software. 2. Make sure the jumpers on the FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer board are placed according to Table 4-6. Table 4-6. Programming Jumper Settings Jumper Position Description J1 Closed Sets MB9AF312K (CMSIS-DAP) in programming mode. J2 Open Sets S6E2GM in run mode. J4 Pin 1 to Pin 2 Power from USB port of CMSIS-DAP. 3. Connect the USB cable to the CN2 port. 4. Observe that the Power LED (LED3) is glowing Green. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 69 Software Development 5. Launch the FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer from Windows Start Menu > All Programs > Cypress > FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer > USBDirect. 6. Set Target MCU to MB9AF312K. 7. Select the Motorola-S format file or Intel-HEX format file to be programmed into the FLASH memory in the MCU. The hex file is included in following directory: : \FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit_Ver01\Firmware\CMSIS-DAP 8. Check the COM Port number from the Device Manager or from the Serial Port Viewer icon in the task bar. 9. Enter the Virtual COM Port listed under Ports of the Device Manager in the COM field. 10. Click the Full Operation (D+E+B+P) button to start programming. 11. Reset the CMSIS-DAP microcontroller by removing the USB cable and reconnecting the USB cable, and click OK. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 70 Software Development Note: Click on Help for any issues or errors encountered during programming. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 71 A. Appendix A.1 Schematic Figure A-1. MCU FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 72 Appendix Figure A-2. CMSIS-DAP and USB FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 73 Appendix Figure A-3. Ethernet FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 74 Appendix Figure A-4. Stereo Codec FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 75 Appendix Figure A- 5. Memory, Sensor and Interfaces FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 76 Appendix A.2 Item Bill of Materials Qty Reference Value Description Mfg Mfg Part Number C1, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, C10, C13, C15, C16, C17, C22, C24, C25, C26, C29, 1 39 C39, C43, C49, C50, C52, C59, C60, C61, C62, C63, 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603KRX5R8BB104 C65, C66, C67, C68, C70, C71, C72, C73, C74, C75, C77, C78, C79 2 2 C4, C69 4.7uF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0805KKX5R8BB475 3 6 C7, C8, C47, C53, C54, C55 12pF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603JRNPO9BN120 4 4 C11, C12, C48, C51 22uF/10V Tan Capacitor AVX TAJA226K010RNJ 5 2 C14, C19 2.2uF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603KRX5R7BB225 6 1 C18 1nF/2kV Tan Capacitor AVX 1206GC102KAT1A 7 4 C20, C21 22pF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603JRNPO9BN220 8 5 C23, C27, C28, C30, C40 10uF/6.3V Tan Capacitor AVX TAJA106K006RNJ 9 4 C31, C32, C80 220uF/10V Tan Capacitor AVX TAJD227K010R 10 3 C33, C34, C35 1uF/10V Ceramic Capacitor Murata GRM21BR71A105KA01L 11 3 C36, C37, C38 220pF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603JRNPO9BN221 12 5 C45, C46, C56, C57, C58 10nF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603KRX7R9BB103 13 1 C76 100pF Ceramic Capacitor YAGEO CC0603JRNPO9BN101 14 1 CN1 1.27mm,2*5Pin JTAG I/F AIMO 15 2 CN2, CN3 10118192AC 16 1 CN4 J00-0045NL 17 3 CN5, CN6, CN11 PJ-31060-5 18 2 CN7, CN15 2.54mm,10Pin 19 4 CN8, CN9, CN16, CN17 2.54mm, 8Pin 20 2 CN10, CN18 2.54mm,6Pin 21 1 CN15 2.54mm,10Pin 22 2 CN16,CN17 2.54mm, 8Pin Micro USB-B type, FCI, RJ45 connector, Pulse 3.5mm, linein jack CONNECTOR,wafer, 1*10PIN,Pitch=2.54 CONNECTOR,wafer, 1*8IN,Pitch=2.54 CONNECTOR,wafer, 1*6PIN,Pitch=2.54 CON,header,1*6PIN, 180°,DIP,MALE CON,header,1*6PIN, 180°,DIP,MALE FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 1415-1205CNGOS3.01.52.3 01 FCI 10118192-0001LF Pulse J00-0045NL AIMO PJ-31060-5 AIMO 2285-0110ANGO01 AIMO 2285-0108ANGO01 AIMO 2285-0106ANGO01 AIMO 1125-1110ANGOS11.5001 AIMO 1125-1108ANGOS11.5001 77 Appendix Item Qty Reference Value 23 1 CN18 2.54mm,6Pin 24 1 CN12 2.54mm,2*5Pin 25 0 CN13 2.54mm,2pin 26 1 CN14 USB-TYPE-A 27 3 D1, D2, D3 DL4148 28 2 D5 LL43 29 7 FB1, FB2, FB4, FB6, FB7, MPZ1608S101 FB8, FB9 AT J1, J2 2.54mm,2pins Description CON,header,1*6PIN, 180°,DIP,MALE Pin header, 2*5Pin,2.54mm, male Pin header, 2Pin,2.54mm,male Type-A USB Mfg Mfg Part Number AIMO 1125-1106ANGOS11.5001 AIMO 1225-1210ANG0S11501 AIMO AIMO USB A/F 90°SMT (L=14MM) Recifier diode MCC DL4148 Socktety diode Vishay LL43-GS08 TDK MPZ1608S101AT AIMO 1225-1102ANGOS11.501 AIMO 1225-1103ANGOS11.501 Ferrite Bead,TDK TDK MLZ2012N100LT connector Ferrite bead, 3A,100R@100MHz,T DK CONN,PIN HEADER, 30 2 1*2PIN,DIP,180°, CONN,PINHEADER, 31 2 J3, J4 2.54mm,3pin 1*3PIN,DIP,180°, MLZ2012N100L 32 1 L1 33 2 LED1, LED3 Yellow-Green LED,Yellow-Green Everlight 19-21SYGC/S530-E3/TR8 34 1 LED2 red LED, red Everlight 19-21SURC/S530-A5/TR8 35 1 LED4 RGB LED,SMD,4pin Cree PNP transistor MCC MMS8550-H-TP Phototransistor Everlight PT11-21C/L41/TR8 10k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0710KL 330R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-07330RL 1k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-071KL T CLV1A-FKB-CJ 1M1F1BB7R4S 3 36 2 Q1, Q2 37 1 Q3 MMC8550 PT11-21C/L41/ TR8 CLV1A-FKB-CJ1M1F1BB7R 4S3 R1, R9, R11, R12, R14, R15, 38 19 R16, R17, R23, R48, R70, R72, R77, R78, R80, R90, R111, R112, R113 39 4 40 13 R2, R46, R60, R81 R3, R25, R26, R27, R29, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R99, R100, R110 41 3 R4, R18, R108 2k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-072KL 42 2 R5, R19 1.5k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-071K5L 43 6 R6, R7, R20, R21, R103, 27R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0727RL FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 78 Appendix Item Qty Reference Value Description Mfg Mfg Part Number R104 44 2 R8, R22 5.1k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-075K1L 45 4 R10, R24, R76, R107 1M Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-071ML 4.7k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-074K7L 510R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-07510RL 33R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0733RL R13, R28, R31, R50, R51, 46 18 R52, R53, R62, R63, R68, R69, R82, R83, R88, R95, R96, R101, R102 47 2 R30, R87 R32, R33, R34, R35, R36, 48 16 R37, R38, R39, R40, R54, R58, R71, R74, R75, R93, R94 49 1 R47 6k49-1% Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-076K49L 50 1 R49 10R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0710RL 51 4 R55, R56, R66, R89 47k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0747KL 52 2 R57, R85 680R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-07680RL 53 1 R59 0R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-070RL 54 2 R61, R98 2.7k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-072K7L 55 4 R64, R65, R91, R92 5.6k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-075K6L 56 1 R109 100R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-07100RL 57 1 R84 4.7R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-074R7L 58 1 R86 220R Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-07220RL 59 2 R105, R106 15k Resistor YAGEO RC0603FR-0715KL 60 2 RN1, RN2 33R Resister array YAGEO YC164-JR-0733R 61 2 SW1, SW2 K2-1101ST-C4 6*35mm, Button, 2pin SA-01 , SMT HANRO K2-1101ST-C4SA-01 62 1 U1 MB9AF312K MB9AF314KPMC Cypress MB9AF314KPMC 63 1 U2 KSZ8091MNX Ethernet PHY Micrel KSZ8091MNXCA 64 1 U3 65 1 U4 66 1 U5 67 1 U6 KXCJK-1013 68 1 U7 S25FL132K0X WM8731SEDS/ V Stereo codec AP2141MPG-1 USB power supply 3 switch,MSOP-8 CY62147EV30L L-45B2XI 256KB SRAM Acceleration Sensor, Rohm, LGA-14 32-Mbit CMOS 3.0 FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F Wolfson WM8731SEDS/RV Diode AP2141MPG-13 Cypress CY62147EV30LL-45B2XI Rohm KXCJK-1013 Cypress S25FL132K0XMFI011 79 Appendix Item Qty Reference Value MFI011 Description Mfg Mfg Part Number Volt Flash Memory, SOP-8 69 1 U8 S6E2GM8J0A MCU, Cypress Cypress S6E2GM8J0A 70 1 U9 LM1117-3.3V LDO TI LM1117IMPX-3.3/NOPB 71 1 Y1 4 MHz,50ppm Crystal Oscillator Wisdom QRS-4M00A5020B 72 1 Y2 73 1 74 1 75 5 25.0000MHz,30 Aker ppm Crystal Y4 4MHz,50ppm Crystal Oscillator Wisdom QRS-4M00A5020B Y5 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Wisdom QRA-32768A20125B 10.5*5.5 Rubber FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F CXA-025000-3X2X20 80 Revision History Document Revision History Document Title: FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide Document Number: 002-10541 Revision ECN Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change ** 5062170 01/04/2016 ZQLI Initial revision. *A 5151140 02/29/2016 ZQLI Replaced PDL 2.0.0 with PDL 2.0.1 in all instances across the document. *B 5162532 03/04/2016 ZQLI Updated to new template. Updated Document Title to read as “FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide”. Updated Introduction: Updated Kit Contents: Updated Figure 1-1. Updated Board Details: Updated Figure 1-2. Updated Jumpers and Connectors: Updated Table 1-1. Updated Installation and Test Operation: Updated Install Software: Updated description. Updated Figure 2-1. *C 5201204 04/01/2016 ZQLI Updated Uninstall Software: Updated description. Updated Test Operation: Updated Run the Test Demo (Updated description). Updated Hardware: Updated Hardware Features: Updated description. Updated Hardware Details: Updated User Button and LED (Updated Table 3-1). Updated Software Development: Updated Tool Options: Updated Build an Example Project with Keil µVision IDE (Updated description). FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 81 Revision History Document Title: FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide Document Number: 002-10541 Revision ECN Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change Updated Figure 2-1. *D 5353023 07/15/2016 SAGA Updated template. Update Table 3-5. *E 5600004 1/24/2017 ZQLI Update Figure 3-9. Updated Disclaimer. *F 5749732 05/25/2017 AESATMP9 Updated logo and copyright. FM4 S6E2G-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-10541 Rev. *F 82
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