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MAX14917AFM+ 数据手册
Click here for production status of specific part numbers. MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch General Description Benefits and Features The MAX14917 has eight high-side switches specified to deliver up to 700mA (min) continuous current per channel. The high-side switches have on-resistance of 120mΩ (typ) at 25°C ambient temperature. ● Robust Solutions • 65V Absolute Maximum Supply Range • CRC Error Checking on the SPI Interface • Watchdog Timers for Monitoring SPI and SYNCH • Per Channel Overload Diagnostic and Protection • Loss of VDD or GND Protection • Thermal Shutdown Protection • Integrated ±1kV / 42Ω IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Protection • ±7kV / IEC 61000-4-2 Contact Discharge Method • ±30kV / IEC 61000-4-2 Air Discharge Method • -40°C to +125°C Operating Ambient Temperature The device has an SPI interface that can be daisy chained, allowing communication with multiple MAX14917 devices utilizing a common SPI chip select (CS). There are also per-channel overload diagnostics provided through the SPI interface. Two watchdog timers provide an additional safety check of the master-to-device connectivity. The MAX14917 features a 4 x 4 LED cross-bar matrix, which provides a visual indication of channel status and overload conditions for each channel, and an integrated line-to-ground and line-to-line surge protection provides robustness to the electrical stress as per IEC 61000-4-5 and requires only one TVS on VDD. The MAX14917 is available in a compact 48-pin 6mm x 6mm FC2QFN package. Applications ● ● ● ● ● Industrial Digital Outputs PLC Systems Factory Automation Building Automation Industrial IoT ● Reduces Power and Heat Dissipation • 120mΩ (typ) On-Resistance at TA = 25°C • 2.5mA (typ) Supply Current • Accurate Output Current Limiting ● Flexible • SYNCH Input for Simultaneous Update of Switches • LED Driver Matrix for 16 LEDs, Powered from 3.0V to 36V • Internal Clamps for Fast Inductive Load Demagnetization • Daisy Chainable SPI • Flexible Logic Voltage Interface from 2.5V to 5.5V • Pin Compatible with the MAX14915 and MAX14916 in Daisy-Chain Configuration ● Compact 6mm x 6mm FC2QFN Package Ordering Information appears at end of datasheet. 19-100741; Rev 0; 2/20 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Simplified Block Diagram VL VDDOK VA REGEN VDD VDD READY SUPPLY MONITOR DRIVE + MONITOR VA REGULATOR OUT8 EN VDD DRIVE + MONITOR EN SYNCH CONTROL OUT7 EN CRCEN VDD DRIVE + MONITOR COMERR OUT6 EN SPIWD VDD WATCHDOGS SYNCHWD DRIVE + MONITOR MAX14917 OUT5 EN VDD DRIVE + MONITOR CS CLK SERIAL INTERFACE SDI VDD DRIVE + MONITOR SDO FAULT OUT3 EN OVERLOAD DIAGNOSTIC VLED VDD DRIVE + MONITOR LHS1-4 LHS5-8 OUT2 EN LED DRIVERS MATRIX LHF1-4 VDD DRIVE + MONITOR LHF5-8 LL48 LL37 LL26 LL15 EN www.maximintegrated.com OUT4 EN OUT1 GND 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 2 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Absolute Maximum Ratings VDD......................................................................... -0.3V to +65V OUT_ ................................................(VDD - 49V) to (VDD + 0.3V) VA, VL ....................................................................... -0.3V to +6V SDO, READY, COMERR ..............................-0.3V to (VL + 0.3V) REGEN ..................................................................... -0.3V to +6V FAULT ...................................................................... -0.3V to +6V SDI, CS, CLK, EN, SYNCH, CRCEN, SPIWD, SYNCHWD .-0.3V to +6V VLED ....................................................................... -0.3V to +70V LH_, LL_, VDDOK..................................... -0.3V to (VLED + 0.3V) OUT_ Load Current ...........................................Internally Limited Continuous Power Dissipation (Multilayer Board) (TA = +70°C, derate 50mW/°C above +70°C) ......................................3900mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature ....................................................... +150°C Storage Temperature Range ..............................-65°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................... 260°C Note 1: All voltages relative to GND. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Package Information 48 F2CQFN Package Code F486A6F+1 Outline Number 21-100232 Land Pattern Number 90-100077 Thermal Resistance, Four-Layer Board: Junction to Ambient (θJA) 20.5°C/W Junction to Case (θJC) 0.39°C/W (bottom) For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maximintegrated.com/packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a four-layer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to www.maximintegrated.com/thermal-tutorial. Electrical Characteristics (VDD = +10V to +36V, VLED = +3.0V to 36V, VA = +3.0V to +5.5V, VL = +2.5V to +5.5V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = VLED = 24V, VA = 3.3V, TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 36 V DC Characteristics / SUPPLY VDD Supply Voltage VDD VDD Supply Current IDD 10 EN = high, OUT_ switches on, no load, VA and VL supplied externally 3 EN = low 3 9.6 VDD UVLO Rise Threshold VDD_UVLO_R VDD rising VDD UVLO Fall Threshold VDD_UVLO_F VDD falling, OUT_ disabled VDD UVLO Hysteresis VDD_UVLO_H VDD Warn Fall Threshold VDD_WARN_F VDD falling, VDDOK pin set Hi-Z VDD Good Rise Threshold VDD_GOOD_R VDD rising, VDDOK pin set low www.maximintegrated.com 2 19-100741 7.9 12 mA V V 0.35 V 13 V 17 V Maxim Integrated | 3 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VDD = +10V to +36V, VLED = +3.0V to 36V, VA = +3.0V to +5.5V, VL = +2.5V to +5.5V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = VLED = 24V, VA = 3.3V, TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL VDD Good Fall Threshold VDD_GOOD_F VDD Good Hysteresis VDD_GOOD_H CONDITIONS VDD falling MIN VDD rising VDD POR Falling Threshold VDD_POR_F VDD falling 5.6 3.0 VA When VA is supplied externally; REGEN = GND. VA Supply Current IVA EN = high, OUT_ are turned on, no load, no LEDs connected VA Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VA_UV VA Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VA_UVHYST VL Supply Voltage VL IVL VVL_POR V 6.8 VA Supply Voltage VDD = 24V, VA rising 2.45 5.5 V 0.85 mA 2.9 V 0.1 2.5 All logic inputs high or low VL falling 0.87 V V 0.5 VDD = 24V UNITS V 0.4 VDD_POR_R VL POR Threshold MAX 15 VDD POR Rise Threshold VL Supply Current TYP V 5.5 V 13 34 µA 1.32 1.5 V 120 250 mΩ DC Characteristics / SWITCH OUTPUTs (OUT_) On-Resistance ROUT_HS Current Limit ILIM Off Leakage Current ILKG IOUT_ = -600mA 0.7 Switch off, OUT_ = 0V 1 -10 1.3 A +10 µA 3.6 V DC Characteristics / LINEAR REGULATOR Output Voltage VA Current Limit ICL_VA Short Current ISHRT_VA REGEN Threshold VTREGEN REGEN Leakage Current ILK_REGEN REGEN open, CLOAD = 1μF, 0mA < IVA < 20mA 3.0 REGEN open 25 3.3 mA REGEN open, VA = 0V REGEN = 0V 60 mA 0.2 V -50 μA DC Characteristics / LOGIC I/O Input Voltage High VIH Input Voltage Low VIL Input Threshold Hysteresis VIHYS Input Pulldown Resistor RIN_PD Input Pullup Resistor RIN_PU 0.7 x VL V 0.11 x VL V All logic input pins except SYNCH and CS 200 kΩ SYNCH and CS 200 kΩ Output Logic-High (SDO) VOH ILOAD = -5mA Output Logic-Low VOL ILOAD = +5mA www.maximintegrated.com V 0.3 x VL VL - 0.6 V 0.33 19-100741 V Maxim Integrated | 4 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VDD = +10V to +36V, VLED = +3.0V to 36V, VA = +3.0V to +5.5V, VL = +2.5V to +5.5V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = VLED = 24V, VA = 3.3V, TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SDO Output Tristate Leakage SYMBOL IL_SDO CONDITIONS CS = high MIN TYP -1 MAX UNITS +1 µA DC Characteristics / OPEN-DRAIN OUTPUT (FAULT, COMERR, READY, VDDOK) READY Output LogicHigh VODH ILOAD = -5mA Output Logic-Low VODL ILOAD = +5mA Leakage IODL Open-drain output off, VOD = 5.5V VL - 0.6 V 0.33 V -1 +1 µA VVLED 3.0 VDD V VOH_LH VLED 0.3 DC Characteristics / LED Drivers (LH_, LL_) LED Supply Voltage LH Voltage High LH = on, VLED = VDD, IVLED = -5mA LH Off Leakage Current IL_LH LH_ = off, VLED = 0V LL Output Voltage Low VOH_LL LL = on, IVLED = 5mA LL Off Leakage Current IL_LL LL = off, VLED = VDD -1 VCL = VDD - VOUT, IOUT_ = -500mA, OUT_ is off 49 V 5 µA 0.3 V +1 µA DC Characteristics / PROTECTION OUT_ Clamp Voltage Channel Thermal Shutdown Temperature Channel Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis VCL TJSHDN Junction temperature rising. Per channel. TJSHDN_HYST Chip Thermal Shutdown TCSHDN Chip Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis TCSHDN_HYS Temperature rising. T 56 V 150 °C 15 °C 150 °C 10 °C Timing Characteristics / OUT_ Prop Delay LH tPD_LH Delay from rising SYNCH edge to VOUT_ rising to 90%. RL = 48Ω. VDD = 24V. Figure 2 11 30 µs Prop Delay HL tPD_HL Delay from rising SYNCH edge to VOUT_ falling to 10% of VDD, VDD = 24V, RL = 48Ω, Figure 2 11 30 µs Rise Time tR 20% to 80% VDD, VDD = 24V, RL = 48Ω, Figure 2 8 µs Fall Time tF 80% to 20% VDD, VDD = 24V, RL = 48Ω, Figure 2 8 µs Timing Characteristics / GLITCH FILTERS Pulse Length of Rejected Glitch tFPL_GF EN, SYNCH, SPIWD, SYNCHWD, CRCEN 0 Passed Pulse Length tFD_GF EN, SYNCH, SPIWD, SYNCHWD, CRCEN 300 www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 80 ns ns Maxim Integrated | 5 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VDD = +10V to +36V, VLED = +3.0V to 36V, VA = +3.0V to +5.5V, VL = +2.5V to +5.5V, TA = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = VLED = 24V, VA = 3.3V, TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL Glitch Filter Delay Time TYP MAX tD_GF EN, SYNCH CONDITIONS MIN 140 300 tD_GFL SPIWD, SYNCHWD, CRCEN 290 600 UNITS ns Timing Characteristics / WATCHDOG Watchdogs Timeout Accuracy tWD_ACC SPIWD/SYNCHWD = 1 -30 +30 % Timing Characteristics / LED Matrix LED Driver Scan rate FLED Update rate for each LED 1 kHz Timing Characteristics / SPI CLK Clock Period tCH+CL 100 ns CLK Pulse Width High tCH 40 ns CLK Pulse Width Low tCL 40 ns CS Fall to CLK Rise Time tCSS 40 ns SDI Hold Time tDH 10 ns SDI Setup Time tDS 10 ns SDO Propagation Delay tDO SDO Rise and Fall Times tFT CS Hold Time CS Pulse Width High CLOAD = 10pF, CLK falling edge to SDO stable 1 tCSH tCSPW 30 (Note 3) ns ns 40 ns 40 ns EMC ESD Surge Tolerance Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: VESD_C OUT_ to GND, IEC 61000-4-2 Contact Discharge ±7 VESD_A OUT_ to GND, IEC 61000-4-2 Air Discharge ±30 VESD All other pins. Human Body Model (Note 4) ±2 VSURGE OUT_ to GND, IEC 61000-4-5 with 42Ω, TVS on VDD. (Note 5) ±1 kV kV All units are production tested at TA = +25°C. Specifications over temperature are guaranteed by characterization. Specification is guaranteed by design; not production tested. Bypass VDD pin to GND with 1μF capacitor as close as possible to the device for high ESD protection. At typical application value of VDD = 24V with a TVS protection on VDD to GND. www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 6 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch CS tCLK tCSS tCL tCSH tCH tCSPW CLK tDS tDH SDI tDO SDO tFT Figure 1. SPI TIming Diagram SYNCH SYNCH tPD_LH tPD_HL 0.9 VDD OUT_ OUT_ 0.1 VDD ON_ = 1 ON_ = 0 Figure 2. SYNCH to OUT_ Propagation Delay www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 7 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Typical Operating Characteristics (VDD = +24V, REGEN = open, VL = +3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 8 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Pin Configuration MAX14917 28 27 26 25 CRCEN COMERR 30 29 SPIWD CS 31 EN CLK 33 32 VA SDI 35 34 SYNCH FAULT 36 SDO READY TOP VIEW VL 37 24 I.C. GND 38 23 GND OUT8 39 22 OUT4 OUT8 40 21 OUT4 OUT7 41 20 OUT3 OUT7 42 OUT6 43 18 OUT2 OUT6 44 17 OUT2 OUT5 45 16 OUT1 OUT5 46 GND 47 LL48 48 19 OUT3 MA MAX X149 14917 17 15 OUT1 EP 14 GND REGEN 8 9 10 11 12 LHF1-4 LL15 VDDOK 7 LHS5-8 LL26 6 LHF5-8 5 VDD 4 VLED 3 VL 2 SYNCHWD 1 LL37 13 LHS1-4 FC2 FC2QFN QFN 6mm x 6mm Pin Description NAME FUNCTION REF SUPPLY TYPE EP, 8 VDD Supply Voltage, Nominally 24V. Connect all VDD together. Bypass VDD to GND through a 1µF capacitor. GND Supply 29 VA Analog Supply Input. Connect an external 3.0V to 5.5V supply to VA or use the internal linear regulator by leaving REGEN open. Bypass VA to GND through a 1µF ceramic capacitor. GND Supply 5 REGEN VA Regulator Enable Input. Connect REGEN to GND to disable VA regulator. Leave REGEN open to enable the VA regulator, which internally supplies VA with 3.3V. GND Supply 14, 23, 38, 47 GND Ground. Connect all GND pins together. GND GND PIN Power Supply www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 9 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Pin Description (continued) PIN NAME 6, 37 VL 4 VDDOK REF SUPPLY TYPE Logic Supply Input. VL defines the logic levels on all logic interface pins. Bypass VL to GND through a 100nF ceramic capacitor. GND Supply Active-Low, Open-Drain Logic Output for the VDD Supply. VDDOK turns on low when VDD rises above 16V (typ) and turns off when VDD falls below 13V (typ). Connect a LED with a pullup resistor to a voltage between 3.3V and VDD. GND Logic FUNCTION Switch Outputs 15, 16 OUT1 High-Side Switch Output 1 VDD Power 17, 18 OUT2 High-Side Switch Output 2 VDD Power 19, 20 OUT3 High-Side Switch Output 3 VDD Power 21, 22 OUT4 High-Side Switch Output 4 VDD Power 45, 46 OUT5 High-Side Switch Output 5 VDD Power 43, 44 OUT6 High-Side Switch Output 6 VDD Power 41, 42 OUT7 High-Side Switch Output 7 VDD Power 39, 40 OUT8 High-Side Switch Output 8 VDD Power Control Interface 28 EN Enable Logic Input. Drive EN high for normal operation. Drive EN low to disable/three-state all OUT_ drivers. Internal weak pulldown. VL Logic 35 FAULT FAULT Global Diagnostics Open-Drain Output. The FAULT goes low in case of overload or undervoltage conditions. Connect a pullup resistor to VL. VL Logic 33 SYNCH SYNCH Input. All eight output switches are updated simultaneously on the rising edge of SYNCH, as determined by the content of the SPI command. The OUT_ states do not change when SYNCH is held low. When SYNCH is high, the output states change immediately after a new SPI command. SYNCH has a weak pullup. VL Logic 25 CRCEN CRC Enable Select Input. Drive CRCEN high to enable CRC generation and error detection on the serial data. CRC has a weak pulldown. VL Logic 36 READY Open-Drain Output. READY is passive low when the internal logic chip supply and VL I/O supply are both higher than their respective UVLO thresholds, indicating that the part is ready for SPI communication. When the internal register supply falls below the UVLO threshold the OUTs are off and READY transitions active-high. Connect a pulldown resistor to READY. VL Logic 26 COMERR SPI Error Open-Drain Output. The COMERR transistor turns on low when an error occurs during a SPI transaction. Connect a pullup resistor to VL. VL Logic 7 SYNCHWD SYNCH Watchdog Enable Logic Input. Set SYNCHWD high to enable the SYNCH watchdog. VL Logic 27 SPIWD SPI Watchdog Enable Logic Input. Set SPIWD high to enable the SPI watchdog. VL Logic www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 10 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Pin Description (continued) NAME FUNCTION REF SUPPLY TYPE 32 SDI Serial Data Input. SPI MOSI data from controller. SDI has a weak pulldown. VL Logic 34 SDO Serial Data Output. SPI MISO data output to controller. VL Logic 31 CLK Serial Clock Input. CLK has a weak pulldown. VL Logic 30 CS Chip Select Input. CS has a weak pullup. VL Logic PIN Serial Interface LED DRIVER MATRIX 9 VLED Supply for LED Drivers. Apply supply voltage of 3.0V to VDD. 3 LL15 OUTs 1, 5 Status/Fault LED Cathode Output (Open-drain LowSide). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 2 LL26 OUTs 2, 6 Status/Fault LED Cathode Output (Open-Drain LowSide). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 1 LL37 OUTs 3, 7 Status/Fault LED Cathode Output (Open-Drain LowSide). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 48 LL48 OUTs 4, 8 Status/Fault LED Cathode Output (Open-Drain LowSide). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 13 LHS1-4 OUTs 1-4 Status LED Anode Outputs (Open-Drain High-Side). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 12 LHS5-8 OUTs 5-8 Status LED Anode Outputs (Open-Drain High-Side). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. 11 LHF1-4 OUTs 1-4 Fault LED Anode Connections (Open-Drain High-Side). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current 10 LHF5-8 OUTs 5-8 Fault LED Anode Connections (Open-Drain High-Side). Connect a resistor in series to set the LED current. NO CONNECT 24 I.C. www.maximintegrated.com Internally Connected. Do not connect. 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 11 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Detailed Description The MAX14917 is an octal high-side switch. The state of the high-side switches (OUT[1:8]) are set through the SPI interface. The OUT_ high-side switches have an on-resistance of 120mΩ (typ) at 700mA and TA = 25°C, and 250mΩ (max) on-resistance at 700mA and TA = 125°C. Watchdog timers (SPIWD and/or SYNCHWD) monitor SPI and/or SYNCH activity, and automatically turn the OUT_ pins off in case of missing SPI/SYNCH activity when enabled. Global OUT Disable When the EN pin input is low, all OUT_ switches are off independent of the level of the SYNCH input or the ON_ bits in the SPI command (Figure 6). Logic low on the EN pin also allows quick disable of all OUT_ switches in case of emergency. Note: logic high on the EN pin is required for normal operation. Power-Up and Undervoltage Lockout When the VDD, VA, VL, or VINT supply voltages are under their respective UVLO thresholds, all OUT_ switches are off. VINT is an internal supply for the registers and logic that is derived from the VA or VDD supply. When the VDD supply or VA supply rises, the internal logic supply (VINT) rises. If VL and VINT are both above their UVLO thresholds, the chip is ready for communication and the READY pin becomes passive low to indicate that the part is ready to communicate through the SPI interface. When VDD rises above VDD_GOOD_R the VDDOK pin is turned active-low, indicating that the VDD supply is high enough so the OUT_ switches can be operated normally. When VDD falls below 13V (typ) the VDDOK is turned high, but all the OUT_ switches continue operate normally until VDD falls below the VDD_UVLO_F threshold. All OUT_ switches are off until VDD reaches the VDD_GOOD_R threshold again as shown in Figure 3. The READY and VDDOK pins are always active, but the FAULT pin does not signal supply conditions. VDD 24V VDD_GOOD_R APPROXIMATELY 16V VDD_WARN_F APPROXIMATELY 13V OUT_ TURNED ON IF ON_=1 VDD_UVLO_F APPROXIMATELY 8V All OUT_ TURNED OFF t VDDOK Figure 3. VDD Supply Monitoring www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 12 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Watchdog The MAX14917 provides two watchdog timers to monitor activity: one on the SPI interface and the other on the SYNCH pin. SPIWD logic high input enables SPI watchdog functions and the SYNCHWD logic high input enables the SYNCH watchdog function. ● The SPI watchdog timer monitors clock activity on the CLK and inputs. At least one valid SPI cycle must be detected in the watchdog-timeout period. This means that the CLK input must have a multiple of 8 clock-cycles during a low period. ● The SYNCH pin watchdog checks if SYNCH is stuck low. At least a 1µs SYNCH pin high level must be present in the watchdog-timeout period. Driving the SYNCH pin high if SYNCH is not used ensures that the SYNCH watchdog is disabled. If either watchdog criteria is not met, all OUT_ switches are automatically turned off. The watchdog timeout is 1.2s (typ). Note: the FAULT pin does not indicate the watchdog-timeout error. The CMERR bit is visible only on the second byte if CRC is enabled (CRCEN pin is high). If CRC is not enabled, the second byte is not reported and CMERR is not signaled through SPI, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 9. Chip Thermal Protection When the chip temperature rises to above the thermal shutdown threshold of 150°C, the chip enters shutdown protection and all overloaded OUT switches are kept off until chip temperature drops below 140°C. If an overload occurs on the VA regulator or on the LED matrix, i.e., if the chip temperature rises above 165°C due to a short, then the VA regulator and all OUT switches, as well as the LED matrix are shut down to prevent chip damage. In this condition, the FAULT pin output is driven low. All F_ bits in the SPI SDO data stream are set to 1. When the chip temperature then falls by the hysteresis amount, the VA regulator turns on, and the LED matrix and OUT switches are restored to normal operation. Channel Thermal Management Every OUT switch temperature is constantly monitored. If the temperature of a switch rises above the thermal shutdown threshold of 150°C (typ), that OUT_ is automatically turned off for protection. After the temperature drops by 15°C, the OUT_ is turned on again. When an OUT_ turns off due to thermal shutdown, its associated F_ bit in the SDO stream and the FAULT pin is driven low. Current Limiting Each high-side switch features active current limiting. When the load current exceeds 1A (typ), the load current is limited by the high-side switch. If the load current exceeds the current limit, the voltage across the high-side FET switch increases and the temperature of the FET increases in accordance with the FET power dissipation. Increase of the switch temperature generally leads to thermal shutdown of that OUT switch. Lamp Load Turn On Incandescent lamps initially draw high currents while their filament is cold, then this turn-on current reduces as the filament heats up. The MAX14917 automatically detects the presence of a lamps loads. When a lamp load is detected, the overload signaling is masked for a duration of 200ms (typ). www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 13 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch LED Drivers The 4x4 LED driver crossbar matrix offers an efficient configuration for driving up to 16 LEDs as shown in Figure 4. The LEDs are controlled by the MAX14917 autonomously to indicate per-channel status and fault conditions. A channel status LED (SLED) is automatically turned on when the corresponding OUT_ switch is on and there is no fault condition. If a fault is detected, its associated fault LED (FLED) is turned on and its associated status LED (SLED) is automatically turned off. For any OUT_ channel, its SLED and its FLED are never on simultaneously. The fault LEDs signal thermal overload shutdown of the switches and they are stretched by 2s (typ). The LED matrix is powered through the VLED supply input, which can be in the range of the 3.0V (min) up to the VDD field supply voltage. For every current limiting resistor (R) each of the four LEDs in a column string is pulsed for a quarter of the time, so that current only flows through one LED and resistor at any one time. Thus, the resistors (R) determine the LED current through one LED during the pulse. Each LED is pulsed on at a rate of 1kHz (typ) and is on for 25% of the 1ms period. Thus, the average current flowing through a LED that is turned on is about 0.25 x (VLED - VF)/R. VF is the forward voltage of the LED. The resistor value should be chosen according to the LED current/light intensity requirements. VLED MAX14917 LHS1-4 LHS5-8 R LHF1-4 R LHF5-8 R F1 R S1 S5 F5 S2 S6 S3 S7 F3 F7 S4 S8 F4 F8 LL15 F2 F6 LL26 LL37 LL48 Figure 4. LED Matrix Scheme www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 14 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Serial Interface The MAX14917 communicates with the host controller through a high-speed SPI serial interface. The interface has three logic inputs: clock (CLK), chip select (CS), serial data in (SDI), and one data out (SDO). The SDO is three-stated when CS is high. The maximum SPI clock rate is 10MHz. The SPI interface logic complies with SPI clock polarity CPOL = 0 and clock phase CPHA = 0. The basic SPI command is 8 clock cycles and is extended to 16 clocks when CRC is enabled (CRCEN = high). Note: while Figure 1, Figure 6, and Figure 7 show CLK to be low at the beginning of the SPI cycle, on the falling CS edge, the CLK can also be logic high. The MAX14917 ignores the initial CLK logic state and only acts on the first rising CLK edge and samples the first SDI bit. Daisy-Chained SPI Daisy-chained SPI mode allows communication with multiple MAX14917 devices using a common CS signal in one SPI cycle (refer to Figure 5). Figure 6 shows a single SPI cycle without CRC enabled (CRCEN = low) for one device. If the ON_ bit is a 1 the high-side switch is turned on, and if it is 0, the high-side switch is turned off. The F_ bits are per-channel faults. The F_ bits are latched and are, therefore, only cleared on the following SPI cycle if the fault has disappeared before the following SPI cycle. The F_ bits do not go active when a lamp load is detected. In thermal chip shutdown, all F_ bits are set to 1. CRC error detection is supported if the CRCEN pin is high, which lengthens the minimum SPI cycle to 16 CLK clocks per MAX14917. A single SPI command with CRC enabled is shown in Figure 7. CLK CLK MOSI SDI CLK D A T A - I C 1 D A T A - I C 1 D A T A - I C 1 SDO SDI CLK D A T A - I C 2 D A T A - I C 2 D A T A - I C 2 SDO SDI D A T A - I C 3 D A T A - I C 3 D A T A - I C 3 SDO MCU CS CS CS CS MAX14917 MAX14917 MAX14917 MISO Figure 5. Diagram of Three MAX14917 Devices Daisy-Chained www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 15 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch CS CLK SDI X ON8 ON7 ON6 ON5 ON4 ON3 ON2 ON1 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 SDO X Figure 6. Single SPI Command CS CLK SDI X SDO ON8 ON7 ON6 ON5 ON4 ON3 ON2 ON1 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 0 0 0 CRC4 CRC3 CRC2 CRC1 CRC0 F1 CMERR VERR THERR CRC4 CRC3 CRC2 CRC1 CRC0 X HiZ Figure 7. Single SPI Command with CRC Checking of Clocks on the Serial Interface The MAX14917 checks that the number of clock cycles in one SPI cycle (from falling edge of CS to rising edge of CS) is a multiple of 8. The expected number of clocks is scaled according to CRCEN setting. If the number of clock cycles differs from the expected, then the SPI command is not executed and an SPI error is signaled through the COMERR pin. CRC Error Detection on the Serial Interface CRC error detection of the serial data can be enabled to minimize incorrect operation/misinformation due to data corruption of the SDI/SDO signals. If error detection is enabled, then the MAX14917: 1. Performs error detection on the SDI data that it receives from the controller, and 2. Calculates a CRC on the SDO data and appends a check byte to the SDO diagnostics/status data that it sends to the controller. This ensures that both the data that it receives from the controller (OUT_ setting) and the data that it sends to the controller (F_ diagnostic) have a low likelihood of undetected errors. www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 16 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Setting the CRCEN input high enables CRC error detection. A CRC frame check sequence (FCS) is then sent along with each serial transaction. The 5-bit FCS is based on the generator polynomial X5 + X4 + X2 + 1 with CRC starting value = 11111. When CRC is enabled, the MAX14917 expects a check byte appended to the SDI program/configure data that it receives. The check byte has the format shown in Figure 8. The five FCS bits (CR_) are calculated on all the data sent in one SPI command including the three “0” in the MSBs of the check byte. Therefore, the CRC is calculated from 8 bits + 3 bits. CR0 is the LSB of the FCS. The MAX14917 verifies the received FCS. If no error is detected, the MAX14917 sets the OUT_ output switches per the SDI data. If a CRC error is detected, then the MAX14917 does not change the OUT_ outputs, but sets the COMERR logic output low (i.e., the open-drain COMERR NMOS output transistor is turned on). In Figure 9, the format of the check byte that the device appends to the SDO data is shown: the CMERR bit is set when either an SPI or SYNCH watchdog event has occurred; the VERR bit is set if either of the VDD, VA, or internal voltages is below its nominal operational thresholds; and, the THERR bit is set when a chip thermal shutdown event has occurred. The CR_ are the CRC bits that the MAX14917 calculate on the SDO data, including the CMERR, VERR, and THERR bits. This allows the controller to check for errors on the SDO data received from the MAX14917. CS CLK SDI 0 0 0 CRC4 CRC3 CRC2 CRC1 CRC0 HiZ CRC4 CRC3 CRC2 CRC1 CRC0 HiZ Figure 8. FCS Byte Expected from the SPI Master CS CLK SDO CMERR VERR THERR Figure 9. FCS Byte Sent by the MAX14917 to the SPI Master www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 17 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Applications Information Inductive Load Turn-Off Energy Clamping During turn-off of inductive loads, the free-wheel energy is clamped by the internal VCL clamps. This energy must be limited to 150mJ (max) at TJ = +125°C and IOUT_ = -600mA per channel, all channels switching simultaneously. Refer to Figure 10. VDD VCL OUT_ MAX14917 ZL GND Figure 10. Inductive Load Clamping Scheme Surge Protection The MAX14917 has internal protection against ±1kV 42Ω/0.5µF 1.2µs/50µs surges on the OUT_ pins to GND, if the VDD pins are protected with one TVS. Ensure that the peak voltage of the VDD TVS is below 65V. RF Conducted Immunity To ensure that the OUT_ pins do not produce wrong logic conditions while being off, during IEC61000-4-6 RF immunity testing, connect 10nF capacitors at each OUT_ to GND. Reverse Currents into OUT_ If currents flow into the OUT_ pins, the device heats up due to internal currents that flow through the device from VDD to GND. The internal currents are proportional to the reverse current into OUT_. The allowed reverse OUT_ current depends on VDD, the ambient temperature and the thermal resistance. At 25°C ambient temperature, the reverse current into one OUT should be limited to 1A at VDD = 36V and 1.5A at VDD = 24V. Driving higher currents into OUT_ can destroy the device thermally. www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 18 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Typical Application Circuits 16-Channel Isolated High-Side Switch 24V 3.3V 0.1μF 1μF 0.1μF 10k GPIO INT MISO MOSI SAA SCLK GPIO GND VA REGEN VDDOK VDDB VDDA MAX14483 OFAULT IRDY IFAULT ISDO OSDO ISDI OSDI ICS OCS OSCLK IAUX OUT2 OUT3 OUT3 COMERR 10nF FAULT OUT4 SDO OUT4 10nF MAX14917 OUT5 OUT5 SDI 10nF CS OUT6 OUT6 10nF OUT7 SYNCH OUT7 10nF OUT8 OUT8 LHS1-4 LHS5-8 LHF1-4 LHF5-8 LL15 LL48 GNDA OUT2 10nF READY OAUX GNDB OUT1 10nF CLK ISCLK 36V VLED VDD OUT1 SPIWD SYNCHWD MCU CS VL EN 10k VDD 10μF GND 10nF 24V 1μF 10μF VL VA REGEN VDDOK EN OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 COMERR OUT4 MAX14917 SYNCH OUT12 10nF OUT5 OUT13 10nF CS CLK OUT11 10nF FAULT SDI OUT10 10nF READY SDO OUT9 10nF SPIWD SYNCHWD 10k 36V VLED VDD OUT6 OUT14 10nF OUT7 OUT15 10nF OUT8 GND LHS1-4 LHS5-8 LHF1-4 LHF5-8 LL15 LL48 www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 OUT16 10nF Maxim Integrated | 19 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Ordering Information TEMP RANGE PACKAGE TOP MARKING LEAD PITCH MAX14917AFM+ PART -40°C to +125°C 48-Pin F2CQFN (6mm x 6mm) MAX14917AFM 0.4mm MAX14917AFM+T -40°C to +125°C 48-Pin F2CQFN (6mm x 6mm) MAX14917AFM 0.4mm + Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. T = Tape and reel. www.maximintegrated.com 19-100741 Maxim Integrated | 20 MAX14917 Industrial Octal High-Side Switch Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 2/20 DESCRIPTION Initial release PAGES CHANGED — For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/storefront/storefront.html. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2020 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
MAX14917AFM+ 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+ 65.9232 1+ 0
  • 10+ 63.8064 10+ 0
