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    MLX90251EGO-2 - Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor - Melexis Microelectronic Systems

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MLX90251EGO-2 数据手册
MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor Features and Benefits Analog Signal Processing Quad Switched Hall Plate Chopper Stabilized Amplifier Linear Analog Ratiometric Output Voltage Programmable Output Quiescent Voltage (VOQ) -100%VDD…200%VDD Range Programmable Magnetic Sensitivity Programmable Low Pass Filter Programmable Clamping Voltage Programmable Temperature Compensation Melexis ID Number Programmable Customer ID Number Lead-free package Application Examples Linear Position Sensing Rotary Position Sensing Current Sensing Magnetic Field Measurement Ordering Information Part No. MLX90251 MLX90251 Temperature Code E (-40° to 85° C C) L (-40° to 150°C) C E (-40° to 85° C C) Package Code VA (4 Lead SIP) GO (TSSOP14) † Option Code 0, 1, 2, 3 0, 1, 2, 3 †† Example: MLX90251LVA-2 MLX90251EGO-2 † Both package types (VA and GO) are lead-free (see section 15). †† Please see section 10.4 for detailed information on the option code. 1 Functional Diagram Supply 1 2 General Description The MLX90251 is a CMOS Programmable, Ratiometric Linear Hall Effect sensor IC. The linear output voltage is proportional to the magnetic flux density. The ratiometric output voltage is proportional to the supply voltage. The MLX90251 possesses active error correction circuitry, which virtually eliminates the offset errors normally associated with analog Hall Effect devices. All the parameters of the MLX90251 transfer characteristic are fully programmable. The VOQ (VOUT @ B = 0 Gauss), the Sensitivity, the slope polarity, the Output Clamping levels, the thermal Sensitivity drift, the internal bias point and a low-pass filter are all programmable in end-user applications. The MLX90251 has a very stable thermal compensation for both the Sensitivity and the VOQ over a broad temperature range. For traceability purpose the MLX90251 will carry a unique ID number programmed by Melexis and 24 bits of EEPROM memory are allocated for a user programmed serial number. OPA OPA Filter OPA 4 3 2 Program decoder DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC Shift Register EEPROM Figure 1-1 Functional Diagram Pin Out VDD Test VSS (Ground) VOUT NC Table 1: Pin out VA 1 2 3 4 GO 2 3 5 6 1, 4, 7, 8-14 3901090251 Rev 009 DAC Page 1 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor Table of Contents 1 Functional Diagram ........................................................................................................... 1 2 General Description .......................................................................................................... 1 3 Glossary of Terms............................................................................................................. 3 4 Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................. 3 5 Detailed Block Diagram..................................................................................................... 4 5.1 Detailed Description .................................................................................................... 4 6 General Electrical Specifications....................................................................................... 5 7 Programming Range ......................................................................................................... 6 8 Timing Specifications ........................................................................................................ 6 9 Accuracy ........................................................................................................................... 6 10 Programmable Features ................................................................................................. 7 10.1 Output Quiescent Voltage (VOQ)................................................................................ 8 10.2 Thermal VOQ Drift (DRIFT) ........................................................................................ 8 10.3 Sensitivity, Rough Gain and Fine Gain ..................................................................... 8 10.4 Sensitivity Range Selection....................................................................................... 9 10.5 Sensitivity Polarity (INVERT)................................................................................... 11 10.6 Clamping Levels (CLAMPLOW, CLAMPHIGH)....................................................... 11 10.7 Filter (FILTER) ........................................................................................................ 12 10.8 Sensitivity Temperature Compensation (TC, TCW, TC2) ........................................ 12 10.9 Diagnostic Output Level (FAULTLEV)..................................................................... 13 10.10 The EEPROM, Parity, and Melexis CRC .............................................................. 13 10.11 Output Amplifier Configuration (MODE) ................................................................ 13 10.12 Memory Lock (MEMLOCK) ................................................................................... 14 10.13 IC traceability ........................................................................................................ 14 11 Performance Graphs..................................................................................................... 14 12 Applications Information................................................................................................ 15 12.1 Application Circuits – VA-package .......................................................................... 15 12.2 Programming the Sensor ........................................................................................ 16 12.3 Calibration Procedure ............................................................................................. 17 13 Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes ........................................................................................................... 18 14 ESD Precautions........................................................................................................... 18 15 Package Information ..................................................................................................... 19 15.1 VA Package Outline and Hall Plate Position ........................................................... 19 15.2 GO Package Outline ............................................................................................... 20 15.3 GO Pin Out and Marking......................................................................................... 21 15.4 GO Hall Plate Positioning........................................................................................ 21 16 Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................... 22 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 2 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 3 Glossary of Terms mT (milli-Tesla) = Unit of measurement for magnetic flux density. 1mT is equal to 10 Gauss. VOQ (Output Quiescent Voltage) = Output voltage at zero magnetic field, VOUT for B = 0 mT. Sensitivity = Change in output voltage versus change in magnetic field. ∆ VOUT / ∆ B. TempCo (Sensitivity Temperature Compensation) = Change in Sensitivity over temperature. Listed in units of ppm / ° (100ppm / ° = 0.01 % / ° C C. C.). PTC (Programming Through the Connector) = Melexis in circuit programming protocol. MSB = Most Significant Bit. LSB = Least Significant Bit. 4 Maximum Ratings Parameter Maximum Supply Voltage, VDD_MAX (over Voltage) Maximum Supply Current, IDD_MAX (Over Voltage) Reverse Voltage, VDD_REV Reverse Supply Current, IDD_REV Positive Output Voltage, VOUT_MAX Positive Output Current, IOUT_POS_FAULT Reverse Output Voltage, VOUT_REV Reverse Output Current, IOUT_REV_FAULT Operating Ambient Temperature Range, TA Storage Temperature Range, TS Magnetic Flux Density Table 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings Units 30 V 50 mA - 15 V - 85 mA 24 V 40 mA - 0.7 V -50 mA -40°C to 150°C -55°C to 165°C Infinite Note: Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolutemaximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 3 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 5 Detailed Block Diagram Figure 5-1 Detailed Block Diagram 5.1 Detailed Description Integrated on the MLX90251 is a temperature-compensated quad switched Hall plate, chopper stabilized amplifiers, adjustable output filter, output driver, voltage protection circuitry and a programmable EEPROM with security and redundancy. Programming the EEPROM allows each device to be calibrated in the application. In normal operation data stored in the EEPROM feeds a register, RAM, that updates internal DACs and switches that effect the operation of the device. In programming mode the RAM can be directly accessed to allow faster calibration of the parameters. Communication to the device is done using Melexis' PTC serial interface. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 4 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 6 General Electrical Specifications DC operating parameters at VDD = 5V (unless otherwise specified) and for TA as specified by the temperature range (E or L). Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typical Max Units Nominal Supply Voltage VDDNOM 5 V Operating Supply Voltage Nominal Supply Current Supply Current VDD† IDDNOM IDD VOUTPD Output Voltage Swing VOUTPU Output Current Output Short-Circuit Current IOUT IOUTSC+ IOUTSCVOUT1 VDD = VDDNOM VDD = 4.5 … 5.5 V Pull Down Load ≥ 10 k no clamping Pull Up Load ≥ 10 k no clamping VDD = VDDNOM VDD = VDDNOM Output shorted to supply-permanent Output shorted to ground-permanent Broken supply, Pull-down load > 10 k Broken ground, Pull-down load > 10 k Broken supply, Pull-up load > 10 k Broken ground, Pull-up load > 10 k Voltage on VDD 4.5 4.0 3.0 2 5 -1.25 -12 4 0 7.0 5.5 8.0 9.0 96 97 1.25 -4 12 0.5 V mA mA %VDD %VDD mA mA mA %VDD VOUT2 Diagnostic Output Voltage VOUT3 94 96 100 %VDD 0 3 5 %VDD VOUT4 Power on Reset VDD_POR 99.5 1.5 100 3.8 %VDD V Over Voltage Detection VDD_OVD Voltage on VDD 6.5 8.5 V Table 3: Electrical Specifications † The ratiometric output voltage is proportional to the supply voltage. When using the supply voltage as a reference for an A/D converter, fluctuations of ±10% in supply voltage are compensated. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 5 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 7 Programming Range TA programming 20°C to 30° C. Parameter Symbol Output Quiescent Voltage VOQ Sensitivity Output Clamping Voltage Low Output Clamping Voltage High S ClampLo ClampHi 1st Test Conditions AGND = Default AGND = 0…1023 Min -10 -100 2.6 0 0 0 Typical Max 110 200 210 100 100 2300 Units %VDD %VDD mV/mT %VDD %VDD ppm / °C Temperature Compensation TempCo order Table 4: Programming Range Specifications 8 Timing Specifications DC operating parameters at VDD = 5V (unless otherwise specified) and for TA as specified by the temperature range (E or L). Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typical Max Units Power On Delay TPO FILTER = 0, RG = 0 0.4 0.8 ms FILTER = 0, RG = 15 0.6 1.2 ms FILTER = 15, RG = 0 1.1 2.2 ms 10 ms FILTER = 15, RG = 15 5 Step Response Time RG = 0 to 3, FILTER = 0 RG = 4 to 7, FILTER = 0 RG = 8 to 11, FILTER = 0 RG = 12 to 15, FILTER = 0 24 48 100 200 32 64 132 264 µs µs µs µs Table 5: Timing Specifications 9 Accuracy DC operating parameters at VDD = 5V (unless otherwise specified) and for TA as specified by the temperature range (E or L). Parameter Symbol†† Test Conditions Min Typical Max Units VOQ = 2.5V(1), 25° / 150° C C ∆TVOQ Thermal Voq Drift - 0.2 + 0.2 %VDD VOQ = 2.5V(1), 25° / -40° C C - 0.4 + 0.4 %VDD ∆L∆TVOQ Life Time Drift of the Thermal - 0.2 + 0.2 %VDD Voq Drift ∆L∆VOQ Life Time Voq Drift - 0.3 + 0.3 %VDD ∆L∆S Life Time Sensitivity Drift -1 +1 % 0 to 500 ppm / °C ± 100 ppm / ° C Sensitivity Temperature TCs † Coefficient 500 to 1200 ppm / °C ± 150 ppm / ° C 1200 to 2300 ppm / °C ± 200 ppm / ° C ∆TTC ppm / ° C Thermal Drift of Sensitivity VA-package 150 Temperature Compensation GO-package 250 Thermal Drift Output Clamping ∆TVOUTCLAMP - 0.4 + 0.4 %VDD Levels Life Time Drift Output Clamping ∆LVOUTCLAMP - 0.2 + 0.2 %VDD Levels Linearity error Le 0.2 % Table 6: Accuracy Specifications 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 6 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor † Valid for Rough Gain within the specified option code. ∆L = Life Time Drift (based on HTOL data [1000 hours @ 150° C]). ∆T = Thermal Drift. (1) For other test conditions, please contact the Melexis Sales representative of your area. †† 10 Programmable Features The MLX90251 has many programmable features for adjusting the output characteristic. The features are utilized by writing data into the redundant non-volatile EEPROM. Below is a quick list and description of all the programmable parameters. Many of the parameters are set by Melexis and they are not used by the end customer. Later sections of the data sheet give details on how the parameters are used. Parameter Internal Bias Point Analog Clock Choice† Clamping High Clamping Low Customer Offset ID†† Drift† Symbol AGND CKANACH Description Coarse adjustment of VOQ. Adjustment for amplifier clock generator. Number of Bits Default 10 Trimmed 2 10 10 24 4 1 10 4 1 1 1 2 10 4 3 4 1 3 5 6 Preset 512 512 Preset Trimmed 0 0 0 0 0 Preset 0 1 0 Preset Calculated 0 Preset 0 0 0 CLAMPHIGH Adjustment of upper output clamping voltage. CLAMPLOW Adjustment of lower output clamping voltage. CUSTID DRIFT FAULTLEV FG FILTER INVERT MLX_ID MLX_LOCK MODE OFFSET OSCADJ PARITY RG SLOW TCW TC Open bits for customer’s ID programming. VOQ temperature drift compensation. Output state for EEPROM parity error. Fine adjustment for Sensitivity. Adjustment for low pass output filter. Sensitivity polarity selection. Melexis IC identification number. Used to lock Melexis area of the EEPROM. Adjustment for output stage amplifier. Fine adjustment of VOQ. Chip oscillator frequency adjustment. Ensures the integrity of the EEPROM data. Rough adjustment for Sensitivity. Amplifier speed adjustment. Range adjustment for Sensitivity Temperature Compensation. Fine adjustment of Sensitivity Temperature Compensation. EEPROM Fault Level Fine Gain Filter Invert Slope Memory Lock Melexis ID† Melexis Output Lock† Driver† Adjust† MEM_LOCK Used to lock the entire EEPROM. Offset DAC Oscillator EEPROM Parity Rough Gain Slow† Temperature Compensation Window Temperature Compensation TC2 2nd Order Temperature Linearization adjustment of the Sensitivity Compensations Temperature Compensation. Table 7: Programmable Parameters † Melexis parameter adjusted at final test. †† Not included in redundant area of the EEPROM. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 7 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 10.1 Output Quiescent Voltage (VOQ) Two parameters, AGND and OFFSET, are used for adjustment of the VOQ. The AGND is a 10 bit parameter for coarse adjustment of VOQ. It has a resolution of approximately 0.014V and a range of -100%VDD to 200%VDD. The OFFSET is a 10 bit parameter with a resolution of approximately -0.005V. The OFFSET parameter is used for fine adjustment of the VOQ, while the AGND parameter is used to set the range. The large adjustable range allows the MLX90251 to be used in an unipolar magnetic system without limiting the output voltage span. The formula below shows how the AGND and OFFSET parameters combine to set the VOQ.  14.25V   5.0V  VOQ = −0.75V +  ∗ AGND  +  − ∗ OFFSET   1023   1023  VDD =5.00V This formula approximates the typical VOQ of the MLX90251. The actual VOQ formula varies slightly from chip to chip. Melexis calibrates the AGND setting during final test so that the VOQ is approximately 50%VDD with OFFSET set to 512. This gives the VOQ a range of 0%VDD to 100%VDD without adjusting the AGND value. The OFFSET parameter is often used to set the offset in the application's output transfer characteristic. 10.2 Thermal VOQ Drift (DRIFT) The Thermal VOQ Drift is tuned using 4 bits. This parameter, DRIFT, is calibrated for each unit by Melexis C during final test. The value is set to achieve a VOQ accuracy below 10mV over a temperature span of 25° to 150°C. This parameter is not used by the end customer. 10.3 Sensitivity, Rough Gain and Fine Gain The Sensitivity of the MLX90251 is controlled through parameters linked to dedicated internal amplification stages. The parameter Rough Gain (RG), or pre-amplifier, has 4 bits for adjustment of two stages. The two MSB affect the Differential Input Differential Output (DIDO) stage. The two LSB effect the Differential to Single output (DTS) stage. The gain of both the DIDO and DTS are multiplied to get the total RG. The table below shows the theoretical small signal amplifier gain vs. the parameter RG. The pre-amplifier is chopper stabilized and the refresh frequency is adapted automatically to the RG setting to match the chopper gainbandwidth product. Rough Gain (MSB LSB) DIDO DTS Gain 00 (00 00) 16 1.0 16 01 (00 01) 16 1.5 24 02 (00 10) 16 2.33 37 03 (00 11) 16 4.0 64 04 (01 00) 39 1.0 39 05 (01 01) 39 1.5 59 06 (01 10) 39 2.33 91 07 (01 11) 39 4.0 156 08 (10 00) 82 1.0 82 09 (10 01) 82 1.5 123 10 (10 10) 82 2.33 191 11 (10 11) 82 4.0 328 12 (11 00) 205 1.0 205 13 (11 01) 205 1.5 308 14 (11 10) 205 2.33 477 15 (11 11) 205 4.0 820 Table 8: MLX90251 Rough Gain Small Signal Amplifier Gain 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 8 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor The MLX90251 also has an additional stage, Fine Gain, for fine tuning the Sensitivity. The stage (parameter FG) follows the RG and provides a 10 bit adjustment. The small signal gain of the FG is within 1.0 and 2.5. The RG and FG parameters are adjusted in the application to calibrate the device's sensitivity (gain) and output slope transfer characteristic. The function for the fine gain is given in the following equation: Fine Gain = 1 1 − 0.6 * FG 1023 Note. The one bit parameter INVERT is used to fix the “sign” of the sensitivity. A value of 0 makes the Sensitivity positive and the output voltage increases in response to a South magnetic field. A value of 1 makes the Sensitivity negative and the output voltage decreases in response to a South magnetic field. Refer to section 10.5, Sensitivity Polarity, for more information on INVERT. 10.4 Sensitivity Range Selection Each unit is characterized over temperature during final test to optimize its performance and accuracy. To achieve the best possible Sensitivity Temperature Compensation, TempCo, each unit is optimized for use within a specific Sensitivity range. This is represented in the ordering information by the option code. There are four available ranges, option codes 0, 1, 2 and 3. The option code corresponds with the two MSB of the RG parameter. Each device is tested to meet the TempCo specification in the Sensitivity range determined by the RG parameter (RG = 0...3, RG = 4…7, RG = 8…11 or RG = 12…15), regardless of the FG parameter. Option Code Rough Gain Sensitivity Range (mV/mT) 2.6 < S < 15 10 < S < 35 18 < S < 90 50 < S < 210 Typical Magnetic Field Range (mT, BMAX - BMIN) 333 < B < 800 156 < B < 333 62 < B < 156 6 < B < 62 0 0-3 (00 xx) 1 4-7 (01 xx) 2 8-11 (10 xx) 3 12-15 (11 xx) Table 9: Optimized Sensitivity Range The next figures show the typical Sensitivity versus the FG and RG parameters. The gray areas are representative of the chip to chip dispersion (i.e.: for the same RG and FG parameters, the Sensitivity can vary from chip to chip). There is a large overlap between the different ranges for use of one range for applications with large magnetic and/or mechanical dispersions. The Sensitivity graphs and tables can be used to select the right device type for the application. If one is unsure of the applications magnetic design and the desired Sensitivity range Melexis recommends option code 2. The next figures are also representative for the 90251EGO. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 9 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor Figures 10.4-1…10.4-4 Sensitivity versus RG and FG 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 10 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 10.5 Sensitivity Polarity (INVERT) The slope transfer characteristic defines the Sensitivity. The INVERT parameter changes the Sensitivity's polarity, or the slope's direction. This allows the device to accommodate the application requirements and the magnet's polarity. The slope is inverted in the first stage of the IC, at the Hall plate. With INVERT set to 0, the output voltage increases as a South magnetic field is applied and decreases in the presence of a North magnetic field. An INVERT value of 1 causes the output voltage to increase in the presence of a North magnetic field and decrease in the presence of a South magnetic field. The magnetic field polarity is referenced to the field component perpendicular to the top-face of the MLX90251. 10.6 Clamping Levels (CLAMPLOW, CLAMPHIGH) Two independent values, called the clamping levels, can limit the output voltage range or swing. The CLAMPLOW parameter adjusts the minimum output voltage level, ClampLo. The CLAMPHIGH sets the maximum output voltage level, ClampHi. Both parameters have 10 bits of adjustment with a resolution of approximately 0.005V. The formulas below give a close approximation of the output clamp voltage. The actual clamping level formulas vary slightly from chip to chip. If CLAMPLOW exceeds CLAMPHIGH the output voltage is fixed at the high clamp voltage level. The CLAMPHIGH and CLAMPLOW have an initial value of 512, set by Melexis. This results in a fixed output voltage of approximately 50% VDD. ClampLo = ClampHi = 5.10V ∗ CLAMPLOW 1023 V DD = 5.00V 5.10V ∗ CLAMPHIGH 1023 V DD = 5.00V At the point the output voltage switches between the linear operating region and the clamping region the output can deviate slightly. This is represented by the grey areas in the figure below. The limits for deviation in the Y axis are listed in Table 10. The deviation in the X axis is calculated from the application's transfer function. The Clamp Comparator Offset does not affect the output linearity or clamp voltage accuracy. During calibration it is recommended to set the clamp voltage outside of the transition region (0V to 5V). VOUT CLAMP HIGH Linear Operating Region CLAMP LOW Transition Point FIELD Figure 10.6 Output Voltage Clamping Deviation DC operating parameters at VDD = 5V (unless otherwise specified) and for TA as specified by the temperature range (E or L). Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typical Max Units CLAMPOFF Clamp Comparator Offset - 0.7 + 0.7 %VDD Table 10: Clamp Comparator Offset Specification 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 11 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 10.7 Filter (FILTER) The MLX90251 includes two programmable low-pass filters located within the chopper amplifier stages. The two low-pass filters are controlled through a 4 bit parameter, FILTER. The FILTER value 0 corresponds to minimum filtering, maximum speed (impulse response time), and maximum output noise. The value 15 provides the maximum filtering, minimum speed, and minimum output noise. It is important to note the noise is also linked to the gain settings. The FILTER parameter needs to be adjusted to achieve optimal performance. The next table shows typical values the cut-off frequency at -3 dB versus FILTER and RG parameters. FILTER values from 8 to 11 are not used. For most applications FILTER values 7 or 15 are recommended. Cut-off frequency at -3 dB (Hz) – Typical Filter MLX90251-0 MLX90251-1 MLX90251-2 Rough Gain 0…3 Rough Gain 4…7 Rough Gain 8…11 0 22900 14300 7000 1 19500 11450 5550 2 12300 10000 3000 3 10400 6750 2100 4 7450 3900 1500 5 5850 2900 1125 6 5700 2700 1350 7 5050 2550 1380 8 Not used 9 Not used 10 Not used 11 Not used 12 2200 840 565 13 1000 480 470 14 920 380 290 15 800 330 250 Table 11: Cut-off Frequency versus FILTER and RG Parameters MLX90251-3 Rough Gain 12…15 3850 2950 2300 1100 850 860 715 650 250 190 155 135 10.8 Sensitivity Temperature Compensation (TC, TCW, TC2) The change in the device's Sensitivity versus temperature is defined as the Sensitivity Temperature Compensation, TempCo. In an application the slope output transfer characteristic is often affected by temperature. Fluctuations in temperature can cause variations in the air gap, mechanical alignment and magnetic field. The Sensitivity Temperature Compensation feature compensates for these effects. Three parameters, TC, TCW, TC are used for adjustment of the TempCo. The TCW is used to adjust the 2 TempCo range, TC is for fine adjustment of the TempCo value, and TC effects the TempCo linear response. To simplify use of these parameters Melexis stores a look up table within the EEPROM of each device. The look up table is optimized for each device by characterizing the unit over temperature at final test. The value of TempCo is often determined by the magnet. In the application the TempCo is adjusted to compensate for the temperature coefficient of the magnet. To adjust the value the look up table is read from the device. The parameters are then calculated to match the desired value. The Melexis PTC hardware and software tools contain built in functions for programming the TempCo. 2 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 12 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor TempCo Range (ppm / ° C) 0 to 500 500 to 1200 1200 to 2000 Table 12: TempCo Accuracy Accuracy (ppm / ° C) ± 100 ± 150 ± 200 Note: The budget error of the whole system, the compensation mismatch (system Vs. IC) tolerance should be taken into consideration during the design. Table 11 is valid for Rough Gain within the specified option code. See section 10.4 for information on selecting the option code. 10.9 Diagnostic Output Level (FAULTLEV) The MLX90251 EEPROM memory content is secured through a parity check. This self-diagnostic feature brings the output to a defined range in case of a parity error. The parameter, FAULTLEV, is used to define the parity error diagnostic state. With the FAULTLEV set to 0 a parity error event will result in an output diagnostic voltage low. With the FAULTLEV set to 1 a parity error event will result in an output diagnostic voltage high. To get rid of the output load influence the output diagnostic voltage level can be fixed to either Ground (to be used with pull-down load) or VDD (to be used with pull-up load). Melexis PTC software and hardware tools have built in functions for calculating and programming the parity. Note: The MLX90251 EEPROM is also redundant. Each parameter bit is written in three separate cells and a “majority voting” is applied to determine its status. A parity error is detected only if two out of the three cells unexpectedly change state. The bits available for the customer ID are not redundant. 10.10 The EEPROM, Parity, and Melexis CRC The memory cells of the EEPROM are arranged in a table of four columns and one hundred twenty eight rows. This configuration gives redundancy to the parameters stored in the EEPROM. Each parameter bit is written in three separate cells in an individual row. A majority voting applied to the three cells determines the logic status of the bit. A parameter bit only toggles state in error if two out of three memory cells, within a row, unexpectedly change. If this happens the feature, PARITY, forces the output voltage to the FAULTLEV diagnostic level. This ensures the device does not operate with a critical memory fault. The remaining memory cells are used for data storage. The status of these cells does not effect the device operation. For example the Customer ID, CUSTID, is stored in this area. Melexis stores the device ID information, TempCo look-up table and CRC bits in the extra cells. The CRC bits ensure the integrity of the Melexis data. Note: To avoid parity and CRC errors, the entire contents of the EEPROM must be read before programming. Melexis PTC software and hardware tools have built in functions for reading the EEPROM and handling parity. 10.11 Output Amplifier Configuration (MODE) The output buffer can be configured to accommodate capacitive loads and improve the saturation voltage (output swing). The two bit parameter, MODE, sets the current capacity of the output amplifier. Melexis sets this parameter to 1 at final test. This parameter is not used by the end customer. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 13 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 10.12 Memory Lock (MEMLOCK) The Memory Lock feature prevents the device from entering programming mode and from any changes to the EEPROM. The entire EEPROM is locked by setting the MEMLOCK parameter to 1. This should be the last parameter set in the application. 10.13 IC traceability A unique ID number is programmed into the EEPROM of every IC. The ID number gives Melexis additional traceability to better service its customers. The ID number is composed of the lot number, wafer number, and wafer coordinates (X and Y). Memory is also available for the customer to add a serial number of the product or any other data. 11 Performance Graphs Typical IDD VS VDD 60 8.5 Typical I DD VS VDDNOM 40 Over Voltage V DDNOM Under Voltage 8 7.5 20 7 IDD (mA) I DD (mA) 150°C -40°C 25°C -10 0 10 20 30 0 6.5 -20 6 -40 5.5 -60 150°C -40°C 25°C 4 4.5 5 VDD (Volts) 5.5 6 5 -80 4.5 VDD (Volts) Figure 11-1…11-2 IDD Versus VDD 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 14 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 12 Applications Information 12.1 Application Circuits – VA-package Pin 2, TEST, is not used in applications. For EMC protection it is recommended to connect pin 2 to pin 3, Ground, as close as possible to the device pins. The values for capacitors, C1 and C2, can be adjusted to satisfy ESD and EMC requirements according to the environment. Ceramic capacitors are recommended for use in the application. However for stable operation, the global output capacitor (C2 + C3) should not be higher than 150nF.If higher capacitors (due to special ESD or EMC requirements) or special circuit configurations are requested, please contact Melexis. The MLX90251 can operate with a high impedance load and C2, a load resistor is not required. Figures 12.1-1…12.1-2 Application Circuits A voltage of 9V is required on VDD for programming. All additional components connected to VDD must be able to withstand the voltage. The MLX90251 is designed for operation with a stable 5V supply. If fast voltage transients occur additional filtering may be required. Similar Application Circuit can be used when using the GO-package by taking into account the dedicated pinout. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 15 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 12.2 Programming the Sensor To program the MLX90251 connection to VDD, GND, and VOUT is required. The device is placed into program mode by increasing the supply voltage to the VDD program level. In program mode data is clocked into the device through the output pin using the Melexis tri-level PTC protocol. The clock and data are integrated into one serial data stream, eliminating the need for a dedicated clock signal. The data is clocked at the leading edge of each bit. Figure 12.2-1 VDD Programming Level 5.0V 2.5V 0V VOUT Program Wave Form Device Decoded Clock Device Decoded Data X 1 X 0 X Figure 12.2-2 Tri-Level PTC Note: External capacitors and resistors will effect the rise and fall times for the programming waveforms. Program pulse timings may require adjustment for the application. The device can not be programmed if MEMLOCK equals 1. The EEPROM contents can be read from the device. This procedure, known as a read back, is done by sending a read command and then measuring the supply current. To successfully read the EEPROM it must be possible to measure the supply current to the device. The Melexis PTC hardware and software tools contain built in functions for reading the EEPROM. The MLX90251 can be programmed by using the PTC-04 programmer and the dedicated software tools. The timing and voltage levels are controlled through the programming hardware and software. Further details can be found in the MLX90251 software documentation. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 16 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 12.3 Calibration Procedure The programmable features of the device allow for calibration within the application. This section gives general information for a two point calibration procedure. The two point calibration is the most common however, it is possible to adapt other procedures. 1.) The first step in the calibration procedure is to initialize the device. This is done by establishing communication and reading the contents of the EEPROM. 2.)The second step is to set the TempCo and FILTER settings. 3.) Step three is the evaluation of position one. During this step the output voltage is measured with initial values for RG, FG and OFFSET. 4.) Step four is the evaluation of position two. During this step, the output voltage is measured with the same values from step 3. From the measurements it is possible to calculate the slope and offset error. Next the output slope transfer characteristic versus FG and RG is interpolated. With this information the initial settings are adjusted and the output voltage is measured again. 5.) Step five is the final check and adjustment. At this stage small corrections are made to the OFFSET and FG parameters. Next, the output clamping parameters, CLAMPHIGH and CLAMPLOW, are determined. 6.) The sixth step is the program phase. Now that all the parameters are determined and the application requirements are satisfied, the settings are programmed into the EEPROM. 7.) The final step, seven, is the lock and verify step. Here the customer can perform any number of additional measurements and verify the EEPROM contents. After this is completed the MEMLOCK is set and the EEPROM is locked, preventing any further programming. Note: EEPROM verification is done by reading the contents of the EEPROM and comparing it to the data written. It is possible to read the EEPROM contents regardless of the status of MEMLOCK. The Melexis PTC software tools contain built in functions and procedures for calibrating the MLX90251. Please refer to the software documentation for more information on how to use the calibration tools. The output of the MLX90251 is ratiometric. To avoid calibration errors from fluctuations in the supply voltage, the output voltage should be measured as a percentage of the supply voltage. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 17 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 13 Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes Our products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity level according to following test methods: Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) • • IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices (classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2) EIA/JEDEC JESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing (reflow profiles according to table 2) Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • • EN60749-20 Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and soldering heat EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Iron Soldering THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Solderability SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21 Solderability For all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests have to be agreed upon with Melexis. The application of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of adhesive strength between device and board. Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website: http://www.melexis.com/quality.asp 14 ESD Precautions Electronic semiconductor products are sensitive to Electro Static Discharge (ESD). Always observe Electro Static Discharge control procedures whenever handling semiconductor products. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 18 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 15 Package Information VA-package: the lead-free VA-package is released for MSL1/245°C. TSSOP14-package (GO-package): the lead-free TSSOP14-package is released for MSL3/260° C. 15.1 VA Package Outline and Hall Plate Position 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 19 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 15.2 GO Package Outline 0.65 TYP 12O TYP 0.20 TYP 1.0 DIA 4.30 4.50** 6.4 TYP 0.09 MIN 0.09 MIN 1.0 0.50 0.75 1.0 TYP 0O 8O 12O TYP 1.0 4.90 5.10* 0.85 0.95 0.09 0.20 1.1 MAX 0.19 0.30*** NOTES: 0.05 0.15 All dimensions are in millimeters (anlges in degrees). * Dimension does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs (shall not exceed 0.15 per side). ** Dimension does not include interleads flash or protrusion (shall not exceed 0.25 per side). *** Dimension does not include dambar protrusion. Allowable dambar protrusion shall be 0.08 mm total in excess of the dimension at maximum material condition. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius of the foot. 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 20 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 15.3 GO Pin Out and Marking 15.4 GO Hall Plate Positioning 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 21 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06 MLX90251 Programmable Linear Hall Effect Sensor 16 Disclaimer Devices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical lifesupport or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by Melexis for each application. The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interrupt of business or indirect, special incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. © 2006 Melexis NV. All rights reserved. For the latest version of this document, go to our website at www.melexis.com Or for additional information contact Melexis Direct: Europe, Africa, Asia: Phone: +32 1367 0495 E-mail: sales_europe@melexis.com America: Phone: +1 603 223 2362 E-mail: sales_usa@melexis.com ISO/TS 16949 and ISO14001 Certified 3901090251 Rev 009 Page 22 of 22 Data Sheet Nov/06
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