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    MLX90255KUC-BCR - Linear Optical Array - Melexis Microelectronic Systems

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MLX90255KUC-BCR 数据手册
MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array Features and Benefits 128 x 1 Sensor-Element Organization (1 Not Connected, 1 dummy, 128 real, 1 dummy and 1 Dark Pixel) 385 Dots-Per-Inch (DPI) Sensor Pitch High Linearity and Uniformity for 256 Gray-Scale (8-Bit) Applications High Sensitivity: 2.0V @ 10µW/cm² @ 0.7ms integration time for open cavity devices 1.7V @ 10µW/cm² @ 0.7ms integration time for glass lid devices Special Gain Compensation for use with single LED light source Output Referenced to Ground Low Image Lag Single 5V Supply Replacement for TAOS, Inc. TSL1301 & TSL1401 and MLX90255BA Operation to 800kHz Applications Linear Position Encoder Rotary Position Encoder Steering Torque and Angle Sensing (EPAS, ESP) Spectrometer Applications Bio-metrical Applications OCR and Barcode Applications Ordering Information Part No. MLX90255 MLX90255 Temperature Suffix K (-40°C to 125°C) K (-40°C to 125°C) Package Code XA (SOIC-24 without glass) UC (Die on wafer (un-sawn)) Option code -BCR -BCV 1. Functional Diagram Pixel 1 Integrator Reset Pixel 2 Pixel 132 VDD 2. Description 4 Analog OUT 3 Sample Switching Logic External Load Hold Q1 132-Bit Shift Register Q2 Q132 2 1 5 The MLX90255BC linear sensor array consists of a 128 x 1 array of photodiodes, associated charge amplifier circuitry and a pixel data-hold function that provides simultaneous-integration start and stop times for all pixels. The pixels measure 200µm (H) by 66 µm (W). Operation is simplified by internal control logic that requires only a serial-input (SI) signal and a clock. The sensor consists of 128 photodiodes arranged in a linear array. Light energy falling on a photodiode generates photocurrent, which is integrated by the active integration circuitry associated with that pixel. During the integration period, a sampling capacitor connects to the output of the integrator through an analog switch. The amount of charge accumulated at each pixel is directly proportional to the light intensity and the integration time. The output and reset of the integrators is controlled by a 132-bit shift register and reset logic. An output cycle is initiated by clocking in a logic 1 on SI. (continued on page 5) Page 1 of 12 Nov/05 CLK 390109025503 Rev. 001 GND SI MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES AND BENEFITS ....................................................................................................................... 1 APPLICATIONS............................................................................................................................................ 1 ORDERING INFORMATION......................................................................................................................... 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM................................................................................................................... 1-1 DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................... 2-1 MLX90255BC ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ....................................................................................................... 5 COSINE CORRECTION ........................................................................................................................ 6 PERFORMANCE GRAPHS................................................................................................................... 7 8. STANDARD INFORMATION REGARDING MANUFACTURABILITY OF MELEXIS PRODUCTS WITH DIFFERENT SOLDERING PROCESSES .......................................................................................... 8 9. ESD PRECAUTIONS............................................................................................................................. 8 10. PACKAGE INFORMATION................................................................................................................... 9 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. MLX90255KXA-BCR (SOIC-24 WITHOUT GLASS) PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ..............................................9 XA (SOIC-24 WITHOUT GLASS) PIN DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................10 MLX90255KUC-BCV (WAFER POLYIMIDE) ...........................................................................................11 11. DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................................... 12 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 2 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 3. MLX90255BC Electrical Specifications DC Operating Parameters TA = -40oC to 125oC, VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Supply voltage Input voltage High-level input voltage Low-level input voltage Hysteresis on SI and CLK Wavelength of light source Clock frequency Sensor integration time below 60°C (1) Sensor integration time (full temperature range) (2) Pixel charge transfer time (full temp range) Setup time, serial input Hold time, serial input (3) Operating free-air temperature Clock pulse duration (high) Clock pulse duration (low) Fclock Tint Tint Tqt Tsu(SI) Th(SI) Ta Tw(H) Tw(L) Vdd Vi Vih Vil 4.5 0 Vdd*0.7 0 0.2 400 64 0.125 0.125 8 350 160 -40 625 625 125 0.4 5 5.5 Vdd Vdd Vdd*0.3 0.8 1000 800 100 2 V V V V V nm kHz ms ms µs ns ns °C ns ns Notes: (1) Reset until clock pulse 18 (on declining flank). Minimum integration time = (133-18) * CLK period + 10µs (this is the time the S&H cap needs to follow). At 1MHz clock speed, the minimum integration time becomes 0.125ms. (2) At 125°C, the integration time should be limited to 2ms. (3) The SI pulse must go low before the rising edge of the next clock pulse. 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 3 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array MLX90255BC Electrical specifications All tests are made with 0.7ms integration time at 25°C at 880nm and with a clock speed of 500kHz in, 250kHz out, and 500kHz, unless otherwise specified in the Test Conditions. 100% light under Test Conditions means that the light is set in such a way that there is 2.4V at the output of the chip. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Sensitivity for devices with glas lid Sensitivity At 25°C Sensitvity for open devices Polyimide Wafer Illumination (1) Average analog output (1) Average analog output Average analog output Highest Dark Pixel Non Linearity Pixel Response Non Uniformity (2) Pixel Interaction Test (3) Noise Level (4) Hold spec, same as PRNU Output Settling Time Array Lag (5) Dark Signal Non Uniformity (6) Analog Output Saturation Change in sensitivity with Temperature at 880nm (7) Operating Free Temp Supply Current (8) Idd -40 2 5 Illum100 At 25°C, 2.4V at output 0.135 0.14 0.14 0.151 0.16 0.176 14 2.4 0 0 0.15 0.40 0.3 1.4 0.8 ±0.5% ±4.0% 5% 3 ±4.0% 450 0.5% 80 140 3.0 0.3 125 8 120 440 6 ±8.5% 750 ±1.2% ±8.5% 0.179 0.19 0.21 W/cm² V V V V FS FS FS mV (RMS) FS ns FS mV mV V %/°C °C mA V/ W/ cm2 VaoLight At 25°C, 100% light Initial offset At 25°C, 0% light VaoDark At 125°C, 0% light Vaodarkmax At 125°C, 0.25ms integration time Nlao1 PRNU PIT Vn PRNUH Ts Alag DSNU All Temp All Temp, 100% light AT 25°C All Temp All Temp, 100% light, 62.5kHz All Temp At 25°C At 25°C At 125°C All Temp (0) After power on, the first integration scan is not guaranteed correct. This scan is needed for initializing digital levels on chip. After a SI and 133 proper CLK signals, the system is fully initialized and all further scans are valid. The next SI will provide a valid scan. (1) Absolute Light measurements are very test-setup dependent and should be regarded with caution. Relative measurements are possible with ±1% accuracy. (2) PRNU is defined as the worst case deviation of any PixelValue (pixel 3 till 130) to the average light value. PixelValue = (Vout of a pixel at 100% light – Vout of same pixel at 0% light) The MLX90255BC has a cosine shaped gain: external pixels have 15% more gain than middle pixels. (3) PIT = (Vout of pixel 132 @ 10µW – Vout of pixel 132 @0µW) / (Vaverage @10µW – Vaverage @10µW) (4) Noise: We compare 5 different measurements, normalize them and then take the RMS value. (5) Array Lag is defined as: (Vaverage 0µW1 Vaverage 0µW2) / ((Vaverage 10µW Vaverage 0µW2). Where 0µW1 is a 0% light level, 1ms after a 100% light level. (there can still be some light effects). 0µW2 is a 0% light level, 10ms after a 100% light level, which should be a true dark reference. (6) DSNU is defined as: (max Vout of pixel I @ 0% light) - (min Vout of pixel j @ 0% light) for pixels 3 thru 130 (7) Sensitivity always increases with rising temperature. (8) Idd is measured with Rload disconnected from the output pin. 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 4 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 4. General Description (continued from page 1) This causes all 132 sampling capacitors to be disconnected from their respective integrators and starts an integrator reset period. As the SI pulse is clocked through the shift register, the charge stored on the sampling capacitors is sequentially connected to a charge-coupled output amplifier that generates a voltage on the analog output AO. Two dummy pixel values are shifted out first, then the 128 actual pixel bits, followed by two additional dummy pixel bits, for a total of 132 data bits. Although there are only 132 pixels, 133 clock pulses are necessary for a complete shift out. The final pulse is used to reinitialize the shift register. The integrator reset period ends 18 clock cycles after the SI pulse is clocked in. So the lightth integration starts after the 18 CLK pulse. The light-integration ends at the next SI pulse. th Between the end of the 133 clock pulse and the next SI pulse, a minimum time of 10µs is necessary for an effective S&H function. So the minimum integration time of the MLX90255BC is (133 -18) * Ts + 10µs and thus dependent on clock speed. (Ts = clock period) After the 132 data bits are clocked out, the output becomes high impedance. (see figure) The AO is driven by a source follower that requires an external pulldown resistor. (typically 330Ω) The output is nominally 125mV for no light input and 2.4V for a nominal full-scale output. The pixel gain is 15% bigger at the edges than in the middle (cosine correction) in order to get a flat output when illuminating the device with a single LED light source (see also Section 6). optical linear and rotary encoding. The MLX90255BC is a replacement for the Texas Instruments' TSL1301 and TSL1401 parts. 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage, Vdd Digital Input Current Range Operating Free-Air temperature range, Ta Storage temperature range, Tstg ESD Sensitivity (Human Body Model according to CDF-AECQ100-002) +7V -20 to 20 mA -40°C to 125°C (automotive compliant optical package) -40°C to 125°C 2kV Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum -rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The MLX90255BC is intended for use in a wide variety of applications, including: image scanning, mark and code reading, optical character recognition (OCR) and contact imaging, edge detection and positioning, and 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 5 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 6. Cosine Correction W hen using a single LED light source, which is placed above the middle of the die, the light intensity that falls onto the outer pixels is lower than the light intensity that falls onto the middle pixels (due to the distance die-LED, the shape of the LED light emission and the sensitivity of pixels vs. angle of incident light). To compensate for these effects, each pixel in the array has a slightly different gain correction with respect to the centre of the array. For a light source to photodiode array distance of 15mm the relative pixels sensitivities are shown in the table below. Pixel number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 Relative Pixel Sensitivity 1.1703 1.1649 1.1596 1.1544 1.1493 1.1442 1.1393 1.1345 1.1298 1.1251 1.1206 1.1161 1.1117 1.1074 1.1032 1.0991 1.0951 Pixel number 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 Relative Pixel Sensitivity 1.0912 1.0874 1.0836 1.0799 1.0764 1.0729 1.0695 1.0661 1.0629 1.0598 1.0567 1.0537 1.0508 1.0480 1.0453 1.0426 1.0400 Pixel number 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 Relative Pixel Sensitivity 1.0376 1.0352 1.0328 1.0306 1.0284 1.0263 1.0243 1.0224 1.0206 1.0188 1.0171 1.0155 1.0140 1.0126 1.0112 1.0099 1.0087 Pixel number 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 Relative Pixel Sensitivity 1.0076 1.0066 1.0056 1.0047 1.0039 1.0031 1.0025 1.0019 1.0014 1.0010 1.0006 1.0003 1.0002 1.0000 1.0000 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 6 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 7. Performance Graphs Typical Photodiode Spectral Response Curve (%), without Anti Reflection Coating* *There is also an option for an Anti Reflection Coating. This will remove the interference ripples in the figure above. With this special Anti Reflection Coating, the sensitivity curve in function of wavelength will be somewhat lower (typically 4%) but will no longer display interference ripples. MLX90255 Timing Diagram High impedance 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 7 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 8. Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes Our products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity level according to following test methods: Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) • IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices (classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2) EIA/JEDEC JESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing (reflow profiles according to table 2) • Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • • EN60749-20 Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and soldering heat EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Iron Soldering THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Solderability SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) • EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21 Solderability For all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests have to be agreed upon with Melexis. The application of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of adhesive strength between device and board. Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website: http://www.melexis.com/quality.asp 9. ESD Precautions Electronic semiconductor products are sensitive to Electro Static Discharge (ESD). Always observe Electro Static Discharge control procedures whenever handling semiconductor products. 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 8 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 10. Package Information 10.1. MLX90255KXA-BCR (SOIC-24 without glass) package dimensions A = 200um pixel height B = 132 x 66um = 8712um, mid 128 pixels are usefull pixels C = 3.53 +/- 0.13 (tolerance is indicated on the drawing as 0.26 in absolute deviation) D = 4.92 +/- 0.13 (tolerance in again indicated on the drawing as 0.26 in absolute deviation) 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 9 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 10.2. XA (SOIC-24 without glass) Pin Description Pin 5 6 Sym bol SI CLK Description Serial Input. Si defines the start of the data-out sequence Clock. CLK controls the charge transfer, pixel output and reset (together with SI) Analog Output Supply voltage, for both analog and digital circuits Ground (substrate). All Vss Pins are referenced to the substrate. 7 8 3,4,9,10, 15,16,21,22 A0 Vdd Vss 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 10 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 10.3. MLX90255KUC-BCV (Wafer Polyimide) Die on wafer (unsawn) with polyimide passivation. • • Advantages: Extra adhesion by polyimide layer Disadvantages: The sensitivity of a wafer with polyimide layer is ~20% less than on a normal wafer without this layer Light Transmission Properties of Polyimide Layer Method of Measurement: • Testwafer with AlSiCu + Passivation Layer • Measure of absolute Reflectance with NANOSPEC about maximal wavelength area 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 11 of 12 Nov/05 MLX90255-BC Linear Optical Array 11. Disclaimer Devices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by Melexis for each application. The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interrupt of business or indirect, special incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. © 2005 Melexis NV. All rights reserved. For the latest version of this document, go to our website at www.melexis.com Or for additional information contact Melexis Direct: Europe, Africa, Asia: Phone: +32 1367 0495 E-mail: sales_europe@melexis.com America: Phone: +1 603 223 2362 E-mail: sales_usa@melexis.com ISO/TS 16949 and ISO14001 Certified 390109025503 Rev. 001 Page 12 of 12 Nov/05
MLX90255KUC-BCR 价格&库存

