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DSP1A-DC24V-F 数据手册
Automation Controls Catalog 1a 8A, 1a1b/2a 5A small polarized power relays 3. High sensitivity Using the same type of highperformance polar magnetic circuits as DS relays, by matching the spring load to the magnetic force of attraction, greater sensitivity has been achieved. The resultant pick up sensitivity of about 190 mW makes possible direct driving of transistors and chips. 4. High breakdown voltage Breakdown voltage has been raised by keeping the coil and contacts separate. Between contact and coil 3,000 Vrms for 1 min. 5,000 V surge breakdown voltage Protective construction: Sealed type FEATURES 1. Compact with high contact rating Even with small 10 mm .394 inch (H) x 11 mm .433 inch (W) x 20 mm .787 inch (L) (dimensions, high capacity switching is provided: 1a, 8 A 250 V AC; 2a and 1a1b, 5 A 250 V AC. 2. High switching capability High contact pressure, low contact bounce, and wiping operation improve resistance to weld bonding. Resistant against lamp load and dielectric loading: 1a achieves maximum switching capacity of 2,000 VA (8A 250 V AC). DSP RELAYS TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 1. Office and industrial electronic devices 2. Terminal devices of information processing equipment, such as printer, data recorder 3. Office equipment (copier, facsimile) 4. Measuring instruments 5. NC machines, temperature controllers and programmable logic controllers Between contacts 1,000 Vrms for 1 min. 1,500 V surge breakdown voltage Conforms with FCC Part 68 5. Latching types available 6. Wide variation Three types of contact arrangement are offered: 1a, 2a, and 1a1b. In addition, each is available in standard and reversed polarity types. 7. Sealed construction allows automatic washing 8. Complies with safety standards Complies with Japan Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law requirements for operating 200 V power supply circuits, and complies with UL, CSA, and TÜV safety standards. 9. Sockets are available ORDERING INFORMATION DSP Contact arrangement 1a :1 Form A 1 :1 Form A 1 Form B 2a : 2 Form A Operating function Nil:Single side stable L2:2 coil latching Nominal coil voltage(DC) Polarity 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 24 V Nil:Standard polarity R :Reverse polarity Contact material • AgSnO2 type F :1 Form A 1 Form B Nil:1 Form A, 2 Form A Notes:1. Reverse polarity types available(add suffix-R) 2. Certified by UL, CSA and TÜV 2019.03 industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 1 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB180E 201903 DSP TYPES Contact arrangement 1 Form A 1 Form A 1 Form B 2 Form A Nominal coil voltage 3V DC 5V DC 6V DC 9V DC 12V DC 24V DC 3V DC 5V DC 6V DC 9V DC 12V DC 24V DC 3V DC 5V DC 6V DC 9V DC 12V DC 24V DC Single side stable Part No. DSP1a-DC3V DSP1a-DC5V DSP1a-DC6V DSP1a-DC9V DSP1a-DC12V DSP1a-DC24V DSP1-DC3V-F DSP1-DC5V-F DSP1-DC6V-F DSP1-DC9V-F DSP1-DC12V-F DSP1-DC24V-F DSP2a-DC3V DSP2a-DC5V DSP2a-DC6V DSP2a-DC9V DSP2a-DC12V DSP2a-DC24V 2 coil latching Part No. DSP1a-L2-DC3V DSP1a-L2-DC5V DSP1a-L2-DC6V DSP1a-L2-DC9V DSP1a-L2-DC12V DSP1a-L2-DC24V DSP1-L2-DC3V-F DSP1-L2-DC5V-F DSP1-L2-DC6V-F DSP1-L2-DC9V-F DSP1-L2-DC12V-F DSP1-L2-DC24V-F DSP2a-L2-DC3V DSP2a-L2-DC5V DSP2a-L2-DC6V DSP2a-L2-DC9V DSP2a-L2-DC12V DSP2a-L2-DC24V Standard packing: Carton: 50 pcs.; Case: 500 pcs. Note: Reverse polarity type are manufactured by lot upon receipt of order. * Sockets available. RATING 1.Coil data • Operating characteristics such as ‘Operate voltage’ and ‘Release voltage’ are influenced by mounting conditions, ambient temperature, etc. Therefore, please use the relay within ± 5% of rated coil voltage. • ‘Initial’ means the condition of products at the time of delivery. 1) Single side stable Nominal coil voltage 3V DC 5V DC 6V DC 9V DC 12V DC 24V DC Pick-up voltage (at 20°C 68°F) Drop-out voltage (at 20°C 68°F) 80%V or less of nominal voltage (Initial) 10%V or more of nominal voltage (Initial) Nominal coil voltage Set voltage (at 20°C 68°F) Reset voltage (at 20°C 68°F) 3V DC 5V DC 6V DC 9V DC 12V DC 24V DC 80%V or less of nominal voltage (Initial) 80%V or less of nominal voltage (Initial) Nominal operating current [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) 100 mA 60 mA 50 mA 33.3mA 25 mA 12.5mA Coil resistance [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) 30Ω 83Ω 120Ω 270Ω 480Ω 1,920Ω Nominal operating power Max. applied voltage (at 20°C 68°F) 300mW 130%V of nominal voltage 2) 2 coil latching Nominal operating current [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) Set coil Reset coil 100 mA 100 mA 60 mA 60 mA 50 mA 50 mA 33.3mA 33.3mA 25 mA 25 mA 12.5mA 12.5mA Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 2 Coil resistance [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) Set coil 30Ω 83Ω 120Ω 270Ω 480Ω 1,920Ω Reset coil 30Ω 83Ω 120Ω 270Ω 480Ω 1,920Ω Nominal operating power Set coil Reset coil 300mW 300mW © Panasonic Corporation 2019 Max. applied voltage (at 20°C 68°F) 130%V of nominal voltage ASCTB180E 201903 DSP 2. Specifications Characteristics Contact Rating Item Arrangement Contact resistance (Initial) Contact material Nominal switching capacity (resistive load) Max. switching power (resistive load) Max. switching voltage Max. switching current Nominal operating power Min. switching capacity (Reference value)*1 Specifications 1 Form A 1 Form B 2 Form A Max. 30 mΩ (By voltage drop 6 V DC 1A) Au-flashed AgSnO2 type 8 A 250 V AC, 5A 30V DC 5 A 250 V AC, 5 A 30 V DC 2,000 VA, 150 W 1,250 VA, 150 W 250 V AC, 125 V DC (0.2 A) 8 A (AC), 5 A (DC) 5 A (AC, DC) 300 mW 10m A 5 V DC Min. 1,000MΩ (at 500V DC) Measurement at same location as “Breakdown voltage” section. 1,000 Vrms for 1min. (Detection current: 10mA.) 2,000 Vrms (1 Form A 1 Form B, 2 Form A) (Detection current: 10mA.) 3,000 Vrms for 1min. (Detection current: 10mA.) 1 Form A Insulation resistance (Initial) Breakdown voltage (Initial) Electrical characteristics Between open contacts Between contact sets Between contact and coil Surge breakdown voltage*2 between contacts and coil (Initial) Operate time [Set time] (at 20°C 68°F) (Initial) Release time [Reset time] (at 20°C 68°F) (Initial) Mechanical characteristics Expected life Functional Destructive Functional Destructive Shock resistance Vibration resistance Mechanical Electrical Conditions for operation, transport and storage*3 (Not freezing and condensing at low temperature) Conditions Max. operating speed Unit weight 5,000 V Max. 10 ms [10 ms] (Nominal coil voltage applied to the coil, excluding contact bounce time.) Max. 5 ms [10 ms] (Nominal coil voltage applied to the coil, excluding contact bounce time.) (without diode) Min. 196 m/s2 (Half-wave pulse of sine wave: 11 ms; detection time: 10µs.) Min. 980 m/s2 (Half-wave pulse of sine wave: 6 ms.) 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 2 mm (Detection time: 10µs.) 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 3.5 mm Min. 5×107 (at 180 times/min.) Min. 105 (resistive load) Ambient temperature: Ambient temperature: Ambient temperature: –40°C to +60°C –40°C to +65°C –40°C to +60°C –40°F to +140°F –40°F to +149°F –40°F to +140°F 3 cps Approx. 4.5 g .16 oz Notes: *1. This value can change due to the switching frequency, environmental conditions, and desired reliability level, therefore it is recommended to check this with the actual load. *2. Wave is standard shock voltage of ±1.2×50μs according to JEC-212-1981 *3. The upper limit of the ambient temperature is the maximum temperature that can satisfy the coil temperature rise value. Refer to Usage, transport and storage conditions in NOTES. REFERENCE DATA 1. Max. switching capacity 2.-(1) Life curve (1 Form A 1 Form B) 2.-(2) Life curve (1 Form A 1 Form B) DC resistive load(1a) 1 DC resistive load(1a1b, 2a) 0.1 10 100 Contact voltage(V) 265V・130V AC (cosφ=1) 265V・130V AC 10 (cosφ=0.4) 1,000 Tested sample:DSP1a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Switching capacity(A) 30 20 Tested sample:DSP1-12V DC, 5 pcs. Tested sample:DSP2a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) 50 5A 0A 40 30 20 0 10 60 10 10 5A 50 0A 40 30 20 10 80 Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 30V DC (L/R=7ms) 0.5 1 5 Switching capacity(A) Temperature rise(℃) 0A 80 50 3.-(3) Coil temperature rise (2 Form A) Temperature rise(℃) 8A 40 100 7 60 50 30V DC resistive load 3.-(2) Coil temperature rise (1 Form A 1 Form B) 60 Temperature rise(℃) 100 10 3.-(1) Coil temperature rise (1 Form A) 0 No. of operations(×10 4) AC resistive (1a1b,2a) load AC resistive load(1a) No. of operations(×10 4) Contact current(A) 10 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) 3 0 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 80 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) ASCTB180E 201903 DSP 4.-(1) Operate & release time (without diode, 1 Form A) 4.-(2) Operate & release time (without diode, 1 Form A 1 Form B) Tested sample:DSP1a-12V DC, 5 pcs. Tested sample:DSP1-12V DC, 5 pcs. Operate time 4 Max. 3 Ave. Min. 2 Release time Max. Ave. Min. 1 80 6 5 Operate time 4 3 2 Release time 0 80 Max. Ave. Min. Max. Ave. Min. Operate time 4 Max. Ave. Min. Max. Ave. Min. 3 2 Release time Max. Ave. 4 Min. 3 Max. Ave. 2 Operate time Min. Release time 0 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) 5.-(1) Change of pick-up and drop-out voltage (1 Form A) Change rate to nominal V(%V) Tested sample:DSP1a-12V DC, 5 pcs. ー60 ー40 ー20 80 20 40 ー10 Release voltage Operate voltage 60 80 100 Ambient (℃) temperature 80 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) ー60 ー40 ー20 0 ー10 7 6 Operate time 5 4 2 Release time 80 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) Tested sample:DSP2a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 30 20 10 Operate voltage Release voltage 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient (℃) temperature ー60 ー40 ー20 Release voltage ー30 ー30 Tested sample:DSP1-12V DC, 5 pcs. Tested sample:DSP2a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 15 Operate voltage 15 A, C relays are not energized A, C relays are energized 10 8 A B C 6 ℓ ℓ 4 Operate voltage 2 0 0 ー2 Release voltage ー4 A, C relays are not energized A, C relays are energized A B C 10 Rate of change(%) ℓ ℓ Rate of change(%) A B C 60 80 100 Ambient (℃) temperature 6.-(3) Influence of adjacent mounting (2 Form A) 10 10 10 Operate voltage ー10 ー30 15 20 20 40 ー20 6.-(2) Influence of adjacent mounting (1 Form A 1 Form B) 30 0 ー20 Tested sample:DSP1a-12V DC, 5 pcs. Max. Ave. Min. Max. Ave. Min. 3 ー20 6.-(1) Influence of adjacent mounting (1 Form A) Max. Ave. Min. 5.-(3) Change of pick-up and drop-out voltage (2 Form A) Tested sample:DSP1-12V DC, 5 pcs. 20 0 Release time 8 0 5.-(2) Change of pick-up and drop-out voltage (1 Form A 1 Form B) 30 10 2 1 100 110 Coil applied voltage(%V) Change rate to nominal V(%V) 80 Max. Ave. Min. 3 9 1 1 4 Tested sample:DSP2a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 6 5 Operate time 5 Change rate to nominal V(%V) 5 7 6 4.-(6) Operate & release time (with diode, 2 Form A) Operate and release time(ms) 6 Operate and release time(ms) 7 8 7 0 100 110 Coil applied voltage(%V) 9 8 8 1 Tested sample:DSP1-12V DC, 5 pcs. 9 Operate and release time(ms) 7 4.-(5) Operate & release time (with diode, 1 Form A 1 Form B) Tested sample:DSP1a-12V DC, 5 pcs. Rate of change(%) 8 1 100 120 Coil applied voltage(%V) 4.-(4) Operate & release time (with diode, 1 Form A) 5 9 Operate and release time(ms) 5 Operate and release time(ms) Operate and release time(ms) 6 0 Tested sample:DSP2a-12V DC, 5 pcs. 9 7 0 4.-(3) Operate & release time (without diode, 2 Form A) 5 ℓ ℓ Operate voltage 15 A, C relays are not energized A, C relays are energized 10 ー6 5 Release voltage 5 ー8 ー10 0 5 10 Inter-relay distance(ℓ), mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inter-relay distance(ℓ), mm Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 4 Release voltage 0 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 5 10 Inter-relay distance(ℓ), mm ASCTB180E 201903 DSP DIMENSIONS (mm) CAD The CAD data of the products with a “CAD” mark can be downloaded from our Website. 1. 1 Form A type External dimensions Single side stable CAD 2 coil latching 20.2 10.5 10 10.5 10 11 11 20.2 7.62 4ー0.3 7.62 10.16 1.21 2 coil latching 10.16 7.62 7.62 7.62 4ー1.2dia. Single side stable 2.54 2. 1 Form A 1 Form B type Single side stable + 2 1 1 8 5 (Reset condition) 2 coil latching 20.2 11 11 20.2 10.5 10 10.5 10 1.21 7.62 6ー0.3 7.62 1.21 7.62 7.62 General tolerance ±0.3 7.62 7.62 Single side stable 2.54 9 8 9 - 5 12 15 16 1 8 - - + + 2 1 5 (Reset condition) Tolerance ±0.1 External dimensions Single side stable CAD 2 coil latching 16 (Deenergized condition) 8ー1.2dia. Tolerance ±0.1 3. 2 Form A type 12 + 7.62 6ー1.2dia. 7.62 Schematic (Bottom view) 2 coil latching 10.16 7.62 7.62 2.54 General tolerance ±0.3 PC board pattern (Bottom view) Single side stable 8ー0.3 8ー0.8 10.16 3.5 3.5 - + 5 External dimensions 2 coil latching 20.2 10.5 10 10.5 10 11 11 20.2 6ー0.8 1.21 7.62 6ー0.3 10.16 8ー0.8 7.62 3.5 3.5 - + Tolerance ±0.1 6ー0.8 1.21 7.62 7.62 General tolerance ±0.3 Single side stable 2 coil latching 10.16 7.62 7.62 2.54 6ー1.2dia. Tolerance ±0.1 8ー0.3 7.62 Schematic (Bottom view) Single side stable 9 12 16 - 2 coil latching 9 12 + 7.62 7.62 7.62 2.54 General tolerance ±0.3 PC board pattern (Bottom view) 8 5 1 (Deenergized condition) 8ー1.2dia. 8 5 15 16 - - + + 2 1 (Reset condition) Tolerance ±0.1 Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 15 16 (Deenergized condition) 6ー1.2dia. CAD 2 coil latching 16 - 8 Tolerance ±0.1 7.62 0.3 General tolerance Schematic (Bottom±view) 7.62 7.62 2.54 7.62 7.62 ±0.3 General tolerance PC board pattern (Bottom view) Single side stable 6ー0.3 6ー0.8 3.5 3.5 4ー0.8 1.21 5 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB180E 201903 DSP SAFETY STANDARDS Item File No. E43028 1 Form A E43028 1 Form A 1 Form B 2 Form A E43028 UL (Recognized) Contact rating 8A 125/250V AC General use 1/6HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive B300 5A 125/250V AC General use 1/6HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive 30W Max.: 1A 30V DC-0.24A 125V DC 5A 125/250V AC General use 1/10HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive File No. LR26550 LR26550 LR26550 CSA (Certified) Contact rating 8A 125/250V AC General use 1/6HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive B300 5A 125/250V AC General use 1/6HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive 30W Max.: 1A 30V DC-0.24A 125V DC B300 5A 125/250V AC General use 1/10HP 125/250V AC 5A 30V DC Resistive File No. B 13 11 13461 342 TÜV (Certified) Contact rating 8A 250V AC (cosφ =1.0) 5A 250V AC (cosφ =0.4) 5A 30V DC (0 ms) B 13 11 13461 342 5A 250V AC (cosφ =1.0) 3A 250V AC (cosφ =0.4) 5A 30V DC (0 ms) B 13 11 13461 342 5A 250V AC (cosφ =1.0) 3A 250V AC (cosφ =0.4) 5A 30V DC (0 ms) * Remarks: The standard certified for may differ depending on where the product was manufactured. NOTES 1. For cautions for use, please read “GENERAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES”. 2. Soldering conditions Please obey the following conditions when soldering automatically. 1) Preheating: Within 120°C 248°F and within 120 seconds 2) Soldering iron: 260°C±5°C 500°F±41°F and within 6 seconds 3. Cleaning For automatic cleaning, the boiling method is recommended. Avoid ultrasonic cleaning which subjects the relays to high frequency vibrations, which may cause the contacts to stick. It is recommended that a fluorinated hydrocarbon or other alcoholic solvents be used. 4. External magnetic field Since DSP relays are highly sensitive polarized relays, their characteristics will be affected by a strong external magnetic field. Avoid using the relay under that condition. 5. Coil operating power Pure DC current should be applied to the coil. The wave form should be rectangular. If it includes ripple, the ripple factor should be less than 5%. However, check it with the actual circuit since the characteristics may be slightly different. 6. When using, please be aware that the a contact and b contact sides of 1 Form A 1 Form B type may go on simultaneously at operate time and release time. Please refer to "the latest product specifications" when designing your product. • Requests to customers : https://industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/salespolicies/ Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 6 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB180E 201903 DSP RELAYS PC BOARD SOCKETS ACCESSORIES TYPES Part No. For Single side stable For 2 coil latching DSP1a-PS DSP1a-PSL2 DSP2a-PS DSP2a-PSL2 Product name For DSP1a For DSP1a, DSP1, DSP2a Standard packing: Carton: 50 pcs.; Case: 500 pcs. TYPES AND APPLICABLE RELAYS Applicable relays DSP1a relays DSP1a-L2 relays DSP1 relays DSP1-L2 relays DSP2a relays DSP2a-L2 relays For DSP1a Item For DSP1a, DSP1, DSP2a DSP1a-PS DSP1a-PSL2 DSP2a-PS DSP2a-PSL2 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK DIMENSIONS (mm) Breakdown voltage Insulation resistance Heat resistance Max. continuous current CAD The CAD data of the products with a “CAD” mark can be downloaded from our Website. External dimensions CAD Specifications 3,000 Vrms between terminals (Except for the portion between coil terminals) 1,000 MΩ between terminals at 500 V 150°C 302°F for 1 hour 8 A (DSP1a-PS and DSP1a-PSL2), 5 A (DSP2a-PS and DSP2a-PSL2) PC board pattern (Bottom view) DSP1a-PS, DSP1a-PSL2 23±0.6 11±0.6 2 coil latching type only 2 coil latching type only 16 2 coil latching type only 8 5 7.62 10.16 7.62 2 1 2.54 Tolerance ±0.1 Note:Terminal No.2 and 15 are for DSP1a-PSL2 only. 7.62 2.54 12 15 8 5 1.2dia. 2 coil latching type only 3.7 0.3±0.1 17±0.6 1.2dia. 5.7 4ー0.8±0.1 2.61 9 16 2.54 15 DSP2a-PS, DSP2a-PSL2 2.54 Type No. SPECIFICATIONS 2 1 2.54 2 coil latching type only Tolerance ±0.1 Note:Terminal No.2 and 15 are for DSP2a-PSL2 only. 0.65±0.1 General tolerance ±0.3 FIXING AND REMOVAL METHOD 1. Match the direction of relay and socket. 3. Remove the relay, applying force in the direction shown below. 4. In case there is not enough space for finger to pick relay up, use screw drivers in the way shown below. 2. Both ends of relays are fixed so tightly that the socket hooks on the top surface of relays. Notes: 1. Exercise care when removing relays. If greater than necessary force is applied at the socket hooks, deformation may alter the dimensions so that the hook will no longer catch, and other damage may also occur. 2. It is hazardous to use IC chip sockets. 2019.03 industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ 1 © Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB266E 201903 GUIDELINES FOR POWER RELAYS AND HIGH-CAPACITY DC CUT OFF RELAYS USAGE For cautions for use, please read “GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE”. https://industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/control/relay/cautions_use/index.jsp Precautions for Coil Input Long term current carrying Maximum allowable voltage and temperature rise A circuit that will be carrying a current continuously for long periods without relay switching operation. (circuits for emergency lamps, alarm devices and error inspection that, for example, revert only during malfunction and output warnings with form B contacts) Continuous, long-term current to the coil will facilitate deterioration of coil insulation and characteristics due to heating of the coil itself. For circuits such as these, please use a magnetic-hold type latching relay. If you need to use a single stable relay, use a sealed type relay that is not easily affected by ambient conditions and make a failsafe circuit design that considers the possibility of contact failure or disconnection. Proper usage requires that the rated coil voltage be impressed on the coil. Note, however, that if a voltage greater than or equal to the maximum continuous voltage is impressed on the coil, the coil may burn or its layers short due to the temperature rise. Furthermore, do not exceed the usable ambient temperature range listed in the catalog. Operate voltage change due to coil temperature rise (Hot start) In DC relays, after continuous passage of current in the coil, if the current is turned OFF, then immediately turned ON again, due to the temperature rise in the coil, the pick-up voltage will become somewhat higher. Also, it will be the same as using it in a higher temperature atmosphere. The resistance/temperature relationship for copper wire is about 0.4% for 1°C, and with this ratio the coil resistance increases. That is, in order to operate of the relay, it is necessary that the voltage be higher than the pick-up voltage and the pick-up voltage rises in accordance with the increase in the resistance value. However, for some polarized relays, this rate of change is considerably smaller. DC Coil operating power Steady state DC current should be applied to the coil. The wave form should be rectangular. If it includes ripple, the ripple factor should be less than 5%. However, please check with the actual circuit since the electrical characteristics may vary. The rated coil voltage should be applied to the coil and the set/reset pulse time of latching type relay differs for each relays, please refer to the relay's individual specifications. Coil connection When connecting coils of polarized relays, please check coil polarity (+,-) at the internal connection diagram (Schematic). If any wrong connection is made, it may cause unexpected malfunction, like abnormal heat, fire and so on, and circuit do not work. Avoid impressing voltages to the set coil and reset coil at the same time. Ambient Environment Dew condensation Usage, Transport, and Storage Conditions Condensation occurs when the ambient temperature drops suddenly from a high temperature and humidity, or the relay is suddenly transferred from a low ambient temperature to a high temperature and humidity. Condensation causes the failures like insulation deterioration, wire disconnection and rust etc. Panasonic Corporation does not guarantee the failures caused by condensation. The heat conduction by the equipment may accelerate the cooling of device itself, and the condensation may occur. Please conduct product evaluations in the worst condition of the actual usage. (Special attention should be paid when high temperature heating parts are close to the device. Also please consider the condensation may occur inside of the device.) During usage, storage, or transportation, avoid locations subjected to direct sunlight and maintain normal temperature, humidity and pressure conditions. Temperature/Humidity/Pressure When transporting or storing relays while they are tube packaged, there are cases the temperature may differ from the allowable range. In this case be sure to check the individual specifications. Also allowable humidity level is influenced by temperature, please check charts shown below and use relays within mentioned conditions. (Allowable temperature values differ for each relays, please refer to the relay's individual specifications.) Icing Condensation or other moisture may freeze on relays when the temperature become lower than 0°C.This icing causes the sticking of movable portion, the operation delay and the contact conduction failure etc. Panasonic Corporation does not guarantee the failures caused by the icing. The heat conduction by the equipment may accelerate the cooling of relay itself and the icing may occur. Please conduct product evaluations in the worst condition of the actual usage. Low temperature and low humidity The plastic becomes brittle if the switch is exposed to a low temperature, low humidity environment for long periods of time. High temperature and high humidity Storage for extended periods of time (including transportation periods) at high temperature or high humidity levels or in atmospheres with organic gases or sulfide gases may cause a sulfide film or oxide film to form on the surfaces of the contacts and/or it may interfere with the functions. Check out the atmosphere in which the units are to be stored and transported. 1) Temperature: The tolerance temperature range differs for each relays, please refer to the relay’s individual specifications 2) Humidity: 5 to 85 % RH 3) Pressure: 86 to 106 kPa Humidity, %R.H. 85 Allowable range (Avoid icing when used at temperatures lower than 0° C) 5 –40 (Avoid condensation when used at temperatures higher than 0° C) 0 Ambient temperature, ° C 85 Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ -1- c Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB412E 201903 GUIDELINES FOR POWER RELAYS AND HIGH-CAPACITY DC CUT OFF RELAYS USAGE Package In terms of the packing format used, make every effort to keep the effects of moisture, organic gases and sulfide gases to the absolute minimum. Silicon When a source of silicone substances (silicone rubber, silicone oil, silicone coating materials and silicone filling materials etc.) is used around the relay, the silicone gas (low molecular siloxane etc.) may be produced. This silicone gas may penetrate into the inside of the relay. When the relay is kept and used in this condition, silicone compound may adhere to the relay contacts which may cause the contact failure. Do not use any sources of silicone gas around the relay (Including plastic seal types). NOx Generation When relay is used in an atmosphere high in humidity to switch a load which easily produces an arc, the NOx created by the arc and the water absorbed from outside the relay combine to produce nitric acid. This corrodes the internal metal parts and adversely affects operation. Avoid use at an ambient humidity of 85%RH or higher (at 20°C). If use at high humidity is unavoidable, please contact our sales representative. Others Cleaning 1) Although the environmentally sealed type relay (plastic sealed type, etc.) can be cleaned, avoid immersing the relay into cold liquid (such as cleaning solvent) immediately after soldering. Doing so may deteriorate the sealing performance. 2) Cleaning with the boiling method is recommended(The temperature of cleaning liquid should be 40°C or lower ). Avoid ultrasonic cleaning on relays. Use of ultrasonic cleaning may cause breaks in the coil or slight sticking of the contacts due to ultrasonic energy. Please refer to "the latest product specifications" when designing your product. •Requests to customers: https://industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/salespolicies/ Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/ -2- c Panasonic Corporation 2019 ASCTB412E 201903 2019 ASCTB180E-2 201903
DSP1A-DC24V-F 价格&库存

