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    LM25066 - Evaluation Board Insertion delay: 147 ms (typical) - National Semiconductor

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LM25066 数据手册
LM25066 Evaluation Board LM25066 Evaluation Board National Semiconductor Application Note 2100 Dennis Hudgins February 8, 2011 Introduction The LM25066EVM evaluation board provides the design engineer with a fully functional intelligent monitoring and protection controller board designed for positive voltage systems. This application note describes the various functions of the board, how to test and evaluate it, and how to use the GUI design tool to change the components for a specific application. Use of the advanced telemetry and monitoring capabilities of this device requires the installation of the Intelligent Power Manager graphical user interface, however the LM25066 is capable of acting as a hot-swap and protection circuit without any software installation. Please check the LM25066 webpage for the latest software and datasheet information. PCB Features • • • • • • • • • • Input voltage range: +2.9V to 16V (limited by input clamp) Programmable Current limit: 50 Amps or 90 Amps (±10%) Q1 Power limit: 80W (typical), 100W (worst case) UVLO Thresholds: 2.9V and 3.1V PGD Thresholds: 10.8V and 10.25V Insertion delay: 147 ms (typical) Fault time-out period: 8.9 ms Restart time: 1.1 seconds PCB Size: 3.5” x 3.5” Solution Size: 0.75” x 0.75” Simplified Schematic 30143540 FIGURE 1. Simplified Evaluation Board Schematic AN-2100 The simplified schematic for the LM25066 evaluation board is shown in Figure 1. Connections to the PMBus interface is provided by J1. Panduit terminal lugs bolt down to the PCB to provide input and output connection. Jumpers ADR0, ADR1, and ADR2 set the PMBusTM address of the device to one of © 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation 301435 27 unique addresses. Jumpers also exist to set the device retry, circuit breaker, and current limit behavior. Test points are provided to connect to the input voltage, output voltage, VAUX, PGD, VREF and the TIMER pin. www.national.com AN-2100 Getting Started The LM25066 evaluation kit hardware is shown in Figure 2. The board offers two connections for the system input voltage and load. For evaluation at currents below 15A, the system voltage and load can be plugged directly into the female banana receptacles. For higher currents it is recommended to use the copper Panduit lugs with low gauge wire to minimize the cable power dissipation and voltage drops. Capacitors CL and CLx represent capacitance which is typically present on the input of the load circuit, and are present on this evaluation board so the turn-on characteristics of the LM25066 may be tested starting into a capacitive load. Footprints for components RSx and Q1x are not populated and are provided to accommodate evaluation of hot-swap designs greater than 50A. The LM25066EVB is supplied with the PMBus address set to 16 Hex as dictated by the jumper configuration of the ADR0, ADR1, and ADR2 jumper connections. 30143533 FIGURE 2. Connection Illustration The first step to evaluate the telemetry features of LM25066 demonstration is to install the GUI software. The software is included on a CD in the evaluation kit and is titled PMBManager-x.x.x-xxxxxxxx.exe, where the x characters indicate the software version and build date. This file should be executed on a PC running Windows XP or later to install the software. Once the GUI software is installed the hardware should be configured as shown in Figure 2 4. Connect the supplied mini USB cable from the FTDI dongle to an USB port on a PC. When the FTDI dongle is connected for the first time the user will be prompted to install the device drivers. For the most current driver installation procedure refer to the README.TXT file in the installation directory. For a hot swap circuit to function reliably, a low inductance connection to the input supply is recommended. Its purpose is to minimize voltage transients which occur when the load current changes or is shut off. If not careful, wiring inductance in the supply lines will generate a voltage transient at shutoff which can exceed the absolute maximum rating of the LM25066, resulting in its destruction. To protect against such voltage transients D1 is provided to clamp the voltage at the input to within safe operating limits. Likewise D2 is provided on the output to clamp the output from going too negative during short circuit events. Hardware Setup Steps 1. Connect the input supply to either the VIN and GND banana plugs (IOUT15A). Connect the load to the VOUT and GND banana plugs or terminal lugs. Connect the FTDI Dongle to the 10 pin connector on the left side of the board. 2. 3. www.national.com 2 AN-2100 Device Evaluation After configuring the hardware connections, apply an input voltage of 12V to the device. The current hardware configuration allows the LM25066 device to work with 3.3V, 5.0V, and 12V system rails; however, this getting started guide will assume an input voltage of 12V. Double click on the GUI executable in the installation folder from the previous installation step. The device should be detected on the PMBus and the initial load screen should appear as shown in Figure 3. If no device is detected you will have the option to rescan, ignore, or exit the GUI. If you intend to have the hardware connected check the USB connection to the PCB, FTDI connection to the evaluation module and verify that the power is present on the evaluation PCB by measuring the voltage between the GND and VIN testpoints. Ignoring the detection message allows use of the integrated design tool without the hardware connected. Double click on the detected device ID (NSC-LM25066-AA) to display a block level representation of the device as shown in Figure 4. The block level view of the device provides a display of all the telemetry data, as well as most of the faults and warnings supported by the device. The faults and warnings supported by the device are generally associated with an invalid input or output condition. 30143531 FIGURE 3. Initial GUI Screen 30143532 FIGURE 4. LM25066 Block Level Representation The faults shown on the left side of the block representation are generally associated with the input. These include input under voltage (UV), input over voltage (OV), Fet Fail (FF), input over power (OP). The SMBus alert status (SMBA) is also shown on the left side and will turn red during any warning or fault event. To facilitate the evaluation of the device, SMBus alerts are automatically cleared by the GUI. The faults shown on the right side of the block representation are associated with the output. These include output over voltage (OV), power good status (PGD), output over current (OC), and over temperature (OT). There is also an indicator if the output is in the latched off state (LO). The device will latch the output off after the number of user programmable retries are exceeded. To clear the latched off condition the output can be toggled off and on by the red power button icon located in the top right of the LM25066 block representation. To show a repetitive update of the device telemetry and status click on the play icon at the top of the screen. The play button starts an active telemetry log of the gathered data. Clicking the stop icon stops the telemetry collection and allows for the 3 www.national.com AN-2100 log file to be viewed and saved. The pause button pauses both the displaying and logging of telemetry information. To disable displaying undesired telemetry click the display icon on the block representation. This will open the window shown in Figure 5 that will allow the user to disable the undesired telemetry, fault, and warning information from appearing on the block level device representation. Note that turning off the various warning options does not mask the faults from issuing an SMBus alert, it just does not display them if they occur. The device is capable of masking various faults, and this functionality can be setup in the device configuration panel. GUI Event Log A GUI event log is provided to keep track of GUI configuration changes and device fault events. To display the event log select View from the main menu bar and then View Event Log. The event log will appear in the bottom right of the main GUI window. The event log can be detached and expanded if desired by left clicking on the event log window and dragging window with the mouse to the desired location. Plotting Telemetry Data To enable telemetry data plots click on the sine wave icon located on the LM25066 block representation. After enabling the telemetry, a prompt will appear requesting entry of the GUI sample rate, plot rate, and plot depth. For most cases the default rates and depths will be acceptable. The plotting tool allows the user to select the desired data to be plotted. Up to 2 different parameters may be plotted at the same time as shown in Figure 6. 30143538 FIGURE 5. LM25066 Telemetry Display Options www.national.com 4 AN-2100 30143535 FIGURE 6. LM25066 GUI with Telemetry Plotting Tool Enabled Device telemetry data is plotted as a black line that continually updates as the device is queried. In addition to the device data the relevant warning and fault threshold are also plotted. Warning thresholds are shown as orange lines while fault threshold are shown in red. By going to the plot menu option the user can disable the plotting grid, as well as the warning and fault lines. 5 www.national.com AN-2100 Configuring the LM25066 Device Warning Thresholds, Temperature Fault Threshold, Protection Ranges, Fault Masking, and Averaging can be configured in the Device Configuration panel. This panel, shown in Figure 7, is enabled by clicking the gear icon shown on the LM25066 block representation. The Warning and Fault Threshold tab allows configuration of the input under voltage, input over voltage, output under voltage, input over current, input power, and over temperature warnings. This tab also allows adjustment of the over temperature fault threshold. Fault threshold for the input over and under voltage, current limit, power limit, and power good are set by the hardware design. Decimal values for the thresholds are shown in the text box located to the right of the slider bar. Above the decimal values setting is the value of the setting in hexadecimal; which can be useful when developing software for this device. The fault behavior tab allows the user to set the device fault configuration and fault masking. The fault configuration section allows the user to set the number of retries, as well as the circuit breaker and current limit thresholds. The number of retries can be set by the /Retry pin to be infinite or latched off. Through software the number of retries can be set to 0 (latchoff), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or infinite. The software settings are independent of the hardware settings; however, if the power is cycled the device will default to values dictated by the hardware. Circuit breaker and current limit power-up values are also set by the hardware. The values for current limit can be set to either 25 mV (CL = GND) or 46 mV(CL = VDD). The circuit breaker threshold can also be set to either 1.8 x (CB = GND) or 3.6 x (CB = VDD) the current limit value. Fault masking is possible for many of the device fault conditions. Fault conditions allow masking of both the MOSFET response and the SMBus alert signal. Note that if a fault occurs repeatedly while the MOSFET is masked, damage to the MOSFET may result. This feature is allowed primarily for debug purposes. Faults that only issue a SMBus alert allow masking of the alert. Note the power up default setting for the Power Good signal is to mask the SMBus alert. For convenience, the Device Configuration Panel can be undocked by holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is at the top of the panel, and dragging it to where you would like it to be placed. 30143536 FIGURE 7. Device Configuration Panel www.national.com 6 AN-2100 Customizing the Design The GUI assumes the hardware configuration is set to default evaluation board configuration. If any of the components are changed, the device hardware configuration needs to be updated in the design tool section. To open the design tool click the wrench icon located on the LM25066 block representation which will open the window displayed in Figure 8. 30143537 FIGURE 8. LM25066 Design Tool Design inputs are keyed in on the left side following steps 1 though 5. General operating conditions should be entered in step 1 of the design tool. These inputs help set bounds on the startup time and application voltage ranges. Step 2 allows the user to tailor the MOSFET protection features to be specific to the target application. Both pin and software configurable ranges are available for the circuit breaker and current limit circuits. If a pin configuration is selected please make sure the CB and CL jumpers are set to match the GUI selection. By clicking on the MOSFET SOA Profile button the user can select SOA data from several popular MOSFETs or enter in the SOA data for the desired MOSFET. Step 3 allows the user to select the under and over voltage lockout values (UVLO/OVLO), and power good (PGD) thresholds. Note that with the correct values for R1 - R4, and RFB1 and RFB2 installed, the device will indicate a fault condition when the input and/or output voltages are outside of their programmed range. Step 4 allows the user to set the fault time-out period and the fault response. The fault time-out should be set to be below the MOSFET SOA data for a given time. For example, if a design is done to adhere to the 10 ms pulsed MOSFET SOA data, the desired fault time-out must be less than 10ms. The 7 fault time-out time entered will set the value for CT. It also sets the insertion delay and fault retry delay. The initial power up retry behavior is also selected in this design step. Make sure to change the /Retry jumper to match the design tool schematic when changing the default retry setting. In Step 5 the user enters the desired PMBus address. Note changing the PMBus address of the device in step 5 does not change the device address, but shows how the address pins of the device need to be configured to achieve a desired address. Once the ADR pin jumpers are configured for a particular address, power to the device needs to be cycled and the GUI restarted in order for the new address to take affect. When invalid or incorrect inputs are given to the design tool, text associated with the faulty input will turn red. Positioning the mouse cursor over the red text will give additional information about any design conflict. Component and parametric results are shown to the right, as well as the LM25066 protection SOA chart. The protection SOA chart shows the minimum, typical, and maximum SOA protection areas for a given design. For a robust design the SOA of the MOSFET used should be above the MAX protection SOA line for all operating areas. To help make this determination, step 2 allows the user to select the SOA curves www.national.com AN-2100 for several popular MOSFETs or to input in the SOA data for the desired MOSFET. Once a design is complete the design should be saved by selecting the File menu, and then Save. Once the hardware is modified to match the design the GUI should be restarted and the hardware configuration file loaded right after the device is detected and placed. If the values in the design tool are different than the values on the board, erroneous telemetry and fault data will be reported by the GUI. To return to the block view of the device press the home icon located at the far left in the menu bar. The design tool is also useful to calculate the PMBus coefficients. With the correct value for current sense resistor (RS1) the tool will calculate the correct coefficients to scale the raw telemetry data. The coefficients can be viewed by selecting View from the main menu bar, and then selecting the PMBus Coefficient Editor. When the PMBus Coefficient Editor is opened, press the Get All button to show the currently used coefficients. If desired the equations used in the design tool can be calculated by hand using the equations provided in the datasheet. However, note the design tool calculates parameters factoring in worst case tolerances, while the equations in the datasheet based on typical thresholds. Theory of Operation The LM25066 provides intelligent control of the power supply connections of a load which is to be connected to a live power source. The three primary functions of the device is to limit inrush current during turn-on, monitor the load current for faults during normal operation, and to provide system telemetry for the following parameters: Input Voltage (VIN), Input Current (IIN), Input Power (PIN), Output Voltage (VOUT), Auxilliary Voltage (VAUX), and Temperature. Additional functions include Under and Over-Voltage Lock-Outs (UVLO/OVLO) to ensure voltage is supplied to the load only when the system input voltage is within a specified range, power limiting of the series pass MOSFET (Q1) during turn-on, and a Power Good logic output (PGD) to indicate the output voltage status. Upon applying the input voltage to the LM25066, Q1 is initially held off for the insertion delay (≊147 ms) to allow ringing and transients on the input to subside. At the end of the insertion delay, if the input voltage at VIN is above the UVLO threshold, Q1 is turned on in a controlled manner to limit the in-rush current. If the in-rush current were not limited during turn-on, the current would be high as the load capacitor (CL) charges up, limited only by the surge current capability of the voltage source, CIN’s characteristics, and the wiring resistance (a few milliohms). That very high current could damage the edge connector, PC board traces, and possibly the load capacitors receiving the high current. Additionally, the dV/dt at the load’s input is controlled to reduce possible EMI problems. The LM25066 limits in-rush current to a safe level using a two step process. In the first portion of the turn-on cycle, when the voltage differential across Q1 is highest, Q1’s power dissipation is limited to a peak value set by RPWR(80W) by monitoring its drain current (the voltage across RS1) and its drainto-source voltage. Their product is maintained constant by controlling the drain current as the drain-to-source voltage decreases (as the output voltage increases). This is shown in the constant power portion of Figure 9 where the drain current is increasing to ILIM. When the drain current reaches the current limit threshold (50 Amps), it is then maintained constant as the output voltage continues to increase. When the output voltage reaches the input voltage (VDS decreases to near zero), the drain current then reduces to a value determined by the load. Q1’s gate-to-source voltage then increases to its final value. The circuit is now in normal operation mode. Monitoring of the load current for faults during normal operation is accomplished using the current limit circuit described above. If the load current increases to 50 Amps (25 mV across RS1), Q1’s gate is controlled to prevent the current from increasing further. When current limiting takes effect, the fault timer limits the duration of the fault. At the end of the fault timeout period Q1 is shut off, denying current to the load. The LM25066 then initiates a restart every 1.25 seconds. The restart consists of turning on Q1 and monitoring the load current to determine if the fault is still present. After the fault is removed, the circuit powers up to normal operation at the next restart. In a sudden overload condition (e.g., the output is shorted to ground), it is possible the current could increase faster than the response time of the current limit circuit. In this case, the circuit breaker sensor shuts off Q1’s gate rapidly when the voltage across RS reaches ≊90 mV. When the current reduces to the current limit threshold, the current limit circuitry then takes over. The PGD logic level output is low during turn-on, and switches high when the output voltage at OUT is above 10.8V. PGD switches low when the voltage at OUT is below 10.25V. The high level voltage at PGD can be any appropriate voltage up to +17V, and can be higher or lower than the voltages at VIN and OUT. The UVLO thresholds are set by resistors R1 and R2, the OVLO thresholds are set by R3 and R4, and the PGD thresholds are set by resistors RFB1 and RFB2. Internal current sources at the UVLO, OVLO, and FB pins provide hysteresis for the thresholds. www.national.com 8 AN-2100 30143503 FIGURE 9. Power Up Using Power Limit and Current Limit Fault Detection & Restart If the load current increases to the fault level (the current limit threshold, 50A), an internal current source charges the timing capacitor at the TIMER pin. When the voltage at the TIMER pin reaches 1.7V, the fault time-out period is complete, and the LM25066 shuts off Q1. The restart sequence then begins, consisting of seven cycles at the TIMER pin between 1.7V and 1V, as shown in Figure 10. When the voltage at the TIMER pin reaches 0.3V during the eighth high-to-low ramp, Q1 is turned on. If the fault is still present, the fault time-out period and the restart sequence repeat. 30143504 FIGURE 10. Fault Time-out and Restart Sequence The waveform at the TIMER pin can be monitored at the TIMER test point. On this evaluation board the initial fault time-out period is 8.9 ms, and the restart time is 1.1 seconds. See Figure 18. The UVLO thresholds are set with two resistors (R1, R2) as shown in Figure 11 . The OVLO threshold sets the maximum voltage that can be present on the input before the device turns off the series pass device. The OVLO threshold is set with the two resistors (R3, R4). The hysterisis voltage is set by the internal 23uA current source and the value of R3. UVLO and OVLO Input Voltage Threshold Programming the UVLO thresholds sets the minimum system voltage to enable the series pass device (Q1). If VIN is below the UVLO thresholds, Q1 is switched off, denying power to the load. Programmable hysteresis is adjustable by changing the value of R1. 9 www.national.com AN-2100 POWER GOOD and FB Pins During turn-on, the Power Good pin (PGD) will not be able to pull low until the voltage at VIN increases above ≊1.6V. Pulling the PGD pin up to VDD will keep the PGD pin low during this region because VDD does not turn on until VIN increases above ≊2.5V. When the voltage at the board’s output pin increases above 10.8V(typ) PGD switches high. PGD switches low when the output voltage decreases below 10.25V(typ). Additionally, PGD switches low if the UVLO/EN pin is taken below its threshold regardless of the output voltage. The output voltage threshold for the PGD pin is set with two resistors (RFB1, RFB2) at the FB pin. 30143506 FIGURE 11. Programming the UVLO Threshold 30143516 FIGURE 12. Programming the PGD Threshold A pull-up voltage and pull-up resistor are required at PGD as shown in Figure 12. The pull-up voltage (VPGD) can be as high as 17V, with transient capability to 20V, and can be higher or lower than the voltages at VIN and OUT. should be sufficient to provide a working solution with accurate telemetry. The following should be kept in mind when the board is powered: 1. Use CAUTION when probing the circuit to prevent injury, as well as possible damage to the circuit. 2. At maximum load current (50A), the wire size and length used to connect the power source and the load become very important. The wires connecting this evaluation board to the power source SHOULD BE TWISTED TOGETHER to minimize inductance in those leads. The same applies for the wires connecting this board to the load. This recommendation is made in order to minimize high voltage transients from occurring when the load current is shut off. Shutdown With the circuit in normal operation, the LM25066 can be shutdown by grounding the UVLO/EN pin or by clicking the ON/OFF button on the LM25066 block representation. Board Layout and Probing Cautions Refer to the product datasheet for detailed layout guidelines. For most applications the layout of this evaluation module as detailed in the PC Board Layout section of this document www.national.com 10 AN-2100 Performance Characteristics 30143519 FIGURE 15. Turn-On Sequence into a 4Ω Load 30143517 FIGURE 13. Insertion Time Delay 30143520 FIGURE 16. Initial Fault Timeout 30143518 FIGURE 14. Circuit Breaker Response 11 www.national.com AN-2100 1.0 0.8 PIN ERROR (% OF FSR) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 30143521 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 TEMPERATURE (°C) 30143549 FIGURE 17. PGD Power up/Power down behavior FIGURE 20. PIN Error vs Temperature 30143522 FIGURE 18. Restart Timing 0.5 0.4 IIN ERROR ( % OF FSR) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 TEMPERATURE ( °C) 30143548 FIGURE 19. IIN Error vs Temperature www.national.com 12 AN-2100 30143547 FIGURE 21. Evaluation Board Schematic 13 www.national.com AN-2100 Bill of Materials Designator /RETRY, ADR0, ADR1, ADR2 J1, J2 C2 C3, C4 CB, CLIM CIN CL, CLx CREF, CVDD CT D1, D2 GND, GNDVO, VIN, VOUT GND1, GND2, GND3 H1, H2, H3, H4 H5, H6, H7, H8 PGD Q1, Q1x QT R1, R6, RPG R2 R3 R4 R5 RFB1 RFB2 RP1, RP2, RP3 RPWR RS+, RS-, TIMER, VAUX, VREF RS, RSx U1 VIN_TP, VOUT_TP Test Point, TH, Miniature, Red 0.0005 Ohm 10.0k 6.34k 49.9k 4.12k 150k 22.6k 2.74k 10k 2.32k Value 1x3 Description Header, TH, 100mil, 1x3, Gold plated, 230 mil above insulator Header, 5-Pin, Dual row, Right Angle, Printed Circuit Board Ceramic, X7R, 50V, 10% Ceramic, X8R, 50V, 10% Header, TH, 100mil, 1x3, Tin plated, 230 mil above insulator Ceramic, X7R, 50V, 10% AL, 25V, 20%, 0.17 Ohm ESR Ceramic, X5R, 6.3V, 20% CAP, CERM, 0.47uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 Zener Diode Terminal 90A Lug MuRata TDK Samtec Inc. MuRata Nichicon TDK MuRata Used in BOM report Panduit GRM188R71H104KA93D C1005X8R1H102K TSW-103-07-T-S GRM21BR71H105KA12L UUD1E331MNL1GS C1005X5R0J105M GRM188R71C474KA88D SMBJ16A-TP CB70-14-CY Manufacturer Samtec Inc. Part Number TSW-103-07-G-S Qty. 4 5x2 0.1uF 1000pF 1x3 1uF 330uF 1uF 0.47uF 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 Test Point, TH, Miniature, Black Machine Screw, Round, #4-40 x 1/4, Nylon, Philips panhead Standoff, Hex, 0.5"L #4-40 Nylon Test Point, TH, Miniature, White MOSFET, N-CH, 20V, 100A NPN, 0.2A, 40V RES, 10.0k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 6.34k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 49.9k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 4.12k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 150k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 22.6k ohm, 0.1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 2.74k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 5%, 0.1W RES, 2.32k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 Test Point, TH, Miniature, Yellow Keystone Electronics B&F Fastener Supply Keystone Keystone Electronics NXP Central Semiconductor Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Yageo America Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Keystone Electronics 5001 NY PMS 440 0025 PH 1902C 5002 PSMN1R2-25YL CMPT3904 CRCW060310K0FKEA CRCW06036K34FKEA CRCW060349K9FKEA CRCW06034K12FKEA CRCW0603150KFKEA RT0603BRD0722K6L CRCW06032K74FKEA CRCW060310K0JNEA CRCW06032K32FKEA 5004 3 4 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1%, 3W Vishay-Dale Used in BOM report Keystone Electronics WSL3921L5000FEA Used in BOM report 5000 2 1 2 www.national.com 14 AN-2100 PC Board Layout 30143541 Board Silkscreen 30143542 Board Top Layer 15 www.national.com AN-2100 30143543 Board Mid Layer 1 30143544 Board Mid Layer 2 www.national.com 16 AN-2100 30143545 Board Bottom Layer (viewed from top) 17 www.national.com LM25066 Evaluation Board For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: www.national.com Products Amplifiers Audio Clock and Timing Data Converters Interface LVDS Power Management Switching Regulators LDOs LED Lighting Voltage References PowerWise® Solutions Temperature Sensors PLL/VCO www.national.com/amplifiers www.national.com/audio www.national.com/timing www.national.com/adc www.national.com/interface www.national.com/lvds www.national.com/power www.national.com/switchers www.national.com/ldo www.national.com/led www.national.com/vref www.national.com/powerwise WEBENCH® Tools App Notes Reference Designs Samples Eval Boards Packaging Green Compliance Distributors Quality and Reliability Feedback/Support Design Made Easy Design Support www.national.com/webench www.national.com/appnotes www.national.com/refdesigns www.national.com/samples www.national.com/evalboards www.national.com/packaging www.national.com/quality/green www.national.com/contacts www.national.com/quality www.national.com/feedback www.national.com/easy www.national.com/solutions www.national.com/milaero www.national.com/solarmagic www.national.com/training Applications & Markets Mil/Aero PowerWise® Design University Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi www.national.com/wireless www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagic™ THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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As used herein: Life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness. National Semiconductor and the National Semiconductor logo are registered trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright© 2011 National Semiconductor Corporation AN-2100 For the most current product information visit us at www.national.com National Semiconductor Americas Technical Support Center Email: support@nsc.com Tel: 1-800-272-9959 www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Technical Support Center Email: europe.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Technical Support Center Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Technical Support Center Email: jpn.feedback@nsc.com
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    • 1+ 15.0229 1+ 0


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    • 1+ 9.4222 1+ 0
    • 10+ 8.6974 10+ 0
    • 100+ 7.9726 100+ 0
    • 1000+ 7.2478 1000+ 0


      •  国内价格
      • 2500+ 8.2038 2500+ 0


        •  国内价格
        • 1+ 58.454 1+ 0
        • 10+ 40.458 10+ 0
        • 25+ 37.51 25+ 0
        • 100+ 34.551 100+ 0
