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Is Now Part of To learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.com Please note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductor’s system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclature that utilizes an underscore (_), the underscore (_) in the Fairchild part numbers will be changed to a dash (-). This document may contain device numbers with an underscore (_). Please check the ON Semiconductor website to verify the updated device numbers. The most current and up-to-date ordering information can be found at www.onsemi.com. Please email any questions regarding the system integration to Fairchild_questions@onsemi.com. ON Semiconductor and the ON Semiconductor logo are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent-Marking.pdf. ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. Buyer is responsible for its products and applications using ON Semiconductor products, including compliance with all laws, regulations and safety requirements or standards, regardless of any support or applications information provided by ON Semiconductor. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. 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FAN6100Q Secondary-Side Constant Voltage and Constant Current Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Features Description  Supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 Specification  Secondary-Side Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) Regulation  Built-in Charge-Pump Circuit for Low Output Voltage Operation  Internal, Accurate, Adaptive CV/CC Reference Voltage  Low-Value Current Sensing Resistor for High Efficiency  Programmable Cable Voltage Drop Compensation  Two Operational Transconductance Amplifiers with Open-Drain Type for Dual-Loop CV/CC Control   Compatible with Fairchild’s FAN501A   Output Under-Voltage Protection   Wide VIN Supply Voltage Range ® Adaptive Secondary-Side Output Over-Voltage Protection through Photo-Coupler Low Quiescent Current Consumption in Green Mode < 850 µA Available in 20-Pin 3 x 4 mm MLP Package The controller consists of two operational amplifiers for voltage and current loop regulation with adjustable reference voltage. The CC control loop also incorporates a current sense amplifier with gain of 10. Outputs of the CV and CC amplifiers are tied together in open drain configuration. The FAN6100Q enables power adaptor’s output voltage adjustment if it detects a protocol capable powered device. It can be capable of outputting 5.0 V at the beginning, and then 9 V or 12 V to meet requirement of High-Voltage Dedicated Charging Port (HVDCP) power supply. If a non compliant powered device is detected, the controller disables output voltage adjustment to ensure safe operation with smart phone and tablets that support only 5 V. FAN6100Q also incorporates an internal charge pump circuit to maintain CC regulation down to power supply’s output voltage, VBUS of 2 V without an external voltage supply to the IC. Programmable cable voltage drop compensation allows precise CV regulation at the end of a USB cable via adjusting one external resistor. The device is available in the 20-pin MLP 3 x 4 package. Applications   The FAN6100Q is a integrated secondary side power ® adaptor controller that is compatible with Qualcomm ™ Quick Charge 2.0 Class A technology. It is designed for use in application that requires Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) regulation. Battery Chargers for quick charge application AC/DC Adapters for Portable Devices that Require CV/CC Control All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Ordering Information Part Number Operating Temperature Range Package Packing Method FAN6100QMPX -40C to +125C 20-Lead, MLP, QUAD, JEDEC MO-220, 3 mm x 4 mm, 0.5 mm Pitch, Single DAP Tape & Reel © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 March 2015 VO D+ D- AC IN GND 8 7 U1 FAN501A 6 4 5 10 1 9 2 11 10 9 2 1 3 3 12 18 13 U2 FAN6100Q 19 15 17 14 16 6 5 4 8 20 7 Figure 1. Typical Application Internal Block Diagram OVP VIN CP CN VDD Voltage Magement with Charge Pump Mode Condition VIN-OVP 3.65/3.25V 6.4/6.2V Mode Condition Internal Bias 0.495V/0.37V VIN-UVP SFB VREF Cable Voltage Drop Compensation Σ COMR Mode Condition VCVR IREF CSN AVCCR CSP VIN UVP Protection Multiplier Mode Condition BLD VCCR PGND Mode Communication Constant Current Mode Selection SGND QP QN DP DN Figure 2. Function Block Diagram © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 2 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Application Diagram FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Marking Information F- Fairchild Logo Z: Assembly Plant Code X: Year Code Y: Week Code TT: Die Run Code T: Package Type (MP=MLP) M: Manufacture Flow Code ZXYTT 6100Q TM Figure 3.Top Mark Pin Configuration NC CN CP VDD 20 19 18 17 VIN 1 16 PGND BLD 2 15 QP OVP 3 14 QN IREF 4 13 DN SFB 5 12 DP VREF 6 11 SGND FAN6100Q 7 8 9 10 SGND COMR CSP CSN Figure 4. Pin Assignments © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 3 Pin # Name Description 1 VIN Input Voltage Detection. This pin is tied to output terminal of the power adaptor to monitor output voltage and supply internal charge pump circuit. 2 BLD Output Bleeder Current Setting. This pin connects to output terminal of the power adaptor via an external resistor to form an output discharging path when mode changes from high-output voltage to low-output voltage. 3 OVP Output Over-Voltage-Protection. This pin is used for adaptive output over-voltage-protection. Typically an opto-coupler is connected to this pin to generate pull-low protection signal. 4 IREF Reference Output Current Sensing Voltage. The voltage is the amplifying output current sensing voltage. This pin is tied to the internal CC loop amplifier positive terminal. 5 SFB Secondary-Side Feedback Signal. Common output terminal of the dual operational transconductance amplifiers with open drain operation. Typically an opto-coupler is connected to this pin to provide feedback signal to the primary-side PWM controller. 6 VREF Reference Output Voltage Sensing Voltage. This pin is used to sense the output voltage for CV regulation via resistor divider. It is tied to the internal CV loop amplifier positive terminal. 7 SGND Signal Ground. 8 COMR Programmable Cable-Drop Voltage Compensation. An external resistor is connected to this pin to adjust output voltage compensation weighting. 9 CSP Positive Terminal of Output Current Sensing Amplifier. This pin connects directly to the positive voltage terminal of the current sense resistor. CSP need to be tied to ground of power adaptor via short PCB trace. 10 CSN Negative Terminal of Output Current Sensing Amplifier. This pin connects directly to the negative voltage terminal of the current sense resistor. CSN need to be tied to negative terminal of output capacitor via short PCB trace. 11 SGND 12 DP Positive Terminal of Communication Interface. This pin is tied to the USB D+ data line input. 13 DN Negative Terminal of Communication Interface. This pin is tied to the USB D- data line input. 14 QN LSB Switch for Mode Selection of Output Current. 15 QP MSB Switch for Mode Selection of Output Current. 16 PGND 17 VDD 18 CP Positive Voltage Terminal of Charge Pump. 19 CN Negative Voltage Terminal of Charge Pump. An external capacitor is necessary to be connected between CP pin and CN pin. 20 NC No Connect Signal Ground. Power Ground. Power Supply. IC operating current is supplied through this pin. This pin is typically connected to an external VDD capacitor. © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 4 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Pin Definitions Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability. The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit VVIN VIN Pin Input Voltage 20 V VBLD BLD Pin Input Voltage 20 V VOVP OVP Pin Input Voltage 20 V VSFB SFB Pin Input Voltage -0.3 20 V VIREF IREF Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VVREF VREF Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VCOMR COMR Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VCSP CSP Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VCSN CSN Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VDP DP Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VDN DN Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VQN QN Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VQP QP Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VDD VDD Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VCP CP Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V VCN CN Pin Input Voltage -0.3 6.0 V PD Power Dissipation (TA=25C) 0.88 W θJA Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Air) 110 C/W TJ Junction Temperature -40 +150 C Storage Temperature Range -40 +150 C +260 C TSTG TL ESD Lead Temperature, (Wave soldering or IR, 10 Seconds) Electrostatic Discharge Capability Human Body Model, JEDEC:JESD22_A114 2.0 Charged Device Model, JEDEC:JESD22_C101 2.0 kV Note: 1. All voltage values, except differential voltages, are given with respect to GND pin. Recommended Operating Conditions The Recommended Operating Conditions table defines the conditions for actual device operation. Recommended operating conditions are specified to ensure optimal performance. Fairchild does not recommend exceeding them or designing to Absolute Maximum Ratings. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit Junction Temperature -40 +125 C VDD-OP VDD Operating Voltage 3.12 6.00 V VIN-OP VIN Operating Voltage 16 V TJ © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 5 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings VIN=5 V or 9 V or 12 V at TJ = -40C to 125C unless noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit VIN Section VIN-OP IIN-OP-5V IIN-OP-9V,12V IIN-Green IIN-ST Continuous Operating Voltage 16 V Operating Supply Current at 5 V VIN=5 V, VCSP=100 mV, VCSN=0V 2.4 3.2 mA Operating Supply Current Over 5 V (9 V, 12 V) VIN=12 V, VCSP=100 mV, VCSN=0 V 1.2 2.0 mA Green Mode Operating Supply Current VIN=5 V, VCSP=VCSN=0 V 850 1050 µA Startup Current VIN=1 V, VCSP=100 mV, VCSN=0 V 15 µA VIN-UVP-L-5V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Enable Voltage at 5 V 2.35 2.50 2.65 V VIN-UVP-H-5V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Disable Voltage at 5 V 2.85 3.00 3.15 V VIN-UVP-L-9V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Enable Voltage at 9 V 6.50 6.75 7.00 V VIN-UVP-H-9V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Disable Voltage at 9 V 7.40 7.65 7.90 V VIN-UVP-L-12V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Enable Voltage at 12 V 8.70 9.00 9.30 V VIN-UVP-H-12V VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Disable Voltage at 12 V 9.85 10.20 10.55 V tD-VIN-UVP VIN Under-Voltage-Protection Debounce Time 10 15 20 ms VIN-EN-L Charge-Pump Enable Threshold Voltage 1.5 2.0 2.5 V VIN-CP Charge Pump Disable Threshold Voltage 6.20 6.40 6.60 V VIN-CP-Hys Hysteresis Voltage for Charge Pump Disable Threshold Voltage VIN-OVP-5V VIN Over-Voltage-Protection Voltage at 5 V 5.80 VIN-OVP-9V VIN Over-Voltage-Protection Voltage at 9 V 10.50 10.80 11.10 V VIN-OVP-12V VIN Over-Voltage-Protection Voltage at 12 V 14.00 14.40 14.80 V tD-VIN-OVP VIN Over-Voltage-Protection Debounce Time 0.20 6.00 V 6.20 V 16 28 40 μs 3.50 3.65 3.80 V 3.12 3.25 3.38 V 120 125 130 kHz VDD Section VDD-ON Turn-on Threshold Voltage VDD-OFF Turn-off Threshold Voltage fS-CP (2) Charge Pump Switching Frequency CC Mode Selection Section QP/QN-VR QP/QN-FIX1.5A QP/QN-FIX2.0A QP/QN-CLPM tD_Mode QP/QN State for Variable CC Mode QP=0 and QN=0 QP/QN State for Fixative 1.5 A CC Mode QP=0 and QN=1 QP/QN State for Fixative 2.0 A CC Mode QP=1 and QN=0 QP/QN State for Current Limit Protection Mode QP=1 and QN=1 CC Mode Selection De-bounce Time 3.5 4.0 4.5 ms Continued on the following page… © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 6 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Electrical Characteristics VIN=5 V or 9 V or 12 V at TJ = -40C to 125C unless noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 9.7 10.0 10.3 Constant Current Sensing Section AV-CCR (3) Output Current Sensing Amplifier Gain V/V VCCR-VR-5V Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Variable CC 5 V Mode 1.155 1.200 1.245 V VCCR-VR-9V Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Variable CC 9 V Mode 0.920 0.960 1.000 V VCCR-VR-12V Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Variable CC 12 V Mode 0.685 0.715 0.745 V VCCR-FIX-1.5A Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Fixative 1.5 A CC Mode 0.835 0.870 0.905 V VCCR-FIX-1.5A-12V Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Fixative 1.5 A CC 12 V Mode 0.635 0.660 0.685 V VCCR-FIX-2.0A Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Fixative 2.0 A CC Mode 1.155 1.200 1.245 V VCCR-FIX-2.0A-12V Reference Voltage for Constant Current Regulation at Fixative 2.0 A CC 12 V Mode 0.865 0.900 0.935 V AV-CCR-Protection Constant Current Attenuator for Protection Mode AV-CCR-UVP Constant Current Attenuator for VIN Under-Voltage Protection 0.125 V/V 0.125 V/V VGreen-H Green Mode Disable Threshold Voltage 0.400 0.495 0.590 0.34 VGreen-L Green Mode Enable Threshold Voltage tGreen-BLANK Green Mode Blanking Time at Startup ZCSP,ZCSN Current Sensing Input Impedance (3) 0.37 0.40 40 V V ms MΩ 4 Constant Voltage Sensing Section VCVR-5V Reference Voltage for Constant Voltage Regulation at 5 V 0.980 1.000 1.020 V VCVR-9V Reference Voltage for Constant Voltage Regulation at 9 V 1.765 1.800 1.835 V VCVR-12V Reference Voltage for Constant Voltage Regulation at 12 V 2.355 2.400 2.445 V Cable Drop Compensation Section KCOMR-CDC Design Parameter for Cable-Drop Voltage Compensation 0.90 1.00 1.10 µA/V Constant Current Amplifier Section Gm-CC fP-CC RCC-IN-CC CC Amplifier Transconductance (3) (3) CC Amplifier Dominate Pole (3) CC Amplifier Input Resistor 8.50 3.5 S 10 kHz 13.75 19.00 kΩ Constant Voltage Amplifier Section Gm-CV fP-CV IBias-IN-CV CV Amplifier Transconductance (3) 3.5 (3) CV Amplifier Dominate Pole CV Amplifier Input Bias Current S 10 (3) kHz 30 nA Continued on the following page… © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 7 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Electrical Characteristics VIN=5 V or 9 V or 12 V at TJ = -40C to 125C unless noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 700 mA 350 ms Output Bleeder Section (3) IBLD Output Bleeder Current tBLD Output Bleeder Current Discharging Time 100 290 320 Secondary-Side Feedback Section ISFB-Sink-MAX Maximum SFB Pin Sink Current (3) 2 mA 2 mA OVP Section IOVP-Sink-MAX Maximum OVP Pin Sink Current Qualcomm Protocol Section VDPL DP Low Level Threshold Voltage VDPH DP High Level Threshold Voltage VDNL DN Low Level Threshold Voltage VDNH DN High Level Threshold Voltage VSEL_REF BC1.2 Detection 0.23 0.25 0.27 V 1.94 2.00 2.06 V 0.30 0.35 0.40 V 1.94 2.00 2.06 V Output Voltage Selection Reference 1.8 2.0 2.2 V tBC1.2 DP and DN High Debounce Time 1.0 tDP_UNPLUG Unplug DP Low Debounce Time 20 tTOGGLE DN Low Debounce Time after BC1.2 Detection is Complete tV_CHANGE Mode Change Signal Detection Debounce Time tV_REQUEST Blanking Time after Mode Change Signal Detection is Complete RDP DP Resistance RDN DN Pull-Low Resistance BC1.2 Detection 20 40 40 1.5 S 60 ms 1 ms 60 ms 200 ms 300 500 700 kΩ 14.25 19.53 24.80 kΩ Notes: 2. Guaranteed for temperature range -5°C ~85°C. 3. Guaranteed by design. © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 8 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Electrical Characteristics Figure 5. VDD Turn-On Threshold Voltage (VDD-ON) vs. Temperature Figure 6. VDD Turn-Off Threshold Voltage (VDD-OFF) vs. Temperature Figure 7. Operating Current Under 5 V (IIN-OP-5V) vs. Temperature Figure 8. Operating Current Over 5 V (IIN-OP-9V,12V) vs. Temperature Figure 9. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Variable CC 5 V Mode (VCCR-VR-5V) vs. Temperature © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 Figure 10. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Variable CC 9 V Mode (VCCR-VR-9V) vs. Temperature www.fairchildsemi.com 9 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Typical Performance Characteristics Figure 11. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Figure 12. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Variable CC 12 V Mode (VCCR-VR-12V) vs. Temperature Fixative 1.5 A CC Mode (VCCR-FIX-1.5A) vs. Temperature Figure 13. Reference Voltage for CC regulation at Fixative 1.5 A CC 12 V Mode (VCCR-FIX-1.5A-12V) vs. Temperature Figure 14. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Fixative 2.0 A CC Mode (VCCR-FIX-2.0A) vs. Temperature Figure 15. Reference Voltage for CC Regulation at Fixative 2.0 A CC 12 V Mode (VCCR-FIX-2.0A-12V) vs. Temperature Figure 16. Reference Voltage for CV Regulation at 5.0 V (VCVR-5V) vs. Temperature © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 10 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Typical Performance Characteristics Figure 17.Reference Voltage for CV Regulation at 9 V (VCVR-9V) vs. Temperature Figure 18. Reference Voltage for CV Regulation at 12 V (VCVR-12V) vs. Temperature Figure 19. VIN OVP Voltage Under 5 V (VIN-OVP-5V) vs. Temperature Figure 20. VIN OVP Voltage at 9 V (VIN-OVP-9V) vs. Temperature Figure 21. VIN OVP Voltage at 12 V (VIN-OVP-12V) vs. Temperature Figure 22. VIN UVP Enable Voltage Under 5 V (VIN-UVP-L-5V) vs. Temperature © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 11 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Typical Performance Characteristics Figure 23. VIN UVP Disable Voltage Under 5 V (VIN-UVP-H-5V) vs. Temperature Figure 24. VIN UVP Enable Voltage at 9 V (VIN-UVP-L-9V) vs. Temperature Figure 25. VIN UVP Disable Voltage at 9 V (VIN-UVP-H-9V) vs. Temperature Figure 26. VIN UVP Enable Voltage at 12 V (VIN-UVP-L-12V) vs. Temperature Figure 27. VIN UVP Disable Voltage at 12 V (VIN-UVP-H-12V) Figure 28. Charge Pump Disable Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature (VIN-CP) vs. Temperature © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 12 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Typical Performance Characteristics Figure 29.DP Low Level Threshold Voltage (VDPL) vs. Temperature Figure 30.DN Low Level Threshold Voltage (VDNL) vs. Temperature Figure 31.DP High Level Threshold Voltage (VDPH) vs. Temperature Figure 32. DN High Level Threshold Voltage (VDNH) vs. Temperature Figure 33.Output Voltage Selection Reference (VSEL_REF) vs. Temperature © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 13 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Typical Performance Characteristics The integrated secondary-side power adaptor controller FAN6100Q which is compatible with Qualcomm® Quick ™ Charge 2.0 Class A technology for quick charger application. The FAN6100Q enables power supply’s output voltage adjustment if it detects a protocol capable mobile and tablet. When a compliant powered is detected, FAN6100Q will produce BC1.2 procedure then will permit receiving output voltage change signal from portable device by DP and DN pin signal. For ™ Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Class A technology application, it can be capable of outputting 5.0 V at the beginning, and then 9 V or 12 V to meet class A requirement of HVDCP power supplies. These voltages are based on the capabilities of the downstream device. The downstream device requests an output voltage for the HVDCP power supply. If a non compliant powered device is detected, the controller disables adaptive output voltage to ensure safe operation with smart phone and tablets that support only 5 V. amplifiers for constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) regulation with adjustable voltage references. The constant voltage (CV) regulation is implemented in the same way as the conventional isolated power supply. The output voltage is sensed on the VREF pin via the resistor divider, RF1 and RF2 and compared with the internal reference voltage for constant voltage regulation (VCVR) to generate a CV compensation signal (COMV) on the SFB pin. The compensation signal is transferred to the primary-side using an opto-coupler and applied to the PWM comparator through attenuator Av to determine the duty cycle. The output voltage can be derived by setting R F1 and RF2, calculated by: VO  VCVR  The controller consists of two operational amplifiers for Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) regulation with adjustable references voltage. The CC control loop also incorporates a current sense amplifier with gain of 10. Outputs of the CV and CC amplifiers are tied together in open drain configuration. FAN6100Q also incorporates an internal charge pump circuit to maintain CC regulation down to the power supply’s output voltage, VBUS of 2 V without an external voltage supply to the IC. Programmable cable voltage drop compensation allows precise CV regulation at the end of USB cable via adjusting one external resistor. RF 1  RF 2 RF 2 (1) Constant-Current Regulation Operation The constant current (CC) regulation is implemented with sensing the output current. The output current is sensed via current-sense resistor (RCS) connected between the CSP and CSN pins and placed on the output ground return path. The sensed signal is amplified by internal current sensing amplifier AV-CCR before the amplified current feedback signal is fed into the positive terminal of the internal operational amplifier and compared with the internal reference voltage for constant current regulation (VCCR) to generate a CC compensation signal (COMI) on the SFB pin. The compensation signal is transferred to the primary-side using an opto-coupler to the primary-side PWM controller. The constant current point (IO_CC) can be set by selecting the current sensing resistor as: Furthermore, protection functions of the FAN6100Q include adaptive VIN Over-Voltage Protection (VIN OVP) and adaptive VIN Under-Voltage Protection (VIN UVP). Constant-Voltage Regulation Operation I O _ CC  Figure 34 shows the primary-side internal PWM control circuit of FAN501A and secondary side regulator circuit of FAN6100Q which consists of two operational 1 AV CCR  VCCR RCS (2) Np:Ns Lm CO1 + VO - RL IREF CFC1 RFC1 VREF CFV1 CO2 RCS_SEC Gate S Q OSC R Q CSN RLED CLED Drv CSP RF1 IDS AV-CCR CS RCS_PRI SFB RFB COMV RFV1 - + - Av VCCR Rbias + 1/3 - Slope Compensation + COMI VSAW VEA.V VCVR FB RF2 CFB COPT Figure 34. Internal PWM Control Circuit © 2014 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FAN6100Q • Rev. 1.2 www.fairchildsemi.com 14 FAN6100Q — Secondary-Side CV/CC Controller Compatible with Qualcomm® Quick Charge 2.0 Functional Description VSAW Table 2. Variable CC Mode Specifications Gate Output Voltage Rated Current COMI 5V 2.0 A COMV 9V 1.67 A OSC CLK 12 V 1.25 A CV Regulation CC Regulation For fixative 1.5 A CC Mode setting, it is fixative CC output 1.5 A except for 12 V mode. The QP should be connected to ground as a low-level signal and QN can be open to generate a high-level signal. The specifications are as follows: Figure 35. PWM Operation for CV and CC VEA is compared with an internal sawtooth waveform (VSAW ) by PWM comparators to determine the duty cycle. As seen in Figure 34, outputs of comparators is used as a reset signal of flip-flop to determine the MOSFET turn-off instant. The lower signal, either COMV or COMI, is transferred to the primary-side to determine the duty cycle, as shown in Figure 35. During CV regulation, COMV is transferred to the primary-side to determine the duty cycle while COMI is saturated to HIGH. During CC regulation, COMI is transferred to the primary-side to determine the duty cycle while COMV is saturated to HIGH. Table 3. Fixative 1.5A CC Mode Specifications Output Voltage 5V 9V 12 V Rated Current 1.5 A 1.1 A For fixative 2.0 A CC Mode setting, it is fixative CC output 2.0 A except for 12 V mode. The specifications are as follows: Green Mode Operation FAN6100Q has Green Mode operation with low quiescent current consumption (

