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IBS S7 300 DSC-T Controller Board for Siemens SIMATIC® S7-300 PLCs Data Sheet 5770B 11/1999 Product Description INTERBUS Generation 4 controller board for SIMATIC® S7-300 PLCs Features – INTERBUS protocol (DIN E 19258) – Complete Generation 4 functionality – Up to 255 remote bus devices – Up to 16 device levels – Up to 512 devices – Up to 4096 I/O points – Up to 62 PCP devices – Synchronous operation – Supports the INTERBUS Inline system – Supports INTERBUS Loop/Loop 2 devices – IBS CMD G4 support (CMD 4.50 or higher) – User-defined addressing – Data preprocessing on the controller board 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 1 – Comprehensive system diagnostics – Group shutdown Figure 1 – LCD displaying operating and diagnostic data directly – Firmware download through RS-232 – Operation with keypad on the front plate – External 24 V DC power supply IBS S7 300 DSC-T Applications Coupling of INTERBUS to SIMATIC® S7-300 PLCs. 5770B 1 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Module Overview 1 8 7 2 3 6 4 Figure 2 5 5 5 7 0 A 0 0 2 Layout of the IBS S7 300 DSC-T controller board The controller board has the following components: 7 Location for the outgoing SIMATIC® bus connector 1 LCD 8 2 Slot for the memory card (memory card not shipped together with the controller board) Diagnostic interface (9-pos. D-SUB male connector) for connection to a PC 3 Operator’s panel 4 Test mode button 5 Connection for an external power supply (24 V DC) 6 Remote bus connection (9-pos. D-SUB female connector) 2 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T Functional Units of the Controller Board External Power Supply Remote Bus Connection (REMOTE) The controller board is powered through a 24 V DC supply. The remote bus connection links the controller board to the INTERBUS devices (field devices). The remote bus connection on the controller board has been designed as a 9-pos. D-SUB female connector. R e m o te b u s c o n n e c tio n 9 -p o s . D -S U B fe m a le c o n n e c to r 2 4 V 1 6 9 5 0 V F e m a le s id e D O 1 D O D I D I C O M + 5 V 6 2 7 3 5 9 4 G N D V c c 8 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 4 IN T E R B U S IB S S 7 3 0 0 D S C -T O r d .N o .: 2 7 1 9 9 7 5 P S C P U Figure 4 Remote bus connection 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phoenix Contact offers preassembled remote bus cables in common lengths. The design is shown in the figure below. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S T O P R e m o te b u s c a b le (D 9 /D 9 ) 9 -p o s . D -S U B fe m a le c o n n e c to r 9 -p o s . D -S U B m a le c o n n e c to r 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 3 Figure 3 Connection of the external supply voltage 1 6 5 9 D O 1 D O D I D I C O M 6 2 y e llo w g re e n g ra y p in k b ro w n 7 3 5 Note that the S7-300 system can only be operated if the external supply voltage is connected to the controller board. S o ld e r s id e Figure 5 9 S tr a in r e lie f D O 6 D O D I D I 2 1 7 3 C O M S tr a in r e lie f 6 1 5 9 S o ld e r s id e 5 7 7 0 A 0 2 4 Example of a remote bus cable (cable type D9/D9) The IBS OPTOSUB... and OPTOSUB PLUS interface connectors allow you to fit your INTERBUS system with optical fibers. 5770B 3 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Diagnostic Interface (RS-232) The controller board’s serial interface (RS-232) connects an IBM-compatible PC with the IBS CMD SWT G4 E software (Order No. 27 21 44 2). This software can be used to configure, parameterize, and diagnose the INTERBUS system. IBS CMD SWT G4 E is independent of the programming language and operating system of the S7-300 PLC. Parameterization and configuration information can be stored on the memory card (available as an accessory) with IBS CMD SWT G4 E. In addition, the firmware of the controller board can be downloaded. The serial interface on the front plate of the controller board has been designed as a 9-pos. D-SUB male connector. D ia g n o s tic in te r fa c e The board is connected to the PC with the RS-232 cable IBS PRG CAB (Order No. 28 06 86 2) shown below. R S -2 3 2 c a b le 9 -p o s . D -S U B fe m a le c o n n e c to r 2 2 3 3 5 5 9 5 1 6 9 -p o s . D -S U B fe m a le c o n n e c to r S tr a in r e lie f 6 S tr a in r e lie f S o ld e r s id e 9 1 5 S o ld e r s id e 5 7 7 0 A 0 2 5 Figure 7 RS-232 cable for connection to a PC Keypad The keypad consists of 6 keys and enables menu-driven operation of the controller board. 9 -p o s . D -S U B m a le c o n n e c to r 5 9 1 6 T X R X G N R T C T D 2 D 3 5 D S 7 S 8 p in s id e 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 5 Figure 6 Diagnostic interface : U p A rro w : D o w n A rro w : R ig h t A r r o w , fo r s e le c tin g m e n u c o m m a n d s o r a d d re s s e s : L e ft A r r o w , fo r s e le c tin g m e n u c o m m a n d s o r a d d re s s e s : E N T E R , fo r c o n fir m in g s e le c tio n : E S C A P E , fo r q u ittin g m e n u c o m m a n d Figure 8 4 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 6 Keypad of the IBS S7 300 DSC-T 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T LCD Slot for the Memory Card The diagnostic display shows operating states, addresses, data and the type and location of any error (sometimes in plain text). 16 status segments on the left-hand side of the LCD show the binary status of the input and output words. The process image is displayed in the hostspecific addressing syntax. Depending on the operating state of INTERBUS, the LCD backlighting is either green (normal operation) or red (error). 0 1 2 3 5 7 7 0 a 0 0 8 4 5 6 Figure 10 Inserting the memory card 7 A system-specific parameterization of the INTERBUS system and the controller board are stored on the plug-in memory card. 0 1 2 Inserting the memory card: 3 4 5 6 7 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 7 S T O P Figure 9 Diagnostic display with representation of the individual segments and lines Please refer to the IBS SYS DIAG DSC UM E Diagnostics Guide (Order No. 27 47 29 3) for further information on the LCD and operation of the keypad. 5770B Insert the memory card into the slot provided, with the female connector to the front (see Figure 10). Make sure that when the memory card is pressed lightly it clicks into place and the ejector moves out. Removing the memory card: Press the ejector. The memory card will be ejected from the slot. You can then remove it from the front. Test Mode Button This button is used for starting test mode. It is on the bottom right of the keypad on the front plate of the controller board (see Figure 2 on Page 2). 5 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Controller Board Installation Mounting Possible Slots The S7-300 PLC is row-oriented with a maximum of four rows (0 through 3). Each row has a maximum of eight slots for I/O modules. P S 3 IM 4 3 5 6 P S IM 4 3 5 6 P S IM 5 6 P S 1 C P U 2 IM 3 4 2 5 6 9 1 0 5 8 7 2 7 2 6 7 2 8 8 Insert the bus connector in the PLC component in front of the controller board (see Figure 12). 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 9 1 0 ... 3 8 4 0 8 ... 4 3 1 0 7 5 2 7 5 1 2 1 9 ... 6 4 0 2 8 7 Switch off the PLC power supply. 1 1 4 9 6 8 9 1 0 ... 1 1 3 6 8 5 7 7 0 A 0 1 0 S lo t N o . A n a lo g a d d r e s s (b a s e a d d re s s ) Figure 11 Structure of a SIMATIC® S7-300 PLC Rules for the Use of the Controller Board The controller board can be operated in rows 0 through 3 (rows 1 through 3 for C7, SINUMERIK 810D and 840D PLCs) in slots 4 through 11. The maximum number is 2 controller boards per row. Current consumption of the controller board: max. 300 mA at 24 V DC max. 10 mA 5 7 7 0 A 0 1 1 Figure 12 Inserting the bus connector from the S7 backplane bus The controller board occupies one slot in the analog PLC area (16 bytes inputs and 16 bytes outputs). Please note that the limited system resources of the S7 CPU 312 prevent the controller board from being operated in a PLC with this type of processor. 6 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T Hook the controller board onto the upper rail of the mounting channel (A) and swivel it down in the bus connector towards the mounting channel (B). Make sure that the system connector makes good contact and the controller board is securely placed and locked in the PLC. Then use the COMBICON connector to connect the controller board to the PLC power supply as described in Figure 3 on Page 3. A Integration into STEP 7® Integrate the controller board as a standard SIMATIC® component (FM 353 for Step Motor). To create the hardware configuration, select one of the following two options: B 5 7 7 0 A 0 1 2 Figure 13 Installing the controller board Lock the controller board to the mounting channel (C) using the two slotted-head screws at the bottom of the board. C – Reading out the control configuration – Manual integration of the controller board Please refer to the IBS S7 300 DSC QS UM E Quick Start Guide (Order No. 27 43 16 1) for further information about installing the software and integrating the controller board into STEP 7®. 5 7 7 0 A 0 2 6 Figure 14 Locking the controller board 5770B 7 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Controller Board Startup Test Mode Linking the INTERBUS Process Data In test mode the controller board automatically reads in the data of the connected I/O devices after a board reset, checks the components connected and starts the entire system. The diagnostic display provides you with information about the system during operation. In this mode the PLC cannot set outputs. The I/O address area of the SIMATIC® S7-300 PLC depends on the type of CPU. It is split into an input and an output address area. These contain the data of the boards operated in the PLC. Activate the test mode (PLC in STOP state) by keeping the test mode button depressed during the POWER-UP phase of the controller board. (see Figure 15). Driver blocks allow the area of the INTERBUS process data (input and output data of INTERBUS devices) to be transferred to the S7-300 PLC block by block. The driver blocks create a process image that reads the inputs prior to the application program, and writes the outputs to the controller board or output devices after they have been processed by the application program. The driver can transfer the input/output data of the INTERBUS system into or out of the I/O area of the PLC, bit memory areas or data blocks. D a ta p 1 n lI ita ig 5 7 7 0 A 0 0 9 Figure 15 Test mode button The controller board will now automatically try to start up the entire INTERBUS system. The button can be released when the "RDY" status is displayed. The display "RUN / TEST" indicates that the INTERBUS system has been installed correctly. If an installation error prevents the system from starting normal operation, the LCD backlighting will change to red and an appropriate error message will appear. 8 b lo c k a r e a B it m e m o r y a r e a I/Q a re a ( p r o c e s s im a g e ) IN T E R B U S in p u t a r e a (m a x . 5 1 2 b y te s in p u ts ) IN T E R B U S o u tp u t a re a m a x . 5 1 2 b y te s o u tp u ts 5 7 7 0 B 0 1 3 Figure 16 Source and destination areas for INTERBUS input/output data 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T Linking the INTERBUS Standard Registers IN T E R B U S IB S S 7 3 0 0 D S C -T O r d .N o .: 2 7 1 9 9 7 5 P S C P U ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S T O P 1 S lo t N o . 4 { 2 6 4 2 5 6 B a s e a d d re s s + O U T g re s . e d c b a g re s re s d c re s re s . g 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 2 IN 0 g . . a Diagnostic status register (2 bytes) b Diagnostic parameter register (2 bytes) c Standard function start register (2 bytes) d Standard function parameter register (2 bytes) e Standard function status register (2 bytes) g Communication register (4 bytes) The Communication Register . * * re s e rv e d 5 7 7 0 A 0 1 5 Figure 17 Location of the INTERBUS standard registers (in this case: slot 4; addresses 256 through 271) From the base address for the controller board onwards, the INTERBUS standard registers are in the I/O address area of the S7 PLC. In STEP 7® and IBS CMD, the base address must be set according to the slot of the board in the S7 system (see Section "Possible Slots" on page 6). If a type of CPU that allows the base address to be changed manually in STEP 7® is being used, this address can also be set in IBS CMD. 5770B The INTERBUS standard registers are in the address area above the base address. They allow easy control of the bus system and diagnostics. They can be addressed either directly through load or transfer instructions, or through a driver block. The controller board communication register is used as an interface for the driver blocks. This register must not be overwritten. Controller Board Configuration Configure the controller board using the IBS CMD SWT G4 E software version 4.50 or higher. The following are examples of settings that can be checked or changed. – Location of the base address – Location of the standard registers – Data transfer parameters – INTERBUS operating parameters Please refer to the IBS S7 300 DSC QS UM E Quick Start Guide (Order No. 27 43 16 1) for further information on configuring the controller boards with IBS CMD SWT G4 E. 9 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Timing of MEM_READ und MEM_WRIT Driver Blocks The runtimes of the FC 21 MEM_READ and FC 22 MEM_WRIT driver blocks depend on: – the type of CPU used, – the number of words (n) to be transferred – and the area to which, or from which, they are to be copied. The following runtime formulae apply to the transfer of data records parameterized under IBS CMD (n = number of words to be transferred). Formulae for the FC 21 MEM_READ driver times, classified according to destination area CPU type I Area Bit Memory Area Data Block Area 313 t = 2330 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2351 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2424 µs + n * 20 µs 314 t = 2153 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2167 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2235 µs + n * 20 µs 315/316 t = 2008 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2020 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2070 µs + n * 20 µs Formulae for the FC 22 MEM_WRIT driver times, classified according to source area CPU Type Q Area Bit Memory Area Data Block Area 313 t = 2359 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2380 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2453 µs + n * 20 µs 314 t = 2174 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2188 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2256 µs + n * 20 µs 315/316 t = 2025 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2037 µs + n * 20 µs t = 2087 µs + n * 20 µs Comparison of FC 21 and FC 22 Driver Times for Different Types of CPU in the Selectable Source and Destination Areas R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 3 .5 3 .5 3 .0 3 .0 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .5 2 .0 2 .0 1 .5 1 .5 1 .0 1 .0 0 .5 0 .5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 3 Figure 18 FC 21, I area 10 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 4 Figure 19 FC 21, bit memory area 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 3 .5 3 .5 3 .0 3 .0 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .5 2 .0 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .5 2 .0 1 .5 1 .5 1 .0 1 .0 0 .5 0 .5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 Figure 20 FC 21, data block area Figure 21 FC 22, Q area R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 R u n tim e /m s 4 .0 3 .5 3 .5 3 .0 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .5 2 .0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 6 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 5 3 .0 3 1 3 2 .5 3 1 4 3 1 5 /3 1 6 2 .0 1 .5 1 .5 1 .0 1 .0 0 .5 0 .5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 7 Figure 22 FC 22, bit memory area 5770B 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 6 0 6 4 4 0 D a ta tr a n s fe r r e d ( in w o r d s ) 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 8 Figure 23 FC 22, data block area 11 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Diagnostic Registers The extended diagnostic parameter register contains additional diagnostic information about the INTERBUS system (e.g., Inline). Diagnostic Status Register In the diagnostic status register, information is available as input bits. A state is assigned to each bit and further defined by the diagnostic parameter register. n 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 U S E R P F U s e r e rro r B U S P e r ip h e r a l fa u lt B u s e rro r C T R L C o n tr o lle r b o a r d /h a r d w a r e e r r o r D E T E C T D ia g n o s tic r o u tin e a c tiv e R U N 0 n + 1 7 0 3 1 S e g m e n t n u m b e r P o s itio n in s e g m e n t E x a m p le : D e v ic e n u m b e r 3 .1 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 2 C o n tr o lle r b o a r d r e a d y to o p e r a te n + 1 3 2 1 0 7 B S A S T O P R E S U L T S Y -R E S U L T D C -R E S U L T W A R N IN G Q U A L IT Y 0 0 n + 1 7 A 5 0 0 E rro r n u m b e r E x a m p le : A d d r e s s o v e r la p , c o d e 0 A 5 0 S e le c te d c o n fig u r a tio n r e a d y to o p e r a te R E A D Y n n 7 h e x D a ta tr a n s m is s io n a c tiv e A C T IV E S D S I n 7 the error code. E rro r c o d e 0 7 5 4 The diagnostic parameter register provides further information about the error that is indicated in the diagnostic status register. This is either the error location (in the case of bus errors) or n + 1 7 7 6 Diagnostic Parameter Register E r S r ot ö r r l u o n c g a st i o o r n t The diagnostic display is mapped to the PLC by the diagnostic status register and diagnostic parameter register. These registers inform the control system about the current state of the INTERBUS system. In the application program, operating states, errors, and other information are represented as inputs. 5 7 7 0 A 0 2 8 Whenever an error bit is set, the 16-bit diagnostic parameter register is rewritten. If no error bit is set, the register has the value 0. 0 Standard Function Start Register B u s s e g m e n t a b o rte d C P U s w itc h e d to S T O P S ta n d a r d fu n c tio n p r o c e s s e d n e g a tiv e ly S y n c h r o n iz a tio n e r r o r F a u lty d a ta c y c le s D e fin e d w a itin g tim e e x c e e d e d D e fin e d e r r o r d e n s ity e x c e e d e d M e s s a g e fo r P L C is p e n d in g 5 7 7 0 B 0 3 1 Frequently used predefined functions can be executed with a special standard function start register, by setting an output bit (presetting). New functions can only be executed after the preceding function has finished. Figure 24 Diagnostic status register 12 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T The individual standard function start bits have the following functions: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 5 M u s t n o t b e w r itte n d ir e c tly b y th e u s e r S ta rt th e IN T E R B U S s y s te m S to p th e b u s s y s te m , re s e t o u tp u ts a n d s e le c t a s to r e d c o n fig u r a tio n * C le a r d ia g n o s tic d is p la y D is c o n n e c t s e g m e n t* C o n n e c t s e g m e n t* B y p a s s d e v ic e * T e r m in a te d e v ic e b y p a s s * Please refer to the IBS S7 300 DSC QS UM E (Order No. 27 43 16 1) Quick Start Guide and the IBS SYS DIAG DSC UM E Diagnostics Guide (Order No. 27 47 29 3) for further information. 5 7 7 0 A 0 3 0 Figure 25 Assignment of frequently used functions in the standard function start register When writing bits 7 through 15 of the standard function start register directly, errors may arise in the INTERBUS system that could result in injury or damage to property. The processing sequence can be controlled using the corresponding standard function status bit. During the processing of a function, the corresponding standard function status bit is active. Regardless of whether or not it was possible to execute the service successfully, the standard function status bit is reset to 0 after processing. The standard function result bit in the diagnostic status register indicates whether or not the function was completed successfully. The functions marked with a * need other parameters for execution. These parameters must be transferred to the separate standard function parameter register (e.g., device number). 5770B 13 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Technical Data General Data Order designation IBS S7 300 DSC-T Order No. 27 19 97 5 Dimensions 80 mm x 125 mm x 110 mm (W x H x D) (3.150 in. x 4.921 in. x 4.330 in.) Weight 500 g Control System Permissible types of S7-300 CPU 313 through 316 Data Interfaces Control system SIMATIC® S7-300 I/O bus INTERBUS Remote bus (9-pos. D-SUB female connector) Parameterization, operation, diagnostics RS-232-C, 9-pos. D-SUB male connector Supply Connection method Through external power supply Voltage Typ. 24 V DC Permissible range 20 ... 30 V, including ripple Ripple 3.6 mVpp Current consumption Max. 300 mA at 24 V DC Max. 10 mA from the S7-300 I/O bus Insulation resistance 0.5 kV between 24 V supply voltage and 5 V logic Ambient Conditions Permissible operating temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) (horizontal mounting) 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) (vertical mounting) Permissible storage temperature -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F) Permissible humidity (operation) 30 to 75% (without condensation) Permissible humidity (storage and transport) 30 to 95% (without condensation) Permissible air pressure (operation) 860 to 1080 hPa (up to 1500 m [4922 ft.] above sea level) Permissible air pressure (storage and transport) 660 to 1080 hPa (up to 3,500 m [11,483 ft.] above sea level) 14 5770B IBS S7 300 DSC-T Programming Data Addressable PLC areas Input/output (I/Q) and bit memory (M) areas, and data blocks (DB) Occupied analog address area 16 bytes inputs and 16 bytes outputs Interrupts Process alarm INTERBUS Data Number of devices 512 (255 remote bus devices) Number of process data words 256 words (4096 binary inputs/outputs) Number of PCP devices 62 Optical Diagnostics Operating status Through 4-line LCD Error status Through 4-line LCD I/O status Through 4-line LCD Conformance With EMC Directive 89/336/ Noise Immunity Test According to EN 50 082-2 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) EN 61 000-4-2/ IEC 1000-4-2 Criterion B 6 kV contact discharge 8 kV air discharge Electromagnetic fields ENV 50 140 IEC 1000-4-3 Criterion A Field strength: 10 V/m Fast transients (burst) EN 61 000-4-4/ IEC 1000-4-4 Criterion B Signal/data lines: 2 kV Conducted interference ENV 50 141 IEC 1000-4-6 Criterion A Test voltage 10 V Surge test ENV 50.142 IEC 801-5 Criterion C Signal/data lines: 2 kV Supply line: 0.5 kV Noise emission test according to EN 55 011 Noise emission of housing EN 55 011 Class A, Gr. 1 EEC 5770B 15 IBS S7 300 DSC-T Meaning Order designation Order No. S7 -300 controller board IBS S7 300 DSC-T 27 19 97 5 S7 300 DSC system package with S7 300 controller IBS S7 DSC SYSKIT board, user manual, RS-232 connecting cable, memory card, and IBS CMD software (German) 27 21 30 3 S7 300 DSC system package (English) IBS S7 300 SYSKIT E 27 21 31 6 User manual including driver software (German) IBS S7 300 DSC UM 27 21 32 9 User manual including driver software (English) IBS S7 300 DSC UM E 27 21 33 2 Memory card (pluggable) IBS MC FLASH 27 51 77 1 Cable for connecting controller board - to PC (RS-232), 3 m long - to PG (TTY), 0.9 m long IBS PRG CAB PSM KA V.24/TTY-P/PA 28 06 86 2 27 62 00 3 IBS CMD software (German) IBS CMD SWT G4 27 21 43 9 IBS CMD software (English) IBS CMD SWT G4 E 27 21 44 2 Installation Manual for INTERBUS (German) IBS SYS INST UM 27 54 28 6 Installation Manual for INTERBUS (English) IBS SYS INST UM E 27 54 80 4 I/O Systems Manual for INTERBUS (German) IBS SYS PRO UM 27 53 82 1 I/O Systems Manual for INTERBUS (English) IBS SYS PRO UM E 27 51 00 1 Fiber-optic interface connector for REMOTE interface, polymer fiber OPTOSUB-PLUS-K/OUT 27 99 61 0 Fiber-optic interface connector for REMOTE interface, glass fiber OPTOSUB-PLUS-G/OUT 27 99 63 6 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co Flachsmarktstr. 8 32825 Blomberg Germany + 49 - (0) 52 35 - 3-00 + 49 - (0) 52 35 - 3-4 12 00 www.phoenixcontact.com 16 5770B © Phoenix Contact 11/1999 Subject to technical modification TNR 94 24 08 5 Ordering Data
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