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    LP78084 - Total Power solution of Portable Applications 800mA Charge 800mA Buck DC/DC300mA LDO - Low...

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LP78084 数据手册
Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 Total Power solution of Portable Applications 800mA Charge +800mA Buck DC/DC+300mA LDO General Description The LP78084 is a complete constant-current/ constant-voltage linear battery charger for a single-cell 4.2V lithium-ion battery with a 800mA step-down converter, and a 300mA low dropout (LDO) linear regulator. The input voltage range is 3.75V to 5.5V for the battery charger and 2.6V to 5.5V for the step-down converter and linear regulator, making it ideal for applications operating with single-cell lithium-ion/polymer batteries. The battery charger offers an integrated pass device, reverse blocking protection, high accuracy current and voltage regulation, charge status, and charge termination. The charging current is programmable via external resistor from 15mA to 800mA. In addition to these standard features, the device offers current limit, thermal protection, and soft-start. The step-down converter is a highly integrated converter operating at a 1.5MHz switching frequency, minimizing the size of external components while keeping switching losses low. It has independent input and enable pins. The output voltage ranges from 0.6V to the input voltage. The LP78084 linear regulator is designed for fast transient response and good power supply ripple rejection. Designed for 300mA of load current, it includes short-circuit protection and thermal shutdown. The LP78084 is available in a 16-lead 3mm*4mm TDFN package and is rated over the -40°C to 85°C temperature range. Features Battery Charger: − I nput Voltage Range : 3.75 V to 5.5V − Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage Operation with Thermal Feedback to Maximize Charge Rate Without Risk of Overheating − I nternal 4.5 Hour Safety Timer for Termination − C harge Current Programmable Up to 800mA with 5% Accuracy − C/10 Charge Current Detection Output − 5 uA Supply Current in Shutdown Mode − − − − − − − − − − − − Synchronous Buck Converter: I nput Voltage Range: 2.6V to 5.5V Output Voltage Range: 0.6V to VIN 800mA Output Current Up to 90% Efficiency 3 6 u A Quiescent Current 1.5MHz Switching Frequency 120 uS Start-Up Time Linear Regulator: 300mA Output Current Low Dropout: 150mV at 300mA F ast Line and Load Transient Response High Accuracy: ± 1.5% 8 4 u A Quiescent Current Short-Circuit, Over-Temperature, and Current Limit Protection 3 m m × 4 m m TDFN-16 Package RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free Order Information LP78084 - □ □ □ □ □ F: Pb-Free Package Type QV: TDFN-16 LDO Output Voltage 33: 3.3V 30: 3.0V 28: 2.8V 18: 1.8V Typical Application Circuit AC/USB 11 6 LP78084 AC/USB EN_BAT STAT VINB ENB VinA GND GND GND GND ENA OUTA Iset 5 7 BATT LX FB 8 15 1 R1 R2 VOUTA VOUTB VA ENB ENA 9 16 3 4 13 BATT Applications Portable Media Players/MP3 players Cellular and Smart mobile phone PDA/DSC Marking Information Please see website. Page 1 of 22 Bluetooth Applications LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 2 10 12 14 Preliminary Datasheet Functional Pin Description P a c k a g e Ty p e Pin Configurations LP78084 TDFN- 16 P i n Desc ript ion Pin 1 2,10,12,14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 16 PIN FB GND ENB VINA OUTA EN_BAT ISET BAT STAT ADP ENA LX VINB DESCRIPTION Feedback input. This pin must be connected directly to an external resistor divider. Nominal voltage is 0.6V. Ground. Enable pin for the step-down converter. When connected to logic low, the step-down converter is disabled and consumes less than 1 µA of current. When connected to logic high, the converter resumes normal operation. Linear regulator input voltage. Connect a 1 µF or greater capacitor from this pin to ground. Linear regulator output. Connect a 2.2µF capacitor from this pin to ground. Enable pin for the battery charger. When connected to logic low, the battery charger is disabled and consumes less than 1 µA of current. When connected to logic high, the charger resumes normal operation. Charge current set point. Connect a resistor from this pin to ground. Refer to typical characteristics curves for resistor selection. Battery charging and sensing. Charge status input. Open drain status output. Input for USB/adapter charger. Enable pin for the linear regulator. When connected to logic low, the regulator is disabled and consumes less than 1 µA of current. When connected to logic high, it resumes normal operation. Output of the step-down converter. Connect the inductor to this pin. Internally, it is connected to the drain of both high- and low-side MOSFETs. Input voltage for the step-down converter. LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 2 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Function Block Diagram LP78084 LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 3 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Absolute Maximum Ratings LP78084 Input Voltage to GND (VINA, VINB) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6V Adapter Voltage to GND (VADP) ----------------------------------------------------------------------0.3V to 6V LX to GND (VLX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3V to VIN +0.3V FB to GND (VFB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.3V to VIN +0.3V ENA, ENB, EN_BAT to GND (VEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------0.3V to 6V BAT, ISET, STAT (VX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------0.3V to VADP+0.3V Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) ----------------------------------------------------40℃ to 150℃ Maximum Soldering Temperature (at leads, 1 0sec) ----------------------------------------------------- 260℃ Thermal Information Maximum Power Dissipation (PD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2W Thermal Resistance (JA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50℃/W Electrical Characteristics (VINA=VOUT(NOM) + 1V for VOUT options greater than 1 .5V. IOUT = 1mA, COUT = 2.2µF, CIN = 1µF, TA = -40℃ to 85℃ , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are TA=25℃ ) Symbol Parameter Conditions LP78084 Min. Typ. Max. 2.6 5.5 2.6 200 2.4 -3 0.6 3 VINB 36 1 1 0.26 0.28 Unit V V mV V % V µA µA A Step-Down Converter Input Voltage VIN VUVLO VOUT VOUT IQ ISHDN ILIM RDS(ON)H RDS(ON)L ILXLEAK ∆VLine-reg/∆VIN UVLO Threshold Output Voltage Tolerance Output Voltage Range Quiescent Current Shutdown Current P-Channel Current Limit High-Side Switch On Resistance Low-Side Switch On Resistance LX Leakage Current Line Regulation Feedback Threshold Voltage Accuracy FB Leakage Current Oscillator Frequency Startup Time Over-Temperature Shutdown Threshold Over-Temperature Shutdown Hysteresis Enable Threshold Low Enable Threshold High Input Low Current Nov.-2007 VINB Rising Hysteresis VINB Falling IOUTB = 0 to 250mA, VINB = 2.6V to 5.5V No Load ENB = GND VINB = 5.5V, VLX = 0 to VINB VINB = 2.8V to 5.5V VINB = 3.6V VOUTB = 1 .0V 1.2 From Enable to Output Regulation 1.5 120 150 20 0.588 0.2 0.6 1 0.4 0.612 0.2 1.8 µA %/V V µA MHz µs ℃ ℃ VFB IFB FOSC TS TSD THYS VEN(L) VEN(H) IEN 0.4 1.4 V V VINB = VENB = 5.5V -1 1 µA Page 4 of 22 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 Electrical Characteristics (VINA=VOUT(NOM) + 1V for VOUT options greater than 1 .5V. IOUT = 1mA, COUT = 2.2µF, CIN = 1µF, TA = -40℃ to 85℃ , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are TA=25℃ ) Symbol Linear Regulator VOUT VIN VDO ∆ VOUT/ V Parameter Conditions Min. IOUTA = 100 µA to 300mA LP78084 Typ. Max. Unit Output Voltage Tolerance Input Voltage Dropout Voltage Line Regulation Dynamic Load Regulation Output Current Short-Circuit Current Quiescent Current Shutdown Current Power Supply Rejection Ratio Over-Temperature Shutdown Threshold Over-Temperature Shutdown Hysteresis Output Noise Enable Threshold Low Enable Threshold High Enable Input Current TA = 25°C -3 V 3 5.5 150 0.05 15 200 0.2 35 % V mV %/V mV mA OUT + VDO I OUT ∆ VIN * 300mA INA = OUTA + 0.5 to 5.5V, I OUTA = 1mA V V OUTA = ∆ VOUT(Load) I IOUTA = 1mA to 300mA V OUT OUTA > 1 .2V 300 720 84 140 1 65 160 25 ISC IQ ISHDN PSRR TSD THYS eN VEN(L) V TA = -40к to 85к V mA µA µA dB ℃ ℃ INA = 5V; ENA = VIN VINA = 5V; ENA = 0V 1kHz VIN =VOUT +1V IOUT=10mA,10HzЉ fЉ 100kHz 125 0.4 1.6 µVRMS V V 100 nA EN(H) IEN VENA = 5.5V Battery Charger Operation VADP VASD Adapter Voltage Range Automatic Shutdown Threshold Voltage 3.75 V V V ( CC- BAT), CC Low 5 110 45 120 5.5 135 70 V mV to High 85 15 (VCC-VBAT),VCC High to Low T SS_CHRG Battery Charger Soft-Start Time Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) ADP Rising Edge ADP Falling Edge 3.4 2.8 µS 3.8 3.2 300 5 2 V V µA µA µA 3.6 3 115 0.2 0.7 V IOP I SHUTDOWN Operating Current Shutdown Current Reverse Leakage Current from BAT Pin VBAT=4.5V(Forces IBAT and IISET=0) V BAT = 4V, EN_BAT = GND ILEAKAGE VBAT = 4V, VADP=3.5V LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 5 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 Electrical Characteristics (VINA=VOUT(NOM) + 1V for VOUT options greater than 1 .5V. IOUT = 1mA, COUT = 2.2µF, CIN = 1µF, TA = -40℃ to 85℃ , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are TA=25℃ ) Voltage Regulation VBAT_EOC ∆ VBAT_EOC/ V BAT_EOC End of Charge Accuracy Output Charge Voltage Tolerance Preconditioning Voltage Threshold Battery Recharge Voltage Measured from VBAT _EOC Threshold (ADP - VBAT) Undervoltage IBAT = 0.9 ICH Current Limit Threshold Voltage I BAT = 4.158 4.200 1 4.242 V % VMIN VRCH ∆VUVCL1 ∆VUVCL2 2.80 2.95 -0.15 3.10 V V mV mV 180 90 300 130 0.1 ICH Current Regulation Charge Current Programmable ICHG Range Charge Current Regulation I I ∆ CHG/ CHG Tolerance VISET K I_A 15 10 1 400 3 1.5 VBAT = 2.5V 0.75 4.5 2.25 1.125 2 75 115 500 mA % V ISET Pin Voltage Current Set Factor: ICHG/IISET Termination Timer Recharge Time Low-Battery Charge Time Defective Battery Detection STAT Pulse Frequency Defective Battery Detection STAT Pulse Frequency Duty Ratio Junction Temperature in ConstantTemperature Mode tTIMER 6 3 1.5 hrs hrs hrs Hz % ℃ F BADBAT D BADBAT TLIM Charging Devices RDS(ON) Charging Transistor On Resistance VADP = 4.2V 1 Logic Control / Protection VEN(H) V Enable Threshold High Enable Threshold Low Output Low Voltage STAT Pin Current Sink Capability Pre-Charge Current Charge Termination Threshold Current ICHG = 1 00mA STAT Pin Sinks 4mA 1.6 0.4 0.4 8 10 10 V V V mA % % EN(L) VSTAT I STAT ITK/ICHG I TERM/ CHG I LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 6 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Typical Operating Characteristics LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 7 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 8 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 9 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 10 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 11 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 12 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 13 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Operation The LP78084 is a full-featured linear battery charger with an integrated synchronous buck converter, and a linear regulator designed primarily for handheld applications. The battery charger is capable of charging single-cell 4.2V Li-Ion batteries. The buck converter is powered from the VINB pin and has a programmable output voltage providing a maximum load current of 600mA. The linear regulator is design for low noise, low-dropout application. The converter, the linear regulator and the battery charger can run simultaneously or independently of each other. BATTERY CHARGER OPERATION Featuring an internal P-channel power MOSFET, MP1, the battery charger uses a constant-current/constant-voltage charge algorithm with programmable current. Charge current can be programmed up to 500mA with a final float voltage of 4.2V ± 1%. The STAT open-drain status output indicates when C/10 has been reached. No blocking diode or external sense resistor is required; thus, the basic charger circuit requires only two external components. An internal termination timer adheres to battery manufacturer safety guidelines. Furthermore, the LP78084 battery charger is capable of operating form a USB power source. A charge cycle begins when the voltage at the ADP pin rises above 3.6V and approximately 1 10mV above the BAT pin voltage, a 1% program resistor is connected form the ISET pin to ground, and the EN_BAT pin is pulled above the enable threshold (VI H ). If the battery voltage is less than 2.95V, the battery charger begins trickle charging at 10% of the programmed charge current. When the BAT pin approaches the final float voltage of 4.2V, the battery charger enters constant-voltage mode and the charge current begins to decrease. When the current drops to 10% of the full-scale charge current, an internal comparator turns off the N-channel MOSFET driving the STAT pin, and the pin becomes high impedance. An internal thermal limit reduces the programmed charge current if the die temperature attempts to rise above a preset value of approximately 115℃. This feature protects the LP78084 from excessive temperature and allows the user to push the limits of the power handling capability of a given circuit board without the risk of damaging the LP78084 or external components. Another benefit of the thermal limit is that charge current can be set according to typical, rather than worst-case, ambient temperatures for a given application with the assurance that the battery charger will automatically reduce the current in worst-case conditions. An internal timer sets the total charge time, tT I M E R (typically 4.5 hours). When this time elapses, the charge cycle terminates and the STAT pin assumes a high impedance state even if C/10 has not yet been reached. To restart the charge cycle, remove the input-voltage and reapply it or momentarily force the EN_BAT pin below VI L . A new charge cycle will automatically restart if the BAT pin voltage falls below VBAT_EOC (typically 4.05V). LP78084 Constant-Current / Constant-Voltage / Constant- Temperature The LP78084 battery charger uses a unique architecture to charge a battery in a constant-current, constant-voltage and constant-temperature fashion. Figure 2 shows a Simplified Block Diagram of the LP78084. Three of the amplifier feedback loops shown control the constant-current, CA, constant-voltage, VA, and constant-temperature, TA modes. A fourth amplifier feedback loop, MA, is used to increase the output impedance of the current source pair, MP 1 and MP3 (note that MP1 is the internal P-channel power MOSFET). It ensures that the drain current of MP 1 is exactly 400 times the drain current of MP3. Amplifiers CA and VA are used in separate feedback loops to force the charger into constant-current or constant voltage mode, respectively. Diodes D1 and D2 provide priority to either the constant-current or constant-voltage loop, whichever is trying to reduce the charge current the most. The output of the other amplifier saturates low which effectively removes its loop from the system. When in constant-current mode, CA servos the voltage at the ISET pin to be precisely 1V. VA servos its non-inverting input to 1.22V when in constant-voltage mode and the internal resistor divider made up of R1 and R2 ensures that the battery voltage is maintained at 4.2V. The ISET pin voltage gives an indication of the charge current anytime in the charge cycle, as discussed in “Programming Charge Current” in the Applications Information section. If the die temperature starts to creep up above 115°C due to internal power dissipation, the transconductance amplifier, TA, limits the die temperature to approximately 115°C by reducing the charge current. Diode D3 ensures that TA does not affect the charge current when the die temperature is below 115°C. In thermal regulation, the ISET pin voltage continues to give an indication of the charge current. In typical operation, the charge cycle begins in constant-current mode with the current delivered to the battery equal to 400V/RISET. If the power dissipation of the EUP8 084 results in the junction temperature approaching 115°C, the amplifier (TA) will begin decreasing the charge current to limit the die temperature to approximately 115°C. As the battery voltage rises, the LP78084 either returns to constant-current mode or enters constant-voltage mode straight from constant-temperature mode. Battery Charger Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) An internal undervoltage lockout circuit monitors the input voltage and keeps the battery charger off until ADP rises above 3 .6V and approximately 11 0mV above the BAT pin voltage. The 3.6V UVLO circuit has a built-in hysteresis of approximately 0.6V, and the 110mV automatic shutdown threshold has a built-in hysteresis of approximately 65 mV. During undervoltage lockout conditions, maximum battery drain current is 5 uA and maximum supply current is 10 uA. LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 14 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Undervoltage Charge Current Limiting (UVCL) The battery charger in the LP78084 includes undervoltage charge current limiting that prevents full charge current until the input supply voltage reaches approximately 300mV above the battery voltage ( △Vuvcl1). This feature is particularly useful if the LP78084 is powered from a supply with long leads (or any relatively high output impedance). See Applications Information section for further details. Trickle Charge and Defective Battery Detection At the beginning of a charge cycle, if the battery voltage is below 2.95V, the battery charger goes into trickle charge mode, reducing the charge current to 10% of the programmed current. If the low battery voltage persists for one quarter of the total time (1.125 hr), the battery is assumed to be defective, the charge cycle terminates and the STAT pin output pulses at a frequency of 2Hz with a 75% duty cycle. If, for any reason, the battery voltage rises above 2.95V, the charge cycle will be restarted. To restart the charge cycle (i.e., when the dead battery is replaced with a discharged battery less than 2.95V), the charger must be reset by removing the input voltage and reapplying it or temporarily pulling the EN_BAT pin below the enable threshold. Battery Charger Shutdown Mode The LP78084’s battery charger can be disabled by pulling the EN_BAT pin below the shutdown threshold (VI L ). In shutdown mode, the battery drain current is reduced to less than 2 A and the ADP supply current to about 5 A provided the regulator is off. When the input voltage is not present, the battery charger is in shutdown and the battery drain current is less than 5 A. STAT Status Output Pin The charge status indicator pin has three states: pulldown, pulse at 2Hz (see Defective Battery Detection) and high impedance. The pulldown state indicates that the battery charger is in a charge cycle. A high impedance state indicates that the charge current has dropped below 10% of the full-scale current or the battery charger is disabled. When the timer runs out (4.5 hrs), the STAT pin is also forced to the high impedance state. If the battery charger is not in constant-voltage mode when the charge current is forced to drop below 10% of the full-scale current by UVCL, STAT will stay in the strong pulldown state. Charge Current Soft-Start and Soft-Stop The LP78084’s battery charger includes a soft-start circuit to minimize the inrush current at the start of a charge cycle. When a charge cycle is initiated, the charge current ramps from zero to full-scale current over a period of approximately 1 2 0 u S . Likewise, internal circuitry slowly ramps the charge current from full-scale to zero when the battery charger is turned off or self terminates. This has the effect of minimizing the transient current load on the power supply during start-up and charge termination. LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 LP78084 Timer and Recharge The LP78084’s battery charger has an internal termination timer that starts when the input voltage is greater than the undervoltage lockout threshold and at least 11 0mV above BAT, and the battery charger is leaving shutdown. At power-up or when exiting shutdown, the charge time is set to 4.5 hours. Once the charge cycle terminates, the battery charger continuously monitors the BAT pin voltage using a comparator with a 2ms filter time. When the average battery voltage falls below 4.05V (which corresponds to 80%-90% battery capacity), a new charge cycle is initiated and a 2.25 hour timer begins. This ensures that the battery is kept at, or near, a fully charged condition and eliminates the need for periodic charge cycle initiations. The STAT output assumes a strong pulldown state during recharge cycles until C/10 is reached or the recharge cycle terminates. SWITCHING REGULATOR OPERATION: The switching regulator in the LP78084 can be turned on by pulling the ENB pin above VI H . Main Control Loop The switching uses a slop-compensated constant frequency, current mode PWM architecture. Both the main (P-Channel MOSFET) and synchronous (N-channel MOSFET) switches are internal. During normal operation, the buck converter regulates output voltage by switching at a constant frequency and then modulating the power transferred to the load each cycle using PWM comparator. It sums three weighted differential signals: the output feedback voltage from an external resistor divider, the main switch current sense, and the slope-compensation ramp. It modulates output power by adjusting the inductor-peak current during the first half of each cycle. An N-channel, synchronous switch turns on during the second half of each cycle (off time). When the inductor current starts to reverse or when the PWM reaches the end of the oscillator period, the synchronous switch turns off. This keep excess current from flowing backward through the inductor, from the output capacitor to GND, or through the main and synchronous switch to GND. Switching Regulator Undervoltage Lockout Whenever VINB is less than 2.6V, an undervoltage lockout circuit keeps the regulator off, preventing unreliable operation. However, if the regulator is already running and the battery voltage is dropping, the undervoltage comparator does not shut down the regulator until VI N B drops below 2.4V. Thermal Consideration To avoid the switching regulator from exceeding the maximum junction temperature, the user will need to do a thermal analysis. The goal of the thermal analysis is to determine whether the operating conditions exceed the maximum junction temperature of the part. The temperature rise is given by: Page 15 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Where PD =IL O A D 2 × RD S ( O N ) is the power dissipated by the regulator ; J A is the thermal resistance from the junction of the die to the ambient temperature. The junction temperature, TJ , is given by: Where TA is the ambient temperature. TJ should be below the maximum junction temperature of 150°C. Linear Regulator Operation: The LP78084 includes a low-noise, low-dropout, linear regulator operates from a 2.5V to 5.5V input and is guaranteed to deliver 300mA. The linear regulator is stable with small 2.2µF ceramic capacitor. Its performance suits battery powered applications because of its shutdown mode, low quiescent current, and very low dropout voltage. The low dropout voltage allows for more utilization of a battery’s available energy by operating closer to its end-of-life voltage. LP78084 used to calculate the maximum resistance value for RI S E T : 210 IS Average, rather than instantaneous, battery current may be of interest to the user. For example, when the switching regulator operating in low-current mode is connected in parallel with the battery, the average current being pulled out of the BAT pin is typically of more interest than the instantaneous current pulses. In such a case, a simple RC filter can be used on the ISET pin to measure the average battery current as shown in Figure 3. A 10k resistor has been added between the ISET pin and the filter capacitor to ensure stability. A P P L I C AT I O N S I N F O R M AT I O N BATTERY CHARGER Programming Charge Current The battery charge current is programmed using a single resistor from the ISET pin to ground. The charge current is 400 times the current out of the ISET pin. The program resistor and the charge current are calculated using the following equations: Figure 3. Isolating Capacitive Load on ISET Pin and Filtering Undervoltage Charge Current Limiting (UVCL) USB powered systems tend to have highly variable source impedances (due primarily to cable quality and length). A transient load combined with such impedance can easily trip the UVLO threshold and turn the battery charger off unless undervoltage charge current limiting is implemented. Consider a situation where the LP78084 is operating under normal conditions and the input supply voltage begins to sag (e.g. an external load drags the input supply down). If the input voltage reaches VUVCL (approximately 300mV above the battery voltage, ), under-voltage charge current limiting will begin to reduce the charge current in an between ADP and BAT. The attempt to maintain LP78084 will continue to operate at the reduced charge current until the input supply voltage is increased or voltage mode reduces the charge current further. Operation from Current Limited Wall Adapter By using a current limited wall adapter as the input supply, the LP78084 can dissipate significantly less power when programmed for a current higher than the limit of the supply. Consider a situation where an application requires a 200mA charge current for a discharged 800mAh Li-Ion battery. If a typical 5V (non-current limited) input supply is available then the peak power dissipation inside the part can exceed 300mW. Now consider the same scenario, but with a 5V input supply with a 200mA current limit. To take advantage of the supply, The charge current out of the BAT pin can be determined at any time by monitoring the ISET pin voltage and using the following equation: Stability Considerations The LP78084 battery charger contains two control loops: constant-voltage and constant-current. The constant-voltage loop is stable without any compensation when a battery is connected with low impedance leads. Excessive lead length, however, may add enough series inductance to require a bypass capacitor of at least 1 F from BAT to GND. In constant-current mode, the ISET pin voltage is in the feedback loop, not the battery voltage. Because of the additional pole created by ISET pin capacitance, capacitance on this pin must be kept to a minimum. With no additional capacitance on the ISET pin, the battery charger is stable with ISET resistor values as high as 25k. However, additional capacitance on this node reduces the maximum allowed program resistor. The pole frequency at the ISET pin should be kept above 100kHz. Therefore, if the ISET pin is loaded with a capacitance, CISET, the following equation should be LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 16 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet it is necessary to program the LP78084 to charge at a current greater than 200mA. Assume that the LP78084 charger is programmed for 300mA (i.e., RI S E T = 1 .33k) to ensure that part tolerances maintain a programmed current higher than 200mA. Since the battery charger will demand a charge current higher than the current limit of the input supply, the supply voltage will collapse to the battery voltage plus 200mA times the on-resistance of the internal PMOSFET. The on-resistance of the battery charger power device is approximately 1 with a 5V supply. The actual on-resistance will be slightly higher due to the fact that the input supply will have collapsed to less than 5V. The power dissipated during this phase of charging is approximately 40mW. That is a ten times improvement over the non-current limited supply power dissipation. USB and Wall Adapter Power Although the LP78084 allows charging from a USB port, a wall adapter can also be used to charge Li-Ion batteries. Figure 4 shows an example of how to combine wall adapter and USB power inputs. A P-channel MOSFET, MP 1, is used to prevent back conducting into the USB port when a wall adapter is present and Schottky diode, D1, is used to prevent USB power loss through the 1k pulldown resistor. Typically a wall adapter can supply significantly more current than the current-limited USB port. Therefore, an N-channel MOSFET, MN 1, and an extra program resistor can be used to increase the charge current when the wall adapter is present. LP78084 due to the regulator. PD_BUCK can be calculated as: Where VOUTB is the regulated output of the switching regulator, IOUTB is the regulator load and is the regulator efficiency at that particular load. It is not necessary to perform worst-case power dissipation scenarios because the LP78084 will automatically reduce the charge current to maintain the die temperature at approximately 115°C. However, the approximate ambient temperature at which the thermal feedback begins to rotect the IC is: Example: Consider the extreme case when an LP78084 is operating from a 6V supply providing 250mA to a 3V Li-Ion battery, the switching regulator and the LDO are off. The ambient temperature above which the LP78084 will begin to reduce the 250mA charge current is approximately: (Correctly soldered to a 2500mm2 double-sided 1 oz. copper board, the LP78084 has a thermal resistance of approximately 43°C/W.) T= 1 o 5 C )6( V 3 V 2 5 0 m A 4 3 o / W 1 C () If there is more power dissipation due to the switching regulator or the LDO, the thermal regulation will kick in at a somewhat lower temperature than this. In the above circumstances, the LP78084 can be used above 82.75°C, but the charge current will be reduced from 250mA. The approximate current at a given ambient temperature can be calculated: Figure 4. Combining Wall Adapter and USB Power o Power Dissipation The conditions that cause the LP78084 battery charger to reduce charge current through thermal feedback can be approximated by considering the total power dissipated in the IC. For high charge currents, the LP78084 power dissipation is approximately: Using the previous example with an ambient temperature of 85°C, the charge current will be reduced to approximately: o o o Note: 1V = 1J/C = 1W/A Where PD is the total power dissipated within the IC, ADP is the input supply voltage, VBAT is the battery voltage, IBAT is the charge current and PD_BUCK is the power dissipation Furthermore, the voltage at the ISET pin will change proportionally with the charge current as discussed in the Programming Charge Current section. LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 17 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet ADP Bypass Capacitor Many types of capacitors can be used for input bypassing; however, caution must be exercised when using multi-layer ceramic capacitors. Because of the self-resonant and high Q characteristics of some types of ceramic capacitors, high voltage transients can be generated under some start-up conditions, such as connecting the battery charger input to a live power source. SWITCHING REGULATOR LP78084 When choosing the input and output ceramic capacitors, choose the X5R or X7R dielectric formulations. These dielectrics have the best temperature and voltage characteristics of all the ceramics for a given value and size. Output Voltage Programming The output voltage is set by a resistive divider according to the following formula: Inductor Selection The output inductor is selected to limit the ripple current to some predetermined value, typically 20%~40% of the full load current at the maximum input voltage. Large value inductors lower ripple currents. Higher VI N or VO U T also increases the ripple current as shown in equation. A reasonable starting point for setting ripple current is IL =240mA (40% of 600mA). The external resistive divider is connected to the output, allowing remote voltage sensing as shown in Figure 5. The DC current rating of the inductor should be at least equal to the maximum load current plus half the ripple current to prevent core saturation. Thus, a 720mA rated inductor should be enough for most applications (600mA+120mA). For better efficiency, choose a low DC-resistance inductor. CI N and COUT Selection In continuous mode, the source current of the top MOSFET is a square wave of duty cycle VOUT/VIN. The primary function of the input capacitor is to provide a low impedance loop for the edges of pulsed current drawn by the LP78084. A low ESR input capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current must be used. The size required will vary depending on the load, output voltage and input voltage source impedance characteristics. A typical value is around 4.7µF. The input capacitor RMS current varies with the input voltage and the output voltage. The equation for the maximum RMS current in the input capacitor is: LINEAR REGULATOR External Capacitors Like any low-dropout regulator, the regulator requires external capacitors for regulator stability. The regulator is specifically designed for portable applications requiring minimum board space and smallest components. These capacitors must be correctly selected for good performance. Input Capacitor A minimum input capacitance of 1 µF is required between the regulator input pin and ground (the amount of the capacitance may be increased without limit).This capacitor must be located a distance of not more than 1cm from the input pin and returned to a clean analog ground. Any good quality ceramic, tantalum, or film capacitor may be used at the input. If a tantalum capacitor is used at the input, it must be guaranteed by the manufacturer to have a surge current rating sufficient for the application. No-Load Stability The output capacitor COUT has a strong effect on loop stability. The selection of COUT is driven by the required effective series resistance (ESR). ESR is a direct function of the volume of the capacitor; that is, physically larger capacitors have lower ESR. Once the ESR requirement for COUT has been met, the RMS current rating generally far exceeds the IR I P P L E ( P - P ) requirement. The output ripple VOUT is determined by: The regulator will remain stable and in regulation with no external load. This is specially important in CMOS RAM keep-alive applications. Output Capacitance The regulator is specifically designed to employ ceramic output capacitors as low as 2.2µF. Ceramic capacitors below 10µF offer significant cost and space savings, along with high frequency noise filtering. Higher values and other types and of capacitor may be used, but their equivalent series resistance (ESR) should be maintained below 0 . 5 . Ceramic capacitor of the value required by the regulator are available in the following dielectric types: Z5U, Y5V, X5R, and X7R. The Z5U and Y5V types exhibit a 50% or more Page 18 of 22 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Preliminary Datasheet drop in capacitance value as their temperature increase from 25°C, an important consideration. The X5R generally maintain their capacitance value within ± 20%. The X7R type are desirable for their tighter tolerance of 10% over temperature. Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature Specified regulator operation is assured to a junction temperature of 160°C; the maximum junction temperature should be restricted to 160°C under normal operating conditions. This restriction limits the power dissipation the regulator can handle in any given application. To ensure the junction temperature is within acceptable limits, calculate the maximum allowable dissipation, PD(max), and the actual dissipation, PD , which must be less than or equal to PD ( m a x ) The maximum-power-dissipation limit is determined using the following equation: LP78084 Where: TJ M A X is the maximum allowable junction temperature. RJ A is the thermal resistance junction-to-ambient for the package TA is the ambient temperature. The regulator dissipation is calculated using: Power dissipation resulting from quiescent current is negligible. Excessive power dissipation triggers the thermal protection circuit. LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 19 of 22 Preliminary Datasheet Packaging Information LP78084 LP78084 – 02 Ver. 1.1 Datasheet Nov.-2007 Page 20 of 22
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