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    PE-51717 - THE CURRENT SENSE TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS - Pulse A Technitrol Company

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PE-51717 数据手册
THT CURRENT SENSE TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS V DE VDE Approved Designed for switching power supply applications Transformer meets IEC950 insulation requirements Frequency range from 20kHz to 200kHz Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 130°C Part Number Transformer with 2-1 T Primaries — PE-64487 PE-64488 PE-64517 PE-64518 PE-64519 — Schem. Figure 1C 1C 1C 1D 1D 1D — Part Number Part Number Transformer Schem. Inductor without with 1T Figure Primary Primary PE-63586 PE-63587 PE-63588 — PE-63618 PE-63619 PE-63691 1A 1A 1A — 1B 1B 1B PE-51686 PE-51687 PE-51688 PE-51717 PE-51718 PE-51719 — Schem. Figure 2A 2A 2A 2B 2B 2B — Turns NS 50 100 200 50CT 100CT 200CT 300CT Secondary Inductance MH (MIN) 5.0 20.0 80.0 5.0 20.0 80.0 180.0 Secondary Inductance Test Voltage (15.75 KHz) 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 RS (Ω MAX) 0.7 1.40 4.50 0.7 1.40 4.50 11.0 RT (Ω NOM) 50 100 200 50 100 200 300 Primary Unipolar Amp µ Sec. Rating (MAX) 150 300 600 150 300 600 900 Primary Bipolar Amp µ Sec. Rating (MAX) 300 600 1200 300 600 1200 1800 NOTES: 1. Maximum ratings specified with rated secondary terminating resistance and 1 turn primary. 2. Amp-microsecond (AµSec.) rating of primary equals volt microsecond (VµSec.) rating of secondary when secondary is terminated in rated resistance. (Amp—microseconds is equal to the product of a square pulse of current in amps, times the current pulse width in microseconds. 3. Maximum operating temperature 105°C (ambient plus rise). 4. When terminated with rated terminating resistance, the inductor scale factor is Vout = 1 volt per amp. for center tapped units terminating resistance for each half of winding is listed value divided by two. 5. 1 turn primary peak sense current is 20 amps for all parts listed above. 6. RoHS compliant parts are being introduced. Please contact Pulse for RoHS compliant part availability. If available, order part by adding the suffix "NL" to the part number (i.e. PE-63586 becomes PE-63586NL). Mechanicals Transformer 16 DATE CODE Schematics Inductor 1 0.390 9,906 MAX 0.652 17,01 MAX 1A 3 1 1B 3 4 3 0.700 MAX 17,78 PE-XXXXX 4 27 0.900 MAX 22,86 2 5 5 .170 4,32 MIN 2 5 1C 0.800 20,32 1D 3 1 2 6 7 3 4 5 V DE 1441 .010 MIN 0,25 .200 5,08 .051 .003 4X1,30 ±,076 (Leads: 1,2,6,7) 0.700 17,78 1457 1 2 6 7 0.700 MAX 17,78 5 .500 MIN 12,70 .250 6,35 .030 .002 2X0,76 ±,051 (Leads: 3,5) .500 12,70 .015 0,38 MIN 0.500 12,70 0.500 12,70 .500/.700 MAX/MIN 12,7/17,78 .030 .002 0,76 ± 0,05 Solderable Pin 2A 1 1 2 3 3 2B For More Information: Pulse Worldwide Headquarters 12220 World Trade Drive San Diego, CA 92128 U.S.A. www.pulseeng.com TEL: 858 674 8100 FAX: 858 674 8262 Dimensions: Inches mm Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± .005 0,13 Pulse Northern Europe 3 Huxley Road Surrey Research Park Guildford, Surrey GU2 5RE United Kingdom TEL: 44 1483 401700 FAX: 44 1483 401701 Pulse Southern Europe Zone Industrielle F-39270 Orgelet France TEL: 33 3 84 35 04 04 FAX: 33 3 84 25 46 41 Pulse Pulse North China China Headquarters Room 1503 No. 1 Industrial District Changan, Dongguan China TEL: 86 769 5538070 FAX: 86 769 5538870 XinYin Building No. 888 YiShan Road Shanghai 200233 China TEL: 86 21 54643211/2 FAX: 86 21 54643210 Pulse South Asia 150 Kampong Ampat #07-01/02 KA Centre Singapore 368324 TEL: 65 6287 8998 FAX: 65 6280 0080 Pulse North Asia No. 26 Kao Ching Road Yang Mei Chen Taoyuan Hsien Taiwan, R. O. C. TEL: 886 3 4641811 FAX: 886 3 4641911 Performance warranty of products offered on this data sheet is limited to the parameters specified. Data is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. © Copyright, 2006. Pulse Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. www.pulseeng.com P578.A (3/06)
PE-51717 价格&库存

