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    PY291A-25DM - 2K X 8 REPROGRAMMABLE PROM - Pyramid Semiconductor Corporation

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PY291A-25DM 数据手册
PY291A 2K X 8 REPROGRAMMABLE PROM FEATURES EPROM Technology for reprogramming High Speed – 20/25/35/50 ns (Commercial) – 35/50 ns (Military) Low Power Operation: 660 mW Single 5V±10% Power Supply Windowed devices for reprogramming Fully TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs Standard Pinout (JEDEC Approved) – 24-Pin 300 mil DIP – Windowed CERDIP – Non-Windowed CERDIP – Non-Windowed Plastic DIP DESCRIPTION The PY291A is a 2Kx8 CMOS PROM. The device is available in windowed packages which when exposed to UV light, the memory content in the PROM is erased and can be reprogrammed. EPROM technology is used in the memory cells for programming. The EPROM requires a 12.5V for programming. Devices are tested to insure that performance of the device meets the DC and AC specification limits after customer programming. To perform a read operation from the device, CS1 is LOW and CS2 and CS3 are HIGH. The memory contents in the address established by the Address pins (A0 to A10) will become available on the outputs (O0 to O7). The PY291A is available in 24-pin 300 mil Ceramic DIPs (CERDIP, Windowed and Non-Windowed) and Plastic DIPs (Non-Windowed). FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN CONFIGURATION DIP (P4, D4, WD1) Note: Window on WD1 package only Document # EPROM101 REV OR 1 Revised June 2007 PY291A MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Symbol VCC Parameter Power Supply Pin with Respect to GND Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND (up to 7.0V) Program Voltage Value –0.5 to +7 –0.5 to VCC +0.5 13 Unit V Symbol TA TBIAS V V TSTG PT IOUT Parameter Operating Temperature Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Power Dissipation DC Output Current Value –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –65 to +150 1.0 50 Unit °C °C °C W mA VTERM VPP RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Grade(2) Commercial Military Ambient Temp 0°C to 70°C -55°C to +125°C Gnd 0V 0V Vcc 5.0V ±10% 5.0V ±10% CAPACITANCES(4) (VCC = 5.0V, TA = 25°C, f = 1.0MHz) Symbol CIN COUT Parameter Input Capacitance Conditions Typ. Unit VIN = 0V 10 10 pF pF Output Capacitance VOUT= 0V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Over recommended operating temperature and supply voltage(2) Symbol VIH VIL VHC VLC VOL VOH ILI ILO VPP IPP VIHP VILP Parameter Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage CMOS Input High Voltage CMOS Input Low Voltage Output Low Voltage (TTL Load) Output High Voltage (TTL Load) Input Leakage Current Output Leakage Current Programming Supply Voltage Programming Supply Current Input HIGH Programming Voltage Input LOW Programming Voltage 3.0 0.4 IOL = +16 mA, VCC = Min. IOH = –4 mA, VCC = Min. VCC = Max. VIN = GND to VCC VCC = Max., CE = VIH, VOUT = GND to VCC 2.4 –10 –10 12 +10 +10 13 50 Test Conditions PY291A Min Max 2.0 –0.5 (3) Unit V V V V V V µA µA V mA V V VCC 0.8 VCC +0.5 0.2 0.4 VCC –0.2 –0.5(3) POWER DISSIPATION CHARACTERISTICS VS. SPEED Symbol ICC Parameter Dynamic Operating Current* Temperature Range Commercial Military –20 120 N/A –25 90 N/A –35 90 90 –50 90 90 Unit mA mA Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 2 of 9 PY291A AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—READ CYCLE (VCC = 5V ± 10%, All Temperature Ranges)(2) Symbol t AA t HZCS1 t ACS1 t HZCS2 t ACS2 t PU t PD Parameter Address to Output Valid Chip Select Inactive to High Z Chip Select Active to Output Valid Chip Select Inactive to High Z Chip Select Active to Output Valid Chip Select Active to Power-Up Chip Slect Inactive to Power-Down 0 22 -20 Max 20 15 15 22 22 0 27 -25 Max 25 15 15 27 27 0 35 -35 Max 35 20 20 35 35 0 45 -50 Max 50 20 20 45 45 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Min Min Min Min TIMING WAVEFORM OF READ CYCLE Notes: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to MAXIMUM rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. Extended temperature operation guaranteed with 400 linear feet per minute of air flow. 3. Transient inputs with VIL and IIL not more negative than –3.0V and –100mA, respectively, are permissible for pulse widths up to 20 ns. 4. This parameter is sampled and not 100% tested. Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 3 of 9 PY291A DEVICE ERASURE If the device is subjected to wavelengths of light below 4000 Angstroms, device erasure will commence. It is therefore recommended to use an opaque label over the window in the event the device will be exposed to lighting for a long time. The UV dose for erasure requires a wavelength of 2,537 Angstroms for a minimum dose of 25 Wsec/cm2. If using a UV lamp of 12 mW/cm2, the exposure time is estimated to be 35 minutes. Devices should be positioned within 1 inch of the lamp during the erasure process. Permanent damage can occur to the devices if exposed to UV light for an extended period of time. MODE SELECTION Pin Function Read or Output Disable Mode Other Read Output Disable Output Disable Output Disable Program Program Verify Program Inhibit Intelligent Program Blank Check Zeros X = Don't Care A10-A0 A10-A0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 A10-A 0 CS3 PGM V IH X X VIL VILP VIHP VIHP VILP VIHP CS2 VFY VIH X VIL X VIHP V ILP VIHP VIHP V ILP CS 1 VPP V IL VIH X X VPP VPP VPP VPP VPP O7-O0 D7-D0 O7-O0 High Z High Z High Z D7-D0 O7-O0 High Z D7-D0 Zeros PROGRAMMING PINOUTS Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 4 of 9 PY291A AC TEST CONDITIONS Input Pulse Levels Input Rise and Fall Times Input Timing Reference Level Output Timing Reference Level Output Load GND to 3.0V 3ns 1.5V 1.5V See Figures 1 and 2 Figure 1. Output Load * including scope and test fixture. Note: Because of the ultra-high speed of the PY291A, care must be taken when testing this device; an inadequate setup can cause a normal functioning part to be rejected as faulty. Long high-inductance leads that Figure 2. Thevenin Equivalent cause supply bounce must be avoided by bringing the VCC and ground planes directly up to the contactor fingers. A 0.01 µF high frequency capacitor is also required between VCC and ground. Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 5 of 9 PY291A ORDERING INFORMATION SELECTION GUIDE The PY291A is available in the following temperature, speed and package options. Temperature Range Commercial Military Temperature Military Processed* Speed (ns) Package Plastic DIP Windowed CERDIP Non-Windowed CERDIP Windowed CERDIP Non-Windowed CERDIP 20 -20PC N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 -25PC N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 -35PC -35WM -35DM -35WMB -35DMB 50 -50PC -50WM -50DM -50WMB -50DMB * Military temperature range with MIL-STD-883, Class B processing. N/A = Not Available Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 6 of 9 PY291A Pkg # # Pins Symbol A b b2 C D E eA e L Q S1 α D4 24 (300 mil) Min Max 0.200 0.014 0.026 0.045 0.065 0.008 0.018 1.280 0.220 0.310 0.300 BSC 0.100 BSC 0.125 0.200 0.015 0.060 0.005 0° 15° CERAMIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (NON-WINDOWED) Pkg # # Pins Symbol A b b2 C D E eA e L Q S1 WD WD1 24 (300 mil) Min Max 0.200 0.014 0.026 0.045 0.065 0.008 0.018 1.280 0.220 0.310 0.300 BSC 0.100 BSC 0.125 0.200 0.015 0.060 0.005 0° 15° 0.175 CERAMIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE (WINDOWED) Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 7 of 9 PY291A Pkg # # Pins Symbol A A1 b b2 C D E1 E e eB L α P4 24 (300 Mil) Min Max 0.210 0.015 0.014 0.022 0.045 0.070 0.008 0.014 1.230 1.280 0.240 0.280 0.280 0.325 0.100 BSC 0.430 0.115 0.160 0° 15° PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 8 of 9 PY291A REVISIONS DOCUMENT NUMBER: DOCUMENT TITLE: REV. OR ISSUE DATE Jun-2007 EPROM101 PY291A 2K x 8 REPROGRAMMABLE PROM ORIG. OF CHANGE JDB DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE New Data Sheet Document # EPROM101 REV OR Page 9 of 9
### 物料型号 - 型号:PY291A - 类型:2K x 8位可重编程PROM

### 器件简介 PY291A是一款2Kx8位的CMOS PROM。该设备采用EPROM技术,可以通过紫外线擦除并重新编程。EPROM需要12.5V的编程电压,设备经过测试以确保在客户编程后能满足直流和交流规范限制。

### 引脚分配 - 引脚配置:标准引脚配置,包括24引脚300 mil DIP、带窗口的CERDIP、不带窗口的CERDIP和不带窗口的塑料DIP。

### 参数特性 - 工作电压:单5V±10%电源 - 速度:20/25/35/50纳秒(商用)和35/50纳秒(军用) - 功率消耗:660毫瓦 - 兼容性:完全TTL兼容的输入和输出

### 功能详解 PY291A通过地址引脚(A0至A10)建立的地址对应的存储内容将出现在输出引脚(O0至O7)上。在执行读操作时,$\\overline{CS}_{1}$为低电平,$CS_{2}$和$CS_{3}$为高电平。

### 应用信息 PY291A可用于需要可重编程存储解决方案的应用,例如在需要频繁更新存储内容的系统中。

### 封装信息 - 封装类型:24引脚300 mil陶瓷DIP(CERDIP,带窗口和不带窗口)和塑料DIP(不带窗口) - 封装尺寸:详细尺寸参数已在文档中提供
PY291A-25DM 价格&库存

