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    功率电子开关 WLCSP-4B_0.8X0.8MM

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SGM2575ADYG/TR 数据手册
SGM2575 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SGM2575 is a single load switch with reverse ● Input Voltage Range: 1V to 5.5V current protection and controlled turn-on. The device ● Maximum Continuous Current: 2A can operate from 1V to 5.5V single supply and has the ● Low On-Resistance  RON = 34mΩ at VIN = 5V ability to drive up to 2A continuous current. The device contains a 34mΩ low RON N-MOSFET controlled by the ON pin. When the power supply is turned on for the first time, a smart pull-down resistor is used to float the ON pin until the system is stable. Once the ON pin reaches a high voltage (> VIH), the pull-down resistor is disconnected, then the standby current is very low and power loss can be reduced. The small package  RON = 34mΩ at VIN = 3.3V ● Low Shutdown Current: 90nA (TYP) ● Reverse Current Protection When Disabled ● Low Threshold 1.8V GPIO Control Input ● Bidirectional Power Supply for Power Zone Application ● Rise Time:  SGM2575A/SGM2575AD: 60μs (TYP) and low RON make the device very suitable for space limited, battery powered applications. The device supports a wide input voltage range, which is suitable for many different voltage rails. The rise time is used to avoid inrush current. The SGM2575AD/ SGM2575BD offer the quick output discharge function  SGM2575BD: 1600μs (TYP) ● Quick Output Discharge (SGM2575AD/SGM2575BD Only) ● Available in a Green WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B Package in disable status. APPLICATIONS The SGM2575 is available in a Green WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B Mobile Phone package. Ultrabook Tablet PC Digital Camera Wearable Technology Solid State Drive TYPICAL APPLICATION VIN VIN CIN VOUT SGM2575 On Off ON COUT ROUT GND Figure 1. Typical Application Circuit SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 – REV. A. 2 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDERING NUMBER SGM2575A WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B -40℃ to +85℃ SGM2575AYG/TR SGM2575AD WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B -40℃ to +85℃ SGM2575ADYG/TR SGM2575BD WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B -40℃ to +85℃ SGM2575BDYG/TR PACKAGE MARKING 74 X G0 X D5 X PACKING OPTION Tape and Reel, 3000 Tape and Reel, 3000 Tape and Reel, 3000 MARKING INFORMATION NOTE: X = Date Code. YY X Serial Number Date Code - Quarter Green (RoHS & HSF): SG Micro Corp defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) and free of halogen substances. If you have additional comments or questions, please contact your SGMICRO representative directly. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage Range, VIN...................................... -0.3V to 6V Output Voltage Range, VOUT ................................ -0.3V to 6V ON Pin Voltage Range, VON ................................. -0.3V to 6V Maximum Continuous Switch Current, IMAX........................ 2A Maximum Pulsed Switch Current, Pulse < 300μs, 2% Duty Cycle, IPLS ....................................................................... 2.5A Package Thermal Resistance WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B, θJA .......................................... 236℃/W WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B, θJB ............................................ 45℃/W WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B, θJC (top) ....................................... 64℃/W Junction Temperature .................................................+150℃ Storage Temperature Range........................ -65℃ to +150℃ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) ............................+260℃ ESD Susceptibility HBM ............................................................................. 4000V CDM ............................................................................ 1000V RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Input Voltage Range, VIN........................................1V to 5.5V Output Voltage Range, VOUT ..................................0V to 5.5V ON Pin Input High Voltage, VIH ...........................1.1V to 5.5V ON Pin Input Low Voltage, VIL ...............................0V to 0.4V Operating Ambient Temperature Range......... -40℃ to +85℃ Operating Junction Temperature Range ...... -40℃ to +125℃ SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com OVERSTRESS CAUTION Stresses beyond those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Functional operation of the device at any conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions section is not implied. ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTION This integrated circuit can be damaged if ESD protections are not considered carefully. SGMICRO recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because even small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet the published specifications. DISCLAIMER SG Micro Corp reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, or specifications without prior notice. FEBRUARY 2022 2 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) A1 VOUT A2 VIN B1 GND B2 ON WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME DESCRIPTION A1 VOUT A2 VIN Switch Input. It is recommended to use a bypass capacitor (ceramic) to ground. B1 GND Ground. B2 ON Switch Output. Switch Control Input. Active high enables the device. Do not float this pin. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN Reverse Current Protection Charge Pump Control Logic ON Smart Pull-Down Resistance Driver VOUT QOD (SGM2575AD/SGM2575BD Only) SGM2575 GND SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 3 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = -40℃ to +85℃, VIN = 1V to 5.5V, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, typical values are at TJ = +25℃, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER Input Voltage Range SYMBOL TYP MAX UNITS 5.5 V VIN = 5V, VON = 1.2V, IOUT = 0mA 320 560 VIN = 3.3V, VON = 1.2V, IOUT = 0mA 220 400 VIN = 1V, VON = 1.2V, IOUT = 0mA 140 300 VIN = 5.5V, VON = 0V 90 440 nA 450 nA VIN Quiescent Current IQ Shutdown Current ISD Supply Leakage Current in Shutdown Mode CONDITIONS ILEAKAGE 1 VIN = 5.5V, VON = 0V, VOUT = 0V VIN = 5V, VON = 1.2V, IOUT = -200mA 34 60 VIN = 3.3V, VON = 1.2V, IOUT = -200mA 34 60 On-Resistance RON ON Pin Leakage Current ION VON = 5.5V Reverse Current When Disabled IRC VIN = VON = 0V, VOUT = 5V Output Pull-Down Resistance (SGM2575AD/SGM2575BD Only) RPD Smart Pull-Down Resistance RPD_ON ON Pin Input Low Voltage VIL ON Pin Input High Voltage VIH SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com MIN mΩ 420 nA 1 µA VIN = 2.5V, VON = 0V, IOUT = 2mA 280 370 VIN = 5V, VON = 0V, IOUT = 2mA 270 360 Disabled 1.2 Ω MΩ 0.4 1.1 nA V FEBRUARY 2022 4 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = -40℃ to +85℃, CIN = 1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, COUT = 0.1μF, typical values are at TJ = +25℃, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 130 µs 200 µs SGM2575A/SGM2575AD: VIN = 3.3V, unless otherwise noted. Turn-On Time tON 220 Turn-Off Time tOFF 20 VOUT Rise Time tR VOUT Fall Time tF 85 2 Delay Time tD 205 Figure 2 and Figure 3 SGM2575A/SGM2575AD: VIN = 5V, unless otherwise noted. Turn-On Time tON 185 Turn-Off Time tOFF 35 VOUT Rise Time tR VOUT Fall Time tF 60 2 Delay Time tD 175 Figure 2 and Figure 3 SGM2575BD: VIN = 3.3V, unless otherwise noted. Turn-On Time tON 900 Turn-Off Time tOFF 18 VOUT Rise Time tR 1600 Figure 2 and Figure 3 VOUT Fall Time tF 3 Delay Time tD 400 µs PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION VIN VIN CIN 1μF VOUT COUT 0.1μF SGM2575 On * ON GND ROUT GND Off *: Rise and fall times of the control signal are 100ns. Figure 2. Test Circuit VON 50% 50% tOFF tON 90% 50% VOUT tD 10% 90% tR 50% tF 10% Figure 3. Timing Waveforms SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 5 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TJ = +25℃, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, VIH = 1.2V, VIL = 0V, unless otherwise noted. Shutdown Current vs. Input Voltage 400 400 350 Shutdown Current (nA) Quiescent Current (nA) Quiescent Current vs. Input Voltage 450 350 +85℃ 300 +25℃ 250 -40℃ 200 150 300 250 200 100 100 50 50 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 +85℃ 150 +25℃ -40℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 Input Voltage (V) On-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature 55 On-Resistance (mΩ) On-Resistance (mΩ) VIN = 1V VIN = 1.2V VIN = 1.8V VIN = 2.5V VIN = 3.3V VIN = 4.5V VIN = 5V VIN = 5.5V 35 30 25 20 -25 0 25 50 75 40 30 VIN = 3.3V VIN = 1V VIN = 4.5V VIN = 1.8V VIN = 5V VIN = 2.5V VIN = 5.5V 20 10 0 100 0 0.25 0.5 On-Resistance (mΩ) Output Pull-Down Resistance (Ω) IOUT = -200mA +85℃ 40 30 +25℃ 20 -40℃ 10 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Input Voltage (V) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 4.5 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 Output Pull-Down Resistance vs. Input Voltage 900 50 0.75 Output Current (A) 60 0 5.5 50 On-Resistance vs. Input Voltage 70 5 60 Junction Temperature (℃) 80 4.5 70 40 -50 4 On-Resistance vs. Output Current 45 15 3.5 80 IOUT = -200mA 50 3 Input Voltage (V) 5 5.5 SGM2575AD/BD Only 800 700 600 500 400 +85℃ 300 200 100 -40℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 +25℃ 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) FEBRUARY 2022 6 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TJ = +25℃, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, VIH = 1.2V, VIL = 0V, unless otherwise noted. ON Pin Input High Voltage vs. Input Voltage 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 -40℃ 0.7 +25℃ ON Pin Input High Voltage (V) ON Pin Input Low Voltage (V) ON Pin Input Low Voltage vs. Input Voltage 1 +85℃ 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) -40℃ 0.8 +25℃ 0.7 +85℃ 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) ON Pin Hysteresis vs. Input Voltage 0.045 ON Pin Hysteresis (V) 0.040 0.035 +85℃ 0.030 +25℃ 0.025 -40℃ 0.020 0.015 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 7 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 SGM2575A/SGM2575AD: TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TJ = +25℃, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, VIH = 1.2V, VIL = 0V, unless otherwise noted. Fall Time vs. Input Voltage 4.5 600 4 500 3.5 Fall Time (μs) Rise Time (μs) Rise Time vs. Input Voltage 700 400 300 200 100 0 -40℃ 2.5 2 -40℃ +25℃ 3 +25℃ 1.5 +85℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 1 5.5 1 1.5 +85℃ 2 Input Voltage (V) Turn-On Time vs. Input Voltage Turn-Off Time (μs) 100 Turn-On Time (μs) 1000 800 600 -40℃ 0 +85℃ 0 3 3.5 4 5 5.5 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) 5 5.5 -40℃ 40 20 2.5 4.5 60 +25℃ 2 4 80 200 1.5 3.5 Turn-Off Time vs. Input Voltage 120 1 3 Input Voltage (V) 1200 400 2.5 +25℃ +85℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Input Voltage (V) Delay Time vs. Input Voltage 1200 Delay Time (μs) 1000 800 600 -40℃ 400 +25℃ 200 0 +85℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Input Voltage (V) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 8 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 SGM2575A/SGM2575AD: TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TJ = +25℃, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, VIH = 1.2V, VIL = 0V, unless otherwise noted. Turn-On Response Turn-Off Response VIN = 1.8V VIN = 1.8V 1V/div VIN VOUT 1V/div 1V/div 1V/div VIN VOUT 1V/div 1V/div VON VON Time (200μs/div) Time (10μs/div) Turn-On Response Turn-Off Response VIN = 3.3V VIN = 3.3V 2V/div 2V/div VIN VIN 2V/div 2V/div VOUT VOUT 1V/div 1V/div VON VON Time (200μs/div) Time (10μs/div) Turn-On Response Turn-Off Response VIN = 5V VIN = 5V 2V/div 2V/div VIN VIN VOUT 2V/div 2V/div VOUT Time (200μs/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 1V/div 1V/div VON VON Time (10μs/div) FEBRUARY 2022 9 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 SGM2575BD: TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TJ = +25℃, CIN = 1μF, COUT = 0.1μF, ROUT = 10Ω, VIH = 1.2V, VIL = 0V, unless otherwise noted. Fall Time vs. Input Voltage 4.5 3 4 2.5 Fall Time (μs) Rise Time (ms) Rise Time vs. Input Voltage 3.5 -40℃ 2 +25℃ 1.5 1 3 -40℃ 2.5 2 +85℃ 0.5 0 3.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 +25℃ 1.5 4.5 5 1 5.5 1 +85℃ 1.5 2 Input Voltage (V) 2.5 100 2 -40℃ +25℃ 0.5 0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4 5.5 5 5.5 -40℃ 40 +25℃ 4.5 5 0 5.5 +85℃ 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Input Voltage (V) Turn-On Response Turn-Off Response VIN = 3.3V 4.5 1V/div 1V/div VIN 5 60 Input Voltage (V) VIN = 3.3V 4.5 80 20 +85℃ 1 3.5 Turn-Off Time vs. Input Voltage 120 Turn-Off Time (μs) Turn-On Time (ms) Turn-On Time vs. Input Voltage 1 3 Input Voltage (V) 3 1.5 2.5 VIN VOUT 1V/div 1V/div VOUT Time (1ms/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 1V/div 1V/div VON VON Time (10μs/div) FEBRUARY 2022 10 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The SGM2575 is a small, 4-ball, 2A load switch. A low on-resistance N-MOSFET is integrated, which makes a low voltage drop across the device. To choose suitable rise time is always used to avoid inrush current. Control Pin The ON pin can control the device. Pulling the ON pin high enables the device. Logic high of VIH on the ON pin will enable the device and VIL will turn off it. It has the ability to interface with low-voltage GPIO. It can support with 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V GPIOs. connected between VOUT and GND pins to prevent the output from floating when the switch is disabled. Functional Modes The connection of the VOUT pin is shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the smart-ON functions. Table 1. VOUT Connection ON Pin VOUT Pin L GND H VIN Table 2. Smart-ON Functional Modes Quick Output Discharge (SGM2575AD/ SGM2575BD Only) The quick output discharge (QOD) feature is available for SGM2575AD and SGM2575BD. If the ON pin is pulled low, a discharge resistor of 270Ω (TYP) is ON ON Pin Below VIL Pull-Down Active Above VIH No Pull-Down APPLICATION INFORMATION SGM2575 is a single channel, up to 2A current capability load switch with low on-resistance. The device has a wide input range, which can be used in different end equipment to set power sequence, reduce inrush current and maintain low standby leakage current. The typical application circuit of SGM2575 is shown in Figure 4. Input Voltage VIN VOUT SGM2575 CIN COUT On Off ON GND Figure 4. Typical Application Circuit SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com ROUT Load Input Capacitor A 1μF input capacitor (CIN) is recommended to use between VIN and GND close to the device pins. It can limit the voltage drop on the input supply. Larger CIN can reduce voltage dip in high current applications. Output Capacitor A 0.1μF output capacitor (COUT) should be placed between VOUT and GND close to the device pins. This capacitor will prevent parasitic board inductances from forcing VOUT below GND when the switch is turned off. To improve the VIN dropping when the device is turned on, it is recommended that CIN is placed greater than COUT, due to the CIN is charge for COUT. FEBRUARY 2022 11 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection SGM2575 APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Reverse Current Protection If the ON pin is pulled low, the device is disabled, while VIN > 1V or VOUT > 1V is met, the reverse current protection function is activated. This function prevents the current flowing from VOUT to VIN, and is very useful when SGM2575 is disabled and the output needs to be driven by another voltage source. VSRC VIH 0V VSRC - (IOUT × RON) VFORCE VOUT RCP Disabled RCP Enabled Power Supply Sequencing without a GPIO Input Due to QOD IOUT IVIN 0V IRC_VIN NOTES: VSRC is the input power supply to the equipment. VFORCE is the external power source forced at VOUT pin. IVIN is the current of VIN pin. IOUT is output load current. Figure 5. Reverse Current Protection Power Supply CIN Power Supply Recommendations The SGM2575 is designed for a wide operate input voltage range of 1V to 5.5V. Place a 1μF input bypass capacitor close to the device terminal is recommended. VIN VON Figure 5 shows how the reverse current protection circuit is activated in SGM2575. Pulling the ON pin down, the device is shut down and an external voltage (VFORCE) is forced to VOUT pin, the reverse current is tested very small given by IRC_VIN. This will prevent any large extra current reverse from the VFORCE (added on VOUT) to VIN. VIN VOUT In many terminal devices, each module needs to be powered up in a pre-determined manner. SGM2575 can set a power sequence by the tDELAY without extra GPIO, and may reduce inrush current. Figure 6 shows the sequence that the ON pin of first load switch is tied to the VIN, and the second load switch ON pin is tied to the VOUT of first load switch. The second load switch is powered up when the first load switch is turned on, this is the fixed sequence and the delay time set by default tDELAY. Module 1 COUT1 SGM2575 ON GND ON VOUT Module 2 COUT2 SGM2575 VIN GND Figure 6. Power Supply Sequencing without a GPIO Input SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 12 SGM2575 5.5V, 2A, 34mΩ RON Load Switch with Reverse Current Protection REVISION HISTORY NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. FEBRUARY 2022 ‒ REV.A.1 to REV.A.2 Page Updated Absolute Maximum Ratings section ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Updated Package Outline Dimensions section .................................................................................................................................................. 14 JULY 2020 ‒ REV.A to REV.A.1 Page Added SGM2575A and SGM2575BD versions .................................................................................................................................................. All Changes from Original (JANUARY 2020) to REV.A Page Changed from product preview to production data ............................................................................................................................................. All SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FEBRUARY 2022 13 PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B D 4×Φ 0.19 0.21 A1 CORNER E 0.4 0.4 TOP VIEW RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) 1 2 4 × Φd A e C B SEATING PLANE A ccc C A1 e BOTTOM VIEW SIDE VIEW Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters MIN MOD MAX A 0.400 0.450 0.500 A1 0.145 0.170 0.195 D 0.770 0.800 0.830 E 0.770 0.800 0.830 d 0.215 0.240 0.265 ccc - 0.050 - e 0.400 BSC NOTE: This drawing is subject to change without notice. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX00161.002 PACKAGE INFORMATION TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION REEL DIMENSIONS TAPE DIMENSIONS P2 W P0 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 B0 Reel Diameter A0 P1 K0 Reel Width (W1) DIRECTION OF FEED NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF TAPE AND REEL Reel Diameter Reel Width W1 (mm) A0 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P0 (mm) P1 (mm) P2 (mm) W (mm) Pin1 Quadrant WLCSP-0.8×0.8-4B 7″ 9.0 0.89 0.89 0.55 4.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 Q1 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX10000.000 DD0001 Package Type PACKAGE INFORMATION CARTON BOX DIMENSIONS NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF CARTON BOX Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Pizza/Carton 7″ (Option) 368 227 224 8 7″ 442 410 224 18 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DD0002 Reel Type TX20000.000
SGM2575ADYG/TR 价格&库存

