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    20V输出电压同步升压转换器 SOT23-6

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SGM6604YN6G/TR 数据手册
SGM6604 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SGM6604 is a fully integrated synchronous Boost ● 1.85V to 5V Input Voltage Range, 1.6V after Start-up converter which integrates a 20V main power switch ● Output Voltage up to 20V and an input/output isolation switch. The isolation ● Integrated Isolation Switch switch ● 1.12A (TYP) Switch Current provides true load disconnection when SGM6604 is in shutdown mode. The SGM6604 is ● Up to 92% Efficiency at 3.6V Input and 12V Output capable to start up from 1.85V input, which is suitable ● Ultra-Low Shutdown Current: 1.5μA (MAX) at VIN = 3.6V for single-cell Li-Ion battery or two-cell alkaline batteries in series. The device can provide up to 20V output ● Auto Power-Save Operation Mode at Light Load voltage which makes it an excellent choice for ● Internal 6ms Soft-Start Time PMOLED panel bias and applications requiring high ● True Disconnection between Input and Output during Shutdown voltage in a small solution size. ● Output Short-Circuit Protection (SCP) The SGM6604 has an internal fixed 12V output voltage ● Output Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) setting by connecting the FB pin to the VIN pin. Thus, it ● Thermal Shutdown Protection only needs three external components to achieve 12V ● -40℃ to +85℃ Operating Temperature Range output voltage. The SGM6604 has 1.12A typical switch ● Available in a Green SOT-23-6 Package current limit and 6ms built-in soft-start time to minimize the inrush current. When the SGM6604 is disabled via EN pin, the isolation switch disconnects the output from APPLICATIONS input to minimize the leakage current. The SGM6604 PMOLED Power Supply also implements various protection features such as output short-circuit protection, output Wearable Devices over-voltage Portable Medical Equipment protection and thermal shutdown. Sensor Power Supply The SGM6604 is available in a Green SOT-23-6 package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40℃ to +85℃. TYPICAL APPLICATION L Adjustable Output Voltage SW 1.85V to 5V VIN VOUT CIN SGM6604 OFF ON R1 COUT FB EN GND R2 Figure 1. Typical Application Circuit SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DECEMBER 2023 – REV. A 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDERING NUMBER PACKAGE MARKING PACKING OPTION SGM6604 SOT-23-6 -40℃ to +85℃ SGM6604YN6G/TR 04SXX Tape and Reel, 3000 MARKING INFORMATION NOTE: XX = Date Code. YYY X X Date Code - Week Date Code - Year Serial Number Green (RoHS & HSF): SG Micro Corp defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) and free of halogen substances. If you have additional comments or questions, please contact your SGMICRO representative directly. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range at Terminals VIN, EN, FB ...................................................... -0.3V to 6V SW, VOUT ...................................................... -0.3V to 22V Package Thermal Resistance SOT-23-6, θJA .................................................... 150.3℃/W Junction Temperature .................................................+150℃ Storage Temperature Range ....................... -65℃ to +150℃ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) ............................+260℃ ESD Susceptibility HBM ............................................................................. 1000V CDM ............................................................................ 1000V RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Input Voltage Range, VIN .....................................1.85V to 5V Output Voltage Range, VOUT ................................4.5V to 20V Inductance, Effective Value, L ............................ 10μH (TYP) Input Capacitance, Effective Value, CIN ................. 1μF (MIN) Output Capacitance, Effective Value, COUT ...... 4.7μF to 10μF Operating Ambient Temperature Range ......... -40℃ to +85℃ Operating Junction Temperature Range ....... -40℃ to +125℃ SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com OVERSTRESS CAUTION Stresses beyond those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Functional operation of the device at any conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions section is not implied. ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTION This integrated circuit can be damaged if ESD protections are not considered carefully. SGMICRO recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because even small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet the published specifications. DISCLAIMER SG Micro Corp reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, or specifications without prior notice. DECEMBER 2023 2 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) SW 1 6 VIN GND 2 5 VOUT FB 3 4 EN SOT-23-6 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME I/O FUNCTION 1 SW P IC Switch Pin. Drain connection of internal synchronous rectifier. 2 GND G Power Ground Pin. Source connection of internal synchronous rectifier. 3 FB I 4 EN I 5 VOUT P Output of the Boost Converter. 6 VIN P IC Input Supply Pin. Output Voltage Feedback Pin. Connect a resistor divider on this pin to program the output voltage. Enable Pin. Logic high enables the device; logic low disables the device. Do not leave it floating. NOTE: I = input, O = output, P = Power, G = Ground. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DECEMBER 2023 3 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = -40℃ to +85℃, VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, CIN = 1.0μF, COUT = 4.7μF, L = 10μH, typical values are measured at TA = +25℃, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TEMP MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.58 1.85 V Power Supply Under-Voltage Lockout Threshold VIN_UVLO VIN UVLO Hysteresis VIN_HYS Quiescent Current into VIN Pin IQ_VIN Shutdown Current into VIN Pin ISD VIN rising Full Full 150 IC enabled, no load, no switching Full 45.0 IC disabled Full FB pin connected to VIN pin Full 11.5 PWM mode Full mV 85.0 μA 1.5 μA 12.0 12.5 V 0.765 0.795 0.825 V 20.6 21.5 22.2 V Output 12V Output Voltage Accuracy VOUT_12V Feedback Voltage VFB Output Over-Voltage Protection Threshold VOVP Full VOVP_HYS Full Over-Voltage Protection Hysteresis Leakage Current into FB Pin IFB_LKG Leakage Current into SW Pin ISW_LKG IC disabled 2.5 V Full 200 nA Full 500 nA Power Switch Isolation MOSFET On-Resistance Low-side MOSFET On-Resistance Switching Frequency Peak Switch Current Limit Soft-Start Time RDSON fSW ILIM_SW tSS +25℃ 615 +25℃ 300 mΩ VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, PWM mode Full 0.9 1.3 1.6 MHz VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V Full 0.75 1.12 1.50 A VOUT from VIN to 12V, COUT_EFFECTIVE = 4.7μF, IOUT = 0A +25℃ 6 ms Logic Interface EN Logic High Threshold VEN_H Full EN Logic Low Threshold VEN_L Full 1.2 V 0.3 V Protection Thermal Shutdown Threshold TSD Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis TSD_HYS SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TA rising 155 ℃ TA falling below TSD 25 ℃ DECEMBER 2023 4 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS At TA = +25℃, VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, unless otherwise noted. Efficiency vs. Output Current 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 50 30 20 VOUT = 12V 0.1 60 50 VIN = 1.8V VIN = 3.0V VIN = 3.6V VIN = 4.2V 40 1 Efficiency vs. Output Current 100 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 100 40 30 20 100 250 10 VOUT = 9V VOUT = 12V VOUT = 15V VIN = 3.6V 0.1 1 Output Current (mA) 12V Fixed Output Voltage vs. Temperature 12.05 12.00 11.95 11.90 -40 -20 805 800 795 790 785 VIN = 3.6V VOUT = 12V PWM Mode 0 20 40 60 80 100 Reference Voltage vs. Temperature 810 Reference Voltage (mV) 12V Fixed Output Voltage (V) 12.10 780 VIN = 3.6V VOUT = 12V -40 120 -20 0 Temperature (℃) 1070 Current Limit (mA) Current Limit (mA) 40 60 80 100 120 1100 1080 1060 1050 1040 1030 1020 1000 20 Current Limit vs. Temperature 1200 1090 1010 PWM Mode Temperature (℃) Current Limit vs. Input Voltage 1100 100 250 10 Output Current (mA) 2.4 3 800 700 500 3.6 4.2 Input Voltage (V) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 900 600 VIN = 1.8V to 6V VOUT = 12V 1.8 1000 4.8 5.4 VIN = 3.6V VOUT = 12V -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 125 Temperature (℃) DECEMBER 2023 5 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) At TA = +25℃, VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, unless otherwise noted. 11.914 Input Voltage from 3.3V to 4.2V Line Transient Response Output Voltage vs. Output Current 11.912 VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 50mA AC Coupled VOUT (V) VOUT 11.908 200mV/div 11.910 500mV/div 11.906 VIN 11.904 11.902 VIN = 3.6V 11.900 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.2 Output Current (A) Time (1ms/div) Switching Waveforms in PWM CCM AC Coupled AC Coupled VOUT 100mA/div 100mA/div IL VSW 10mV/div 30mV/div VOUT VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 20mA IL Time (500ns/div) Time (500ns/div) Switching Waveforms in Power-Save Mode Soft Start-up 10V/div 100mA/div IL Time (10μs/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com VEN 100mA/div VOUT 3V/div 50mV/div AC Coupled VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 50mA 1V/div VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 5mA VSW 10V/div VSW 10V/div VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 50mA Switching Waveforms in PWM DCM VOUT IL Time (2ms/div) DECEMBER 2023 6 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) At TA = +25℃, VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, unless otherwise noted. Shutdown Waveforms VEN 30mA to 70mA Load Transient Response VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V, IOUT = 50mA VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 12V VOUT 200mV/div 1V/div VOUT AC Coupled 100mA/div Time (2ms/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 50mA/div 3V/div IL IL Time (200μs/div) DECEMBER 2023 7 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SW VOUT FB Short to VIN for Fixed Voltage Start-up and UVLO VIN Boost Gate Driver Current Sense Fixed Voltage 1.3MHz Clock - PWM Control + Adjustable FB + VIN VOUT VREF SoftStart VMAX Comparator Logic Control SCP, OVP, Thermal Shutdown EN VOUT GND Current Sense Figure 2. Block Diagram SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DECEMBER 2023 8 SGM6604 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter DETAILED DESCRIPTION The SGM6604 is a peak current mode synchronous Boost converter which has a high efficiency over the 1.85V to 5V input range. It is capable of providing up to 20V output. The SGM6604 features the PWM and power-save mode (PSM). Under moderate to heavy load condition, the SGM6604 works in PWM mode with 1.3MHz quasi-constant frequency. In light load condition, the SGM6604 operates in the auto PSM to improve the efficiency. Excellent line and load transient responses can be achieved with minimal output capacitance by applying a peak current control topology. Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) An under-voltage lockout circuit prevents operation at input voltages below 1.43V (TYP) with a hysteresis of 150mV. Therefore, if the input voltage rises and exceeds 1.58V (TYP), the device restarts. Enable and Shutdown The SGM6604 implements the EN function to turn on/off the device. A logic signal higher than 1.2V turns on the device, and a logic signal lower than 0.3V turns off the device and enters shutdown mode. Never leave the EN pin floating. Soft-Start The built-in soft-start function is adopted to limit the inrush current. When the input voltage is lower than 4.5V, VOUT starts up with a 150mA soft-start current limit. If the input voltage exceeds 4.5V, soft-start current limit is further decreased from 150mA to 100mA. Once VOUT ramps up to 80% of the programmed voltage, the full current limit becomes active immediately (1.12A, TYP). This feature effectively reduces the inrush current during start-up. Peak Current Limit The peak current mode control of SGM6604 provides inherent over-current protection. The low-side FET is turned off when the peak current reaches the current limit threshold of 1.12A (TYP), and the low-side FET is not turned on again until the next clock cycle. This function protects it from being damaged by overload. Short-Circuit Protection (SCP) The built-in under-clocking function is adopted to protect the device well. When the output voltage is lower than 25% of the programmed voltage, it is considered as short-circuit, then the switching frequency decreases to 200kHz. During start-up period, SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com the frequency fold-back operation is also implemented before the output voltage reaches above 25% of the programmed voltage. This feature efficiently reduces the heat as starting up into short-circuit of output and makes the device more safe. Device Functional Modes The synchronous Boost converter SGM6604 operates at PWM mode with a constant frequency in moderate to heavy load condition. The low-side N-MOSFET switch is turned on at the start of a cycle, and the inductor current increases to a peak current determined by the error amplifier (EA). After the peak current is reached, the current comparator trips, and it disables the low-side N-MOSFET switch and the inductor current goes through the body diode of the high-side P-MOSFET in a dead-time duration. After the dead-time duration, the high-side P-MOSFET switch is turned on. As the output voltage is larger than the input voltage, the inductor current decreases. After a short dead-time duration, the low-side switch is turned on again and the switching cycle is repeated. To avoid sub-harmonic oscillation, the SGM6604 implements internal slope compensation. The device features a power-save mode (PSM) in light load condition. The peak current will decrease as the output load reduces until it is clamped to a set minimum value. After that, if the output load is further reduced, the device starts to operate in power-save mode. Load Disconnect The high-side switch can isolate the output from the input under shutdown, which minimizes the leakage current. Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) The SGM6604 provides 21.5V (TYP) OVP threshold. The device stops switching immediately until the voltage at the VOUT pin drops 2.5V below the output OVP threshold. The OVP circuitry monitors the output voltage (VOUT) and protects VOUT and SW from exceeding safe operating voltages. Thermal Shutdown To prevent thermal damage, the device has an internal temperature monitor. If the die temperature exceeds 155℃ (TYP), the device stops switching. Once the temperature drops below 130 ℃ (TYP), the device resumes operation. DECEMBER 2023 9 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 APPLICATION INFORMATION The procedure below can be followed to choose peripheral components for the SGM6604. where VOUT is the desired output voltage, and VFB is approximate 0.795V (TYP) at the FB pin. Table 1. Design Requirements For the best accuracy, the current flowing through R2 is at least 100 times higher than the FB pin leakage current. Then, it is recommended that R2 value is not larger than 80kΩ. PARAMETERS Input Voltage VALUES 2.7V to 4.4V Output Voltage 12V Output Current 50mA Output Voltage Ripple ±50mV L 10μH 2.7V to 4.4V Fixed Output Voltage There are two ways to set the output voltage of the SGM6604. One is the fixed 12V output voltage. Another is the programmable output voltage. When the FB pin is connected to the input voltage, the output voltage is set for fixed 12V. This feature eliminates the divider resistors, which minimizes the overall solution PCB size as small as possible and also reduces the BOM cost. Figure 3 shows the fixed 12V output voltage application. L 10μH 2.7V to 4.4V VIN CIN 4.7μF OFF FB ON EN SW SGM6604 VOUT COUT 4.7μF COUT 4.7μF FB EN OFF R1 1MΩ SGM6604 ON GND R2 71.5kΩ Figure 4. Programmable Output Voltage Application Circuit Inductor Selection The inductor selection makes trade-offs among the size, cost, efficiency, transient response and loop stability requirements. Generally, key inductor parameters are specified for operation with the device: inductance value (L), rated current (IRATE), saturation current (ISAT), and DC resistance (DCR). IL(DC) = Figure 3. Fixed 12V Output Voltage Application Circuit Programmable Output Voltage The SGM6604 supports an output voltage up to 20V. The desired output voltage can be programmed by an external resistor divider. The resistive divider value is calculated via Equation 1. Figure 4 shows the programmable output voltage application. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com CIN 4.7μF Programmable VOUT VOUT In a Boost regulator, the inductor DC current IL(DC) can be calculated with Equation 2. 12V GND V  = R1  OUT − 1 × R2 V  FB  SW VIN VOUT × IOUT VIN × η (2) where VOUT is output voltage, IOUT is output current, VIN is input voltage, and η is the power conversion efficiency (85% for most applications). The rated current (IRATE) of selected inductor should be bigger than the calculated IL(DC). If the device is applied in higher temperature field, for example above +75℃, it is recommended that IRATE of selected inductor usually has 25% margin over the needed IL(DC). (1) DECEMBER 2023 10 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter SGM6604 APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Equation 3 shows the calculation of inductance selection. For general rule of thumb, a good compromise between size and loss is around 30% peak-to-peak ripple current ΔIL(P-P) to the IC rated current at nominal output voltage. L= VIN × (VOUT − VIN ) ∆IL(P−P) × fSW × VOUT The inductor value determines not only the ripple current but also the load current of boundary between DCM and CCM. For the given inductance value (L), the peak-to-peak ripple current ΔIL(P-P) is calculated with Equation 4. (3) where fSW is the switching frequency, ΔIL(P-P) is the inductor ripple current, VIN is input voltage and VOUT is output voltage. The SGM6604 is designed to support inductor values between 4.7μH and 10μH. Larger inductance values result in lower output ripple voltage and higher efficiency, but a slightly degraded transient response. Lower inductance values allow for smaller case size, but the larger ripple current increases the AC losses in the inductor. The loop compensation of SGM6604 is optimized with 10μH inductance. Therefore, the optimal inductance value for SGM6604 is 10µH. VIN × (VOUT − VIN ) ∆IL(P−P) = L × fSW × VOUT (4) Therefore, the inductor peak current IL(Peak) is calculated with Equation 5. IL(Peak =) IL(∆C) + ∆IL(P−P) (5) 2 The selected inductor should have a saturation current rating higher than the 1.12A (TYP) current limit of the device. To enhance the efficiency, choose a low-loss inductor with the lowest possible DC resistance that fits in the allotted dimensions. Table 2. Recommended Inductors for the SGM6604 SIZE (L × W × H mm3) 200 SATURATION CURRENT (A) 2.5 4.2 × 4.2 × 2.0 Toko 322 3 3.2 × 3.2 × 2 Wurth 10 143 1.7 2.5 × 2.0 × 1.2 Sunlord 4.7 98 2.35 4.0 × 4.0 × 2.0 Sunlord PART NUMBER L (μH) DCR MAX (mΩ) FDSD0420-H-100M 10 74438336100 10 SWPA5020S100MT SWPA4020S4R7MT Input Capacitor Selection Boost converter’s input capacitor sees continuous current throughout the entire switching cycle. A 4.7µF ceramic capacitor is recommended to place as close as possible between the VCC pin and GND pin of SGM6604. Output Capacitor Selection The output capacitor is mainly selected according to the output ripple required by the specification. The output ripple composes of two parts which are caused by equivalent series resistance (ESR) and capacitor’s capacitance. Assuming a ceramic capacitor with zero ESR (ESR is usually very small and can be neglected), Equation 6 can be used to calculate and estimate the minimum capacitance needed for a given ripple. This is because the output capacitor supplies the entire output load current during the power stage on-state. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com COUT = IOUT × ∆MAX fSW × ∆VRIPPLE VENDOR (6) where DMAX is the maximum duty cycle, and ΔVRIPPLE is the maximum allowed peak-to-peak ripple. The ESR impacts on the output ripple and the transient response must be considered if tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitors are used. The SGM6604 is an internally compensated device. The output capacitor will affect the loop stability. The recommended output ceramic capacitor with effective capacitance is in the range of 0.47µF to 10µF at an output voltage above 9V, where loop response is optimized. When the output capacitance falls below the range, the device may become unstable. Thus, please be careful to consider the DC bias nature of ceramic capacitors when choosing the capacitance value, rated voltage and case size. Need to verify capacitor manufacture’s datasheet to ensure enough effective capacitance at desired output voltage. DECEMBER 2023 11 SGM6604 20V Output Voltage Synchronous Boost Converter APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Power Supply Recommendations The SGM6604 can operate over an input voltage range of 1.85V to 5V. Usually, the input power supply is very stable and located close to the converter. A 4.7μF ceramic bypass capacitor is enough. For some special applications where the input source is more than a few inches far away, an additional electrolytic or tantalum capacitor more than 47µF may be needed. The input power supply’s output current needs to comply with the supply voltage, output voltage and output current of the SGM6604. from VOUT pin back to the GND pin of the device is also particularly critical, which should be as small as possible. Layout Example A large ground plane on the bottom layer connects the ground pins of the components on the top layer through vias. Layout Guidelines In addition to component selection, layout is a critical step to ensure the performance. Poor layout could result in system instability, noise and EMI problems, even device damage. Thus, place the inductor, input and output capacitors as close to the IC as possible, and use wide and short traces for current carrying traces to minimize PCB inductance. The length and area of all traces connected to the SW pin should be minimized. For Boost converter, the output capacitor’s current loop Figure 5. PCB Layout Example REVISION HISTORY NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Original (DECEMBER 2023) to REV.A Page Changed from product preview to production data ............................................................................................................................................. All SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DECEMBER 2023 12 PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SOT-23-6 D e1 e 2.59 E E1 0.99 b 0.69 0.95 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) L A A2 ccc C SEATING PLANE A1 θ C Symbol c 0.25 Dimensions In Millimeters MIN MOD MAX A - - 1.450 A1 0.000 - 0.150 A2 0.900 - 1.300 b 0.300 - 0.500 c 0.080 - 0.220 D 2.750 - 3.050 E 1.450 - 1.750 E1 2.600 - 3.000 e 0.950 BSC e1 1.900 BSC L 0.300 - 0.600 θ 0° - 8° ccc 0.100 NOTES: 1. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 2. The dimensions do not include mold flashes, protrusions or gate burrs. 3. Reference JEDEC MO-178. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX00034.001 PACKAGE INFORMATION TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION REEL DIMENSIONS TAPE DIMENSIONS P2 W P0 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 B0 Reel Diameter A0 P1 K0 Reel Width (W1) DIRECTION OF FEED NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF TAPE AND REEL Reel Diameter Reel Width W1 (mm) A0 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P0 (mm) P1 (mm) P2 (mm) W (mm) Pin1 Quadrant SOT-23-6 7" 9.5 3.23 3.17 1.37 4.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 Q3 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX10000.000 DD0001 Package Type PACKAGE INFORMATION CARTON BOX DIMENSIONS NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF CARTON BOX Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Pizza/Carton 7″ (Option) 368 227 224 8 7″ 442 410 224 18 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DD0002 Reel Type TX20000.000
SGM6604YN6G/TR 价格&库存

