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L3037 数据手册
L3037 SUBSCRIBER LINE INTERFACE CIRCUIT MONOCHIP SILICON SLIC SUITABLE FOR PUBLIC/PRIVATE APPLICATIONS IMPLEMENTS ALL KEY FEATURES OF THE BORSCHT FUNCTION SOFT BATTERY REVERSAL WITH PROGRAMMABLE TRANSITION TIME (3 to 100ms) METERING PULSE INJECTION AND FILTERING WITH MINIMAL COMPONENTS COUNT (NO TRIMMING REQUIRED). PROTECTION RESISTOR MISMATCH COMPENSATION ON HOOK TRANSMISSION LOOP START/GROUND START FEATURE IND TEMP. RANGE: -40°C TO +85°C LOW POWER DISSIPATION IN ALL OPERATING MODES INTEGRATED ZERO CROSSING RELAY DRIVER INTEGRATED (NOISE-LESS) RING TRIP DETECTION VERY LOW NO. of STD TOLERANCE EXTERNAL COMPONENTS SELECT PART FOR U.S. APPLICATIONS (63dB TYP. LONG. BALANCE) SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE (PLCC44 or BLOCK DIAGRAM PLCC44 PQFP44(10 x 10) ORDERING NUMBERS: L3037FN L3037QN PQFP44) INTEGRATED THERMAL PROTECTION PIN TO PIN COMPATIBLE WITH L3035/36 DESCRIPTION The L3037 subscriber line interface circuit is a bipolar device in 70V technology developed for central office / loop carrier and private applications. The L3037 is pin to pin and function compatible with L3035/36. One particular pin (reserved in L3035/36) is now used for reverse polarity transition time programming. The line polarity transition is not affecting the AC signal transmission that can continue also during the line voltage transition.L3037 is available in two different package options: PLCC44 and PQFP44 (10 x 10mm). December 1997 1/22 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. L3037 L3037 PIN FUNCTIONALITY (PLCC44) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 to14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name VCC ILTF RDC CF BASE BGND VREG STIP TIP VB RING SRING CRT ODET RGIN OGK GST D1 D0 LIM VSS REL CREV GREL CAC RS ZB VB Tx Rx ZAC TTXIN RTTX ACFD AGND IREF Function Supply input (+5V) Analog output (current source) Analog input (current input) Analog input (voltage input) Analog output (voltage source) Ground input (0V) Supply input (VREG) Analog input (voltage input) Analog output (voltage output) Supply input (-VBAT) Analog output (voltage output) Analog input (voltage input) Analog input/output (voltage input / current output) Digital output (voltage output with internal pull up) Analog input (current input) Digital output (voltage output with internal pull up) Digital input (voltage input, internal pull down) Digital input (voltage input) Digital input (voltage input) Digital input (voltage input 3 levels: 0, +5, open) Supply input (-5V) Digital output (voltage output open drain) Analog input/output (voltage input/current output) Ground input (0V) Analog input (current input) Analog input/output (current output/voltage input) Analog input (voltage input) Supply input (-VBAT) Analog output (voltage output) Analog input (voltage input) Analog output (voltage output) Analog input (voltage input) Analog output (voltage output) Analog input (voltage input) Ground input (0V) Analog input/output (voltage output/current input) L3037 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM GREL REL CRT RGIN OGK ODET D0 D1 GST LIM LOGIC INTERFACE & DECODER LINE STATUS ICRT ILT ILT VREF ICRT 0 CROSS DETECT. SUPERVISION COMMANDS AC+DC AC ILL (IA-IB)/200 LINE INTERFACE (IA+IB)/200 -1 (IA+IB)/200 1 IA STIP TIP IB RING SRING BGND TTXIN RX 2.32 DC BIAS 1 VREG ILTF ZAC ZB TX 1+ 1 AC PROCESSOR REFERENCE & BIAS SWITCHING DC PROCESSOR IREV RDC SUPPLY REGULATOR D94TL136 ACFD RS CAC RTTX IREF VCC VSS AGND CREV VB CF BASE 2/22 L3037 PIN CONNECTION (Top view) BGND AGND BASE ACFD 35 RDC VCC CF RTTX 34 33 32 31 30 TTXIN ZAC RX TX N.C. VB N.C. N.C. ZB RS CAC 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 12 ODET 13 RGIN 14 OGK 15 GST 16 D1 17 D0 18 LIM 19 VSS 20 REL 21 CREV 22 GREL D94TL129 IREF ILTF 44 VB VREG STIP TIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 PLCC44 N.C. N.C. N.C. RING SRING N.C. CRT PQFP44 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vbat VCC VSS Vag nd Vbgnd VREL Vdig Idig Tj Tstg Hu Parameter Battery Voltage Positive Supply Voltage (0 to 1ms) (continuous) Negative Supply Voltage (0 to 1ms) (continuous) Agnd Respect Bgnd (continuous) Ring Relay Supply Voltage Digital I/O D0, D1, GST, LIM, ODET, OGK Digital I/O D0, D1, GST, LIM, ODET, OGK Maximum Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Value -64 to VSS+0.5 -0.4 to +7 -0.4 to +5.5 -7 to +0.4 -5.5 to +0.4 -2 to +2 14 -0.4 to +5.5 -3 to +3 +150 -55 to +150 5 to 95 Unit V V V V V V V V mA °C °C % Note: In case of power on, power failure or hot insertion with V DD, VSS present and Vbat floating the Absolute Maximum Ratings can be exceeded with Vbat > VSS +0.5V. In this case the power consumption of the device increases and the logic output state including relay driver are not controlled. This effect can be prevented ensuring that Vbat is always present before V DD and VSS or connecting one shottky diode (e.g. BAT49X or equivalent) between Vbat and VSS. One diode can be shared between all the SLICs of the same line card. OPERATING RANGE Symbol Top Vag nd Vbgnd VCC VSS Vbat VREL Parameter Operating Temperature Range Difference between Agnd and Bgnd Positive Supply voltage Negative Supply Voltage Battery Voltage Ring Relay Supply Voltage Value -40 to +85 -2 to +2 +4.5 to +5.5 -5.5 to -4.5 -62 to -17 4 to 13 Unit °C V V V V V THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. PLCC44 45 PQFP44 75 Unit °C/W N.C. 3/22 L3037 PIN DESCRIPTION Unless otherwise specified all the diagrams in this datasheet refers to the PLCC44 Pin Connection. PQFP44 No. 39 40 41 42 43 44 2 3 4 1, 28 PLCC44 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 to 14 32 to 36 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Pin VCC ILTF RDC CF BASE BGND VREG STIP TIP VB Positive Power Supply (+5V) Transversal Line Current Image ((IA + IB) / 200) DC feedback input (the RDC resistor is connected from this node to ILTF) Battery voltage ripple rejection (CSVR capacitor is connected from this node to BGND). Driver for external transistor base Battery ground Regulated Voltage. Provides negative power supply for the power amplifier. (connected to emitter of the external transistor.) Input of A power amplifier (when no compensation of ext. ptc resistor mismatch is requested it must be shorted to the TIP lead). A line termination output (IA is the current sourced from this pin). Battery Supply PLCC44: All pins are internally connected together. PQFP44: It is mandatory to short pin 1 and pin 28 as closed as possible to the device. B line termination output (IB is the current sunk into this pin). Input of B power amplifier (when no compensation of ext. ptc resistor mismatch is requested it must be shorted to the RING lead). Ring trip and ground key capacitor ON/OFF hook and RING TRIP output (when disable is internally pulled up) Ring input signal. (when open is internally pulled to GND) Ground key output (when disable is internally pulled up) A open command (when open is internally pulled down) Bit 1 Bit 0 Current Limitation Program. (when open is internally forced to 44mA current limitation) Negative Power Supply (-5V) Ring relay driver output Reverse polarity transition time control. One proper capacitor connected between this pin and AGND is setting the reverse polarity transition time. If reverse polarity feature is not used must be open or connected to AGND through a filter capacitor. Ground reference for ring relay driver AC feedback input (ACDC split capacitor is connected from this node to ILTF) Protection resistors image (the image resistor is connected from this node to ACFD) Balance network for 2 to 4 wire conversion (the balance impedance ZB is connecetd from this node to AGND. The ZA impedance is connected from this node to ZAC) 4 wire output port (Tx output) 4 wire receiving port. (Rx input) Rx buffer output (the AC impedance is connected from this node to ACFD) Metering input port/Vdrop programming. If not used should be connected to AGND. Metering cancellation network. If not used should be left open. AC impedance synthesis DC and AC signal ground Voltage Reference Output Not connected Description 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RING SRING CRT ODET RGIN OGK GST D1 D0 LIM VSS REL CREV 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 2,5 to 7, 10,26, 27, 29,36 28 29 30 31 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 – GREL CAC RS ZB Tx Rx ZAC TTXIN RTTX ACFD AGND IREF N.C. 4/22 L3037 DESCRIPTION (continued) One special selection with high longitudinal balance performances allows to meet the United States BELLCORE requirements for central office/loop carrier and private applications. The SLIC integrates loop start, ground start, ground key on/off-hook, automatic ring-trip as well as zero crossing ring relay driver. Two to four wire conversion is implemented by the SLIC for application with first generation COMBO. In case of application with second generation (programmable) COMBO this function can be implemented outside saving external components. The L3037 offers programmable current limitation (3 ranges), on hook transmission and low power in all operating modes, power management is controlled by a simple external low cost transistor. Metering pulses are injected on the line via a summing node through TTXIN pin. Metering pulse filtering is performed by means of a simple RC network with standard tolerance components. In case TTX function is not used this pin must be connected to AGND. It is also possible to use this pin to modify the DC voltage drop between TIP/RING terminals and battery voltage for appications where it is important to optimize the battery voltage supply versus the signal swing. Effect of protection resistors mismatch are compensated by a feedback loop on the final stage allowing good long balance performances also with large tolerance protection resistors (ex: PTC). This function allow the L3037 to be fully conform to BELLCORE power cross and surge test and meet also the Longitudinal Balance Specification without using matched PTC resistors. An integrated thermal protection circuit forces the L3037 in POWER DOWN (PD) mode when the junction temperature exceeds 150°C Typ. The L3037 is specified over -40°C to +85°C ambient temperature range. The L3037 package is a surface mount PLCC44 or PQFP44. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION L3037 is designed in 70V bipolar technology and performs the telephone line interface functions required in both C.O. and PABX environments. The full range of signal transmission, battery feed, loop supervision are performed. Signal transmission performance is compatible with European and North American Standards and with CCITT recommendations. Ringing, overvoltage and power cross protection are performed by means of external networks. The signal transmission function includes both 2 to 4 wire and 4 to 2 wire conversion. The 2W termination impedance is set by means of an external impedance which may be complex. The 2 to 4 wire conversion is provided by means of an external network. Such a network can be avoided in case of applications with COMBOII, in this case the 2 to 4 wire conversion is implemented inside the COMBOII by means of the programmable Hybal filter. An additional input allows a metering pulse signal to be added on the line. The DC feed resistance is programmable with one external resistor. Three different values of current limitation (25, 44, 55mA)can be selected by software through the parallel digital interface. One external transistor reduces the power dissipation inside the L3037 in the presence of a short loop (limiting current region). An additional supervisory function sets the TIP lead into high impedance state in order to allow application in ground start configurations. The different L3037 operating modes are controlled by a 4bit logic interface, two additional detector outputs provide ground key detection and either hook state or ring trip detection. SLIC OPERATING MODES Through the L3037 digital interface it is possible to select 5 different SLIC operating modes: 1) Active Mode (ACT) 2) Standby Mode (SBY) 3) Tip Open Mode (TO) 4) Power Down Mode (PD) 5) Ringing Mode (RNG) In both ACT and SBY modes it is possible to select the reverse polarity (see control interface). Transition from direct to reverse polarity is soft and the transition time is defined by the external capacitor CREV. ACTIVE MODE (ACT) This operating mode is set by the card controller when the Off-Hook condition has been recognized. When this operating mode is selected the two output buffers (TIP/RING) can sink or source up to 100mA each. In case of Ground key or line terminals to GND the output current is limited to 15mA for the Tip wire and 30mA for the Ring wire. As far as the DC characteristic is concerned three different feeding conditions are present: a) Current limiting region: the DC impedance of the SLIC is very high ( 20Kohm) and therefore the system works like a current source. Using the L3037 digital interface it is possible to select the value of the limiting current: 25mA, 44mA, or 55mA. When the device is in limiting current region the negative supply for the output buffer is fixed by 5/22 L3037 t he ext. transistor to a proper value higher than the real negative battery in order to reduce the power dissipated by the L3037 itself. b) Resistive feed region: the characteristic is equal to a battery voltage (Vbat) in series with a resistor (typ 400ohm or 800ohm) whose value is set by one ext. resistor (see ext. components list). c) Constant voltage region: the characteristic is equal to the battery voltage - 12V in series with the ext. protection resistors (typ 80ohm). This voltage drop between battery and line terminals for Il=0 allows on-hook transmission. Fig. 1 shows the DC characteristic in active mode. Fig. 2 shows the line current versus loop resistance Figure 1: DC Characteristic in active mode 1) The line impedance (Zline) 2) The SLIC impedance at line terminals (Zs) 3) The balancing network ZA+RA connected between pin ZAC and ZB of L3037. 4) The network ZB between pin ZB and GND that shall copy the line impedance. When L3037 is used with a second generation combo (eg TS5070FN) which is able to perform the two to four wire conversion, the two impedances ZA and ZB can be removed and the ZB pin connected to GND. The -6dB TX gain of the L3037 allows the echo signal to remain always within the COMBOII Hybrid balance filter dynamic range. The injection of high frequency metering pulses is carried out through the SLIC. An unbalanced 12 or 16KHz sinusoidal signal with shaping is, when necessary, applied at the TTXIN input of the SLIC. A fixed transfer gain is provided for the metering signal. To avoid saturation in the 4-wire side a cancellation is provided in the 4-wire transmission path. Cancellation is obtained via an external RC network without the need for trimmed components. When the TTX function is not used TTXIN input should be connected to GND. Since this pin is directly connected to a summing node inside the SLIC any signal applied to the TTXIN is transferred to the line with a fixed transfer gain. In special applications, this pin can be used to modify the voltage drop (constant voltage region of DC characteristic) simply by applying a proper DC level on the TTXIN pin, allowing optimization of the battery voltage versus the maximum needed AC signal swing. In active mode, with a -48V battery voltage, the L3037 dissipate 150mW for its own operation (including the power dissipation from +5/-5 supply), the dissipation related to the current supplied to the line should be added in order to get the total dissipation. STAND-BY MODE (SBY) In this mode the bias current of the L3037 is reduced and only some part of the circuit are completely active. The transversal current supplied to the line is limited at 14mA. Common mode current rejection is performed and the total current capability of the output stages (TIP and RING) is limited to 30mA. The open circuit voltage is |Vbat|-7V. Both Off/Hook and Ground key detectors are active. Signal transmission is not operating. In stand-by mode, with a -48V battery voltage, the L3037dissipates90mW typ. (including the power dissipationfrom a +5/-5V supply). Stand-by mode is usually selected when the telephone is in on-hook condition. It allows a proper off-hook detection, even in the presence of high common mode currents, or with telephone sets sinking a few milliamperes of line currentin on-hook condition. Figure 2: Current vs. Loop Resistance. Rfeed = 2 x 200ohm, Lim. currents: 25, 43, 55mA In active mode the AC impedance at the line terminals is sinthetized by the external components ZAC and Rp according to the following formula: Zs = ZAC/50 + 2*Rp Depending on the characteristic of the ZAC network Zs can be either a pure resistance or a complex impedance. This allows L3037 to meet different standard as far as return loss is concerned. The capacitor CCOMP guarantees stability to the system. The two to four wire conversion is achieved by means of a circuit that can be represented as a Wheastone bridge, the branches of which are: 6/22 L3037 CONTROL INTERFACE INPUTS D0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 D1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 GST 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 LIM X X X X (*) X (*) X X X OPERATING MODE POWER DOWN STANDBY D. P. STANDBY R. P. ACTIVE D. P. ACTIVE R. P. RING A. OPEN RESERVED OUTPUTS ODET DISABLE OFF/HK OFF/HK OFF/HK OFF/HK RING-TRIP OFF/HK – OGK DISABLE GDKEY GDKEY GDKEY GDKEY DISABLE GDKEY – (*) LIM = 0 → Ilim = 25mA; LIM = H. I. (open) → Ilim = 44mA; LIM = 1 → Ilim = 55mA. T IP OPEN MODE (TO) This mode is selected when the SLIC is adopted in a system using the Ground start feature. In this mode the TIP termination is set in High Impedance (100Kohm) while the RING termination is active and fixed at Vbat + 4.5V. In the case of connection of RING termination to GND the sinked current is limited to 30mA. When RING is connected to GND both off-hook and ground-key detectors become active. Power dissipation in this mode with a -48V battery voltage is 100mW (including the power dissipation from +5/-5V supply). POWER DOWN MODE (PD) In this mode, both TIP and RING terminations are open and no current is fed into the line. The power dissipation is very low. This mode is usually selected in emergency condition or when the connected line is disabled. This is also the mode into which the SLIC is automatically forced, in the case of thermal overload T j > 150°C typ. RINGING MODE (RNG) When this mode is selected the ringing signal is injected on the line via the ext relay activated by the L3037 relay driver. When the ringing signal phase is provided at the RGIN pin, the relay command is also synchronized with the ringing signal zero crossing. The TIP and RING termination of the L3037 are senses the line current which is then integrated on the CRT capacitor. TIP pin voltage is fixed at – 2.5V, RING pin voltage is fixed at VBAT + 4.5V, TIP, RING buffer current capability is limited to 100mA. When off-hook occurs during ringing burst the voltage on CRT increase above a proper threshold and ring trip is detected. Once ring trip is detected the ringing signal is automatically disconnected at the first zero crossing. When the ringing signal phase is not provided at the RGIN pin the ringing signal is disconnected immediately after ring trip detection. EXTERNAL COMPONENTS LIST To set the SLIC into operation the following parameters have to be defined: - The DC feeding resistance ”Rfeed” defined as the resistance of the traditional feeding system (most common Rfeed values are: 400, 800, 1000 ohm). - The AC SLIC impedance at line terminals ”Zs” to which the return loss measurements is referred. It can be real (typ. 600ohm) or complex. - The equivalent AC impedance of the line ”Zl” used for evaluation of the trans-hybrid loss performance (2/4wire conversion). It is usually a complex impedance. - The value of the two protection resistors Rp in series with the line termination. - The line impedance at the TTX freq. Zlttx. - The reverse polarity transition time defined as ”∆VTR/∆T”. Once, the above parameters are defined, it is possible to calculate all the external components using the following table. The typical values has been obtained supposing: - Rfeed = 400Ω - Zs = 600Ω - Zl = 600Ω - Rp = 40Ω - Zlttx = 216Ω + 120nF @ 12KHz - Re[Zlttx] = 216Ω - Im[Zlttx] = -110Ω @12KHz - ∆VTR/∆T = 4250[V/s] 7/22 L3037 EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Name CVB CVDD CVSS RREF CSVR CRT RDC CAC RS ZAC ZA (1) RA (1) ZB (1) CCOMP CH (1) RF RT RRG CRG PTC (2) RST (2) RSR (2) QEXT Rp RTTX CTTX D1 CREV Notes: (1) These components can be removed and ZB pin shorted to GND when 2/4wire conversion is implemented with 2nd generation COMBO (EG. TS5070FN) (2) In case there is no necessity to recover the unbalance introduced by PTC tolerance pins TIP and STIP can be shorted togheter as pins RING and SRING. In this case also the RP Resistor should be splitted in two parts keeping at least 20Ω between TIP/RING terminals and protection connection. In this case PTC or fuse resistor (if used) can be placed in series to Rp. (3) Transistor characteristic: PDISS = 1W (typ. depending on application); hFE ≥ 25; IC ≥ 100mA; V CEO ≥ 60V; fT ≥ 15MHz. (4) VRING: Max Ring Generator Voltage, fRING: Ring Frequency, T: relay response time. Typical value obtained for VRING = 100Vrms, fRING = 25Hz; T = 2.5ms. (5) Defining RTTX + CTTX = ZTTX, RTTX and CTTX can also be calculated from the following formula: Z FTTX = 21.5 [Zlttx + 2Rp]. (6) RST and RSR wattage should be calculated according to the power cross test specification. (When PTC become open circuit the entire power cross voltage will appear across RSR and RST). (7) In order to optimize the component count it is also possible to use only one resistor in series to the ringing generator. In this case RT = 0 Ω; RF≥ 400Ω (RF typ. value = 400Ω). (8) Suggested Rp type are 2W wire wound resistors or thick film resistors on ceramic substrate. Fuse function should be included if PTC are not used. (*) ex: BD140; MJE172;MJE350....(ST32 or SOT82 package available also for surface mount). For low power application (reduced battery voltage) BCP53 (SOT223 surface mount package) can be used. Function Battery Filter Positive Supply Filter Negative Supply Filter Internal Current Reference Battery Ripple Rejection Ring Trip & Ground-key Capacitor DC Feeding Resistance AC/DC Splitter Protection Resistor Image 2 Wire AC Impedance SLIC Impedance Balancing Network SLIC Impedance Balancing Network Line Impedance Balancing Network AC Feedback Compensation Trans-hybrid Loss Frequency Compensation Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj. Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj. Ring Input Resistor Ring Input Capacitor Positive Temp. Coeff. Resistor Tip Buffer Sensing Resistor Ring Buffer Sensing Resistor External Transistor (3) Protection Resistor Teletax Cancellation Resistor Teletax Cancellation Capacitor Relay Kickback Clamp Diode Polarity Reversal Transition Time Programming Formula CSVR = 1/(6.28 * fp * 150K) @ fp = 1.6Hz CRT = (25/fRING) ⋅ 390nF RDC = 10 * (Rfeed - 2Rp) CAC = 1 / (6.28 * fsp * RDC) @ fsp = 10Hz RS = 50 * 2RP ZAC = 50 * (Zs-2Rp) ZA = 50 * (Zs-2Rp) RA = 50 * 2Rp ZB = 50 * Zl CCOMP = 1 / [2Πfo (100 Rp)] @ fo = 250KHz CH = CCOMP ≥ 200Ω (7) ≥ 200Ω (7) RRG = (VRING/25µA)cos[-2 ⋅fRING ⋅ T ⋅ 180] (4) CRG = 25µA/(VRING ⋅ sin[2 ⋅ fRING⋅T ⋅ 180] ⋅ 2ΠfRING) (4) < 15Ω 10 to 50KΩ 10 to 50KΩ 30 to 80Ω (8) RTTX = 21.5 ⋅ [Re (Zlttx) +2Rp] (5) CTTX = 1/(21.5 ⋅ [–Im(Zlttx) ⋅ fttx ⋅ 6.28]) (5) CREV = K ; K = 2 ⋅ 10 -4 Typ. Value 330nF 20% 63VI 100nF 20% 100nF 20% 23.7K 1% 680nF 20% 60VI 390nF 20% 6VI 3.2K 1% 4.7µF 20% 15VI 4K 1% 26K 1% 26K 1% 4K 1% 30K 1% 220pF 20% 220pF 20% 200Ω 2W 200Ω 2W 4M Ω 5% 3.9nF 20% 100V 10Ω 33K 1W 5% (6) 33K 1W 5%(6) (*) 40Ω 6.34K 1% 5.6nF 20% 1N4148 47nF ∆VTR ⁄ ∆T 8/22 L3037 F igure 3: Typical Application Circuit including all features. 680nF Figure 4: Typical Application circuit with minimum components count (No Rev. polarity NoTTX/No zero crossing sync/no PTC mismatch compensation). 680nF 9/22 L3037 I n case of U.S. application based on L3035 the external components can be calculated supposing: - Rfeed = 400Ω EXTERNAL COMPONENTS (for US. Application) Name CVB CVDD CVSS RREF CSVR CRT RDC CAC RS ZAC ZA (1) RA (1) ZB (1) CCOMP CH (1) RF RT RRG CRG PTC (2) RST (2) RSR (2) QEXT Rp D1 Notes: (1) These components can be removed and ZB pin shorted to GND when 2/4wire conversion is implemented with 2nd generation COMBO (EG. TS5070FN) (2) In case there is no necessity to recover the unbalance introduced by PTC tolerance pins TIP and STIP can be shorted togheter as pins RING and SRING. In this case also the RP Resistor should be splitted in two parts keeping at least 20Ω between TIP/RING terminals and protection connection. In this case PTC or fuse resistor (if used) can be placed in series to Rp. (3) Loaded Line. (4) Not Loaded Line. (5) Transistor characteristic: PDISS = 1W (typ. depending on application); hFE ≥ 25; IC ≥ 100mA; V CEO ≥ 60V; fT ≥ 15MHz. (6) VRING: Max Ring Generator Voltage, f RING: Ring Frequency, T: relay response time. Typical value obtained for VRING = 100Vrms, f RING = 25Hz; T = 2.5ms. (7) For details see AN496. (8) RST and RSR wattage should be calculated according to the power cross test specification. (When PTC become open circuit the entire power cross voltage will appear across RSR and RST). (9) In order to optimize the component count it is also possible to use only one resistor in series to the ringing generator. In this case RT = 0 Ω; RF≥ 400Ω (RF typ. value = 400Ω). (10) Suggested Rp type are 2W wire wound resistors or thick film resistors on ceramic substrate. Fuse function should be included if PTC are not used. (*) ex: BD140; MJE172;MJE350....(SOT32 or SOT82 package available also for surface mount). For low power application (reduced battery voltage) BCP53 (SOT223 surface mount package) can be used. - Zs = 900Ω + 2.12µF - Zl = 1650Ω// (100Ω + 5nF) Loaded Line - Zl = 800Ω// (100Ω + 50nF) Not Loaded Line - Rp = 62Ω Function Battery Filter Positive Supply Filter Negative Supply Filter Internal Current Reference Battery Ripple Rejection Ring Trip & Ground-key Capacitor DC Feeding Resistance AC/DC Splitter Protection Resistor Image 2 Wire AC Impedance SLIC Impedance Balancing Network SLIC Impedance Balancing Network Line Impedance Balancing Network AC Feedback Compensation Trans-hybrid Loss Freq. Comp. Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj. Feeding Resistance for Ring Inj. Ring Input Resistor Ring Input Capacitor Positive Temp. Coeff. Resistor Tip Buffer Sensing Resistor Ring Buffer Sensing Resistor External Transistor (5) Protection Resistor Relay Kickback Clamp Diode Formula CSVR = 1/(6.28 * fp * 150K) @ fp = 1.6Hz CRT = (25/fRING) ⋅ 390nF RDC = 10 * (Rfeed - 2Rp) CAC = 1 / (6.28 * fsp * RDC) @ fsp = 10Hz RS = 50 * 2RP ZAC = 50 * (Zs-2Rp) (7) ZA = 50 * (Zs-2Rp) (7) RA = 50 * 2Rp ZB = 50 * Zl CCOMP = 1 / [2Πfo (100 Rp)] @ fo = 250KHz CH = CCOMP ≥ 200Ω (9) ≥ 200Ω (9) RRG = (VRING/25µA)cos[-2 ⋅fRING ⋅ T ⋅ 180] (6) CRG = 25µA/(VRING ⋅ sin[2 ⋅ fRING⋅T ⋅ 180] ⋅ 2ΠfRING (6) < 15Ω 10 to 50KΩ 10 to 50KΩ 30 to 80Ω (10) Typ. Value 330nF 20% 63VI 100nF 20% 100nF 20% 23.7K 1% 680nF 20% 60VI 390nF 20% 6VI 2.76K 1% 4.7µF 20% 15VI 6.2K 1% 39K + (180K//55nF) 39K + (180K//55nF) 6.2K 1% 82.5K + (5K + 100pF) (3) 40K + (5K + 1nF) (4) 100pF 20% 100pF 20% 200Ω 2W 200Ω 2W 4M Ω 5% 3.9nF 20% 100V 10Ω 33K 1W 5%(8) 33K 1W 5%(8) (*) 62Ω 1N4148 10/22 L3037 Figure 5: Typical Application Circuit for U.S. Application. 680nF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEST CONDITION, unless otherwise specified: VCC = 5V; VSS = -5V; VBAT = -48V; AGND = BGND; Direct Polarity; TA = 25°C. Note: Testing of all parameters is performed at 25°C. Characterization as well as the design rules used allow correlation of tested performances at other temperatures. All parameters listed here are met in the range 0°C to +70°C. Functionality between -40°C and 85°C is verified. Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS 2 WIRE PORT V ab Zll Ill Ill Overload Level Voice Signal Long Input Impedance Long Current Capab. ac Longitudinal Current Capability Rp +PTC = 50Ω 300Hz to 3.4KHz (*) at SLIC terminals per wire standby per wire (on HOOK) active per wire (on HOOK) active per wire off HOOK (IT = Transversal current) 17 17 75-IT 4.1 10 Vpk Ω mApk mApk mApk 4 WIRE TRANS PORT Vtx Vtoff Ztx Overload Level Output Offset Voltage Output Impedance 1.8 -350 +350 10 Vpk mV Ω (*) At TIP/RING line connection with ZLINE (AC) = 600Ω. For any DC Loop current from 0mA to I LIM 11/22 L3037 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol 4 WIRE RECEIVE PORT ZRX VRX ZMIN Input Impedance Overload Level Input Impedance 100 3.2 100 KΩ Vpk KΩ Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit METERING INPUT PORT LOGIC CONTROL PORT INPUT D0, D1, GST Vih Vil Iih Iil C in INPUT LIM Vih Vil Iih Iil C in OUTPUT DET Vol V oh C ld Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Load Capacitance Overload Level Input Impedance Offset Voltage Allowed -0.5 50 -15 Io = 2mA Io = 30µA Io ≤10µA 2.4 3.8 150 0.5 90 15 0.4 V V V pF V KΩ mV Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input high Current Input Low Current Input Capacitance -10 -30 2.4 0.4 30 10 10 V V µA µA pF Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Current Input Low Current Input Capacitance -10 -10 2 0.8 90 10 10 V V µA µA pF RINGING INPUT PORT TRANSMISSION PERFORMANCE Arl Thl Return Loss (2-wire) Transhibrid Loss 300Hz to 3.4KHz 300Hz to 3.4KHz 20log10  Longitudinal balance (CCITT Rec.0.121) L-T L-4 T-L 4-L L–T L –4 Longit to Transversal Long Sign Rejection Transvers to Longit Long Sign Generation Longitudinal to Transversal Longitudinal Signal Rejection 300Hz to 3.4KHz ZS = 900Ω + 2.12µF R P = 62Ω, 1% match 300Hz to 3.4KHz ZS = 600Ω R P = 40Ω, 1% tolerance 52 58 49 49 58 63 70 dB dB dB dB dB dB VRX  VTX 22 30 dB dB Selected L3037 Longitudinal balance (IEEE Std 455-1976) 12/22 L3037 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol INSERTION LOSS Gt Gr Gt Gr GTTX THD Gt Gr TgABS TgDIS Thd4 Thd2 Vabp Vtxp Vabc Vtxc Transmit V Gain Receive V Gain Transmit V Gain Receive V Gain Transfer Gain Harmonic Distortion Transmit V Gain Receive V Gain Absolute 4 to 2-wire 2 to 4-wire 4 to 2-wire 2-wire port 4-wire transmit 2-wire port 4-wire transmit psophometric psophometric c message c message -78 -82 12 8 3KHz 0.5 to 3,4KHz 7dBm, 0.3 to 3.4KHz VTTXIN = 0.66Vrms ZL =200Ω; 2 ⋅ RP = 80Ω; Vmoff = 0 -55dBm to 7dBm (1) 0.3 to 3.4KHz 0dBm, 1KHz -6.22 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 3.18 -5.82 0.2 0.1 0.1 3.51 5 -0.1 -0.1 5 5 -46 -46 -72 -76 18 14 0.1 0.1 % dB dB µs µs dB dB dBmP dBmP dBr nC dBr nC dB dB dB dB Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit INSERTION LOSS vs. FREQUENCY (rel 1KHz / 0dBm) METERING INJECTION GAIN LINEARITY (rel 1KHz, -4dBm) GROUP DELAY (2-4, 4-2) 0DbM TOT HARMONIC DISTORTION IDLE CHANNEL NOISE RINGING FUNCTION 0 cross IRT TRTD Zero Crossing Threshold Level Ring Trip Threshold Ring Trip Detection Time R L = 1.8k, fRING = 25Hz fRING = 16 to 66Hz R GIN = 3Vrms -70 7.5 150 70 mV mA DC ms BATTERY FEED CHARACTERISTIC POWER DOWN STATE ILGND ILBAT IL Il VLOS V LO R feed Ilim ZTIP IGS Loop Current Loop Current Loop Current Iloop Accuracy Line Voltage Line Voltage Feeding Resistance Accuracy Loop Current Limit Accuracy Tip Lead Impedance Ring Lead Current RING to GND Ilim = 25mA, 44mA, 55mA TIP or RING to BGND TIP or RING to Vbat RL = 0 constant region @ IL = 0 @ IL = 0 13 40 34.5 -10 -8 100 30 Ilim 0.5 0.5 1 16 42 37.5 +10 +8 mA mA mA mA V V % % KΩ mA STAND BY STATE ACTIVE STATE GROUND START STATE (1) For level lower than -40dB guaranteed by correlation. 13/22 L3037 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit DETECTORS OFF HOOK DETECTOR Idet Idet Hys Td ILL Off-hook Current Threshold Off-hook Current Threshold Off-hook / On-hook Hysteresys Dialling Distortion Ground Key Current Threshold ILL = (IB - IA) / 2 stand by state active state Both stand by and active state active state TIP to RING to GND or RING to GND 9 9 1 -1 4 12 12 1.6 1 mA mA mA ms mA GROUND KEY DETECTOR POWER DISSIPATION ON L3037 at VBAT = 48V Pd Pd Pd Power Down Stand-by Active, Rfeed = 800Ω ILIM = 25mA ILIM = 44mA ILIM = 55mA Active, Rfeed = 400Ω ILIM = 25mA ILIM = 44mA ILIM = 55mA Active any line lenght 2-wire open R L = 0 to 2K 2-wire open R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K 2-wire open R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K Ground Key 95 155 38 136 250 224 710 1730 2660 224 510 870 1280 mW mW mW mW mW mW mW mW mW mW mW mW Pd 155 Pd 1500 POWER DISSIPATION ON QEXT AT Vbat = 48V P dq Active, Rfeed = 800Ω ILIM = 25mA ILIM = 44mA ILIM = 55mA Active, Rfeed = 400Ω ILIM = 25mA ILIM = 44mA ILIM = 55mA R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K R L = 0 to 2K 880 810 420 1080 1610 1670 mW mW mW mW mW mW P dq SUPPLY CURRENTS ANALOG SUPPLY ICC ISS ICC ISS ICC ISS Ibat Ibat Ibat VCC VSS VCC VSS VCC VSS Power down Stand-by Active Power Down Power Down Stand-by / A open Stand-by / A open Active Active a or b to BGND 2-wire open 2-wire open 2-wire RL = 400Ω 1.5 0.1 4 1.5 6 3 120 1.4 2.3 2.2 0.5 5 3 10 6 500 2 3 ILOOP+5 mA mA mA mA mA mA µA mA mA mA BATTERY SUPPLY 14/22 L3037 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit POWER SUPPLY REJECTION (VRIPPLE = 100mVrms) LINE TERMINALS PSRR PSRR PSRR PSRR VCC ref to AGND VSS ref to AGND Vbat ref to AGND BGND ref to AGND 50Hz to 3.4KHz 20 20 30 20 dB dB dB dB RELAY DRIVER iRD V iLK Current Capability Voltage Drop Off Leakage Current @IRD = 40mA 40 1.25 100 mA V µA F igure 6: Test Circuit 680nF 15/22 L3037 F igure 7: Typical Application with 2nd Generation COMBO (600Ω Application) 16/22 680nF L3037 F igure 8: Typical Application with 1st Generation COMBO (600Ω Application) 680nF 17/22 L3037 F igure 9: Typical Application with 2nd Generation COMBO (U.S. Application) 18/22 680nF L3037 F igure 10: Typical application with 1st Generation COMBO (U.S. Application) 680nF 19/22 L3037 PLCC44 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA DIM. MIN. A B C D d1 d2 E e e3 F F1 G M M1 1.16 1.14 14.99 1.27 12.7 0.46 0.71 0.101 0.046 0.045 17.4 16.51 3.65 4.2 2.59 0.68 16 0.590 0.050 0.500 0.018 0.028 0.004 mm TYP. MAX. 17.65 16.65 3.7 4.57 2.74 MIN. 0.685 0.650 0.144 0.165 0.102 0.027 0.630 inch TYP. MAX. 0.695 0.656 0.146 0.180 0.108 20/22 L3037 PQFP44(10 x 10) PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA DIM. MIN. A A1 A2 B c D D1 D3 e E E1 E3 L L1 K 0.65 12.95 9.90 0.25 1.95 0.30 0.13 12.95 9.90 13.20 10.00 8.00 0.80 13.20 10.00 8.00 0.80 1.60 0°(min.), 7°(max.) 0.95 0.026 13.45 10.10 0.510 0.390 2.00 2.10 0.45 0.23 13.45 10.10 mm TYP. MAX. 2.45 0.010 0.077 0.012 0.005 0.51 0.390 0.52 0.394 0.315 0.031 0.520 0.394 0.315 0.031 0.063 0.037 0.530 0.398 0.079 0.083 0.018 0.009 0.53 0.398 MIN. inch TYP. MAX. 0.096 D D1 D3 A1 33 34 23 22 0.10mm .004 Seating Plane A A2 E3 E1 B 44 1 11 12 E B C L K e L1 PQFP44 21/22 L3037 I nformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Mi croelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGSTHOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. © 1997 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics – Printed in Italy – All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 22/22
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