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    L5170 - OCTAL LINE DRIVER - STMicroelectronics

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L5170 数据手册
L5170 OCTAL LINE DRIVER ADVANCE DATA OCTAL LINE DRIVER FOR: – EIA STD: RS232D; RS423A – CCIT: V.10; V.28 NO EXTERNAL COMPONENTS VERY LONG TRANSMISSION LINE (5000ft) 50V EOS OUTPUT PROTECTION DIP28 PLCC28 DESCRIPTION L5170 is an octal line driver unit in DIP28 and PLCC28 packages intended for use in the EIA std RS232D, RS423A and CCITT V.10 and V.28 applications. With no external components L5170 is able to drive a line up to 5000ft assuming the line capacitance is 35pF per ft and the capacitance of the filter connectors/protection components add up to BLOCK DIAGRAM ORDERING NUMBERS: L5170A L5170D the total capacitance load. The drivers typically run in short circuit current mode whenever the cable attached is over 500ft. March 1993 1/9 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. L5170 PIN CONNECTIONS (Top views) DIP28 PLCC28 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC VEE Vi VO IO SR Ptot Top Tstg Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Input Voltage (Enable Data) Output Voltage Output Current (**) Minimum Slew Resistor (***) Power Dissipation at Tamb = 70°C (PLCC28) (*) (DIP28) (*) Operating Free Air Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Parameter Value +15 – 15 – 1.5 to 7 ±6 ± 150 1.5 1.2 1.3 0 to +70 -65 to 150 Unit V V V V mA 1KΩ W W °C °C Notes: (*) Mounted on board with minimized dissipating copper area. (**) Minimum Current per driver. Do not exceed maximum power dissipation if more than one input is on. (***) Minimum value of the resistor used to set the slew rate. THERMAL DATA Symbol R th j-amb Description Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient (*) Max. PLCC28 67 DIP28 62 Unit °C/W 2/9 L5170 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 9 to 11V; VEE = – 9 to – 11V T amb =0 to 70°C, unless otherwise specified Symbol VOH Parameter High Level Output Voltage Test Condition Vin = 0.8V R L = inf R L = 3KΩ R L = 450Ω (see note 1) Vin = 2.4V R L = inf R L = 3KΩ R L = 450Ω (see note 1) |VCC| = |VEE|; RL = 450Ω 2 0.8 IIN = – 15mA VIN = 2.4V VIN = 0.4V VIN = 2.4V; RS = 2KΩ; RL = 3KΩ C L = 2.5nF; (See note 2) VIN = 0.4V; RS = 2KΩ; RL = 3KΩ C L = 2.5nF; (See note 2) VIN = 2.4V; RS = 2KΩ; RL = 3KΩ C L = 2.5nF; (See note 2) VIN = 0.4V; RS = 2KΩ; RL = 3KΩ C L = 2.5nF; (See note 2) VO = 0V; VIN = 2.4V; (see fig.1) VO = 0V; VIN = 2.4V; (see fig.1) Ish/Isl = Ibal See fig.2,3 and note 3 VO = 6V VO = – 6V R L = 450Ω; CL = 50pF R slew = 5.34KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 0.01µF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 0.1µF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 2.5nF R slew = 2KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 2.5nF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% Fall time (see note 4 and 5; see figure 4A) R L = 450Ω; CL = 50pF R slew = 5.34KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 0.01µF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 0.1µF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 2.5nF R slew = 2KΩ ±1% R L = 450Ω; CL = 2.5nF R slew = 10KΩ ±1% 0.65 3.25 0.65 3.25 2 – 30 – 40 25 – 100 0.625 100 – 25 1.6 70 – 70 2 2.7 10 50 1.2 6 2.7 10 50 1.2 6 – 400 30 40 – 1.5 40 Min. 5 5 4.5 –6 –6 –6 Typ. Max. 6 6 6 –5 –5 – 4.5 0.4 Unit V V V V V V V V V V µA µA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA/mA µA µA µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs VOL Low Level Output Voltage VOl VIH VIL VIK IIH IIL ICC ICC1 IEE IEE1 Ish Isl Ibal Ix Output Voltage Balance High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Input Clamp Voltage High Level Input Current Low Level Input Current Positive Supply Current Positive Supply Current Negative Supply Current Negative Supply Current Output Short Circuit Current Output Short Circuit Current Output Current Balance Output Leakage Current tr trc1 trc2 trc3 trc4 tf tfc1 tfc2 tfc3 tfc4 Rise time (see note 4 and 5; see figure 4A) Note 1: The Output under load must not drop below 90% of the open circuit drive level. Note 2: This represents the static condition only. Applications can see 130mA normal current draw for clock and data lines with up to 500mA transients when all lines are transitioning at the same time. Over 500ft of cable slew rate is governed by the drivers ability to sink current. The currents are rougly equivalent to the short circuit current. 3/9 L5170 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol tlz tnz tzl tzh tplh tph1 Propagation (see figure 4C) R L = 450Ω; CL = 50pF R slew = 2KΩ 0.3 0.3 Parameter Output Enable to Output (see figure 4B) Test Condition R L = 450Ω; CL = 50pF R slew = 10KΩ Min. Typ. Max. 5 5 150 150 0.9 0.9 Unit µs µs µs µs µs µs LINE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY (Considering the following cases: Powered ON, Powered OFF-Low impedance power supply and Powered OFF-High impedance supply). ESD EOS Elettrostatic Discharge Electrical Overstress Tested per MIL-STD-883 (see note 6) Transient pulse both polarities for 100µs (see note 7) 2 50 KV V Note 3: The output leakage is measured under the following conditions: a) The Driver tristated b) Power supply OFF, and the power pins shorted to Ground c) Power supply OFF. Impedances between power pins open and power pins shorted to Ground. Note 4: The output waveform should not show any signs of oscillations under any load variation between o.1VVss and 0.9Vss. The oscillation allowed when VSS < 0.1VSS and Vss >0.9Vss shall be 10% of Vss. Note 5: tfc1 thru trc4 shall be within ±20% of trc1 thru trc4 respectively. Note 6: All pins are required to withstand parameter. Note 7: Output pins are required to withstand fig.5 without any degradation to the circuit. TEST CIRCUIT 4/9 L5170 Figure 1: Output Leakage Test Circuit Figure 2: Output Voltage Rise Time Figure 3: EOS Requirements 5/9 L5170 Figure 4: Waveforms 6/9 L5170 DIP28 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA DIM. MIN. a1 b b1 b2 D E e e3 F I L 4.445 3.3 15.2 2.54 33.02 14.1 0.175 0.130 0.23 1.27 37.34 16.68 0.598 0.100 1.300 0.555 mm TYP. 0.63 0.45 0.31 0.009 0.050 1.470 0.657 MAX. MIN. inch TYP. 0.025 0.018 0.012 MAX. 7/9 L5170 PLCC28 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA DIM. MIN. A B D D1 D2 E e e3 F F1 G M M1 1.24 1.143 12.32 11.43 4.2 2.29 0.51 9.91 1.27 7.62 0.46 0.71 0.101 0.049 0.045 10.92 mm TYP. MAX. 12.57 11.58 4.57 3.04 MIN. 0.485 0.450 0.165 0.090 0.020 0.390 0.050 0.300 0.018 0.028 0.004 0.430 inch TYP. MAX. 0.495 0.456 0.180 0.120 8/9 L5170 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. © 1995 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 9/9
物料型号: - L5170

器件简介: - L5170是一款八路线路驱动器,用于EIA标准RS232D、RS423A和CCITT V.10、V.28应用。它能够在不需要外部组件的情况下驱动长达5000英尺的线路,假设线路电容为每英尺35pF,并且滤波器连接器/保护元件的电容总和为一定值。

引脚分配: - 文档中提供了L5170的引脚连接图,展示了各个引脚的布局和功能。

参数特性: - 供电电压(Vcc):+15V - 供电电压(VEE):-15V - 输入电压(Vi):-1.5至7V - 输出电压(Vo):±6V - 输出电流(lo):±150mA - 最小斜率电阻(SR):1.5KΩ - 总功耗(Ptot):PLCC28为1.2W,DIP28为1.3W - 工作自由空气温度范围(Top):0至+70℃ - 存储温度范围(Tstg):-65至150℃

功能详解: - L5170通常在短路电流模式下运行,尤其是在电缆连接超过500英尺时。它能够驱动长距离传输线路,具有50V EOS输出保护。

应用信息: - 适用于EIA标准RS232D、RS423A和CCITT V.10、V.28等通信协议。

封装信息: - L5170提供DIP28和PLCC28两种封装形式。
L5170 价格&库存

