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TDA7482BOARD 数据手册
TDA7482 25W MONO CLASS-D AMPLIFIER 1 FEATURES Figure 1. Package ■ 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL = 8Ω/4Ω; THD = 10% ■ HIGH EFFICIENCY ■ WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (UP TO ±25V) ■ SPLIT SUPPLY ■ OVERVOLTAGEPROTECTION ■ ST-BY AND MUTE FEATURES ■ SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION ■ THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION 2 Multiwatt15 Table 1. Order Codes Part Number Package TDA7482 Multiwatt15 c u d sembled in Multiwatt15 package specially designed for high efficiency applications mainly for TV and Home Stereo sets. DESCRIPTION The TDA7482 is an audio class-D amplifier asFigure 2. Test and Application Circuit. +5V e t le o s b O - ) s ( ct C5 100nF -VCC (Pin 14,15) ST-BY MUTE IN1 u d o R3 30K r P e C1 2.2 µF t e l o C2 0.33µF C4 4.7nF bs O ST-BY/ MUTE IN1 C6 100nF VCC SIGN VCC POW N.C. 4 13 C7 2200µF 11 3 9 - - PRE + BOOT C11 100nF 1 PWM + OUT 5 FEEDCAP 12 7 C12 560pF R5 150Ω 6 8 14,15 -VCC SIGN L1 60µH C14 470nF 8Ω VREG C15 100nF 2 FREQ C8 270pF October 2004 10 C3 1nF SGN-GND D96AU538C o r P +VCC R1 10K R2 10K ) s t( BOOTDIODE -VCC POW R4 12KΩ (RF) -VCC C9 100nF C10 2200µF Rev. 4 1/7 TDA7482 Table 2. Pin Description N° Pin 1 OUT 2 BOOTDIODE 3 BOOT 4 NC 5 FEEDCAP 6 FREQ Function PWM OUTPUT BOOTSTRAP DIODE ANODE BOOTSTRAP NOT CONNECTED FEEDBACK INTEGRATING CAPACITOR SETTING FREQUENCY RESISTOR 7 SGN-GND SIGNAL GROUND 8 –VCC SIGN SIGNAL NEGATIVE SUPPLY 9 IN 10 ST-BY/MUTE INPUT 11 +VCC SIGN 12 VREG 13 +VCC POW POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY 14 -VCC POW NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY (to be connected to pin 13 via C5) 15 -VCC POW NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY (to be connected to pin 13 via C5) CONTROL STATE PIN POSITIVE SIGNAL SUPPLY INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter VCC DC Supply Voltage Ptot Power Dissipation Tcase = 70°C Tstg, Tj Storage and Junction Temperature –40 to 150 VFREQ Maximum Voltage Across RF (pin6) Top ESD Operating Temperature Range Max ESD on Pins ) s ( ct Figure 3. o r P e du t e l o bs O TAB CONNECTED TO PIN 8 e t le so b O - c u d o r P Value Unit ±28 V 35 W °C 8 15 -VCC POW 14 -VCC POW 13 +VCC POW 12 VREG 11 +VCC SIGN 10 ST-BY/MUTE 9 IN 8 -VCC SIGN 7 SGN-GND 6 FREQ 5 FEEDCAP 4 N.C. 3 BOOT 2 BOOTDIODE 1 OUT ) s t( V 0 to 70 °C ±1.2 KV D96AU539A Table 4. Thermal Data Symbol Tth j-case 2/7 Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-case Value Unit 1.8 to 2.5 °C/W TDA7482 Table 5. Electrical Characteristcs (Refer to the test circuit, VCC = ±21V; RL = 8Ω; RS = 50Ω; RF = 12KΩ; Demod.. filter L = 60µH, C = 470nF; f = 1KHz; Tamb = 25°‘C unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. ±10 VS Supply Range Iq Total Quiescent Current RL = ∞, No LC Filter VOS Output Offset Voltage Play Condition PO Output Power THD = 10% THD = 1% PO Output Power RL = 4Ω ; VCC = ±16V; THD = 10% THD = 1% (*) Unit ±25 V 40 60 mA –70 -30 10 mV 20 14 25 18 W W 25 18 W W Maximum Dissipated Power VCC =±21V; RL = 8Ω; PO = 25W THD 10% 3.8 W Po Po Efficiency ≡ --------------------- ≡ ------ (∗∗) P O + PD PI VCC = ±21V; RL = 8Ω; PO = 18W THD 10% 87 % ηmax Top Efficiency maximum VCC = ±25V; RL = 8Ω; PO = 43W THD 20% 88.5 THD Total Harmonic Distortion RL = 8Ω; PO = 1W 0.1 Imax Overcurrent Protection Threshold RL = 0 PD η Tj Thermal Shut-down Junction Temperature GV Closed Loop Gain eN Total Input Noise VCCTOT MAX A Curve f = 20Hz to 22KHz SVR Supply Voltage Rejection Tr, Tf Rising and Falling Time e t le so Maximum Total VCC Protection Input Resistance Ri 3.5 b O - f = 100Hz; Vr = 0.5 (t s) 29 t e l o µV µV 30 kΩ dB 50 ns 0.4 Ω 100 Frequency Controller Resistor Range (****) dB 60 Switching Frequency RF 31 °C 46 100 o r P e 30 A 20 Switching Frequency Operative Range Zero Signal Frequency Constant (***) 150 % V FSW-OP BF od 50 Power Transistor on Resistance c u d uc 7 12 RDSON FSW % 5 Pr ) s t( 120 200 KHz 140 KHz HzΩ 9 1.4x10 7 12 14 KΩ 0.8 V MUTE & STAND-BY FUNCTIONS bs O VST-BY Stand-by range VMUTE Mute Range VPLAY Play Range (1) 4 AMUTE Mute Attenuation 60 IqST-BY Quiescent Current @ Stand-by 1.8 2.5 V V 80 3 dB 5 *: **: ***: ****: The output LC filtermust be changed to: L = 30µH; C = 1µF PO = measured across the load using the following inductor: COIL 58120 MPPA2 (magnetics) TURNS: 28 φ 1mm The zero-signal switching frequency can be obtained using the following expression: FSW= BF/RF The maximum value of RF is related to the maximum possible value for the voltage drop on RF itself (1) For V10 >5.2V, an input impedance of 10KΩ is to be considered mA 3/7 TDA7482 Figure 4. Recommended P.C. Board and Component Layout of the Circuit of Figure 2 c u d o s b O - Note: Capacitor C5 must be as close as possible to device’s pins 13 and 14 ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 4/7 e t le o r P ) s t( TDA7482 Figure 5. Multiwatt15 Mechanical Data & Package Dimensions DIM. mm MIN. TYP. inch MAX. MIN. TYP. A5 MAX. 0.197 B 2.65 C 0.104 1.6 D OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 0.063 1 0.039 E 0.49 0.55 0.019 0.022 F 0.66 0.75 0.026 0.030 G 1.02 1.27 1.52 0.040 0.050 0.060 G1 17.53 17.78 18.03 0.690 0.700 0.710 H1 19.6 0.772 H2 20.2 0.795 L 21.9 22.2 22.5 0.862 0.874 0.886 L1 21.7 22.1 22.5 0.854 0.87 0.886 L2 17.65 18.1 0.695 L3 17.25 17.5 17.75 0.679 0.689 L4 10.3 10.7 10.9 0.406 0.421 L7 2.65 2.9 0.104 0.713 0.699 c u d 0.429 0.114 M 4.25 4.55 4.85 0.167 0.179 0.191 M1 4.73 5.08 5.43 0.186 0.200 0.214 S 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102 S1 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102 Dia1 3.65 3.85 0.144 0.152 ) s ( ct e t le ) s t( o r P Multiwatt15 (Vertical) o s b O - u d o r P e t e l o s b O 0016036 J 5/7 TDA7482 Table 1. Revision History Date Revision Description of Changes September 2003 3 First Issue in EDOCS October 2004 4 Aligned the graphic style to be compliant with the new “Corporate Technical Pubblications Design Guide” c u d e t le ) s ( ct u d o r P e t e l o s b O 6/7 o s b O - o r P ) s t( TDA7482 c u d e t le ) s ( ct ) s t( o r P o s b O - u d o r P e t e l o Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. s b O The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America www.st.com 7/7
TDA7482BOARD 价格&库存

