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    KIA78R15API - 1A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator With ON/OFF Control - Tiger Electronic Co.,Ltd

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KIA78R15API 数据手册
TIGER ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD 1 A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator With ON/OFF Control K IA78RXX D ESCRIPTIONS : T he K IA78RXX i s a low drop voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equip ment. The output current is up to 1.0A and dropout voltage is 0.5V typ. at Io=1.0A. This regulator has various function such as peak current protection, ther mal shut down, over voltage protection and output disable function. The K IA78RXX i s a v a i l a b l e i n T O - 2 5 2 - 5 L 、 TO-220F-4 power package. F EATURE S 1 .0A ou tput low drop voltage regu lato r. B uilt in ON/OFF control terminal. B uilt in over current protection, over heat protection function. B LOCK DIAGRAM 1/7 1/7 KIA78RXX P IN CONF IGUR ATI ON : PIN FUNCTION 1. VIN 2. GND 3. VOUT 4. NC 5. ON/OFF CONTROL O RDERI N G INFOR MATION : P ackage Marking K IA78R 25 FXX K IA78R 33 FXX K IA78R 05 FXX K IA78R 06 FXX K IA78R 08 FXX K IA78R 09 FXX K IA78R 10 FXX K IA78R 12 FXX K IA78R 15 FXX K IA78R 25 API K IA78R 33 API K IA78R 05 API K IA78R 06 API K IA78R 08 API K IA78R 09 API K IA78R 10 API K IA78R 12 API K IA78R 15 API Output Vo ltage 2 .5V 3 .3 V 5 .0V 6 .0V 8 .0V 9 .0 V 1 0.0V 1 2.0V 1 5.0V 2 .5V 3 .3 V 5 .0V 6 .0V 8 .0V 9 .0 V 1 0.0V 1 2.0V 1 5.0V Package Type TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-252-5L TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 TO-220F-4 A BSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ( Ta=25 ° C) Characteristic I nput Voltage O N/OF F Control Vo latge Value 35 35 Unit V V 2/7 KIA78RXX O utput Current P ower Dissipation 1 (no heatsink ) T O-252-5L P ower Dissipation 2 (with heatsink) TO-220F-4 J unction Temp erature O perating Te mperature S torage Temperature S oldering Te mperature (10sec) 15 125 -20 ~ 8 0 -30 ~ 1 25 260 °C °C °C °C 1 1.5 10 W A W E LECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( unless otherwise specified: Io=0.5A,Ta=25 ° C) Characteristics Output Vo ltage L oad regulation L ine regulation Te mperature coefficient of output voltage Ripple rejection D rop out vo ltage O utput ON state voltage O utput ON state current O utput OFF control voltage O utput OFF control current for control for control state state for for Symbol V out R load R line TcVo R.R VD VC(ON) IC(ON) VC(OFF) IC(OFF) IQ V c=0.4Vo N ote1,Io=0 V c=2.7V Io=1A,Note3 Test conditions N ote1 I o=5 mA ~ 2 A N ote2 T j = 0 ~ 12 5 ° C Min - 2 % Vo Typ Max 2 %Vo Unit V % % %/ ℃ dB 0.1 0.5 ± 0.02 45 55 2.0 2.5 ±0.05 0 .5 2 .0 20 0 .8 -0.4 10 V V µA V mA mA Q uiescent cu rrent N ote: 3/7 KIA78RXX N ote1 Note2 Vin=3.5~ 9.5V Vin=4.3~ 1 0.3V Vin=6~1 2V Vin=7~1 5V Vin=9~2 5V Vin=10~ 25 V Vin=11~ 26 V Vin=13~ 29 V Vin=16~ 32 V Note3 V out=0.9 5 Vo K IA78R 25 K IA78R 33 K IA78R 05 K IA78R 06 K IA78R 08 K IA78R 09 K IA78R 10 K IA78R 12 K IA78R 15 V IN=4.5V V in=5.0V V in=7.0V V in=8.0V V in=10V V in=15V V in=16V V in=18V V in=21V T EST CIRCUIT Standard Test Circuit KIA78RXX R ipple Rejection Test Circuit KIA78RXX 4/7 KIA78RXX A PPLICATION CIRCUIT T O-252-5L : 5/7 KIA78RXX O UTLINE DRAWING T O220F-4L 6/7 KIA78RXX 7/7
KIA78R15API 价格&库存

