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DCM2322EA5N13A2T60 数据手册
DCM™ DC-DC Converter DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z S ® US C C NRTL US Isolated, Regulated DC Converter Features & Benefits Product Ratings • Isolated, regulated DC-DC converter • Up to 120 W, 10.00 A continuous • 90.4% peak efficiency • 532 W/in3 Power density VIN = 43 V to 154 V POUT = 120 W VOUT = 12.0 V (7.2 V to 13.2 V Trim) IOUT = 10.00 A Product Description • Wide input range 43 – 154 Vdc The DCM2322 is a lower power, isolated and regulated DC-DC converter that operates from an unregulated, wide-range input to generate an isolated 12.0 Vdc output. With its high-frequency zero-voltage switching (ZVS) topology, the DCM2322 converter consistently delivers high efficiency across the input line range. Modular DCM converters and downstream DC-DC products support efficient power distribution, providing superior power system performance and connectivity from a variety of unregulated power sources to the point-of-load. • Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) 12.0 V Nominal Output • 3000 Vdc isolation • ZVS high frequency switching n Enables low-profile, high-density filtering • Dual modes of operation: n Array mode – Up to 8 units – 960 W – No power derating needed – Sharing strategy permits dissimilar line voltages across an array n Enhanced VOUT regulation mode – Standalone: 120 W Leveraging the thermal and density benefits of Vicor’s ChiP packaging technology, the DCM2322 offers flexible thermal management options with very low top and bottom side thermal impedances. Thermally adept ChiP based power components enable customers to quickly and predictably achieve cost effective power system solutions. • Fully operational current limit • OV, OC, UV, short circuit and thermal protection • 2322 through-hole ChiP™ package n 0.978” x 0.898” x 0.284” (24.84 mm x 22.8 mm x 7.21 mm) Typical Applications • • • • Rail Transportation Defense / Aerospace Industrial Process Control Part Ordering Information Product Function DCM DCM = DC-DC Converter Package Size 23 22 mm Package Type Max Input Voltage Range Ratio Max Output Voltage Max Output Power Temperature Grade Option x A5 N 13 A2 y 6z T= Through hole ChiPs Internal Reference DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 1 of 31 01/2020 T = -40°C to 125°C M = -55°C to 125°C 60 = Array and Enhanced VOUT Regultion Modes / Analog Control Interface Version DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Typical Applications Rb Cb1 Cb2 DCM1 TR EN EMI_GND F1_1 L1_1 VIN CY +IN C1_1 Rd_1 Lb_1 Rdm_1 FT CY +OUT RCOUT-EXT_1 CIN Cd_1 L2_1 –IN C2_1 COUT-EXT_1 –OUT C3 C4 Load CY CY Rb Rb Cb1 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 DCM2 TR EN F1_2 L1_2 CY +IN C1_2 Rd_2 RCOUT-EXT_2 –IN C2_2 COUT-EXT_2 –OUT CY CY ≈≈ L2_2 +OUT CIN Cd_2 Lb_2 Rdm_2 FT CY Rb Rb Cb1 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 ≈≈ DCM4 TR EN F1_4 L1_4 CY +IN C1_4 Rd_4 L2_4 +OUT RCOUT-EXT_4 CIN Cd_4 Lb_4 Rdm_4 FT CY –IN COUT-EXT_4 –OUT C2_4 CY CY Rb Cb1 Cb2 Note: CIN, Rb, Cb1 and Cb2 are required components for proper operation of the DCM. See required components table below. DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z in an array of four units; applicable when DCM is operating in Array Mode Required Components CIN TDK C5750X7T2E225M250KA, 2.2 µF, 250 V Rb Generic 1 Ω, 1/4 W Cb1 , Cb2 KEMET C1812C103KGRACTU, 10,000 pF, 2000 V DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 2 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Typical Applications (Cont.) Cb1 Rb Cb2 DCM1 TR EN EMI_GND FT F1_1 T1_1 VIN Rd_1 C1_1 Rdm_1 CY CY +IN +OUT –IN –OUT L2_1 RCOUT-EXT_1 CIN Cd_1 Lb_1 C2_1 COUT-EXT_1 CY C3 C4 Load CY Rb Rb Cb2 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 DCM2 TR EN Rdm_2 FT CY F1_2 CY T1_2 Rd_2 C1_2 +IN +OUT –IN –OUT RCOUT-EXT_2 CIN Cd_2 Lb_2 L2_2 C2_2 COUT-EXT_2 CY CY ≈≈ Rb Rb Cb1 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 ≈≈ DCM8 TR EN CY T1_8 +IN Rd_8 C1_8 +OUT Lb_8 Rdm_8 FT CY F1_8 L2_8 RCOUT-EXT_8 CIN C2_8 COUT-EXT_8 Cd_8 –IN –OUT CY CY Rb Cb1 Cb2 Note: CIN, Rb, Cb1 and Cb2 are required components for proper operation of the DCM. See required components table on page 2. Parallel operation of DCMs with common mode chokes installed on the input side to suppress common mode noise; applicable when DCM is operating in Array Mode Rb Cb1 Cb2 DCM TR EN EMI_GND FT F1 VIN CY L1 CY +IN C1 Rd RCOUT-EXT COUT-EXT –OUT –IN CY CY Rb Cb1 Cb2 Load 1 Lb L2 +OUT CIN Cd Rdm C2 Non-isolated Point-of-Load Regulator Load 2 Note: CIN, Rb, Cb1 and Cb2 are required components for proper operation of the DCM. See required components table on page 2. Single DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z, to a non-isolated regulator, and direct to load DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 3 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Pin Configuration TOP VIEW 1 +IN A 2 A’ +OUT B’ –OUT TR B EN C C’ +OUT FT D –IN E D’ –OUT DCM ChiP™ Pin Descriptions Pin Number Signal Name Type A1 +IN INPUT POWER B1 TR INPUT Enables and disables trim functionality. Adjusts output voltage when trim active. C1 EN INPUT Dual function: 1. Enables either Array or Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode 2. Enables and disables power supply D1 FT OUTPUT E1 -IN INPUT POWER RETURN Negative input power terminal A’2, C’2 +OUT OUTPUT POWER Positive output power terminal B’2, D’2 -OUT OUTPUT POWER RETURN Negative output power terminal Function Positive input power terminal Fault monitoring DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 4 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Absolute Maximum Ratings The absolute maximum ratings below are stress ratings only. Operation at or beyond these maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Electrical specifications do not apply when operating beyond rated operating conditions. Parameter Comments Min Max Unit -0.5 175.0 V -1 1 V/µs TR to –IN -0.3 3.5 V EN to –IN -0.3 3.5 V -0.3 3.5 V 5 mA 15.8 V Input Voltage (+IN to –IN) Input Voltage Slew Rate FT to –IN Output Voltage (+OUT to –OUT) Dielectric withstand (input to output) -0.5 Supplementary insulation 3000 Vdc T-Grade -40 125 °C M-Grade -55 125 °C T-Grade -40 125 °C M-Grade -65 125 °C 16.0 A Internal Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Average Output Current Figure 1 — Thermal Specified Operating Area: Max Output Power vs. Case Temp, Single unit at minimum full load efficiency Figure 2 — Electrical Specified Operating Area: Array Mode Figure 3 — Electrical Specified Operating Area: Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 5 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Common Electrical Specifications: Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes Specifications apply over all line, trim and load conditions, internal temperature TINT = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C < TINT < 125°C for T-Grade and -55°C < TINT < 125°C for M-grade. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit 43 100 154 V Power Input Specification Input voltage range Inrush current (peak) VIN Continuous operation IINRP With maximum COUT-EXT, full resistive load 6.0 A Input capacitance (internal) CIN-INT Effective value at nominal input voltage 1.3 µF Input capacitance (internal) ESR RCIN-INT At 1 MHz 2.68 mΩ Input inductance (external) LIN Differential mode, with no further line bypassing 1 µH 0.8 W 1.0 W 3.5 W 3.5 W No Load Specification Nominal line, see Fig. 4 Input power – disabled PQ 0.6 Worst case line, see Fig. 4 Nominal line, see Fig. 5 Input power – enabled with no load PNL 2.0 Worst case line, see Fig. 5 Power Output Specification Output voltage set point Rated output voltage trim range VOUT-NOM VIN = 100 V, nominal trim, at 100% Load, TINT = 25°C 11.94 12.0 12.06 V VOUT-TRIMMING Specifies the Low, Nominal and High Trim conditions. • Array Mode: trim range over temp at full load • Enhanced VOUT Regultion Mode: trim range over temp, with > 10% rated load 7.2 12.0 13.2 V Rated output power POUT Rated output current IOUT Continuous, VOUT ≥ 12.0 V Continuous, VOUT ≤ 12.0 V Output current limit IOUT-LM Of rated IOUT max. Fully operational current limit, for nominal trim and below Current limit delay tIOUT-LIM The module will power limit in a fast transient event Efficiency η % 1 ms 90.4 % 82.2 % Output capacitance (internal) ESR RCOUT-INT At 1 MHz Output capacitance (external) COUT-EXT Output capacitance (external) COUT-EXT-TRANS RCOUT-EXT 140 50% load, over rated line, temperature and trim Effective value at nominal output voltage Output capacitance, ESR (ext.) 120 % COUT-INT ITRAN_MIN 100 84.8 Output capacitance (internal) Minimum Transient Load A Full load, over line and temperature, nominal trim VOUT-PP COUT-EXT- 10.00 88.3 Output voltage ripple TRANS-TRIM W Full load, nominal line, nominal trim 20 MHz bandwidth. At nominal trim, minimum COUT-EXT and at least 10 % rated load Output capacitance (external) 120 Excludes component temperature coefficient For load transients that remain > 10% rated load Excludes component temperature coefficient For load transients down to ITRAN_MIN rated load, with static trim Excludes component temperature coefficient For load transients down to ITRAN_MIN rated load, with dynamic trimming Minimum required load for proper operation of DCM during load transient conditions At 10 kHz, excludes component tolerances DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 6 of 31 01/2020 304 mV 170 µF 0.171 mΩ 500 10000 µF 4700 10000 µF 6800 10000 µF 0 % 10 mΩ DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Common Electrical Specifications (Cont.): Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes Specifications apply over all line, trim and load conditions, internal temperature TINT = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C < TINT < 125°C for T-Grade and -55°C < TINT < 125°C for M-grade. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit 40 ms Power Output Specifications (Cont.) Initialization delay tINIT See state diagram 25 Output turn-on delay tON From rising edge EN, with VIN pre-applied. See timing diagram 200 Output turn-off delay tOFF From falling edge EN. See timing diagram tSS At full rated resistive load. Typ spec is 1-up with min COUT-EXT. Max spec is for arrays with max COUT-EXT Soft start ramp time VOUT threshold for max rated load current IOUT at startup Monotonic soft-start threshold voltage Minimum required disabled duration Minimum required disabled duration for predictable restart Voltage deviation (transient) Settling time VOUT-FL-THRESH IOUT-START VOUT-MONOTONIC 100 During startup, VOUT must achieve this threshold before output can support full rated current Max load current at startup while VOUT is below VOUT-FL_THRESH Output voltage rise becomes monotonic with 10% of preload once it crosses VOUT-MONOTONIC µs 600 µs 200 ms 6.0 V 1.00 A 6.0 V tOFF-MIN This refers to the minimum time a module needs to be in the disabled state before it will attempt to start via EN 2 ms tOFF-MONOTONIC This refers to the minimum time a module needs to be in the disabled state before it is guaranteed to exhibit monotonic soft-start and have predictable startup timing 100 ms %VOUT-TRANS tSETTLE Minimum COUT_EXT (10 ↔ 90% load step), excluding load line. 20% of full load and ambient temperature • Full load and over temperature All other conditions (does not include light load regulation) The total output voltage set-point accuracy from the calculated VOUT based on load, temp and trim. Excludes: • ΔVOUT-LL • %VOUT-REGULATION 0% to 10% load, additional VOUT relative to VOUT accuracy; see Design Guidelines section DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 8 of 31 01/2020 -0.5 0.5 -1.0 1.0 -1.5 1.5 -2.0 2.0 % -0.18 1.58 V % DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Signal Specifications Specifications apply over all line, trim and load conditions, internal temperature TINT = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C < TINT < 125°C for T-Grade and -55°C < TINT < 125°C for M-grade. Trim: TR • The TR pin enables and disables trim functionality when VIN is initially applied to the DCM converter. When Vin first crosses VIN-UVLO+, the voltage on TR determines whether or not trim is active. • If TR is not floating at power up and has a voltage less than TR trim enable threshold, trim is active. • If trim is active, the TR pin provides dynamic trim control with at least 30Hz of -3dB control bandwidth over the output voltage of the DCM converter. • The TR pin has an internal pull-up to VCC and is referenced to the -IN pin of the converter. SIGNAL TYPE DIGITAL INPUT ANALOG INPUT STATE ATTRIBUTE SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX UNIT 3.20 V TR trim disable threshold VTRIM-DIS-TH TR trim enable threshold VTRIM-EN-TH Trim enabled when TR below this threshold at power up Internally generated VCC VCC 3.21 3.30 3.39 V TR pin functional range VTRIM-EN 0.00 2.44 3.16 V VOUT referred TR pin resolution VOUT-RES TR internal pull up resistance to VCC RTRIIM-INT Startup Operational with Trim enabled CONDITIONS / NOTES Trim disabled when TR above this threshold at power up 3.15 V With VCC = 3.3 V 15 9.9 10.0 mV 10.1 kΩ MAX UNIT 2.31 V Enable: EN • Dual Function: – The EN pin enables either the Array mode or Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode based on the voltage level on EN pin during start up. – The EN pin enables and disables the DCM converter; when held low the unit will be disabled. • The EN pin has an internal pull-up to VCC and is referenced to the -IN pin of the converter. SIGNAL TYPE STATE ATTRIBUTE Any CONDITIONS / NOTES MIN NOM VENABLE-EN-TH EN disable threshold VENABLE-DIS-TH 0.99 VCC 3.21 3.30 3.39 V RENABLE-INT 9.9 10.0 10.1 kΩ VARRAY-EN-TH 2.97 Internally generated VCC DIGITAL INPUT SYMBOL EN enable threshold EN internal pull up resistance to VCC Array mode enable threshold Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode enable threshold V V VREG-EN-TH 2.63 V Fault: FT • The FT pin is a Fault flag pin. • When the module is enabled and no fault is present, the FT pin does not have current drive capability. • Whenever the powertrain stops (due to a fault protection or disabling the module by pulling EN low), the FT pin output Vcc and provides current to drive an external ciruit. • When module starts up, the FT pin is pulled high to VCC during microcontroller initialization and will remain high until soft start process starts. SIGNAL TYPE STATE Any DIGITAL OUTPUT ATTRIBUTE FT internal pull up resistance to VCC FT voltage FT Active FT current drive capability FT response time SYMBOL CONDITIONS / NOTES RFAULT-INT VFAULT-ACTIVE IFAULT-ACTIVE tFT-ACTIVE At rated current drive capability Over-load beyond the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM ratings may cause module damage Delay from cessation of switching to FT Pin Active DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 9 of 31 01/2020 MIN NOM MAX UNIT 494 499 504 kΩ 3.0 V 4 mA 200 µs DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z High Level Functional State Diagram Conditions that cause state transitions are shown along arrows. Sub-sequence activities listed inside the state bubbles. Application of VIN VIN > VIN-INIT EN = False tMIN-OFF delay NON LATCHED FAULT tOFF ult Fa oved m Re Powertrain: Stopped FT = True tINIT delay Powertrain: Stopped FT = True EN = False tOFF-MIN delay STANDBY Powertrain: Stopped FT = True EN = True and No Faults tON delay EN = False tOFF delay SOFT START VOUT Ramp Up tss delay Powertrain: Active FT = Unknown or LO V O VLO ut Inp put U In REGULATION MODE SELECTION tSS Expiry Latched Ou (based on EN voltage) tpu tO VP Only applies after initialization sequence Fault Removed Powertrain: Active FT = False P Powertrain: Stopped FT = True Regulates VOUT Output OV or mp r-te P Ove put UV Out REINITIALIZATION SEQUENCE tINIT delay RUNNING Ov e Ou r-tem tpu p t U or VP VIN ≥ VIN-UVLO+ and not Over-temp TR mode latched Input OVLO or Input UVLO INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE NON LATCHED FAULT tFAULT Powertrain: Stopped FT = True LATCHED FAULT EN = False DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 10 of 31 01/2020 Powertrain: Stopped FT = True Output Input DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 11 of 31 01/2020 FT ILOAD IOUT FULL LOAD VOUT VOUT-UVP VOUT-NOM FULL LOAD TR VTRIM-DIS-TH EN VREG-EN-TH VARRAY-EN-TH VIN VIN-UVLO+/VIN-INIT VIN-OVLO+/- tINIT tON 1 Input Power On - Trim Inactive tSS tOFF tMIN_OFF 4 EN Latched 2 3 5 Ramp to TR EN Full Load Ignored Low tSS tON 6 EN High tOFF 7 Input OVLO tSS tOFF 8 Input UVLO tSS tOFF 9 Input returned to zero DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Timing Diagrams – Array Mode Module Inputs are shown in blue; Module Outputs are shown in brown. Output Input DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 12 of 31 01/2020 FT ILOAD FULL LOAD IOUT VOUT VOUT-UVP VOUT-NOM FULL LOAD TR VTR = nom VTRIM-EN-TH EN VARRAY-EN-TH VIN VIN-UVLO+/VIN-INIT VIN-OVLO+/- tINIT tON 10 Input Power On - Trim Active tSS VOUT-OVP 11 Vout based on VTR tOFF 12 Load dump and reverse current tINIT tON tSS 13 Vout OVP (primary sensed) 14 Latched fault cleared RLOAD tIOUT-LIM 15 Current Limit with Resistive Load tFAULT 16 Resistive Load with decresing R tINIT 17 Overload induced Output UVP tON tSS DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Timing Diagrams – Array Mode (Cont.) Module Inputs are shown in blue; Module Outputs are shown in brown. Output Input DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 13 of 31 01/2020 FT ILOAD IOUT FULL LOAD VOUT VOUT-UVP VOUT-NOM FULL LOAD TR VTR-DIS EN VREG-EN VARRAY-EN VIN VIN-UVLO+/VIN-INIT VIN-OVLO+/- tINIT tON 1 Input Power On - Trim Inactive tSS 2 3 Ramp to TR Full Load Ignored tOFF tMIN_OFF 5 EN Low 4 EN Latched tSS tON 6 EN High tOFF 7 Input OVLO tSS tOFF 8 Input UVLO tSS tOFF 9 Input returned to zero DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Timing Diagrams – Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode Module Inputs are shown in blue; Module Outputs are shown in brown. Output Input DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 14 of 31 01/2020 FT ILOAD FULL LOAD IOUT VOUT VOUT-UVP VOUT-NOM FULL LOAD TR VTR = nom VTRIM-EN-TH EN VIN VIN-UVLO+/VIN-INIT VIN-OVLO+/- tINIT tON 10 Input Power On - Trim Active tSS OUT-OVP 11 Vout based on VTR tOFF 12 Load dump and reverse current tINIT tON tSS 13 Vout OVP (primary sensed) 14 Latched fault cleared RLOAD tIOUT-LIM 15 Current Limit with Resistive Load tFAULT 16 Resistive Load with decresing R tINIT 17 Overload induced Output UVP tON tSS DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Timing Diagrams – Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode (Cont.) Module Inputs are shown in blue; Module Outputs are shown in brown. DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Common Typical Performance Characteristics: Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes The following figures present typical performance at TC = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. See associated figures for general trend data. Unless otherwise specified, figures are applicable for both modes of operation                                                                                                  Figure 7 — Full Load Efficiency vs. VIN, at nominal trim           Figure 6 — Full Load Efficiency vs. VIN, at low trim                    Figure 5 — No load power dissipation vs. VIN, at nominal trim Figure 4 — Disabled power dissipation vs. VIN           Figure 8 — Full Load Efficiency vs. VIN, at high trim DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 15 of 31 01/2020    DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Common Typical Performance Characteristics (Cont.): Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes The following figures present typical performance at TC = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. See associated figures for general trend data.                                                                                          Figure 10 — Efficiency and power dissipation vs.load at TCASE = 25°C, nominal trim            Figure 9 — Efficiency and power dissipation vs.load at TCASE = -40°C,nominal trim                                       Unless otherwise specified, figures are applicable for both modes of operation                   Figure 12 — Effective internal input capacitance vs. applied voltage             Figure 11 — Efficiency and power dissipation vs.load at TCASE = 90°C, nominal trim                                                   Figure 13 — Nominal powertrain switching frequency vs. load, at nominal trim     Figure 14 — Nominal powertrain switching frequency vs. load, at nominal VIN DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 16 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Common Typical Performance Characteristics (Cont.): Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes The following figures present typical performance at TC = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. See associated figures for general trend data. Unless otherwise specified, figures are applicable for both modes of operation Figure 15 — Output voltage ripple, VIN = 100 V, VOUT = 12.0 V, COUT_EXT = 500 µF, RLOAD = 1.200 Ω Figure 16 —Startup from EN, VIN = 100 V, COUT_EXT = 10000 µF, RLOAD = 1.200 Ω DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 17 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Typical Performance Characteristics: Array Mode Only The following figures present typical performance at TC = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. See associated figures for general trend data.                                                                Figure 17 — Ideal VOUT vs. load current, at 25°C case Figure 18 — Ideal VOUT vs. case temperature, at full load Figure 19 — 100% to 10% load transient response, VIN = 100 V, Figure 20 — 10% to 100% load transient response, VIN = 100 V, nominal trim, COUT_EXT = 500 µF nominal trim, COUT_EXT = 500 µF DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 18 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Typical Performance Characteristics: Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode Only The following figures present typical performance at TC = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. See associated figures for general trend data. Figure 21 — Ideal VOUT vs. load current, at 25°C case, operating in Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 19 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z General Characteristics Specifications apply over all line, trim and load conditions, internal temperature TINT = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C < TINT < 125°C for T-Grade and -55°C < TINT < 125°C for M-grade. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit Mechanical Length L 24.46/[0.963] 24.84/[0.978] 25.22/[0.993] mm/[in] Width W 22.67/[0.893] 22.8/[0.898] 22.93/[0.903] mm/[in] Height H 7.11/[0.28] 7.21/[0.284] 7.31/[0.288] mm/[in] Volume Vol Weight W Lead finish No heat sink 4.08/[0.25] cm3/[in3] 14.4/[0.51] g/[oz] Nickel 0.51 2.03 Palladium 0.02 0.15 Gold 0.003 0.051 T-Grade -40 125 M-Grade -55 125 µm Thermal Operating internal temperature Thermal resistance top side Thermal resistance leads Thermal resistance bottom side TINT θINT-TOP θINT-LEADS θINT-BOTTOM °C Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from 4.20 °C/W 8.30 °C/W 4.50 °C/W 10.3 Ws/°C isothermal top Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from isothermal leads Estimated thermal resistance to maximum temperature internal component from isothermal bottom Thermal capacity Assembly Storage temperature TST HBM ESD rating CDM T-Grade -40 125 M-Grade -65 125 °C Method per Human Body Model Test ESDA/JEDEC JDS-001-2012 Charged Device Model JESD22-C101E CLASS 1C V CLASS 2 Soldering [1] Peak temperature top case [1] For further information, please contact factory applications Product is not intended for reflow solder attach. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 20 of 31 01/2020 135 °C DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z General Characteristics (Cont.) Specifications apply over all line, trim and load conditions, internal temperature TINT = 25ºC, unless otherwise noted. Boldface specifications apply over the temperature range of -40°C < TINT < 125°C for T-Grade and -55°C < TINT < 125°C for M-grade. Attribute Symbol Conditions / Notes Min Typ Max Unit Safety Dielectric Withstand Test VHIPOT IN to OUT 3000 Vdc IN to CASE 1500 Vdc OUT to CASE 1500 Vdc Reliability MIL-HDBK-217 FN2 Parts Count 25°C Ground Benign, Stationary, Indoors / MTBF 3.84 MHrs 8.95 MHrs Computer Telcordia Issue 2, Method I Case 3, 25°C, 100% D.C., GB, GC Agency Approvals cTÜVus, Agency approvals/standards cURus, CE Marked for Low Voltage Directive and RoHS Recast Directive, as applicable Previous Part Number NOT APPLIED DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 21 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Selecting Array Mode or Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode Pin Functions +IN, -IN Input power pins. -IN is the reference for all control pins, and therefore a Kelvin connection for the control signals is recommended as close as possible to the pin on the package, to reduce effects of voltage drop due to -IN currents. The EN pin can also be used to select Array mode operation or Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode operation. The DCM mode of operation is dependent on the voltage seen by the DCM at its EN pin at first start up following application of VIN. The DCM will latch in selected mode of operation at the end of soft start, and persist in that same mode until loss of input voltage. At the first start up after application of VIN, if EN is allowed to float to: n A value above VENABLE-EN-TH, but below VREG-EN-TH, the DCM will +OUT, -OUT Output power pins. implement Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode. n A value above VARRAY-EN-TH and up to VCC, the DCM will implement EN (Enable) array mode operation. The EN pin provides two functionalities: n Enables and disables the DCM converter. n Selects Array mode or Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode. The EN pin is referenced to the –IN pin of the converter. It has an internal pull up to VCC through a 10kΩ resistor. EN is an input only, it does not pull low in the event of a fault. Enable/Disable Control n Output disable: when EN is pulled down externally below the disable threshold (VENABLE-DIS-TH), the DCM converter will be disabled. n Output enable: when EN is allowed to pull up above the enable threshold (VENABLE-EN-TH) through the internal pull up to VCC, the DCM converter will be enabled. Note that the selected mode of operation is not changed when a DCM recovers from any fault condition, or after a disable event through EN. The operation mode is reset only with cycling of input power. TR (Trim) The TR pin is used to select the trim mode and to trim the output voltage of the DCM converter. The TR pin has an internal pull-up to VCC through a 10.0 kΩ resistor. The DCM will latch trim behavior at application of VIN (once VIN exceeds VIN-UVLO+), and persist in that same behavior until loss of input voltage. n At application of VIN, if the voltage on TR is sampled at above VTRIM-DIS-TH, the module will latch in a non-trim mode, and will ignore the TR input for as long as VIN is present. n At application of VIN, if the voltage on TR is sampled at below VTRIM-EN-TH, the TR will serve as an input to control the real time output voltage, relative to full load, 25°C. It will persist in this behavior until VIN is no longer present. VCC Array Mode VARRAY-EN-TH VREG-EN-TH Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode VENABLE-EN-TH If trim is active when the DCM is operating, the TR pin provides dynamic trim control at a typical 30 Hz of -3dB bandwidth over the output voltage. TR also decreases the current limit threshold when trimming above VOUT-NOM. FT (Fault) The FT pin provides a Fault signal. Disable Anytime the module is enabled and has not recognized a fault, the FT pin is inactive. FT has an internal 499 kΩ pull-up to VCC, therefore a shunt resistor, RSHUNT, of approximately 50 kΩ can be used to ensure the LED is completly off when there is no fault, per the diagram below. Figure 22 — EN pin voltage thresholds Whenever the powertrain stops (due to a fault protection or disabling the module by pulling EN low), the FT pin becomes active and provides current to drive an external circuit. VENABLE-DIS-TH When active, FT pin drives to VCC, with up to 4 mA of external loading. Module may be damaged from an over-current FT drive, thus a resistor in series for current limiting is recommended. The FT pin becomes active momentarily when the module starts up. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 22 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Typical External Circuits for Signal Pins (TR, EN, FT) DCM VCC 10kΩ 10kΩ Output Voltage Reference, Current Limit Reference and Soft Start control Soft Start and Fault Monitoring TR EN RTRIM 499kΩ Fault Monitoring FT RSERIES SW RSHUNT D Kelvin –IN connection Nominal Output Voltage Load Line Design Guidelines DCM in Array Mode Building Blocks and System Design The DCM™ converter input accepts the full 43 to 154 V range, and it generates an isolated trimmable 12.0 Vdc output. Multiple DCMs may be paralleled in array mode of operatioin for higher power capacity via wireless load sharing, even when they are operating off of different input voltage supplies. The DCM converter provides a regulated output voltage around defined nominal load line and temperature coefficients. The load line and temperature coefficients enable configuration of an array of DCM converters which manage the output load with no share bus among modules. Downstream regulators may be used to provide tighter voltage regulation, if required. The DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z may be used in standalone applications where the output power requirements are up to 120 W or applicaions requires tighter voltage regultion. However, it is easily deployed as arrays of modules to increase power handling capacity. Arrays of up to eight units have been qualified for 960 W capacity. Application of DCM converters in an array requires no derating of the maximum available power versus what is specified for a single module. Note: For more information on operation of single DCM, refer to “Single DCM as an Isolated, Regulated DC-DC Converter” application note AN:029. Soft Start Throughout this document, the programmed output voltage, (either the specified nominal output voltage if trim is inactive or the trimmed output voltage if trim is active), is specified at full load, and at room temperature. The actual output voltage of the DCM is given by the programmed trimmed output voltage, with modification based on load and temperature. The nominal output voltage is 12.0 V, and the actual output voltage will match this at full load and room temperature with trim inactive. The largest modification to the actual output voltage compared to the programmed output is due to the 5.263% VOUT-NOM load line, which for this model corresponds to ΔVOUT-LOAD of 0.6316V. As the load is reduced, the internal error amplifier reference, and by extension the output voltage, rises in response. This load line is the primary enabler of the wireless current sharing amongst an array of DCMs. The load line impact on the output voltage is absolute, and does not scale with programmed trim voltage. For a given programmed output voltage, the actual output voltage versus load current at for nominal trim and room temperature is given by the following equation: VOUT @ 25° = 12.0 + 0.6316 • (1 - IOUT / 10.00) (1) Use 0 V for ∆VOUT-LL when load is above 10% of rated load. See section on light load boosting operation for light load effects on output voltage. DCM in Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode When the DCM starts, it will go through a soft start. The soft start routine ramps the output voltage by modulating the internal error amplifier reference. This causes the output voltage to approximate a piecewise linear ramp. The output ramp finishes when the voltage reaches either the nominal output voltage, or the trimmed output voltage in cases where trim mode is active. In Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode, output voltage is not a function of load line. During soft-start, the maximum load current capability is reduced. Until Vout achieves at least VOUT-FL-THRESH, the output current must be less than IOUT-START in order to guarantee startup. Note that this is current available to the load, above that which is required to charge the output capacitor. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 23 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Nominal Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient DCM in Array Mode A second additive term to the programmed output voltage is based on the temperature of the module. This term permits improved thermal balancing among modules in an array, especially when the factory nominal trim point is utilized (trim mode inactive). This term is much smaller than the load line described above, representing only a -1.60 mV/°C change. Regulation coefficient is relative to 25°C. For nominal trim and full load, the output voltage relates to the temperature according to the following equation: VOUT-FL = 12.0 -1.600 • 0.001 • (TINT - 25) (2) DCM in Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode In Enhanced VOUT Regulation Mode, only trim (Equation 3) is applicable. The general equation relating the DC VOUT to programmed trim is given by: VOUT = 5.25 + (9.118 • VTR/VCC) + ∆VOUT-LL (5) Finally, note that when the load current is below 10% of the rated capacity, there is an additional ∆V which may add to the output voltage, depending on the line voltage which is related to light load boosting. Please see the section on light load boosting below for details. Use 0 V for ∆VOUT-LL when load is above 10% of rated load. See section on light load boosting operation for light load effects on output voltage. Output Current Limit where TINT is in °C. The impact of temperature coefficient on the output voltage is absolute, and does not scale with trim or load. DCM in Array Mode In Enhanced VOUT Regulation mode, output voltage is not a function of temperature coefficient. Trim Mode and Output Trim Control: DCM in Array and Enhanced VOUT Regulation Modes When the input voltage is initially applied to a DCM, and after tINIT elapses, the trim pin voltage VTR is sampled. The TR pin has an internal pull up resistor to VCC, so unless external circuitry pulls the pin voltage lower, it will pull up to VCC. If the initially sampled trim pin voltage is higher than VTRIM-DIS, then the DCM will disable trimming as long as the VIN remains applied. In this case, for all subsequent operation the output voltage will be programmed to the nominal. This minimizes the support components required for applications that only require the nominal rated Vout, and also provides the best output setpoint accuracy, as there are no additional errors from external trim components The DCM features a fully operational current limit which effectively keeps the module operating inside the Safe Operating Area (SOA) for all valid trim and load profiles. The current limit approximates a “brick wall” limit, where the output current is prevented from exceeding the current limit threshold by reducing the output voltage via the internal error amplifier reference. The current limit threshold at nominal trim and below is typically 120% of rated output current, but it can vary between 100% to 140%. In order to preserve the SOA, when the converter is trimmed above the nominal output voltage, the current limit threshold is automatically reduced to limit the available output power. When the output current exceeds the current limit threshold, current limit action is held off by 1ms, which permits the DCM to momentarily deliver higher peak output currents to the load. Peak output power during this time is still constrained by the internal Power Limit of the module. The fast Power Limit and relatively slow Current Limit work together to keep the module inside the SOA. Delaying entry into current limit also permits the DCM to minimize droop voltage for load steps. Sustained operation in current limit is permitted, and no derating of output power is required, even in an array configuration. If at initial application of VIN, the TR pin voltage is prevented from exceeding VTRIM-EN, then the DCM will activate trim mode, and it will remain active for as long as VIN is applied. VOUT set point under full load and room temperature can be calculated using the equation below: Some applications may benefit from well matched current distribution, in which case fine tuning sharing via the trim pins permits control over sharing. The DCM does not require this for proper operation, due to the power limit and current limit behaviors described here. Note that the trim mode is not changed when a DCM recovers from any fault condition or being disabled. Current limit can reduce the output voltage to as little as the UVP threshold (VOUT-UVP). Below this minimum output voltage compliance level, further loading will cause the module to shut down due to the output undervoltage fault protection. VOUT-FL @ 25°C = 5.25 + (9.118 • VTR/VCC) (3) Module performance is guaranteed through output voltage trim range VOUT-TRIMMING. If VOUT is trimmed above this range, then certain combinations of line and load transient conditions may trigger the output OVP. Overall Output Voltage Transfer Function DCM in Array Mode Taking load line (equation 1), temperature coefficient (equation 2) and trim (equation 3) into account, the general equation relating the DC VOUT to programmed trim (when active), load, and temperature is given by: VOUT = 5.25 + (9.118 • VTR/VCC) + 0.6316 • (1 - IOUT / 10.00) -1.600 • 0.001 • (TINT -25) + ∆VOUT-LL Line Impedance, Input Slew rate and Input Stability Requirements Connect a high-quality, low-noise power supply to the +IN and –IN terminals. Additional capacitance may have to be added between +IN and –IN to make up for impedances in the interconnect cables as well as deficiencies in the source. Excessive source impedance can bring about system stability issues for a regulated DC-DC converter, and must either be avoided or compensated by filtering components. A 100 µF input capacitor is the minimum recommended in case the source impedance is insufficient to satisfy stability requirements. (4) DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 24 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Output Undervoltage Fault Protection (UVP) The converter determines that an output overload or short circuit condition exists by measuring its primary sensed output voltage and the output of the internal error amplifier. In general, whenever the powertrain is switching and the primary-sensed output voltage falls below VOUT-UVP threshold, a short circuit fault will be registered. Once an output undervoltage condition is detected, the powertrain immediately stops switching, and the output voltage of the converter falls. The converter remains disabled for a time tFAULT. Once recovered and provided the converter is still enabled, the powertrain will again enter the soft start sequence after tINIT and tON. Additional information can be found in the filter design application note: www.vicorpower.com/documents/application_notes/vichip_appnote23.pdf Please refer to this input filter design tool to ensure input stability: http://app2.vicorpower.com/filterDesign/intiFilter.do. Ensure that the input voltage slew rate is less than 1V/us, otherwise a pre-charge circuit is required for the DCM input to control the input voltage slew rate and prevent overstress to input stage components. Input Fuse Selection The DCM is not internally fused in order to provide flexibility in configuring power systems. Input line fusing is recommended at the system level, in order to provide thermal protection in case of catastrophic failure. The fuse shall be selected by closely matching system requirements with the following characteristics: Temperature Fault Protections (OTP) The fault logic monitors the internal temperature of the converter. If the measured temperature exceeds TINT-OTP, a temperature fault is registered. As with the under voltage fault protection, once a temperature fault is registered, the powertrain immediately stops switching, the output voltage of the converter falls, and the converter remains disabled for at least time tFAULT. Then, the converter waits for the internal temperature to return to below TINT-OTP before recovering. Provided the converter is still enabled, the DCM will restart after tINIT and tON. n Current rating (usually greater than the DCM converter’s maximum current) n Maximum voltage rating (usually greater than the maximum possible input voltage) n Ambient temperature Output Overvoltage Fault Protection (OVP) The converter monitors the output voltage during each switching cycle by a corresponding voltage reflected to the primary side control circuitry. If the primary sensed output voltage exceeds VOUT-OVP, the OVP fault protection is triggered. The control logic disables the powertrain, and the output voltage of the converter falls. n Breaking capacity per application requirements n Nominal melting I2t n Recommended fuse: See Agency Approvals for Recommended Fuse http://www.vicorpower.com/dc-dc/isolatedregulated/dcm#Documentation Fault Handling Input Undervoltage Fault Protection (UVLO) The converter’s input voltage is monitored to detect an input under voltage condition. If the converter is not already running, then it will ignore enable commands until the input voltage is greater than VIN-UVLO+. If the converter is running and the input voltage falls below VIN-UVLO-, the converter recognizes a fault condition, the powertrain stops switching, and the output voltage of the unit falls. Input voltage transients which fall below UVLO for less than tUVLO may not be detected by the fault proection logic, in which case the converter will continue regular operation. No protection is required in this case. Once the UVLO fault is detected by the fault protection logic, the converter shuts down and waits for the input voltage to rise above VINUVLO+. Provided the converter is still enabled, it will then restart. Input Overvoltage Fault Protection (OVLO) The converter’s input voltage is monitored to detect an input over voltage condition. When the input voltage is more than the VIN-OVLO+, a fault is detected, the powertrain stops switching, and the output voltage of the converter falls. After an OVLO fault occurs, the converter will wait for the input voltage to fall below VIN-OVLO-. Provided the converter is still enabled, the powertrain will restart. The powertrain controller itself also monitors the input voltage. Transient OVLO events which have not yet been detected by the fault sequence logic may first be detected by the controller if the input slew rate is sufficiently large. In this case, powertrain switching will immediately stop. If the input voltage falls back in range before the fault sequence logic detects the out of range condition, the powertrain will resume switching and the fault logic will not interrupt operation Regardless of whether the powertrain is running at the time or not, if the input voltage does not recover from OVLO before tOVLO, the converter fault logic will detect the fault. This type of fault is latched, and the converter will not start again until the latch is cleared. Clearing the fault latch is achieved by either disabling the converter via the EN pin, or else by removing the input power such that the input voltage falls below VIN-INIT. External Output Capacitance The DCM converter internal compensation requires a minimum external output capacitor. An external capacitor in the range of 500 to 10000 µF with ESR of 10 mΩ is required, per DCM for control loop compensation purposes. However some DCM models require an increase to the minimum external output capacitor value in certain loading and trim condition. In applications where the load can go below 10% of rated load but the output trim is held constant, the range of output capacitor required is given by COUT-EXT-TRANS in the Electrical Specifications table. If the load can go below 10% of rated load and the DCM output trim is also dynamically varied, the range of output capacitor required is given by COUT-EXT-TRANS-TRIM in the Electrical Specifications table. Light Load Boosting Under light load conditions, the DCM converter may operate in light load boosting depending on the line voltage. Light load boosting occurs whenever the internal power consumption of the converter combined with the external output load is less than the minimum power transfer per switching cycle. In order to maintain regulation, the error amplifier will switch the powertrain off and on repeatedly, to effectively lower the average switching frequency, and permit operation with no external load. During the time when the power train is off, the module internal consumption is significantly reduced, and so there is a notable reduction in no-load input power in light load boosting. When the load is less than 10% of rated Iout, the output voltage may rise by a maximum of 1.58 V, above the output voltage calculated from trim, temperature, and load line conditions. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 25 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Thermal Design Based on the safe thermal operating area shown in page 5, the full rated power of the DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z can be processed provided that the top, bottom, and leads are all held below 95°C. These curves highlight the benefits of dual sided thermal management, but also demonstrate the flexibility of the Vicor ChiP platform for customers who are limited to cooling only the top or the bottom surface. The OTP sensor is located on the top side of the internal PCB structure. Therefore in order to ensure effective over-temperature fault protection, the case bottom temperature must be constrained by the thermal solution such that it does not exceed the temperature of the case top. The ChiP package provides a high degree of flexibility in that it presents three pathways to remove heat from internal power dissipating components. Heat may be removed from the top surface, the bottom surface and the leads. The extent to which these three surfaces are cooled is a key component for determining the maximum power that is available from a ChiP, as can be seen from Figure 23. Since the ChiP has a maximum internal temperature rating, it is necessary to estimate this internal temperature based on a real thermal solution. Given that there are three pathways to remove heat from the ChiP, it is helpful to simplify the thermal solution into a roughly equivalent circuit where power dissipation is modeled as a current source, isothermal surface temperatures are represented as voltage sources and the thermal resistances are represented as resistors. Figure 23 shows the "thermal circuit" for a 2322 ChiP DCM, in an application where both case top and case bottom, and leads are cooled. In this case, the DCM power dissipation is PDTOTAL and the three surface temperatures are represented as TCASE_TOP, TCASE_BOTTOM, and TLEADS. This thermal system can now be very easily analyzed with simple resistors, voltage sources, and a current source. MAX INTERNAL TEMP Thermal Resistance Top θINT-TOP ºC / W Thermal Resistance Bottom θINT-BOTTOM ºC / W Power Dissipation (W) Thermal Resistance Leads θINT-LEADS ºC / W TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) TLEADS(°C) + – TCASE_TOP(°C) + – Figure 24 — One side cooling and leads thermal model Figure 24 shows a scenario where there is no bottom side cooling. In this case, the heat flow path to the bottom is left open and the equations now simplify to: TINT – PD1 • θINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP TINT – PD3 • θINT-LEADS = TLEADS PDTOTAL = PD1 + PD3 MAX INTERNAL TEMP Thermal Resistance Top θINT-TOP ºC / W Thermal Resistance Bottom θINT-BOTTOM ºC / W Power Dissipation (W) Thermal Resistance Leads θINT-LEADS ºC / W TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) TLEADS(°C) TCASE_TOP(°C) + – This analysis provides an estimate of heat flow through the various pathways as well as internal temperature. Figure 25 — One side cooling thermal model Thermal Resistance Bottom θINT-BOTTOM ºC / W Power Dissipation (W) TCASE_BOTTOM(°C) Figure 25 shows a scenario where there is no bottom side and leads cooling. In this case, the heat flow path to the bottom is left open and the equations now simplify to: MAX INTERNAL TEMP Thermal Resistance Top θINT-TOP ºC / W TINT – PD1 • θINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP PDTOTAL = PD1 Thermal Resistance Leads θINT-LEADS ºC / W + – TLEADS(°C) + – TCASE_TOP(°C) + – Vicor provides a suite of online tools, including a simulator and thermal estimator which greatly simplify the task of determining whether or not a DCM thermal configuration is sufficient for a given condition. These tools can be found at: www.vicorpower.com/powerbench. Figure 23 — Double side cooling and leads thermal model Alternatively, equations can be written around this circuit and analyzed algebraically: TINT – PD1 • θINT-TOP = TCASE_TOP TINT – PD2 • θINT-BOTTOM = TCASE_BOTTOM TINT – PD3 • θINT-LEADS = TLEADS PDTOTAL = PD1+ PD2+ PD3 Where TINT represents the internal temperature and PD1, PD2, and PD3 represent the heat flow through the top side, bottom side, and leads respectively. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 26 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Array Operation A decoupling network is needed to facilitate paralleling: n An output inductor should be added to each DCM, before the outputs are bussed together to provide decoupling. Recommended values to start with: L1_x: 22 µH, minimized DCR; C1_x: Ceramic capacitors in parallel, C1 = 6.6 µF; Rd_x: 1.5 Ω; Cd_x: 20 µF L2_x: 0.33 µH; C2_x: 80 µF; Rdm_x: 0.05 Ω; Lb_x: 72 nH; COUT-EXT-x: electrolytic or tantalum capacitor, 500 µF ≤ C3 ≤10000 µF; C3, C4: additional ceramic /electrolytic capacitors, if needed for output ripple filtering; In order to help sensitive signal circuits reject potential noise, additional components are recommended: R2_x: 301 Ohm, facilitate noise attenuation for TR pin; FB1_x, C5_x: FB1 is a ferrite bead with an impedance of at least 10 Ω at 100MHz. C5_x can be a ceramic capacitor of 0.1uF. Facilitate noise attenuation for EN pin. n Each DCM needs a separate input filter, even if the multiple DCMs share the same input voltage source. These filters limit the ripple current reflected from each DCM, and also help suppress generation of beat frequency currents that can result when multiple powertrains input stages are permitted to direclty interact. If signal pins (TR, EN, FT) are not used, they can be left floating, and DCM will work in the nominal output condition. When common mode noise in the input side is not a concern, TR and EN can be driven and FT received using a single Kelvin connection to the shared -IN as a reference. Note: For more information on parallel operation of DCMs, refer to “Parallel DCMs” application note AN:030. Note: Use an RCR filter network as suggested in the application note AN:030 to reduce the noise on the signal pins. An example of DCM paralleling circuit is shown in Figure 26. Note: In case of the excessive line inductance, a properly sized decoupling capacitor CDECOUPLE is required as shown in Figure 26. When common mode noise rejection in the input side is needed, common mode chokes can be added in the input side of each DCM. An example of DCM paralleling circuit is shown below: Rb VTR VEN F1_1 VIN CY L1_1 TR EN FB1_1 C5_1 CY Rd_1 RCOUT-EXT_1 –IN Rb C1_2 FB1_2 C5_2 ≈≈ FB1_8 Rdm_2 +IN +OUT –IN –OUT Lb_2 L2_2 RCOUT-EXT_2 C2_2 COUT-EXT_2 CY ≈ Rb Cb1 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 ≈≈ DCM8 TR EN C5_8 Rdm_8 FT R3 CY +IN Rd_8 R4 D1 Cd_8 Shared –IN Kelvin Cb2 CIN CY C1_8 Cb1 CY R2_8 F1_8 Cb2 FT Rb L1_8 Cb1 EN Cd_2 CY Load TR Rd_2 ≈≈ C4 DCM2 R2_2 CY C3 CY Rb L1_2 C2_1 COUT-EXT_1 –OUT CY F1_2 L2_1 +OUT CIN Cd_1 Lb_1 Rdm_1 FT +IN C1_1 CDECOUPLE Cb2 DCM1 R2_1 EMI_GND Cb1 +OUT RCOUT-EXT_8 CIN –IN COUT-EXT_8 –OUT CY Lb_8 L2_8 C2_8 CY Rb Cb1 Cb2 Note: CIN, Rb, Cb1 and Cb2 are required components for proper operation of the DCM. See required components table on page 2. Figure 26 — DCM paralleling configuration circuit 1 DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 27 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Rb F1_1 CY T1_1 VIN C1_1 Rd_1 TR + VTR1 + FB1_1 C5_1 EN VEN1 R3_1 _ R4_1 D1_1 _ Cd_1 Cb2 DCM1 R2_1 EMI_GND Cb1 FT CY +IN +OUT –IN –OUT Rb T1_2 C1_2 Rd_2 VTR2 + FB 1_2 C5_2 VEN2 _ _ Cd_2 Cb1 Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 FT R4_2 D1_2 CY +IN +OUT –IN C2_2 CY _ FB1_8 C5_8 VEN8 _ Cb2 Cb1 Cb2 ≈≈ TR EN + VTR8 Cb1 DCM8 R2_8 + C1_8 Lb_2 L1_2 COUT-EXT_2 –OUT Rb Rd_8 Cd_8 Rdm_2 RCOUT-EXT_2 CIN Rb T1_8 Load EN R3_2 CY CY C4 TR ≈≈ F1_8 C3 C2_1 COUT-EXT_1 DCM2 R2_2 + F1_2 RCOUT-EXT_1 CY Rb CY Lb_1 L1_1 CIN CY Rdm_1 FT R3_8 R4_8 CY +IN +OUT –IN –OUT CY Lb_8 L1_8 RCOUT-EXT_8 CIN D1_8 Rdm_8 COUT-EXT_8 C2_8 CY Rb Cb1 Cb2 Note: CIN, Rb, Cb1 and Cb2 are required components for proper operation of the DCM. See required components table on page 2. Figure 27 — DCM paralleling configuration circuit 2 Notice that each group of control pins need to be individually driven and isolated from the other groups control pins. This is because -IN of each DCM can be at a different voltage due to the common mode chokes. Attempting to share control pin circuitry could lead to incorrect behavior of the DCMs. An array of DCMs used at the full array rated power may generally have one or more DCMs operating at current limit, due to sharing errors. Load sharing is functionally managed by the load line. Thermal balancing is improved by the nominal effective temperature coefficient of the output voltage setpoint. DCMs in current limit will operate with higher output current or power than the rated levels. Therefore the following Thermal Safe Operating Area plot should be used for array use, or loads that drive the DCM in to current limit for sustained operation. Figure 28 — Thermal Specified Operating Area: Max Power Dissipation vs. Case Temp for arrays or current limited operation DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 28 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z DCM Module Product Outline Drawing Recommended PCB Footprint and Pinout 24.84±.38 .978±.015 11.43 .450 12.42 .489 0 1.52 .060 (2) PL. 11.40 .449 0 0 22.80±.13 .898±.005 1.02 .040 (3) PL. 0 1.52 .060 (4) PL. TOP VIEW (COMPONENT SIDE) .05 [.002] SEATING PLANE 7.21±.10 .284±.004 .41 .016 (9) PL. 11.66 .459 0 11.66 .459 4.17 .164 (9) PL. 8.25 .325 8.00 .315 2.75 .108 0 0 2.75 .108 1.38 .054 4.13 .162 1.38 .054 8.00 .315 0 8.25 .325 8.00±.08 .315±.003 1.38±.08 .054±.003 4.13±.08 .162±.003 1.38±.08 .054±.003 0 11.66±.08 .459±.003 1.52 .060 PLATED THRU .25 [.010] ANNULAR RING (3) PL. 0 EN FT -IN +OUT 2.75±.08 .108±.003 -OUT 8.25±.08 .325±.003 0 2.03 .080 PLATED THRU .25 [.010] ANNULAR RING (2) PL. 2.75±.08 .108±.003 -OUT TR 8.00±.08 .315±.003 8.25±.08 .325±.003 +OUT +IN 0 11.66±.08 .459±.003 BOTTOM VIEW RECOMMENDED HOLE PATTERN (COMPONENT SIDE) NOTES: 1- DIMENSIONS ARE MM [INCH] DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 29 of 31 01/2020 2.03 .080 PLATED THRU .38 [.015] ANNULAR RING (4) PL. DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Revision History Revision Date Description Page Number(s) 1.0 08/12/19 Initial release 1.1 08/19/19 Updated component table 2 1.2 09/05/19 Updated signal pin names on mechanical drawing 29 1.3 01/30/20 Output voltage regulation specification format change 8 n/a DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 30 of 31 01/2020 DCM2322xA5N13A2y6z Vicor’s comprehensive line of power solutions includes high density AC-DC and DC-DC modules and accessory components, fully configurable AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies, and complete custom power systems. Information furnished by Vicor is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Vicor for its use. Vicor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication. Vicor reserves the right to make changes to any products, specifications, and product descriptions at any time without notice. Information published by Vicor has been checked and is believed to be accurate at the time it was printed; however, Vicor assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies. Testing and other quality controls are used to the extent Vicor deems necessary to support Vicor’s product warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit http://www.vicorpower.com/dc-dc/isolated-regulated/dcm for the latest product information. Vicor’s Standard Terms and Conditions and Product Warranty All sales are subject to Vicor’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, and Product Warranty which are available on Vicor’s webpage (http://www.vicorpower.com/termsconditionswarranty) or upon request. Life Support Policy VICOR’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF VICOR CORPORATION. As used herein, life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Per Vicor Terms and Conditions of Sale, the user of Vicor products and components in life support applications assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies Vicor against all liability and damages. Intellectual Property Notice Vicor and its subsidiaries own Intellectual Property (including issued U.S. and Foreign Patents and pending patent applications) relating to the products described in this data sheet. No license, whether express, implied, or arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Interested parties should contact Vicor’s Intellectual Property Department. The products described on this data sheet are protected by the following U.S. Patents Numbers: RE40,072; 7,561,446; 7,920,391; 7,782,639; 8,427,269; 6,421,262 and other patents pending. Contact Us: http://www.vicorpower.com/contact-us Vicor Corporation 25 Frontage Road Andover, MA, USA 01810 Tel: 800-735-6200 Fax: 978-475-6715 www.vicorpower.com email Customer Service: custserv@vicorpower.com Technical Support: apps@vicorpower.com ©2019 – 2020 Vicor Corporation. All rights reserved. The Vicor name is a registered trademark of Vicor Corporation. All other trademarks, product names, logos and brands are property of their respective owners. DCM™ DC-DC Converter Rev 1.3 Page 31 of 31 01/2020
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