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    Character LCD Display Module LED Serial

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DLP-MAVLCD1 LEAD FREE LCD / MICROCONTROLLER MODULE The DLP-MAV-LCD1 combines a 2x16-character backlit LCD display with a TI MSP430 microcontroller to form a MAVRK-supported display module. The MSP430 is preprogrammed with basic functionality for driving the LCD display via either the MAVRK platform or a simple, 5-pin TTL serial interface. FEATURES: • • • • • Simple ASCII Command Set Requires 3.0-3.3V Supply LED Backlight 5-Switch Joystick (Left, Right, Up, Down and Select) Can Be Used Standalone or with the MAVRK Platform 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The DLP-MAV-LCD1 provides the MAVRK platform with a means of displaying data that does not require a connected host PC. To send data from the host processor on the MAVRK platform via the 2-wire TTL serial interface, the host firmware sends the data to be displayed using the format described below in Section 3. When the 5-switch joystick is operated, the DLP-MAV-LCD1 issues switch closure information to the host processor using the MAVRK platform protocol. This protocol consists of a printable ASCII format using a synchronization character “^”, and a termination character “~”. (This protocol is further described in Section 3.) The DLP-MAV-LCD1 is ready to accept commands immediately upon power up. (Initial baud rate and serial parameters are outlined in Section 3.) Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 1 © DLP Design, Inc. 2.0 MAVRK QUICK START GUIDE This guide requires the use of a MAVRK platform (purchased separately). 1. Connect the DLP-MAV-LCD1 module to one of the four LTE positions on the MAVRK platform via the connector on the bottom side of the DLP-MAV-LCD1 module: Figure 1: MAVRK Board with DLP-MAV-LCD1 Installed in Position AFE #4 2. Install the firmware as described on the MAVRK wiki pages: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MAVRK_Introduction, specifically the “How do I get started with MAVRK?” section. Begin by creating a SVN folder at C:\svn. 3. Once installed, locate the project: C:\svn\mavrk\mavrk_embedded\Modular_EVM_Projects\System_Demo_Projects\MSP43 0F5438-MVK_UART_Passthrough 4. Open the project in Code Composer 5.1 or later. 5. Find the file “MSP430F5438_UART_Passthrough_main.c”, then edit the following lines in the function main(): // // mvk_Configure_UART_Passthrough (MAVRK_UART_RF, MAVRK_UART_TUSB); mvk_Configure_UART_Passthrough (MAVRK_UART_TUSB, MAVRK_UART_RF);   6. Add the following lines in the function main() under the ones you just commented out above:   mvk_Configure_UART_Passthrough (MAVRK_UART_P1P2, MAVRK_UART_TUSB); mvk_Configure_UART_Passthrough (MAVRK_UART_TUSB, MAVRK_UART_P1P2); 7. Rebuild the project, and reload the MAVRK platform with your new flash. Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 2 © DLP Design, Inc. 8. Now you can connect the USB cable to the MAVRK debug port and open a terminal interface (ex: HyperTerminal) to the MAVRK platform using the following settings: Baud: 460800, N, 8, 1. 9. Once connected, actuating the joystick will result in data being displayed that indicates which joystick button was pressed. The terminal window may also be used to send commands and data characters to the LCD. The DLP-MAV-LCD1 module is shipped preprogrammed with firmware for either communicating directly with the MAVRK platform or for operation in standalone mode via the 5-pin header. Figure 2: DLP-MAV-LCD1 Module Ready to Start Right Out of the Box Figure 2 will be displayed for 5 seconds, and then the display will be clear as shown in Figure 3: Figure 3: Clear (After 5 Seconds) At this point, the DLP-MAV-LCD1 is ready for use. (Note that the unit will appear non-responsive on the MAVRK platform until you build and load your new MAVRK platform flash file as described in Section 2.) Alternatively, you can communicate directly with the unit in standalone mode. Troubleshooting information will also be available on the MAVRK wiki pages referenced above. Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 3 © DLP Design, Inc. 3.0 COMMAND AND DATA SET The command and data set syntax communicates via a two-wire serial TTL interface: Parameter Baud Rate Data Parity Stop Bit Flow Control Value 460800 8 Bit None 1 None Table 1: Sample Data and Commands Changing the Baud Rate via the Menu: Figure 4: Splash Screen on Power Up Changing the baud rate may be accomplished; however, you must press Select (joystick straight down) to initiate the Baud Rate Menu. (Note that this must be done during the first 5 seconds when the splash screen shown above is displayed.) Figure 5: Baud Rate Menu Once Select has been pressed, the Baud Rate Menu (see Figure 5) will be displayed. Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 4 © DLP Design, Inc. From this Baud Rate Menu, press the up or down buttons on the toggle to increase or decrease the baud rate. (Standard baud rates are detailed in Table 3 below.) Figure 6: Baud Rate 9600 You may now press the Select button once your baud rate is displayed. This saves the selected baud rate into flash. On subsequent power ups, the following screen will be displayed indicating the saved baud rate: Figure 7: Power Up Splash Screen Changing the Baud Rate via the Terminal Emulator: To change the baud rate, first set the baud rate of the terminal to 460800 as described above. Then send the command ^b9600~, at which point the new baud rate will immediately be in effect. (You will have to change your terminal to 9600 immediately to continue processing any further commands.) The TTL interface requires the specific formatting described below for all message traffic to and from the LCD: Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 5 © DLP Design, Inc. Function Sending Data Sending Commands Sending a New Baud Rate Receiving Keys Synchronization Characters ^d Command or Data Buffer Hello World Termination Character ~ ^dHello World~ ^c 01 ~ ^c01~ ^b 9600 ~ ^b9600~ ^k U ~ ^kU~ Example Table 2: Data and Commands Syntax Command 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 Sent Text ^b1200~ ^b2400~ ^b4800~ ^b9600~ ^b14400~ ^b19200~ ^b38400~ ^b57600~ ^b115200~ ^b230400~ 460800 ^b460800~ 921600 ^b921600~ Baud Rate 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 460800 (Default) 921600 Table 3: Standard Baud Rates Data that exceeds the 16 character lines will be truncated based on the length of the display. Both the top and bottom LCD lines require separate data commands. Joystick Up Down Left Right Received Text ^kU~ ^kD~ ^kL~ ^kR~ Select ^kS~ Description Key Up was Pressed Key Down was Pressed Key Left was Pressed Key Right was Pressed Key Select (Center Down) was Pressed Table 4: Key Definitions Keys will be sent to the connected terminal with de-bounce. If you hold the key down longer than 500mS, it will repeat. Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 6 © DLP Design, Inc. Command Sent Text 80 ^c80~ C0 ^cC0~ F1 F0 ^cF1~ ^cF0~ Description Cursor Location to Row 1/Column 1 (see Table 6) Cursor Location to Row 2/Column 1 (see Table 6) Turn the LCD Backlight On Turn the LCD Backlight Off E1 ^cE1~ Turn Echo On E0 ^cE0~ Turn Echo Off (Default) 01 ^c01~ Clears the Screen 02 ^c02~ 08 ^c08~ 09 ^c09~ 0A ^c0A~ 0B ^c0B~ 0C ^c0C~ 0D ^c0D~ 0E ^c0E~ 0F ^c0F~ 7x ^c70~ Return Home Display OFF Cursor OFF Cursor Position OFF Display OFF Cursor OFF Cursor Position ON Display OFF Cursor ON Cursor Position OFF Display OFF Cursor ON Cursor Position ON Display ON Cursor OFF Cursor Position OFF Display ON Cursor OFF Cursor Position ON Display ON Cursor ON Cursor Position OFF Display ON Cursor ON Cursor Position ON Set Contrast Value to x Where x is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E or F Table 5: Commands Definition The table below describes the Cursor Location Commands for each on-screen position based on the row and column required. Once each command has been issued, the next data command will start writing text from this location and will automatically increment to the next location based upon the length of the text string: Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 7 © DLP Design, Inc. Row 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Command 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF Example ^c80~ ^c81~ ^c82~ ^c83~ ^c84~ ^c85~ ^c86~ ^c87~ ^c88~ ^c89~ ^c8A~ ^c8B~ ^c8C~ ^c8D~ ^c8E~ ^c8F~ ^cC0~ ^cC1~ ^cC2~ ^cC3~ ^cC4~ ^cC5~ ^cC6~ ^cC7~ ^cC8~ ^cC9~ ^cCA~ ^cCB~ ^cCC~ ^cCD~ ^cCE~ ^cCF~ Table 6: Cursor Location Definitions The table below describes sample strings sent to the DLP-MAV-LCD1 to include clearing the screen and positioning the cursor prior to writing text: Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 8 © DLP Design, Inc. Data Hello Example ^dHello~ Testing 123 ^d Testing 123~ Beyond the Maximum Text Length of 16 ^dBeyond the Maximum Text Length of 16~ Line 1 Here ^c01~^c80~^dLine 1 Here~ Line 2 Here ^c01~^cc0~^dLine 2 Here~ Description Displays “Hello” Displays “ Testing 123” (note that the spaces are valid) The Data is Ignored Clears the Screen, Goes to Row 1/ Column 1 and Displays “Line 1 Here” Clears the Screen, Goes to Row 2/ Column 1 and Displays “Line 2 Here” Table 7: Sample Commands 4.0 STANDALONE MODE Alternatively, when used in standalone mode, the DLP-MAV-LCD1 board may be powered externally and communicated with utilizing the 5-pin, TTL serial header described below: 1 5 Figure 8: DLP-MAV-LCD1 Standalone Pins Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 Description FROM EXTERNAL HOST (In) – TTL serial from host processor TO EXTERNAL HOST (Out) – TTL serial to host processor GROUND RESET (In) – Pull to ground to reset MSP430 on DLP-MAV-LCD1 3.0 - 3.3V (In) – Power supply for module Table 8: TTL 5-Pin Header Descriptions Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 9 © DLP Design, Inc. 5.0 MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Both inches and (millimeters) in parentheses are shown below for each measurement: 1.64 typ (41.7 typ) 0.963 typ (24.5 typ) 1.515 typ (38.5 typ) 2 x 0.157 typ (4.0 typ) 1.50 typ (38.1 typ) Figure 9: DLP-MAV-LCD1 Dimensions 6.0 DISCLAIMER Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained within or the product described in this datasheet may be adapted or reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This product and its documentation are supplied on an as-is basis, and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or implied. DLP Design will not accept any claim for damages whatsoever arising as a result of use or failure of this product. Your statutory rights are not affected. This product or any variant of it is not intended for use in any medical appliance, device or system in which the failure of the product might reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. This document provides preliminary information that may be subject to change without notice. Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 10 © DLP Design, Inc. 7.0 CONTACT INFORMATION DLP Design, Inc. 1605 Roma Lane Allen, TX 75013 Phone: Fax: Email Sales: Email Support: Website URL: 469-964-8027 415-901-4859 sales@dlpdesign.com support@dlpdesign.com http://www.dlpdesign.com Rev. 1.0 (February 2012) 11 © DLP Design, Inc.

器件简介:DLP-MAV-LCD1 是一款集成了 2x16 字符背光 LCD 显示器和 TI MSP430 微控制器的模块,可独立使用或与 MAVRK 平台配合使用。

引脚分配: - 1: 外部主机输入(TTL 串行输入) - 2: 外部主机输出(TTL 串行输出) - 3: 地线 - 4: 复位(输入,将 MSP430 拉至地线以复位) - 5: 3.0 - 3.3V 电源

参数特性: - 支持 3.0-3.3V 电源 - LED 背光 - 5 向摇杆(左,右,上,下和选择) - 可通过 MAVRK 平台或简单的 5 针 TTL 串行接口进行控制 - 预编程的 MSP430 微控制器具备基本的 LCD 驱动功能

功能详解: - 支持简单的 ASCII 命令集 - 内部微控制器预编程以支持 MAVRK 平台或独立模式 - 通过 5 向摇杆发送开关闭合信息 - 支持通过 MAVRK 平台协议或 TTL 串行接口发送数据

应用信息: - 可与 MAVRK 平台配合使用,或独立使用 - 适用于需要显示数据且无需连接主机 PC 的场合

封装信息:模块尺寸为 1.64 英寸 x 0.963 英寸 x 0.157 英寸(41.7 毫米 x 24.5 毫米 x 4.0 毫米)。
DLP-MAV-LCD1 价格&库存

