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ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 Docs » Get Started » ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Ge!ng Started Guide ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide [Ӿ෈] This user guide shows how to get started with the ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 development board including descrip"on of its func"onality and configura"on op"ons. For descrip"ons of other versions of the ESP-WROVER-KIT check ESP32 Hardware Reference. If you would like to start using this board right now, go directly to the Start Applica"on Development sec"on. What You Need 1 × ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 board 1 x Micro USB 2.0 Cable, Type A to Micro B 1 × PC loaded with Windows, Linux or Mac OS Overview The ESP-WROVER-KIT is a development board built around the ESP32 and produced by Espressif. This board is compa"ble with mul"ple ESP32 modules, including the ESP32-WROOM-32, ESP32-WROVER and ESP32-WROVER-B. The ESP-WROVER-KIT features support for an LCD and a MicroSD card. The I/O pins have been broken out from the ESP32 module for easy extension. The board carries an advanced mul"-protocol USB bridge (the FTDI FT2232HL), enabling developers to use JTAG directly to debug the ESP32 through the USB interface. The development board makes secondary development easy and cost-effec"ve. Functionality Overview https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 1 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 The block diagram below illustrates the ESP-WROVER-KIT’s main components and their interconnec"ons. ESP-WROVER-KIT block diagram Functional Description The following lists and figures describe the key components, interfaces, and controls of ESP-WROVER-KIT board. 32.768 kHz An external precision 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator provides a low-power consump"on clock used during Deep-Sleep mode. FT2232 The FT2232 chip is a mul"-protocol USB-to-serial bridge. Users can control and program the FT2232 chip through the USB interface to establish communica"on with ESP32. The FT2232 chip also features USB-to-JTAG interface. USB-to-JTAG is available on channel A of the FT2232, whilst USB-to-serial is on channel B. The embedded FT2232 chip is one of the dis"nguishing features of the ESPWROVER-KIT. It enhances users’ convenience in terms of applica"on development and debugging. In addi"on, users need not purchase a JTAG debugger separately, which reduces the development cost, see ESP-WROVERKIT V4.1 schema"c. 0R https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 2 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 A zero Ohm resistor intended as a placeholder for a current shunt. May be desoldered or replaced with a current shunt to facilitate measurement of current required by ESP32 module depending on power mode. ESP32-WROVER This version of ESP-WROVER-KIT board has ESP-WROVER-B module installed that integrates 64-Mbit PSRAM for flexible extended storage and data processing capabili"es. The board can accommodate other versions of ESP modules described under WROOM, SOLO and WROVER Modules. ! Note GPIO16 and GPIO17 are used as the CS and clock signal for PSRAM. To ensure reliable performance, the two GPIOs are not broken out. Diagnos!c LEDs Four red LEDs connected to GPIO pins of the FT2232 chip. Intended for future use. UART Serial port: the serial TX/RX signals on the FT2232HL and the ESP32 are broken out to each side of JP2. By default, the two signals are connected with jumpers. To use the ESP32 module serial interface only, the jumpers may be removed and the module can be connected to another external serial device. SPI SPI interface used by ESP32 to access flash and PSRAM memories inside the module. Please note that the voltage level on this interface depends on the module used. CTS/RTS Serial port flow control signals: the pins are not connected to the circuitry by default. To enable them, respec"ve pins of JP14 must be shorted with jumpers. JTAG JTAG interface: the JTAG signals on FT2232HL and ESP32 are broken out to the two sides of JP2. By default, the two signals are disconnected. To enable JTAG, shor"ng jumpers are required on the signals as shown in sec"on Setup Op"ons. https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 3 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 USB Port USB interface. It func"ons as the power supply for the board and the communica"on interface between PC and ESP32 module. EN Bu"on Reset bu%on: pressing this bu%on resets the system. Boot Bu"on Download bu%on: holding down the Boot bu%on and pressing the EN bu%on ini"ates the firmware download mode. Then user can download firmware through the serial port. Power Switch Power on/off bu%on: toggling to the right powers the board on; toggling to the le& powers the board off. Power Selector Power supply selec"on interface: the ESP-WROVER-KIT can be powered through the USB interface or the 5V Input interface. The user can select the power supply with a jumper. More details can be found in sec"on Setup Op"ons, jumper header JP7. 5V Input The 5V power supply interface is used as a backup power supply in case of fullload opera"on. 5V Power On LED This red LED indicates that a power supply (either from USB or 5V Input) is applied to the board. LDO NCP1117(1A). 5V-to-3.3V LDO. (There is an alterna"ve pin-compa"ble LDO — LM317DCY, with an output current of up to 1.5A). NCP1117 can provide a maximum current of 1A. The LDO solu"ons are available with both fixed output voltage and variable output voltage. For details please refer to ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 schema"c. Camera Connector Camera interface: a standard OV7670 camera module is supported. https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 4 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 RGB LED Red, green and blue (RGB) light emi!ng diodes (LEDs), which may be controlled by pulse width modula"on (PWM). I/O Connector All the pins on the ESP32 module are led out to the pin headers on the ESPWROVER-KIT. Users can program ESP32 to enable mul"ple func"ons such as PWM, ADC, DAC, I2C, I2S, SPI, etc. Micro SD Card Slot Develop applica"ons that access Micro SD card for data storage and retrieval. LCD ESP-WROVER-KIT supports moun"ng and interfacing a 3.2” SPI (standard 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface) LCD, as shown on figure ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - back. ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - front https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 5 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 ESP-WROVER-KIT board layout - back Setup Options There are three jumper headers available to set up the board func"onality. Typical op"ons to select from are listed in table below. Header Jumper Se#ng Descrip!on of Func!onality JP7 Power ESP-WROVER-KIT board from an external power supply JP7 Power ESP-WROVER-KIT board from an USB port JP2 Enable JTAG func"onality https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 6 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation JP2 Enable UART communica"on JP14 Enable RTS/CTS flow control for serial communica"on 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 Allocation of ESP32 Pins Several pins / terminals of ESP32 module are allocated to the on board hardware. Some of them, like GPIO0 or GPIO2, have mul"ple func"ons. If certain hardware is not installed, e.g. nothing is plugged in to the Camera / JP4 header, then selected GPIOs may be used for other purposes. Main I/O Connector / JP1 The JP1 connector is shown in two columns in the middle under “I/O” headers. The two columns “Shared With” outside, describe where else on the board certain GPIO is used. Shared With I/O I/O Shared With NC/XTAL IO32 IO33 NC/XTAL JTAG, MicroSD IO12 IO13 JTAG, MicroSD JTAG, MicroSD IO14 IO27 Camera Camera IO26 IO25 Camera, LCD Camera IO35 IO34 Camera Camera IO39 IO36 Camera JTAG EN IO23 Camera, LCD Camera, LCD IO22 IO21 Camera, LCD, MicroSD Camera, LCD IO19 IO18 Camera, LCD https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 7 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation Camera, LCD IO5 IO17 PSRAM PSRAM IO16 IO4 LED, Camera, MicroSD Camera, LED, Boot IO0 IO2 LED, MicroSD JTAG, MicroSD IO15 5V 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 Legend: NC/XTAL - 32.768 kHz Oscillator JTAG - JTAG / JP8 Boot - Boot bu%on / SW2 Camera - Camera / JP4 LED - RGB LED MicroSD - MicroSD Card / J4 LCD - LCD / U5 PSRAM - ESP32-WROVER’s PSRAM, if ESP32-WROVER is installed 32.768 kHz Oscillator . ESP32 Pin 1 GPIO32 2 GPIO33 ! Note As GPIO32 and GPIO33 are connected to the oscillator, they are not connected to JP1 I/O expansion connector to maintain signal integrity. This alloca"on may be changed from oscillator to JP1 by desoldering the 0R resistors from posi"ons R11 / R23 and installing them in posi"ons R12 / R24. SPI Flash / JP2 . ESP32 Pin 1 CLK / GPIO6 2 SD0 / GPIO7 https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 8 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 3 SD1 / GPIO8 4 SD2 / GPIO9 5 SD3 / GPIO10 6 CMD / GPIO11 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 ! Important The module’s flash bus is connected to the pin header JP2 through 0-Ohm resistors R140 ~ R145. If the flash frequency needs to operate at 80 MHz for reasons such as improving the integrity of bus signals, it is recommended that resistors R140 ~ R145 be desoldered. At this point, the module’s flash bus is disconnected with the pin header JP2. JTAG / JP2 . ESP32 Pin JTAG Signal 1 EN TRST_N 2 MTMS / GPIO14 TMS 3 MTDO / GPIO15 TDO 4 MTDI / GPIO12 TDI 5 MTCK / GPIO13 TCK Camera / JP4 . ESP32 Pin Camera Signal 1 n/a 3.3V 2 n/a Ground 3 GPIO27 SIO_C / SCCB Clock 4 GPIO26 SIO_D / SCCB Data 5 GPIO25 VSYNC / Ver"cal Sync 6 GPIO23 HREF / Horizontal Reference https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 9 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 7 GPIO22 PCLK / Pixel Clock 8 GPIO21 XCLK / System Clock 9 GPIO35 D7 / Pixel Data Bit 7 10 GPIO34 D6 / Pixel Data Bit 6 11 GPIO39 D5 / Pixel Data Bit 5 12 GPIO36 D4 / Pixel Data Bit 4 13 GPIO19 D3 / Pixel Data Bit 3 14 GPIO18 D2 / Pixel Data Bit 2 15 GPIO5 D1 / Pixel Data Bit 1 16 GPIO4 D0 / Pixel Data Bit 0 17 GPIO0 RESET / Camera Reset 18 n/a PWDN / Camera Power Down 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 Signals D0 .. D7 denote camera data bus RGB LED . ESP32 Pin RGB LED 1 GPIO0 Red 2 GPIO2 Green 3 GPIO4 Blue MicroSD Card / J4 . ESP32 Pin MicroSD Signal 1 MTDI / GPIO12 DATA2 2 MTCK / GPIO13 CD / DATA3 3 MTDO / GPIO15 CMD 4 MTMS / GPIO14 CLK https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 10 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 5 GPIO2 DATA0 6 GPIO4 DATA1 7 GPIO21 CD 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 LCD / U5 . ESP32 Pin LCD Signal 1 GPIO18 RESET 2 GPIO19 SCL 3 GPIO21 D/C 4 GPIO22 CS 5 GPIO23 SDA 6 GPIO25 SDO 7 GPIO5 Backlight Start Application Development Before powering up the ESP-WROVER-KIT, please make sure that the board has been received in good condi"on with no obvious signs of damage. Initial Setup Select the source of power supply for the board by se!ng jumper JP7. The op"ons are either USB port or an external 5V Input. For this applica"on, the selec"on of the ​ USB port is sufficient. Enable UART communica"on by installing jumpers on JP2. Both selec"ons are shown in table below. Power up from USB port Enable UART communica!on https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 11 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 Getting Started Guide — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v3.2-beta1-34-gfb7ba1b documentation 2018/11/7 ӥ‫܌‬5)59 Do not install any other jumpers. Turn the Power Switch on. The 5V Power On LED should turn on. Now to Development To start development of applica"ons for ESP-WROVER-KIT, proceed to the Get Started sec"on which will walk you through the following steps: Setup Toolchain in your PC to develop applica"ons for ESP32 in C language Connect the module to the PC and verify if it is accessible Build and Flash an example applica"on to the ESP32 Monitor instantly what the applica"on is doing Related Documents ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 schema"c (PDF) ESP32 Datasheet (PDF) ESP32-WROVER-B Datasheet (PDF) JTAG Debugging ESP32 Hardware Reference https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/get-started-wrover-kit.html ᒫ 12 ᶭҁ‫ و‬12 ᶭ҂ Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Espressif: ESP-WROVER-KIT-VB

