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    GAN HEMT 28V 1.8-2.1GHZ

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CGH21240F 数据手册
CGH21240F 240 W, 1.8 - 2.3 GHz, GaN HEMT for WCDMA, LTE, WiMAX Description Cree’s CGH21240F is a gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically with high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGH21240F ideal for 1.8-2.3 GHz WCDMA and LTE amplifier applications. The transistor is supplied in a ceramic/metal flange package. Package Types: 440117 PN: CGH21240F Typical Performance Over 2.0-2.3 GHz (TC = 25˚C) of Demonstration Amplifier Parameter 2.0 GHz 2.1 GHz 2.2 GHz 2.3 GHz Units Gain @ 46 dBm 13.1 14.6 15.1 15.7 dB ACLR @ 46 dBm -36.5 -34.5 -34.2 -32.0 dBc Drain Efficiency @ 46 dBm 30.5 32.7 32.9 33.8 % Note: Measured in the CGH21240F-AMP amplifier circuit, under WCDMA 3GPP test model 1, 64 DPCH, 67% clipping, PAR = 8.81 dB @ 0.01 % Probability on CCDF Features • • • • • 1.8 - 2.3 GHz Operation 15 dB Gain -35 dBc ACLR at 40 W PAVE 33% Efficiency at 40 W PAVE High Degree of DPD Correction Can be Applied Large Signal Models Available for ADS and MWO Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings (not simultaneous) at 25˚C Case Temperature Parameter Symbol Rating Units Conditions Drain-Source Voltage VDSS 120 Volts 25˚C Gate-to-Source Voltage VGS -10, +2 Volts 25˚C Power Dissipation PDISS 115 Watts Storage Temperature TSTG -65, +150 ˚C Operating Junction Temperature TJ 225 ˚C Maximum Forward Gate Current IGMAX 60 mA 25˚C Maximum Drain Current IDMAX 24 A 25˚C Soldering Temperature2 TS 245 ˚C Screw Torque τ 40 in-oz Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case3 RθJC 0.75 ˚C/W Case Operating Temperature TC -40, +150 ˚C 1 3 85˚C Notes: 1 Current limit for long term, reliable operation 2 Refer to the Application Note on soldering at wolfspeed.com/RF/Document-Library 3 Measured for the CGH21240F at PDISS = 115 W Electrical Characteristics (TC = 25˚C) Characteristics Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) -3.8 -3.0 -2.3 VDC VDS = 10 V, ID = 57.6 mA Gate Quiescent Voltage VGS(Q) – -2.7 – VDC VDS = 28 V, ID = 1.0 mA Saturated Drain Current IDS 46.4 56.0 – A VDS = 6.0 V, VGS = 2.0 V Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage VBR 84 – – VDC VGS = -8 V, ID = 57.6 mA Saturated Output Power3,4 Psat – 215 – W VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A Pulsed Drain Efficiency3 η – 65 – % VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, POUT = PSAT Modulated Gain Gss 13.5 15 – dB VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, POUT = 46 dBm ACLR – -35 -30 dBc VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, POUT = 46 dBm Modulated Drain Efficiency η 27 33 – % VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, POUT = 46 dBm Output Mismatch Stress VSWR – – 10 : 1 Y No damage at all phase angles, VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, POUT = 40 W CW CGS – 172 – pF VDS = 28 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz Output Capacitance CDS – 19.5 – pF VDS = 28 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz Feedback Capacitance CGD – 3.2 – pF VDS = 28 V, Vgs = -8 V, f = 1 MHz DC Characteristics 1 RF Characteristics (TC = 25˚C, F0 = 2.14 GHz unless otherwise noted) 2,3 6 WCDMA Linearity 6 6 Dynamic Characteristics Input Capacitance7 7 Notes: 1 Measured on wafer prior to packaging 2 Scaled from PCM data 3 Pulse Width = 40 μS, Duty Cycle = 5% 4 PSAT is defined as IG = 20 mA peak Rev 3.1 – March 2020 Measured in CGH21240F-AMP Single Carrier WCDMA, 3GPP Test Model 1, 64 DPCH, 67 % Clipping, PAR = 8.81 dB @ 0.01 % Probability on CCDF 7 Includes package and internal matching components 5 6 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 3 Typical Pulse Performance Typical Pulsed Output Power, Drain Efficiency, and Gain vs Input Power of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit VDS = 28 V, IDS = 1.0 A, Freq = 2.14 GHz, Pulse Width = 40 μS, Duty Cycle = 5% 80 18 Gain 17 60 16 Drain Efficiency 15 Gain Output Power 40 14 30 Gain (dB) Output Power 50 Gain (dB) Drain Efficiency (%) Output Power (dBm) Drain Efficiency (%) Output Power (dBm) 70 13 20 12 Efficiency 10 11 0 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Input Power (dBm) Input Power (dBm) 68 54.5 66 54.0 64 53.5 62 53.0 60 Psat 52.5 52.0 2.00 Drain Efficiency 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 Drain Efficiency (%) 55.0 Drain Efficiency (%) Saturated Output Power (dBm) Saturated Output Power (dBm) Typical Pulsed Saturated Power and Drain Efficiency vs Frequency of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit. VDS = 28 V, IDS = 1.0 A, PSAT = 20 mA IGS Peak, Pulse Width = 40 μS, Duty Cycle = 5% 58 56 2.30 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 4 Typical Linear Performance 0 19 -2 18 -4 17 -6 16 -8 15 -10 14 -12 13 -14 Gain 12 Return Loss (dB) 20 Return Loss (dB) Linear Gain (dB) Linear Gain (dB) Typical Small Signal Gain and Return Loss vs Frequency of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit VDS = 28 V, IDS = 1.0 A -16 Return Loss 11 -18 10 -20 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Typical WCDMA Performance Typical WCDMA Characteristics ACLR and Drain Efficiency vs Output Power of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit. 3GPP Test Model 1, 64 DPCH 67% Clipping, 8.81 dB PAR @ 0.01% VDS = 28 V, IDS = 1.0 A, Frequency = 2.14 GHz -29 40 -ACLR -31 35 +ACLR 30 -35 25 -37 20 -39 15 -41 10 -43 5 -45 Drain Efficiency (%) -33 Drain Efficiency (%) ACLR (dBc) ACLR (dBc) Drain Efficiency 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 Output Power (dBm) Output Power (dBm) Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 5 Typical WCDMA Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) Performance WCDMA Characteristics with and without DPD Correction ACLR and Drain Efficiency vs Output Power of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit VDS = 28 V, IDS = 1.0 A, Frequency = 2.14 GHz -25 45 Uncorrected -ACLR Uncorrected +ACLR Corrected -ACLR Corrected +ACLR Uncorrected Drain Eff Corrected Drain Eff -35 35 -40 30 -45 25 -50 20 -55 15 -60 10 -65 5 -70 Drain Efficiency (%) 40 Drain Efficiency (%) ACLR (dBc) ACLR (dBc) -30 0 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Output Power (dBm) Output Power (dBm) WCDMA Linearity with DPD Linearizer of the CGH21240F measured in CGH21240F-AMP Amplifier Circuit. Single Channel WCDMA 6.5dB PAR with CFR VDS = 28 V, IDS= 1.0 A, PAVE = 46 dBm, Efficiency = 30% 0 -10 Uncorrected DPD Corrected -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 2.125 2.130 2.135 2.140 2.145 2.150 2.155 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 6 Typical Performance Drain Efficiency (%), Output Power (dBm) Simulated Performance of the CGH21240F from 1.8 - 2.17 GHz VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A Frequency (GHz) CGH21240F Power Dissipation De-rating Curve CGH21240F Average Power Dissipation De-rating Curve 140 Power Dissipation (W) Power Dissipation (W) 120 100 80 Note 1 60 40 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Maximum Case Temperature (°C) Maximum Case Temperature (°C) Note 1. Area exceeds Maximum Case Operating Temperature (See Page 2). Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 7 Typical Performance K Factor MAG (dB) Simulated Maximum Available Gain and K Factor of the CGH21240F VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A Frequency (GHz) Typical Noise Performance Noise Resistance (Ohms) Minimum Noise Figure (dB) Simulated Minimum Noise Figure and Noise Resistance vs Frequency of the CGH21240F VDD = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A Frequency (GHz) Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 8 Source and Load Impedances D Z Source Z Load G S Frequency Z Source Z Load 1900 4.50 - j 4.36 2.98 - j 0.69 1950 4.28 - j 4.23 3.17 - j 0.88 2000 4.05 - j 4.04 3.20 - j 1.22 2050 3.86 - j 3.82 2.98 - j 1.60 2100 3.69 - j 3.58 2.52 - j 1.85 2150 3.55 - j 3.32 1.95 - j 1.85 2200 3.44 - j 3.04 1.42 - j 1.63 2250 3.36 - j 2.76 1.00 - j 1.28 2300 3.30 - j 2.47 0.70 - j 0.86 Note1. VDD = 28V, IDQ = 250 mA in the 440117 package Note2. Impedances are extracted from the CGH21240F-AMP demonstration circuit and are not source and load pull data derived from the transistor Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Classifications Parameter Symbol Class Test Methodology Human Body Model HBM 1A (> 250 V) JEDEC JESD22 A114-D Charge Device Model CDM II (200 < 500 V) JEDEC JESD22 C101-C Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 9 CGH21240F-AMP Demonstration Amplifier Circuit Bill of Materials Designator Description Qty R1 RES, 1/16W, 0603, 1%, 100 OHMS 1 R2 RES, 1/16W, 0603, 1%, 5.1 OHMS 1 C1 CAP, 27 pF, +/-5%, ATC600S 1 C2 CAP, 2.0 pF, +/-0.1pF, ATC600S 1 C3 CAP, 10 pF, +/-5%, ATC600S 1 C4, C10 CAP, 470 pF, +/-5%, 100V, 0603 2 C5, C11, C16 CAP, 33000 pF, 0805, 100V, X7R 3 C6, C12, C17 CAP, 1.0 uF, +/-10%, 1210, 100V, X7R 3 C7 CAP, 10 uF, 16V, TANTALUM 1 C8, C14 CAP, 2.0pF, +/-0.1pF, 250V, 0805, ATC600F 2 C9, C15 CAP, 10pF, +/-0.1pF, 250V, 0805, ATC600F 2 C13 CAP 100 uF, 160V, ELECTROLYTIC 1 C18 CAP, 33 uF, +/-20%, G CASE 1 C19, C20 CAP, 39pF, +/-5%, 250V, 0805, ATC600F 2 J1, J2 CONN, N-Type, Female, 0.500 SMA Flange 2 J3 CONN, Header, RT> PLZ, 0.1 CEN, LK, 9 POS 1 - PCB, RO4350, Er = 3.48, h = 20 mil 1 - CGH21240F 1 CGH21240F-AMP Demonstration Amplifier Circuit Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 10 CGH21240F-AMP Demonstration Amplifier Circuit Schematic CGH21240F-AMP Demonstration Amplifier Circuit Outline Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 11 Typical Package S-Parameters for CGH21240F (Small Signal, VDS = 28 V, IDQ = 1.0 A, angle in degrees) Frequency Mag S11 Ang S11 Mag S21 Ang S21 Mag S12 Ang S12 Mag S22 Ang S22 500 MHz 0.983 179.25 1.84 66.59 0.004 -13.75 0.823 -177.25 600 MHz 0.983 178.45 1.56 61.58 0.004 -16.73 0.828 -176.89 700 MHz 0.982 177.73 1.36 56.57 0.004 -19.66 0.834 -176.58 800 MHz 0.981 177.04 1.22 51.54 0.004 -22.56 0.841 -176.31 900 MHz 0.980 176.38 1.12 46.42 0.004 -25.48 0.848 -176.07 1.0 GHz 0.978 175.72 1.04 41.17 0.004 -28.46 0.855 -175.87 1.1 GHz 0.976 175.07 0.99 35.70 0.004 -31.57 0.862 -175.71 1.2 GHz 0.974 174.42 0.95 29.94 0.004 -34.88 0.870 -175.56 1.3 GHz 0.970 173.77 0.93 23.76 0.004 -38.51 0.879 -175.44 1.4 GHz 0.966 173.13 0.92 16.98 0.005 -42.62 0.888 -175.35 1.5 GHz 0.961 172.51 0.92 9.40 0.005 -47.40 0.898 -175.28 1.6 GHz 0.954 171.95 0.93 0.77 0.005 -53.11 0.910 -175.28 1.7 GHz 0.947 171.50 0.94 -9.23 0.005 -60.04 0.925 -175.39 1.8 GHz 0.939 171.24 0.95 -20.82 0.006 -68.42 0.941 -175.71 1.9 GHz 0.933 171.20 0.94 -34.02 0.006 -78.25 0.957 -176.32 2.0 GHz 0.931 171.32 0.90 -48.37 0.006 -89.09 0.971 -177.25 2.1 GHz 0.935 171.39 0.83 -62.95 0.006 -100.00 0.979 -178.39 2.2 GHz 0.944 171.20 0.74 -76.66 0.005 -109.90 0.981 -179.50 2.3 GHz 0.954 170.68 0.64 -88.79 0.005 -118.09 0.979 179.57 2.4 GHz 0.963 169.89 0.54 -99.14 0.004 -124.40 0.974 178.85 2.5 GHz 0.971 168.91 0.46 -107.87 0.004 -128.98 0.970 178.30 2.6 GHz 0.976 167.81 0.40 -115.25 0.003 -132.17 0.966 177.87 2.7 GHz 0.981 166.63 0.34 -121.56 0.003 -134.27 0.963 177.52 2.8 GHz 0.984 165.35 0.30 -127.07 0.003 -135.56 0.960 177.20 2.9 GHz 0.986 164.00 0.26 -131.94 0.003 -136.27 0.959 176.90 3.0 GHz 0.988 162.54 0.24 -136.34 0.003 -136.57 0.957 176.61 3.2 GHz 0.990 159.26 0.19 -144.13 0.002 -136.53 0.956 176.02 3.4 GHz 0.991 155.29 0.17 -151.15 0.002 -136.31 0.955 175.41 3.6 GHz 0.991 150.30 0.15 -157.91 0.002 -136.53 0.955 174.76 3.8 GHz 0.990 143.73 0.14 -164.89 0.003 -137.70 0.954 174.06 4.0 GHz 0.988 134.60 0.13 -172.75 0.003 -140.42 0.954 173.32 4.2 GHz 0.985 121.09 0.14 177.52 0.003 -145.66 0.953 172.52 4.4 GHz 0.978 99.57 0.15 164.06 0.004 -155.19 0.952 171.66 4.6 GHz 0.968 63.52 0.16 143.65 0.005 -172.15 0.951 170.72 4.8 GHz 0.961 8.37 0.16 114.18 0.006 161.39 0.949 169.70 5.0 GHz 0.971 -49.39 0.13 83.48 0.005 133.32 0.947 168.55 5.2 GHz 0.984 -89.09 0.09 61.46 0.004 113.61 0.943 167.26 5.4 GHz 0.991 -112.76 0.06 47.31 0.003 101.50 0.939 165.81 5.6 GHz 0.995 -127.38 0.04 37.64 0.003 93.61 0.933 164.16 5.8 GHz 0.996 -137.07 0.03 30.34 0.002 87.89 0.926 162.23 6.0 GHz 0.998 -143.91 0.03 24.30 0.002 83.22 0.916 159.94 To download the s-parameters in s2p format, go to the CGH21240F Product page and click on the documentation tab. Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 12 Product Dimensions CGH21240F (Package Type — 440117) Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 13 Product Ordering Information Order Number Description Unit of Measure CGH21240F GaN HEMT Each CGH21240F-AMP Test board with GaN HEMT installed Each Rev 3.1 – March 2020 Image 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com CGH21240F 14 For more information, please contact: 4600 Silicon Drive Durham, North Carolina, USA 27703 www.wolfspeed.com/RF Sales Contact RFSales@cree.com Notes Disclaimer Specifications are subject to change without notice. “Typical” parameters are the average values expected by Cree in large quantities and are provided for information purposes only. Cree products are not warranted or authorized for use as critical components in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications, or other applications where a failure would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death. No responsibility is assumed by Cree for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from use of the information contained herein. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Cree. © 2009-2020 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. Wolfspeed® and the Wolfspeed logo are registered trademarks of Cree, Inc. Rev 3.1 – March 2020 4600 Silicon Drive | Durham, NC 27703 | wolfspeed.com
CGH21240F 价格&库存

