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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
Revised February 26, 2016
This manual applies to the chipKIT Network Shield rev. E
The chipKIT Network Shield is an input/output expansion board designed for use with the chipKIT Max32™
microcontroller board. It has circuitry and connectors that enable you to exploit the advanced communications
features of the PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller on the Max32.
The Network Shield has a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PHY to enable connection to an Ethernet network. It provides the
connectors and load switch to use the USB 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) controller to implement a USB device, USB host,
or OTG operation. It also has two CAN transceivers and connectors to allow connection to two independent CAN
networks. Connectors are provided to enable connection to two of the I 2C busses supported by the Max32.
Features include:
The chipKIT Network Shield board.
An SMSC LAN8720 10/100 Ethernet PHY
An RJ45 connector with integral magnetics
A USB device and host connectors
Two MCP2551 CAN transceivers
Two 12-pin header connectors for CAN
Two I2C daisy chain connectors
A 256Kbit I2C EEPROM
A 32.768 kHz oscillator
In addition to the communications features, the Network Shield also has a 256Kbit I 2C EEPROM for non-volatile
data storage and a 32.768 kHz oscillator for using the real-time clock/calendar (RTCC) peripheral in the PIC32
The Network Shield has the same form factor as the Max32 board.
DOC#: 502-211
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
chipKIT Network Shield Hardware Overview
The Network Shield has the following hardware features:
USB Connectors
The connector on top of the board is a standard USB A-type receptacle. This is used when the
Max32/Network Shield combination is used as a USB host. Immediately below this connector is a USB
Micro-AB connector. This connector is used when the Max32/Network Shield is used as a USB device
or when using it as a USB OTG device.
Ethernet Connector with Integral Magnetics
This connector is used to connect the Max32/Network Shield to an Ethernet network.
JP4: USB Host Connector Selection
When the Max32/Network Shield is used as a USB host, this jumper is used to select which USB
connector is being used.
J17: Power Pass-Through Connector
This connector passes the power connector from the Max32 through the Network Shield and powers
the Network Shield from the Max32.
J9 & J12: Analog Signal Pass-Through Connectors
These connectors pass the analog input pins on the Max32 through the Network Shield.
CAN2 Connector
This connector provides access to the signals for CAN2.
CAN1 Connector
This connector provides access to the signals for CAN1.
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
Digital Signal Connector
This connector provides most of the signals used by the Ethernet and USB interfaces from the Max32
board to the Network Shield. The remaining signals are passed through the Network Shield.
J7: I2C #1 Daisy Chain Connector
This is a 2x4 pin header connector that provides access to the I 2C signals SDA and SCL as well as
power from the 3.3V power bus and ground. This can be used to extend the I 2C bus off the board and
to power an external I2C device. Digilent has cables and a selection of I2C peripheral modules that can
be accessed using this connector.
10. J6: I2C #2 Daisy Chain Connector
This is a 2x4 pin header connector that provides access to the I 2C signals SDA and SCL as well as
power from the 3.3V power bus and ground. This can be used to extend the I2C bus off the board and
to power an external I2C device. The jumpers for disabling the on-board pull-ups are adjacent to this
11. Digital Signal Connectors
Some of the signals used by the Network Shield are provided on these connectors. The rest of the
signals are passed through the Network Shield.
12. J19: I2C
Dedicated I2C signals. These signals are connected directly to I2C1 on the microcontroller and are
shared with pins 20 and 21 on connector J4.
chipKIT Network Shield Hardware Description
The following describes the hardware on the Network Shield and how to use it. Appendices at the end show pinout and connection tables.
The Network Shield is designed to be used with the chipKIT Max32 board. When used together, the two boards
have the necessary supporting hardware and connectors to use all the advanced communications and networking
features of the PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller on the Max32.
Ethernet Interface
The Network Shield can interface with 10Mbps or 100Mbps Ethernet networks. The PIC32MX795 microcontroller
on the chipKIT Max32 board contains a 10/100 Ethernet Medium Access Controller (MAC). The Network Shield
provides an SMSC LAN8720 Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver (PHY). Together, the MAC and PHY provide a
complete 10/100 Ethernet interface.
The RJ45 connector J1 provides the physical connection to an Ethernet network using a standard Ethernet cable.
When the Ethernet controller is enabled in the PIC32 microcontroller, it takes over the use of a number of the
microcontroller pins. All of the signals from these pins are taken from connector J10 on the Network Shield
(connector J8 on the Max32). Three of these signals are also shared with connector J7 on the Max32 and are
analog pins A11, A12, and A13. When the Ethernet interface on the Network Shield is being used, these pins are
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
not available for other uses, and nothing should be connected to them to avoid interference with the operation of
the Ethernet interface.
All devices on an Ethernet network must have a unique address. This address is used to direct packets on the
network to a specific device and to identify the device that originated a packet. An Ethernet MAC uses a 48-bit
address value, commonly called the 'MAC Address'. These address values are globally unique to ensure that no two
devices on a network can have conflicting addresses. MAC addresses are assigned by the IEEE. The address to use
with the Network Shield is printed on a sticker attached to the bottom of the board. The address is a twelve-digit
hexadecimal number of the form: 00183Exxxxxx, where xxxxxx represents six hexadecimal digits. This value is used
to initialize the Ethernet Controller MAC Station Address registers in the Ethernet controller of the PIC32MX795
In order to connect to and use an Ethernet network, the PIC32 microcontroller must be running network protocol
stack firmware. Normally, the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network protocol is used
and TCP/IP Stack software is used. The Ethernet library provided for use with the Network Shield has the necessary
stack support for using the chipKIT Max32/Network Shield in the MPIDE programming environment.
If the board is being used outside the MPIDE programming environment, the Microchip Applications Library,
available for download format www.microchip.com, provides full protocol stack support compatible with the
PIC32MX795 MAC and the LAN8720 PHY. Microchip also provides many example programs demonstrating the use
of their network protocol stack for various applications.
When not using the either the chipKIT Ethernet library or the Microchip network protocol stack, refer to the
manufacturer documentation for the PIC32MX795 and LAN8720, as well as network protocol documentation, for
information on using the Ethernet interface.
The PIC32MX795 microcontroller has two alternate sets of pins that can be used to connect the MAC to the
external PHY. It also provides two alternate standard MAC/PHY interface signaling conventions. The chipKIT
Max32/Network Shield is designed to use the standard (not alternate) pins, and to use the RMII (not MII) interface
signaling convention. These options are selected using the configuration variables in the PIC32 microcontroller and
are specified using the #pragma config statement. To enable the Ethernet controller in the correct
configuration, the following statements must appear in the main program module:
#pragma config FETHIO=ON
#pragma config FMIIEN=OFF
The boot loader in the chipKIT Max32 board sets this configuration by default. When using the Network Shield
within the MPIDE environment no additional work is necessary. When using it outside the MPIDE environment,
these configuration settings must be made.
The LAN8720 PHY has a reset signal, labeled NRST in the schematic, which is used to reset the PHY. This signal is
connected to the INT2/RE9 pin on the PIC32 microcontroller. This pin is chipKIT digital pin 7 on the Max32 board.
The NRST signal is active low. Configure the microcontroller pin as an output and drive it low to reset the PHY, or
drive it high to allow the PHY to come out of reset and begin operation. The NRST signal is pulled low on the
Network Shield, so that the PHY is held in reset by default. To allow the PHY to operate, this pin must be driven
high. This reset operation is not part of the Microchip network protocol stack, and so the NRST must be driven high
before initializing the Microchip network stack. When using the chipKIT Ethernet library for the Network Shield,
this is done automatically by the library.
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
USB Interface
The PIC32MX795 microcontroller on the Max32 contains a USB 2.0-compliant, full-speed device and On-The-Go
(OTG) controller. This controller has the following features:
USB full-speed host and device support
low-speed host support
USB OTG support
endpoint buffering anywhere in system RAM
integrated DMA to access system RAM and Flash memory.
Connector J4, on the top left side of the Network Shield, is a standard USB type-A receptacle. This connector is
generally used when the Max32/Network Shield has been programmed to operate as a USB host. The USB device is
connected to J4 either directly or via cable.
Connector J2, on the bottom left side of the Network Shield, is the Device/OTG connector. It is a standard USB
micro-AB connector. Connect a cable with a micro-A plug (available from Digilent) from this connector to a USB
port on a PC or USB hub.
When the USB controller in the PIC32 microcontroller on the Max32 board is in use, it takes over the use of several
of the pins. The signals provided by these pins appear on connector J13 on the Network Shield (connector J9 on
the Max32). Two additional signals are used when doing USB hosting. These signals appear on AN5 and digital pin
2. These pins are not available when using the USB interface.
When operating as a USB device, the chipKIT Max32/Network Shield will normally be a self-powered device. To
operate as a self-powered device, an external power supply should be connected to the external power connector
J2 on the Max32 board. If the external power supply is a regulated 5V supply, jumper JP1 on the Max32 should be
set in the BYP position to bypass the on-board 5V regulator.
The Max32/Network Shield can also be operated as a self-powered device powered by USB connector J1 on the
Max32. This is the connector used by the USB serial converter. When operated this way, the Max32/Network
Shield will be a bus-powered device from the perspective of the USB port connected to J1, and a self-powered
device from the perspective of the port connected to the USB connector J2 on the Network Shield.
Operation of the Max32/Network Shield as a bus-powered device is possible although not recommended in most
cases. The USB bus voltage from USB connector J2 appears on pin 1 of jumper JP4. Remove the shorting block from
JP4 and move the jumper from pin 1 to any point on the board that connects to the 5V VCC5V0 bus. The VCC5V0
bus can be accessed from power connector J17, pin 3. It can also be accessed from either pin of J14, the
uppermost two pins on the connector on the right edge of the board. When operating the board in this way, be
aware that if the USB serial converter on the Max32 is connected to a live USB port, the 5V power supplies of the
two USB ports (the one connected to the Max32 and the one connected to the Network Shield) will be shorted
together. If these are not the same power supply (i.e., both USB ports are on the same PC), one or both USB ports
and/or the Max32 or Network Shield may be damaged.
When operating as a USB host, the Max32/Network Shield should be externally powered. Connect a power supply
to the external power connector J2 on the Max32. If the external supply is a regulated 5V supply, place JP1 on the
Max32 in the BYP position to bypass the 5V regulator. The power supply must be able to supply enough current to
power both the Max32/Network Shield and the attached USB device, because the Max32/Network Shield provides
power to the attached USB device when operating as a host.
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Jumper JP4 on the Network Shield is used to route power to the host connector being used. Place the shorting
block in the “A” position when using the standard USB type-A (host) connector J4. Place the shorting block in the
“MICRO” position for use with the USB micro-AB (OTG) connector J2.
When operating as a USB host, the PIC32MX795 microcontroller controls application of power to the connected
device via the VBUSON control pin (labeled VBUSON in the schematic). Bus power is applied to the USB bus by
driving the VBUSON pin high. Power is removed from the bus by driving the VBUSON pin low. The VBUSON pin is
accessed via bit 3 of the U1OTGCON register. The VBUSON signal is shared with same microcontroller pin as analog
input A5 and digital pin 59.
The VBUSON pin drives the enable input of a TPS2051B current-limited power distribution switch to control the
application of USB power to the host connector. This switch has over-current detection capability and provides an
over-current fault indication by pulling the signal USBOC low. The over-current output pin can be monitored via
the INT1/RE8 pin on the PIC32MX795 microcontroller. This signal appears on connector J14, pin 5 on the Max32
board, and chipKIT digital pin 2. Details about the TPS2051B are available from the data sheet at the Texas
Instruments web site.
The VBUSON signal is shared with the same microcontroller pin as analog input A5 and digital pin 59. This pin is not
available for other uses when operating as a USB host. If the Max32/Network Shield is not being used as a USB
host, you can use A5/pin 59 by cutting the trace on the bottom of JP3. USB host capability can be restored by
soldering a 2-pin header to JP3 and installing a shorting block.
The PIC32 USB controller can be accessed using the chipKIT USB libraries for use within the MPIDE environment.
When using the Max32/Network Shield outside the MPIDE environment, the Microchip Application Library
provides USB stack code that can be used with the Max32/Network Shield. There are reference designs available
on the Microchip web site demonstrating both device and host operation of PIC32 microcontrollers. These
reference designs are suitable for developing USB firmware for the Max32/Network Shield.
CAN Interface
The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a control networking standard originally developed for use in automotive
systems, but has since become a standard used in various industrial control and building automation networking
applications as well.
The PIC32MX795 microcontroller on the Max32 contains two independent CAN network controllers. These CAN
controllers in combination with two Microchip MCP2551 CAN transceivers on the Network Shield allow the
Max32/Network Shield to operate on one or two independent CAN networks.
When not using the MPIDE environment, refer to the PIC32MX7XX data sheet, the PIC32 Family Reference Manual,
and the CAN network documentation available at www.microchip.com for information on CAN controllers and
CAN networking in general.
The PIC32MX795 microcontroller provides two sets of pins that can be used to connect the CAN controllers to the
external transceivers. The Max32/Network Shield is designed to use the alternate (not the standard) pins. This
selection is made using the configuration variables in the microcontroller, set using a #pragma config
statement. To select the use of the alternate interface pins, the following statement must appear in the main
program module:
#pragma config FCANIO=OFF
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
When using the Max32/Network Shield within the MPIDE environment, the boot loader on the Max32 boards sets
this configuration automatically. When using the boards outside the MPIDE environment, you must configure this
The pins on the PIC32MX795 microcontroller used by signals for the CAN1 controller to connect to its transceiver
are shared with two of the signals for UART3B and SPI port 3A. These signals appear on pins 14 & 15 of connector
J4 on the Max32 board. Jumpers JP1 and JP5 enable you to use these pins if neither of the CAN networks are
needed. There are cuttable traces on the bottom of the board between the pins of JP1 and JP5. Cut these traces to
disconnect the transceiver for CAN1. To restore the connection, load two pin headers for JP1 and JP5 and install
shorting blocks on the two jumpers.
Pins 15 and 16 on the PIC32MX795 microcontroller are used by the CAN2 signals and appear on connector J13 on
the Network Shield (connector J9 on the Max32). They are digital pins 22 and 23 and are not available for any
other use when using CAN2.
There is no standard connector for use with CAN networks. The Network Shield has two 2x6 pin header connectors
for access to the CAN signals. Connector J3 provides access to the signals for the CAN1 network controller, and
connector J5 provides access to the signals for CAN2. Refer to the schematic for the Network Shield or the tables at
the end of this document for information on the connectors and signals. A Digilent 6-pin or 2x6 to dual 6-pin cables
can be used to daisy chain Digilent boards together in a CAN network. A Digilent 6-pin cable and a Digilent
PmodCON1 Screw Terminal Connector module can be used to connect the Max32/Network Shield to other
network wiring configurations.
The CAN network standard requires that the nodes at each end of a network provide 120-ohm termination. The
Network Shield provides the termination resistors and jumpers to enable/disable them depending on the location
of the board in the network. Jumper JP2 is used to enable/disable the termination resistor for the CAN1 network,
and JP7 is used to enable/disable the termination resistor for CAN2. Install a shorting block on the jumper pins to
enable the termination resistor, or remove the shorting block to disable the termination resistor.
I2C Busses and Connectors
The Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) interface provides a medium-speed (100K or 400K bps) synchronous serial
communications bus. The I2C interface provides master and slave operation using either 7-bit or 10-bit device
addressing. Each device is given a unique address, and the protocol provides the ability to address packets to a
specific device or to broadcast packets to all devices on the bus. Refer to the PIC32MX7XX data sheet and the
PIC32 Family Reference Manual, both available at www.microchip.com, for detailed information on configuring
and using the I2C interface.
The PIC32MX795 microcontroller on the Max32 provides for up to five independent I 2C interfaces. The Network
Shield is designed to provide access to two of these interfaces: I2C #1 (SCL1, SDA1) and I2C #2 (SCL2, SDA2). I2C #1 is
the bus accessed through the standard chipKIT Wire library (see the MPIDE Help reference for more information
on the standard libraries). There are five sets of pins on the board for access to the two I 2C ports. Connectors J7,
J16, and J19 provides access to I2C port #1 and connector J6 and digital pins 12 and 13 provides access to I 2C port
Note that external interrupt 3 and SCL1 share the same pin on the PIC32MX795. External interrupt 4 and SDA1 also
share the same pin. Therefore, external interrupts 3 and 4 should not be used simultaneously with I 2C#1 bus.
One I2C device is provided on the Network Shield, a 256Kbit EEPROM connected to the I 2C #1 bus.
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
Connectors J6 and J7 can be used to extend the I2C busses off of the board to connect to external I2C devices.
These are standard 2x4 pin header connectors with 0.100” spaced pins. They provide access to the I 2C signals, SCL
and SDA, plus VCC3V3 and ground. The VCC3V3 can be used to power external I 2C devices.
The I2C bus uses open-collector drivers to allow multiple devices to drive the bus signals. This means that pull-up
resistors must be provided to supply the logic high state for the signals. The Network Shield provides 2.2Kohm pullup resistors on I2C #1. Because I2C #1 is the bus with the EEPROM, these pull-up resistors are permanently
Jumpers JP9 & JP12 let I2C #1 be disconnected from the Network Shield if it is not in use but is interfering with the
associated pins. There are cuttable traces on the underside of the board between the pins of these jumpers. Cut
these traces to disconnect SCL1 and SDA1 from the Network Shield. To restore the connection, load two pin
headers for JP9 and JP12 and install shorting blocks. If this is done, it is still possible to access the on-board
EEPROM by connecting SCL and SDA from I2C #2 by installing jumper wires between connector J6 and J7. The
EEPROM will then appear on I2C #2 bus.
The logic high pull-up for I2C #2 is provided by sourcing current mirrors instead of resistors. These current mirrors
source approximately 1.7mA. The use of current mirrors provides faster rise times on the I 2C signals and provides
the ability to drive longer cable runs reliably than would be the case with simple pull-up resistors.
Generally, only one set of pull-ups is used on the bus. Jumpers JP10 and JP11 can be used to disable the on-board
pull-ups on I2C #2 if a different value is needed or some other device on the bus is providing the pull-ups or if I2C #2
isn’t being used and the pull-ups are interfering with the use of the pins. The on-board pull-ups are enabled by
install shorting blocks on JP10 and JP11. Removing the shorting blocks disables the pull-ups.
Digilent has several small I/O peripheral modules (Pmods™) available that can be connected using the I2C
connector. These include a 3-axis accelerometer, a 4-channel 12-bit A/D converter, a serial character LCD panel, a
3-axis gyroscope, a real-time clock/calendar, and an I/O expander.
2.4.1 EEPROM
A 256Kbit (32Kbyte) I2C EEPROM is provided using a Microchip 24LC256. This EEPROM, IC5, is located on the
bottom of the board.
The EEPROM is on the I2C #1 bus, and its 7-bit I2C device address is '1010000'.
Digilent has a library for using the EEPROM. It is contained in document # DSD-0000311 (chipKIT IOShield
Library.zip) which can be downloaded from the Basic I/O Shield product page at www.digilentinc.com. The
EEPROM library is IOShieldEEPROM.
For details on the 24LC256, see the data sheet at www.microchip.com.
32.768 KHz Oscillator
A 32.768 KHz oscillator is provided for use as a clock source for the real-time clock/calendar (RTCC) peripheral in
the PIC32MX796 microcontroller on the Max32 board. The output of this oscillator connects to pin 12 or connector
On the Max32 board, this signal connects to signal RC13, which connects to pin 73 on the PIC32 microcontroller.
This pin provides the secondary oscillator input, which can be used to clock the RTCC in the PIC32 microcontroller.
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
Appendix A: chipKIT Network Shield Pinout Tables
Pins Used by the Ethernet Interface
chipKIT Pin #
PIC32 Pin #
Pins Used by the USB Interface
chipKIT Pin #
PIC32 Pin #
Pins Used by CAN Interfaces
chipKIT Pin #
PIC32 Pin #
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chipKIT™ Network Shield™ Reference Manual
Pins Used by I2C Interfaces
chipKIT Pin #
PIC32 Pin #
J16-1, J19-2, J7-1, J7-2
I2C1 – also attached to EXT INT 3
J16-2, J19-1, J7-3, J7-4
I2C1 – also attached to EXT INT 4
J8-9, J6-1, J6-2
J8-11, J6-3 J6-4
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