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MDK-ARM Version 5 Microcontroller Development Kit • • • • • • • • • • Keil MDK-ARM (Microcontroller Development Kit) the complete software development environment for ARM processor-based microcontrollers. • ULINK Debug Adapters Features ™ Out-of-the box support for over 1000 ARM® processorbased microcontrollers Software Packs with ready-to-use CMSIS and middleware components Numerous example projects and templates Powerful µVision™ IDE, debugger and simulation envirionment On-the-fly application analysis records full instruction trace with the ULINKpro™ Debug Adapter Complete Code Coverage information about your program’s execution. Execution Profiler and Performance Analyzer for analyzing and optimizing your code. CMSIS RTOS RTX real-time operating system with full debugger support. Complete and comprehensive middleware including TCP/ IP Networking, File Systems and USB. Industry-leading ARM C/C++ Compiler with advanced processor-specific optimizations and MicroLib. Editor with Code Completion and Dynamic Syntax Checking. ™ The ULINK™ family of USB Debug Adapters connect a PC's USB port to a target system (via JTAG or SWD), allowing developers to debug and analyze embedded programs executed on target hardware. The ULINKpro provides unique streaming trace directly to a PC, enabling advanced analysis of your applications such as Execution Profiling and Code Coverage. ® ULINK2 Run Control debug (ARM Cortex -M series) Yes Yes Memory + Breakpoint (while running) Yes Yes Data Trace (Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4) Yes Yes Instruction Trace (Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4) Yes - Performance JTAG Clock speed 50MHz 10MHz Memory read/write 1MByte/s 25KByte/s - 1Mbit/s Data Trace streaming (Manchester mode) 100Mbit/s - ETM Trace streaming 800Mbit/s Data Trace streaming (UART mode) ULINKpro Analysis Tools Logic Analyzer Yes Yes Performance Analyzer Yes - Execution Profiler Yes - Code Coverage Yes - www.keil.co/ulink www.keil.com Create MDK Core & Software Packs Device Database® MDK Version 5 is now split into the MDK Core and Software Packs which makes new device support and middleware updates independent from the toolchain. The MDK Core contains all development tools including IDE, Compiler, and Debugger. Software Packs contain device support, CMSIS, and middleware and are installed and updated on demand using the Pack Installer. Software Packs contain software components that collect libraries, source modules, configuration and header files, and documentation. Software components are generic and support a wide range of devices and applications. The Software Pack structure allows integration of 3rd-party software components. When you create a project and select a target device from the integrated Device Database µVision pre-configures the development tools for you and shows only options that are relevant for the selected device. The Project Window shows application source files of selected software components. Create the Run-Time Environment from Software Packs with pre-built software components. Run-Time Environment The Run-Time Environment window shows all software components that are compatible with the selected device. Choose from these pre-built software components to accelerate your project development. Just select components you need for your application and µVision creates the required run-time environment for you. Inter-dependencies of software components are clearly identified with validation messages. The Configuration Wizard simplifies the setup for selected software components. Develop µVision IDE Source Code Editor µVision integrates a robust editor, project manager and build facility for efficient software development. The flexible window management system supports multiple screens and enables you to drag and drop individual windows anywhere on the visual surface. The integrated editor is even available during debugging and includes all standard features you are accustomed to in a source code editor. Color syntax highlighting, text indentation, and source outlining are optimized for C/C++. Project Targets Projects support multiple targets that contain the same file groups and Software Components. Project targets ease configuration management and may be used to generate debug and release builds or adaptations for different hardware platforms. The Functions window gives fast access to functions for each C/C++ source code module. Dynamic Syntax Checking shows syntax violations and reduces edit, compile, correction cycles. Code Completion New editor features enhance your productivity while developing C/C++ source code. The Code Completion List and Function Parameter information helps you to keep track of symbols, functions, and parameters. Dynamic Syntax Checking validates the program syntax while you are typing and provides real-time alerts to potential code violations before compilation. While typing code the editor shows Function Parameters and the Code Completion list. www.keil.com The Error List window summarizes all potiential syntax errors and warnings in the current module. Verify µVision Debugger Integrated Analysis Tools The µVision Debugger provides a single environment in which you may test, verify, and optimize your application code. The debugger includes traditional features like simple and complex breakpoints, watch windows, and execution control and provides full visibility to device peripherals. When using ULINKpro with Streaming Trace, advanced analysis tools show how your program is performing. Code Coverage provides detailed execution statistics for certification testing and validation. The Performance Analyzer with execution profiler helps you to identify and optimize hot-spots in your application code. RTOS Awareness The RTX real-time operating system is fully integrated into the debugger making it easy to monitor thread status and kernel activity in the RTX Task and System window. The RTOS Event Viewer displays thread activity and allows identification of thread priority issues in your application. The System Viewer provides detailed information for each microcontroller peripheral. Execution timing is summarized in the Performance Analyzer and detailed even for code statements. Code and Data Trace Code and data trace can be captured on many Cortex-M series processor-based devices using Streaming Trace with ETM or Trace Buffering with ETB or MTB. Trace can help you to find complex timing problems or sporadic software issues. The Logic Analyzer shows variable and signal changes as state diagram or as graphical analogue output. Multiple Watch Windows show selected variables and structures with the option to modify values. MDK-Professional Middleware Components Middleware Pack USB Device and Host Today’s microcontroller devices offer a wide range of communication interfaces to meet any embedded design requirement. However, implementing these interfaces presents software developers with real challenges. Middleware components are essential for developers to make efficient use of the device capabilities. MDK-Professional includes a number of royalty-free, tightly coupled middleware components which enable developers to more easily implement complex communication interfaces in their applications. Middleware components include: • Graphical User Interface • USB Host and Device • TCP Networking Suite • Flash File System www.keil.com/arm • CAN Driver MDK-Professional provides USB Device and USB Host support for embedded systems. The USB Device interface uses standard device driver classes that are available with all Windows PCs. No Windows host driver development is required. The USB Device interface uses a generic software layer using RTX Kernel features. All middleware components are specifically designed and optimized for ARM processor-based MCU devices. The libraries are seamlessly integrated with the µVision environment and offer a modular design with well documented APIs. TCP/IP Networking Suite The TCP/IP library is a full networking suite optimized for ARM and Cortex-M processor-based MCUs. It has a small code footprint, and delivers excellent performance. The suite provides comprehensive support for transmission protocols such as TCP/IP and UDP, as well as application level services and clients including HTTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP, and FTP. It provides all the features required for modern networking communication in embedded systems. Graphical User Interface (GUI) The GUI Library is a fully featured graphics suite that makes it possible to add graphical user interfaces to embedded applications. It supports a large number of displays and includes tools for rapid GUI creation. • Supports monochrome, grayscale and color LCDs • Drivers for many displays and display controllers included • Window Manager for handling multiple windows • Many widget-like buttons, checkboxes and icons available • Skinning support for a custom look and feel • Optimized for speed and size • Wide range of examples for evaluation boards. MDK Middleware components allow you to develop robust applications using a wide variety of communication protocols. Flash File System The Flash File System allows your embedded applications to create, save, read, and modify files in a wide range of standard storage devices. The Flash File System offers: • • • • • • • Standard ANSI C File I/O application interface NOR and NAND Flash support RAM, ROM, and SD/MMC/SDHC Memory Cards FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formats SD/MMC card file-caching Reentrant and thread-safe operation Simultaneous access to multiple storage devices. MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit MDK-ARM Core MDK-ARM Core µVision IDE with Editor ARM C/C++ Compiler Pack Installer µVision Debugger with Trace Software Packs Device CMSIS Startup / System CMSIS-CORE TCP/IP Networking File System CMSIS-DSP USB Host Stack Graphical User Interface CMSIS-RTOS USB Device Stack CAN Driver MDK-Professional Middleware Driver 1: SPI Driver 2: Ehternet ... Driver n: USB The MDK-ARM Core contains all the development tools. MDK-ARM is easy to use, yet powerful enough for the most demanding embedded applications. Software Packs Software Packs are added on-demand using the Pack Installer. Software Packs contain device support, CMSIS, and middleware components that are essential for efficient software development www.keil.com/arm MDK Product Selector: MDK-ARM Core Components μVision IDE with editor μVision Debugger and Trace ARM C/C++ Compiler Pack Installer MDK-Lite MDK-Cortex-M MDK-Standard MDK-Professional  32KB 32KB                                ARM Processor Support: Cortex-M series processors Cortex-R4, ARM7 & ARM9 SecurCore RTOS & Middleware Libraries: MDK-Professional Middleware CMSIS-RTOS RTX with source code 3rd Party RTOS Support Europe: +49 89 45 60 40 - 20 sales.intl@keil.com support.intl@keil.com United States: +1 800 348 8051 sales.us@keil.com support.us@keil.com All brand names or product names are the property of their respective holders. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this document may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written permission of the copyright holder.The product described in this document is subject to continuous developments and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given in good faith. All warranties implied or expressed, including but not limited to implied warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for purpose are excluded.This document is intended only to provide information to the reader about the product.To the extent permitted by local laws ARM shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information. Program examples and detailed technical information are available from your distributor and our web site (www.keil.com). www.keil.com

