USB / Microcontroller Module
The DLP-245SY-G combines the 4th generation FT245RL USB interface IC from FTDI with a
Parallax SX48 microcontroller to form a rapid development tool. The SX48 microcontroller
is preprogrammed with basic functionality for accessing the port pins and can be
reprogrammed with user developed firmware via a 5-pin header (4 pins used for
compatibility with device programmers and debuggers from other manufacturers).
Send/receive data over USB to a host computer at up to 7 megabits per second
20 digital I/O lines plus the 8-bit data bus available for interfacing to user electronics
Ubicom SX48 processor with 4K FLASH ROM, 262 bytes RAM, and a 2K (256x8) EEPROM
Microcontroller Supervisor -- microcontroller held in reset until supply voltage reaches stable
operating level
“Token I/O” code preprogrammed into the SX48’s ROM for basic port pin input/output
capability including access to the EEPROM, and external digital temperature sensors. ROM
can be easily erased and reprogrammed using a device programmer (purchased separately)
No in-depth knowledge of USB is required as all USB protocol is handled automatically by the
on-board FT245RL and its support circuitry
Royalty-free device drivers eliminate the need for USB driver development
Required 5V supply can be taken directly from the USB port or supplied by user electronics
USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 compatible
USB VID, PID, serial number, and product description strings stored in EEPROM area of
Virtual com port (VCP) drivers for:
- Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE
- Windows 2000/ME/XP
- Windows CE
- MAC OS-8 and OS-9
- Linux 2.40 and greater
D2XX (USB direct drivers + DLL S/W interface)
- Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE
- Windows 2000/ME/XP/x64
Prototype development
USB ISDN and ADSL modems
USB interface for digital cameras
USB interface for MP3 players
High-speed USB instrumentation
USB smart-card readers
Set top box (STB) PC-USB interface
USB hardware modems
USB wireless modems
USB bar code readers
The DLP-245SY-G provides a cost-effective, microcontroller-based method of interfacing an
electronic peripheral to a host computer via USB.
To send data from the peripheral to the host computer, the microcontroller simply writes the
byte-wide data into the FT245RL when TXE# is low. If the FT245RL’s transmit buffer fills up or is
busy storing the previously written byte, it will take its TXE# high in order to stop further data from
being written until some of the FIFO data has been transferred over USB to the host.
When the host sends data to the peripheral over USB, the FT245RL will take RXF# low to let the
microcontroller know that at least one byte of data is available. The microcontroller then reads
the data until RXF# goes high indicating that no more data is available to read.
By using FTDI’s virtual COM port drivers, the peripheral looks like a standard COM port to the
application software. Commands to set the baud rate are ignored--the FT245RL always transfers
data at its fastest rate (up to 3 megabits per second using VCP drivers) regardless of the
application’s baud-rate setting. The latest versions of the drivers are available for download from
DLP Design’s website at http://www.dlpdesign.com.
FTDI's VCP (virtual COM port) driver-executable files are provided royalty free on the condition
that they are used only with designs incorporating an FTDI device (i.e. the FT245RL and
DLP-245SY-G). The latest version of the drivers can be downloaded from dlpdesign.com or
ftdichip.com. Once loaded, the VCP drivers allow your application software running on the host
PC to communicate with the DLP-245SY-G as though it were connected to a COM (RS-232) port.
In addition to VCP drivers, FTDI's D2XX direct drivers for Windows offer an alternative solution to
the VCP drivers that allow application software to interface with the DLP-245SY-G using a DLL
instead of a virtual com port. The architecture of the D2XX drivers consists of a Windows WDM
driver that communicates with the FT245RL device via the Windows USB stack and a DLL that
interfaces the application software (written in VC++, C++ Builder, Delphi, VB, etc.) to the WDM
driver. An INF installation file, uninstaller program, and D2XX Programmer’s Guide complete the
The D2XX direct drivers add support for simultaneous access and control of multiple FT245RL
devices. The extended open function (FT_OpenEx) allows the device to be opened either by its
product description or serial number, both of which can be programmed to be unique. The list
devices function (FT-ListDevices) allows the application software to determine which devices are
currently available for use, again by product description or by serial number.
Several new features have been recently added to the D2XX drivers. Functions are provided to
program the EEPROM (FT_EE_Program) and read the EEPROM (FT_EE_Read). Unused space
in the EEPROM is called the user area (EEUA), and functions are provided to access the EEUA.
FT_EE_UASize gets its size, FT_EE_UAWrite writes data into it, and FT_EE_UARead is used to
read its contents.
Download FTDI Application Notes AN232-03, AN232-05, AN232-06, and AN232-07 for
detailed instructions on how to install and remove the drivers.
The DLP-245SY-G has the option to accept manufacturer-specific information that is written into
the EEPROM area of the FT245RL. Parameters that can be programmed include the VID and
the PID identifiers, the manufacturer's product string, and a serial number.
MPROG is the latest EEPROM serializer utility from FTDI for the FT245RL device. MPROG uses
the new D2XX drivers and will work on Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows 2000/XP
platforms. You must install the latest release of the D2XX drivers in order to run this application.
This guide requires the use of a Windows 98/2000/XP PC that is equipped with a USB port.
1. Download the DLL version of the device drivers from either dlpdesign.com or ftdichip.com.
Unzip the drivers onto a blank floppy disk or into a folder on the hard drive.
2. The board can be configured to receive its operating power from the USB port or from user
electronics. Pins 18, 19, and 20 allow for this configuration. (Refer to the Pinout Description
in the next section for a detailed description of the DLP-245SY-G electrical interface.)
Note: The board will not operate until a power source has been selected as mentioned in
Step 2.
3. Connect the DLP-245SY-G board to the PC via a standard A-B, 6-foot USB cable. This
action initiates the loading of the USB drivers. When prompted, select the folder where the
DLL version of the device drivers was stored in Step 1. Windows will then complete the
installation of the device drivers for the DLP-245SY-G. The next time the DLP-245SY-G is
attached, the host PC will immediately load the correct drivers without any prompting.
Reboot the PC if prompted to do so.
The DLP-245SY-G is shipped with default VID, PID, etc. values programmed into the EEPROM.
You only need to run MPROG if you want to change the default values.
At this point, the DLP-245SY-G is ready for use. Note that the DLP-245SY-G will appear
non-responsive if data sent from the host PC is not read from the FT245RL device by the SX48
If changing drivers from the VCP to the DLL type (or vice versa), you must first uninstall the
currently loaded drivers. This is accomplished by disconnecting the DLP-245SY-G adapter from
the host computer and then using Add-Remove-Programs from Control Panel.
The SX48 microcontroller on the DLP-245SY-G is shipped from the factory preprogrammed with
firmware that provides rudimentary access to the port pins via either the VCP or DLL drivers.
Features include the ability to read and write individual port pins as well as 8-bit port reads and
The firmware in the DLP-245SY-G also provides access to the on-board EEPROM memory, and
communications with digital temperature-sensing devices.
Commands sent to the Token I/O firmware must adhere to a specific communications protocol.
Each command sequence contains the following information:
Byte 0:
Number of bytes in command sequence
Byte 1:
Byte 2…n-1:
Parameter/Data bytes
Byte n:
The checksum is computed by exclusive-OR-ing every byte in the string. If the same checksum
is calculated by the SX48 upon receipt of the packet, then a single-byte reply of 0x55 is returned
to the host. In the event of a checksum error, the SX48 will return an error code of 0xAA. For
example, setting port PIN_B1 high would require the following string of bytes:
0x03, 0xA6, 0xB1, 0x01, 0x15
Definition of the Bytes:
0x03 – Number of bytes in command (checksum excluded)
0xA6 – Command for set port pin high/low
0xB1 – Affected port pin
0x01 – Desired state of port pin
0x15 – Checksum of previous 4 bytes
The port pins equate to hexadecimal numeric constants as defined here:
PIN_B0 0xB0, PIN_B1 0xB1, PIN_B2 0xB2, PIN_B3 0xB3,
PIN_C0 0xC0, PIN_C1 0xC1, PIN_C2 0xC2, PIN_C3 0xC3,
PIN_C4 0xC4, PIN_C5 0xC5, PIN_C6 0xC6, PIN_C7 0xC7,
PIN_D0 0xD0, PIN_D1 0xD1, PIN_D2 0xD2, PIN_D3 0xD3,
PIN_D4 0xD4, PIN_D5 0xD5, PIN_D6 0xD6, PIN_D7 0xD7
PIN_E0 0XE0, PIN_E1 0XE1, PIN_E2 0XE2, PIN_E3 0xE3,
PIN_E4 0xE4, PIN_E5 0xE5, PIN_E6 0xE6, PIN_E7 0xE7
The source code for the Token I/O firmware (developed for the SnXC C compiler from Grich RC)
is available as a free download upon purchase of the DLP-245SY-G. Example Visual C++ source
code (for Windows 98/2000/XP) for communicating with the DLP-245SY-G via the Token I/O
firmware is also available for download upon purchase. The windows source code also contains
the port pin definitions listed above.
0xA5 – Line In – Reads the state of a single port pin
Port – Select from available port pins (PIN_A3, PIN_B0, etc)
1 Byte: State of the port pin (0 or 1)
This function will read the state of a single port pin. If the data direction for the
pin selected was set to output, the direction is first set to input.
0x2, 0xA5, 0xA3, 0x3 - Reads the current state of port pin PIN_A3.
0xA6 – Line Out - Sets a single port pin high or low
Port – Select from available port pins (PIN_A3, PIN_B3, etc)
State – 0 or 1
This function will change the output state of a single port pin. If the data direction
for the pin selected was set to input, the direction is first set to output.
0x3, 0xA6, 0xA3, 0x1, 0x7 – Sets port pin PIN_A3 high.
0xA7 – Return Board ID
5 bytes: “245SY”
This function will return the ID of the 245xx board currently opened.
0x1, 0xA7, A6 – Reads the board ID.
0xAA – EEPROM Read
Address – Selects the zero-based address of the location in the EEPROM for
1 Byte: The byte of data read from the EEPROM.
This function will read the selected location in the EEPROM.
0x2, 0xAA, 0x2, 0xAA – Reads EEPROM Address 2, and returns a single byte of
0xAB – EEPROM Write
Address – Selects the zero-based address of the location in the EEPROM for
Data – Data to be written to the EEPROM.
This function will write the selected location in the EEPROM.
0x3, 0xAA, 0x2, 0xFE, 0x55 – Writes a value of 0xFE to EEPROM Address 2.
0xAC – DS18S20 Start Convert
Port Pin – Selects the microcontroller port pin on the SX48 to be used for
communication with the DS18S20 temperature sensor.
1 Byte: A single byte indicating the result of trying to reset the temperature
Sensor status definitions:
99: Sensor ready
8: Short circuit detected
2: No sensor detected
This function will select a port pin for communicating with a DS18S20
temperature sensor and start a temperature conversion. In addition to power and
ground connections, a 1.5K to 4.7K pull-up resistor must be connected between
VCC and the data pin of the DS18S20 for proper communication. The
conversion time for the DS18S20 is specified for a maximum of 750 milliseconds.
0x2, 0xAC, 0xB0, 0x1E – Starts a temperature conversion on SX48 port pin B0.
0xAD – DS18S20 Read Data
Port Pin – Selects the microcontroller port pin on the SX48 to be used for
communication with the DS18S20 temperature sensor.
9 Bytes: The contents of the scratchpad memory in the DS18S20.
This function will select a port pin for communicating with a DS18S20
temperature sensor and request the current contents of the DS18S20’s
scratchpad memory. A conversion (command 0xAC) must have been previously
requested for the data to be current. Additionally, host software must wait at
least 750 milliseconds for the conversion to complete before reading the 9 bytes
of data. In addition to power and ground, a 1.5K to 4.7K pull-up resistor must be
connected between VCC and the data pin of the DS18S20 for proper
communications. (For an example of how to calculate .1°C resolution
temperature data from the 9 bytes of return data, refer to the example Windows
source code.)
0x2, 0xAD, 0xB0, 0x1F – Requests 9 byte temperature data from SX48 port pin
0xAE – Reserved
0xAF – Loopback
Data byte – The byte of data to be looped back to the host.
1 Byte: The data byte written.
This function will echo the specified byte of data back to the host. The port pins
are not affected.
0x2, 0xAF, 0x12, 0xBF – Requests the data byte 0x12 to be echoed back to the
0x55 – Port A Read
0x59 – Port C Read
0x5B – Port D Read
1 Byte: The 8-bit data read from the selected port.
This function will read the specified 8-bit port and return the results to the host.
The port is automatically configured as an input port.
0x1, 0x5B, 0x5A – Requests a read from the 8-bit data bus Port D.
0x56 – Port A Write
0x5A – Port C Write
0x5C – Port D Write
Data byte – The byte of data to be written to the 8-bit port.
This function will write the specified data byte to the 8-pit port. Data is latched on
the port pins until changed by another command. The port is automatically
configured as an output port.
0x2, 0x5C, 0x12, 0xBF – Writes the data byte 0x12 to the 8-bit data bus Port D.
Pin #
C0 (I/O) Port Pin C0 connected to the SX48 microcontroller
C1 (I/O) Port Pin C1 connected to the SX48 microcontroller
C2 (I/O) Port Pin C2 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
C3 (I/O) Port Pin C3 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
C4 (I/O) Port Pin C4 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
C5 (I/O) Port Pin C5 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
C6 (I/O) Port Pin C6 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
C7 (I/O) Port Pin C7 connected to the SX48 microcontroller.
MCLR* (In) Can be used by an external device to reset the SX48. Can be left disconnected if not
RTCC (In) Input to the SX48’s Real-Time Clock/Counter
RESET# (In) Can be used by an external device to reset the FT245RL. Can be left disconnected if
not used.
Note: This pin was RESETO# in the original DLP-245SY
3V3OUT (Out) Output from the integrated L.D.O. regulator. Its primary purpose is to provide the
internal 3.3v supply to the USB transceiver cell and the RSTOUT# pin. A small amount of current