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SN65DSI85ZQER 数据手册
SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 www.ti.com SN65DSI85 MIPI® DSI Bridge to FlatLink™ LVDS Dual Channel DSI to Dual-Link LVDS Bridge 1 Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Implements MIPI® D-PHY version 1.00.00 physical layer front-end and display serial interface (DSI) version 1.02.00 Dual-channel DSI receiver configurable for one, two, three, or four D-PHY data lanes per channel operating up to 1 Gbps per lane Supports 18-bpp and 24-bpp DSI video packets with RGB666 and RGB888 formats Suitable for 60 fps WQXGA 2560 × 1600 resolution at 18-bpp and 24-bpp color, and WUXGA 1920 × 1200 resolution with 3D graphics at 60 fps (120 fps equivalent) MIPI® front-end configurable for single-channel or dual-channel DSI configurations FlatLink™ output configurable for single-link or dual-link LVDS Supports dual-channel DSI ODD or EVEN and LEFT or RIGHT operating modes Supports two single-channel DSI to two single-link LVDS operating mode LVDS output clock range of 25 MHz to 154 MHz in dual-link or single-link mode LVDS pixel clock may be sourced from freerunning continuous D-PHY clock or external reference clock (REFCLK) 1.8-V main VCC power supply Low-power features include shutdown mode, reduced LVDS output voltage swing, common mode, and MIPI® ultra-low power state (ULPS) support LVDS channel swap, LVDS pin order reverse feature for ease of PCB routing ESD rating ±2 kV (HBM) Packaged in 64-pin 5 mm x 5 mm nFBGA (ZXH) Temperature range: –40°C to 85°C Gbps. The bridge decodes MIPI DSI 18-bpp RGB666 and 24-bpp RGB888 packets and converts the formatted video data stream to a FlatLink compatible LVDS output operating at pixel clocks operating from 25 MHz to 154 MHz, offering a Dual-Link LVDS, Single-Link LVDS, or two Single-Link LVDS interface(s) with four data lanes per link. The SN65DSI85 is well suited for WQXGA (2560 × 1600) at 60 frames per second, as well as 3D Graphics at WUXGA and True HD (1920 × 1080) resolutions at an equivalent 120 fps with up to 24 bitsper-pixel. Partial line buffering is implemented to accommodate the data stream mismatch between the DSI and LVDS interfaces. Designed with industry-compliant interface technology, the SN65DSI85 is compatible with a wide range of micro-processors, and is designed with a range of power management features including lowswing LVDS outputs, and the MIPI® defined ultra-low power state (ULPS) support. The SN65DSI85 is implemented in a small outline 5mm × 5-mm nFBGA at 0.5-mm pitch package, and operates across a temperature range from –40°C to 85°C. Device Information (1) PART NUMBER SN65DSI85 (1) PACKAGE nFBGA (64) BODY SIZE (NOM) 5.00 mm × 5.00 mm For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. 2 Applications • • • PC & notebooks Tablets Connected peripherals & printers Typical Application 3 Description The SN65DSI85 DSI to FlatLink bridge features a dual-channel MIPI D-PHY receiver front-end configuration with 4 lanes per channel operating at 1 Gbps per lane; a maximum input bandwidth of 8 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 1 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table of Contents 1 Features............................................................................1 2 Applications..................................................................... 1 3 Description.......................................................................1 4 Revision History.............................................................. 2 5 Pin Configuration and Functions...................................4 6 Specifications.................................................................. 7 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) ................................... 7 6.2 ESD Ratings............................................................... 7 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions.........................7 6.4 Thermal Information....................................................7 6.5 Electrical Characteristics.............................................8 6.6 Switching Characteristics..........................................10 7 Detailed Description......................................................13 7.1 Overview................................................................... 13 7.2 Functional Block Diagram......................................... 13 7.3 Feature Description...................................................14 7.4 Device Functional Modes..........................................16 7.5 Programming............................................................ 24 7.6 Register Maps...........................................................25 8 Application and Implementation.................................. 38 8.1 Application Information............................................. 38 8.2 Typical Applications.................................................. 38 9 Power Supply Recommendations................................46 9.1 VCC Power Supply.................................................... 46 9.2 VCORE Power Supply.............................................. 46 10 Layout...........................................................................47 10.1 Layout Guidelines................................................... 47 10.2 Layout Example...................................................... 48 11 Device and Documentation Support..........................49 11.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates.. 49 11.2 Community Resources............................................49 11.3 Trademarks............................................................. 49 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information.................................................................... 49 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision F (June 2018) to Revision G (October 2020) Page • Changed u*jr ZQE to nFBGA ZXH..................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed u*jr ZQE to nFBGA ZXH..................................................................................................................... 4 • Changed u*jr ZQE to nFBGA ZXH. Updated thermal information...................................................................... 7 • Changed u*jr ZQE to nFBGA ZXH................................................................................................................... 47 Changes from Revision E (August 2015) to Revision F (June 2018) Page • Deleted figure RESET and Initialization Timing Definition While VCC is High ..................................................12 • Changed the paragraph following Figure 7-3 .................................................................................................. 16 • Changed Recommended Initialization Sequence To: Initialization Sequence ................................................. 17 • Changed Table 7-5 .......................................................................................................................................... 17 • Changed item 3 in Video Stop and Restart Sequence From: Drive all DSI input lanes including DSI CLK lane to LP11. To: Drive all DSI data lanes to LP11, but keep the DSI CLK lanes in HS. ......................................... 38 Changes from Revision D (September 2013) to Revision E (August 2015) Page • Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed item 3 of the ULPS sequence list for clarification. ............................................................................14 • Changed description of the Init seq 7 - Recommended Initialization Sequence for clarification. .................... 17 • Changed description of Address 0x0A, Bit 7 in Table 7-8, CSR Bit Field Definitions - Reset and Clock Registers ..........................................................................................................................................................25 • Changed Address 0x18, Bits 3 and 2 Description, Address 0x18, Bit 1 Description, and Address 0x18, Bit 0 Description in Table 7-10 for clarification.......................................................................................................... 25 • Changed Section 8.1.1, step 1 of the STOP sequence from " ...0(CSR 0x0A.7)" to "....0(CSR 0x0D.0)” and step 3 of the Restart sequence from "Wait for the PLL_LOCK bit to be set(CSR 0x0A.7)." to "Wait for a minimum of 3 ms." ........................................................................................................................................... 38 2 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SN65DSI85 SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Changes from Revision * (August 2012) to Revision A (December 2012) Page • Changed the tsetup and thold NOM value of 1.5 to a MIN value of 1.5................................................................. 7 • Changed the value of VOH From: 1.3 MIN To: 1.25 MIN.....................................................................................8 • Changed the ICC TYP value From: 125 To: 127 and MAX value From: 200 To: 212 ......................................... 8 • Added a TYP value of 7.7 to IULPS .....................................................................................................................8 • Changed the IRST TYP value From: 0.05 To: 0.04 and MAX value From: 0.2 To: 0.06...................................... 8 • changed the values of |VOD|.............................................................................................................................. 8 • changed the values of |VOD|.............................................................................................................................. 8 • Changed the values of VOC(SS) for test conditions CSR 0x19.6 = 0 and, or CSR 0x19.4 = 0.............................8 • Added table note 2..............................................................................................................................................8 • Added table note 3..............................................................................................................................................8 • Changed the SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS table....................................................................................10 • Changed the description of CHA_LVDS_VOD_SWING................................................................................... 25 • Changed the description of CHB_LVDS_VOD_SWING................................................................................... 25 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 3 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 5 Pin Configuration and Functions A B C D E F G H J 9 VCC GND A_Y0N A_Y1N A_Y2N A_CLKN A_Y3N GND IRQ 8 GND VCC A_Y0P A_Y1P A_Y2P A_CLKP A_Y3P RSVD1 VCORE 7 B_Y3N B_Y3P DA3P DA3N 6 B_CLKN B_CLKP VCC VCC VCC DA2P DA2N 5 B_Y2N B_Y2P GND VCC GND DACP DACN 4 B_Y1N B_Y1P GND GND DA1P DA1N 3 B_Y0N B_Y0P DA0P DA0N 2 GND RSVD2 DB0P DB1P DBCP DB2P DB3P REFCLK VCC 1 ADDR EN DB0N DB1N DBCN DB2N DB3N SCL SDA Not to scale To minimize the power supply noise floor, provide good decoupling near the SN65DSI85 power pins. The use of four ceramic capacitors (2x 0.1 μF and 2x 0.01 μF) provides good performance. At the least, it is recommended to install one 0.1 μF and one 0.01 μF capacitor near the SN65DSI85. To avoid large current loops and trace inductance, the trace length between decoupling capacitor and device power inputs pins must be minimized. Placing the capacitor underneath the SN65DSI85 on the bottom of the PCB is often a good choice. Figure 5-1. ZXH Package 64-Pin nFBGA (Top View) Table 5-1. Pin Functions PIN 4 NAME NO. ADDR A1 A_Y0N C9 A_Y0P C8 I/O DESCRIPTION CMOS Input/Output Local I2C Interface Target Address Select. See Table 7-6. In normal operation this pin is an input. When the ADDR pin is programmed high, it should be tied to the same 1.8 V power rails where the SN65DSI85 VCC 1.8 V power rail is connected. LVDS Output FlatLink™ Channel A LVDS Data Output 0. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 5-1. Pin Functions (continued) PIN NAME NO. A_Y1N D9 A_Y1P D8 A_Y2N E9 A_Y2P E8 A_Y3N G9 A_Y3P G8 A_CLKN F9 A_CLKP F8 B_Y0N A3 B_Y0P B3 B_Y1N A4 B_Y1P B4 B_Y2N A5 B_Y2P B5 B_Y3N A7 B_Y3P B7 B_CLKN A6 B_CLKP B6 DA0N J3 DA0P H3 DA1N J4 DA1P H4 DA2N J6 DA2P H6 DA3N J7 DA3P H7 DACN J5 DACP H5 DB0N C1 DB0P C2 DB1N D1 DB1P D2 I/O DESCRIPTION FlatLink™ Channel A LVDS Data Output 1. FlatLink™ Channel A LVDS Data Output 2. FlatLink™ Channel A LVDS Data Output 3. A_Y3P and A_Y3N shall be left NC for 18 bpp panels. FlatLink™ Channel A LVDS Clock FlatLink™ Channel B LVDS Data Output 0. FlatLink™ Channel B LVDS Data Output 1. FlatLink™ Channel B LVDS Data Output 2. FlatLink™ Channel B LVDS Data Output 3. B_Y3P and B_Y3N shall be left NC for 18 bpp panels. FlatLink™ Channel B LVDS Clock. MIPI® D-PHY Channel A Data Lane 0; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel A Data Lane 1; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel A Data Lane 2; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel A Data Lane 3; data rate up to 1 Gbps. LVDS Input (HS) CMOS Input (LS) (Failsafe) MIPI® D-PHY Channel A Clock Lane; operates up to 500 MHz. MIPI® D-PHY Channel B Data Lane 0; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel B Data Lane 1; data rate up to 1 Gbps. DB2N F1 DB2P F2 DB3N G1 DB3P G2 DBCN E1 DBCP E2 EN B1 CMOS Input with pullup (Failsafe) GND A2, A8, B9, D5, E4, F4, F5, H9 Power Supply Reference Ground. IRQ J9 CMOS Output Interrupt Signal. RSVD1 H8 CMOS Input/Output with pulldown Reserved. This pin should be left unconnected for normal operation. RSVD2 B2 CMOS Input with pulldown Reserved. This pin should be left unconnected for normal operation. REFCLK H2 CMOS Input (Failsafe) MIPI® D-PHY Channel B Data Lane 2; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel B Data Lane 3; data rate up to 1 Gbps. MIPI® D-PHY Channel B Clock Lane; operates up to 500 MHz. Chip Enable and Reset. Device is reset (shutdown) when EN is low. Optional External Reference Clock for LVDS Pixel Clock. If an External Reference Clock is not used, this pin should be pulled to GND with an external resistor. The source of the reference clock should be placed as close as possible with a series resistor near the source to reduce EMI. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 5 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 5-1. Pin Functions (continued) PIN NAME NO. SCL H1 SDA J1 VCC A9, B8, D6, E5, E6, F6, J2 VCORE 6 J8 I/O DESCRIPTION Local I2C Interface Clock. Open Drain Input/ Output (Failsafe) Local I2C Interface Bi-directional Data Signal. 1.8 V Power Supply. Power Supply 1.1 V Output from Voltage Regulator. This pin must have a 1 µF external capacitor to GND. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply Voltage Input Voltage MIN MAX UNIT VCC –0.3 2.175 V CMOS Input Terminals –0.5 2.175 V DSI Input Terminals (DA x P/N, DB x P/N) –0.4 1.4 V –65 105 °C Storage Temperature, TS (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001(1) UNIT ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101(2) V ±500 JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) VCC VCC Power supply VPSN Supply noise on any VCC pin TA Operating free-air temperature TCASE Case temperature VDSI_PIN DSI input pin voltage range f(I2C) Local I2C input frequency MIN NOM 1.65 1.8 MAX f(noise) > 1MHz 1.95 V 0.05 V -40 -50 UNIT 85 °C 92.2 °C 1350 mV 400 kHz fHS_CLK DSI HS clock input frequency tsetup DSI HS data to clock setup time 0.15 UI (1) thold DSI HS data to clock hold time; see Figure 7-3 0.15 UI (1) ZL LVDS output differential impedance (1) 40 500 90 132 MHz Ω The unit interval (UI) is one half of the period of the HS clock; at 500 MHz the minimum setup and hold time is 150 ps 6.4 Thermal Information SN65DSI85 THERMAL METRIC(1) ZXH (nFBGA) UNIT 64 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 55.1 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 30.6 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 31.0 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.8 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 30.8 °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 7 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 6.5 Electrical Characteristics over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VIL Low-level control signal input voltage VIH High-level control signal input voltage VOH High-level output voltage TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1) MAX 0.3 x VCC IOH = –4 mA UNIT V 0.7 × VCC V 1.25 V VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 4 mA 0.4 V ILKG Input failsafe leakage current VCC = 0; VCC(PIN) = 1.8 V ±30 μA IIH High level input current Any input terminal ±30 μA IIL Low level input current Any input terminal ±30 μA IOZ High-impedance output current Any output terminal ±10 μA IOS Short-circuit output current Any output driving GND short ±20 mA ICC Device active current See (2) 127 212 mA IULPS Device standby current All data and clock lanes are in ultra-low power state (ULPS) 7.7 10 mA IRST Shutdown current EN = 0 0.04 0.06 mA REN EN control input resistor 200 kΩ MIPI DSI INTERFACE 8 VIH-LP LP receiver input high threshold See Figure 6-1 VIL-LP LP receiver input low threshold See Figure 6-1 |VID| HS differential input voltage |VIDT| HS differential input voltage threshold VIL-ULPS LP receiver input low threshold; ultra-low power state (ULPS) 880 70 VCM-HS HS common mode voltage; steady-state ΔVCM-HS HS common mode peak-to-peak variation including symbol delta and interference VIH-HS HS single-ended input high voltage See Figure 6-1 VIL-HS HS single-ended input low voltage See Figure 6-1 VTERM-EN HS termination enable; single-ended input Termination is switched simultaneous for voltage (both Dp AND Dn apply to enable) Dn and Dp RDIFF-HS HS mode differential input impedance 70 mV 270 mV 50 mV 300 mV 330 mV 100 mV 460 mV -40 80 Submit Document Feedback mV 550 mV 450 mV 125 Ω Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1) MAX CSR 0x19.3:2=00 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=00 100Ω near end termination 180 245 313 CSR 0x19.3:2=01 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=01 100Ω near end termination 215 293 372 CSR 0x19.3:2=10 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=10 100Ω near end termination 250 341 430 CSR 0x19.3:2=11 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=11 100Ω near end termination 290 389 488 CSR 0x19.3:2=00 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=00 200Ω near end termination 150 204 261 CSR 0x19.3:2=01 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=01 200Ω near end termination 200 271 346 CSR 0x19.3:2=10 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=10 200Ω near end termination 250 337 428 CSR 0x19.3:2=11 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=11 200Ω near end termination 300 402 511 CSR 0x19.3:2=00 and/or CSR 0x19.1:0=00 near end termination 140 191 244 CSR 0x19.3:2=01 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=01 100Ω near end termination 168 229 290 CSR 0x19.3:2=10 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=10 100Ω near end termination 195 266 335 226 303 381 117 159 204 CSR 0x19.3:2=01 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=01 200Ω near end termination 156 211 270 CSR 0x19.3:2=10 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=10 200Ω near end termination 195 263 334 CSR 0x19.3:2=11 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=11 200Ω near end termination 234 314 399 PARAMETER UNIT FLATLINK LVDS OUTPUT Steady-state differential output voltage A_Y x P/N and B_Y x P/N |VOD| CSR 0x19.3:2=11 and, or CSR 0x19.1:0=11 Steady-state differential output voltage for 100Ω near end termination A_CLKP/N and B_CLKP/N CSR 0x19.3:2=00 and, or CSR |VOD| 0x19.1:0=00 200Ω near end termination Δ|VOD| VOC(SS) Change in steady-state differential output voltage between opposite binary states Steady state common-mode output voltage(3) VOC(PP) Peak-to-peak common-mode output voltage RLVDS_DIS Pull-down resistance for disabled LVDS outputs (1) (2) mV mV RL = 100Ω CSR 0x19.6 = 1 and CSR 0x1B.6 = 1; and, or CSR 0x19.4 = 1 and CSR 0x1B.4 = 1; see Figure 6-2 CSR 0x19.6 = 0 and, or CSR 0x19.4 = 0; see Figure 6-2 35 0.8 0.9 mV 1 V 1.15 1.25 see Figure 6-2 1.35 35 1 mV kΩ All typical values are at VCC = 1.8V and TA = 25°C SN65DSI85: DUAL Channel DSI to DUAL Channel LVDS, 1920 x 1200 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 9 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 • • • • • (3) number of LVDS lanes = 2x(3 data lanes + 1 CLK lane) number of DSI lanes = 2x(4 data lanes + 1 CLK lane LVDS CLK OUT = 81.6M DSI CLK = 490M RGB888, LVDS18bpp Maximum values are at VCC = 1.95 V and TA = 85°C Tested at VCC = 1.8V , TA = -40°C for MIN, TA = 25°C for TYP, TA = 85°C for MAX. 6.6 Switching Characteristics over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1) MAX UNIT 300 ps DSI tGS DSI LP glitch suppression pulse width tSK Skew time from DSI Channel A to Channel B in dual DSI operation See Figure 7-12 LVDS tc Output clock period tw High-level output clock (CLK) pulse duration 6.49 40 ns 4/7 tc ns t0 Delay time, CLK↑ to 1st serial bit position –0.15 0.15 ns t1 Delay time, CLK↑ to 2nd serial bit position 1/7 tc – 0.15 1/7 tc + 0.15 ns t2 Delay time, CLK↑ to 3rd serial bit position 2/7 tc – 0.15 2/7 tc + 0.15 ns t3 Delay time, CLK↑ to 4th serial bit position 3/7 tc – 0.15 3/7 tc + 0.15 ns t4 Delay time, CLK↑ to 5th serial bit position 4/7 tc – 0.15 4/7 tc + 0.15 ns t5 Delay time, CLK↑ to 6th serial bit position 5/7 tc – 0.15 5/7 tc + 0.15 ns t6 Delay time, CLK↑ to 7th serial bit position 6/7 tc – 0.15 6/7 tc + 0.15 ns tr Differential output rise-time tf Differential output fall-time 180 500 ps –10 10 ps ms tc = 6.49 ns; Input clock jitter < 25 ps (REFCLK) see Figure 7-1 LVDS CLK A to CLK B skew EN, ULPS, RESET ten Enable time from EN or ULPS tc(o) = 12.9 ns 1 tdis Disable time to standby tc(o) = 12.9 ns 0.1 treset Reset Time 10 FREFCLK REFCLK Freqeuncy. Supported frequencies: 25 MHz - 15 4MHz 25 154 tr, tf REFCLK rise and fall time 100ps 1ns s tpj REFCLK Peak-to-Peak Phase Jitter 50 ps Duty REFCLK Duty Cycle ms ms REFCLK 40% 50% 60% 0.5% 1% 2% MHz REFCLK or DSI CLK (DACP/N, DBCP/N) SSC_CLKIN (1) (2) 10 SSC enabled Input CLK center spread depth(2) Modulation Frequency Range 30 60 kHz All typical values are at VCC = 1.8 V and TA = 25°C For EMI reduction purpose, SN65DSI85 supports the center spreading of the LVDS CLK output through the REFCLK or DSI CLK input. The center spread CLK input to the REFCLK or DSI CLK is passed through to the LVDS CLK output A_CLKP/N and/or B_CLKP/N. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 1.3V LP-RX Input HIGH VIH-LP VIL-LP VIH-HS VID LP-RX Input LOW VCM-HS(MAX) HS-RX Common Mode Range VCM-HS(MIN) GND VIL-HS High Speed (HS) Mode Receiver Low Power (LP) Mode Receiver Figure 6-1. DSI Receiver Voltage Definitions 49.9 ? ± 1% (2 PLCS) A/B_YnP VOD VOC A/B_YnN 100 % 80% VOD(H) 0V VOD(L) 20% 0% tf tr VOC(PP) VOC(SS) VOC(SS) 0V Figure 6-2. Test Load and Voltage Definitions for FlatLink™ Outputs Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 11 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Parameter Measurement Information CLK t6 t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 t0 Yn VOD(H) 0.00V VOD(L) t0-6 Figure 7-1. SN65DSI85 FlatLink™ Timing Definitions ULPS (LP00) State DSI lane ten tdis A_CLKP/N (LVDS_CHA_CLK) A. See the ULPS section of the data sheet for the ULPS entry and exit sequence. B. ULPS entry and exit protocol and timing requirements must be met per MIPI® DPHY specification. Figure 7-2. ULPS Timing Definition Figure 7-3. DSI HS Mode Receiver Timing Definitions 12 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The SN65DSI85 to FlatLink bridge features a dual-channel MIPI D-PHY receiver front-end configuration with 4 lanes per channel operating a 1 Gbps per lane; a maximum input bandwidth of 8 Gbps. The bridge decodes MIPI DSI 18bpp RGB666 and 24 bpp RGB8888 packets and converts the formatted video data stream to a FlatLink compatible LVDS output operating at pixel clocks operating from 25 MHz to 154 MHz, offering a DualLink LVDS Single-Link LVDS, or two Single-Link LVDS interface(s) with four data lanes per link. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram AVCC AGND DSI PACKET PROCESSORS VCC ULPS GND ERR LANE MERGE LPRX PACKET HEADERS (ODD ) 18 8 DA0P LVDS SERIALIZER ERR HSRX DA0N LONG PACKETS DATA LANE 0 7-BIT SHIFT REGISTER (EVEN ) 18 EOT DA1P DA1N DA2P DA2N DA3P DA3N SOT DATA LANE 1 (Circuit same as DATA LANE 0) 8 DATA LANE 2 (Circuit same as DATA LANE 0) 8 Timers 32 SHORT PACKETS DE VS DATA LANE 3 (Circuit same as DATA LANE 0) HS 8 DSI CHANNEL MERGING CHANNEL FORMATTER EOT SOT ULPS 32 PARTIAL LINE BUFFER LPRX LVDSPLL DACP PLL Lock HSRX DACN CLOCK CIRCUITS CLK LANE DB0P DB0N DB1P DB1N DB2P DB2N DB3P DB3N DBCP DBCN PIXEL CLOCK 8 LANE MERGE 2 8 B_Y0P B_Y0N B_Y1P B_Y1N B_Y2P B_Y2N B_CLKP B_CLKN B_Y3P B_Y3N SCL CSR HS Clock Sourced M /N Pixel Clock PLL A_Y0P A_Y0N A_Y1P A_Y1N A_Y2P A_Y2N A_CLKP A_CLKN A_Y3P A_Y3N LOCAL I C SDA IRQ CSR READ CSR WRITE Channel B 8 ADDR Clock Dividers (Circuit same as Channel A) 8 Reset SN65DSI85 REFCLK EN RSVD1 RSVD2 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 13 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 Clock Configurations and Multipliers The FlatLink™ LVDS clock may be derived from the DSI channel A clock, or from an external reference clock source. When the MIPI® D-PHY channel A HS clock is used as the LVDS clock source, the D-PHY clock lane must operate in HS free-running (continuous) mode; this feature eliminates the need for an external reference clock reducing system costs The reference clock source is selected by HS_CLK_SRC (CSR 0x0A.0) programmed through the local I2C interface. If an external reference clock is selected, it is multiplied by the factor in REFCLK_MULTIPLIER (CSR 0x0B.1:0) to generate the FlatLink™ LVDS output clock. When an external reference clock is selected, it must be between 25 MHz and 154 MHz. If the DSI channel A clock is selected, it is divided by the factor in DSI_CLK_DIVIDER (CSR 0x0B.7:3) to generate the FlatLink™ LVDS output clock. Additionally, LVDS_CLK_RANGE (CSR 0x0A.3:1) and CH_DSI_CLK_RANGE(CSR 0x12) must be set to the frequency range of the FlatLink™ LVDS output clock and DSI Channel A input clock respectively for the internal PLL to operate correctly. After these settings are programmed, PLL_EN (CSR 0x0D.0) must be set to enable the internal PLL. 7.3.2 ULPS The SN65DSI85 supports the MIPI® defined ultra-low power state (ULPS). While the device is in the ULPS, the CSR registers are accessible via I2C interface. ULPS sequence should be issued to all active DSI CLK and/or DSI data lanes of the enabled DSI Channels for the SN65DSI85 enter the ULPS. The Following sequence should be followed to enter and exit the ULPS. 1. Host issues a ULPS entry sequence to all DSI CLK and data lanes enabled. 2. When host is ready to exit the ULPS mode, host issues a ULPS exit sequence to all DSI CLK and data lanes that need to be active in normal operation. 3. Wait for a minimum of 3 ms. 4. Set the SOFT_RESET bit (CSR 0x09.0). 5. Device resumes normal operation.(i.e video streaming resumes on the panel). 7.3.3 LVDS Pattern Generation The SN65DSI85 supports a pattern generation feature on LVDS Channels. This feature can be used to test the LVDS output path and LVDS panels in a system platform. The pattern generation feature can be enabled by setting the CHA_TEST_PATTERN bit at address 0x3C. No DSI data is received while the pattern generation feature is enabled. There are three modes available for LVDS test pattern generation. The mode of test pattern generation is determined by register configuration as shown in the tables below. Table 7-1. Test Pattern Generation Test Pattern Generation Mode Register Configurations Single LVDS configuration mode LVDS_LINK_CFG(CSR 0x18.4) = 1b DSI_CH_MODE(CSR 0x10.6:5) = XXb CHA_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.4) = 1b CHB_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.0) = 0b Dual LVDS configuration mode LVDS_LINK_CFG(CSR 0x18.4) = 0b DSI_CH_MODE(CSR 0x10.6:5) = 0Xb CHA_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.4) = 1b CHB_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.0) = 0b Two independent LVDS configuration mode LVDS_LINK_CFG(CSR 0x18.4) = 0b DSI_CH_MODE(CSR 0x10.6:5) = 10b CHA_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.4) = 1b CHB_TEST_PATTERN(CSR 0x3C.0) = 1b The following tables show lists of video registers that need to be configured for test pattern generation video parameters. 14 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 1. Single LVDS configuration Table 7-2. Video Registers Bit Address Register Name 0x20.7:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW 0x21.3:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH 0x24.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW 0x25.3:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH 0x2C.7:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x2D.1:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x30.7:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x31.1:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x34.7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH 0x36.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH 0x38.7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH 0x3A.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH 2. Dual LVDS configuration • Same set of video registers are used as in single LVDS configuration. 3. Two independent LVDS configuration mode. Both Channel A and Channel B register parameters need to be configured. Table 7-3. Channel A and B Registers Bit Address Register Name Channel A 0x20.7:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW 0x21.3:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH 0x24.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW 0x25.3:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH 0x2C.7:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x2D.1:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x30.7:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x31.1:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x34.7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH 0x36.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH 0x38.7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH 0x3A.7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH Channel B 0x22.7:0 CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW 0x23.3:0 CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH 0x26.7:0 CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW 0x27.3:0 CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH 0x2E.7:0 CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x2F.1:0 CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x32.7:0 CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW 0x33.1:0 CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH 0x35.7:0 CHB_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH 0x37.7:0 CHB_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH 0x39.7:0 CHB_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 15 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-3. Channel A and B Registers (continued) Bit Address 0x3B.7:0 Register Name CHB_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH 7.4 Device Functional Modes 7.4.1 Operating Modes The SN65DSI85 can be configured for several different operating modes via LVDS_LINK_CFG (CSR 0x18.4), LEFT_RIGHT_PIXELS (CSR 0x10.7), and DSI_CHANNEL_MODE (CSR 0x10.6:5). These modes are summarized in Table 7-4. In each of the modes, video data can be 18 bpp or 24 bpp. 7.4.2 Table 7-4. SN65DSI85 Operating Modes MODE CSR 0x18.4 CSR 0x10.7 LVDS_LINK_CFG LEFT_RIGHT_PIXES CSR 0x10.6:5 DSI_CH_MODE DESCRIPTION Single DSI Input to Single-Link LVDS 1 N/A 01 Single DSI Input on Channel A to Single-Link LVDS output on Channel A. Single DSI Input to Dual-Link LVDS 0 N/A 01 Single DSI Input on Channel A to Dual-Link LVDS output with Odd pixels on Channel A and Even pixels on Channel B. Dual DSI Input (Odd/Even) to SingleLink LVDS (1) 1 0 00 Dual DSI Input with Odd pixels received on Channel A and Even pixels received on Channel B. Data is output to Single-Link LVDS on Channel A. Dual DSI Input (Odd/Even) to Dual-Link LVDS (1) 0 0 00 Dual DSI Input with Odd pixels received on Channel A and Even pixels received on Channel B. Data is output to Dual-Link LVDS with Odd pixels on Channel A and Even pixels on Channel B. Dual DSI Input (Left/Right) to SingleLink LVDS (2) 1 1 00 Dual DSI Input with Left pixels received on Channel A and Right pixels received on Channel B. Data is output to Single-Link LVDS on Channel A. Dual DSI Input (Left/Right) to Dual-Link LVDS (2) 0 1 00 Dual DSI Input with Left pixels received on Channel A and Right pixels received on Channel B. Data is output to Dual-Link LVDS with Odd pixels on Channel A and Even pixels on Channel B. 10 One video stream input on DSI Channel A and output to Single-Link LVDS on Channel A. Another video stream input on DSI Channel B and output to SingleLink LVDS on Channel B. Dual DSI Inputs (two streams) to two Single-Link LVDS (3) (1) (2) (3) 0 N/A In these modes, DSI Channel A and DSI Channel B must be set to have the same number of data lanes enabled and the data format must be the same for both lanes. In these modes, DSI Channel A and DSI Channel B can each have a different number of data lanes enabled, but the data format must be the same for both lanes. In this mode, DSI Channel A and DSI Channel B can each have a different number of data lanes enabled, and the data format for each Channel can be different. 7.4.3 Reset Implementation When EN is de-asserted (low), the SN65DSI85 is in SHUTDOWN or RESET state. In this state, CMOS inputs are ignored, the MIPI® D-PHY inputs are disabled and outputs are high impedance. It is critical to transition the EN input from a low to a high level after the VCC supply has reached the minimum operating voltage as shown in Figure 7-1. This is achieved by a control signal to the EN input, or by an external capacitor connected between EN and GND. 16 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 VCC 1.65V EN tVCC ten Figure 7-1. Cold Start VCC Ramp up to EN When implementing the external capacitor, the size of the external capacitor depends on the power up ramp of the VCC supply, where a slower ramp-up results in a larger value external capacitor. See the latest reference schematic for the SN65DSI85 device and, or consider approximately 200 nF capacitor as a reasonable first estimate for the size of the external capacitor. Both EN implementations are shown in Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3. VCC GPO EN C EN REN =200 kΩ C controller SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 Figure 7-3. EN Input from Active Controller Figure 7-2. External Capacitor Controlled EN When the SN65DSI85 is reset while VCC is high, the EN pin must be held low for at least 10 ms before being asserted high as described in Table 7-5 to be sure that the device is properly reset. The DSI CLK lane MUST be in HS and the DSI data lanes MUST be driven to LP11 while the device is in reset before the EN pin is asserted per the timing described in Table 7-5. 7.4.4 Initialization Sequence Use the following initialization sequence to setup the SN65DSI85. This sequence is required for proper operation of the device. Steps 9 through 11 in the sequence are optional. Table 7-5. Initialization Sequence INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE NUMBER INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION Init seq 1 Power on Init seq 2 After power is applied and stable, the DSI CLK lanes MUST be in HS state and the DSI data lanes MUST be driven to LP11 state Init seq 3 Wait 10 ms Init seq 4 Set EN pin to Low (1) Tie EN pin to High Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 17 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-5. Initialization Sequence (continued) INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE NUMBER INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION Wait 10 ms (1) Init seq 5 Initialize all CSR registers to their appropriate values based on the implementation (The SN65DSI8x is not functional until the CSR registers are initialized) Init seq 6 Set the PLL_EN bit (CSR 0x0D.0) Wait 10 ms (1) Init seq 7 Set the SOFT_RESET bit (CSR 0x09.0) Wait 10 ms (1) Init seq 8 Wait 5 ms Change DSI data lanes to HS state and start DSI video stream (1) Init seq 9 Read back all resisters and confirm they were correctly written Init seq 10 Write 0xFF to CSR 0xE5 and CSR 0xE6 to clear the error registers Wait 1 ms (1) Init seq 11 (1) Read CSR 0xE5 and CSR 0xE6. If CSR 0xE5 and CSR 0xE6 != 0x00, then go back to step #2 and re-initialize Minimum recommended delay. It is fine to exceed these. 7.4.5 LVDS Output Formats The SN65DSI85 processes DSI packets and produces video data driven to the FlatLink™ LVDS interface in an industry standard format. Single-Link LVDS and Dual-Link LVDS are supported by the SN65DSI85; when the FlatLink™ output is implemented in a Dual-Link configuration, channel A carries the odd pixel data, and channel B carries the even pixel data. During conditions such as the default condition, and some video synchronization periods, where no video stream data is passing from the DSI input to the LVDS output, the SN65DSI85 transmits zero value pixel data on the LVDS outputs while maintaining transmission of the vertical sync and horizontal sync status. Figure 7-4 illustrates a Single-Link LVDS 18 bpp application. Figure 7-5 illustrates a Dual-Link 24 bpp application using Format 2, controlled by CHA_24BPP_FORMAT1 (CSR 0x18.1) and CHB_24BPP_FORMAT1 (CSR 0x18.0). In data Format 2, the two MSB per color are transferred on the Y3P/N LVDS lane. Figure 7-6 illustrates a 24 bpp Single-Link application using Format 1. In data Format 1, the two LSB per color are transferred on the Y3P/N LVDS lane. Figure 7-7 illustrates a Single-Link LVDS application where 24 bpp data is received from DSI and converted to 18 bpp data for transmission to an 18 bpp panel. This application is configured by setting CHA_24BPP_FORMAT1 (CSR 0x18.1) to 1 and CHA_24BPP_MODE (CSR 0x18.3) to 0. In this configuration, the SN65DSI85 will not transmit the 2 LSB per color since the Y3P/N LVDS lane is disabled. Note Note: Figure 7-4, Figure 7-5, Figure 7-6, and Figure 7-7 only illustrate a few example applications for the SN65DSI85. Other applications are also supported. 18 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 A_CLKP/N B_CLKP/N cycle ‘n-1’ cycle ‘n’ A_Y0P/N G0 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 A_Y1P/N B1 B0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 A_Y2P/N DE VS HS B5 B4 B3 B2 A_Y3P/N B_YxP/N DE = Data Enable; Channel B Clock, Channel B Data, and A_Y3P/N are Output Low Figure 7-4. FlatLink™ Output Data; Single-Link 18 bpp A_CLKP/N B_CLKP/N cycle ‘n-1’ cycle ‘n’ A_Y0P/N G0 (o) R5 (o) R4 (o) R3 (o) R2 (o) R1 (o) R0 (o) A_Y1P/N B1 (o) B0 (o) G5 (o) G4 (o) G3 (o) G2 (o) G1 (o) A_Y2P/N DE (o) VS (o) HS (o) B5 (o) B4 (o) B3 (o) B2 (o) A_Y3P/N 0 (o) B7 (o) B6 (o) G7 (o) G6 (o) R7 (o) R6 (o) B_Y0P/N G0 (e) R5 (e) R4 (e) R3 (e) R2 (e) R1 (e) R0 (e) B_Y1P/N B1 (e) B0 (e) G5 (e) G4 (e) G3 (e) G2 (e) G1 (e) B_Y2P/N DE (e) VS (e) HS (e) B5 (e) B4 (e) B3 (e) B2 (e) B_Y3P/N 0 (e) B7 (e) B6 (e) G7 (e) G6 (e) R7 (e) R6 (e) DE = Data Enable; (o) = Odd Pixels; (e) = Even Pixels Figure 7-5. FlatLink™ Output Data (Format 2); Dual-Link 24 bpp A_CLKP/N B_CLKP/N cycle ‘n-1’ cycle ‘n’ A_Y0P/N G2 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 A_Y1P/N B3 B2 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 A_Y2P/N DE VS HS B7 B6 B5 B4 A_Y3P/N 0 B1 B0 G1 G0 R1 R0 B_YxP/N DE = Data Enable; Channel B Clock and Data are Output Low Figure 7-6. FlatLink™ Output Data (Format 1); Single-Link 24 bpp Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 19 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 A_CLKP/N B_CLKP/N cycle ‘n-1’ cycle ‘n’ A_Y0P/N G2 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 A_Y1P/N B3 B2 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 A_Y2P/N DE VS HS B7 B6 B5 B4 A_Y3P/N B_YxP/N DE = Data Enable; Channel B Clock, Channel B Data, and A_Y3P/N are Output Low; Channel B Clock, Channel B Data, and A_Y3P/N are Output Low Figure 7-7. FlatLink™ Output Data (Format 1); 24 bpp to Single-Link 18 bpp Conversion 7.4.6 DSI Lane Merging The SN65DSI85 supports four DSI data lanes per input channel, and may be configured to support one, two, or three DSI data lanes per channel. Unused DSI input pins on the SN65DSI85 should be left unconnected or driven to LP11 state.The bytes received from the data lanes are merged in HS mode to form packets that carry the video stream. DSI data lanes are bit and byte aligned. Figure 7-8 illustrates the lane merging function for each channel; 4-Lane, 3-Lane, and 2-Lane modes are shown. 20 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 3 HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 4 LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 4 BYTE 8 BYTE n-4 EOT LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 3 BYTE 6 BYTE n-3 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 5 BYTE 9 BYTE n-3 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 4 BYTE 7 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 6 BYTE 10 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 5 BYTE 8 BYTE n-1 EOT LANE 3 SOT BYTE 3 BYTE 7 BYTE 11 BYTE n-1 EOT HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 1 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 3 HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 1 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 4 LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 4 BYTE 8 BYTE n-3 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 5 BYTE 9 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 6 BYTE 10 BYTE n-1 EOT LANE 3 SOT BYTE 3 BYTE 7 BYTE 11 EOT LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 3 BYTE 6 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 4 BYTE 7 BYTE n-1 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 5 BYTE 8 EOT HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 2 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 3 HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 2 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 4 LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 4 BYTE 8 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 5 BYTE 9 BYTE n-1 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 6 BYTE 10 EOT LANE 3 SOT BYTE 3 BYTE 7 BYTE 11 EOT LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 3 BYTE 6 BYTE n-1 LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 4 BYTE 7 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 5 BYTE 8 EOT 3 DSI Data Lane Configuration HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 2 HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 3 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 4 LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 4 BYTE 8 BYTE n-1 LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 5 BYTE 9 EOT LANE 2 SOT BYTE 2 BYTE 6 BYTE 10 EOT LANE 3 SOT BYTE 3 BYTE 7 BYTE 11 EOT 4 DSI Data Lane Configuration (default) EOT EOT LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 2 BYTE 4 BYTE n-2 EOT LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 3 BYTE 5 BYTE n-1 EOT HS BYTES TRANSMITTED (n) IS 1 LESS THAN INTEGER MULTIPLE OF 2 LANE 0 SOT BYTE 0 BYTE 2 BYTE 4 BYTE n-1 LANE 1 SOT BYTE 1 BYTE 3 BYTE 5 EOT EOT 2 DSI Data Lane Configuration Figure 7-8. SN65DSI85 DSI Lane Merging Illustration Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 21 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.4.7 DSI Pixel Stream Packets The SN65DSI85 processes 18 bpp (RGB666) and 24 bpp (RGB888) DSI packets on each channel as shown in Figure 7-9, Figure 7-10, and Figure 7-11. 2 Bytes DATA TYPE (0x2E) VIRTUAL CHANNEL 1 Byte 1 Byte WORD COUNT WORD COUNT Bytes 18 bpp Loosely Packed Pixel Stream ECC CRC CHECKSUM (Variable Size Payload) Packet Payload Packet Header 1 Byte 01 2 Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte Packet Footer 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 R0 R5 G0 G5 B0 B5 R0 R5 G0 G5 B0 B5 R0 R5 G0 G5 B0 B5 6-bits RED 6-bits GREEN 6-bits BLUE 6-bits RED 6-bits GREEN First Pixel in Packet 6-bits BLUE 6-bits RED 6-bits GREEN Second Pixel in Packet 6-bits BLUE Third Pixel in Packet Variable Size Payload (Three Pixels Per Nine Bytes of Payload) Figure 7-9. 18 bpp (Loosely Packed) DSI Packet Structure 2 Bytes DATA TYPE (0x1E) VIRTUAL CHANNEL 1 Byte 1 Byte WORD COUNT WORD COUNT Bytes 18 bpp Packed Pixel Stream ECC Packet Payload Packet Header 5 R0 1 Byte 6 7 0 R5 G0 6-bits RED CRC CHECKSUM (Variable Size Payload) 1 Byte 0 2 Bytes 3 1 Byte 4 7 01 6-bits GREEN 2 7 B 5 R0 G5 B 0 6-bits BLUE 1 Byte 0 5 R5 G0 6-bits RED First Pixel in Packet 1 Byte 6 7 0 G5 B 0 6-bits GREEN 3 4 7 01 B 5 R0 6-bits BLUE Packet Footer 1 Byte 2 7 R5 G0 6-bits RED Second Pixel in Packet 1 Byte 0 5 G5 B 0 6-bits GREEN 1 Byte 6 7 0 3 B 5 R0 6-bits BLUE 1 Byte 4 7 01 R5 G0 6-bits RED Third Pixel in Packet 2 7 G5 B 0 6-bits GREEN B5 6-bits BLUE Fourth Pixel in Packet Variable Size Payload (Four Pixels Per Nine Bytes of Payload) Figure 7-10. 18 bpp (Tightly Packed) DSI Packet Structure 2 Bytes VIRTUAL CHANNEL DATA TYPE (0x3E) 1 Byte 1 Byte WORD COUNT WORD COUNT Bytes 24 bpp Packed Pixel Stream ECC CRC CHECKSUM (Variable Size Payload) Packet Payload Packet Header 1 Byte 1 Byte 0 7 0 R0 R7 G0 8-bits RED 2 Bytes 1 Byte 7 0 7 G 7 B0 8-bits GREEN First Pixel in Packet 1 Byte B7 8-bits BLUE 1 Byte 0 7 0 R0 R7 G0 8-bits RED Packet Footer 1 Byte 7 0 7 G 7 B0 8-bits GREEN 1 Byte B7 0 7 R0 8-bits BLUE Second Pixel in Packet 1 Byte R7 8-bits RED 1 Byte 0 7 0 G0 G7 B 0 8-bits GREEN 7 B7 8-bits BLUE Third Pixel in Packet Variable Size Payload (Three Pixels Per Nine Bytes of Payload) Figure 7-11. 24 bpp DSI Packet Structure 22 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 7.4.8 DSI Video Transmission Specifications The SN65DSI85 supports burst video mode and non-burst video mode with sync events or with sync pulses packet transmission as described in the DSI specification. The burst mode supports time-compressed pixel stream packets that leave added time per scan line for power savings LP mode. The SN65DSI85 requires a transition to LP mode once per frame to enable PHY synchronization with the DSI host processor; however, for a robust and low-power implementation, the transition to LP mode is recommended on every video line. Figure 7-12 illustrates the DSI video transmission applied to SN65DSI85 applications. In all applications, the LVDS output rate must be less than or equal to the DSI input rate. The first line of a video frame shall start with a VSS packet, and all other lines start with VSE or HSS. The position of the synchronization packets in time is of utmost importance since this has a direct impact on the visual performance of the display panel; that is, these packets generate the HS and VS (horizontal and vertical sync) signals on the LVDS interface after the delay programmed into CHA_SYNC_DELAY_LOW/HIGH (CSR 0x28.7:0 and 0x29.3:0) and/or CHB_SYNC_DELAY_LOW/HIGH (CSR 0x2A.7:0 and 0x2B.3:0). When configured for dual DSI channels, the SN65DSI85 uses the VSS, VSE, and HSS packets from channel A to generate the HS and VS (horizontal and vertical sync) signals on the LVDS interface, and the VSS, VSE, and HSS packets from channel B are ignored. As required in the DSI specification, the SN65DSI85 requires that pixel stream packets contain an integer number of pixels (i.e. end on a pixel boundary); it is recommended to transmit an entire scan line on one pixel stream packet. When a scan line is broken in to multiple packets, inter-packet latency shall be considered such that the video pipeline (ie. pixel queue or partial line buffer) does not run empty (i.e. under-run); during scan line processing, if the pixel queue runs empty, the SN65DSI85 transmits zero data (18’b0 or 24’b0) on the LVDS interface. When configured for dual DSI channels, the SN65DSI85 supports ODD/EVEN configurations and LEFT/RIGHT configurations. In the ODD/EVEN configuration, the odd pixels for each scan line are received on channel A, and the even pixels are received on channel B. In LEFT/RIGHT mode, the LEFT portion of the line is received on channel A, and the right portion of the line is received on channel B. Neither the channel A LEFT portion input or the channel B RIGHT portion input per line shall exceed 1408 pixels, which is defined as ½ of the maximum line size (2560 pixels in WQXGA 2560x1600 mode) plus 10% headroom. The pixels received on channel B in LEFT/ RIGHT mode are buffered during the LEFT side transmission to LVDS, and begin transmission to LVDS when the LEFT-side input buffer runs empty. When configured for two single DSI channels, the SN65DSI85 requires that the LVDS output clocks for both video data streams be the same. Note When the HS clock is used as a source for the LVDS pixel clock, the LP mode transitions apply only to the data lanes, and the DSI clock lane remains in the HS mode during the entire video transmission. The DSI85 does not support the DSI Virtual Channel capability or reverse direction (peripheral to processor) transmissions. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 23 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 One Video Frame Vertical sync / blanking NOP/ LP RGB Active Lines NOP/ LP t LINE ... HSS NOP/ ... LP RGB t LINE HSS NOP/ LP t LINE HSS NOP/ LP ... NOP/ LP NOP/ LP t LINE HSS NOP/ LP t LINE HSS DSI Channel A t LINE HSS VSS t LINE NOP/ LP Vertical sync / blanking t SK (A_B) light shaded NOP/LP are optional; represents horizontal back porch (max value is 256 HS Clocks) RGB NOP/ LP NOP/ LP HSS* NOP/ ... LP HSS* RGB HSS* NOP/ LP NOP/ LP NOP/ LP ... HSS* NOP/ LP HSS* NOP/ LP HSS* DSI Channel B VSS* * VSS and HSS packets are required for DSI Channel B, although LVDS video sync signals are derived from DSI Channel A VSS and HSS packets ... NOP/ LP dark shaded NOP/LP represents horizontal front porch; a transition to LP mode is recommended here (if HS_CLK is free-running to source the LVDS clock , then only data lanes shall transition to LP mode It is recommended to have tSK(A_B) < 9 DSI HS Clock cycles or less than 3 Pixels data sample time. More delay between DSI Channel A and B can be tolerated by SN65DSI85, contact Texas Instruments for SN65DSI8X device configuration information that would allow longer delay between DSI Channel A and B. Vertical Blanking Period LVDS Transfer Function t W (HS ) NOP/ LP DSI Channel(s) RGB NOP/ LP ... t W(HS) HS (1) HS (1) t PD HS (1) t PD VS (2) VS (2) VS DE (3) DE (3) DE (3) DATA NOP/ LP DSI Channel A HSS NOP/ LP HSS t LINE t LINE HSS DSI Channel A VSS t LINE Active Video Line LVDS Transfer Function 0x000 DATA 0x000 DATA (1) The assertion of HS is delayed (t PD) by a programmable number of pixel clocks from the last bit of VSS/HSS packet received on DSI. The HS pulse width (tW(HS) ) is also programmable. The illustration shows HS active low. (2) VS is signaled for a programmable number of lines (tLINE ) and is asserted when HS is asserted for the first line of the frame . VS is de -asserted when HS is asserted after the number of lines programmed has been reached. The illustration shows VS active low (2) 0x000 PixelStream Data 0x000 (4) LEGEND VSS DSI Sync Event Packet: V Sync Start HSS DSI Sync Event Packet: H Sync Start RGB A sequence of DSI Pixel Stream Packets and Null Packets NOP/LP DSI Null Packet , Blanking Packet , or a transition to LP Mode (3) DE is asserted when active pixel data is transmitted on LVDS , and polarity is set independent to HS/VS. The illustration shows DE active high (4) After the last pixel in an active line is output to LVDS, the LVDS data is output zero Figure 7-12. DSI Channel Transmission and Transfer Function 7.5 Programming 7.5.1 Local I2C Interface Overview The SN65DSI85 local I2C interface is enabled when EN is input high, access to the CSR registers is supported during ultra-low power state (ULPS). The SCL and SDA terminals are used for I2C clock and I2C data respectively. The SN65DSI85 I2C interface conforms to the two-wire serial interface defined by the I2C Bus Specification, Version 2.1 (January 2000), and supports fast mode transfers up to 400 kbps. 24 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 The device address byte is the first byte received following the START condition from the master device. The 7 bit device address for SN65DSI85 is factory preset to 010110X with the least significant bit being determined by the ADDR control input. Table 7-6 clarifies the SN65DSI85 target address. Table 7-6. SN65DSI85 I2C Target Address Description (1) (2) SN65DSI85 I2C TARGET ADDRESS BIT 7 (MSB) BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 (W/R) 0 1 0 1 1 0 ADDR 0/1 (1) (2) When ADDR=1, Address Cycle is 0x5A (Write) and 0x5B (Read) When ADDR=0, Address Cycle is 0x58 (Write) and 0x59 (Read) The following procedure is followed to write to the SN65DSI85 I2C registers. 1. The master initiates a write operation by generating a start condition (S), followed by the SN65DSI85 7-bit address and a zero-value “W/R” bit to indicate a write cycle. 2. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the address cycle. 3. The master presents the sub-address (I2C register within SN65DSI85) to be written, consisting of one byte of data, MSB-first. 4. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the sub-address cycle. 5. The master presents the first byte of data to be written to the I2C register. 6. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the byte transfer. 7. The master may continue presenting additional bytes of data to be written, with each byte transfer completing with an acknowledge from the SN65DSI85. 8. The master terminates the write operation by generating a stop condition (P). The following procedure is followed to read the SN65DSI85 I2C registers: 1. The master initiates a read operation by generating a start condition (S), followed by the SN65DSI85 7-bit address and a one-value “W/R” bit to indicate a read cycle. 2. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the address cycle. 3. The SN65DSI85 transmit the contents of the memory registers MSB-first starting at register 00h. If a write to the SN65DSI85 I2C register occurred prior to the read, then the SN65DSI85 will start at the sub-address specified in the write. 4. The SN65DSI85 will wait for either an acknowledge (ACK) or a not-acknowledge (NACK) from the master after each byte transfer; the I2C master acknowledges reception of each data byte transfer. 5. If an ACK is received, the SN65DSI85 transmits the next byte of data. 6. The master terminates the read operation by generating a stop condition (P). The following procedure is followed for setting a starting sub-address for I2C reads: 1. The master initiates a write operation by generating a start condition (S), followed by the SN65DSI85 7-bit address and a zero-value “W/R” bit to indicate a write cycle 2. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the address cycle. 3. The master presents the sub-address (I2C register within SN65DSI85) to be written, consisting of one byte of data, MSB-first. 4. The SN65DSI85 acknowledges the sub-address cycle. 5. The master terminates the write operation by generating a stop condition (P). 7.6 Register Maps 7.6.1 Control and Status Registers Overview Many of the SN65DSI85 functions are controlled by the Control and Status Registers (CSR). All CSR registers are accessible through the local I2C interface. See the following tables for the SN65DSI85 CSR descriptions. Reserved or undefined bit fields should not be modified. Otherwise, the device may operate incorrectly. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 25 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-7. CSR Bit Field Definitions – ID Registers ADDRESS BIT(S) 0x00 – 0x08 7:0 (1) DESCRIPTION Reserved Addresses 0x08 - 0x00 = {0x01, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x44, 0x53, 0x49, 0x38, 0x35} DEFAULT ACCESS(1) Reserved RO RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Table 7-8. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Reset and Clock Registers ADDRESS 0x09 0x0A BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 0 SOFT_RESET This bit automatically clears when set to 1 and returns zeros when read. This bit must be set after the CSR’s are updated. This bit must also be set after making any changes to the DSI clock rate or after changing between DSI burst and non-burst modes. 0 – No action (default) 1 – Reset device to default condition excluding the CSR bits. 0 WO 7 PLL_EN_STAT After PLL_EN_STAT = 1, wait at least 3 ms for PLL to lock. 0 – PLL not enabled (default) 1 – PLL enabled 0 RO 101 RW 3:1 0 HS_CLK_SRC 0 – LVDS pixel clock derived from input REFCLK (default) 1 – LVDS pixel clock derived from MIPI D-PHY channel A HS continuous clock 0 RW 7:3 DSI_CLK_DIVIDER When CSR 0x0A.0 = 1, this field controls the divider used to generate the LVDS output clock from the MIPI D-PHY Channel A HS continuous clock. When CSR 0x0A.0 = 0, this field must be programmed to 00000. 00000 – LVDS clock = source clock (default) 00001 – Divide by 2 00010 – Divide by 3 00011 – Divide by 4 • • • 10111 – Divide by 24 11000 – Divide by 25 11001 through 11111 – Reserved 00000 RW 1:0 REFCLK_MULTIPLIER When CSR 0x0A.0 = 0, this field controls the multiplier used to generate the LVDS output clock from the input REFCLK. When CSR 0x0A.0 = 1, this field must be programmed to 00. 00 – LVDS clock = source clock (default) 01 – Multiply by 2 10 – Multiply by 3 11 – Multiply by 4 00 RW 0x0B 26 LVDS_CLK_RANGE This field selects the frequency range of the LVDS output clock. 000 – 25 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 37.5 MHz 001 – 37.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 62.5 MHz 010 – 62.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 87.5 MHz 011 – 87.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 112.5 MHz 100 – 112.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 137.5 MHz 101 – 137.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK ≤ 154 MHz (default) 110 – Reserved 111 – Reserved Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-8. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Reset and Clock Registers (continued) ADDRESS 0x0D (1) BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 0 PLL_EN When this bit is set, the PLL is enabled with the settings programmed into CSR 0x0A and CSR 0x0B. The PLL should be disabled before changing any of the settings in CSR 0x0A and CSR 0x0B. The input clock source must be active and stable before the PLL is enabled. 0 – PLL disabled (default) 1 – PLL enabled 0 RW RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Table 7-9. CSR Bit Field Definitions – DSI Registers ADDRESS DEFAULT ACCESS (1) LEFT_RIGHT_PIXELS This bit selects the pixel arrangement in dual channel DSI implementations. 0 – DSI channel A receives ODD pixels and channel B receives EVEN (default) 1 – DSI channel A receives LEFT image pixels and channel B receives RIGHT image pixels 0 RW 6:5 DSI_CHANNEL_MODE 00 – Dual-channel DSI receiver 01 – Single channel DSI receiver (default) 10 – Two single channel DSI receivers 11 – Reserved 01 RW 4:3 CHA_DSI_LANES This field controls the number of lanes that are enabled for DSI Channel A. 00 – Four lanes are enabled 01 – Three lanes are enabled 10 – Two lanes are enabled 11 – One lane is enabled (default) Note: Unused DSI input pins on the SN65DSI85 should be left unconnected. 11 RW 2:1 CHB_DSI_LANES This field controls the number of lanes that are enabled for DSI Channel B. 00 – Four lanes are enabled 01 – Three lanes are enabled 10 – Two lanes are enabled 11 – One lane is enabled (default) Note: Unused DSI input pins on the SN65DSI85 should be left unconnected. 11 RW SOT_ERR_TOL_DIS 0 – Single bit errors are tolerated for the start of transaction SoT leader sequence (default) 1 – No SoT bit errors are tolerated 0 RW 7:6 CHA_DSI_DATA_EQ This field controls the equalization for the DSI Channel A Data Lanes 00 – No equalization (default) 01 – 1 dB equalization 10 – Reserved 11 – 2 dB equalization 00 RW 5:4 CHB_DSI_DATA_EQ This field controls the equalization for the DSI Channel B Data Lanes 00 – No equalization (default) 01 – 1 dB equalization 10 – Reserved 11 – 2 dB equalization 00 RW 3:2 CHA_DSI_CLK_EQ This field controls the equalization for the DSI Channel A Clock 00 – No equalization (default) 01 – 1 dB equalization 10 – Reserved 11 – 2 dB equalization 00 RW BIT(S) 7 0x10 0 0x11 DESCRIPTION Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 27 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-9. CSR Bit Field Definitions – DSI Registers (continued) ADDRESS 0x12 0x13 (1) DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 1:0 CHB_DSI_CLK_EQ This field controls the equalization for the DSI Channel A Clock 00 – No equalization (default) 01 – 1 dB equalization 10 – Reserved 11 – 2 dB equalization 00 RW 7:0 CHA_DSI_CLK_RANGE This field specifies the DSI Clock frequency range in 5 MHz increments for the DSI Channel A Clock 0x00 through 0x07 – Reserved 0x08 – 40 ≤ frequency < 45 MHz 0x09 – 45 ≤ frequency < 50 MHz • • • 0x63 – 495 ≤ frequency < 500 MHz 0x64 – 500 MHz 0x65 through 0xFF – Reserved 0 RW 7:0 CHB_DSI_CLK_RANGE This field specifies the DSI Clock frequency range in 5 MHz increments for the DSI Channel B Clock 0x00 through 0x07 – Reserved 0x08 – 40 ≤ frequency < 45 MHz 0x09 – 45 ≤ frequency < 50 MHz • • • 0x63 – 495 ≤ frequency < 500 MHz 0x64 – 500 MHz 0x65 through 0xFF – Reserved 0 RW BIT(S) DESCRIPTION RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Table 7-10. CSR Bit Field Definitions – LVDS Registers ADDRESS BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 7 DE_NEG_POLARITY 0 – DE is positive polarity driven 1 during active pixel transmission on LVDS (default) 1 – DE is negative polarity driven 0 during active pixel transmission on LVDS 0 RW 6 HS_NEG_POLARITY 0 – HS is positive polarity driven 1 during corresponding sync conditions 1 – HS is negative polarity driven 0 during corresponding sync (default) 1 RW 5 VS_NEG_POLARITY 0 – VS is positive polarity driven 1 during corresponding sync conditions 1 – VS is negative polarity driven 0 during corresponding sync (default) 1 RW 1 RW LVDS_LINK_CFG 0x18 0 – LVDS Channel A and Channel B outputs enabled 4 When CSR 0x10.6:5 = 00 or 01, the LVDS is in Dual-Link configuration When CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10, the LVDS is in two Single-Link configuration 1 – LVDS Single-Link configuration; Channel A output enabled and Channel B output disabled (default) 28 3 CHA_24BPP_MODE 0 – Force 18bpp; LVDS channel A lane 4 (A_Y3P/N) is disabled (default) 1 – Force 24bpp; LVDS channel A lane 4 (B_Y3P/N) is enabled 0 RW 2 CHB_24BPP_MODE 0 – Force 18bpp; LVDS channel B lane 4 (A_Y3P/N) is disabled (default) 1 – Force 24bpp; LVDS channel B lane 4 (B_Y3P/N) is enabled 0 RW Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-10. CSR Bit Field Definitions – LVDS Registers (continued) ADDRESS BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 1 CHA_24BPP_FORMAT1 This field selects the 24bpp data format 0 – LVDS channel A lane A_Y3P/N transmits the 2 most significant bits (MSB) per color; Format 2 (default) 1 – LVDS channel B lane A_Y3P/N transmits the 2 least significant bits (LSB) per color; Format 1 Note1: This field must be 0 when 18bpp data is received from DSI. Note2: If this field is set to 1 and CHA_24BPP_MODE is 0, the SN65DSI85 will convert 24bpp data to 18bpp data for transmission to an 18bpp panel. In this configuration, the SN65DSI85 will not transmit the 2 LSB per color on LVDS channel A, since LVDS channel A lane A_Y3P/N is disabled. 0 RW 0 CHB_24BPP_FORMAT1 This field selects the 24bpp data format 0 – LVDS channel B lane B_Y3P/N transmits the 2 most significant bits (MSB) per color; Format 2 (default) 1 – LVDS channel B lane B_Y3P/N transmits the 2 least significant bits (LSB) per color; Format 1 Note1: This field must be 0 when 18bpp data is received from DSI. Note2: If this field is set to 1 and CHB_24BPP_MODE is 0, the SN65DSI85 will convert 24bpp data to 18bpp data for transmission to an 18bpp panel. In this configuration, the SN65DSI85 will not transmit the 2 LSB per color on LVDS channel B, since LVDS channel B lane B_Y3P/N is disabled. 0 RW 6 CHA_LVDS_VOCM This field controls the common mode output voltage for LVDS Channel A 0 – 1.2V (default) 1 – 0.9V (CSR 0x1B.5:4 CHA_LVDS_CM_ADJUST must be set to 01b) 0 RW 4 CHB_LVDS_VOCM This field controls the common mode output voltage for LVDS Channel B 0 – 1.2V (default) 1 – 0.9V (CSR 0x1B.1:0 CHB_LVDS_CM_ADJUST must be set to 01b) 0 RW 3:2 CHA_LVDS_VOD_SWING This field controls the differential output voltage for LVDS Channel A. See the Section 6.5 for |VOD| for each setting: 00, 01 (default), 10, 11 01 RW 1:0 CHB_LVDS_VOD_SWING This field controls the differential output voltage for LVDS Channel B. See the Section 6.5 for |VOD| for each setting: 00, 01 (default), 10, 11 01 RW 6 EVEN_ODD_SWAP 0 – Odd pixels routed to LVDS Channel A and Even pixels routed to LVDS Channel B (default) 1 – Odd pixels routed to LVDS Channel B and Even pixels routed to LVDS Channel A Note: When the SN65DSI85 is in two stream mode (CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10), setting this bit to 1 will cause the video stream from DSI Channel A to be routed to LVDS Channel B and the video stream from DSI Channel B to be routed to LVDS Channel A. 0 RW 0x19 0x1A Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 29 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-10. CSR Bit Field Definitions – LVDS Registers (continued) ADDRESS DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 0 RW 0 RW 1 CHA_LVDS_TERM This bit controls the near end differential termination for LVDS Channel A. This bit also affects the output voltage for LVDS Channel A. 0 – 100Ω differential termination 1 – 200Ω differential termination (default) 1 RW 0 CHB_LVDS_TERM This bit controls the near end differential termination for LVDS Channel B. This bit also affects the output voltage for LVDS Channel B. 0 – 100Ω differential termination 1 – 200Ω differential termination (default) 1 RW 5:4 CHA_LVDS_CM_ADJUST This field can be used to adjust the common mode output voltage for LVDS Channel A. 00 – No change to common mode voltage (default) 01 – Adjust common mode voltage down 3% 10 – Adjust common mode voltage up 3% 11 – Adjust common mode voltage up 6% 00 RW 1:0 CHB_LVDS_CM_ADJUST This field can be used to adjust the common mode output voltage for LVDS Channel B. 00 – No change to common mode voltage (default) 01 – Adjust common mode voltage down 3% 10 – Adjust common mode voltage up 3% 11 – Adjust common mode voltage up 6% 00 RW BIT(S) DESCRIPTION CHA_REVERSE_LVDS This bit controls the order of the LVDS pins for Channel A. 0 – Normal LVDS Channel A pin order. LVDS Channel A pin order is the same as listed in the Terminal Assignments Section. (default) 5 1 – Reversed LVDS Channel A pin order. LVDS Channel A pin order is remapped as follows: • A_Y0P → A_Y3P • A_Y0N → A_Y3N • A_Y1P → A_CLKP • A_Y1N → A_CLKN • A_Y2P → A_Y2P • A_Y2N → A_Y2N • A_CLKP → A_Y1P • A_CLKN → A_Y1N • A_Y3P → A_Y0P • A_Y3N → A_Y0N CHB_REVERSE_LVDS This bit controls the order of the LVDS pins for Channel B. 0 – Normal LVDS Channel B pin order. LVDS Channel B pin order is the same as listed in the Terminal Assignments Section. (default) 1 – Reversed LVDS Channel B pin order. LVDS Channel B pin order is remapped as follows: • B_Y0P → B_Y3P • B_Y0N → B_Y3N 4 0x1B (1) 30 • • • • • • • • B_Y1P → B_CLKP B_Y1N → B_CLKN B_Y2P → B_Y2P B_Y2N → B_Y2N B_CLKP → B_Y1P B_CLKN → B_Y1N B_Y3P → B_Y0P B_Y3N → B_Y0N RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Notes: 1. TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY registers are for test pattern generation use only. Others are for normal operation unless the test pattern generation feature is enabled. CHB* registers are used only when the device is configured for two stream mode ‐both LVDS output channels are enabled(CSR 0x18.4=0) and DSI channel mode configured as two stream(CSR 0x10.6:5 = 0X10b). CH*_SYNC_DELAY_HIGH/LOW registers are not used for test pattern generation. In all other configurations, CHA* registers are used for test pattern generation. 2. The CHB* register fields with a note “This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10.” are used only when the device is configured as two stream mode with CSR 0x18.4=’0’ and CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. Table 7-11. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Video Registers ADDRESS 0x20 0x21 BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 7:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW When the SN65DSI85 is configured for a single DSI input, this field controls the length in pixels of the active horizontal line. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Odd/Even mode, this field controls the number of odd pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5) . When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode, this field controls the number of left pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in two stream mode, this field controls the number of pixels in the active horizontal line for the video stream received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the horizontal line length. Note: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and LEFT_CROP field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Left portion of the line after LEFT_CROP has been applied. 0 RW 3:0 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH When the SN65DSI85 is configured for a single DSI input, this field controls the length in pixels of the active horizontal line. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Odd/Even mode, this field controls the number of odd pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode, this field controls the number of left pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in two stream mode, this field controls the number of pixels in the active horizontal line for the video stream received on DSI Channel A and output to LVDS Channel A. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the horizontal line length. Note: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and LEFT_CROP field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Left portion of the line after LEFT_CROP has been applied. 0 RW Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 31 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-11. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Video Registers (continued) ADDRESS 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 32 BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 7:0 CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW When the SN65DSI85 is configured for a single DSI input, this field is not applicable. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Odd/Even mode, this field controls the number of even pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel B. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Left/ Right mode, this field controls the number of right pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel B and output to LVDS Channel B. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in two stream mode, this field controls the number of pixels in the active horizontal line for the video stream received on DSI Channel B and output to LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the horizontal line length. Note: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and RIGHT_CROP field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Right portion of the line after RIGHT_CROP has been applied. 0 RW 3:0 CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH When the SN65DSI85 is configured for a single DSI input, this field is not applicable. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Odd/Even mode, this field controls the number of even pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel B. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in Left/ Right mode, this field controls the number of right pixels in the active horizontal line that are received on DSI Channel B and output to LVDS Channel B. When configured for Dual DSI inputs in two stream mode, this field controls the number of pixels in the active horizontal line for the video stream received on DSI Channel B and output to LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the horizontal line length. Note: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and RIGHT_CROP field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Right portion of the line after RIGHT_CROP has been applied 0 RW 7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY This field controls the vertical display size in lines for LVDS Channel A/B test pattern generation. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the vertical display size. 0 RW 3:0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the vertical display size in lines forLVDS Channel A/B test pattern generation. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the vertical display size 0 RW 7:0 CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the vertical display size in lines for LVDS Channel B test pattern generation. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the vertical display size. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10 0 RW 3:0 CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the vertical display size in lines for LVDS Channel B test pattern generation. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the vertical display size. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10 . 0 RW Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-11. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Video Registers (continued) ADDRESS 0x28 0x29 0x2A 0x2B 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 0x2F BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 7:0 CHA_SYNC_DELAY_LOW This field controls the delay in pixel clocks from when an HSync or VSync is received on the DSI to when it is transmitted on the LVDS interface for Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5).. The delay specified by this field is in addition to the pipeline and synchronization delays in the SN65DSI85. The additional delay is approximately 10 pixel clocks. The Sync delay must be programmed to at least 32 pixel clocks to ensure proper operation. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the Sync delay. 0 RW 3:0 CHA_SYNC_DELAY_HIGH This field controls the delay in pixel clocks from when an HSync or VSync is received on the DSI to when it is transmitted on the LVDS interface for Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5).. The delay specified by this field is in addition to the pipeline and synchronization delays in the SN65DSI85. The additional delay is approximately 10 pixel clocks. The Sync delay must be programmed to at least 32 pixel clocks to ensure proper operation. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the Sync delay. 0 RW 7:0 CHB_SYNC_DELAY_LOW This field controls the delay in pixel clocks from when an HSync or VSync is received on the DSI to when it is transmitted on the LVDS interface for Channel B when the SN65DSI85 is configured as two single stream mode with CSR 0x18.4=0 and CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. The delay specified by this field is in addition to the pipeline and synchronization delays in the SN65DSI85. The additional delay is approximately 10 pixel clocks. The Sync delay must be programmed to at least 32 pixel clocks to ensure proper operation. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 12-bit value for the Sync delay 0 RW 3:0 CHB_SYNC_DELAY_HIGH This field controls the delay in pixel clocks from when an HSync or VSync is received on the DSI to when it is transmitted on the LVDS interface for Channel B when the SN65DSI85 is configured as two single stream mode with CSR 0x18.4=0 and CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. The delay specified by this field is in addition to the pipeline and synchronization delays in the SN65DSI85. The additional delay is approximately 10 pixel clocks. The Sync delay must be programmed to at least 32 pixel clocks to ensure proper operation. The value in this field is the upper 4 bits of the 12-bit value for the Sync delay. 0 RW 7:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW This field controls the width in pixel clocks of the HSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit value for the HSync Pulse Width. 0 RW 1:0 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH This field controls the width in pixel clocks of the HSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). The value in this field is the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit value for the HSync Pulse Width. 0 RW 7:0 CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW This field controls the width in pixel clocks of the HSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit value for the HSync Pulse Width. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW 1:0 CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH This field controls the width in pixel clocks of the HSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit value for the HSync Pulse Width. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 33 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-11. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Video Registers (continued) BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 7:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW This field controls the length in lines of the VSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit value for the VSync Pulse Width. 0 RW 1:0 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH This field controls the length in lines of the VSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). The value in this field is the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit value for the VSync Pulse Width. 0 RW 7:0 CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW This field controls the length in lines of the VSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit value for the VSync Pulse Width. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW 1:0 CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH This field controls the length in lines of the VSync Pulse Width for LVDS Channel B. The value in this field is the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit value for the VSync Pulse Width. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW 7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH This field controls the time in pixel clocks between the end of the HSync Pulse and the start of the active video data for LVDS Channel A in single LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=1), Channel A and B in dual LVDS Channel mode(CSR 0x18.4=0) with DSI_CHANNEL_MODE set to 01 or 00(CSR 0x10.6:5). 0 RW 7:0 CHB_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH This field controls the time in pixel clocks between the end of the HSync Pulse and the start of the active video data for LVDS Channel B. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW 7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the number of lines between the end of the VSync Pulse and the start of the active video data for Channel A/B. 0 RW 0x37 7:0 CHB_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the number of lines between the end of the VSync Pulse and the start of the active video data for Channel B. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10 . 0 RW 0x38 7:0 CHA_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the time in pixel clocks between the end of the active video data and the start of the HSync Pulse for Channel A/B. 0 RW 0x39 7:0 CHB_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the time in pixel clocks between the end of the active video data and the start of the HSync Pulse for Channel B. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW 0x3A 7:0 CHA_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the number of lines between the end of the active video data and the start of the VSync Pulse for Channel A/B. 0 RW 7:0 CHB_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. This field controls the number of lines between the end of the active video data and the start of the VSync Pulse for Channel B. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10. 0 RW ADDRESS 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x3B 34 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-11. CSR Bit Field Definitions – Video Registers (continued) ADDRESS DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 4 CHA_TEST_PATTERN TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. When this bit is set, the SN65DSI85 will generate a video test pattern for Channel A based on the values programmed into the Video Registers for Channel A 0 RW 0 CHB_TEST_PATTERN TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY. When this bit is set, the SN65DSI85 will generate a video test pattern for Channel B based on the values programmed into the Video Registers for Channel B. This field is only applicable when CSR 0x10.6:5 = 10 0 RW 7:0 RIGHT_CROP This field controls the number of pixels removed from the beginning of the active video line for DSI Channel B. This field only has meaning if LEFT_RIGHT_PIXELS = 1. This field defaults to 0x00. Note1: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and this field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHB_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Right portion of the line after RIGHT_CROP has been applied. 0 RW 7:0 LEFT_CROP This field controls the number of pixels removed from the end of the active video line for DSI Channel A. This field only has meaning if LEFT_RIGHT_PIXELS = 1. This field defaults to 0x00. Note1: When the SN65DSI85 is configured for dual DSI inputs in Left/Right mode and this field is programmed to a value other than 0x00, the CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW/HIGH registers must be programmed to the number of active pixels in the Left portion of the line after LEFT_CROP has been applied. 0 RW BIT(S) 0x3C 0x3D 0x3E (1) DESCRIPTION RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 35 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-12. CSR Bit Field Definitions – IRQ Registers ADDRESS 0xE0 0xE1 BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 0 IRQ_EN When enabled by this field, the IRQ output is driven high to communicate IRQ events. 0 – IRQ output is high-impedance (default) 1 – IRQ output is driven high when a bit is set in registers 0xE5 or 0xE6 that also has the corresponding IRQ_EN bit set to enable the interrupt condition 0 RW 7 CHA_SYNCH_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_SYNCH_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_SYNCH_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 6 CHA_CRC_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_CRC_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_CRC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 5 CHA_UNC_ECC_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_UNC_ECC_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_UNC_ECC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 4 CHA_COR_ECC_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_COR_ECC_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_COR_ECC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 3 CHA_LLP_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_LLP_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_ LLP_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 2 CHA_SOT_BIT_ERR_EN 0 – CHA_SOT_BIT_ERR is masked 1 – CHA_SOT_BIT_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 0 PLL_UNLOCK_EN 0 – PLL_UNLOCK is masked 1 – PLL_UNLOCK is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 7 CHB_SYNCH_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_SYNCH_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_SYNCH_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 6 CHB_CRC_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_CRC_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_CRC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 5 CHB_UNC_ECC_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_UNC_ECC_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_UNC_ECC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 4 CHB_COR_ECC_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_COR_ECC_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_COR_ECC_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 3 CHB_LLP_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_LLP_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_ LLP_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 2 CHB_SOT_BIT_ERR_EN 0 – CHB_SOT_BIT_ERR is masked 1 – CHB_SOT_BIT_ERR is enabled to generate IRQ events 0 RW 7 CHA_SYNCH_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects an HS or VS synchronization error, that is, an unexpected sync packet; this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 6 CHA_CRC_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects a data stream CRC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 5 CHA_UNC_ECC_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects an uncorrectable ECC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 4 CHA_COR_ECC_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects a correctable ECC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 0xE2 0xE5 36 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 7-12. CSR Bit Field Definitions – IRQ Registers (continued) ADDRESS 0xE6 (1) BIT(S) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ACCESS (1) 3 CHA_LLP_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects a low level protocol error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. Low level protocol errors include SoT and EoT sync errors, Escape Mode entry command errors, LP transmission sync errors, and false control errors. Lane merge errors are reported by this status condition. 0 RW1C 2 CHA_SOT_BIT_ERR When the DSI channel A packet processor detects an SoT leader sequence bit error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 0 PLL_UNLOCK This bit is set whenever the PLL Lock status transitions from LOCK to UNLOCK. 1 RW1C 7 CHB_SYNCH_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects an HS or VS synchronization error, that is, an unexpected sync packet; this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 6 CHB_CRC_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects a data stream CRC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 5 CHB_UNC_ECC_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects an uncorrectable ECC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 4 CHB_COR_ECC_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects a correctable ECC error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C 3 CHB_LLP_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects a low level protocol error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. Low level protocol errors include SoT and EoT sync errors, Escape Mode entry command errors, LP transmission sync errors, and false control errors. Lane merge errors are reported by this status condition. 0 RW1C 2 CHB_SOT_BIT_ERR When the DSI channel B packet processor detects an SoT leader sequence bit error, this bit is set; this bit is cleared by writing a 1 value. 0 RW1C RO = Read Only; RW = Read/Write; RW1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear; WO = Write Only (reads return undetermined values) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 37 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8 Application and Implementation Note Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information 8.1.1 Video STOP and Restart Sequence When the system requires to stop outputting video to the display, it is recommended to use the following sequence for the SN65DSI85: 1. Clear the PLL_EN bit to 0 (CSR 0x0D.0) 2. Stop video streaming on DSI inputs 3. Drive all DSI data lanes to LP11, but keep the DSI CLK lanes in HS. When the system is ready to restart the video streaming. 1. Start video streaming on DSI inputs. 2. Set the PLL_EN bit to 1 (CSR 0x0D.0). 3. Wait for a minimum of 3 ms. 4. Set the SOFT_RESET bit (0x09.0). 8.1.2 Reverse LVDS Pin Order Option For ease of PCB routing, the SN65DSI85 supports swapping/reversing the channel or pin order via configuration register programming. The order of the LVDS pin for LVDS Channel A or Channel B can be reversed by setting the address 0x1A bit 5 CHA_REVERSE_LVDS or bit 4 CHB_REVERSE_LVDS. The LVDS Channel A and Channel B can be swapped by setting the 0x1A.6 EVEN_ODD_SWAP bit. See the corresponding register bit definition for details. 8.1.3 IRQ Usage The SN65DSI85 provides an IRQ pin that can be used to indicate when certain errors occur on DSI. The IRQ output is enabled through the IRQ_EN bit (CSR 0xE0.0). Individual error conditions for DSI Channel A are enabled through the Channel A Error Enable bits (CSR 0xE1.7:2). Individual error conditions for DSI Channel B are enabled through the Channel B Error Enable bits (CSR 0xE2.7:2). The IRQ pin will be asserted when an error occurs on DSI, the corresponding error enable bit is set, and the IRQ_EN bit is set. An error is cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding error status bit. Note If the SOFT_RESET bit is set while the DSI video stream is active, some of the error status bits may be set. If the DSI video stream is stopped, some of the error status bits may be set. These error status bits should be cleared before restarting the video stream. If the DSI video stream starts before the device is configured, some of the error status bits may be set. It is recommended to start streaming after the device is correctly configured as recommended in the initialization sequence in the Recommended Initialization Sequence section. 8.2 Typical Applications 8.2.1 Typical WUXGA 18-bpp Application Figure 8-1 illustrates a typical application using the SN65DSI85 configured for a single channel DSI receiver to interface a single-channel DSI application processor to an LVDS Dual-Link 18 bit-per-pixel panel supporting 1920 x 1200 WUXGA resolutions at 60 frames per second. 38 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 100Ω DA0P DA0N A_Y1N A_Y1P 100Ω A_Y2N A_Y2P 100Ω A_CLKN A_CLKP 100Ω DA1P DA1N DA2P DA2N DA3P DA3N DACP DACN SCL SDA A_Y3N A_Y3P B_Y0N B_Y0P 100Ω IRQ EN B_Y1N B_Y1P 100Ω ADDR REFCLK GND B_Y2N B_Y2P 100Ω B_CLKN B_CLKP 100Ω 1.8V VCC to odd pixel row and column drivers 18bpp TCON A_Y0N A_Y0P FPC Application Processor SN65DSI85 to even pixel row and column drivers B_Y3N B_Y3P C1 Figure 8-1. Typical WUXGA 18-bpp Panel Application Design Requirements Table 8-1 lists the design parameters for SN65DSI85. Table 8-1. Design Parameters DESIGN PARAMETER EXAMPLE VALUE VCC 1.8 V (±5%) CLOCK DSIA_CLK REFCKL Frequency N/A DSIA Clock Frequency 490 MHz PANEL INFORMATION LVDS Output Clock Frequency 81 MHz Resolution 1920 × 1200 Horizontal Active (pixels) 960 Horizontal Blanking (pixels) 144 Vertical Active (Lines) 1200 Vertical Blanking (lines) 20 Horizontal Sync Offset (pixels) 50 Horizontal Sync Pulse Width (pixels) 50 Vertical Sync Offset (lines) 1 Vertical Sync Pulse Width (lines) 5 Horizontal Sync Pulse Polarity Negative Vertical Sync Pulse Polarity Negative Color Bit Depth (6 bpc or 8 bpc) 6-bit Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 39 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Table 8-1. Design Parameters (continued) DESIGN PARAMETER EXAMPLE VALUE Number of LVDS Lanes 2 × [3 Data lanes + 1 Clock lane] DSI INFORMATION Number of DSI Lanes 1 × [4 Data Lanes + 1 Clock Lane] DSI Input Clock Frequency 490 MHz Dual DSI Configuration (Odd/Even or Left/Right) N/A Detailed Design Procedure The video resolution parameters required by the panel need to be programmed into the SN65DSI84. For this example, the parameters programmed would be the following: Horizontal active = 1920 or 0x780 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_LOW = 0X80 CHA_ACTIVE_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH = 0x07 Horizontal pulse Width = 50 or 0x32 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW = 0x32 CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH= 0x00 Horizontal back porch = Horizontal blanking – (Horizontal sync offset + Horizontal sync pulse width) Horizontal back porch = 144– (50 + 50) Horizontal back porch = 44 or 0x2C CHA_HORIZONTAL_BACK_PORCH = 0x2C Vertical pulse width = 5 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW = 0x05 CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH= 0x00 The pattern generation feature can be enabled by setting the CHA_TEST_PATTERN bit at address 0x3C and configuring the following TEST PATTERN GENERATION PURPOSE ONLY registers. Vertical active = 1200 or 0x4B0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW = 0xB0 CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH = 0x04 Vertical back porch = Vertical blanking – (Vertical sync offset +Vertical sync pulse width) Vertical back porch = 20 – (1 + 5) Vertical back porch = 14 or 0x0E CHA_VERTICAL_BACK_PORCH = 0x0E Horizontal front porch = Horizontal sync offset Horizontal front porch = 50 or 0x32 CHA_HORIZONTAL_FRONT_PORCH = 0x32 Vertical front porch = Vertical sync offset Vertical front porch =1 CHA_VERTICAL_FRONT_PORCH = 0x01 In this example, the clock source for the SN65DSI84 is the DSI clock. When the MIPI D-PHY clock is used as the LVDS clock source, it is divided by the factor in DSI_CLK_DIVIDER (CSR 0x0B.7:3) to generate the FlatLink LVDS output clock. Additionally, LVDS_CLK_RANGE (CSR 0x0A.3:1) and CH_DSI_CLK_RANGE(CSR 0x12) must be set to the frequency range of the FlatLink LVDS output clock and DSI Channel A input clock respectively for the internal PLL to operate correctly. After these settings are programmed, PLL_EN (CSR 0x0D.0) should be set to enable the internal PLL. LVDS_CLK)RANGE = 010b – 62.5 MHz ≤ LVDS_CLK < 87.5 MHz HS_CLK_SRC = 1 – LVDS pixel clock derived from MIPI D-PHY channel A HS continuous clock DSI_CLK_DIVIDER = 00101b – Divide by 6 CHA_DSI_LANES = 00 – Four lanes are enabled CHA_DSI_CLK_RANGE = 0x62 – 490 MHz ≤ frequency < 495 MHz 40 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SN65DSI85 SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 Example Script =====SOFTRESET======= 09 01 ======ADDR 0D======= ======PLL_EN(bit 0) - Enable LAST after addr 0A and 0B configured====== 0D 00 ======ADDR 0A======= ======HS_CLK_SRC bit0=== ======LVDS_CLK_Range bit 3:1====== 0A 05 ======ADDR 0B======= ======DSI_CLK_DIVIDER bit7:3===== ======RefCLK ======00 - LVDSclk=source clk, 01 - x2, 10 -x3, 11 - x4====== 0B 28 multiplier(bit1:0)====== ======ADDR 10======= ======DSI Ch Confg Left_Right Pixels(bit7 - 0 for A ODD, B EVEN, 1 for the other config)====== ======DSI Ch Mode(bit6:5) 00 - Dual, 01 - single, 10 - two single ======= ======CHA_DSI_Lanes(bit4:3), CHB_DSI_Lanes(bit2:1), 00 - 4, 01 - 3, 10 - 2, 11 - 1 ======SOT_ERR_TOL_DIS(bit0)======= 10 26 ======ADDR 12======= 12 62 ======ADDR 18======= ======bit7: DE_Pol, bit6:HS_Pol, bit5:VS_Pol, bit4: LVDS Link Cfg, bit3:CHA 24bpp, bit2: CHB 24bpp, bit1: CHA 24bpp fmt1, bit0: CHB 24bpp fmt1====== Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 41 SN65DSI85 SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 www.ti.com 18 63 ======ADDR 19======= 19 00 ======ADDR 1A======= 1A 03 ======ADDR 20======= ======CHA_LINE_LENGTH_LOW======== 20 80 ======ADDR 21======= ======CHA_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH======== 21 07 ======ADDR 22======= ======CHB_LINE_LENGTH_LOW======== 22 00 ======ADDR 23======= ======CHB_LINE_LENGTH_HIGH======== 23 00 ======ADDR 24======= ======CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW======== 24 00 ======ADDR 25======= ======CHA_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH======== 25 00 ======ADDR 26======= ======CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_LOW======== 26 00 ======ADDR 27======= ======CHB_VERTICAL_DISPLAY_SIZE_HIGH======== 27 00 ======ADDR 28======= ======CHA_SYNC_DELAY_LOW======== 28 20 ======ADDR 29======= ======CHA_SYNC_DELAY_HIGH======== 29 00 ======ADDR 2A======= ======CHB_SYNC_DELAY_LOW======== 2A 00 ======ADDR 2B======= ======CHB_SYNC_DELAY_HIGH======== 2B 00 ======ADDR 2C======= ======CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW======== 2C 32 ======ADDR 2D======= ======CHA_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH======== 2D 00 ======ADDR 2E======= ======CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW======== 2E 00 ======ADDR 2F======= ======CHB_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH======== 2F 00 42 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: SN65DSI85 SN65DSI85 www.ti.com SLLSEB9G – SEPTEMBER 2012 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 ======ADDR 30======= ======CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW======== 30 05 ======ADDR 31======= ======CHA_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH======== 31 00 ======ADDR 32======= ======CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_LOW======== 32 00 ======ADDR 33======= ======CHB_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH_HIGH======== 33 00 ======ADDR 34======= ======CHA_HOR_BACK_PORCH======== 34 2C ======ADDR 35======= ======CHB_HOR_BACK_PORCH======== 35 00 ======ADDR 36======= ======CHA_VER_BACK_PORCH======== 36 00 ======ADDR 37======= ======CHB_VER_BACK_PORCH======== 37 00 ======ADDR 38======= ======CHA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH======== 38 00 ======ADDR 39======= ======CHB_HOR_FRONT_PORCH======== 39 00 ======ADDR 3A======= ======CHA_VER_FRONT_PORCH======== 3A 00 ======ADDR 3B======= ======CHB_VER_FRONT_PORCH======== 3B 00 ======ADDR 3C======= ======CHA/CHB TEST PATTERN(bit4 CHA, bit0 CHB)======== 3C 00 =======ADDR 0D======= ======PLL_EN(bit 0) - Enable LAST after addr 0A and 0B configured====== 0D 01 =====SOFTRESET======= 09 00 ======write====== 00 ======Read====== 00
SN65DSI85ZQER 价格&库存

