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LTC1843IS8 数据手册
LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 Ultralow Power Dual Comparators with Reference U DESCRIPTION FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ultralow Quiescent Current: 3.5µA Typ Open-Drain Outputs Typically Sink Greater Than 20mA Wide Supply Range: (LTC1841) Single: 2V to 11V Dual: ±1V to ±5.5V Input Voltage Range Includes the Negative Supply Reference Output Drives 0.01µF Capacitor Adjustable Hysteresis 12µs Propagation Delay with 10mV Overdrive No Current Spike When Switching The LTC ®1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 are ultralow power dual comparators with built-in reference (LTC1842/LTC1843). The comparators feature less than 5.7µA supply current over temperature, a 1.182V ±1% reference, programmable hysteresis and open-drain outputs that sink current. The reference output can drive a bypass capacitor of up to 0.01µF without oscillation. The LTC1841 operates from a single 2V to 11V supply or a dual ±1V to ±5.5V supply. The LTC1842/LTC1843 operate from a single 2.5V to 11V supply or a dual ±1.25V to ±5.5V supply. The LTC1842/LTC1843 hysteresis is easily programmed by using two resistors and the HYST pin. The comparators’ input operates from the negative supply to within 1.3V of the positive supply. The comparators’ output stage can typically sink greater than 20mA. By eliminating the cross-conduction current that normally happens when the comparators change logic states, power supply glitches are eliminated. U APPLICATIONS ■ ■ ■ ■ Battery-Powered System Monitoring Threshold Detectors Window Comparators Oscillator Circuits The LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 are available in SO-8 packages. , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. U TYPICAL APPLICATION Single Li-Ion Cell to 5V Supply R1 1.5M C1 100µF D1 5 7 – 4 IN B – VCC LTC1843 + R2 100k 3 IN A+ + OUT A 1 6 REF 6 VIN OUT B 8 R3 1M LTC1843 Supply Current vs Supply Voltage L1 10µH R6 25k – OUTPUT 5V 600mA SW LT1302-5 Si9924DY 3 SHDN IT 8 4 PGND SENSE VC GND 2 RC 20k CC 0.0µF TA = 25°C 7 + 1 C2 100µF R7 500k 4 SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) + 1-CELL Li-Ion BATTERY 3 2 1 LBO 1841/43 TA01 R4 20k R5 1.1M V– 2 HYST 5 C1, C2: SANYO OS-CON D1: MOTOROLA MBRS130LT3 L1: COILTRONICS CTX10-3 0 0 2 6 8 4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 10 12 1841/43 TA02 1 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 W W U W ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) Voltage V + to V – ................................................12V to – 0.3V IN +, IN –, HYST ................. (V + + 0.3V) to (V – – 0.3V) REF ................................... (V + + 0.3V) to (V – – 0.3V) OUT ................................................ 12V to (V – – 0.3V) Current IN +, IN –, HYST ................................................. 20mA REF ................................................................... 20mA OUT .................................................................. 50mA OUT Short-Circuit Duration (V + ≤ 5.5V) ...... Continuous Power Dissipation ............................................. 500mW Operating Temperature Range LTC1841C/LTC1842C/LTC1843C ........... 0°C to 70°C LTC1841I/LTC1842I/LTC1843I .......... – 40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range ................ – 65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300°C W U U PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION TOP VIEW TOP VIEW OUT A 1 V – IN A + 2 8 7 OUT B V OUT A 1 8 OUT B V– 2 7 V+ + + + 3 6 IN B IN A – 4 5 IN B – TOP VIEW IN A 8 OUT B 2 7 V+ OUT A 1 V – + 3 6 REF IN A 3 6 REF IN B + 4 5 HYST IN B – 4 5 HYST S8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO S8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 125°C/ W TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 125°C/ W S8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 125°C/ W ORDER PART NUMBER S8 PART MARKING ORDER PART NUMBER S8 PART MARKING ORDER PART NUMBER S8 PART MARKING LTC1841CS8 LTC1841IS8 1841 1841I LTC1842CS8 LTC1842IS8 1842 1842I LTC1843CS8 LTC1843IS8 1843 1843I Consult factory for Military grade parts. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER V + = 5V, V – = 0V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Power Supply V+ Supply Voltage Range LTC1841 LTC1842/LTC1843 ● ● ICC Supply Current HYST = REF (Note 2) ● 2.0 2.5 11 11 V V 3.5 5.7 µA Comparator VOS Comparator Input Offset Voltage (Note 3) ● ±3 ±10 mV IIN Input Leakage Current (IN +, IN –) IN + ● ±0.01 ±1.0 nA VIN Comparator Input Voltage Range V + – 1.3V V = IN – = 2.5V (LTC1841), IN + = IN – = VREF (LTC1842/LTC1843) ● PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V + = 2V to 11V (LTC1841), V + = 2.5V to 11V (LTC1842/LTC1843) CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = V – to (V + – 1.3V) LTC1841 ● VHYST Hysteresis Input Voltage Range LTC1842/LTC1843 ● 2 V– VREF – 50mV 0.1 1 mV/V 0.1 1 mV/V VREF V LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V + = 5V, V – = 0V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS tPD Propagation Delay COUT = 10pF, RPULL-UP = 100k Overdrive = 10mV Overdrive = 100mV ILEAK Output Leakage Current VOUT = 12V (Note 2) VOL Output Low Voltage MIN MAX 1 ● UNITS µs µs 12 4 ● IOUT = 1.8mA TYP 100 nA V – + 0.4V V Reference (LTC1842/LTC1843) VREF Reference Voltage ∆VREF Load Regulation No Load 25°C 1.190 V 0°C to 70°C ● 1.170 1.174 1.194 V – 40°C to 85°C ● 1.164 1.200 V ISOURCE = 1mA ● ISINK =10µA 1.182 1 3 mV 1.75 4 6 mV mV ● en Voltage Noise 100Hz to 100kHz µVRMS 100 V + = 3V, V – = 0V, TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Power Supply V+ Supply Voltage Range LTC1841 LTC1842/LTC1843 ● ● ICC Supply Current HYST = REF (Note 2) ● 2.0 2.5 11 11 V V 3.5 5.5 µA Comparator VOS Comparator Input Offset Voltage (Note 3) ● ±3 ±10 mV IIN Input Leakage Current (IN +, IN –) IN + = IN – = 1.5V (LTC1841), IN + = IN – = VREF (LTC1842/LTC1843) ● ±0.01 ±1 nA VIN Comparator Input Voltage Range V + – 1.3V V ● V– PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio V + = 2V to 11V (LTC 1841), V + = 2.5V to 11V (LTC1842/LTC1843) CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = V – to (V + – 1.3V) LTC1841 ● VHYST Hysteresis Input Voltage Range LTC1842/LTC1843 ● VREF – 50mV tPD Propagation Delay COUT = 10pF, RPULL-UP = 100k Overdrive = 10mV Overdrive = 100mV ILEAK Output Leakage Current VOUT = 12V (Note 2) VOL Output Low Voltage 1 mV/V 0.1 1 mV/V VREF 1 ● V µs µs 14 5 ● IO = 0.8mA 0.1 100 nA V – + 0.4V V 1.190 V Reference (LTC1842/LTC1843) VREF Reference Voltage ∆VREF Load Regulation No Load 25°C 1.174 1.182 0°C to 70°C ● 1.170 1.194 V – 40°C to 85°C ● 1.164 1.200 V ISOURCE = 1mA ● ISINK =10µA 2 6 mV 1.75 4 6 mV mV ● en Voltage Noise 100Hz to 100kHz The ● denotes specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range. Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. 100 Note 2: IN + µVRMS = IN – + 80mV, output is in high impedance state. Note 3: VCM = 1/2(V + – V –) for LTC1841, VCM = VREF for LTC1842/ LTC1843. 3 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U W TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Comparator Response Time vs Input Overdrive, with RPULL-UP = 5k 3 100mV OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) TA = 25°C 4 10mV 50mV 20mV 2 1 0 INPUT VOLTAGE (mV) INPUT VOLTAGE (mV) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 5 Comparator Response Time vs Input Overdrive, with RPULL-UP = 5k 0 100 0 –1 2 4 6 RESPONSE TIME (µs) 8 10 5 TA = 25°C 4 100mV 50mV 3 20mV 10mV 2 1 0 100 0 –1 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 RESPONSE TIME (µs) 2 1440/1/2/3 G02 1440/1/2/3 G01 Comparator Response Time vs Load Capacitance with 100mV Input Overdrive Comparator Short-Circuit Sink Current vs Supply Voltage 12 200 TA = 25°C 180 10 140 RESPONSE TIME (µs) SINK CURRENT (mA) 160 OUT CONNECTED TO V + 120 100 80 60 t PHL 8 t PLH 6 4 40 20 0 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 9 20 0 10 60 80 40 LOAD CAPACITANCE (nF) 1440/1/2/3 G03 100 1440/1/2/3 G04 Comparator Response Time at Low Supply Voltage Comparator Output Voltage Low vs Load Current 2.5 10000 OUTPUT VOLTAGE HIGH (V) RESPONSE TIME (µs) TA = 25°C 1000 20mV OVERDRIVE 100 10 100mV OVERDRIVE 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 1.5 1.6 1440/1/2/3 G05 V + = 3V V + = 2V 1.5 V + = 5V 1.0 0.5 0 1.0 4 2.0 0 10 50 60 20 30 40 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 70 80 1440/1/2/3 G06 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U W TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS LTC1842/LTC1843 Supply Current vs Temperature 4.5 80 60 OUTPUT HIGH 4.0 40 SUPPLY CURRENT (µA) POSITIVE-TO-NEGATIVE INPUT VOLTAGE (mV) LTC1842/LTC1843 Hysteresis Control 20 0 OUTPUT LOW –20 –40 V + = 5V V – = –5V 3.5 3.0 V + = 5V V – = 0V V + = 3V V – = 0V 2.5 –60 –80 0 10 20 30 VREF – VHYST (mV) 40 2.0 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 1440/1/2/3 G08 1440/1/2/3 G07 Reference Output Voltage vs Output Load Current Reference Output Voltage vs Output Load Current (Sink) 1.190 1.200 REFERENCE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 1.185 SOURCE 1.180 1.175 1.170 1.165 1.160 1.155 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (mA) V CC = 2V 1.195 V CC = 5V 1.190 1.185 SINK 1.180 1.175 1.170 3.5 0 1841/2/3 G09 25 10 15 20 5 OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (µA) 30 1440/1/2/3 G10 Reference Voltage vs Temperature 1.186 1.184 REFERENCE VOLTAGE (V) REFERENCE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) VCC = 5V 1.182 1.180 1.178 1.176 1.174 1.172 1.170 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1440/1/2/3 G11 5 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U U U PIN FUNCTIONS OUT A (Pin 1): Comparator A Open-Drain Output. Output can typically sink greater than 20mA. V – (Pin 2): Negative Supply. IN A+ (Pin 3): Noninverting Input of Comparator A. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. 1 OUT A 2 V– + LTC1841 OUT B 8 V+ B A – + – 3 IN A+ IN B + 6 4 IN A– IN B – 5 IN A – (Pin 4) (LTC1841): Inverting Input of Comparator A. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. IN B+ (Pin 4) (LTC1842): Noninverting Input of Comparator B. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. IN B – (Pin 4) (LTC1843): Inverting Input of Comparator B. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. IN B – (Pin 5) (LTC1841): Inverting Input of Comparator B. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. HYST (Pin 5) (LTC1842/LTC1843): Hysteresis Input. Connect to REF if not used. Input voltage range is from VREF to VREF – 50mV. IN B + (Pin 6) (LTC1841): Noninverting Input of Comparator B. Input common mode range extends from V – to V + – 1.3V. Input current is typically 10pA at 25°C. REF (Pin 6) (LTC1842/LTC1843): Reference Output. 1.182V with respect to V –. Can typically source greater than 1mA and sink 10µA at 25°C. Can drive 0.01µF bypass capacitor without oscillation. V + (Pin 7) (LTC1841): Positive Supply. 2V to 11V. V + (Pin 7) (LTC1842/LTC1843): Positive Supply. 2.5V to 11V. OUT B (Pin 8): Comparator B Open-Drain Output. Output can typically sink greater than 20mA. 6 7 1841 PD 1 OUT A 2 V– LTC1842 V+ B A + OUT B 8 – + 7 – 3 IN A+ REF 6 HYST 5 V– 4 IN B + 1842 PD 1 OUT A 2 V– LTC1843 – 3 IN A+ 4 IN B – V+ B A + OUT B 8 – 7 + REF 6 V– HYST 5 1843 PD LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U W U U APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 are dual micropower comparators with a built-in 1.182V reference (LTC1842/ LTC1843). Features include programmable hysteresis, wide supply voltage range (2V to 11V) and the ability for the reference to drive up to a 0.01µF capacitor without oscillation. The comparators’ open-drain outputs can typically sink greater than 20mA and the supply current glitches that normally occur when switching logic states have been eliminated. REFERENCE OUTPUT REF R1 C1 LTC1843 V– 1841/43 F01 Figure 1. Damping the Reference Output Power Supplies The comparators operate from a single 2V to 11V (2.5V to 11V for LTC1842/LTC1843) or dual ±1V to ±5.5V supply (±1.25V to ±5.5V for LTC1842/LTC1843). If the reference output is required to source more than 1mA or the supply source impedance is high, V + should be bypassed with a 0.1µF capacitor. Figure 2 shows the resistor value required for different capacitor values to achieve critical damping. Bypassing the reference can help prevent false tripping of the comparators by preventing glitches on V + or reference load transients from disturbing the reference output voltage. Comparator Inputs Comparator Outputs Each comparator output is an open-drain pull-down to V – typically capable of sinking greater than 20mA. The low output leakage current while in three-state mode allows a high value pull-up resistor to be used. The open-drain outputs can be wire OR-ed or used in level shifting applications. 100 RESISTOR VALUE (kΩ) The comparators’ input can swing from the negative supply V – to within 1.3V (max) of the positive supply V +. The input can be forced 300mV below V – or above V + without damage and the typical input leakage current is only ±10pA. 10 1 0.1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 CAPACITOR VALUE (µF) 10 1841/43 F02 Figure 2. Damping Resistance vs Bypass Capacitor Value Voltage Reference The internal bandgap reference has an output voltage of 1.182V referenced to V –. The reference accuracy is 1.5% from – 40°C to 85°C. It can typically source greater than 1mA and sink up to 10µA with a 5V supply. The reference can drive a bypass capacitor of up to 0.01µF without oscillation. By inserting a series resistor, capacitance values up to 100µF can be used (Figure 1). Figure 3 shows the bypassed reference output with a square wave applied to the V + pin. Resistors R2 and R3 set a 10mV hysteresis voltage band while R1 damps the reference response. Note that the comparator output doesn’t trip. 7 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U U W U APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 7 V+ 3 IN A+ 5V 1M + OUT A 1 R1 = REF LTC1843 R1 5 OUT A – 5V TO 8V 6 IREF LTC1843 HYST R2 = V R2 VHB (2)(IREF) ( 1.182V – VHB 2 ) IREF – 2 5 HYST 1841/43 F04 R2 10k R3 2.4M 6 REF R1 430Ω C1 1µF Figure 4. Programmable Hysteresis V– 2 1841/43 F03a Figure 3a. Power Supply Transient Test Circuit 15%. If hysteresis is not wanted, the HYST pin should be shorted to REF. Acceptable values for IREF range are from 0.1µA to 5µA. If 2.4M is chosen for R2, then the value of R1 is equal to the value of VHB. Window Detector The LTC1843 is ideal for use as a micropower window detector as shown in Figure 5. The values of R1, R2 and R3 are selected for a 4.5V undervoltage threshold and a 5.5V overvoltage threshold. R4 and R5 set the hysteresis voltage. The following design procedure can be used to select the component values: 8V V+ 2mV/DIV 5V VREF OUT 5V 2ms/DIV 1841/1843 F03b VIN 7 Figure 3b. Power Supply Transient Rejection R3 1M V+ 3 IN A+ LTC1843 1M + OUT A 1 – Hysteresis Hysteresis can be added to the LTC1842/LTC1843 by connecting a resistor (R1) between the REF and HYST pins and a second resistor (R2) from HYST to V – (Figure 4). The difference between the upper and lower threshold voltages, or hysteresis voltage band (VHB), is equal to twice the voltage difference between the REF and HYST pins. As more hysteresis is added, the upper threshold increases the same amount as the low threshold decreases. The maximum voltage allowed between REF and HYST pins is 50mV, producing a maximum hysteresis voltage band of 100mV. The hysteresis band may vary by up to 8 R2 62.2k 5 HYST 6 REF + R5 10k OUT B 8 4 IN B– R1 294k – R4 2.4M VOTH = 5.5V VUTH = 4.5V V– 2 1841/43 F05 Figure 5. Dual Level Detector LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U U W U APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 1. Choose the required hysteresis voltage band and calculate values for R4 and R5 according to the formulas in the hysteresis section. In this example, ±5mV of hysteresis has been added at the comparator input (VH = VHB/2). Note that the hysteresis apparent at VIN will be larger because of the input resistor divider. 2. Select R1. The leakage current into IN B – is under 1nA so the current through R1 should exceed 100nA, to ensure threshold accuracy. R1 values up to about 10M can be used, but values in the 100k to 1M range are usually easier to deal with. In this example choose R1 = 294k. 3. Calculate R2 + R3. The overvoltage threshold should be set at 5.5V. The design equation is as follows:  VUTH  – 1 R2 + R3 = R1  VREF + VH    5.5 = 294k  – 1  1.182 + 0.005  = 1.068M 4. Calculate R2. The undervoltage threshold should be set at 4.5V. The design equation is as follows: ( )V V –V R2 = R1 + R2 + R3 ( REF H Choose R2 = 61.9k (1% standard value) 5. Calculate R3: R3 = (R2 + R3) – R2 = 1.068M – 61.9k = 1.006M Choose R3 = 1M (1% standard value) 6. Verify the resistor values. The equations are as follows, evaluated for the above example: Overvoltage threshold: ( VOTH = VREF + VH ) R1+ RR21+ R3 = 5.474V Undervoltage threshold: ( VUTH = VREF – VH = 4.484V ) R1R+1R+2R+2R3  R5  where the hysteresis voltage VH = VREF    R4  ( ) – R1 LTH ) 1.1824–.50.005 – 294k = 294k + 1.068M = 62.2k 9 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U TYPICAL APPLICATION Battery Switchover Circuit 1N5818 WALL ADAPTER 9V Si9433 LTC1474 STEP-DOWN REGULATOR 7 4-CELL BATTERY 130k V+ 1.1M 3 IN A+ LTC1842 OUT A 1 562k – 4 IN B+ + OUT B 8 6 REF – 0.01µF 20k V– 10 2.4M 1M + 5 HYST 47k 1M OUTPUT 3.3V 2 1842 TA01 LBO LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. S8 Package 8-Lead Plastic Small Outline (Narrow 0.150) (LTC DWG # 05-08-1610) 0.189 – 0.197* (4.801 – 5.004) 8 7 6 5 0.150 – 0.157** (3.810 – 3.988) 0.228 – 0.244 (5.791 – 6.197) 1 0.010 – 0.020 × 45° (0.254 – 0.508) 0.008 – 0.010 (0.203 – 0.254) 0.053 – 0.069 (1.346 – 1.752) 0°– 8° TYP 0.016 – 0.050 0.406 – 1.270 0.014 – 0.019 (0.355 – 0.483) 2 3 4 0.004 – 0.010 (0.101 – 0.254) 0.050 (1.270) TYP *DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDE **DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH. INTERLEAD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010" (0.254mm) PER SIDE Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. SO8 0996 11 LTC1841/LTC1842/LTC1843 U TYPICAL APPLICATION Low-Battery Load Disconnect and Charge Termination Si9924DY VIN 1-CELL Li-Ion BATTERY 7 V+ 2.55M 4 IN B– – LTC1843 2M OUT B 8 + LBO AT VIN = 3V 2M 453k 3 IN A+ 1.2M + 6 REF FULL CHARGE AT VIN = 4.2V – V– 10k OUT A 1 HYST 2 5 1.2M 1841/43 TA03 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT 1178/LT1179 Dual/Quad 17µA Precision Single Supply Op Amps 70µV Max VOS, 5nA Max IBIAS LT1351 Single 250µA, 3MHz, 200V/µs Op Amp with Shutdown C-LoadTM Op Amp Stable Driving Any Capacitive Load LT1352/LT1353 Dual/Quad 250µA, 3MHz, 200V/µs Op Amps C-Load Op Amps Stable Driving Any Capacitive Load LTC1440/LTC1540 Micropower Comparator with 1% Reference 1.182V ±1% Reference, ±10mV (Max) Input Offset LTC1441/LTC1442 Micropower Dual Comparator with 1% Reference 1.182V ±1% Reference (LTC1442) LTC1443/LTC1444/LTC1445 Micropower Quad Comparator with 1% Reference LTC1443 Has 1.182V Reference, LTC1444/LTC1445 Have 1.221V Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis LTC1474 Low Quiescent Current High Efficiency Step-Down Switching Regulator 10µA Standby Current, 92% Efficiency, Space Saving 8-Pin MSOP Package LT1495 1.5µA Max, Dual Precision Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amp 375µV Max VOS, 250pA IBIAS, 25pA IOS LT1521 300mA Low Dropout Regulator with Micropower Quiescent Current and Shutdown 0.5V Dropout Voltage, 12µA Quiescent Current, Adjustable Output 3V, 3.3V and 5V Fixed LTC1541/LTC1542 Micropower Op Amp, Comparator and Reference 1.200V ±0.8% Reference (LTC1541) Op Amp Outputs Stable with 1000pF Load LT1634 Micropower Precision Shunt Voltage Reference 1.25V Output, 10µA Operating Current, 0.1% Initial Accuracy 10ppm/°C Max Drift ® C-Load is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. 12 Linear Technology Corporation 184123f LT/TP 1298 4K • PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408)432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear-tech.com  LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1998
LTC1843IS8 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 60.357 1+ 0
    • 10+ 40.931 10+ 0
    • 25+ 35.915 25+ 0
    • 100+ 30.294 100+ 0
