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UBY1V472MHL 数据手册
ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY Expanded High Temperature Range, For +125°C or 135°C Use Higher capacitance and higher ripple current than UBT and UBW. Ideal for automobile control ciucuits such as electric power steering and direct injection engine drive. Compliant to the RoHS directive(2011/65/EU). UBT UBW Higher Capacitance Higher ripple current UBY Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range –40 to +135°C Rated Voltage Range 25 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 160 to 12000µF Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan δ) ± 20% at 120Hz, 20°C After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage at 20°C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV (µA) 25 0.14 Rated voltage (V) tan δ (MAX.) 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 0.10 80 0.08 120Hz,  20°C 100 0.08 For capacitance of more than 1000µF, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000µF. 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature 25 2 4 Rated voltage (V) Z– 25°C / Z+20°C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z– 40°C / Z+20°C 35 2 4 50 2 4 100 2 4 80 2 4 63 2 4 Rated voltage (V) 25 to 50V 63 to 100V - The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20°C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours at 125°C or 135°C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20°C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours at 125°C or 2000 hours at 135°C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance Within ±30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than tha initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan δ Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 125˚C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20°C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life Black print on the case top. Marking The UBY series places emphasis on high ripple current, as a result the lifetime calculation is different than other series. Please contact Nichicon for details. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 12000µF) 1 nichicon Series 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 UB Y 1 E 1 2 3 MH L φd 12 size code Configuration P±0.5 Rated Voltage 12000 BY 25V H1501 Trade mark Laminated case φD+0.5 MAX. Rated Capacitance Capacitance tolerance (±20%) Rated capacitance (12000µF) Rated voltage (25V) Lot No. Pressure relief vent L+1.5MAX. 15MIN 4MIN Type (mm) φD P φd Dimension table in next page. Series name 12.5 5.0 0.6※ 16 7.5 0.8 18 7.5 0.8 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) 25(1E) Case size φD × L (mm) Code ESR(Ω)  MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz 35(1V) Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz Case size φD × L (mm) ESR(Ω) MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz 1300 132 12.5 × 20 0.042 0.48 2760 1690 1800 182 12.5 × 25 0.033 0.30 3480 2010 2000 202 2200 222 12.5 × 20 0.042 0.48 2760 1690 12.5 × 31.5 0.028 0.24 4490 2900 ▲16 × 20 0.031 0.27 3040 1860 12.5 × 35.5 0.025 0.21 5140 3190 ▲18 × 20 0.030 0.22 3250 1870 2010 16 × 25 0.026 0.22 4260 2870 12.5 × 40 0.024 0.19 5810 3470 16 × 31.5 0.023 0.18 5480 3400 ▲18 × 25 0.025 0.19 4500 2900 3630 2700 272 3000 302 12.5 × 25 3300 332 3600 362 3900 392 4300 432 18 × 20 0.030 0.22 3250 1870 4700 472 16 × 25 0.026 0.22 4260 2870 16 × 35.5 0.020 0.14 6070 5100 512 12.5 × 40 0.024 0.19 5810 3470 18 × 31.5 0.022 0.16 5600 3470 5600 562 16 × 40 0.019 0.12 6810 3930 6200 622 18 × 35.5 0.019 0.12 6280 3750 18 × 40 0.018 0.10 7070 4080 0.033 0.30 3480 16 × 20 0.031 0.27 3040 1860 12.5 × 31.5 0.028 0.24 4490 2900 16 × 31.5 0.023 0.18 5480 3400 ▲18 × 25 0.025 0.19 4500 2900 7500 752 16 × 35.5 0.020 0.14 6070 3630 8200 822 18 × 31.5 0.022 0.16 5600 3470 3930 9100 912 16 × 40 0.019 0.12 6810 10000 103 18 × 35.5 0.019 0.12 6280 3750 12000 123 18 × 40 0.018 0.10 7070 4080 V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) 50 (1H) Case size φD × L (mm) Code ESR(Ω)  MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz 63 (1J) Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz Case size φD × L (mm) ESR(Ω) MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz 390 391 12.5 × 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 560 561 12.5 × 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 620 621 750 751 12.5 × 31.5 0.042 0.30 3110 2630 ▲16 × 20 0.053 0.34 2140 1910 820 821 950 951 2970 1000 102 16 × 20 1100 112 1300 132 1600 162 1700 172 12.5 × 20 12.5 × 25 0.056 0.044 0.88 0.67 2400 3350 1470 2260 12.5 × 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 ▲18 × 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 1870 16 × 25 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 0.039 0.55 2960 12.5 × 31.5 0.037 0.52 4220 2520 12.5 × 40 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 12.5 × 35.5 0.033 0.44 4810 2780 16 × 31.5 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 ▲18 × 25 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 ▲16 × 25 0.033 0.44 4040 2500 ※18 × 20 0.038 0.44 3130 2110 12.5 × 40 0.032 0.36 5240 3020 16 × 31.5 0.029 0.36 5130 2960 ▲18 × 25 0.032 0.32 4230 2530 1800 182 2000 202 2200 222 16 × 35.5 0.025 0.27 5480 3160 18 × 31.5 0.028 0.25 5240 3020 0.024 0.22 5930 3420 2400 242 2500 252 2700 272 16 × 40 3000 302 18 × 35.5 0.024 0.20 5870 3390 3600 362 18 × 40 0.023 0.16 6420 3700 16 × 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 18 × 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 3220 16 × 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 18 × 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 18 × 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. ※: In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) 80 (1K) Case size φD × L (mm) Code ESR(Ω)  MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz 100 (2A) Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz Case size φD × L (mm) ESR(Ω) MAX. 20℃/100kHz −40℃/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125℃ /100kHz 135℃ /100kHz 160 161 12.5 × 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 220 221 12.5 × 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 16 × 20 0.053 0.34 2140 1910 12.5 × 31.5 0.042 0.30 3110 2630 2970 270 271 300 301 360 361 390 391 430 431 470 12.5 × 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 12.5 × 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 ▲18 × 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 12.5 × 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 16 × 25 12.5 × 40 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 471 16 × 20 0.053 0.34 2140 1910 16 × 31.5 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 12.5 × 31.5 0.042 0.30 3110 2630 18 × 25 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 16 × 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 3220 510 511 560 561 620 621 680 750 12.5 × 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 ▲18 × 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 681 16 × 25 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 18 × 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 751 12.5 × 40 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 16 × 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 16 × 31.5 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 18 × 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 ▲18 × 25 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 18 × 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 16 × 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 3220 820 821 950 951 1000 102 1100 112 1300 132 1600 162 2970 18 × 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 16 × 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 ▲18 × 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 18 × 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Cap. (µF) 160 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 0.40 0.75 0.90 1.00 220 to 620 0.50 0.85 0.94 1.00 680 to 2000 0.60 0.87 0.95 1.00 2200 to 4300 0.75 0.90 0.95 1.00 4700 to 12000 0.85 0.95 0.98 1.00
UBY1V472MHL 价格&库存

