IR21141SSPBF_09 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR21141SSPBF_09 - HALF-BRIDGE GATE DRIVER IC - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR2111 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR2111 - HALF-BRIDGE DRIVER - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR2106 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR2106 - HIGH AND LOW SIDE DRIVER - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
25RIA80M | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | 25RIA80M - MEDIUM POWER THYRISTORS - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR1210 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR1210 - DUAL LOW SIDE DRIVER - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR1176 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR1176 - SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER DRIVER - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR11662SPBF | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR11662SPBF - ADVANCED SMART RECTIFIER TM CONTROL IC - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR11662S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR11662S - ADVANCED SMART RECTIFIER TM CONTROL IC - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR1155S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR1155S - PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY, ONE CYCLE CONTROL PFC IC - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IR1152S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IR1152S - FIXED 66kHz FREQUENCY, μPFC ONE CYCLE CONTROL PFC IC WITH BROWN-OUT PROTECTION - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
25RIA10MS90 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | 25RIA10MS90 - MEDIUM POWER THYRISTORS - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
201CNQ045 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | 201CNQ045 - SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS7091GS | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS7091GS - INTELLIGENT POWER HIGH SIDE SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS7081RS | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS7081RS - INTELLIGENT POWER HIGH SIDE SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS6031R | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS6031R - INTELLIGENT POWER HIGH SIDE SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS5751S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS5751S - FULLY PROTECTED HIGH SIDE POWER MOSFET SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS5751 | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS5751 - FULLY PROTECTED HIGH SIDE POWER MOSFET SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS5551T | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS5551T - FULLY PROTECTED HIGH SIDE POWER MOSFET SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS5451S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS5451S - FULLY PROTECTED HIGH SIDE POWER MOSFET SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |
IPS521S | IRF[InternationalRectifier] | IPS521S - FULLY PROTECTED HIGH SIDE POWER MOSFET SWITCH - International Rectifier | | | 获取价格 |